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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 14, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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move from job to job and they don't want to have that congregate care healthcare is still struggling to find workers into thinking continued reflection in the job market. maria: absolutely. >> if you offer a higher wage, by the way watching the segment i was becoming dizzy with the ride and for summertime employment nothing beats if you have the skill of being a lifeguard you get a job automatically and finally i've been told the business internships are down significantly from a year ago. maria: we will leave it there, happy father's day in a very beautiful father's day to my dad who is in heaven right now i miss cooking with you dear precious vincent, love you so much. have a great day and a good weekend, "varney & company" picks it up.
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>> good morning, everyone, president biden showing his age and informative at the g-7 beading attending the skydiving demonstration he appeared to wander off he had to be led back to italy's leader he did not seem to know what to do. later he reprimanded the reporter for asking a question about gaza it was not a preapproved question biden says that was against the rules, there is no such rule, the president will leave the meeting early he's skipping the ukraine meeting, vice president harris will go with that, biden is going to los angeles with george clooney trump had something to say about this he said the world is laughing at us, separately he went to republicans in congress looking to unify the party by all accounts he was successful there is no loss between him and mitch mcconnell but they were laughing together and mcconnell said it was a positive meeting, today trump goes through detroit court in the black vote let's see what reception he receives their let's get to the market s&p and the nasdaq closed
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all-time highs we do have some selling this morning, readying to 270 points, the s&p down 20 and nasdaq about 40 check out adobe that stock is way up this morning strong profit strong revenue positive outlook, adobe says its customers are using the a.i. tools in the stock is up 15%, the yield on the ten year treasury very important number but it was below 420 now it's bounced back up for 21 down slightly the two-year yields 6.8%, bitcoin $66000 as we speak, oil, i won't say until you sit on the screen, $70 a barrel asked 346 for regular that is up 1 cent, diesel 378 down one set. on the show elon musk gets his big pay package at the shareholders meeting he was ecstatic he said the move to autonomous driving technology
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was accelerating and tesla shipping 1300 cyber checks a week, we will show you the new softer gently donald trump that may be an exaggeration but he toned down his nastiness is the reversal biden is the angry old man and trump is making friends of his enemies, how about that friday june 14, 2024, "varney & company" is about to begin ♪ ♪. stuart: the wanderer by dion were talking about president biden wandering off. also mom saul dion on a cruise and said he hasn't aged well. we'll get to you shortly, let's get right to it, president biden once again turning heads after
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he wandered away during the g-7 summit, will happen. >> the leaders were out of skydiving demonstration and president biden seemed distracted and wandered off, you're looking at it that's when the italian prime minister follows him, there she goes in the light pink suit and guides him back to the group, the white house says he wanted to congratulate one of the divers, this is the post cover this morning, meandering chief biden embarrasses the u.s. with confused wanderings at world conference. i would like to ask the italian why was your impulse to get him what were you thinking what did you see during the trip that you thought the need to pull him back in, also this is joe biden two visits in europe in two weeks, clearly he's tired anybody would be but how will he do with the debate is he
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preparing for the debate. stuart: i'm told he is preparing big companies going to los angeles for a fundraiser for heaven sake. stuart: doesn't george clooney have a villa in italy. stuart: he is a lot of stuff all over the place. trump let's get to him donald trump slammed biden's weakness on the world stage trump said the world is laughing at us, watch this. >> to we want to make america great again our country great again were a nation in decline we are a declining nation and nation that's been left all over the world we have a leader that's been laughter all over the world and will get it turned it around fast. stuart: todd piro with me the entire hour, i don't know anyone that believes biden can be the president for another four ye years, do you? >> is my concern with what you said we speak with a lot of people who have a worldliness and follow a lot of news and they understand that fox and fox business we cover the presidents mental condition. if you look at the other networks you don't necessarily see coverage of what happened
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yesterday we read on the soundbite at various networks talking about how good the president was and how robust flying back and forth, this clip is tantamount to that discussion and it plays in is not trying to be mean but is giving the voters all the information that they need before they vote on november 5. the fact that the other media members are not doing it is concerning, i don't nobody buddy, you don't nobody buddy and lauren you don't nobody buddy that thinks this is the man that is robust but if you talk to people watching the other networks they're not getting they probably think this is an old argument and one final point the other networks up and turning the table on donald trump saying he is too old for the job, really, let the tale of the tape be the decision-maker for you. stuart: i want you to listen to what trump had to say with republican lawmakers yesterday, roll tape. >> this is a great meeting tremendous unity in the republican party we want to see
