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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: tell you what, trump going to washington with, success will bring everyone together. success is the best revenn. if success brings unity and growth and opportunity. and that opens the door to liz macdonald,s who is full of unity, success, growth and opportunity. elizabeth: thank you, larry. you're the best. we appreciate you so much.
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we've got breaking news coming in. joining us now, former deputy assistant attorney general john yoo. john, it's good to see you. the house just voted 216-2027 to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt the of congress for hiding information from congress. 207. the fallout of this, so congress wants the audio where special counsel robert hur said he would not prosecute biden over mishandling u.s. secrets because he's, quote, an elderly man with a poor if memory and memory problems. but, john, are republicans say attorney general merrick garland will not -- is defying a subpoena to turn that over what's your reaction to this breaking news right now? he's in contempt of congress. >> first, i think if this ever got to the courts, they would agree with congress. and the reason why is this: when the courts take these executive privilege claims, they balance the interest of protecting confidential discussions with the president against the need for congress to conduct an investigation.
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now, the problem with the white house's argument is that they already gave the transcripts of the interviews to congress. so we can already see what people were saying to bind. we can already see what biden was saying to them. now, there's no more, i think, constitutional a interest in protecting the audio recordings when you've already handed other the substance of the conversations. on the other hand, congress can say, look, we're not just looking at whether robert hur should have prosecuted president biden, we're not just look at whether the justice department did the job correctly. we also have an impeachment invest going. we're actually curious about the fitness of joe biden to be president not in november -- that's what the white house talking points are about, it seems. we want to know whether joe biden should be president right now, is he actually capable of conducting the duties of the job. and so to learn about that, we should want to hear whether -- not just what's printed in the transcript, but was he speaking in a halting way, was he
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forgetful, does he seem weak? does he seem like he's in command of facts and issues? that the really can be answered by listening to the audio, not just reading the printed word of the transcript. elizabeth: yeah. so the news is coming in too that republicans would rely on this condition cotempt vote to -- contempt vote to -- now they have to go to court because congress' oversight powers are are so irreparable broken, it seems. >> the problem is the chances of this actually getting to court are very, very low. and the reason why is because under the law, it's actually the justice department that prosecutes these contempt of congress cases x. if so there's no chance, i think, that this justice department is going to prosecute its own attorney general. in fact, this has happened once or two times before. the house democrats held bill barr in contempt, and the justice department didn't prosecute if him, congress held eric holder in contempt under
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obama, and the justice department didn't prosecute him. so the congress is going to have to consider this alternative method which is suing in civil course just like the house sued president trump for his tax returns. that's the route they're going to have to go. elizabeth: john, we'll come to you later in the show. thank you so much. let's get right to oversight chair james comer. he was in on the action. chair comer, it's good to see you today. thanks for joining us tonight. we hear there was a lot of fighting between republicans and democrats about a holding merrick garreland in contempt of congress -- garland. can you tell us more about that and the fallout of this vote? >> yeah. mine, look -- i mean, look, this is another win for the constitution, this is another win for congressional oversight. much like our impeople. inquiry vote -- impeachment inquiry vote, we got a strong vote. unlike what the mainstream media a's reporting, the republicans in the house are unified in trying to hold people accountable in the government for not following the i rules -- the rule of law.
