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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 17, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone, in for maria bartiromo. it is monday, june 17. your top stories at you 6:00 a.. eastern. market momentum, futures mixed. we are going to be closed on wednesday for the juneteenth holiday. the dow is in the red by 65, nasdaq higher by 31, s&p lower by 33 and change after the nasdaq was up 3% last week, the bank of england making its rate decision this week after the ecb cult rates last week. we're going to get may retail sales out tomorrow. take a look at european markets this morning. as you can see we v again, a mixed picture. in asia overnight, red across the board, the k nikkei down better than 1 and three-fourths percent. the biden administration is ready to offer a pathway to
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legal status for illegal migrants as 49 states are offering voting registration to migrants without any proof of citizenship. what you need to know. plus, with just 10 days to go until the first presidential debate, president biden sparking worries in los angeles by standing still on stage in front of star studded donors as president trump makes gains with key t voting blocks in swing states. joining the conversation, columnist, fox news contributor liz peek and investment strategist, luke lloyd. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪
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cheryl: and it's time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump receiving receivingsupport from black votg a campaign stop in detroit over the weekend. take a listen to his message to michigan. >> michigan was better off with trump by a lot. you were doing great. companies were moving back and the car companies weren't moving out and joe biden and his cronies in washington got rich by selling off michigan jobs and selling out detroit. that's what they did. the numbers are crazy. the food numbers, the energy numbers. yet joe biden has no plan, he's got absolutely no plan. he doesn't even know what the word inflation means. cheryl: the former president reminding michigan voters of biden's devastating 1994 crime bill. watch this. >> joe biden's bill supports no cash bail and sanctuary cities. he's responsible for the deaths of countless african-americans
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from crime and he also devastated black families. in 1994 with the crime bill. biden came up with that. super predators, the black people have to remember when they go to vote that was 1994, crime bill, super predators, goa. cheryl: a detroit pastor praising trump for visiting places he said presidents obama and biden have never visited. >> president trump, i'm so humble that you would be here. president obama never came to the hood, so-to-speak. right? president joe biden, he went to the big naacp dinner but he never came to the hood. so thank you. cheryl: you know, liz peek, the washington post, the washington of post has an editorial out this morning, mr. biden should assume the polls are right, not wrong. he's got a polling problem and he needs to admit it. they talk about the swing states like michigan that there was donald trump in front of the
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people, president biden in la with a bunch of celebrities. >> trump is going where people have feared to tread in the past and particularly republicans and good for him because it isn't just the swing states that are where he's doing very well. it's also with groups like black voters where historically republicans have been way behind and so obviously he's not going to win the black vote. i say obviously because the numbers are just daunting but the reality is, he's picking up a substantial share of that group and also hispanics and also young people. these are core voter groups for democrats and when they see this, cheryl, i think that democrats are absolutely freaking out because he is talking to the people in a way they respond to and guess what, joe biden -- actually, joe biden cannot do that this time around, he won't do it so i think there's a good chance that michigan, again, goes to the republican candidate, goes to trump. remember his famous line in 2016
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to the black community. what do you have to lose? that's what he should be telling them again because education, on prices of food and things like that, on jobs, he delivered and joe biden has not. cheryl: okay, luke, i a want to pick up on a couple things that liz went through. basically, those core constituencies, young voters which you are of that generation, black people, hispanics, increasiing they're call it -- this is the washington post. they're trump curious. this is a candidate that because they're so disillusioned for the economics of the biden presidency that they're going back to president trump or maybe for the first time they're looking at donald trump, they weren't maybe engaged in 2020. >> young people care that there's a future ahead for america. all people care about is a future ahead for america, specifically they can make ends meet when it comes to the economy. there's a triple whammy going on
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for the economy right now. number one, 25% or more of jobs he created are public sector jobs, they're not paying as much as private sector, not innovating as much as the private sector. a.i., the second thing, the a.i. implementation, revolution taking jobs and a number three you have illegal immigrants coming in and taking jobs in cities like detroit. when you look at blue collar job areas like detroit, like where i come from, specifically detroit, you have auto manufacturers, ford, gm. stellantis, a lot of jobs are taking away because of electric vehicle push by the biden administration. all the government printing going on, all the government benefits going on and you also have electric vehicles. a lot of companies are losing money, they have to lay off people. you have government rams coming in, completely rocking the private sector, private markets and it's taking jobs away. cheryl: absolutely. >> a lot of young people are concerned about it. cheryl: absolutely. we'll get into that during the show. by the way, president biden was out in los angeles. i want to show you this video. this is a star studded
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fundraiser in la. they got $30 million. but his demeanor was in focus. he you appeared to freeze on st. you see barack obama escort him off the stage. here's the video. the white house senior press secretary, andrew bates, denies he froze. he said the president was taking in the crowd's applause. jimmy kimmel hosted this, you had george clooney and julia roberts. ted cruz told maria yesterday thats he's missing the mark. watch this. >> that's his base, hollywood movie stars and big tech billionaires. that's who the democrat party is fighting for. environmental billionaires in california, that's who they care about. people who are in bed with china, that's who the democrats care about. but if you're talking about a steelworker, talking about taxi cab drivers, waiters or waitress, the democrat party abandoned those workers.
