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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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mr. trump in washington, high-energy growth message. cut taxes, stop overregulation, good for business, good for workers, good for america. just as american as apple pie and now we get a little apple pie from liz mcdonald.
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>> you're making me hungry. i like cherry pie, to. high-energy agenda, not so high-energy video coming in of president biden. welcome to "the evening edit" joining us from house intelligence and house foreign affairs, congressman brent hello, welcome to the show. show the new video coming in of this bizarre message, pope francis looking surprised visibly uncomfortable as joe biden goes in and rubs his forehead with leader of 1.4 billion catholics worldwide. the biden team is furious about coverage of biden's performance of the g7 and italy. the biden white house is saying everybody should deny everybody could see on video. biden appearing frail and confused. this is the 2024 race, it affects the future of america. your take on what you're seeing next. >> it's great to be with you today and this is more shocking
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joe biden video that reinforces why americans have him at the lowest possible approval rating. we've gone from coming out behind young ladies to know butting heads with the pope. i guess he's begging for absolution for failures as president but in any event, he's on the world stage when the world is burning. we need strong executive leadership in conjunction with the congress and that's why i'm so hopeful that we are going to have the voters grow majority in the house and let us have republican majority of the second and bring president trump back to the white house. >> what is really going on behind the scenes with this president? the british italian press reporting on diplomats and aides are quote raising doubts about biden's health after the g7. they are saying the worst biden
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has ever been, it's embarrassing, appeared to be losing focus and concentration so what really is the state of this president? perceptions matter, it matters for america. >> when you're on the global stage going to need to protect authority, power and leadership and joe biden is not projecting any of those three things. they were great to this lackluster arrangement to use immobilized russian assets to benefit ukraine when congress gave joe biden the authority to seize those russian assets and put them in the trust fund for the benefit of ukraine and leave europe by encouraging countries to do precisely the same thing yet is come home without that deal. it is very concerning the need american leadership joe biden is not expressing it on the world stage. >> axios headlined a story about the summit saying world losers gather the g7 saying the majority biden justin trudeau,
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francis macron, approval ratings historically low below 40%. the overseas players may lose their jobs. how does this impact biden? by the way, we will get into how, take on first so. >> we are in a time of transition and among the leadership without elections in the uk july 4. the collections elsewhere it europe and canada and the united states. this makes it even more dangerous time in the world where world leaders need to stick together and stick to the message because authoritarians like xi jinping and ayatollahs in iran and putin and moscow will attempt to take advantage in the legislation -- the elections we have before us. >> i would trump handle russia, ukraine you say they are offering $50 billion loan based
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on interest profits from russian assets to help ukraine with this war with russia but russia off of cuba with a show of naval force and nuclear power supplement but first, cuban missile crisis. how would trump handle this? >> i don't think trump would be in a position of these minimal donald trump arm to ukraine in the first place where is president biden offered mr ease and blankets, president trump blocked the north stream pipeline from russia to germany and said it shouldn't be filled. president biden approved it and he turned around and declined to approve the keystone pipeline in america and made russia stronger in the u.s. week or so i think first, president trump wouldn't be part of the appeasement we've seen of joe biden both in russia, china and iran where is the worst. >> appreciate you coming on this friday night, good to see you.
