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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 14, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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my parents worked hard for everything we had. they taught me the value of a dollar, and how to use it wisely. those lessons are forever, and today i share them with all our employees. it's why i team up with vanguard for our company's 401k plan. because everyone deserves to have someone look out for their financial well being. helping employees be well on their way to their financial goals. that's the value of ownership.
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♪ stuart: i had some help. i'm not sure which news item that refers to. maybe trump and the republicans but that's a very pretty picture of washington dc. i love that. morning, everyone. 10:00 eastern. straight for the hundred and we see red ink and not as bad as it was and dow down 200 and minor losses for s&p and nasdaq. those two indicators and s&p and nasdaq with record highs and they're down a fraction this morning. the 10-year treasury yield going down and down 420 and up three basis points and 78 per barrel, $78.94 and bitcoin, pegged $67,000 and still there and 67.2. important number just released and the sentiment report. what number do we have? lauren: unexpectedly fell to 65.6 in june so this is a fresh
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number. it's the lowest number since november and expectations one year out and stay at 3.3% and that's the hyoscines august and matching the may number and five years to tick up to 3.1% and little vise by this report and if you look at gas prices and you're usually more confident about the economy when gas prices go down. and they have. gas is down 15-cents in the past month and yet we are not confident. 65.6 november low. stuart: no impact on the market that i can see and number came out a minute ago and in the same place for stock z as we speak. thanks, lauren. now this, there was a time not too long ago when donald trumps used harsh language on his opponents. both democrats and republicans by the way. frustrated by endless attacks and biden's politically motivated lawfare and trump was angry and de-meanership. maybe he's been getting media
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training and started to listen to political advisers that want to attract voters outside of the base and whatever the reason and a shift seems to have begun. and it started from the lengthy interviews and sean hannity and pete hegseth and rachel campos-duffy on "fox & friends". he was relaxed and calm. not angly, not looking for revenge and no harsh language and trump moved ahead from there. there. thursday in dc trump addressed congressional republicans and wanted to heal editions in the past and mitch mcconnell said it was entirely positive. they shook hands, laughed, joked together and that's a far cry from the outright hostility between them and january the 6 and trump without naming him welcomed attendance of congressman dan newhouse from washington state and voted to impeach trump. times have changed and trump not lost his fire and not so nasty and instead of looking back and he's looking forward and why not
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and wants to win in november and wants to bring in more independence and people left in the middle and language and the anger is the best way to attract them and it's the best way to win. president biden an angry old man and frustrated by the number and especially for young voters and they're going to laugh it up with logan paul and smile at his opponents and what a switch. joe biden and angry aging guy and trump is a dynamic peace die. second hour of varney just getting started. stuart: it's friday and therefore tammy bruce is with us and keeping on theme and looking forward and one of his critics
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and roll tape. >> there's back and forth with rnc and campaign folks about larry hogan and comments he made the day you were convicted in new york. are you going to support larry hogan to win that sentencing? >> yeah, like to win and there's a good chance to win and like to see him win. we got to take the majority. we have to straighten out our country. >> are you endorsing him? >> well, nobody has asked me that but essentially i would be endorsing him, yeahment stuart: endorsement of former opponent. tammy. >> yes, he said it's a strategy and he understands washington now and knows what he's capable of and he sees the extraordinary support from the american people that he's got our wind at his back and he also said in that interview that i'm about the party and i'm about the country and that's obviously he's not doing it for himself and they're destroying him. this is it's very exciting and
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understanding that and he's ahead and he was a complete nio fight in 15 and 16 and mistakes were made and not because he just didn't know. now he understands who he's up against and he understands the american people because also we did not abandon him either and there's a faith in that and also i happen to like his he called in that meeting with the republicans biden a dope. biden is a dope. look, even clear alabama hogan and he wasn't ambivalent but, yeah, of course he wants him to win. he's not going to throw him a dinner party but you want -- i'm looking farred to a secure border and better economy and
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dead terrorists and mean tweets. that's what i want and my christmases for the next four years. stuart: i'm sure he'll deliver on the mean tweets at some point. >> certainly a economy and a world at some peace and bad guys that are dead and not -- come on. stuart: this video of the president at g7 summit and appears to wonder off from the group and being pulled back by the prim min terrific of italy -- prime minister of italy and world leaders are seeing this and trump said we're being laughed at. >> what's important about that video, everybody else, georgia maloney, prime minister of italy and huge victory. just over the last couple of days and everyone else looked awkward. she's the one who also keep in mind she did not turn her back on anyone else. she walked backwards to trump to tap him so that she was still looking at -- it's in italy, she was the host. look at everyone else. there's macron looking and not doing anything. he had a very bad election.