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the old conventional workers used to be republicans are the party of the rich and democrats are the part of the poor and the working class. that's turned on its head today. cheryl: your reaction. >> i think that's true. i think the parties have switched sides and the republicans are definitely representing the working man. that's what donald trump has always done and that's the people he will win over in this election. cheryl: we're going to be talking about the debate and so much coming up throughout the store. we're just getting started this morning. coming up, markets are mixed to start the week as the nays back looks to -- nasdaq looks to extend the rally. chief investment strategist sam stovall is here. plus, why gen z is feeling good about money despite inflation and economic uncertainty. we're talking about it. don't miss a moment of it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. cheryl: the nasdaq closing at a record for the fifth straight session on friday, notching a 3% weekly gain. markets are green across the board this year, evercore is predicting the s&p 500 will have another double digit rally before the end of the year, raising the forecast for the index to hit 6,000. the wall street journal writes investors fear the long stretch calm in markets can't last. joining us now, cfra investment strategist, sam stovall. the journal makes the point that volatility has been incredibly low, nasdaq hitting another record.
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they basically make the point that this is the calm before the storm. what do you say? >> well, good morning, cheryl. i guess it depends how bad of a storm you're expecting. i believe we're you due or in the coming months due for another decline of 5% or more. i mean, that is traditional, something that after strong first quarter gains going back to world war ii and this year was one of the top 15, basically we've had two declines of 5% or more on average within those years but the good news is that the average gain for those top 15 was 20 plus percent for the entire calendar year. so yeah, i do think volatility is going to pick up but i do think also that the year will end on a positive note. cheryl: i want to pull up the 10 year right now and the yield on that because it's interesting the kind of commentary we've been getting from minneapolis federal reserve president neel kashkari, he says the central
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bank is in a good position to take their time with cutting interest rates and more data is need and we're going to hear from the bank of england on thursday, they're expected to hold interest rates steady at 5 and a quarter percent. what do you make of the comments from c cashcarry? >> i think he's more of a hawk than other members of the f host mc. as a result -- fomc. both sides are giving an explanation as to why the fed will remain data dependent. we were surprised favorably by both the consumer price index and producer price index, the end of the month, we think we'll get further downward readings for the personal consumption expenditure or pce which the fed tends to favor so we'll be getting additional data and every election year since 1992 except 2012 had the fed make a move in monetary policy during that election year, many times occurring in september. so if n g given the opportunityi
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think the fed would like to show it is independent. cheryl: we have a lot of thoughts on set about the last point in particular because it is an election year. i want to bring luke lloyd into this. we get -- and liz as well. we're getting these comments from the fed but really unless you get a september rate cut, that does not help joe biden. liz, that does not help joe biden whatsoever. he stood in front of a microphone earlier this year and said we're going to get a rate cut. he told me we're getting the rate cut. >> we were talking about this earlier. there a lot of people i think who are backing joe biden in the fed sort of universe who are saying no, we have to wait, we have to wait. september, that could be the october surprise. you get a nice rate cut in the september and market takes off. that's a very, very kind of nice back -- wind in the back of joe biden going into the election. cheryl: also, luke, the journal writes when they talk about caution, one of the biggest things driving the markets is a.i. you've h had huge gains for appe and nvidia.