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we issued a lawful subpoena for those audiotapes, merrick garland refused to turn them over. it's as simple as that, and the democrats want to continue to defend the indefensible, and we're trying to get the truth to the american people. even the mainstream media outlets, associated press, washington post, abc, cnn, they've also sued to get those tapes. so the american people want to see those tapes, and the only person holding us back is merrick garland. elizabeth: yeah. so is the house -- excuse me, congress' oversight powers, have hay been damaged by this biden white house? by the way, you see today white house press secretary karine jean-pierre could not explain exactly why president biden did not attend the g7 dinner in italy. the white house is furiously pushing back on reports about biden's age after sitting down at the wrong time at d-day ceremonies, then suddenly turning around with the french
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president, and biden appeared to freeze at a juneteenth event at the biden white house. i mean, the issues are firing up so much, there's talking about kamela harris and whether sheal saw to step in biden is reelected. how could a.g. garland think it's okay not to show the american people the audiotapes? >> i mean, the amount of times that attorney general garland and his department of justice have obstructed congress in our substantive and very transparent oversight is countless. i mean, he continues to obstruct, they continue to do everything they can to work with the corrupt mainstream media to to create false narratives about why republicans might need certain information or anything else. but with with respect to the these audiowith tape, the fact that the liberal mainstream media -- who attacks me, it seems like, on a daily basis -- they agree with me that these tapes should be made public. that says it all. the only people in the world that won't turn those tapes over
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are joe biden's inner circle. so i think the congress has spoken. i think this will help us in court. this will go to court, and i believe that this strong vote that we got today on the house of representatives will help us win in court. the attorney general is arguing executive privilege. joe biden waived his executive privilege when he turned over the transcripts. now, i will be interested to see, liz, whether the transcripts match the audio, because i have a serious trust, issue with merrick garland, and i think most of your viewers do as well. so i think that there are a lot of questions that'll be answered when these tapes are finally leased to the oversight committee or the american people. elizabeth: but, you know, we should point out politico reports its new poll with morning consult reveals kamala harris has the same poor ratings as a biden, that a majority of voters don't view harris as a strong leader or see her as trustworthy. talktous about congress' oversight powers under this biden white house. how much has it been broken?
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>> it's been broken in a million pieces. i mean, they will not turn over anything. you know, if we request request e-mails, say, for example, the pseudonym e-mails where joe biden had these secret e-mail accounts that he was e-mailing with these shady biden associates involved in the biden influence-peddling scheme. they turned over 75% of the e-mails. those would -- happened just by coincidence to be all the junk e-mails and everything else. the substantive e-mails that we we know exist because some of them are on the laptop that the doj used that was not russian disinformation, that was 100% legitimate, we know those e-mails are there, they refuse to turn them over. that's one example of corruption. elizabeth: chairman comer, thanks for joining us. it's good to see you. let's welcome to the show laffer tengler investment ceo and cio nancy tengler. so what the heck is going on
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with inflation? biden insists that it was temporary, transitory. it's been stuck above 3% now month to month for pretty much more than3 years straight. yes, it came in at 3.3%, a little lower than expected, it was expected to be 3.4. what exactly is the reason inflation keeps going up? why is the biden agenda inflationary and the trump agenda is not? >> well, that's a, that's a setup. that's a nice lob, liz, thank you very much. you know, i think it's interesting that president biden keeps insisting that inflation was at 99 % when he -- 9% when hing took office. it was at 1.4%. we were in a transitory mode until the federal government began spending trillions of dollars once we had already reopened, the vaccine was in place. so the inflation if reduction act really fanned the flames of inflation and continues to do so. if you look at deficit spending, i mean, we've spent $10 trillion
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post-covid, and interest expense because the treasury is funding the do debt on the short end of the curve which is the most expensive, interest expense as estimated by the cbo is supposed to hit $870 billion this year which is in excess of the defense budget. so if you add that a in -- and, by the way, the cbo's always wrong, so let's call that a trillion dollars. if you add all that into the inflation picture, that is what is driving inflation. and though the numbers were good today, sticky inflation is still 4.5% as measured by the atlanta fed. and that is what most people live n. the sticky inflation world. elizabeth: you know what's really terrible, it's just, you know, it's what people have to buy day-to-day just to get by. you know, we've got more breaking news. federal reserve chair powell said today recent government jobs data, quote, may be a bit overstated. we've been saying that for months, nancy, that bind only created 2.4 -- biden only
