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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  June 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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to that doesn't have a cuba no you, 117. >> lauren, that was my gut instinct but has to be at the end of the word, does it contain the q? >> 117. >> i can't think of a single one but i'm going to go with 152. i'm to go with 199, there has to be something strange, the answer is 117 that's according to the webster's dictionary, many of the words included in this count originate from foreign lang languages, them foreigners are getting in, thank you for sticking around you are a good man, that is it for "varney & company", "coast to coast" starts now. >> thank you stuart, cpi, i like
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it that sums up the traders reaction to retail inflation report that looks tame and now it has tear, we got you covered with kelly o'grady on how the buying started, edward lawrence on washington on how the cpi might move the fed closer to cutting rates and market watchers, j wouldn't date dave nicholas even if we don't see action from the fed in today's meeting at his expectation, the odds might be looking better from the next meeting may be the one after that, get ready it's time for all of us to get going. welcome i am neil cavuto so glad to have you on confusing day one thing we see in sync, buying interest across the board, kelly on the surprising retail price where we got it all started. >> we have a fresh read on where inflation is, i want to hop into breaking down these numbers, headline cpi slightly cooler than expected, analyst is looking for a yearly increase of
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3.4%, actually came in at 3.3, month over month and remained unchanged that's what we want to see but put that in context overall the 3.3 well above the fed's target of 2%, let's switch to core cpi when you strip out food and energy and has sticky inflation is, that came in a 0-point to percent, cooler than expected but higher than the headline month over month of no change, what does that mean inflation is more ingrained in the items that don't flex as much as the others, let's double-click on a couple of items that are driving the stickiness. i want to start with shelter, your home prices, your rent, the biggest driver in the monthly core number that we saw ticked up 0.4% month over month up 5.4% yearly, let's zoom out to when president biden took office, january 2021, shelter is up 21.4% since then, we've seen the polling it is a big issue for
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young voters, this number is why another big driver was motor vehicle insurance, that was up 20.3% year-over-year, if you think that is high let's zoom out again, up 51.3% versus january at 2021 it makes me happy i moved to new york and give up my car. overall we came in cooler than expected today on cpi. i like as you said, big reason was energy price index that was down 2% month over month, it was still up 3.7% for the year, energy prices can be volatile, that could take backup in the near future and i will note electricity prices did not see a drop that is not great news for all of you running your ac, but "the bottom line" prices are still rising at the rising of little bit less and may then april, back to you. neil: thank you very much for that, kelly spat out right at the top, 3.3% the retail inflation rate year-over-year, to present presumably where the federal reserve wants to go in
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the meeting to discuss interest rates and where they want to go, edward lawrence with more on that. >> the federal reserve as well as a president joe biden desperately needs inflation to come down, inflation moving down would open the door for the federal reserve to start cutting interest rates, possibly before the election, 61% of the market believes the first rate cut comes in september, having the cut in turn could change the poll numbers for president joe biden, one of the presidents top advisers told cnn that the unemployment rate has been at or below 4% for the longest stretch in 50 years even though the last time it was at 4% was january of 2022, she says the inflation is come down from the peak under president biden in june of 2022 even though it spike 9.1% under this president. listen. >> those are all positives, we really need to keep working on bringing costs down, that is going to be our focus in terms
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of grocery, housing, gas prices, healthcare, that is what is going to be important to american families. >> let's put this into context for the month president biden came into office and instituted his policies, overall cpi up more than 19% through the shelter because of more than 20% auto insurance that kelly talked about 51.5% from the month president biden came into office electricity at more than 29%, president biden on his way to the g7 in italy but in his statement he says prices are too high but today's report shows welcome progress and lowering inflation. "the bottom line" inflation is moving up slightly it is just a little bit less then april, the white house, the federal reserve wants to see the trend continue maybe even accelerate. neil: thank you very much, it's odd when we get inflation report the same day as the fomc meeting, normally when the anomaly occurs stocks move up.
