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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  June 14, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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how many days, 7500, 125, 150, ashley do you have any clue. >> not wine i didn't know there was an average lifespan i thought they would stay in there until they got pulled out by accident and get a number two, 100. stuart: were talking real eyelashes, what you got. >> i feel like i lose eyelashes delay, i may go with one, 75 days. i'm to go the brilliance of the human body, 150 days, thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. your eyelashes can last five months before eventually falling out and quickly replacing themselves. i got that right. a great week, thank you very much, lauren, ashley, great day. i'm in a dead "coast to coast" five, three, close to two, one, "coast to coast" starts now ♪
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♪. neil: there's a reason for that, don't start clicking off, here is something you don't see every day, we never seen it until this day the pope pretended a g-7 summit, given the leaders pull numbers they could use a heavenly boost, there that unpopular and that vulnerable but the pope is there not to save their souls but to talk a.i., i kid you not, a.i. not all investment advice moral advice, his message beware, it could be unleased unleashing godly things on the road you do not want to see. i don't what the leaders will make of all of that, i know this far tech investors continue ignoring that in the dire warnings, welcome everybody, happy to have you on neil cavuto i told you i would connect on the desperate events, now we have the pope and we have the
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pope of profits lou basenese a candy read to the market, just had a beautiful baby boy, feeling very deeply religious at this moment. >> i don't know where to make these connections, humbled and blessed. beatable i saw some pictures, thank god your wife is so attractive, i'm kidding, let me ask you about this this is unusual, you don't often see the popes weighing in on new technology and this one has this is not the first time he warned about in the various leaders had plans to police it buddies going further and i want to know what you make of it. >> is absolutely appropriate it's midnight in the garden of good and evil, technology can be either way it is like money is amoral but if it's a tool that can be used for good or evil, i think a.i. is cut from the same
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vein. i think at top precautions and as always when you regulate you hamper innovations. neil: when they regulate they don't even know what the regulating. kamala harris, what you make of what's happening now, a.i. is a big part of technology in the nasdaq run up for four days in a row the s&p, maybe that slows a little today i have no idea but his enthusiasm for this. >> the enthusiasm is not slow when we talked about this a couple months ago how the original hyper a.i. was in the chips and always got a translation to the products the last few weeks especially with apple showing how a.i. is going to integrate into our everyday lives, that is what is going to drive the next that have gains for investors less so with the chip providers but more so with the product providers, think about it, apple iterates a.i. across the platform, 2 billion devices you get a little bit
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more incremental that services revenue and recurring high-margin, can have a profound effect on the business and application for a.i. in everyday use. that's the enthusiasm easy continuing in the tech sector right now. >> one of the beneficiaries in one of them to draw a distinction between a.i. in the internet boom and all the early players and were making money in the putting collapse, it's very different this is real money that were talking about in real money and demand for the chips that nvidia makes and the players and so many others are part of this, has it gotten a little ahead of itself. >> for the chipmakers it's getting ahead of itself, using baked in expectation of 200% growth in that's a little bit too much and if you look at the microsoft and apple, six or seven weeks ago and i will be a
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dad forever from 165 to a new all-time high. neil: how do you advise your clients and others, even by if they don't do anything and they own these stocks including your recommending and repressing on it, the sheer weight and force of a momentum they become the bigger part of their portfolio, dangerously so, what do you tell them. i think all investors are like toddlers we need to be reminded and told what the rules of the road are, part of that is position sizing if the position gets too big it's okay to take some money off the table. some people have a fear that they're going to miss out. >> does that mean cell posi positions, how do you handle it. >> two ways you handled it we deal with smaller stocks, once it doubles you say take your original capital off the table. if you put a thousand dollars and it goes to 2000, take your
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original thousand, if you want to be a little bit more aggressive you can use a trailing stop where you're basically setting a predetermined sell price that is 20% below the previous high of the stock, you let the stock run as much is it run and as it turns you don't have to get emotional you want to sell i don't know if i want to sell and you end up round tripping, and ends up automatically. to discipline to take the emotion out of investigative you take it back to a lot of people round-trip writing all the way back and back down insist of the uniface and that's a big pain we feel loss is a lot more than we do the join of again, i think you have to prevent against that, if you're up at night because your position is too big that usually an indication you should take some profits off the table. >> whatever your comfort level is. are you getting any sleep these days. >> two hours at a time. >> lou basenese. i would go to jacqui heinrich she's been following these developments with the help with all of the leaders of europe and the united states and we don't
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know how that's going but she does, she joined us in italy, jackie. >> you remember when the president went to saudi arabia the defining image of that trip was a fist bump with the crown prince in this trip might end up being president biden's head belt with the pope, the president greeted the pope as he joined the g-7 leaders for the conversation on artificial intelligence, the pope was wheeldon, biden greeted with a handshake and he leaned in for a forehead before head and brace of swords in the pope and his remarks delivered a warning to politicians that they must ensure that a.i. remains human centric, algorithms to produce life altering decisions and when to use lethal weapons. >> we need to ensure and safeguard the space for proper human control over the choices made artificial intelligence programs. human dignity depends on.