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created 2.4 million jobs according to household survey, not the 15 million he blames, he says, you know? talk to us more, something like a quarter of jobs every month are taxpayer-paid-for jobs. so consumer prices have not fallen in a single month since biden took office. overall, prices are up 20% versus 7% under trump. the fed left interest rates unchanged. now they may just do one rate cut. we started the year with a forecast of five or six rate cuts. the prices americans are paying for for nondiscretionary items are still high. it's what they need every day to get by. gas prices, electricity, groce city price. how do we get out of this? >> yeah. what was really interesting to me today in the press conference was that for the first time fed if chairman powell said, well, you know, 2.6% to 2.7% inflation is a very good place to be. that sounds kind of slippery to me, like we're maybe not
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targeting 2 percent anymore -- 2% anymore because it's going to be very difficult to bring it down while the government continues to spend copious amounts of taxpayer funds on things like the $320 the billion, didn't work. $7.5 billion for 5000,000 charging stations -- 500,000 -- elizabeth: and student loan bailouts, hundreds of billions of government waste in pandemic spending. >> yes. elizabeth elizabeth real wages down 2.2% under biden. we've got more breaking news. a new poll out of majority college -- majority college, biden's support has plunge pd. top biden officials are doing a victory lap, it's more than double the level seen under any of the last four presidents. watch the top spin here.. -- what's the top spin here in. >> i don't know. they can spin all they want, but auto insurance rates are up 46.5
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percent, homer rates up since -- homeowner rates up since 2019. meanwhile with, the government is look at a, you know, super core cpi which ebbs colludes housing and goods and energy and food. you tell me how that's a viable measure that a we should be paying attention. it only works in washington, it doesn't work in the rest of the united states, and that's why those poll numbers are saying what they're saying. elizabeth: now we're going to cue up the sound of the biden topspin and his media helpers, you know, basically defending what's going on. watch this. >> there's real painful i mean, grocery prices are up 30%, more than 30% since the beginning of the pandemic, and people are spending more on food and groceries than they have at any time really in the past to if years. -- 30 years. that's a real today to day pain that people -- >> no, it really is. and it's real. but fact is that if you take a look at what people have, they have the money to spend.
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>> we need an economic explainer people are confused, they're exhausted, but they're also doing quite well. >> they're trying to tell people that, look, the statistics say you have a good economy, and what you feel or what you perceive when you go to the store is not rational. elizabeth: yeah. believe me, don't believe your lying eyes. okay, look at this news, "the economist" magazine just put out a new model report of that they're seeing, that trump has a 2 in 3 chance of winning re-election. that same a model in 2020 gave bide an 83% chance of winning the white house. final word, take it away. >> yeah, i think the american people know what they, what that their budgets tell them, and i they're going to vote that. and that's why you're seeing the numbers move in the direction they're moving. people were better off in the previous administration. inflation was lower, interest rates were lower and energy costs were lore. those are the things that matter to the average american. elizabeth: nancy tengler, you did it, you delivered. thank you so much.
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still ahead, congressman chip roy, deputy national security adviser under president trump, victoria coates, former deputy assistant attorney general john yoo, former federal president freddie city, carol roth and political commentator sarah bedford. we've got a hot show for you tonight. is this an admission, a confession trump will win? democrats are launch, quote, resistance plans in preparation for a potential trump victory to push back on the trump agenda. we're going to show you the details. and the biden white house is in damage control. we're going to break town the legal troubles hunter biden still faces after his conviction on gun charges. and the debate grows whether the president's son will plead out his tax evasion case to avoid an embarrassing trial. could be filled with new revelations about the biden family's influence peddling right before the election. and we've got a big house hearing today spotlighting a,
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quote, wall street climate cartel, accusing big wall street firms like blackrock, vanguard, state street of kowtowing to activists to effectively boycott u.s. oil and gas and raise your cost of living. and "the evening edit," we're going to take a deeper dive into the timeline of prosecutions against former president trump. we're going to look at any links to the biden white house as democrats and the media push back hard against that. and we've got more on the shocking story the we've been reporting since last year this could happen, and it's happening. eight a illegal aliens with ties to isis arrested by i.c.e. in new york city, philadelphia and l.a., is why did democrats want to get rid of i.c.e.? we got it on "the evening edit" come up. we'll be right back -- coming up. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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l.a., in philadelphia, new york reportedly most of them is where they were caught. now, victoria, here's the issue. not only did they cross the southern border illegally, these isis-linked terrorists -- that's the accusation -- they also apparently got, quote, a full vetting by authorities, at least two crossed in the spring of 2023 and one used the cbp1 app to enter. and they were caught on a wiretap talking about bombs. what do you make of all this? >> no, liz, good to be with you. as a philadelphia resident, i mean, this is just outrageous. and what we're seeing now is what has happened afterthree and a half, almost four years of bind's open border policies -- biden's open border policies, of very little vetting, if any, to these people coming across our southern border. these folks were vetted. they were from a high-valued country like tajikistan, and, you know, anyone from that country needs to be given a second look. because they frequently is have