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let's welcome to the show for his reaction, former arkansas governor presidential candidate, government is trump 2024 campaign surrogate, governor mike huckabee. let's show it again, let's get your reaction to president biden rubbing four heads with the p pope. this seems off the wall, what you think? >> president biden has done some pretty strange things and this is just one of them. sniffing hair and cupping young ladies at the capital when he was vice president, i'm not sure what this is supposed to mean, i'd love to know what the pope said to joe biden or what joe biden said to the pope as they were knocking noggins there, it is bizarre. >> the pope is in a wheelchair, he looked visibly uncomfortable about this. biden campaign spokesman adrian elrod : criticism of biden and when he walked away in a video
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wandering off to talk to parachutists, she sang social media push back on this disinformation but isn't it that global leaders appear to be aware of biden's condition seen to have to stay on top of biden to do things like showing him the right direction? what do you think, government? >> it's absurd when the biden people say he is the sharpest he's ever been, he's just amazing and you want to say you know we can see him, right? we are watching this ourselves not reading this in a newspaper somewhere. we are watching him act this way so we all see it, you're not hiding anything from us and the scene where he walks off where the paratrooper is coming down and supposed to be a big moment, he just wanders off the stage. the italian prime minister had to go fetch him and honestly it was like he heard there was a block nearby and he was going to
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go get a waffle cone. it's beyond what any of us could make up. >> let's show again -- and again, no one wishes bill on anyone but it is the sense the american people are not being told the straight story. listen to biden's 30 speech, watch him snap out of reporter about preapproved questions. he took two questions from the american press of the g7 -- watch this. >> freedom and never be secured since the founding of ideas we don't know fully what american soil is. trying to take us back. banning books that conspiracy. >> fully functioning again and i didn't -- >> donald trump a valuable
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lesson -- don't miss with america unless you want that. >> i wish you would play by the rules a little bit. i'm here to talk about a critical situation in ukraine. >> government, did you hear that one quote, they are all ghosts in garments? is he talking to dead people again? they've been dead for years, is he talking to dead people again? i feel i'm watching a rerun of the six cents with bruce fani willis. this is really bizarre. i'm wondering sometimes, maybe joe is secretly pentecostal and he's speaking in tongues and we are waiting for someone to come and be the interpreter and tell us what it is he saying because we don't know. i'm being facetious but in a w way, i hate to put this web but this isn't funny. the president of the united states will clear the free world and we are work watching
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real-time a person who needs help getting from a to b on stage. i asked a simple question, would you let him babysit your grandkids? would you let him drive you to the store or church? i think most americans would they know, i don't think so so we instead give him a briefcase with the nuclear codes? this is pretty serious business. >> this is the issue, the new york times, media reporting the least amount of press conferences and his predecessors and the issue is the kicked them off the campaign trail in 2020, the obama campaign in 2012 said we are not going to have biden campaign and now trying to stage managed appearances for everybody can see in full force it's an issue but the biden white house will not test the cognitive abilities, what you think of anti- global who debuted a new bill, saying the
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white house must notify congress if and when the president takes any drugs or stimulus second older his alertness, judgment or move including before biden trump the rights? can i put this to rest before the debate? >> no, obviously that would never happen and will never pastor congress and the senate and joe would never senate so for me to say this in a negative way but it's a stunt forget is clearly saying we ought to do this but we know we are not going to. i think the real challenge is when even the white house press association pushback on joe because he made this comment you're not playing by the rules and they are finally saying you don't make the rules for us. we are able to ask anything we want, you have to give us an answer but you don't get to tell us what our questions can be.
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that's what's really disturbing, he can tell the press what the questions are going to be because they are the questions his death told him that they are the preapproved once. that's not how it works in america. we need to let him know that. >> it feels like a charade and media needs to hold them accountable and feet to the fire. governor huckabee, it's good to have you on. have a good weekend. still ahead, for texas governor rick perry retired nypd inspector all tomorrow, former house judiciary chief counsel julia epstein, hyde park finance editor john carney. seattle talk radio host jason france fox news contributor guy benson and we have this for you tonight -- major fights breaking out in the house over the upcoming hearing featuring manhattan da alvin bragg and what lawmakers call heavily politicized prosecution's of former president trump.
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"the evening edit" takes on this debate, middle-class joe when he's really multiple luxury mansions joke. growing doubt about president biden's work man roots narrative and more details about his wealth and family background come to light. this story, while biden issue a national terrorism alert amid disturbing reports about heavily armed suspect the jihadist arrested near laguardia airport? u.s. prosecutors say that could have been a disaster for america and also, doctor eight isis link terrorists were talk caught in new york city, l.a. and billy. reports of a major setback for the biden agenda, we've got why he cannot campaign on creating thousands of green energy jobs plus goals showing gen z voters are backing away from biden did we cut trump out with a vigorous plan for prosperity including tax cuts on worker tips that has
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the attention of millions of voters nationwide plus democrats in the senate -- all of this next on "the evening edit". stay right there. ♪ limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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coming in, young voters backing off on support for president biden. grady trouble live at the white house with the story. good to see you in a good to see you. one example of that report waiting among young voters is a group called tik tok for biden or that's what they used to be called in 2020, they helped president biden get elected but this time around, four years later they changed their name, they are now gen z change and they endorsed president biden for reelection. the founder of the group of influencers says the washington post, biden is out of step with young people on a number of key issues. most notably young voters critical of president biden's handling of the war in gaza but also frustrated with how he's dealing with issues like climate and the economy. recent polls show president biden is struggling with young voters, a group he decidedly one in 2020.