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let's say that. he's going to be out soon. that's the british guy. everybody is having bad elections except georgia maloney and other conservative leaders in europe but she -- the fact that she did that, she did it beautifully but by god, it's not just those leaders who watched that, the world watched that including our enemies, including terrorists and bad guys and north korea and iran and russia and china and they know that america, it doesn't exist right now. and in some ways they're correct. it's horrible. we got to get that fixed. stuart: it can't go on like this. thanks a lot. >> thank you. stuart: by the way, today is donald trump's 78th birthday. why is the biden campaign giving him a birthday shout-out? probably not a very nice shout-out. lauren: this is so mean. they went through 78 items of things that he's accomplished, donald fell asleep a lot. donald went bankrupt four types, that's number three and four and
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five. and then they say you're a crook, failure, fraud, and threat to our democracy, economy, rights and future. happy birthday. that's really mean. that's not joe biden saying that but his campaign and i don't think he'd ever say things like that. stuart: cnn host calling out his conference and this is breanna. lauren: she said reporters gagged themselves to -- dragged themselves to italy and the president doing their job and asking questions and going to be asked multiple questions. >> in the press conferences and we should be clear and going for that and these are limited and they're called two and twos and the reporters tend to, there's a tradition of asking more than the questions and it's pretty
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usual because there are not many questions to ask. >> and follows as well. didn't seem right either. >> that's right. this president falls far beau his predecessor coming to inter-rues and press conferences. lauren: she's saying he's being shielded from the press and you made in the last hour, maybe he's losing the press, but this is all about bloomburg reporter who's picked to ask a question and white house knew about it and went off script and they didn't like that . stuart: not allowed to do that. lauren: that's her thoughts on that. stuart: thanks, lauren. check the markets, we're 39 minutes into the session. dow's down nearly 300. smaller losses of s&p and nasdaq. scott shellady with me now. you think the narrative is shifting to cutting rates? i believe that's your point. why? >> always been about cutting rates and he's been talking about it since december 13th and started off we were going to get inflation under total control and bring rates down and
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inflation lagging at 3.3% and nowhere near the 2% target. maybe he'll take cover and do it anyway and a can date cutting with inflation at 2.7 and their target was 2%. european center bank cut and their target is 2% and had a 3% inflation rate and a g7 banks aring regardless of meeting their target. however, at the same time our economy is starting to slow down. news after news of the economy not doing as well and 2600 with the business recorded for 40% of the rate of last year and mom and pop and you're slowly going to see the fed move to cut rates and going to have the economy and rather than we've got inflation under control. and those two things are die metically opposed and the stock market taking inflation under control and much better than cut
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rates. stuart: huge pay package. what do you make of it? >> it's been kicked out and the court kick it had back and they said that the board of directors was too intertwined and not at arm's length so it went to the shareholders and the shareholders gave him about 72% of the vote went his way. yes, it's still could get kicked back from the court but i don't find it hard to find another group of people to have the ability to judge what he's done and it's the most democratic thing to do and give the vote to the shareholders and now if you don't like t buy the stocks and don't buy at all or buy the car and wash your hands of the whole deal and done it as best as they can and shareholders on the
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company and i can't imagine that she kicks this back. it'll go through i think. stuart: looks like it. scott shellady on a friday morning. thanks for joining us, scott. see you soon. have a great weekend. >> have a great weekend. stuart: come back in, netflix. look at that. lauren: broadcasters and someone has to produce the christmas day and netflix game and that's a full production team. that's no easy task. it's a new stream of revenue for them and have to do it the right way and investors are optimistic it'll work out. stuart: streaming the kansas city game. lauren: yeah, this christmas and next year too. stuart: paid big bucks for it too. hat bro, lauren: bank of america said time to buy and shares going up 50% to $80 and stock up 5% and biggest reason why, kids are physically playing games again. stuart: good lord. lauren: getting off the phones. stuart: off the screens. lauren: flip phones making a comeback story later. stuart: rh.