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ties with isis and other terrorist groups. i mean, these were the folks who did the attack on moss how earlier this year. and so -- on moscow -- elizabeth: hang on a second. wait, sorry. did they do the moscow concert hall bombing? because that's what fbi director wray has testified he's worried about, a repeat of that, or the boston marathon bombing. they fear terrorists will throw backpacks of bombs and grenades at crowded events or venues. these are the same type -- sorry, the tajikistan isis-linked terrorists were also behind the moscow concert bombing? >> exactly. it was a group from that a week stand, and it was isis-linked. so this is what has been let into our country and is now metastasizing across all of our states. it's no longer a border state issue. this is now an issue for the entire country. and the problem is, you know, is great that director wray is testifying no in congress, but he's been overseeing this for
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more than three years. no one is held accountable, and we can't track all of these people in country. so this is very terrifying. i think, you know, in terms of i.c.e. there's a reason that we had strong i.c.e. representation on the trump nsc to make sure they were doing their best job for the president. elizabeth: so we tracked it, 1,664 individuals, illegal aliens with links to terrorism caught at the border under this biden white house. officials at all levels are sounding the alarm. this is just happening just a generation after 9/11. watch this democrat, and you're also going to see a border patrol agent about how his hands are tied. watch. >> it's frightening. and we're headed for another 9/11. i predicted that that. i think we should have a secure border, we should know who's coming into our country. we don't.
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>> -- don't let 'em cross -- [inaudible] elizabeth: so it's striking that far-left democrats wanted to get rid of ice-t and the biden white house is undercutting i.c.e. when i.c.e. is catching these guys. you know, director wray, you know, testified about a human smuggling operation at the southern border with ties to isis. so you remember, victoria, how 9/11 everybody talked about the failure of the imagine if nation, the failure of the part of government officials and their imagination in terms of envisioning, you know, a 9/11 attack? what's the failure now, victoria? >> well, i mean, we don't even have the imagine anymore, liz. i mean, this is playing out in front of us in realtime. as you said, you know, we've got thousands of these. one is too many. we have to shut this down now. elizabeth: victoria coates, you're terrific. thank you for joining us and
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help usinginging -- helping us out tonight. still ahead, new pushback against the far left that is now what they're doing, how it's hitting your kitchen table with higher costs. we've got the details from a house hearing today about big wall street firms allegedly colluding with activist groups to boycott u.s. oil and gas. there are threats of maybe even antitrust action about this. plus, we're bringing back former deputy assistant attorney general john yoo. he's so terrific, we have to have him back on. the biden white house in damage control. hunter biden still faces major legal troubles after his conviction on gun charges. we're going to dig into it, break it down next on "the evening edit." we will be right back. ♪
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elizabeth: welcome back. president biden traveling to italy today after an unexpected trip to delaware last night to visit his son hunter biden after hunter was found guilty on
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felony gun charges. fox news' peter doocy now standing by live at the white house with the latest. peter, it's good to see you again. >> reporter: nice to see you as a well, good evening. and president biden isn't just choosing not to address the american people about his son's multiple felony convictions, he is also apparently keeping his top commune communications advisers in the dark as well. >> i haven't spoken to the president about this since the verdict came out. and as we all know, the sentencing hasn't even been scheduled yet. >> reporter: you haven't even -- [inaudible] >> what i'm saying is that the president, i have not spoken to the president about this. >> reporter: that represents a break in white house policy though concerning hunter biden. there is no reason they shouldn't be able to comment about a commuted sentence because they have community commented on pardons before with. this if from december concerning the gone who going tax case. >> reporter: first briefing since hunter was indicted again
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in los angeles. why doesn't president biden just pardon him? >> identify been very clear -- i've been very clear, the president's not going to the pardon -- >> reporter: the president just landed in italy where he and g7 leaders plan to talk about ukraine and about a gaza, and there is going to be a joint press conference with biden and ukraine's president zelenskyy tomorrow, but there's no guarantee that this is going to come up in either of the two questions president biden is obligated to answer a. liz. elizabeth: peter, you're probably one of the best white house reporters we've ever seen. we love watching you in action. it's terrific. semper final. keep going, okay, peter? [laughter] let's welcome back former deputy assistant attorney general john yoo. john, thank you so much again, good to see you again. so this story, hunter biden's legal problems not over. he's got a criminal tax evasion trial this september, right before the debates with trump. he's going in as a convicted felon. jail times can be substantial.