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one goal from last month shows trump ahead of biden by one among 18 to 34-year-old voters. >> what you say to them? is to want to pursue their own version of the american dream and try to achieve their wildest dreams and make it come true? >> i would say simply, honestly, vote for trump because with biden, he will never, vote for trump. we are doing great with use. >> the biden and trump campaigns are turning to tik tok to reach young voters but take a look at this, pure research out this week shows all it takes ranked among -- last among reasons you just outside of for being on the out at the bottom. so that's about a third of users who say they used tik tok to keep up with politics but even among them it looks like former president trump might have an advantage because he has around 6 million followers on tik tok where the biden campaigns tik
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tok has around 375,000. >> uno? thank you so much. joining us now, finance editor john carney, welcome to "the evening edit", thanks for joining us. let's move onto this, this meeting in d.c. with gop lawmakers and ceos, this news coming in, prosperity growth plan of tax cuts and trump wanting to do the regulation. he wants to get rid of federal income taxes on worker tips, that could hit and help millions of voters nationwide. look at this story, even democrat like senate finance chairman rod wyden is open to the idea. >> i think trump has hit on something that will be really popular, especially in a state like nevada which has a lot of to workers, las vegas is a huge
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tip workplace and will be very popular. we probably don't generate a lot of tax revenue from taxing tips. compliance and enforcement probably expensive moving away from trying to tax tips is probably a good idea and i think it puts democrats in a tough position because they don't want to come out and say no, we want to take the waitresses tips so he hit on something people having auto, i think it's ever been opposed so we will have to see how much it would cost but it's the right idea, figure out people who are probably overtaxed and give them a break. >> let's move onto this, what you make of this? media including msnbc hammering trump, the trump team clarifying trump's remarks calling milwaukee horrible. they are saying he's talking about crime and election and integrity, the dnc watching billboards across milwaukee
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republicans are going to hold the convention in july but we got a report last year based on fbi data that says milwaukee is ranked the third highest in the ranking of the biggest u.s. cities for violent crime, murder, assault, robbery based on fbi crime data, what you think? >> if trump hated milwaukee, he wouldn't care about the crime and the walkie. he's telling people we need to care about america's great cities, the crime epidemic that exploded is totally unnecessary, we have to let it happen, we d did. we could reelect donald trump and bring an end to the crime with the top and so if he's criticizing the crime in milwaukee, the democrats will spin it as an attack but i guarantee for people in milwaukee, they don't look at the crime, like donald trump, they look at it is a problem that needs to be solved. >> the official website of the
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biden campaign says vote for biden. we need to finish the job. 538 averages biden's job approval below 40%. that's where incumbents like carter and george h.w. lost. the average annual inflation rate under trump was 1.9%. watch trump here. >> a lot of states normally wouldn't be in play and now are in play. in some cases we are leading them and we are doing well in virginia and new jersey, new mexico and minnesota just came out and it's a state that hasn't been one since i guess 72. swing states repeating every one of them and leading nationally so very happy with that. >> final word? >> biden finishing the job, everything will have doubled in
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price. no thanks, joe. >> john carney, you did good there. have a good weekend. still ahead, retired nypd inspector paul mauro, more disturbing details on the heavily armed suspected jih jihadist. arrested blocks away from the laguardia airport. prosecutors warned that would be a disaster for the u.s. and the pressure is now on for president biden to issue a national terrorism alert, will he do it? a suspected isis illegal aliens cotton new york, l.a. and philly. julian epstein, a straight shooter. we love him. the fight is breaking out in the house over the upcoming hearing with alvin bragg. what lawmakers say is a heavily politicized prosecution of former president trump. we are taking it on on "the evening edit", we'll be right back. ♪
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coming into the bottom of the hour, you're watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. look who's here, former house judiciary chief counsel julian epstein, good to have you on, sir. we'd like your take on this. there are fights breaking out in the house as judiciaries teeing up his hearing july 12 with manhattan da alvin bragg. lawmakers are hammering this prosecution of former trump as unconstitutional on first and sixth amendment violations. what you think? trump use this appeal or what? >> i think the conviction will be reversed, i think it was a horrible prosecution, abuse of prosecution. one of the main things the american revolution got rid of course the chamber which british ground used to prosecute adversaries. they stripped them of all rights and essentially what the monarchy used to basically persecute people they didn't like. this was a dark chamber that prosecuted donald trump.