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lauren: restoration hardware and high end customer and stock down 17.5% and customer is pulling back and sales growing this quarter between 3 and 4% and streets saying we thought 7% and there's a disconnect and they're reporting a water loss in the last quarter. stuart: it's a big drop. next case, tesla's shareholder meeting and elon musk said he speak withs trump on a regular basis and what they talk about. trump talking about income taxes and facing revenue with tariffs and some republicans welcome the idea and plan is drawing pushback from some economists and hillary vaughn has the staiy after this. ♪
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(traffic noises) (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪) at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward. the further we'll all go.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: the supreme court ruled that the federal government cannot ban bump stocks. that's the device that increases fire power on automatic weapons and the ruling was 6-3. it's worth noting the big supreme court ruling that we're waiting for is of presidential immunity and could come within the next two weeks and did not come down today. hillary vaughn is on capitol hill. is this a serious proposal, hillary? reporter: stuart, it's an idea. speaker mike johnson says former president trump brought it up with a smile that trump indicated this is not a sure thing and it's something worth considering though and ultimately may not become an official part of trump's
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economic plan, but he did raise the idea while meeting behind closed doors at capitol hill cattle call and telling lawmakers his idea for the income tax and replace the revenue for incoming tariffs and it's not a new idea and a throw back to 1800s and 19th century tariftariffs war the main sourcf revenue and bringing it back was intriguing to some republicans. what do you think of form riprap's idea to kill the income tax and replace with tariffs? >> it's an idea and nothing firm and throwing it out for discussion. i think the income tax is antiquated and it's hurting working people worse than anything. reporter: biden team saying donald trump proposed a historic $50 billion a year middle class hike and it would send prices skyrocketing and only people that benefit from that thoughtless policy are trump's
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billionaire donations and getting richer and some say tariffs have to go way up for the map to add up and senior economist with the spelling it out posting the individual income tax raises $2 trillion annually and 15 trillion and raising $80 billion annually on $3.4 trillion and the fantast criminal proposition and that's replacing l income tax ask bringing in trillions of revenue each year and tariff increases and tariffs to be orders of magnitude higher resulting in massive shocks for global economies and this is a part of president trump's iconic campaign pitch and in november and he's talking about it. stuart: floating the idea at least. hillary vaughn, thank you indeed. bring in congressman brian stiles, republican from
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wisconsin. and would you go for that, congressman? >> at the end of the day, we need to make sure countries are trading fairly with the united states. what president trump is setting up is about negotiation in particular with china and far too long we've allowed china to not be allowed -- to not play by the rules and we have to make sure countries we're trading with are trading with us fairly and this is part of the broader negotiating tactic and stepping out and difference is president biden is running for election on raising taxes. president trump is running on lowering taxes in particular and we have to be looking at renewing the trump tax cuts. stuart: congressman, the house has administration committee and issuing ands to 15 executive agencies and want them to hand over documents related to a voter mobilization scheme. and you're the chair of that committee, what is the scheme and why do you oppose it?