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taxpayers have gone to jail over this stuff. -- stuff. plus lawmakers criminally referred hunter and james biden to the justice department for perjury. what do you make of his troubles here? >> i think in a way the firearms charge is a distraction from the more important case which is tax evasion. and the reason i say that is this, the tax the evasion case is the one that's really the one flagged by the irs whistleblowers and involves money that we don't know where it came from. it comes from abroad? where kid it come from? what were people buying for? -- buying with it? what was hunter biden promising in return, and did that money then go out? did it go to joe biden? did joe biden ever do thinking? -- anything? was there influence peddling going on? the firearms case -- it seem unlikely that hunter biden will have to serve jail time as a first-time offender, he's not if
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violent. maybe later he's going to take responsibility before the judge. but when it comes to the second federal charge, the more important one with the income tax evasion, he's no longer a first-time offender. he will have already got a record, and that means he may very well serve jail time for tax the evasion. and i think that case is also open and shut on the documents much like the firearms case. elizabeth: yeah. you wonder whether david weiss and merrick garland are going to give him9 another sweetheart heart plea deal. john yoo, thank you so much for helping us out tonight. t good to see you again. okay, we've got this high drama, high stakes hearing today. lawmakers alleged some of wall street's biggest firms like blackrock, vanguard, state street are involved in a, quote, climate cartel colluding with activists to force companies to effectively boycott u.s. oil and gas. hillary vaughn on capitol hill with the story. hillary. >> reporter: good evening, liz. today lawmakers tried to get clarity from climate groups
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about if they're weaponizing their climate goals against u.s. investment firms and companies, but the witnesses today dodged basic questions about what their goals actually are. >> one of the objectives of the climate action 100 is for these focus companies to reduce emissions, is that correct? >> climate change is something that is happening. >> would you please answer my question? >> there's context to your question. >> and one of the objectives of climate action 100 is for these focus companies to reduce their emissions, is that correct? >> climate change is something that is happening -- >> is that correct? answer my question, please. >> as i say, climate change is something that is -- >> reporter: witnesses were also cagey when asked if part of their goal is to get oil if and gas companies to reduce production of their product. >> in order to reduce carbon emission, do those 432 companies, oil and gas -- 42 companies, oil and gas companies on the target list, on the focus list, do they have to reduce production? >> i don't think anybody knows
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how the climate transition is going to take place. >> do they have to stop or lower, decrease oil and gas production? >> as i say, i don't think anybody knows how -- >> ms. lamb, what do you think? if. >> yes. i think that the oil and gas industry is facing enormous head awinds -- >> i didn't ask if they were challenged, i didn't ask about headwinds, i asked a simple question. do you think they have to reduce production of oil and gas? >> reporter: ahead of today's hearing, climate groups defended their mission, saying this hearing is part of a larger political campaign to ban investors from considering climate risks and insist what they do is legal and appropriate. climate action 100 insists investors and firms are responsible for hair own decisions and -- their own decisions and they have been unduly politicized, misunderstood and misrepresented. we reached out to blackrock, fidelity, vanguard and state street for comment and are waiting to hear back, but vanguard did tell reuters the firm's mission is to help individual investors achieve their financial goals, and it
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remains committed to cooperating with congress' requests. even though these climate groups are standing by their mission, they all admit they needed fossil fuels to get here to capitol hill. >> how many in this room arrived here with a zero net emissions in zero carbon? did you, did you -- you didn't walk without breathing? ms. lamb, how did you get here in. >> i took a flight at request of congress. >> okay. so you flew using some of that evil exxon oil or bad chevron. >> reporter: representatives with these climate groups are opposed to encouraging investment in oil and gas companies unless they do a 1800 and reduce their -- 1800 and reduce their emissions, but they're not opposed to using oil and gas to get around. >> reporter: yeah, for themselves. hillary vaughn, thank you so much. let's bring in from house judiciary congressman chip roy. congressman, it's great to see
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you. hillary's report on the house judiciary subcommittee hearing today, it's infuriating to see them not testifying and not answering questions. i mean, this is an investor group, climate action 100, more than 70000 investors -- 700 investors, 170 companies, bullying and threatening asset managers using viewers' pension money, viewers' 401(k) money, trillions of dollars in viewers' investment money to basically obey the climate cartel and pressure boycotts of u.s. oil and gas. >> well, you summarize pd it pretty well. not sure you need me as a witness or, you know, somebody to interview. let me just tell you that we had a witness there from calpers. everybody that was testifying, they literally refused to answer the question as you just showed in the lead-in. because if they were going to answer the questions honestly, everybody with a brain knows precisely what they're doing. they are trying to limit production. they are restrain thing trade. the -- restrain thing trade.
