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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 17, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone, in for maria bartiromo. it is monday, june 17.
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7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. hundreds of thousands of migrants who have been living in the u.s. illegally for at least a decade could soon get legal status thanks to a new parole plan from the biden administration. it could be announced as soon as tomorrow. it would offer work permits and deportation protections for migrants who entered the country illegally but are married to u.s. citizens and have lived here for at least 10 years, it could also streamline the process for these migrants to obtain permanent legal status and u.s. citizenship without ever having to leave the country. meanwhile, 49 states are now offering voting registration to migrants without proof of citizenship. leading republicans to call for federal action to stop the handouts. former president trump receiving support from black voters during a campaign stop in detroit over the weekend. take a listen to his message to michigan about migrants. >> social security and medicare are under siege because of the people coming over the border
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and the people coming over the border all those millions of people, they're inflicting tremendous harm to our black population and to our hit panicc population. those people are suffering because their jobs are being taken, their hospitals are being taken, their schools are being taken. they're the ones that suffer most. they are gave cell phone, they're -- given a cell phone, given insurance, hospitalization and what it does is people want to come into the country. gavin newsom said come into the united states, we will provide you with hospitalization, we will provide you with education. they're actually taking the chairs of our students. he's destroyed california. cheryl: luke, you made a point earlier and i want to go back to that about michigan and how the comments from the former president really resonated in michigan because of the economics of the state, because of the industry, the auto industry there. >> one of the things i hit on
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was young people and people in general care about the future of america and that it's still around, the systems we have in place are still around. and social security before all these issues are going on, social security was running out, the trust fund that funds 24% of it was running out in 2032. that number is closer to us. if we add more people we have to take care of when it comes to medicare, social security, that number will be depleated further. these people aren't paying into social security, they aren't paying into the benefits. it's a ponzi scheme. the end of the day, the economy is a ponzi scheme where you need workers to make it more productive and thankfully legal immigration is filling a lot of the void. illegal immigration is as well which is not the right way to do it but we need to have more workers in the economy in the long term but we need people to do it the right way. that way we add more product activity and grow the economy. cheryl: the election is going to come down to the swing states, who gets the most electoral votes in november. i want you to listen to what kellyanne conway told maria about the former president
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expanding the map. watch this. >> here is the irony of this race. the irony is that donald trump is expanding into counties, into communities across the country and you can't name a single county or state where joe biden is expanding the map. trump is in detroit, wildwood new jersey, medicine sew take, virginia, talking -- minnesota, virginia, talking about new hampshire. joe biden is doing slightly better, better than poor, in states that are very white like wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. trump is doing better in nevada, arizona, georgia. cheryl: who is the democrat, who is the republican, liz. i thought it was a phases nateing take -- fascinating take. >> i thought the great irony of the race is joe biden angered the entire country with the open border, allowing 10 million people to come across illegally and yet where is he losing votes most? with the hispanic community. people he doesn't understand,
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cheryl, trump is completely right, i will cite my housekeeper who came to me one day and said i'm so angry that all these people have come into my neighborhood, they're bringing gangs and drugs and now i can't take a walk at night because my neighborhood is no longer safe. she is here legally. she is so angry about migrants getting free cell phones, getting free food, free hotel rooms, half of new york's hotels are now taken up by migrants. it's outrageous. so i think for all the people in america who have been saying what were they thinking, why don't they close the border, we know what they're thinking. we know they think a good number of those people are going to vote in this election this year and i think this is a huge problem. republicans can't stop it. they can't stop the fact that joe biden has weaponized every single federal agency to make sure that people get signed up to vote whichs is what he's doing, it's not just this sort of passive thing of when you get