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if it's concurrent with the view that they want interest rates to go down, that doesn't guarantee that we will see what the meeting produces today, jay woods is here on that the freedom capital market chief global strategist a former executive nyc s for governor and we have david nicholas back with us, wealth management, to you on this and what do you expect from the fed today. >> i expect nothing but the data point at a time, we have a double future today and we got the fireworks early and will see if jerome powell throws cold water on that nobody expects them to take a victory lap but his devilish tone and the narrative that we can possibly cut to get one data point at a time that's what i expect to see, let's see if the market can continue the upward momentum because this was positive and the trend that the market needs to see heading back to 3%. i know the goal is to present but let's get to three before we start celebrating. neil: you want to go down we
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were stuck in that we got a little unstuck. >> you go through the numbers and were stuck on the needs in the medical insurance, car insurance, housing, housing should come in but right now it's a trajectory that the market price and i follow the market price and were at all-time new highs we can continue the soft landing narrative that would be great but i don't expect jay powell to rock the boat, maybe we can still talk about two possible cuts by the end of the year i don't see why we need them but he will leave the door open but is not good to give us anything one way or another. >> he won't clearly telegraphic, what do you make of that that he might hit the rate cuts that could still come, europe has started them and it could be a trend elsewhere but not immediately here? >> i think the monthly data is encouraging but cpi is different from the fed indicator which is the core pce number we will not get that until the end of the month, there is going to be
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healthcare which is the biggest impact into the core pce, there is areas of the economy. neil: your referring, your encyclopedias but that is their favorite number, that one has also been a little sticky, what do you make of that? >> that is correct, we're going to want to see a multi-month in the fed is going to want to see a multi-month improvement in cpi which we got is good but the core pce i think that's important but for us it's the expectation on the dot plot how many cuts do we expect this year if you saw the expectation surge after the report that we would get the rate cut by september this is what the market wants to see. if you look at what's happening under the surface which parts are rallying today you see small caps, a big 3% that is small caps that will do well in a rate cutting environment and you see what happens with the banks, some of the regional banks are
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rallying wired areas of the economy rallying, the rallying because they believe there we're going to see two possibly three rate cuts, a lot to me is writing today on has not shifted the expectation of the dot plot of when fed committee members expect to cut rates. will we see two or three in the majority for this year. neil: i don't know how we get there, that many cuts in this environment but you don't know and we can't tell, the one thing that you fear in the markets getting ahead of itself and potentially you bid on prices on the way up in the reality you knock them down. if you see a rate cut with the markets falling. >> will they fall, initially the knee-jerk reaction will probably be yes, given where we come i think this is a good opportunity for some people to take profits i like that the russell is rebounding and on hope that there's going to be cut. >> what about technology. >> it's its own world in a.i.