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the question here is what that means with respect to violation of antitrust law because they're colluding to do it. they're doing it for a very specific purpose the result of which will undermine the prosperity of the american people by driving up the prices of the energy people need to live their lives. this is a purposeful effort by a radical democratic, progressive agenda that is trying to put climate his -- hysteria, what i call unicorn energy, in front of the well-being of the american people. kudos to the chairman of the subcommittee on antitrust and jim jordan for hauling these people to court. we have evidence to know exactly what they're doing. when i went to business school, we talked about a shareholder value because we believed in capitalism and free enterprise. now it's the full-fledged esg, war against the american people. they've been caught, and and they didn't want to admit it under oath. elizabeth: you know, congressman, so calpers is effectively leading the charge on this because, you know, so -- walk us through, walk the viewer through it. are they targeting u.s.
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airlines, aviation, u.s. agriculture, farming businesses? and how? how is this going to affect people when it comes to heating their homes, driving or buying their cars, buying, you know, even travel, affordable travel? >> yeah, sure. so just so they understand what's happening is, you've got these activists. they come together and they collude to basically get these asset managers with their trillions of dollars under investment, and they try try to pressure if them through all the political pressure and, again, in a coordinated, collusive fashion, they pressure them to then exercise their shareholder -- their voting rights to then force companies to make decisions based on their agenda. that agenda, again, is to limit the production of fossil fuels, limit the production of available, reliable energy, increase the production of unreliable energy, increase the production of the very electric vehicles that are stacking up on the lots of dealers because they're not efficient, they're not effective, they empower our enemies like china, they force children in child labor to go
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get the cobalt for panels and batteries. all because they're using the power of these companies through crony capitalism to force this on the american people. we can fix whatever we want in d.c., we could end all of, you know, ep if a and nepa regulations, barriers to entry, but if you don't stop these corporations, you can't get the energy we need for the average american. elizabeth: congressman chip roy, thanks for joining us. still ahead, wall street pro carol roth along with political commentator sarah a bedford. we're firing up on this debate, house democrats reportedly already plotting resistance plans and a new house task force to battle against a trump white house in anticipation of a trump victory in november. are hay basically conceding finish they basis conceding they think trump will win? but first, we've got to check in with dagen and sean. what have you got coming up on "the bomb line" -- the bottom line"? if. sean: as we see the tajikistan
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migrants coming across the southern border, they're fully vetted, and now they have ties to isis. we have a man who's been on this from the very beginning, senator ron johnson from the great state of wisconsin is going to be here. dagen: yeah, how soon does another 9/11 happen under the democrats' policies? sam brown, republican, and he is the nominee for senate running in the fine state of nevada. we will speak to him. and then george camel from ramsey solutions. biden's bingo boondoggle trying to lure older voters. that falls flat when we talk to him about the fact that people over 50 are the fastest growing population of the homeless in this era. bidenomic, top of the hour. (♪) (♪)
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even talking about this, basically conceding trump's going to win? >> yeah, have you ever played monopoly where somebody every time they're losing, they change the rules of the game? that's basically the democrats. anytime they're not winning something, they like to the change the rules. game. and if you look at the competitors, biden versus trump, they know they have a terrible matchup. so they're not even going to wait until they lose, they want to get ahead of it. and that crew that you mentioned, i mean, i cannot think of a worse group of people. [laughter] so the fact that that's the group that is plotting this the rules change and this resistance is something that should -- everybody should give some pause to. elizabeth: sarah, what a carol just said. i guess they agree that they think trump will win. it's because polls show americans are worried about footage a like this. they're worried biden is not cognitively up for the job. reports that they're setting up, democrats are setting up a house task force to push back against trump. trump wants to shrink the size of government by using his
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impoundment authority as president to withhold appropriated funds because of overspending underen. i mean, i think there are about 3 million government workers. that's about, you know, an historic high. what do you think? >> yeah. i think this pro-democracy party, democrats are taking a lot of steps to insure that if the democratically-elected president happens to be a republican next, that he won't be able to implement his agenda. you've already seen the biden administration also taking steps along these same lines. just a couple of months ago the biden administration issued an executive order that would make it more difficult to remove any career bureaucrats throughout the federal government because we saw a lot of this during the trump administration as well, right? if the democrats believed that it was the duty of federal agencies to obstruct president trump from implementing parts of his agenda. i think you can expect to see more of that if donald trump lands back in office.