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>> i issued the subpoenas and they're refusing to provide the strategic plans to drive voter turnout and good that people participate in vote and i don't want your taxpayer dollars to drive for a partisan get out the vote effort and the fact that these cabinet secretaries are refusing to provide the strategic plan that president biden ordered them to make gives me a lot of pause and i've subpoenaed them and the american people should see exactly how their taxpayer dollars are being utilize and i'm very concern that had president biden is doing this in a partisan manner. stuart: most aren't aware and all agencies are ordered to get out the vote. and we don't know how they're going to get out the vote. that's your concern, isn't it? >> absolutely. look at department of education engaging in the work study program and get out the vote on college campuses and small
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business administration engaging with the state of michigan and partisan purpose in particular and get out the vote effort for the president of the united states. these agencies have strategic plans and i think all of us should be able to see exactly what their tax -- what your taxpayer dollars are being utilized to do. stuart: get out the vote and make sure it's not partisan. congressman brian stock, make sure you're not going to do it. stuart: elon musk opening up about his relationship with ashley and what is musk saying? ashley: fascinating. musk says trump will call it random times and often to talk about electric vehicles and apparently the former president is a big fan. interesting. listen to this. >> out of the blue for no reason and i don't know why but he does.
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it's like very nice when he calls and, you know, i was like, electric cars are pretty good for the touch and america's leader in electric cars, buy america and stuff. and i think he actually a lot of his friends have teslas and they all love it and he's a huge fan of the cyber truck. those may be contributing fa factors. ashley: fascinating. according to trump, they've railed against electric vehicles and a meeting earlier this week and a number of lawmakers complain about biden forcing to buy evs and calling it crazy and saying he's going to immediately undo those policies. stuart: thanks, ash. still ahead, hunter back in court in september for his tax trial. myrrh leeanne data committee devine -- miranda devine said this pose as bigger political risk than the gun trial. miranda is next.
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stuart: one hour's worth ovbusiness and dow is down 276 points. that is 0.72%. much smaller losses for s&p and nasdaq especially which is down a mere 0.02%. lauren has the movers and we'll start with boeing, down again. lauren: faa is investigating something else and it happened last month on a southwest flight, a dutch roll and unusual rolling motion on the plane that might have been caused by a power unit and boeing on that southwest 737. stuart: another one. schwab and company and they'll fall between 1 and 2% and looking for gain at $4.9 billion and little bit of disappointment. stuart: down 1%. shop fio. lauren: this is the company that helps small businesses build they're commerce sites and they say buy them. it's up 2.5% and see the price
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going at 66 to $75 and they saw now is the time struggling a bit this year. not coming in on the cheap. stuart: 66 a share on shopify. the president will not commute hunter biden's sentence in the gun case and made that admission in the g7 summit in italy. lucas tomlin son at the white house with us. what's on the president's schedule today, lucas? reporter: president biden sitting down with pope francis and not clear if the president discussing his son hunter with the pontiff and asked at the a press conference alongside ukraine ice leader if he'd pardon hunter biden, his son. jaire i'm extremely proud of my son hunter. he has overcome an addiction, he's one of the greatest most decent men i know, and i am satisfied that i'm not going to do anything. i said i'd abide by the jury decision and i will do that and not pardon him.
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reporter: stuart, before meeting with the pope, president biden met with the italian prime minister and going with g7 leaders to provide $50 billion to support ukraine and seizing russian assets as collateral and war on ukraine for that in the world and questions about the war in gaza surfaced and five american hostages remain in hamas captivity along with 100 others and more than that. president biden appeared to snap at a reporter during gaza and the press conference last night alongside zelensky. >> we'll have details later but the bottom line and we've made an agreement.