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there are other parts of the market that aren't showing that type of strength. what do you have without that. >> a.i., it's the same story over and over again. i'm worried about a.i. being -- making a nation of rejurying taters and dark dark regurgitaters, college students taught to use google or chatgpt to learn, implement what they're thinking, that concerns me about the nation of innovators. we're not a nation of innovators, we're a nation of reto the best of your knowledge regurgitaterrers. with the election coming up, trip call drawdowns in the market in an election year if the incumbent wins is 6 or 7%. this year we've seen a 6 or 7% correction. if the incumbent loses it's 16 or 17% which would price in a trump victory. if trump continues to gain in the polls, looks like a trump victory is coming, will we see
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the 16 or 17% correction? >> good morning, luke. traditionally the market declines from july 31 to octobet happened except once the market indicated the incumbent was going to be replaced. we've already had 5 and-a-half percent decline. history would tell us we'll probably have another decline which will probably end up being closer to about a 12% selloff with which would bring the s&p down to about 4800. but again, a the likelihood is that we do end the year on a positive note since after the election the market tends to do fairly well because now the uncertainty has been resolved. so i would tend to say fasten your safety belts because the volatility in my opinion will likely be picking up. cheryl: agree with the wall street journal's stance that we are dealing with a calm before a storm. >> i do. i'm looking at the pe on the s&p 500, realizing it's trading at a
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32% premium to its average pe over the last 20 years. we're looking at the technology sector which is trading at 32 times as well. that's just -- that's the highest that we've seen in the last 20 years. the s&p with its 29 new all-time highs is currently trading 13% above its 200 day moving average and the nasdaq is 16% above. and they're more normally in the 3 to 4% area. so i would tend to say that it's time for a resetting of the dials to allow this bull market to continue. .cheryl: sam stovall, good to have you on the show. thank you. coming up, house speaker mike jjohnson prepared to go to tape for the biden audiotapes after the doj refuses to prosecute
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merrick garland for keeping it. we have the house's next steps. ♪
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cheryl: tomorrow president biden is expected to announce a pathway to permanent legal status for hundreds of thousands of migrants who have been living in the united states for at least 10 years and are married to u.s. citizens, the plan would reportedly change existing laws which would prevent illegal migrants from obtaining green cards. the new york post is reporting agencies in 49 states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship. migrants can access welfare benefits, even mail in ballot voter registration forms, while 19 states and washington, d.c. allow noncitizens to obtain driver's licenses. joining me is georgia congressman richard mccore mack. congressman, good morning. >> good morning, good to be with you. cheryl: i want to get your reaction to this report in the new york post. they go through several states
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in detail, how this is happening. but basically a federal form, you don't have to be a citizen or at least no proof. legally, you do but you don't have to prove it. >> you know, there is a doubt about what this illegal immigration, the invasion is all about, it should be obvious what they're trying to do for the census, to reorganize where representatives are coming from. all the states have lost representation because people my greated to where the jobs were and now you're going to see 15 to 20 seats, republican seats that are in jeopardy because of this mass migration and representation skew now. you can see the way they'll try to g get these people to vote o reward bad behavior. you knows who is the most angry about this stuff? people who waited, came here legally, put in the time to
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become citizens the right way. cheryl: one of the things house speaker mike johnson said is basically president biden welcomed millions of illegal aliens through our borders, including criminal syndicates and adversaries, it's incumbent upon congress to implement greater secure measures to secure the voter registration process. what can be done? >> each state has control over their own decem destiny. 49 out of 50 states are holes in the laws that allow people to get documentation that shows they have legal id here. once again, rewarding illegal immigration. we as congress have done some good things to secure the border but the senate of course won't uphold that. the president has gotten through over 60 different methods of securing the border, his last weak attempt at securing the border basically says we're going to only accept so many per year, so many per day. it's ridiculous. it's a ridiculous slant at
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getting back voters in an illegal way. they're hemorrhaging voters because they're doing the wrong thing for the american people and they know that. >> you are from georgia, an incredibly important swing state where the margin of victory for joe biden last time around was incredibly narrow. this is a state which is up for grabs in this election. what are you doing to make sure that in georgia illegal aliens are not going to vote and what -- i mean, that's the template, right? people have to go state by state and make sure this isn't happening. seems to me when it was like 1,000 people at risk or maybe 10,000, but now we've got millions of people. so tell me about georgia, what's it going to look like? >> georgia's one of the few states that actually did substantial things to fix our voter laws. we did at least 12 course corrections. we don't you a allow drop boxes anymore. anyone who y saw -- they
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understand the detriments of drop boxes and mail-in ballots. countries got rid of mail-in ballots because of the massive amount of fraud. georgia has tightened up the laws considerably. georgia is secure. we need to worry about other states like arizona, michigan, pennsylvania, other states that have not fixed their laws and will be definitely at play. cheryl: i would argue that arizona is the one state that has really been -- is pushing back on this notion of letting illegal migrants vote, just want to kind of clarify that. let me ask you also about this because this issue with merrick garland, house speaker johnson is taking on merrick garland but if the doj is refusing to pursue contempt charges against him, thewill move toen force the to e
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subpoena. they are calling out prosecuting steve bannon. they say it's another example of the two tiered system of justice brought by the biden administration. steve bannon, peter navarro, they're punished. merrick garland, not so much. >> that's the point. it will be exposed how two-faced they are. we don't need the tapes to understand how much joe biden has lost, how much his cognition has declined. you can see it from four years ago when he already declined, how much he's had problems just walking, figuring out which way to go on the stage, what to say and as he goes on longer he starts to mumble, doing all the things that people with alzheimer's or dementia do. this is an obvious deterioration of the mental state. the more problematic thing with the democratic problem is their ideas.