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>> the president's other big meeting for today was with italian prime minister maloney also hosting the g-7, the two reportedly did not discuss the elephant in the room and abortion after president biden threatened not to sign the g-7 f melania conservative got her way starting to remove language from last year of forming the g-7 nations support for abortion rights, biden has been shaping his reelection effort around the issue of abortion while he was at the g-7 indices on yesterday's supreme court decision upholding access as an opportunity to paint the republican party as extreme, new gallup poll shows a record 32% of voters say they will only vote for a candidate who shares their view on abortion, the draft g-7 communication reportedly now amidst the word abortion that references the need to promote reproductive health and rights that's according to an advance copy that was obtained by the associated press in the final document has not been released.
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neil: great job this week, jacqui heinrich following all of that, let's be fair, jackie is in italy in this setting, you're balancing that's not too shabby, sarah baffert joins us, right from the big powwow you can have the president raising money in california and you're going to have donald trump separately doing a lot of money raising in florida and a lot of that is coming in for each gentlemen hand over fist, money is a big part of this. >> i think it's a big part but there are limits to how much you can accomplish and known quantities with low publicized records, money is a great proxy for enthusiasm in donald trump's winning the momentum and excitement races right now. how much can commercials for example on broadcast television networks really change the
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opinions of people who have been familiar with both of the men for many decades, i don't know if that moves the middle and it's a very unique situation. neil: this is the most consequential action over time, i look back, every four years we say that, most consequential election, i look back in 1860 they were saying with abraham lincoln, back then you could say that was consequential, just to make the point that we argue each four-year elective is a big election, i get that, what is interesting about this one is there are a record percentage lot number of undecided votes, most have indeed made up her mind how that shifts i have no idea, you're better at this than i am, it gets back to the money and how much it can move in commercials can sway and the electorate by a large made up his mind, how does that play out.
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>> that's right we don't know what the undecided voters are waiting to see, money can help persuade people who are right now saying the vote for a third-party candidate like rfk junior there's not a significant number of voters who right now are saying they'll vote third-party a lot of those third-party voters tend to come home with one party or another in the election approaches as a candidate has no path to a victory and they don't want to waste their vote and it still an open question whether the rfk junior voters when they decide one of the two major party candidates who they come home to because rfk junior is a big character in this entire trauma, you do have a lot of invest in the small percentage of voters the cycle. neil: i did want to pick your brain on this, the federal reserve at the meeting did not move on race that was expected that was down to maybe one rate
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cut this year, that is no guarantee, how do you think that's worked out with voters some of them might've been looking forward to that now it doesn't look like that might happen certainly not as much cut that sorts out. >> i think it's tough at this point to shake voters perception of the economy as bad. if you been struggling to pay for your groceries and gas and save up for your house and can get there with interest rates, one cut with four months left to go is not going to change your perception all that much most people are set on the way that they view the economy and that's joe biden's big problem you cannot message his way out the concerns with voters. neil: well put, sarah baffert political correspondent, what are the things that we mentioned with the market there is a lot of market rates which federal reserve has no control interestingly enough i don't want to bore you but it's a
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significant developer watching closely. a ten year note bond, that is in and out of around a 4.20% for 25 in that neck of the woods, wasn't that long ago when it was flirting with 5%, borrowing costs are attached to that, they have come down appreciably without the federal reserve doing anything that's why were watching it closely for the rates to come down, that job is translating into lower mortgage related rates and home equity loan rates. that is the kind of thing that could preempt anything that the fed wants to do. it's a weird way of arguing that the market is doing in the fed's heavy lifting. after this. ♪
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(grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed
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with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on
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the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaver™ that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+. that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. neil: might've been a teacher for what he would do if he got back into the white house donald trump replacing the income tax with just tariffs, the money raised putting trade restrictions and penalties on countries that shipped goods to us, on paper it was intriguing and some economists are looking at the same role, go slow,