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borders and we want to see strong military, we want to see money not wasted all over the world. i'm with them a thousand% there with me a thousand% and we agreed on everything if it is that we work it out. stuart: they seem to have unity but my question can trump bring in the vigorously anti-trumpeters. >> that is the question that's going to decide the selection i like making huge grandiose statements, here is one unified party that will win this election, if trump is able to get nikki haley voters back into the tent, larry hogan that was a piece of discussion the guy is running for senate maryland on the republican side mitch mcconnell was sit next to each other them and spoken for years if he can get those coalitions under the tent he will win if he fails to do that biden manages to bring back the michigan muslims and the far left and that's been upset with him over the israel hamas conflict and the democrats can take a second
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term. stuart: we will see, status a quick programming note byron donalds from florida he's going to join a shortly he was at the meeting with trump annika tells what was discussed but had the pennsylvania, lauren what is the trump campaign doing their i guess or try to win over the latino voters. >> 24 campaign offices one in writing that has the largest latino population in the swing state, this is my favorite part, the former governor of puerto rico who four years ago openly called for the impeachment of donald trump was there to support trump at one of the offices opening. his name is luis, he flipped he is not actively working to bring more latino voters and for truck, if you look at the polling ideas they consistently showed trump is ahead of biden by two points but that's it that's within the margin of error. stuart: he's campaigning hard in pennsylvania, david axelrod criticized by this campaign for focusing on what they call trump start to democracy, what else
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did he have to say. >> david axelrod said it's elitist and pizza party of out of touch. watch this. >> if you are talking about democracy over the dinner table is probably because you don't have to worry about the cost of food on your dinner table the people who need to be reached and motivated are more motivated by those kinds of issues than they probably are by the issue of democracy. >> i like what he said that resonates with me nvidia my friends of the new york city they are as blue as you get and i tell them you need to see where the rest of america is your so concerned about democracy, so in my but people aren't worried about that as the number one issue when they go to the polls. stuart: david axelrod used to work for obama and it seems like is very critical of biden's campaign, it's time we got to the markets because i see right out there right now the dow is
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off 200, small loss for the s&p and for the nasdaq, kenny polcari with me this morning. the s&p 500 and the nasdaq hit all-time highs, were down a bit this morning but there's been a strong rally how long does it last. >> i think it lasted longer than i would like to see it rally the market is up 10% since the april lows is a 42%. stuart: our audience is very happy with this rally if you know what i mean. >> i'm happy as well and participating in the love the fact that it's doing it but it's doing in a straight line in needs to consolidate their needs to be some back and forth for the market to really create a base. if you look at the chat goes straight up the pullback would be all the way to the trendline which is down for now% which is not a big deal in light of everything but there needs to be a little bit of a pullback i want to shake the branches and see where the commitment is i love the fact that is rallying but i would also love to see the
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market backup. stuart: you can't have it both ways but you're going to try. >> today we might get a backoff. stuart: we will see. i want to talk about tesla shareholders approved elon musk's huge pay package, what do you think about. >> i wonder if i should check my bank account i what a direct deposit sit $56 billion in your account, i think it's amazing first of all that they voted for a pay package like that. i would imagine that lizzie warren and bernie sanders have to be thrilled think of the taxes that will create when the tax day comes to, they should be celebrated rooting to get paid more so he can pay more taxes when the taxes come due this is not a done deal, the money certainly do the transfer yet, the delaware judges put the kibosh on and once he moves to texas he's going to revisit this in texas which is much more amenable than they are apparently in delaware. this is the story to be continued, is it going to drive
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the broad market, nobody's going to be a story that's entertaining whether or not he gets a $56 billion in his bank account. stuart: elon musk is always entertaining and he gives us three headlines every single day. i don't expect that to stop, you have a great weekend and we'll see you again real soon. stuart: come in a president biden snaps at reporters after being asked in off-topic question. roll tape. stuart: i wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit. i'm here to talk about critical situation in ukraine can you asked me another subject. >> the white house correspondent did not appreciate the response and quickly fired back, here's a question is biden losing the media, we're on it. aishah hasnie spoke to trump after his meeting on capitol hill, he told her that his vice presidential pick was probably in the room, a full report with aishah hasnie after this.