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a driver's license you also are registered to vote. they are push pushing this throh all the federal agencies. cheryl: have to request it. if they say i'm not a citizen -- >> of course. cheryl: who is going to own up to that. we've got a stolen -- >> for example, in california, the biggest number of illegal migrants in the done you tri, there are mill -- country, there are millions of them. you mean to tell me with the mail-in ballots that someone is going to check every single one and check the citizenship status of every single vote? that's not going to happen. cheryl: there's a push for that to -- in new york city. we've seen that. that was months ago. it was very frustrating to your point. they want to make it legal. you've been here for 30 days, you can vote. >> it's absurd. cheryl: it is absurd. there's been some pushback. really quick, i want to ask about this because of the crime issue. there was an illegal immigrant from he'l el salvador charged wh
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murder and rape of a maryland mom of five. when you see horrific stories like this, this is rachel moreland, that's the suspect right there, not the first crime that victor hernandez committed. they found his dna with an attack in la. he entered the country in february of ' '23 after reportedly murdering a young woman in el salvador. and now he's here. this is what people are watching and seeing and thinking thank you, joe biden, for this. >> it's spreading all throughout the u.s. too. it's not near the border. it's not in texas. it's not in arizona. it's now all throughout the united states. and large cities and small cities. so everyone's kind of got that guard up that they're kind of concerned and crime policies obviously are bad from the social aspect and humanitarian aspect but the economic aspect, people are scared to do things, not spending money, you have small business owners that are hurt because crime is actually
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inflationary. people have to invest in security cameras, all that stuff to keep their business running to make sure they're protecting the people coming into their business so that's making it harder for everyday americans, the everyday business owner and everyone in america. cheryl: and that's why the democrats must -- that's why i'm telling you, that's why the washington post put the editorial out this morning that said that joe biden may not be looking at the polls but he needs to. >> yeah. cheryl: he's losing young voters, hispanics and blacks and this is why. it always comes down to economics. >> yeah. his tore cliff, when you've -- historically, when you've had uncontrolled migration, it's the black voters and union voters. unions used to oppose this. now they're a happy with it because they see as democrats see they'll eventually harvest the people here illegally and make them union members. that's their hope. at the low end, you can see at the low end of the income spectrum in the united states right now, basically wages are
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being driven down by this uncontrolled increase and you know, i think every american is offended by it and it's amazing to the me that biden has done nothing except promise more, which by the way brings in more people. cheryl: it's misguided but -- >> outrageous. cheryl: that's why we have an election coming up. we're just getting started, coming up, apple's a.i. development plans will stretch into next year as they hope to do a slow rollout to avoid issues. my next guest says he's not convinced apple will be a leader in a.i. word on wall street panel, they're coming up next. don't miss a moment of it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ you're simply the best. ♪ better than all the rest. ♪ better than anyone. ♪ anyone i've ever met. ♪
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cheryl: time now for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me now is wealth management group president, give gina bolvin. also with me is luke lloyd. apple says they're going to gradually roll out new a.i. features over the next few months, into next year. you're not convinced apple's going to be a leader in a.i. and you're saying they could break up their businesses. so what's going on here? >> a lot. a lot's going on here. so a.i. as i've said before is a winner take all kind of game. whoever develops the best mind, the best software is going to stay ahead. i think apple's a little too far behind to be one of the current leaders, if they're not a current leader they're not going to be a future leader. they're partnering with other firms like chatgpt or open a.i., they're not developing a lot of things inside their own businesses and they are trying to compete with the nvidias of the world, trying to develop their own chips, trying to get into the data center space.