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hillary vaughn following this on capitol hill. >> while president biden wants to raise income taxes on the rich, former president trump is thinking about getting rid of the tax for everyone tran14 the idea on a closed-door meeting on capitol hill with lawmakers telling his idea to end the income tax and replace the revenue by increasing tariffs on other countries, the idea of nixing taxes for tariff is a new idea so throwback to the 1800s in the 19th century tariffs were the main source of revenue for the federal government, some republicans are intrigued. >> what do you think of former president trump to kill the income tax and replace it with tariffs. >> is an idea is nothing firm he's just throwing it out for discussion i think the income tax is antiquated and it hurts working people worse than anything. >> some economists a tariffs would have to go way up for the
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math to add up a senior economist with the nonpartisan tax foundation spelling it out posting this the individual tax raises 2 trillion on the tax base of personal income of 15 trillion custom duty raise about 80 billion annually on imports of 3.4 trillion the committee for responsible federal budget shaping the concept saying this is a perfect example of offering a proposition instead of a realistic policy pro replacing e income tax which has trillions of dollars of revenue of tariffs to be orders of magnitude higher and resulted in massive shocks to our global economy, speaker mike johnson says president trump mentioned this idea with a smile in this meeting and said trump mentioned as something to consider it's not a done deal it's not an idea president trump's economic policy after. neil: hillary vaughn on all of that, it certainly thinking outside of the box, brandon
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arnold executive union vice president, what do you think of that. >> is thinking outside of the box i don't think in a positive way necessarily, the tax cuts and jobs accept 2017 provided a tremendous boost to the economy, higher wages, lower unemployment, low inflation, i don't know what he wants to come and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, the goal to be and prove the 2017 lawn rather than flip over the table, start from scratch from the proposal that would be economically destructive to the country. >> to get into the destructive part i give him kudos for looking outside of the box and the obvious revenue and destroyers but you could make a good argument that the more you throw terrorists on products from abroad, you're most likely going to get people buying those products, the revenue you expect is not the revenue you get, what do you think. >> that's totally true, what president trump wants to do is
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relocate our manufacturing to stop imports in the way of imports to booster manufacturing in the united states. that's a noble goal i don't think this is the way to do so and as you alluded to people would shift the imported goods from by domestically may goods and that may be good for the manufacturing base and that could be harmful for the tax base because as people do that they have tariffs and bigger deficits is not a stable source of revenue the way that income tax if we get more revenue from income taxes we generate more economic growth opportunity and jobs which is what we want to produce. neil: it's a weird week for a prominent newsmaker in a statement saying i had a speaker paul ryan saying obviously donald trump was in the white house and he said whoever gets elected either biden or trump he's not keen on either gentleman, working to face the debt crisis, lo and behold about 24 hours after that i'm hearing
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this from the treasury secretary janet yellen i want you to react. >> i think if the debt is stabilized relative to the size of the economy that were in a reasonable place, the way i look at it we should be looking at the real interest cost of the debt and that's with the burden is. >> a reasonable place, it's $34 trillion, that is by anyone's math it's not very reasonable, what you make of that. >> this is gas lighting one-on-one, look at the deficit right now were looking at multitrillion deficit as far as the eye can see, working to pay more on interest on the national debt this year then we will on defense or medicare, the debt is out of control and it's going to necessitate major cuts to benefit programs like social
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security, medicare if we don't get a handle on it, that is out of control, the interest rates are making it much worse but the overspending problem in congress as well as the demographic changes that are putting pressure on social security and medicare are an absolute catastrophe it's a real crisis and she's just burying her head in the sand. neil: both parties have done a good job we piled up the debt and if this is the point at which we really can't escape this then they have to start coming up with plans. >> absolutely, to say a fiscal commission or some of the other ideas that (on the table to completely be dismissed i think is incredibly responsible, people that are saying we don't have a problem or make it the problem much, much worse. neil: will put that is very well put, thank you very much, good to see you again. wells fargo is finally done as one of the major companies to spot and try to identify those who are working remotely and faking it. they fired staff members for faking keyboard activity.