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we know kamala harris would make a worse president and she has her faculties about her so this is really about exposing the double minded nature of the doj in our areas. cheryl: none of us are doctors. we know we see a president moving a little slower, especially over the weekend, to be clear. but certainly it's going to be interesting when the debate comes which again is 10 days away, that's when the american people are going to see firsthand who is the strongest candidate, is that going to be donald trump or joe biden and we're showing this video, we're just looking at what our eyes are showing us, that's all we know. but you know, kind of a slow moving president there, at least on that stage with barack obama. congressman richard mccormick, thank you for being here. >> always a pleasure. have a great day. cheryl: you too. coming up, the g-7 comes to a close with a warning for china over enabling russias' war on ukraine. gain stone institute senior fellow gordon chang is here with how this moves the needle on
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beijing's aggression towards taiwan and this move at the g7 last week was interesting. plus, things are heating up in the u.s. what you need to know about the record breaking heat waves that are on the way this week. that is ahead. stay with us. ♪ maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow, senator mike braun on his motivation to move from capitol hill to the indiana governor's mansion. wednesday, will hunter biden be sentenced to real prison time? the laptop from hell you author
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miranda devine will join me. thursday, terror suspects using the wide open southern border to enter america unsay they'd. palmapaul morrow reacts. friday, jonathan ward. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪
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including financial institutions, consistent with our legal systems and other entities in china that facilitate russia's acquisition of items for their defense industrial base. joining us now, gordon chang. good morning. i want to get your reaction to this communication from the g7. because they can talk tough about russia, about china, but it's the action that always seems to be lacking and again, this is the g7, not nato, but a lot of discussion of war happened last week in the middle of the g7. >> yes. well, you know, china was upset with the statement. they called it prejudice, arrogance and lies. look, what the statement was missing was as you point out, action. part of the problem is that we assume that china is organized the same way that we are, that commercial entities are independent but they're not because the communist party demands absolute obedience so
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what we saw was, for instance, in the beginning of the war, china was using its larger banks to finance transactions with regard to russia when the united states complained about that, china just moved the business to smaller chinese banks and right now we have not sanctioned any of the banks and so beijing just has to behalfing at us. cheryl: i'm not sure that sanctions against russia, if you're going to bring up that, have been entirely effective as well. there's always a work-around. ask iran about work-arounds when it comes to sanctions. they've gotten pretty good at it. taiwan's president is warning that china views, quote, taiwan's annexation and the elimination of the republic of china as the great rejuvenating cause of the people, making the comments to cadets at the military academy. he told them they must recognize the challenges of the, quote, new era. do you think they're really trying at this point to as best
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they can prepare their military for what they believe is going to be an attack on them? >> w well, taiwan's a divided society. the party that lei represents, democratic progressive party, is very concerned about defense and will do a lot boug but the kmt s very pro-china and it now controls effectively the legislature so there's a lot of friction as the democratic progressive party of president lei tries to build up taiwan's defenses and historically, cheryl, one of the reasons why taiwan has not done as much on its defense as it needed to was because the united states and others did not permit it to. so really, there's been a push and pull here and right now i think the united states is getting on the right side of this but we have to worry about some of the elements in taiwan that really don't want the island to defend itself.