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that story has a universal. neil: is that story overplayed whatever it's doing is helping anyone who even says that they are exploring a.i., if you have a.i. in the title you will go up ten or 20%. i think it's a story in what apple did during their event, there capitalizing on the a.i. they are implementing it into their systems and what does apple do better than anybody they take a product like a blackberry and the implemented into their own systems and perfected, a.i. apple intelligence, that is genius by the way but when they implemented i think is going to become a need for us, everyone's going to have to up their iphone cycle to get this technology and i think apple sent us another forward in the a.i. race and i think these taxes were or where you have to be in the regional banks in the rate sensitive stocks, staples
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are breaking out to new highs, there is leadership under the surface, technology is always going to be the story over the coming 12 - 18 months. >> it's been the story back and forth over the last couple of years there is serious at cups we got a big one in 2023, i'm curious of what you make of even apple, have to say that this is the direction we are going but not necessarily for the existing 2 million iphone users throughout the world, this'll be a new product not enter necessarily existing but it could be software are weakening ahead of her stuff? >> this is been my argument with the a.i. play, it is exciting but how do companies actually monetize on a.i. we seen a company like nvidia can monetize because of creating the chips but how do comedies monetize as much as i dog apple a little bit for being late to this a.i. party, the more i looked into this, i think you're going about it a smart way because they're not spending on a.i., they're not spending billions and billions of dollars on an area
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that may not provide a lot of revenue, the way that they're doing it i don't like the security aspect and i think there's issues there from a company and earning standpoint, if apple can pardon with openai without having to cost and expense with cavities like meta or google or pour into creating their own a.i. infrastructure, that may end up benefiting shareholders to where apple can have the a.i. exposure but not impact the margins too much. i think it might end up being a good long-term that move for the stock. >> in the meantime no matter how you look at it were having one incredible year, half year to this market is the second half always a presidential by and large pretty good do you see that continue? >> i do i cannot imagine that we continue at this epic rate that we are on now but i think people need to enjoy the ride and there will be turbulence and we see in august and september ahead of the election cycle, the last two they were both under both controversial 2016 at 2020 and
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we had some bumps and once the election was settled regardless of the outcome the market tends to rally. we are set up for a great fourth quarter. are we going to be starting at a really nice place where we kind of are now or do we posit a little bit, we will find out jerome powell throw some cold water on this rally. neil: is always his press i always say he's debbie downer whenever the market is moving you start speaking. >> watch the intraday charge, there excited to watch it and getting a front row on the exchange, no better place. neil: final work, so good to see you as well. by the way we have the a.i. chairman what he makes of this, they have been doing some a.i. moves that have gotten the market's intention, we will be following up with him. following up on a very curious development i don't know if you're on a cruise ship watching us or the caribbean you might look around you might see russian military vessels, the white house advisor jake sullivan says that we are monitoring these vessels and
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they are russian navy vessels in and around cuba and what could possibly go wrong there.
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plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. the results are absolutely fabulous. see why so many people, including doctors, are choosing gentlecure. call today or go to want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on including doctors, are choosing gentlecure. the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaver™ that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+. that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. neil: the caribbean, there are russian warships in the caribbean as we speak right now,
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some of them near cuba and a lot of them wondering what is going on if you're in a cruise, was that a russian gunship, jennifer griffin following all of that at the pentagon, what is going on. >> northern command in the canadian armed forces have deployed warships and aircraft to monitor the russian navy under navy as it conducts drills in cuba waters russian warships can be seen in the port of havana, feels like a return to the cold war and even the cuban missile crisis, ships from the second fleet u.s. ports, u.s. coast guard atlantic are shadowing the movement of four russian naval vessels, the northern command spokesperson telling fox we've been actively monitoring the russian ships as they trained at the atlantic ocean within international waters, air and maritime assets under the u.s. northern command have conducted operations to ensure the defense of the united states and canada, russians deployment as part of routine naval activity which opposed no
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direct threat or concern to the united states. that according to the u.s. northern command, the pentagon has been monitoring the russian warships as they cloak across the atlantic. on tuesday it sailed less than 30 miles off the florida south coast. u.s. intelligence assesses no new nuclear weapons on board the ships but the convoy does include the kazaa nuclear powered submarine, cuba's foreign ministry said the russian warships will be in havana until monday and said their presence does not represent a threat to the region, a clear message to needle the u.s., russia's foreign minister met with his cuban counterpart thanking havana for taking russia's side in ukraine and. >> we are grateful to her cuban friends for their principal position on the situation around ukraine, from the very beginning havana assess the ongoing events