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reporter: the number of reporters the president will recognize is up for journalists and ft. biden meeting with pope francis and maintaining the previous position he wants ukraine to surrender. stuart. stuart: that will be interesting. lucas tomlinson, thank you very much indeed. bring in -- she's back after something of an absence on the program. mymiranda devine is back with u. you say that hunter's tax trial in september in california poses a greater political risk for the president and more. >> hi, stuart. i've been writing a book and i think that california trial is a long tax trial and even though the special council david weiss when ev he was u.s. attorney allowed statue of limitations to
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run out on 2014 and the greatest risk to his father and those year ifs you notice the indictment are in there and part of the evidence and that brings in the burisma years, the years when hunter biden was earning a million dollar as year from that corrupt ukrainian energy company and it also covers the time when joe biden pressured the ukrainian government to buy their honest prosecutor general and victor shokin and these are all things that joe biden were buried and drenched up again and laptop in the house impeachment inquiry with the california tax
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trial and few weeks before the election and i suspect that they'll be a plea deal beforehand. stuart: yeah torques get it out of the way i presume. miranda, you were in on the ground floor with the laptop story. do you feel vindicated now that it's obvious it was real and other people lied about it calling russian misinformation and you've indicated that? jot laptop in the court and going to have the prosecutor in the witness box and going to say yes, this is travis biden's laptop he booned at the shop down the road and i think more importantly vindicates people like the computer repair shop owner and bob costello and irs investigators and leaves egg on
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the face of the people that lied being joe biden that told the american people durck the last debate that the laptop was a russian plan and a bunch of garbage and 51 former intelligence officials who lied that it was russian disinformation and those media outlets that swallowed those lies happily and they didn't want donald trump to win a second term. stuart: what a disgraceful story and we now know the truth. miranda devine, thank you for coming back and hope your book writing doesn't keep you away for too long. see you soon. >> thanasiss, stuart. i'm back now. donald trump sat down with influencer logan paul to talk about a range of topics. >> thank you. stuart: like debating biden to life on other planets and all the details for you coming up. gen z in 2020 and going for the founder of the group gen z for
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change and biden out of step on that one. grady trimble is next. ♪ there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way.
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they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. stuart: red ink for the dow and nasdaq down 300 points and nvidia is up a buck and microsoft down a few cents and app and will same with amazon and no huge price movements for big tech at this point.
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it is above 420 and at 421 as we speak. tiktok influencers that supported biden in 2020ism in 2020, a group of tiktok influencers they call themselves gen z for change and they have yet to endorse president biden for reelection and her's what the founder of the group told the washington post, biden is out of step with young people on a number of key issues. most notefully perhaps young voters have been critical of president biden's handling of the war in gaza. we've seen the protests but young voters are also frustrated with how the president is dealing with issues like climate and the economy and recent polls show president biden struggling with young voters and a group he
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won decidedly back in 2020 and a quinnipiac poll from last month shows trump ahead of biden by a point among 18-34-year-old voters and both the biden and trump campaigns are on the tiktok to try and reach the young votes and going for that particular app and still about a third of the people who use tiktok told pugh they do it to keep up with politics and former president trump might be the one that had an advantage in that space on tiktok and he's got around 6 million followers whereas the biden campaign has just 375,000. stu. stuart: okay, thanks, grady trimble at the white house with no leaf blower. i want that something? thanks, grady.
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stuart: telling trump about the american dream? ashley: logan paul asking trump if the american dream is attainable for young people. listen to this exchange. >> for other young people in this country looking to get ahead, because for a lot of them times are tough right now. what would you say to them, kids that want to pursue their own version of the american dream and try to achieve their wildest dreams and make it all come true? >> i would say very simply, honestly, vote for trump because with biden, you're never going to do it and this country is going to hell. vote for trump. we're doing great with youth. if you don't have the right guy in the lead, the country -- if the country doesn't do well, it's much harder to do even what you do. ashley: interesting, the conversation went onto discuss aliens, deep fake and ukraine. umm trump is skeptical about