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stuart: friday morning left-hand side of the screen a bit of red ink were looking at a pullback for socks this morning after reaching record highs for the s&p and the nasdaq after the close yesterday let's get back to donald trump's meeting with republican lawmakers aishah hasnie on capitol hill joining us i show you spoke exclusively with donald trump after the meetings what did they tell you about them. >> good morning to you president trump was here in washington trying to forge unity in the party and he wanted to create
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this visual of not only he was a kingmaker but the leader of the party in the leader of both of these senate republicans and house republicans, he went as far to offer an olive branch to one of his political opponents and also bury the hatchet with gop leader mitch mcconnell, listen to this. >> are you going to support larry hogan to win that see. >> i would like to see them when i think is a good chance to win i would like to see him when. >> are you endorsing them. >> nobody asked me that but essentially i would be. >> that was a big news last night, team hogan shot back immediately and they said that governor hogan has been clear that he's not supporting donald trump just as he did in 2016 and 2020 so the olive branch didn't quite work there trump also made a lot of buzz around his vp picky is a pretty good idea of who it is and i tried desperately to get it out of h
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him. a lot of folks surrounding you some of them are on the shortlist for vp and was your pick for vp in the room with you. >> probably. probably we will announce it during the convention. >> there were quite a few people in the room with him but he said this about his meeting with virginia governor glenn you youngkin. >> you also met with governor youngkin a very popular governor in the party, folks are wondering if he is on the vp shortlist you like and for vp. >> is great i think i could consider that. >> he also threw speaker johnson another lifeline saying some nice things about the speaker and supporting him johnson will be in mar-a-lago on monday as the two of them try to forge ahead and try to keep the house. stuart: we hear you, thank you
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so much, byron donalds is a republican from the great state of florida and byron donalds joined me now, yacht the meeting with trump, did you see a new softer gentle trump by kevin mccarthy says. >> i'll tell you it is a donald trump that basically everybody's been seen for the last several years he's obviously confident over his position is right now a few months away from november 1 month away from the convention. his message is resonating with all of americans about having a prosperous america again a safer america again and having america disrespected overseas with all leaders, especially with our adversaries across the globe. also he's talking about bringing her party together working for all members of our party trying to help republicans in the house were trying to get reelected in tough areas helping candidates with the seats were trying to flip both house and the senate it was uniting position, that's
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of the president has been for quite some time he's focused on the american people and making her country great once again. stuart: trump is going to campaign in detroit, he will meet with local pastors in an effort to call the black vote, you are hosting the raleigh, what will he say to win over black voters. >> i never screwed president trump he speaks directly from the heart whatever is on his mind and he always pushes that out and what's best for the american people but in the sit down we're going to have a hearing from citizens of detroit and hearing of things that have been plaguing them in president trump will talk about some of the policies and some of the vision of how to remedy the situations for black voters in detroit and all voters in detroit throughout the state of michigan that's what they're there to do and engage with people and hear from them and allow president trump to communicate back directly with the voters in detroit so you don't have to go through media and tv ads we want them to hear
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directly from the president into president trump's credit he wants to hear directly from t them. stuart: this program in particular has concentrated heavily on president biden's mental and physical shortcomings in effigy devon meeting will demonstrate again. trump says biden on the world stage we are being laughed at america's being laughed at, do you agree with that. >> i do our adversaries do not take it seriously and they do not take joe biden seriously. when that is the situation when you have an imagery of a president who does not invoke confidence and doesn't have the stature of a leader and can't even get the words out and is usually mumbling or spilling over his words and doesn't provide you the ability to walk into the rooms and have the tough conversations to really negotiate the pieces and eisai pieces of peace in the middle east and peace in eastern europe that is necessary for global
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stability and for america to remain the dominant economic power in the world and the dominant military power in the world, the strong america on the world stage makes for more peaceful planet, history is replete with examples joe biden is destroying that right in front of her eyes, we need donald trump back to restore the confidence of the united states of america. stuart: byron donalds republican from four to, thank you for joining us we appreciated always. >> thank you. stuart: charlamagne tha god says democrats have a problem, what is the problem. >> the answer on the problem comes from charlamagne tha god through david axelrod that we talked about on the program to confirm the problem, here's what david axelrod said after charlamagne said this. watch. >> democrats have a problem it's not their policy is not their fundraising it's not that joe biden started buffering into the juneteenth party, now, the problem that they have is there