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they do $400 billion a year right now, little below that in revenue. when you do that much revenue, when the a.i. kind of mentality, developing the semiconductors, when they're a small part of your revenue, even if you increase that to a couple billion dollars or $10 billion, it doesn't do much to the actual top line or bottom line so what i think is going to actually happen here to deliver shareholder value over the long term, to give it a he higher multiple, to get investors more excited about apple, i think it's possible we could see apple split up like at&t did in the '80s, like hew hewlett-packd and pay pal did, i think you might see a spinoff of the innovation side of their business, a.i., semiconductors and that's going to deliver shareholder value most likely will deliver shareholder value. that's what would get me excited again about apple. cheryl: it's interesting what he's saying. not every company will effectively use a.i. the technology is exciting. i was more interested in seeing a.i. in the manufacturing
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sector, consumer products, the backend, the warehouse at walmart for example but a.i. is not the end all, be all for everyone in the space. what do you make of this? >> well, i think a.i. has been a tremendous tail wind for the market and that's one of the reasons why the market has done so well this year, particularly tech. there's going to be some winners, there's going to be some losers but it is a great underpinning for the market and it's one of the reasons why we're bullish. cheryl: interesting. i want to talk about inflation with you, gina, because i'm seeing your notes about it but first let's look at the 10 year right now and the yield on that. as we talk about the comments that came from kneel cash carry -- neel kashkari. so the minneapolis federal reserve president 15eud the bank is in good position to take its time with cutting interest rates and he says more data is needed. we're going to hear from the bank of england on thursday, they're expected to hold interest rates. i want to go back to neel
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kashkari. as you mentioned in your notes. cpi and ppi, we had better than expected reports, lighter than expected so if it's an inflation story that would signal to me the fed should be looking at september and the market took that as well and the market can took off on the news. but now you have kashkari saying we can be patient, we need more data. that tells me he's looking at december. >> you know, i don't think investors should be making a decision on what to buy based on what's going to happen in two or three months or by the end of the year and it's 25 basis points really going to affect stocks that much? i don't think so. i am encouraged by the cpi. we've had softer than expected data. but the fed is going to have to see more than just two months of soft data. i think what's really interesting about the cpi that came out is that it was softer
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than expected yet housing, which is the biggest component of cpi, it didn't come down and if you substitute real-time housing data for owners equivalent rent you're going to see cpi coming down to 2% and we have seen some doveish comments by loretta mester, austin goolsby. it's going to take time. inflation is coming down. i think we'll see a cut this year. cheryl: i think the big point is the shelter component but that's where the interest rate cuts do play in, in particular for the housing market, and so it's not just so much the single stock investors, it's more that this could unstick housing and really kind of juice up the economy and that's what i think -- i think that's the other side that the market would like to see. we could go higher, things could get better by the end of the year for the markets if that component kicks in. >> that's actually interesting.
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the 10 year treasury, the bond market has already discounted i think a lot of -- a couple rate cuts, rate cuts factored into this. we saw 10 year treasury trading close to 5% a few months ago, it's at 4.25% now. we've dropped 75 basis points from the top of trading. that gives you insight. mortgage rates have come down the past couple weeks. this could be priced in. it could spark more demand in the housing market. 30% of people's net worth is tied to the housing market. people can borrow against their house, home equity line of credit, people feel rich because assets are inflated. what happens when you lose your job? what happens if the assets come down? that's when you need to pay attention. cheryl: we'll leave it here. gina, when you're seeing the wealthier consumer go to walmart for groceries, that tells you something. and savings rates are down. >> yeah, it does. yeah, it does. i moon, you are starting to see
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the consumer under pressure and that is slowing demand and that's what's also unfortunately going to help bring inflation. cheryl: gina, always good to see you. gina bolvin. >> thank you. cheryl: luke will stay with us all morning long. coming up, nearly all 50 of states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship as the biden campaign works to win back many 2020 supporters, we've got oklahoma congressman kevin hern here to talk about that next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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cheryl: tomorrow, president biden is expected to announce a pathway to permanent legal status for hundreds of thousands of migrants living in the u.s. for at least 10 years and are married to u.s. citizens, the plan would change existing laws which prevents illegal migrants from obtaining green cards. the new york post reports agencies in 49 states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring any proof of s citizes
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citizenships, they can access voter registration forms. 19 states and washington, d.c. allow noncitizens to obtain driver's licenses. joining us now, congressman kevin hern. congressman, good morning. >> great to be with you. cheryl: this issue of election integrity once again rearing its head when it comes to these states and the fact that they're basically allowing migrants if they wanted to, to vote in a federal election. we're looking at state laws versus federal law and there seems to be a disconnect here. your thoughts? >> well, many thoughts. first of all, it will show you democrats will do anything to win an election including having noncitizens vote. what we're seeing with biden right now is basically dreamers 2.0 from the obama administration that he and president obama did, that was an you oout dakotasrage for all am,