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he was never properly informed of the charges. neither illegal nor are they report of under federal campaign laws. the jury was not required to have a unanimous verdict. instead, the victim possible violations -- >> for the underlying charges. >> attached to another offense he was never informed which it was take offense that expired and transmogrified it into a fully, completely abuse of prosecution. when i was chief counsel of the judiciary committee, the primary argument democrats made was this was a selective prosecution in the case made against bill clinton would never have been brought against anyone else given the circumstances. this is exactly the case that happened to jump, there has never been the jury that has try
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to defendant for federal election campaign violation because of a nondisclosure agreement or hush money. there has never been a case like this where a deeply conflicted district attorney campaigned on going after trump. show me the man, i'll show you the crime. brought the case, the statute of limitations expired, he brought the case on a completely unprecedented mangling or attempt to put together these disconnected legal theories never tried before. this case will almost really be reversed on appeal and what i'm offended by is more democrats are not standing up for what's right which was this was an abuse of prosecution and they are not ending up for what's right because they don't like donald trump and that's wrong where our democracy star. >> let's get your reaction to the fighting between matt gaetz
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and jerry nadler and congressman thomas massie asked, why congress is $17 million in hush money payments also campaign finance violations? take a listen to this. >> it's a little absurd because mr. bragg and they've already agreed to appear before the committee like 12. >> this debate is out of order. >> it's not order, you made a motion. >> i made a motion to peanut these people now pursuant to the rules and i want to vote on my motion. >> congress paid over $17 million in hush money for sexual misconduct inside of the offices in these buildings. what's more is that was taxpayer money. the allegation president trump paid one 30,000 dollars of his own money. who in here has had the taxpayer they were there actual
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misconduct charges, the hush money? about their system over there, i don't know but i do know it's taxpayer money and i do know not a single penny has been turning as a campaign finance expense. >> if the ftc going to investigate $17 million congress paid to settle behind closed doors sexual misconduct allegations? >> the irony is this is going to be vacated just trial was about trying to influence an election. >> your reaction? we should say it wasn't just sexual misconduct, it was for workplace discrimination. your reaction to what you just heard? >> two issues, i think what gates is trying to do is an assurance package and guaranty that they show up on july 12. what jim jordan's position is,
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that's not necessary because they've agreed to do it. jordan is probably correct. as soon as you introduce a subpoena, the local da can go into litigation what you have an agreement, is probably the best and most efficient way to ensure they get there so the got good attorneys on the judiciary committee democrat and republican and gates would be well advised to take back. >> thank you so much, it's good to see you. >> this coming up, more details surfacing about this shocking rate heavily armed man reportedly had extreme jihadist views, they still not proven that, they are trying to get to the bottom of it but it was caught in new york city we are laguardia airport. makes boy live in new york with the story. it sounds pretty scary. >> it definitely is. investigators are focusing on social media history of the suspect as they tried to piece together what was going to his head and his motivations and intent reading up to his arrest.