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outlining absolutely correct we are grateful to her cuban friends for the fact that they are also protecting this objective. >> it's notable russia did not send his only aircraft carrier the admiral to cuba because it is currently out of service, also notable ukraine has sunk half of russia's black sea fleet in the past two years including a price submarine, we will have more of the story from the pentagon at the 1:00 p.m. briefing this afternoon. jennifer griffin, thank you very much. we've seen more provocative behavior in russia and china, my next guest on gordon chang no doubt with the title of his latest book chinese going to work he sees it pretty simply as the and the provocative actions that we've seen not only out of russia and our neck of the woods but china and everyone else's neck of the woods, what you make of all of this. >> i'm not so concerned for russian vessels off of our shores i'm much more concerned with vladimir putin is doing,
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right now their dirty wars on three continents you have europe and ukraine, north africa across the northern rim in asia and the middle east, to flashpoints in east asia which i think are at a point where we have to be extremely concerned, that is taiwan and the philippines and now we have vladimir putin spreading tension to a hemisphere, this is starting to look at a global struggle, you may be in a cold war but it could be worse than that, i follow ray dalio very successful investor. he worries about all of these developments in money terms and the fact that we in the western world respond particularly with china on the electric vehicle in the case of europe not allowing them. and we escalate terrorist and the like, he says these are very actions that are familiar when
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things get very worrisome, the moves that we made against japan to world war ii into the germans after world war i that provoked the actions of adolf hitler that led to world war ii as well very different i grant you, this idea that this is usually how the coming attractions look, i would be a little fearful but that is his message, what you make of that? >> ray dalio is right about t that, samuel huntington the late great political scientist landmark the clashes actually said is not the volume of trade that matters, what is important is the direction and he said when countries don't see their trading relationships continuing at a high level for the indefinite future, he said war is likely to result. that may be an exaggeration but huntington was absolutely right when the threshold for the use of force declines, as ray dalio
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said we've seen tensions with global conflict that happened in the 1930s, but there is very little the united states can do because were not driving events, were reacting to events in beijing and moscow because putin and xi jinping believe that they are the ones in charge of the world right now and they're doing things which are completely unacceptable, attacking and insulting the national system. >> we will see what happens but gordon chang, the latest book china is going to work, we hope not but you get the idea where he's coming from from that particular feature bestseller, in the meantime i want to pass along markets that are still strong tesla has been among those in the so-called magnificent seven it really isn't that magnificent, the stock is dragged it 600 colleagues, right now cathie wood is on the wires of arc investment fund say that was going to hit $2600 in the next five years is a long way from that, you multiply it out with
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the electric vehicles will benefit him in the future and that stock, will see if it holds, the senate expressed helping the stock, paul ryan the former speaker of the house yesterday on 4:00 p.m. show, he went to great links said he won't vote for donald trump no right in an unnamed republican but it certainly won't be donald trump in it certainly won't be joe biden either. a part of that i am no longer in the establishment i know donald trump is the establishment but i can't vote for the guy, a lot of people who are not keen on donald trump don't agree, their only voting for donald trump or pretending that they're giving him hope to find somebody more after this. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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>> it's going to be a very, very close race under terrible choices that were being presented with, that is the fate of the primary voters selected and i regret the fact that that's where we are. neil: i know a lot of these folks who shared your concerns about donald trump and that said were rallying around donald trump, you had said that would not be the case, you said is a populist and authoritarian narcissist that characters too important to me, it's a job that requires the character that he
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just doesn't have. >> is pretty strong. >> i agree with that and also provide an his policies are terrible and i hate the fact that i feel like i have to write into a republican like the last time in 2020 i voted for him in 2016 hoping there was good to be a different person in office and i think characters a really important issue if you put yourself above the constitution as he has done. >> the former speaker of the house had a good relationship with donald trump at the very beginning anything but that but the two have been clobbering each other online, he is one of those who will not go back even though donald trump looks like the inevitable republican nominee and a good shot of taking back the white house not of paul ryan can help it. eric levin might feel the same way but is still going to vote for donald trump. thinking i mistakenly said he's raising money on his behalf, you