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elizabeth: so what sarah just said. carol, democrat jared huffman is leading a task force to fight what's being called project 2025, a plan crafted by the heritage foundation and other conservative groups to basically cut back the current federal bureaucracy and put in conservatives in order to help trump fundamentally reform the government, make it easier to fire thousands of workers. by the way, a third of federal workers work from home. there's dozens of government buildings that are empty and also a reform law enforcement agents, agencies like fbi and homeland security. so that's, a battle royale that's about to happen, carol. >> yeah. i mean, those all a sound like great things to me, liz, but we know that when it comes to the democrats, they want to retain control over absolutely everything including having a huge government. we know that they make things up. you know, you had the biden administration who once they decided they were going to cancel student loans and that
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was overturned by the supreme court, they tried to find a way to do that a anyway. but for something like the border, they said they didn't have the executive authority. so anytime something suits them, they decide they're going to find a way to do it, and if the republicans are going to do it, that's anti-democratic. elizabeth: sarah, final word. >> i think there's a lot of misinformation going around on the left about what project 2025 actually entails. it's not a plan to go after contra that sense, it's not a plan to take away women's rights, it's just a plan of a conservative conception how to organize the federal government, and the left has sort of used this as a catch-all term for any policy they imagine republicans might do someday in the future. it's not being pushed by the trump campaign necessarily, it's just a lot of misinformation. elizabeth: carol roth and sarah bedford, thanks for coming on. still ahead, former federal prosecutor fred tecce, we're going to take a deeper dive into the timeline of the prosecutions
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against former president trump and the criticisms that they are linked to the biden white house coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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prosecutor fred tc, it's good to see you again.
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the timeline of the prosecution against trump, breitbart ran an excellent piece, they say with this watch biden at a press conference a day after the midterms in 2022 after trump indicated he is going to run again and he would stop trump. watch this. >> we have to demonstrate he will not take power if he does run in making sure under legitimate efforts under a constitution does not become the next president again. elizabeth: there's that, watch this. a week later november 18 attorney general merrick garland announces the appointment of jack smith special counsel, the same day november 18 nathan wade fulton county da, fani willis top prosecutor on the 2020 case spent eight hours in the white house counsel's office. >> it's really fascinating when you put the stuff together and
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how it lines up and i saw merrick garland testify in front of congress saying when they asked if he would turn over communications between him and manhattan day it under da's office one of the attorney general to get huge pay cut to go back at the da office and he gave an answer about how -- there is a lot of smoke here. i think the people have the right to ask questions when you know this stuff up. instead the democrats yell and scream and say were conspiracy theories. guess what, turn of evidence and let's see what's going on. elizabeth: show it. in and around that time after the midterms acting associate attorney michelangelo quit his number three spot at the biden justice department to work in da bragg's office on the newer case against trump and politico reported earlier this year biden was complaining to the white house aides that garland is not moving fast enough in the 2020 case against trump saying it
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could've been underway by now. >> the president is frustrated with garland because he didn't move the jack smith case ahead far enough, i'm good until you the case in georgia, the document case were jack smith insurrection are going to go to trial before trump before the election. i also think the democrats if they're smart are looking at the poll numbers after the newer conviction and decide maybe moving ahead with the cases before election is not a hot plan. dagen: is matthew colangelo, not michael. we will have you back on soon. good to see you. elizabeth: we will stay on the story, thank you for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. we hope you enjoy the show we will have a hot newshour tomorrow night, a lot of breaking stuff for you. it is time for "the bottom line" but send it to dagen and sean. dagen: thank you. ♪


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