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especially legal immigrants that came here the right way. this is what everyone's been saying for years now, the democrats, they don't really care about the people themselves, they need more voters so they can ensure the kind of policies that destroy america and put america last, not first, is what we'll see for the future. cheryl: i think what the new york post brings up, i think it's fair to repeat here, if an applicant attests they're a u.s. citizen that's considered valid on its face and the person is responsible officered to vote and that's why there is concern about election integrity because of these polling numbers for joe biden and that the democrats are realizing they've got a major issue but let's talk about business here for a second because -- so president biden recently vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have repealed a national labor relations board rule that treats companies as
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joint employers of contract and franchise workers and forces them to bargain with those workers' unions. biden says the bill will harm collective bargaining for workers while accusing the republicans of, quote, siding with union busting corporations. a little harsh. you wrote an op-ed for the hill about this and you call it congress approved on something bipartisan and biden vetoed it. one of the quotes that you mentioned in the op-ed, you say it was a slap in the face to the franchise community and a more than 800,000 small businesses operating as a franchise. you were a mcda mcdonald's franchisee owner at one point. get into this, why this is so important. >> well, what's really sad about this is so many people like me that have grown up struggling in life, grew up in a poor childhood, had an opportunity to get into the franchising world as i did. i spent 10 of years to go through the program, saved
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$100,000, got my first mcdonald's restaurant and grew the business to 24 restaurants, thousands of employees. people that got a start in life, went on to do very well in business and see the american dream. my wife and i worked every day, seemed like sometimes the weeks had eight days in them and this president wants to destroy all that for the 800,000 franchise owners out there, across america. the place where you're not in business by yourself, you're in business with a company that's created a system, you can control your employees and what joe biden and the democrats want to do -- i've said more importantly joe biden and the administration want to destroy that. this was a bipartisan bill, house and senate. to get the republican led house and democrat controlled senate, they put a bill together that the president of the united states supposedly loves small businesses, destroyed it for the sake of union organizers it's an
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atrocity, a slap in the face of what the american dream is all about. cheryl: congressman, it's true. small business is the driver, the economic driver of job growth in this country. that's why we're seeing people take second and third jobs. they're not making enough to make ends meet, to make rent. i want to ask something about last week. you were in the room when former president trump was in washington. and one of the things that we are hearing about his conversations with some of the top ceos, jamie dimon, and brian moynihan when he was at the business round table, he was really push being his proposals, talking about ideas. one of the things he floated apparently was maybe taking the corporate tax rate down, maybe it's 20%, maybe it's 15%, that was discussed. we know president biden wants to do the opposite. and then the other thing is that he really seemed to be promoting the business friendly agenda. did you hear those things coming from former president trump when you were in the room with him and can you share that with us? >> sure.
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not only when i was in the room but ever since he became president in 2016 we heard that. that's the reason i ran for congress, that we had somebody in the white house that cared about business and cared about putting people to work and getting them off of government welfare, it was so important in my life to get a hand up but we can't keep giving hand youths. right now what we have, we have over 90 programs, over a trill i trillion dollars a year, a social safety net program and done very little for poverty in america. president trump talks about this being the greatest nation, greatest place in the world to do business, create jobs and a put americans to work. that's what we need to be working on. i think also what you're seeing with these business leaders that haveshied away from president tp is they're seeing a two tiered system of justice that joe biden and the democrats have done and allowed, for instance, not to allow to corroborate the transcript, they're concerned that anybody is fair game in the biden administration's doj and
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they want to change the direction. president trump, i will tell you this, it's hard to believe on friday he was 78 years old. the energy he has, the places he's going, the thousands of people coming to see him, and seeing joe biden who is an 81-year-old tired old man that doesn't know what's going on, has sasspecial counsel robert h, it's a difference of night and day, the two leaders for the american people. cheryl: when it comes to policy, the actual things that would change, whether we have another term with joe biden or a second term of donald trump, when it comes to the nuts and bolts and dollars and cents of that that's where we see the polling tell us that americans are looking at their wallets, they're looking at their economic situation and they're telling the polls, the pollsters that they're not happy. final word. >> yeah. i think what you're seeing and your previous guest talked about what the current inflation has done but what people need to