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are not doing that, right? >> there's others who are, i'm just wondering. >> i'm a one-man band and i've always been focused on the senate and i continue to be focused on the senate it's as former speaker pointed out it could be a close election of trump doesn't win and biden wins it's critical that the republicans retake the senate because if you have the trifecta of biden, schumer and jeffrey the country is lost, i view the senate as the last bastion of hope, putting my eggs in the basket and pushing as hard as i can. neil: i'm sure donald trump is not lamenting you're not giving a money he's given to hand over fist these days. >> absolutely he does not need me. neil: you don't have any sway within the party? >> no sway with him that is for sure. >> he is the party. >> i think once the french president or king said that as well, certainly whoever the nominee is is the guy or the woman of the party but i'm not
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looking for a job, i'm looking to help the country and i think the best way i can help the country is for the republicans to retake the senate that's where i have the most impact no matter how much money i would be able to raise for donald trump and would not be able to make any difference, the money i raise for these individual candidates in the senate with the nrc and i'm going to do an event for speaker johnson i think those dollars will have a much more significant impact than anyone can raise for the president. neil: speaker johnson kinda follows whatever the marching orders i don't think that's a fair way for me to characterize it, whatever the direction is donald trump when it comes to responding very, very strongly to not only the court cases and going after the prosecutors who have been prosecuted the president but does not go too far, does that unsettle you, that type of deal. >> actually not been very vocal in my opposition to all the bronx prosecution and it does reflect welfare in the criminal
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justice system, people attack donald trump at our institutions if one thing don't vote for this man because he is attacking the institutions of the other side doesn't care the other side doesn't care. neil: is weaponizing that your weaponizing the defense department in advancing the ball? because nothing is weaponizing the house he's making a political statement and this is how he views the justice department of a bottle justice. >> is this a preview, let's say it's a trump residency and we're going to settle scores here. >> i certainly hope not, the country is best served if we have public servants that advance the goals of the american people. that is going forward. >> when you hear paul ryan is worried about donald trump doing that, do you worry about that.
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>> donald trump could have gone after hilary clinton, he did not. he did not go after hilary clinton, he made, the world is a hell of a lot safer when donald trump is president, your prior peace with mr. chang is a perfect example if the russians and chinese are cuba you haven't seen that since the cuban missile crisis, you forgot to mention the chinese have listening stations through listening to centcom in tampa the world is a much were dangerous place in joe biden has become president and where icon on this into particular issues, originally i thought a plague on both of their houses i don't think the country can survive another four years of president biden and that's where i put my priorities. as an american jew the explosion of anti-semitism in the separation of the united states from israel, joe biden's appeasement in incurring a favor of the anti-semites, the college campus protesters and the people in the street supporting hamas, those are biden voters those of
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the votes he wants and i can't commence that, donald trump record on the middle east and expanding title vi to coverages under the civil rights act, he's been the best friend israel has ever had. >> to lead to jewish friends and colleagues, that bow is still remaining strongly to joe biden, does that surprise you. >> i have that debate all the time in many respects to evangelical christians politically than i am to my fellow religious. neil: great seeing you, thank you so much. we were mentioning all these court cases and everything else, the back-and-forth and the politics on both sides, lucas is taking a look as hunter biden is looking at sentencing right now, it could be if it comes to pass, what are you hearing. >> there is no sentencing hearing that has been planned, hunter biden faces up to 25 years behind bars, it's not
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likely he will receive any jail time, president biden claims that hunter would have received a plea deal if it were not for running to reelection from validity under politico, a year ago when that fell apart and tax charges they face in tax trial. under president trump they said that's a bigger case, matt whitaker call it the more serious case and says it was much more closely tied to hunter biden's alleged money laundering in the form of registration active violations that should've been charged along the way, yesterday president biden son hunter was found guilty of all three gun charges becoming the first child the sitting u.s. president to be convicted of a felony, he faces up to 25 years, president biden left the white house and as you can see ahead of the trip to italy to be with the sun yesterday after the verdict in the jurors deliberated for only three hours before finding hunter guilty, fox news spoke to juror number
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ten who explained how they arrived at the verdict. >> nobody is above the law no matter who you were, that did not play a factor in legis legislation, it was not politically motivated. >> special counsel david weiss says this case was simply about hunter breaking the law. >> this case was not just about addiction, this case was about illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of addiction, his choice to lie under government form when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun, it was these choices in the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. >> hunter faces a tax trial on september 5 on california for allegedly evading $1.4 million in federal income taxes.