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he's being held without bail, the queens da melinda this they are not prosecuting this as a terrorism case yet however, they are so processing evidence. >> we have reason to be concerned, we will continue the investigation and make sure we are safe here in the city and look at what he said on social media and the computers and we are going to find out what his intent was. >> prosecutors say they found disturbing social media posts but they will not provide the civics. when police pulled them over, here's what we do know, officers found a knife holster on his likable loaded 9-millimeter handgun under the driver seat, and asked taped to the roof of the car along with nine loaded magazines, several knives and daggers, a way to whip in a stun gun and officers found nypd body armor and mta best, v for
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vendetta mask and a baton with phrases written in arabic. >> add together the language on at the time which is gotten forgiveness, he left me no choice. you're going to learn today. at that plus the uniforms i gave him access to other places new york, i think it is concerning which is why we continue the investigation. >> computer checks revealed he has connections in tennessee as well as maryland and told police at the time of his arrest he was visiting his father. he'll import appear in court for procedural hearing on monday. >> thank you for the update. joining us now reaction, retired nypd inspector paul mauro. what you make of this development? it's good to have you on. >> thank you for having me. i think this is still in early stages, the first lesson to take
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is the value of broken windows policing if the two cops don't decide to pull the sky over for a license plate violation and alert to the fact that he seems to have weaponry in the car. none of this happens you do get the feeling when you see what was in that car, something more serious was averted. whether or not we are looking at a terrorism charge, you can't say. it's going to come down to time but we see in the car to a potential motive and he didn't do anything as far as we know, he didn't act out anything with those weapons. what that means is you have potentially a crime that hasn't been committed get but he was on the way doing potentially so it is tougher in this context, right now that got them on the weapons but it's a little tougher to get a crime. >> 1664 illegal aliens with links to terrorism, crossing the u.s. border and under this white
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house, should the president issue a national terrorism alert? there is great concern over the arrest of eight nationals with suspected isis ties in new york, l.a. and philly. >> he should, it's a ceremonial that but almost certainly won't take that because admission of the fact that the southern border has gone so far downhill for us and it's admission of the fact that we need to be concerned and we've made bad policy choices here. from what i've seen in the reporting is we got lucky, they were let in, they didn't have any tripwires of the border and somehow or another they did but let's remember, they are only held on ice related charges. those are only immigration charges and i can tell you three different field offices working on this and they said we only have those charges, take it d down. you want to take a case this
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down on the highest charge you can get. how to act quickly or they ran out of room and what happened here almost early somebody at the d.c. level had to say we are not getting further, we are leaving these guys out there and it's a real vulnerability and we heard mention of a bomb, take it down. you can't depend on the luck. there's out of. >> exactly, great insights there. still ahead, seattle talk radio host jason grants and fox news contributor guidelines and, "the evening edit" debate tonight, middle-class joe is multiple luxury mansions. growing down over biden's campaign narrative, poor man roots. this destructive rate? we are going to take on. first dagen and sean, what's coming up on the bottom line? >> we have the plan, donald trump the idea of replacing
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texas with tariffs, reducing the tax burden. joe biden proposes raising taxes the norquest to discuss american tax reform. also, illegitimate crackdown on illegal border crossings but it will impact jobs. >> doctor true penske on rfk junior's plan reducing the number of overdoses and deaths in this country. it is fascinating and jack brewer response to raphael warnock going after evangelicals who support trump saying who was there god? what will these left-wing's resort to to get mr. magoo reelected? top of the hour. ♪re y when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable.