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remember, why they're hurting so badly, the cost of everything is up some 20% since g joe biden tk office. we have a run away border, an energy policy that puts friends around the world dependent on other parts of the world for gas and natural oil and what we see with the economic policies as you described that are just terrible, the foreign policies that we're seeing right now, chaos around the world, president trump had no wars started and wars cost money and they cost lives and so the american people are wanting to get back to where they were four years ago and put more money in their wallets so they can live a better life. cheryl: congressman kevin hern, thank you for being here. >> great to see you. cheryl: we've got a lot more coming up this morning. the race for the white house is heating up with less than two weeks out from the first presidential debate. biden shmoozing with celebrities in a hollywood fundraiser while trump gains ground with black voters, pollsters are here to
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discuss the state of the race, that's next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪
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♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. cheryl: president biden appearing to freeze up at his star studded campaign fundraiser saturday night with barack obama having to lead him off stage. the white house is denying this, they say biden was taking in applause from the crowd. the biden campaign did raise a record 30 million plus at the event which was hosted by jimmy kimmel and featured julia roberts and george clooney. while biden was rubbing elbows with celebrities, former president trump was campaigning in detroit in an effort to reach
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out to black voters, he attended a round table discussion at a church on saturday. here's what the pastor of the church had to say about trump's appearance. watch. >> president trump, i'm so humbled that you would be here. president obama never came to the hood, so-to-speak, right? president joe biden, he went to the big naacp dinner but never came to the hood. so thank you. cheryl: joining me now for telex debate panel, former new york state senator and democratic strategist, david carlucci, and pollster and wpa intelligence ceo, kris wilson. good morning to both of you. kris, i'll start with you, get your reaction to this appearance by donald trump in the church when you've got joe biden mixing it up with all the celebrities in la. >> well wit, i think there's a couple as expects. you look at the impact it could have on michigan. president trump lost michigan.
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joe biden got 90% of the black vote. all president trump would have to do is double his percentage of the black vote to 20% and right now national polls show him between 25 and 30%. i think these visits are very important. if you look at michigan, wisconsin, georgia, he has a really strong opportunity to change the face of the electorate by getting a small increase in the after a can african-americanvote. national polls show he's doing better than that. when you look at what happened at the fundraiser plays into a bigger, more negative narrative. it affects every vote. recent polling shows 76% of americans are concerned about joe biden's health, his cognitive ability, his age. that includes 54% of democrats and 81% of independents so when those sort of clips you've showed, it will show hundreds of times on television today, that will play into the numbers and that 76%, it's hard to believe
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it could get higher but it could, in particular when you contrast it with the energy of president trump. cheryl: okay, so david, i want to bring up something here as we're looking at the video of barack obama kind of escorting biden off the stage, because i was -- we got the official transcript of the conversation with jimmy kimmel this morning and one of the things that i have to read this to you because we don't have the audio, it says -- this is biden speaking and he says well, the economy's growing, people are better. we had the highest unemployment, the highest, i'm thinking he misspoke there. the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, liz peek mentioned that's not necessarily true anymore, we have more people, over 50 million people, brand-new hired into the workplace. that's not true. a lot of that was covid jobs that came back. so it's the messaging. joe biden is slow, we're seeing that physically but also his words seemed a little garbled on stage saturday night. >> well, i think if you take a
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few seconds of anyone's hour, two hour event, you could knit pick it and -- nit pick it and find flaws with it. cheryl: most people aren't running for president. >> ronnie johnson, saying it twice, his doctor is ronnie jackson. we can nitpick the laws all the time. this will be a problem for republicans. the debate is coming up on the 27th. the republicans are lowering expectations of what biden will deliver. it's like the dog that caught the car. you look at the state of the union speech. how do you justify it. donald trump is saying joe biden was using drugs in order to perform a good debate so when we take these clips and especially out of context, i think it does no service obviously to the american people but it's also setting up the republicans for failure. because this is what they're coming to expect when it's an echo chamber like this, just
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highlighting the gaffes, and meanwhile when you have an uninterrupted debate for 906 90 minutes you'll be able to see joe biden is alive, well, active and doing the job he's elected to do and we can point at the numbers as well. donald trump when he -- when covid took effect in the united states, he had no idea what to do. the economy was plummeting. cheryl: let's back up. i have to stop you. because we're not talking about 2020, i'm talking about today. there are many critics that say that joe biden we had in 2020 is not the joe biden we have in 2024. and you can -- look, you're rights, we can pick apart words that come from both candidates. that's what we're here to do and look at both sides. at the end of the day, it's those little things that pick up momentum with voters who seemingly starting to tune into this election. i would argue mostly about the economy and their own wallets but that's just me. anyway, let's move on to the