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neil: i appreciate it, lucas tomlinson following that. a lot of people want to get on the a.i. bandwagon, nvidia has gotten so expensive, the stocks would split under any place that haven't been played out i want you to meet the ceo, a lot of people think it is onto something the other investors are not appreciated. or maybe they are were starting to, he is next. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to neil: gamestop has raised about a little more than $2.1 billion that were learning in the roaring kitty raleigh we understand the guy behind that is in the stock is in the prospects look good but were see the little bit of that show up today and a little bit and is not a ride for the fate of heart, the a.i. one chairman and ceo, i want to get into the a.i. thing with you but i would be remiss if i didn't follow-up on what you make of the meme stock and all of a sudden a volatile ride in gamestop raise more than $2 billion. >> honestly i have no idea i
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don't track the market that well. >> do you worry about that, a lot of people say this fundamentals don't follow it. >> it is completely whacked. >> you have an interest in i was saying during the break that that would intrigue me about your latest partnerships and deals, you have not been part of this a.i. wave and its not entirely fair that resulted but there's a lot of investors say nvidia had an incredible ride, apple part of this, meta part of this, intel and some of these others but we need stocks that haven't gone nuts in the have gotten way overpriced and enter your company, would you tell them. >> the early stages of the market think back to the pc market, the pc xt cost $7300, $22000 in today's dollars and on
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top of that all the value was on silicon and infrastructure in today the pc market and applications cost you $200 in intel has gone away and you have $10000 and applications running on this. when this guy came out in 2007 although value wasn't silicon and all the value is an application today, enterprise a.i. this is the largest market in the history of enterprise software, today the value is in silicone in nvidia is a great company. infrastructure for microsoft in the long run the silicon infrastructure in minicomputer markets, this market gets commoditized. >> who makes the money, applications that always ends up being application. that's where ci three plays. >> we spent and started before
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when aws was this big before the google cloud in the gigabyte we spent billions building a software stack. >> nobody cared about enterprise a.i. >> they started caring. >> it's not winter anymore it's summer and warm in the nice breeze. >> what you tell them most gone people reunited in looking at you a long career, this guy has been sitting on this for a while and we just didn't know it. >> we spent 15 years preparing for this day i was only person talking about a prize a.i. for most 14 years. >> did you reset all these parades going value. >> you happen just like we called it. >> you don't call this a passing fad, what stage are we going in. >> were in the first half of the
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first inning and the batter is on its way. >> nvidia isn't the first inning, you can't count them o out. >> you don't think they've gone too far ahead, jensen wang is a genius, you cannot count these guys out. neil: i know you don't like to play stocks in this frame but a lot of people say with the multiples it's getting a little rich. >> i don't play the stock market i don't play technology stocks, i'm the wrong guy to ask. >> how did you get so rich. >> building companies and building values. >> by making a compelling argument this go around for a.i., how do you look at your company is a nai company. >> were the first a.i. software company and were on a mission to establish and maintain a market leadership position globally and enterprise a.i. in all geographies and verticals and were on a path to obtain that. >> how does that go and how you let wall street no naz
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application getting all the attention. it always happens this is not her first rodeo we've seen it play out for decades and the bulk is an application and we have 90 turnkey applications ad that might be 89 more than anymore also the world. >> why is it i need rival chipmakers in the rival and chip suppliers and cooling chips, they don't see it from your vantage point. >> i don't think arrivals at all these are nvidia is a partner, microsoft is a partner, google is a partner we go to market with these guys and what they're doing the chip manufacturing for structure provided there on the highway for us. >> all that stuff can play. >> the building infrastructure. >> all the chips and infrastructure is being put in place to run enterprise a.i.,