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[laughter] is vice president of the united states of america. he makes notwithstanding -- he still makes a lot of money as vice president of the united states. >> did you read today's paper? true story -- meaning the local wilmington, delaware paper. she said headline, front page, topical. biden, poorest man in congress. >> he's not. he's worth 11 million, not middle-class joe. he borrowed a lot of money to buy big houses, that's likely what he had a negative net worth earlier in the 2000's. 12,000 square-foot brick version of the white house, the five veterans, ten bathrooms working for 20 cars, more luxury real estate will show, what you think? >> he clearly get better as his career and politics but happens
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a lot, people come to washington in congress and start slowly but surely eating rich or sometimes so slowly. he's obviously doing very well will his family has gotten millions are all sorts of sources, some of which are sketchy, foreign, bank accounts, flowing from shell corporations and that kind of thing so wherever the biden started if it was as humble as he claims that he exaggerates and lies about seemingly everything in terms of his family history, he's in a very different place today, no doubt about that. >> what god just said, he bought 10000 square-foot manchin owned by the family in 1974, the year after joining the senate and reportedly had at least three mortgages and loans by the time he was in his 30s and he also got his full and richly valued asking price selling his home to a top executive 1.2 million in disrepair, does and be a got together and donated to biden's
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campaign had been moved on favorable legislation jet think. >> i wish i were as poor as he was, i wish i was poor right now like joe biden because i would be doing so much better than i am. lucas what he's doing but i think everyone kind of knows what he's doing which is trying to appeal to the middle-class voter. i feel your pain and understand things the way you do, i'm not this rich elitist donald trump. it's an odd timing for this. basically him saying i feel the pain you feel as a result of policies implement the as president so i don't know if there is going to be that real connection between middle-class voters and joe biden and no one buys it. >> you brought up something how he campaigned like he came from or roots, his father was out of work. what he's not saying is the context of what the new yorker magazine reported. the family had ship repair
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business his father worked at in world war ii, the government effectively shut it down and conduct $8 million in today's dollars because of families business to excessive profits on government navy contracts during world war ii and four times the rate for those contracts. price controls on them but what also happened, new york magazine reported the family ship repair business evolved out of biden's great uncle roofing business and investigated that prior business and did not deliver the rooftops for u.s. army warehouses until after the war was over in 2019 and the government investigated over that so there's a rich background of questionable government contract gouging dubious narrative he's been campaigning on. >> i think there are elements he wants to leave out including the
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elements of the current family narrative that he wants to ignore and lie about it more importantly, moving forward if this man has been of politics 50 plus years, a national figure for decades, he's trying to reintroduce himself as an everyman and talk about his blue-collar roots, he's in trouble because he has a track. >> thank you so much, that was a good panel. we will have you back on again. former u.s. energy secretary rick perry, major setback for the biden's agenda, all those green energy jobs there campaigning on finishing into thin air. we'll break it down next. ♪
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>> that was here from former texas governor, preparing governor it's good see you again in the story, this is another setback for the biden agenda in michigan in november governor gretchen witmer spending billions of tax dollars, to bidens electric vehicle mandatee factories with the movably created 200 jobs not the 12000 she said were coming. >> castle is an economics you
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know you can sway a little bit is been a bunch of government money and you know maybe move the heading of ship a couple of degrees but the fact is economics of vitamin works in many working people get ready, to buy these electric cars at the level which sends the message to the manufacturers, into the infrastructure builders, that is one and will happen no matter we can wish it would happen and you can open a can happen he can spend money on it and promoted until the american public says you know what, this is what we want to do and what we went by like it in the infrastructures their come i think that's a big killer the infrastructure, to charge for these vehicles is just not there and until that happens, you are going to be pretty much stalled traffic so to speak. liz: where is the money going
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this is a sleeper issue and is this the sleeper debacle for this biden white house. >> will yes business the lender issue of the obama white house, for the bidens and i don't know i'm not pointing fingers with there's literally billions of dollars the been here tagged earmarked if you will for these infrastructure and we don't see it has so a good question is an answer the congress is going to be asking the old adage of you can take the course of the tropics you cannot make him drink that is what is happening here with these electric vehicle. liz: let's go down to 40 and 40, the ceo is saying, that this is that is the main dragon business electric vehicles going to take up estimated loss for 2024 and we see that from the other carmakers so this is again a man is been dc, for 50 years and again doing top-down government not listening to the market it seems like. >> what we see the same thing with theology falls out there you know there's a couple of
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companies and think ritual is one of them this sunday big truck to get elegy ukraine another texas company, down the brownsville area this on a contract with remco to sell elegy to saudia arabia this inland g pause, the receipt of this administration, and again, they are missing you know they don't get economics of the world and they live in this bubble in washington dc is good point of this guy is been there for 50 years, and he does not understand what is really going on in the real world and you know hopefully after november we can get some common sense and some business. liz: good have you thank you so much think you for watching the evening edit now is time to send it over to dagen mcdowell and sean duffy for the bottom line. dagen: thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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