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been missing quite a bit of work lately. i wouldn't say i been missing it but it's a straight shooter with upper management written all over it. >> you haven't even showed up and you get to keep your job. >> a funny movie but not when it comes to wells fargo, tired of workers who were thinking that they are working especially the ones that are filing remotely, some of them can make that look real they can make it look like there keyboard is actually operating in their the ones doing it but wells fargo saw through that and fired a bunch of them, other companies onto this as well, what to make of this, hillary vaughn, i apologize kelly o'grady i apologize for that and david wagoner capital advisor, welcome to both of you i know you whether you're in the office directly or filing remotely this is alien to both of you about what happened with the wells
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fargo case how were they able to prove these guys were faking it? >> apparently there is a technology that you can put your mouse pad on top of this round slate you can get for amazon $20 i guess i'm enabling people to do this by sharing information. it jiggles your mouse, it shows that you're constantly at your desk and constantly typing so wells fargo was able to determine by tracking that these people were not actually at their desk, they were not doing work. i personally think it's a weird thing to be tracking because people worked in the wealth management unit as long as her hitting their metrics. i think that's what matters if they're not but i didn't even know this was a thing. >> my son brought it to light which is very worrisome that was a separate story, what you make of this if you think about it we still have a hybrid workforce, not nearly as hybrid as it was during the height of covid, i get that but this might make a
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lot of corporate bosses who have never been keen on the concept start pulling back on it, what do you think. >> i love the office space prelude that you had i think you would've must've another prelude of homer simpson and his typing chicken been another aspect of the foreshadowed future of the economy itself, since 2019 we said hybrid workers grow up here until 2024. i don't see it going away by any sort of fashion right now. if you looking to gardner or retain new talent especially in the young workforce and feels that a hybrid or remote work that is table stakes i think a lot of people are feeling about this improperly, they feel that the solution to the problem is more oversight and i don't believe that to be the key is in a thinking employee wants to work for an employer that they feel like they're being breathed on over their shoulder and watched everything amid of the
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day the resume builder had a stat out there that 96% of companies already have a process or procedure in place for oversight. i think the solution to the problem to be time, if we look at the jolts number in the labor situation as a whole, the employees right now have all the bargaining power and all the an economic or labor downturn i think we're going to see the bargaining power switchback to the employer's if they need to start laying some people off, this is the wall street journal that came out and said if you have a labor 35% chance or higher that the people that it could be removed from their jobs are good to be those in the hybrid place or the remote workspace. neil: interesting, i see if you're delivering the metrics and doing what the company wants i get that but at the same token there are others who are doing the work and they're not playing these games and the shenanigans and they have got to be, i know
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young people don't like that and i'm speaking to someone old enough to be your father but you know what i'm saying, enough already don't pull this crap you're going to ruin it for everyone, what do you say. >> i agree with you think it's a strange thing for wells fargo to track, i think i'm going to disagree, we should get woodruff work from home i think everyone should be in the office. i think it's a much better relationship building in a much better mentorship experience i was here until 8:00 p.m. because of elon musk, thank you for that but i was productive, i would've been productive at home and i find that this mentality we should be able to do this if i am productive at home, when a.i. is able to take your job because it can do that and you don't have to be home or any of that is good to be a different story, when you're in the office and building those relationships and people can see how hard you're working in the value that you are adding it's going to be harder to get rid of you, i would agree with you. neil: that's a little scary,
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she's working so hard i had no idea she was here until 8:00 o'clock. what do you think of that. >> i think kelley's last name could be diamond because she agrees with what jb diamond has been saying for almost a year, you don't come into the office or find employment somewhere else, i agree with kelly as of the separation in my mind works in a compartmentalization, by would have my computer at my house i would be working to 8:0. >> she does all the time and we appreciate that but it's very interesting, you came from positions i didn't expect, thank you both very much, jeff flock knows about hard work and all of that, he is following a different trend from all places wildwood new jersey where part-time labor is the big thing, what you got. >> if you work at the amusement park why would you want to stay home of course you're going to come to work every day and you're going to love it and i'll
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tell you of the vice president of human resources for the legendary maurice peers in wildwood and tell me you've had good luck finding workers this summer and a lot of times you don't. >> we had an excellent time finding workers and pleased to feel harassed or. take a look at the jobs report there is 300,000 more part-timers, people you say people that want to work part time, people that are looking for more flexibility, less hours, doing things they like and enjoy, less pressure that works great for summer jobs. united campaign getting young people and you try to new campaign to get their attention
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we had our campaign tied to donations and they want to do jobs that align with the core values so they were liking our jobs and sharing our jobs in order to create donations, thumbs up or donation campaign. >> we better get out of here, i had chance to get out, it is fun working at the amusement park i don't know about writing the ride all day but take one for the team. you are both very brave, is it me or are you feeling a little nauseous. >> ups and downs here. ons are f, and today i share them with all our employees. it's why i team up with vanguard for our company's 401k plan. because everyone deserves to have someone look out
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i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain
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and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaver™ that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+.