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extraterrestrial life. who would have thank you it. stuart: we needed to know that. wnba star caitlyn clark doesn't want people using her name to push certain agendas. spell it out, ash. ashley: yeah, clark says despite all the distractions, she's just focusing on basketball. listen to this. >> it's been out of control and i don't put too much time and thought into thinking about things like that and that's not my job. everything on the outside i can control that so i'm not going to spend time thinking alaska that. i'm just here to play basketball and have fun and i'm trying to help our team win. stuart: the star complained that the pair escaped punishment when coming up against her in the league and the 22-year-old is being controversy overlooked for the usa women's olympic basketball team, that led some analysts to claim that clark is being targeted for being a white and straight player. clark says she is just ignoring
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all the rhetoric and despite all the attention by the way, stu, on the wnba, there's a report in the washington post that says the league is expected to lose $50 million this season alone despite what's going on with caitlyn clark. back to you. stuart: i didn't know that . that's a big loss. 50 million. all right. thanks issue ash. now this, republican and democrat senators slammed both fda and justice department for a lack of action on the youth vapeing epidemic. we're all over that one. fda analysis approved eli lilly alzheimers drug and doc siegle is next. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: that market down 250 for the dow but a tractional loss for the s&p and nasdaq. a little bit of red ink and a lot of red ink for the dow and senators got into a heated
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exchange at the hearing on the youth vapeing epidemic and watch this. >> these illegal products clearly designed for kids by their flavors are being sold in fda's shadow of building headquarters less than a mile from headquarters and how is that allowed to happen? you can't sell them in china but you can sell them in the unit and essentially victimize and addict our children. >> is a priority across the executive bran and have we should send that signal and i appreciate the opportunity to serve up signals. stuart: i don't think you can do anything about it and more. >> i agree with that and scott
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gottley was on that before he left the fda in 2019 and never got the teeth it needed and deck durbin talking about red bull flavored and dragon fruit and going for that and 1500% in the last three years and what i'm suggesting here is it's not just vapeing e cigarettes and it's tied right with tobacco and the nicotine problem from e cigs that affect the heart and then you've got tobacco joined to it and it affects the lungs as well and risks of lung cancer in our lung and even if they say well, went down a little in teens. well, middle schoolers, it's up to 6% of all middle schoolers and 10% of all high schoolers it's way more than that and we think everybody is vapeing. it's not 10% but probably 50% it's a gate way and huge problem
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and nobody is doing anything about it and you've got an idea, ban the devices. stuart: i wouldn't necessarily do that, but i'm thinking how on earth do you get rid of this vapeing problem, which is a problem with teens. i can understand it, obviously so. i just don't see how you can fix this problem without actually banning vapeing all together. i don't see you how can do it and we've going to move on with -- what is it, the alzheimer. you see, you see what's going on here, doctor, i can't remember the name of the disease. >> that was a fake, that's because you're an orchestrater and not forgetting what to talk about and i got to tell you something. stuart: fda to i approve eli lilly's alzheimer drug and they want it on the market. how does it work and what exactly does it do? >> it's a drug called [inaudible] and similar to another one already on the
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market and when the fda advisers say approve, they're going to approve and it'll be available and useful for once a month and center for medicare and medicaid services made what can be available already and cover it had and they're going to make this available and cover it but the catch is may not be able to afford all the copays and tests to qualify for it and, stuart, it's got a lot of side effects and leads to brain swelling and can lead to brain bleeding and how does it work you ask? it's stops plaque formation of the beta amyloid plaques in the brain that are associated with alzheimer and not all that alzheimer is about and also about pro teen and inplay makers nation and have a long way to go before they figure this out and decreases progression by about 35% and is it worth the risk of the swelling i talked about? that's a one-on-one question and i'm glad it's going on the market. stuart: the centers for disease control warning about a dual mutant strain of the flu that
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seems to be resistant to antiviral medications. what do we need to know about this, doctor? >> by the way, i want to say one more thing about alzheimer, those segments should go to the white house, stuart. we don't need them for our sharp business viewers but to go to the white house. as far as the cdc and flu strain, flu season usually wraps by march and really unusual and resistant to the two most commonly used flu drugs and those in high risk and elderly, i'd say we may have to go back and use the older flu drugs like the vaccine and high dose of elderly and this will wash out over the next few weeks and it's unusual that we're seeing it now. stuart: okay u we'll keep up to speed on it. doc cycle, have a great weekend and -- dock siegle, have a great weekend and father's day.
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>> thank you, stuart. happy father's day. stuart: all the world leaders of g7 all lined up and guess who is the only one with an approval rating above 40%? that would be georgia maloney, prime minister of italy and she's a conservative. steve hilton on that. mcdonalds franchise owner on fast food chains offering affordable options to lure back customers. bob woodson says black voters are becoming swing voters and what should the message be to win their support in the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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