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debate. you brought that up. let's move on to what we can expect here. we've got less than two weeks to go. it's going to be on cnn. we've got the rules over the weekend. to qualify a candidate has to receive 15% support in four separate national polls, has to be on the ballot in enough states to reach 270 electoral college votes. the out outlet says it's not possible for rfk junior to still make it on the debate stage. there's two commercial breaks. and then the candidates are not going to be ayou loud to allowet with the campaign during that time. no studio audience. the positions will be determined by a coin flip. the mics will be muted outside of speaking time. they get a pen, note pad, bottle of water. david, i want to start with you. that means basically joe biden cannot reach back for any of his pre-prepared note cards. he's going to -- we've seen him at the podium with the press
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looking -- it's all laid out for him by the white house, by the communications team. he won't have that on that stage. >> yeah. he'll have to be prepared and i expect that he will be. i look at the state of the union as a performance where with he over-performed. the expectations were very low. that's what i'm saying that donald trump is setting himself up for failure. he might be at a crowd or or rally of adoring fans for an hour or hour and-a-half. if you focus in on a few seconds of what he's saying, you hear a rambling, babe ba bbling older . cheryl: i think donald trumps does best when he's just ad libbing and shooting from the hip. that's what his appeal is. >> there's attacks, he talks about blaming people. he's not talking about real facts. cheryl: let's stick with the debate, guys. let's stick with the debate and what we'll see on the stage.
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i want you to listen to what kellyanne conway told maria yesterday about what she thinks trump's debate strategy should be. go ahead. .>> he'll be fine, he's donald trump. let joe biden speak. let him slur. let him struggle. let him stumble. let him stand at the debate podium for 90 minutes with the lack of energy, acuity ability we see and be ready for most of the questions to be about abortion and january 6 and the obsession about -- cheryl: chris, respond to that, about what she's saying. >> kellyanne is right. i think trump does do best when ad libbing, he's not going to know as much about washington or about policies as joe biden does. nobody does. he's been in office longer than most of us have been alive. having said that, i think the less he talks, the more lets biden talks, the better it is for him. these rfk junior participation rules are a big, big deal and a
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big problem for the democratic party. it illustrates the problems that exist and the divisions that exist within the democratic part and he desire for an alternative voice from a democratic candidate from the electorate. if you look at historical examples of a third party candidate, one that comes from the same party and really the only one we have we can look at directly is the teddy roosevelt one where he was able to go in and take enough votes away from willwilliam taft which cost hime re-election. from that standpoint, i think it's a real challenge and i think you're going to see the democrats do everything they can to keep r fk junior from being able to cal qualify for the deb. cheryl: the wall street journal is reporting top ceos are flocking back to trump, stemming from frustration with president biden, a realization that trump could win and shaking up the
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agenda rather than scrambling afterwards. your thought on the headline. >> i read that wall street journal article. it sounds like they're willing to listen. i never heard any full throated endorsements from anyone credible saying we needs donald trump. yes, they're willing to listen and you hear stories about donald trump just giving away regulations to the i highest bidder, asking oil executives to raise a billion dollars for him and he'll cut regulations. a lot of quid pro quo going on, more blatant than i've ever seen with the donald trump campaign and it looks like hey, i'll give you tax cuts, we'll make the divide between the rich and poor even greater and put our country into further deficit. i see major pandering from donald trump right now. cheryl: i have to be clear though that we did not verify those comments that you're referencing from that meeting at mar-a-lago. kris, last word. >> i think what you're seeing right now that matters is how many of the business executives that endorse ronald desantis, governor desantis in the primary
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that moved of back over to donald trump. that matters a lot today. what will matter tomorrow as we get into the fall, is we see any executives who endorsed joe biden in 2020, some are saying that they won't vote for him, they haven't gone as far to endorse trump. if you see that movement take place, that has a big impact on voters, employees, things like that a. when we look at states that have very small margins, and you showed those earlier, nevada, georgia, arizona, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, when you look at those, just small percentages here and there can make all the difference in the world and that's where the sort of ceo changes can make a big impact. cheryl: yeah, no, it's going to come down to col dollars and ce. thank you to both of you. appreciate your time this morning. we have a lot more coming up. even the democrats admit they've destroyed the west coast as they block anti-tax and anti-crime initiatives from the november ballot. we've got all the details coming up next. plus, don't miss a first on fox interview tomorrow, fox business' h edward lawrence is
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sitting down with john williams, 8:30 a.m. eastern time. we'll be right back. can i have another pancake? from full house... empty nest... free birds. vanguard personal advisor can help you prepare for every chapter. we got this. that's the value of ownership. things will go wrong for your customers. but your business can make it right, with watsonx assistant. ai that can help resolve problems by understanding your customer requests with 90 percent accuracy. let's create customer service in service of customers, with watsonx assistant. ibm. let's create. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials.