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messaging, it's how they talk, in fact before democrats even worry about exploiting their side of an issue they need to learn something more basic how to talk like real people. >> axelrod david axelrod saint charlamagne tha god is a point in one of the reasons trump has gotten this far with voters as he has is because trump speaks his mind. we've been saying that for a year's. stuart: it's been obvious it's been nine years, thank you. let's check features, we have some red ink there, the dow down to 60 but the nasdaq down 40, the opening bell is next. ♪
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we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. stuart: friday morning the market opens at two in half minutes and we have the dow up to a point smaller losses for the s&p and the nasdaq, mark mahaney with us on a friday morning erasure target price on google and you think there's a 30% upside on google, make your case. >> i'm particularly interested on the product cycle on google i think last year you had a tremendous stock rise it was meta, facebook, instagram because the product cycles they were rolling out video ads of
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monetization with reels and ramping up return on ads for advertisers a great product cycle company this year i think that plays google and it's right in front of us with gemini in the generative a.i. search tool so we ran the survey of 1000 people and we found like most people using a notable increase improvement in google search and people because of that are starting to search more this is one of the things if you have a couple billion people a day probably about accurate that use google and you're at the margin to make the product better in people search more and a real impact on the financial, we like google and we like to before but i really like it is a product cycle is underappreciated as a generative a.i. play, google is one of her topics. stuart: i wouldn't talk about netflix i know you really like that and i know you not promoted it but you said by that consistently, they're getting
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into life sports is that a huge plus or does it depend on which sports they're getting into. stuart: on christmas day were all going to be watching the kansas city chiefs and whoever they're playing on netflix, what is seismic change that is in terms of netflix broad appeal i think netflix because they spent 17 billion a year they can actually afford to start bidding on nfl in life sports the way that they can before, what's going to happen you have about 75 million subscribers in the u.s. but the value proposition is different if you bring in life sports the 75 million goes to 85 and 95 million i like netflix but i think this is a sign of the times netflix will bring life sports to you. stuart: that is a change of that's a fact, thank you we will see you soon the market is open away we go morgan opened on the downside that is for sure the
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dow up in the early going probably about 190 or 200 points the vast majority are in the red and i have two winners the top left-hand corner, that's it at this point the s&p 500 opening down about one third of 1% not a huge loss it closed yesterday as an all-time high, the nasdaq composite to the tune of about a quarter percent, not a huge loss after closing at an all-time high yesterday take a look at big tech as we always do at this time they're all down, apple, meta amazon, microsoft on the downside, show me tesla, shareholders voted in favor of elon musk's enormous pay package, how many votes did you get 3 - 1 margin, 1.76 billion votes for the pay package 528.9 million against it that according to them sec filing, elon musk doesn't need or want anybody's approval is saying that they like me they really,
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really like me and that's the message that is being sent to the delaware judge because she could still avoid the deal but will she know that two times tesla shareholders say we love elon musk, one shareholder devoted no accepted the yes and he made a good point he said i hope the elon musk's uses the same energy that he used to get the pay package across to sell the tesla cars because tesla is in a slump. he revealed some lofty goals yesterday that is elon he's in visionary and he wanted to double fiber truck production by the end of this year from 1300 to 2500 cars per week, that's pretty good, dan isaac giving tesla at $350 price target seen it going to 350 from dan ives, interesting. thank you very much, have a apple i think they once again dethroned microsoft as the most valuable company. >> for the first time since january, apple as of the close
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is worth $3 billion more than microsoft i say who cares they're worth more than $3 trillion, maybe 5 trillion i also wanted to tell you this apple has another revenue stream and their deciding how much to charge for the new future that's coming in ios 18 that let you send messages from satellites in space, i love to use the excuse that had no service, that's awkward to be the case anymore unless you're inside or under so many trees or somebody satellites in space, that's kinda cool. stuart: they'll charge you for. >> it could be free but the nuclear charge. >> apple is good at that milking their clientele. we have to talk about adobe there appeared, nearly 15% what is the story. >> customers are adopting their photoshop artificial intelligence the ceos pitch to new and existing companies, you use our staff and you get a.i. and that brings value of artificial intelligence for 3d, animation and they raise the full year targets, jeffries is
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going to 700 as the price target and they said the bulk of the monetization from artificial intelligence is coming this year end next i gotta say some of the headlines that are producing technology like dan ives $350 a share for tesla what is it $700 for adobe. stuart: that makes your eyes water, compared to forecast for industrial stocks, nobody ever says are they get a $300 you don't get that. >> it's tech it's exciting, these days tech grows to the sky. stuart: at this moment they do, tjx the parent company of t.j. maxx, marshall's own good, et cetera are they opening story. >> 26% more stores worldwide bringing the total to 6200 the ceo says were attracting new customers who gen z that can afford the new homes. they like marshall's and their price points bring the idea of value in inflationary