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cheryl: that's really interesting you say that. i want to bring in liz peek. >> good morning, gordon. the tone of this statement from the g7 was certainly more anti-china than historically they have been willing to do. is this because they're so concerned about the impact on their economies of evs, for example, swapping their own domestic car manufacturers? is this the legacy of donald trump who kind of woke up the world to the sort of threat that china presents? i mean, i'm a little surprised that the g7 would take such an aggressive line. aren't you? >> well, the way i look at it is i wish the g7 would go beyond mere words. >> well, yeah. >> what's happening in the g7 really is that there's frustration. you know, they always try to integrate china into the international system. there was always a lot of hope that china would see things our way. and now we're seeing that xi jinping is taking china in the opposite direction. so you know, it's not just
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evs. it's not just trade. it's i think a general fed up-ness with china and things after covid and fentanyl, they didn't hurt -- they didn't help china's image in the united states and other countries. cheryl: i want to ask you about this. talking about the business side and the relationship between the united states and china. so microsoft's president brad smith testified before congress last week that his company accepts responsibility for security failures that let chinese hackers infiltrate federal government computer networks but defended their presence in the country, saying the company does not comply with the chinese national intelligence laws that requires firms to hand over information requested by the government there. here's what he had to say when questioned about florida congressman carlos jiminez. >> there's two countries in the world, those apply every law
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theyening, those that enact certain laws but don't always apply. china, for that law, is in the second category. >> do you believe that? look, i sit on the select committee on china. that's not the information we get. all companies in china have to cooperate with the intelligence agencies of china and the people's liberation army. you operate in china and you're sitting there telling me that you don't have to comply with the laws of china? >> i will tell you there are days when questions are put to microsoft and they come across my desk and i say no. we will not do certain things. cheryl: gordon, what do you make of that exchange? >> well, in china law doesn't mean the same thing as it does in our don country and really wt we're talking about that's important is what officials say at the moment and there's a certain amount of bargaining that can go on with regard to
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certain matters but when we're talking about measures like the national intelligence law of 2017 there's relatively little bargaining and when the party wants s it will do it. and this is especially true when we saw the attacks on foreign business last year which were percy tent and which -- persistent and which were extremely adres ad a-- aggressii think microsoft wasn't candid during that exchange. cheryl: what do you make of that. >> i think microsoft and china need each other more than ever in a lot of ways. microsoft needs china to grow. they delivered 1.5% of the revenue from china unlike apple that's upwards of 20% and china needs microsoft to continue to grow their western powers as as well that hasn't been growing since we added them to the wto. i'm interested to hear your thoughts on what happens from the western side of things, are they going to continue to become more westernized? >> definitely not. what we're seeing is xi jinping
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trying to make china more self-sufficient. he's wall off the country, he's promoting xeno phobia, you shouldn't be surprised when you see chinese citizens attack american as you've seen a couple weeks ago. china is moving in a direction which is extremely dangerous. you know, they need microsoft right now as you point out. but the point is that they are trying to develop alternatives to microsoft so they can get rid of them, just as they've gotten rid of other foreign companies they no longer needed after the self-sufficient sigh drives. -- self-sufficientcy drives. cheryl: they copy the technology and do it themselves. this is going on for decades. it's not that the ceos walk around and think because of politics and stolen it, we should rethink our position in china. only the bravest ceos will make that decision. the rest of them, i might have to add microsoft to that, seem
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to not follow that thinking, keeping it save. it's great talk to you about this. >> thank you so much, cheryl. cheryl: coming up, money talks. why gen z is having more positive thoughts about their financial future, we're talking about it coming up next. luke lloyd is shaking his head. oh, no, here we go, nim the i'me spot light. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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cheryl: well, summer temperatures setting in this week as much of the northeast prepares for a record breaking heat wave. gerri willis has the numbers, hey, gerri. >> good morning to you. it's going to be a scorcher, cheryl, hot temperatures could shatter records across the northeast and a ohio valley this week. new york city expected to reach mid-90s on thursday and boston could be even hotter with some cities in the region sitting 10. for reference, new york city hasn't had 100-degree day since july 2012. and on the west coast, firefighters battling a blaze in la county's first major wildfire of the year, the post fire was