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that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. ♪ ♪ every producer loves talking about the flooding going on in florida and quite a bit coin on on florida but enough is enough, enough is enough and floridians don't get to this, this is unusual with the taylor swift thing, rick wright smith i think you can deal with the taylor
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swift and he can deal with this and he's been telegraphing this, what's going on, i think were in her fourth or fifth day, what is happening here. >> i'm going to have taylor swift in my head, i tell you what were all about day five we had some spots pushing 30 inches of rain, this wasn't an organized tropical system at all, tropical moisture and the moisture coming down from the caribbean water in the caribbean is way above where they should be this time of year so you have a little bit more fuel but nothing that got a little bit more organized in hurricane season right now most of this is done around the tail end of this were on the tail end in south florida less than an inch of rain, that's good news, water temperatures are really warm
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your above average from where you should be this time in july and mid temperatures in the upper '80s, you will be see those at the peak of hurricane season and that peak of hurricane season is september 10, were way away from that in the sun and energy in average sea surface temperatures we peak back here in september were above the high average temperature in the atlantic, what are the reasons that were expecting to see so much hurricane activity and we have this tropical moisture, coming from down the caribbean the last few days in florida, this weekend into next week looking at potential for something that could be developing national hurricane center giving a storm 50% of a chance to develop summer and could have impacts across parts of the central or western parts of the goal probably not florida it looks
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like if your cross coastal texas and southeast texas and big rain coming for you this week, what we see in florida transition that in parts of texas, parts of texas this winter had huge amounts of rain, houston cell record-breaking flooding over the last month to get more moisture into the area is going to be easy to cause more flooding happening in the area. neil: hurricane season says nothing of this kind of stuff the stuff way before that it goes right to the end of november, goes to the end of november, every indicator that we have says we will have a way above average season, maybe something happened that changes it in meteorology sometimes things that we don't fully understand when things don't materialize, i would not bet on that, if i were a betting and
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because are so warm, storms that do form could become really strong really quick and that ends up increasing and the impact across the coastal areas on the eastern seaboard. neil: i'm not blowing you smoke, i think it's wise you prepared for the worst and hope for the best and you should be realistic about what's going on and you are thank you, rich reichmuth gary kaltbaum, capital management, he is more in the orlando area and directly and orlando gets its share of problems as well, as a flor floridian, your used to this kind of stuff, you guys are very good at dealing with this kind of stuff, if rick is right there's going to be a lot more of the stuff. let's hope not, were veterans of it and remember early 2000 we had three in a row comparing central florida and it's no fun but i promise you all the local
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news channels are already wanting to know how to prep for hurricane season that everybody gets ready in the home depots in the lows was stuff that we need and fingers crossed we don't get any big ones because i still remember andrew many years ago i went down two days later after it hit in the place look like a bomb went through. neil: full disclosure, i have a transplant of floridian myself a little place in your beatable state, there are 2 million or more like me in the last couple of years, very little experience in dealing with this sort of thing, what you tell them. >> i think some of them scott experience in north miami beach in the area and my good friends who live there, they all said i wish i had it can do because we can't get anywhere at this point in time, people will need to learn and understand that we are pretty much the target for
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hurricanes coming out from africa this way and the good news with the tornado and an instant you have days to prepare and lots of people are smart enough because these things are killers there is no bias against who they go after, it doesn't matter whether you're rich or poor they will, get you, the best news always prepared on the side of caution. neil: wise words indeed, you're also not too far from disney world and apparently it looks like ron desantis buried the hatchet of the 15 year development plan is on in disney will build another themepark, is vastly expanding under his purview, how is that going okay details about. >> this is a long time coming and the daytime happened a few month ago we were expecting this