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environment that is resonated with all consumers close. stuart: i like marshall's how about that. >> marshall's over t.j. maxx and home goods? they have couches at home goods. >> you been inside of a marshall's. >> yes i have. doctor top story of the day. >> did you buy anything at marshall's. >> i can't remember it was a long time ago, ford motor company, they're trying to boost sales of ev's, are they giving them away. all of the dealerships kinsale electric vehicles. it used to be the dealership had to invest 500,000 to a million dollars into charging infrastructure into training their workers on how to sell ev's the problem is they really didn't sell any, in order to sell ev's you don't need to be certified anymore but the ones that did pay the money to be certified which is half of four
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dealerships i think they're really mad. stuart: looking forward stock at $11 per share dish, the supreme court has sided with starbucks i think this was over the fired workers who try to unionize the supreme court says starbucks you're okay, seven of them in memphis, tennessee a banded together and they invited a local news crew to the store to bruno enter promoter unionization. that is against any company's policy, they were fired then a lower court mandated that starbucks rehire them, starbucks challenged on the supreme court sided with starbucks and forget about online this is a blow to the unionization efforts into the national labor relations board, 400 stores, 10000 plus workers are unionized it is happening but you can't do it this way. stuart: 935, 936 almost, look at the doubt down 140 points, 38500 is a level the dow winners, top
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of the list, salesforce the nike, intel, disney and apple on the list, the s&p 500 winners, the top of the list adobe systems near 15%, gilead sciences and paramount global, the nasdaq winners, quite a few there we have adobe, gilead sciences, z's scaler, warner bros. and netflix, $659 a share, the ten year treasury a very important number down four-point to 2% the price of gold not so important these days unless your gold bug up 25 bucks an ounce, 23 - 43 is the price, bitcoin 671, the price of oil 78.84, not gas now below $3.2.85. the average price for other of regular gasoline is 3.46 and diesel average price is 3.78,
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coming-out it is not too late to send in your friday feedback, tell us what your plans are for father's day this weekend, e-mail us at varney donald trump proposing to eliminate the income tax, an idea he's floating if he went in november, he plans to replace the revenue with tariffs, is this a serious proposal, hilary vaughn next hour. i have a lot of people who are waiting for home prices and rent to come down, is that a good strategy, housing expert mitch rochelle on what people should be doing right now in the real estate market, that is next. ♪
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stuart: as i always say 11 or 12 minutes into the trading session, the dow is out 120, the
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nasdaq down 35 modest losses after hitting all-time highs, then we have this the red sea of tax on container vessels by houthis rebels that is called shipping companies to change their rounds that is adding time and money, lydia hu joins me does this mean prices for consumers go up. >> it does maybe not immediately noticeable but the prices will eventually find their way to the consumer, a shipping activity as you mentioned is declined and the red sea by 90% since december of 2023 according to a report from the defense intelligence agency, rerouting the ships to go around africa at a significant time and cost 11000 nautical miles one to two weeks of transit time and $1 million in fuel costs for each voyage, take a look at your screen major increases in shipping costs at more than two to 50% to the west coast 175 to the east coast retailers are frontloading their orders, they want their goods now to avoid
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headaches later during the holiday season, that's increasing demand on top of the longer routes this feels like the supply chain struggles during covid but what is happening now is different during covid they could say this will get better we see light at the end of the tunnel with the global conflict, the shippers don't have the same confidence, listen to this. >> right now with the situation and houthis shooting a dictatorship and the whole situation tied to the political unrest warlike situation in the middle east, there is no such thing as predictability on when this will actually end. >> shipping prices could continue to climb from here definitely not welcome to the consumers but here's another side to the story and that's the story for the investors, take major shipper, they're saying this is good for the financial performance, they're raising their guidance and they did and
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now expect 1 - $3 billion for interest and taxes that is a revision up from what they said to expect this year which is breaking even or down as much as $2 billion in earnings and interest, big opportunity here. thank you very much indeed let's change gears and check out the housing market. i know a lot of people who waited to see if home prices and rents come down before they look for a new home housing expert mitch rochelle is with me is that a good strategy wait and hope that prices and rents come down. what is waiting and hoping everybody good strategy for investment, this very conversation with a friend of mine earlier this week thinking of moving to florida getting ready to retire 450,000-dollar houses and seven under 50000 and admit away until those prices come down i said don't wait they're not coming down and when you wait you're going to say that 70 to 50000-dollar house is now 950,000 and that's the
