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tv   Barrons Roundtable  FOX Business  June 15, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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with my dad one thing that i missed so much as his cooking with him and he taught me how to cook and i will always forever be indebted i know he must be cooking in heaven right now i miss you dad and i love you and happy father's day and i will see you on sunday were in the "fox news" channel and join me in a big show live at 10:00 a.m. eastern on sunday morning futures with interviews this weekend how texas senator ted cruz, former housing urban secretary doctor been carson and kelly and conway and 40 congresswoman the luna and also sunday 10:00 a.m. eastern vibe on "fox news" and i will do it for us here in foxbusiness and think you so much for joining us and i hope you have a wonderful father's day and happy father's day to you and i will see you again next time. >> barron's roundtable sponsored by global vax etf.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome to barron's roundtable we could be advisor prepare you for the week ahead and jackpot are coming up over the federal reserve highs and inserts straight to squash inflation the brick leaders that i rates are actually keeping inflation elevated and cheers investment playbook and later, and muskets jumping for joy literally as he scores massive pay package with next with i is multi-industry in part but we begin the expert panel if he thinks they are to be thinking about right now, the management table only spent teresa and al route and so been, it was a pretty good week for the markets and once again focused on inflation in the inflation storage a little bit better so for the most part sucking up. ben: for most of the debt and inflation number was right and showing inflation it's actually starting to come down again after bit of a jump at the beginning of the year that means
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that that though came out and said oh no only one that this year and actually is probably going to get sooner then maybe it had been expected even though you know if there will be the federal you know and you had apple come out habits conference where they put out its a.i. strategy not looking good enough to convince the investor to investors to say if you plan on skeptical a.i. thing in a stop so he went up with a very good week for the s&p 500 was up over 1.6 percent. jack: 15 percent of the contrast that with the doubt had about a week visibly 20 percent in earlier was going on. benben: if you look at the equal weighted index you see that it is actually doing them or makeup is doing much better and equal weighted index is muted and look at the stocks themselves and this week it was about 100 for every two losers and adobo is actually were sent out when a legitimate income of the work
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about whelp five winterset of 25 at 16 percent that is really bad part of the stock selection and you know from other one chip stock until doing that but there's an intel which is doing terrible at that could be swapped out for something like mycroft hang up cisco and their cisco is not been really a thing since the .com boom and you think would be swapped out for something like an arista networks either affect our underperforming right now see what muscles are what was deleted out okay will yield the video naturally on his inflation is and that's bottom market with the heavy. ben: think what's going on first of all the inflation looks like it is getting will still heading towards 2 percent and that is good but there also may be a little bit of a concern about the growth outlook being built into the bottom and up on the market also when people start to worry about with audios and move on through safety that may be going on maybe too soon to tell. jack: when you looking for next week. ben: jobless claims that a big
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jump this past week when you see if that is the beginning of a trend or just a one-time deal. jack: the tenderly payrolls trees that big development in the disease devastating to the patients and families alzheimer's and tells about medical news. teresa: yes out a panel of the fda advisors, unanimously agreed that eli lilly's new out as good when you really of timeline and when the fda might actually take action on that but is still really good news. anti- —-dash antibodies are very tricky drug to administer and so this is only good for eli lilly before drugmakers across the spectrum at that might want to make these kinds of drugs you need a lot of infrastructure because the patients need to be constantly monitored and go to centers and fusions when they have this so what is good for one drug is good for the whole class. jack: okay switching to a health concern didn't want no reason to panic at the disturbing developing of the bird flu front. teresa: that is right is so
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unfortunately, what was discovered in the muscle tissue injury help now is no reason to panic but it is concerning to seated do parts of the cal because it means more widespread disease and also there's new routes a possible transmission again this was an account that was going to be consumed so a lot of safeguards in place but at the same time, we want to continue to give it i had it and not be complacent. jack: you don't have given i and that an elk about human following covering going for years and more bad news this week and more next from the star minor capsule as they station. >> yes and so it was friday or saturday. al: but is never that we can are doing a test now this is a test so to some extent, you would expect a problem and boeing's had a lot of problems almost every one of these tests have been delayed by about a and so everybody is safe and as you know be a problem and they are triple redundant is over the
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years so there are three ways to get back to earth this is one of them and they will probably fix it. but another want to be up the space station a little bit longer than they expected. jack: meanwhile dave calhoun will be hussy testifying at the point. al: the space businesses small portion of the defense side of the business obviously once you going be quaint. an faa administrator mike whitaker from the chief regulator was in front of congress and thursday and dave mr. calhoun's way to be there on tuesday and so going to be about quality of the plan things in the progress that they are being made and including the culture and improving the processes that so it is more of the same sort of set going start down about 30 processes that door blew off and fight in january so that's what to look for with point. jack: before we go, the only four-point early orders more place about the basic shape is not the concern. al: it wasn't averse can be
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anything from this figure showing july that will be fun we'll get together monday night each of the big announcements about, back legs are so big the gotta make them. jack: okay i'll think you and this week interest rates remain inflated and rick reader and how investors can play the higher for longer environment is next. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day.