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2% contained as of last night, forcing more than 1,000 evacuations as it grew nearly 23 square miles. no injuries have been reported and authorities are investigating what sparked the horrible fire. house speaker mike johnson and the chair of if national republican congressional a committee will meet with former president trump today at his mar-a-lago estate in florida. the meeting comes as many republican candidates face tough primary challenges. trump has been endorsing his favorite candidates throughout primary race as republicans hold a razor thin majority in congress. the former president is set to meet with senate republicans and again on thursday. and over to greece, a missing american tourist found dead on a beach in greece yesterday, this is the latest in a string of disappearances and deaths on the islands, the 70-year-old vanished from his friend's home before his remains were
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discovered. the cause of death still unknown and his identity has not been released. but he is the seventh traveler to go missing in the greek isles this month. authorities suspect many of the dead and a vanished tourists were hiking in triple digit temperatures when the disaster struck. another american tourist and retired la sheriff's county deputy missing after hiking. american and greek authorities are searching for the 59-year-old. and finally, money talks, cheryl. you know that. gen z reportedly is the most optimistic about money right now, unlike older generations, a new study from credit reporting firm trans union is finding people ages 11 to 26 feel the most optimistic about their financial futures. 55% of all americans in the study saying they feel optimistic about their wages in the next year and are expecting
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raises. more than 60% of gen p zers are citing optimism compared to less than half of gen z and baby boomers. financial analysts say they're starting to save earlier than other generations. i'm glad somebody's optimistic. cheryl: i was surprised by that. you would think that generation would be the most disconcerted but they're not. >> maybe because they're 11 or 12 years old. the generation is 11 to 26. what, 4 years, 22 to 26 are actually working? cheryl: parents are paying bills. >> i'm curious what college grads are finding right now. some of the industries they're most excited about like tech are not hiring. they're basically cutting people, not adding too many people, so i'm kind of surprised by this, actually. cheryl: i don't know. i mean, i do like the fact they're talking about saving earlier. i remember, i got into the stock market when i was 22 years old. but i was encouraged to do that by my parents so maybe the parents are the ones telling
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this generation you need to start saving earlier, get serious about your life. i don't know. >> i think for especially young people, the stock market is a great way to go because you have so much time to enjoy the fruits of the stock market which are massive. there's no other way you can play the energy of the american economy than the stock market. >> that's exactly right. i'm sorry. and over the -- over history, it has always been the case that people make money in equities. the other plan was to buy a house but housing now is unaffordable for people so, you know -- >> you have to remember, most 22 to 26-year-olds are living at home. they have discretionary incomes because they are able to invest because they don't have expenses. they're not building families, getting married and having kids. that's why people have discretionary income. on the negative side, the older gen zs, people aren't feeling too hot because there a big misconception on how the system works. the system the is tied -- you go
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to school, get $100,000 in debt and the expectation nowadays is you make $100,000 coming out of college. that's not true. there's a disconnect between expectations and what's happening and the learn just starts when you graduate. it doesn't start in college or it starts in college but it continues to go the next 10, 15 years out of college and that's where a lot of people are thinking they go get a degree and make a lot of money. it's not true. >> i think that at the end of the day, optimism, no optimism, you've got to make the right moves, do the right things. what you can do to afford to provide for your future can. i think that means investing in stocks as we've been talking about and ultimately finding a way to play real estate because that's historically how americans made their money and saved their money by putting money in hard assets. cheryl: the only way -- there is a way to do that in the stock market but that's doing r.e.i.t., real estate investment trusts or buying stocks, buying the home builders or something. because that point is so true. that generation is completely
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priced out of housing because the baby boomers aren't selling homes pause they're sitting on 2 and-a-half, 3% or it's paid off, why would they get a 7% mortgage. >> there are always markets in real estate. you have to learn to play them. i hear complaining about this. at the end of the day, this is just the way the world works. i faced the same thing when we bought our house, prices were sky high. ultimately, you find a way to make it work. cheryl: i always say you'll take my 2.5% rate out of my cold dead hands. so gerri, thank you very mitch. [laughter] cheryl: it's like gerri wrote a couple books about this. yes, she did, by the way. thanks, gerri. coming up, immigration remains a top concern for voters as 49 states reportedly are offering voting registration to illegal migrants without proof of citizenship. that's the hot topic of the hour. plus, don't miss our political panel next hour, we've got democrat strategist david
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carlucci, he'll scare off with kris wilson on the battle of the fundraisers. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone, in for maria bartiromo. it is monday


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