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and the engine growth and florida is tourism and central florida $75 billion with the economic impact as well as supports between half a million and 700,000, we will see probably another themepark some smaller parks and 13000 hotel rooms and that's jobs of jobs in opening another big park really soon, things are good get better and better and better and then i say also for the record for the convention business is going gangbusters in the convention center and central florida is humongous and there increasing it and i think were ranked number one in the country even in las vegas. neil: i'm not at all surprised, apparently universal and disney are going out it and in this fortune of being behind this big renovation expansion and universal will get some of the
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attention next year, disney starts rolling out and isn't there enough demand for all these parts in high ticket prices. >> years ago i thought way to minute isn't this too much and they break records every year end if you fly in and out of orlando, not the kids, going and going in disney with the cruises and gangbusters also and i suspect it would be hundred dollars, and they went way above 100 and the people are still kicking it. neil: that's the price of the turkey legs there up to $100 so i bought two when i was there because are so delicious. have a wonderful father's day, always good to see you, gary kaltbaum following those
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development. there is some concern we just mentioned in florida 30 miles off the coast of florida, russian battleships, 30 miles off the coast of florida it's like cuba, remember the last time that happened, i was looking up china built this huge mega port, is the state of the art mega for often for real and north korea is dumping garbage from planes onto south korea all of this happening at the same time. what is going on, after this. ...
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neil: all right well, they say worse things come in three and these three developments are a little scary when you think about it. these russian battleships that are a little more than 30 miles off the coast of florida outside cuba and then you've got china building this massive mega-port off peru and then in the middle of all of this north korea literally dumping garbage over south korea. what is behind all of this provocative behavior? the former us army veteran former blackhawk helicopter pilot, battalion commander, he is the real deal is much grateful for his service to this country is just having you on as an expert in this stuff. very good to have you, colonel. what do you make of all these developments all in the same week? >> hey, neil. thanks for having me on and happy flag day. these developments of course are concerning as they're moving closer and closer to our
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backyard in i guess a strengthen ed military fashion. we know china has been involved in the us for quite some time and russia, north korea is just north korea, a very unique personality and he does everything at the will of china, but this is a continuation of the provocation and the challenges to the united states that specifically china has been doing in places around the philippines, north korea does what it always does which is mostly agitate in order to gain concessions but in this case they are getting a little bit more aggressive, which means china's allowing them to do so and russia says, okay you're going to now allow your weapons to be fired into mainland russia which you said you wouldn't do before so now we're going to come over into the caribbean and play with cuba a little bit right off your coasts, and send you a that so subtle message of deterrence of their own. neil: interesting. you know, a lot of people have likened that to what then soviet union was doing on the island of
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cuba. i know there's stark differences here but our reaction is it's not that. it's kind of like that's what they're doing and leaving it at that. what did you make of that? >> well, i know we're keeping track of all of this but just watching them is not necessarily effective because they assume we're going to do that and i did also kind of compare this to the old cold war tactics that i'm familiar with as well, and the biggest difference here is the fact that china is getting so involved in our western united states, on our border, with this border invasion by illegal aliens and many other things, so ultimately, what you see here is nation states working together, actually, to reduce america's influence across the pacific, in the caribbean, and many other areas around the world, whereas before it was basically just the soviet union, so i'm concerned by all of this and really it's just one more
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message that says they do not take this administration seriously and unfortunately, they're probably right not to because we're not adequately right now, we don't have the political willpower to counter the messages. our military is more than capable, but the white house is not. neil: we'll watch it very closely. colonel, thank you very much on this flag day. i hope you have a good father's day weekend. well if you think the markets are panicked by any of this they are panicked by other things but not this which might be saying something in and of itself. all the major averages down, but not as much as they were. we have interest rates still very low, so maybe there is a little bit of flight-to-quality parking your money in t-bills and bonds because market-rates are going down. we'll see how long that lasts. there's another roughly three hours to go in trading for the next hour, brian brenberg and "the big money show" guys on that. hey guys. brian: you bet, neil. we'll take it away. hello, everyone i'm brian brenberg. jackie: i'm jackie deangelis. taylor: i


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