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dilemma that buyers have and they have to correct would have supply and demand they don't. >> what are they going to do they have no choice to wait they can afford the rent or the new home, whether they do. >> a lot of them are moving further away and a lot of them people can afford in north carolina spent the last two days in north carolina and some projects from the big influx from the people of north east and the people who were in florida going back and selling their home in florida because they can't get insurance in florida. stuart: that's a huge problem is and at the moment. >> homeowners insurance is a nightmare in florida. >> tell me about it. >> this is a fact, the largest lobby in tallahassee which is the capital of florida is the insurance lobby so there is laws and for the don't exist in other states like new york, new jersey, connecticut where insurance companies todd is
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looking at me with suspicion, an insurance company can drop you for basically no reason which you cannot do in new york and you can't do another states, people are getting dropped for no reason because either the high risk or in an area that is high risk, the trick if your homeowner, raise your deductible because if you say to the insurance company i want to be partners with you and i'll take the first $2500 if you take the first 5000 and risk than the insurance company is more likely to keep you. >> is any chance that mortgage rates will come down a little bit in the next few months. >> i don't think that's going to make or break anybody buying decision. >> we interview you want to week, once every ten days in the real estate market is in tro trouble. >> is in trouble if your realtor and helping to make money on commissions this year but for sellers it's not necessarily in trouble because prices are
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holding up i think it's really hard i think the first-time homebuyer it is a hard thing not to crack. stuart: mitch rochelle, thank you for joining us. there was a time not too long ago when donald trump used harsh language on his apartments but democrats and republicans. he appears to be toning down a little, that is my take top of the hour, it's that time of the year when you flocked to the beach to get summer jobs but this year is different businesses say their struggling to get help, jeff flock has a report from the jersey shore after this. ♪
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stuart: college kids usually get summer jobs but this your business owners say their struggling to find help, this is interesting jeff flock at the boardwalk on jersey shore, why has it been so hard to find workers? >> well i will tell you this,
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that's why you have the vice president of human resources with the legendary maury spears, somebody had the bright idea i should do this with my moving guide i don't know how smart that was, stewart wants to know why is it you have more trouble finding full timers this year you plenty of part-time. >> i think folks are more interested in summer seasonal work people are interested in worklife balance and folks have taken to more casual careers. >> interesting, we have the numbers on it, we can show you in the last jobs report, 600,000 fewer full-time workers and about almost 300,000 part- part-timers, you always do a campaign and attract part-timers each year and this year it was a campaign that got the attention of a lot of young people. >> young people were interested in jobs is aligned with the core values of they run a campaign
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where we raise money for a local charity thumbs-up for kindness and we were able to make a meaningful contribution to them. >> we got the attention of a lot of young people, thumbs-up for kindness i wish somebody would be kind to me and get me off the dam ride. i think we're going to throw it back. >> all take it back. i'm getting seasick, why don't youngsters want to work because a they're being coddled by their parents and be because of things that you heard the nice lady said they are looking for jobs that align with their core values, you are 15, what core values do you have, get a job, learn how the world works so you're prepared when you get out into the real world let's face it we all got jobs and align with our core values there will be a lot of jobs that are reallt would be available we would be able to have it academy, you get paid to do something for many people that they compensate by
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paying you, were lucky with over jobs, not everybody gets that privilege. >> it's not an influencer is not a job i'm sick of it, i'm so tired and cranky today, you're right it's not a job. i gotta get this in, very interesting companies reportedly want to hire people with strong golf skills. >> i would never get a job again i killer swing is a marketable trade finance, consulting, sales companies are looking for workers who can snooze on the golf course. in the age of hybrid work, people have more time on their hands during the day, the golf outing is back, you get deals done on the golf course, it's literally happening, i know so-and-so is a member of the posh club, come golf with them and then you talk business in the golf courses are letting you use your phone so you can work a little bit while you're playing,
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the only negative women and minorities are underrepresented. stuart: the show has a friday feel which is not surprising would you like to weigh in on golf. >> another father's day weekend i'm going for father of the year this is not a joke putting the fisher-price girls golf set in my hands and starting at three and two years old because of this, i'm horrible but they're knocking to be, they're getting a higher. >> i have this amazing forum when i swing but i missed the ball every time clearly my form is not amazing. stuart: what a guy, thank you, see you soon, still ahead tammy bruce wisconsin congressman miranda devine and steve hilton, the 10:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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