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>> federal reserve's holding steady after this week's policy meetings as a single just one recut this year. jack: and my guess is that advice for this is how you can to get by advanced in joining me now is blackrock even desmond officer global fixed income and rick reader i think you so much
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for coming by the studio and so you know there's been a lot of discussion about him is on the fed has to keep rates where they are to tamp down inflation which are making the case, that these higher rates actually be sparking inflation when the keeping it out. rick: i would say is ambiguous but is definitely not helping come to execute this hike there's a couple of things historic in this massive transfer money from the government, to the prime trip private sector is actually make it net creditor or lender in aggregate and pretty extraordinary narrates where fear that leonard of this pretty expect ocular terms of the benefit and by the way those people special things and services level inflation part of the reasons huizinga thing is amazing is the aging population which is been a strike all the people to be net savers and interest-rate benefits and it's pretty incredible when you think you could healthcare insurance and etc., as we does not clearly is not having that impact if you drop rates hundred basis point coming out what is he any
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tangible exhilaration of inflation and about small business income. jack: you had an incredible the new income people have for my race savings accounts and i think the $1.2 trillion in new income, just from higher savings rate. >> you think about how incredible that is so, by the way new aggregate the economy and you say is in good shape, and it is, what is happened is that stratification now and is two speed economy driven by that immense about of income going to higher income and generally older parts of the population already paid down their debt and so it's happening is giving the economy in good shape and growth in pretty good shape, but there is a balance in this balance of can you equilibrate that becoming more effectively i think you can't i certainly don't think it has an adverse impact ventilation. jack: was the path of interest rate is any of tushar to the kind of interesting showing the dichotomy between the goods which of the way dell and i think it below while disaffection and it services obviously as you sit rep was
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amazing to me is the vacation prediction. and that is not like anything we've seen. >> will the pursing of the start so now if you look at year on year goods that is negative and is pretty you sporting a thing about where we were running at double digit post covid-19 by the way to think that is restrictive us visited two, is goods and this was more sensitive and service inflation is still sticky ny will this have been talked about two services but also it is a cultural change people spending more and experiences restaurants and hotels and airlines new look of this people planning a vacation of them is a search after covid-19 i needed to go into a trip it is that persistence with that is real think the structural thank you so cultural is a good economy. jack: with a cohort of people that his money to spend in this type but the investing public here in your fixed-income guy mostly germanic some equities and tell us where you see that market suitable business incredible if you go back in time and think about for years, we were working on 0 percent
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interest rate 1 percent. rick: now you can build a portfolio industry is five and three is new to build a fort polio six nafta — 70 don't have to go out to be a putting a lot of risk is in high quality assets aaa and agency mortgages and investment grade credit bill six and a half — seven use a little bit of high-yield and we better shape structurally they were before and think yes well so we are a 7 percent yield in reason rate of return over your holding and if you think about what that means and music this average rating is high triple and it is 60 percent volatility of the high-yield market better higher quality more diversified and securitized assets invested right parts of europe profile for slowing you out a letter. jack: do you think the race will come down. rick: yes the pastor goodbye investment companies is a dollar investor get five half — six that percent he lived companies negative rates were negative the
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craziest strategy ever but now you don't build income and build equity the equity market is good balance portfolio income equity this different than ten years ago pretty we have many more equities because he could not get the income otherwise c1 a k rick thank you for coming by and good luck at the orioles as we get. rick: okay thank you very much so when he loved us celebrating his newly approved massive payback and here's the biggest ever pretty ceo but is he worth a huge check what is next for maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did.
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you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go.
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i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪
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jack: i just want to start offb. jack: back it is payday for elon musk tesla shareholders to reinstate his nearly $50 billion
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pay package during the annual meeting in austin texas, this is the largest no member presidio it would in perspective he is packaged about twice the free cash flow tesla has generated and its entire history and it is 35 times bigger than what had been the largest payback to public company ceo an essay that elon musk is a polarizing figure be the understatement of the show if not today is on the one hand, he's really a genius on the other hand wall street journal reporting about misconduct in drug is any postings on exit we get many executives fired. it is elon musk with the payday tesla with a be better off without him. rick: i think two things, definitively, he is worth it which seems crazy and asked if you like he is overpaid and so you mentioned the numbers and he was given essentially 12 percent of the stock of standing and that award and if he could make the stucco up, ten — 13 times and he basically did make asarco
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up ten — 13 times which is why he has that if you million dollars in options. sue and one hand, he did it and he did it because these elon musk we did about that in the other hand, i really don't think that anybody is worth 4 percent of the stock outstanding. so tesla is better off with him despite some of those allegations and you know he sort of uniform and you have to take the good with about. jack: the company is elon musk in many ways so is next is not as if he goes into the office 70s had asthma $50 check. rick: will is receded by the work judge in january officially, she would need to rescind her decision is a okay, the shareholders for the toys most people feel like it is likely but there are steps to happen in the future and i think that most of the drama is over from the pay package and dribs and drabs of things that happened but this is a boost of confidence for musk.