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“the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. cheryl: the biden administration preparing to release more oil from the strategic stockpile in an effort to keep gas prices down this summer. gerri willis has details.
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>> that is right, cheryl. the top energy advisor said prices at the pump are still too high for many americans and would like to see them come down even if it means releasing more oil from our nation's strategic petroleum reserve. republicans have accused biden of political abuse and misuse of the stockpile. many see the potential move as an effort to contain inflation before the election. biden depleted the sbr by 42% since he took office. take a look at prices this morning, they're up not quite a half percent, brent crude and crude oil prices. michael cohen announces he will challenge jerry nadler for new york's 12th congressional seat in the 2026 race, cohen saying he would have run this year but was preoccupied with trump's manhattan trial where he took the stand against the former president. nadler put out a statement writing i put my record of
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accomplishment against anyone including donald trump's disgraced former fixer, michael cohen. a lot going on there. a highly anticipated rematch between the chicago sky and indiana fever yesterday as caitlin clark and angel reece faced off yet again, reece smacking clark in the head during an attempt to block in the third quarter and drawing a flagrant foul. a lot of people calling foul on that. reece played off the foul as, quote, just basketball. and clark and green telling reporters it happens. she's a tremendous player and people love to see great matchups. fever took home the win. even the new york times can't believe the state of california, that is, the new op-ed what have we liberals done to the west coast, they write as democrats make their case to voters, some of the bluest parts of the country, cities on the west coast are a mess.
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california governor gavin newsom under fire for trying to silence another voter initiative which would toughen punishments for drug crimes and theft. newsome and his legislature previously filing a lawsuit to block a citizen push that would make it harder to raise taxes. critics are asking why are the california democrats scared of their voters? maybe because they have more sense. cheryl: because they're leaving. look at the united van lines, the number one state in the country that moves out and doesn't move back in is california because of taxes and crime. >> where's the new york times been? i mean, in what world does it make sense to not prosecute criminals, to decide as they did in san francisco that you can steal up to a certain amount and it's perfectly okay? this is ridiculous. we were talking about common sense. we need to have common sense brought back into how our cities and our states are governed. california is a disaster. it is a sanctuary state, meaning that they welcome migrants.
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the offensive thing about that is not just that it hurts people in that state. it means that politicians in that state will not be we than d for losing a million people which is what they've done. why? because the census counts illegals. so as far as the census is concerned which determines the number of house seats you have, the number of electoral votes, there is nothing wrong in california whatsoever. cheryl: the author lives in portland, oregon. there's a real success story. >> it's no mystery. >> it what happens when government gets involved. from the federal level, what happens at the state level, california and oregon. i call it the democratic doom loop. they try to solve problems by giving it more problems essentially, calling inflation, inflation fair riff issues, we're going to -- inflationary issues, we're going to raise the minimum wage which is inflationary. they try to fix inflation with inflation. i've been talking with a lot of people that a are moving out because the cost of living is
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just so high because of all this policies that have been implemented. it's easier to sell your house and live somewhere else. cheryl: there's gavin newsom who by the way will be in the spin room we're learning at the debate for biden, that's going to be uncomfortable. gerri, thank you very mitch. good to see you. all right. we've got a lot more coming up, everybody. your yyou are watching "morningh maria" live on fox business. bl♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently.
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