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hard stop. >> let me play out the whole market for this, nasdaq is on a tear in your company is percolating. you ever worried that the frost gets ahead of where it should be and were to into it and the performance and a lot of a.i. plays is the a.i. says a correction is coming or worse. >> in other words the internet boom. >> will this be overhyped like the internet. >> absolutely. >> with the correct 20%. [crowd boos] absolutely. will businesses go out of business, it's certainly not if but when let's think we have after 1999, 2000, whatever the market however, in 1999, 2000, a magnitude larger than not. >> big names that were mentioned now were mentioned because there still around in the big names that made money then and had a
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clear direction, they are still thriving now, who are the big players now who thrive. >> i got work for apple and amazon, holy moly. >> beside yourself who else is is working for. >> i think it works for microsoft or nvidia or google cloud and for structure providers, business leaders win, consumers when, citizens win, and i think everybody wins. >> is a presidential contest enter into your equation. >> no matter who wins i think enterprise a.i. market expands very rapidly globally, one way or the other businesses get. no matter who is there this is unstoppable. >> everybody cares. >> you don't have a candidate.
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>> my concern i'm interested use growing jobs and whose defending the country and whose defending the education system i do take an interest in this and we tend to support candidates that support free enterprise individual liberty in protecting the nation. >> i think it is time that we need to change. >> very good seeing you again. neil: suddenly nai planned long a debate because it didn't accidentally happen. brian brenberg on this whole inflation in america and he and his colleagues are devoting a whole show to it to put into
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perspective. >> we are digging into inflation, the rate slowed just a bit but prices are still up just more than 3% in the big driver continues to be housing cost, take a look at this, overall shelter cost of more than 21% since president biden took office, those searched again last month, i took to the streets and spoke to young people about whether owning a home as part of their making dream and what they had to say was eye-opening you can catch that plus a deep dive in the a care in grocery prices today on a special edition of "the big money show", inflation in america all of it coming up at 1:00 p.m., right here on fox business. asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible. better questions. better outcomes. ...
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s and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family,
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matching your job description. visit neil: all right waiting for that fed decision about an hour away. as to the former kansas city fed president esther to join us, what do you expect? >> so i think today, the fed is going to acknowledge that the recent inflation data we've
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seen have been encouraging in the sense that they're not accelerating, but i think they will be far from suggesting that they're ready to make a move. neil: now, there are others who are worried, esther, that they don't make a move at all this year. they don't cut at all this year, even though we've seen the europeans start that process , bank of canada, others. what do you think of that? >> yeah, i think this fed has indicated, and i think must be really focused on seeing this inflation number, not just hang in at a sticky level where it is but it has to begin to approach their 2% target, and so if it continues to hang in at these levels, which is well- above that 2% target, it could take them a while, even the rest of this year to try to gain that confidence. neil: so when you say approach that 2% level, it doesn't have to be at it but it's well-over 3 % right now so they are a ways from that, right? >> they are a ways, neil, which
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means we'll have to see a few more inflation reports. neil: right. >> that are not only level here , but beginning to come down and that, i think, is going to take us into the third and fourth quarter of this year to gain that kind of confidence. neil: do you watch the markets in your days looking at this , esther? was the stock market important to you or just noise? >> oh, i think it's always a factor that you consider. you're trying to understand our financial conditions easy, as the market reflecting how the outlook for this economy and how well that aligns. it's certainly not the indicator by any means, as you know. neil: all right always fascinated by that but esther always fascinated by you. i apologize for the truncated time here. the former cans as city fed president. jackie deangelis coming now. jackie: hey, neil, thank you. we're fascinated by you. hello, everyone i'm jackie deployment. taylor: i'm taylor riggs. brian: i'm brian bren


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