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jack: meanwhile governor greg abbott of texas tweeted his congratulations. rick: so the reincorporated delaware in texas leaving dollar thank you i like the question is, well you know, people going to follow in the main musk is unique and i don't see other boards saying all know, you know the judge overturned our shareholders decision that means is the biggest pay package and sort of what's musk. jack: well how this packet was designed to give a lot of big piece the company and seems kind of strange it is there a better way to structure that. al: well so i love the theoretical discussion have welding incident packages that this would've said that if you can make asarco go up 30 times it will give you an unbelievable amount of money and what that leads to to some extent shots musk talks about autonomy robots and optimist and lo and behold, they need a lower price likely vehicle not a sexy project but
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maybe that would've been prioritized and if you different incentives is my love the idea of market-based incentives and what the start thousand and also operational incentives margin markets mark assured when this comes around again they want to give another 20 million, maybe they could balance it out sweetie is a test of basic if it basically is back in 2020, what is happening fisher's restart again. jack: will 2020 or 2021 when ev fever was at its height tesla stock was 400 at some point. and you really need to do three things of musk is a qualitative yes to chucky is engage since 2020, he has added to multibillion-dollar companies x a.i. and twitter is now x. as of now yes to show people that i am tesla all of the time or else this drama around him low continuing you to get the lower price ev out this incredibly important that we have robo taxi and argosy these diplomas away self driving cars.
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jack: is tesla just be believe meme starkly does not do that speed. al: no is really interesting point because he 5 percent holders test. there are available in trader held by retailers this basically twice as much as the big tech firms. silly launcher holder base is retail investors, like me and you understood you should managing billions of dollars it is interesting nearly see that the annual meeting because the quality of the questions in a going like if you look at watch buffets annual meeting the types of questions sophistication, they are not matched by the animating questions and assailants while it is. >> okay so well and 30 i was always of us to be of the test story musk now has a six a.i. company was going on there. >> well, musk is said earlier in the 125 percent of the company to keep a.i. projects such as we talk about this and this is getting any critic about i think i should himself.
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and he is with these options about 20 percent of the company now is six a.i. thing about the development what happened in x a.i. and from the a book keep the video tom striving you know he trains those cars they i computing is the part of the story testified that will be tesla but x a.i. is going to do a.i. things with the baby the past about the investors would vote state in the company. >> will thank you is omitted now appear of investment ideas and so teresa looks out with an activist and fixin honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy. preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended, clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservision, i feel better that i'm doing something about it like millions of others.
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it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ ♪ southwest airlines used to be known as the final one with ait comedian's and the low fares ano now there is some turbulence to
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use the metaphor pickwick certainly. e many othervee. airlines had problems in terms of labor cost and capacity. b a bit more troubled than most we all remember in the service a meltdown that happened last year turned off a lot of people. they've been struggling ever beensince. >> customers complain about the fees that are added on.d you recently paid one of thosene fees how is that?re what's a page tosa choose my ses ont southwest basically may be queen of the airplane i was the first person to get on i felt like i own the whole there are plenty of people whoin would noplt want to pay for tha experience. elliott management wants to r raise revenue byev charging peog for things like seat selection, for checked baggage i do not think that is a sure thing. a lot of people e simply do notd want to pay for that they do not have any of the choice will stay home or go to another airline. >> was to house the ceo that bet fun to watch for those. >> certainly. this is certainly a new a development for this arend telli whatll will happen from here.
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typical analyst playbook or activist playbook is likely to play out for. >> thank youli teresa. go to actual ideas come out when you have for us? it is a surprise to >> 15 industrial stocks taken on the chin my beloved industrialsh i would stick with things like r commercial ai errors space where demand is good. after market parts supplier it is down a little bit. itvery high quality company them more planepas that fly plied, te parts that wilpartl sell. pgd is the ticker that's the one to buy.ja >> 's have bolts to keep the doors on? what's yesor. >> been what you have for us? as i'm looking for the accounti for utilities that are typical l stock they declared bankruptcyot because they owed a lot of money because of wildfires and i gotten started but they do noth pay a dividend. they are coming back and underet the california regulatory regime which is a good thing because we know how they're going to be but
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treated with a lot of utilities with a fire if they don't have it yet. it's a stock looking really interesting right now they hadhe investor day that was well >> utilities are having a day in the sun. that joke is on purpose. renewable energy is helping thar induindustry to doing veryen wee >> thanks ben, thank you teresa, thanks al, to read more check of this week's barron' that ii all for us. we'll see you next week on see barron's roundtable. . ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. larry: hello


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