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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ ♪. stuart: can't you hear me knocking by the rolling stones, you can sing along with it. >> i was listening all morning. i should've gone to the concert a couple of weeks ago to see an 81-year-old vivek jagger running across the stage and not getting out of breath. good morning, everyone it is
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time, we better get to the money, little bit of red ink, the dow is down 114-point minor losses for the s&p and the nasdaq, have at the ten year treasury it went up a little bit, firmly above four and a quarter percent, the price of oil approaching $80 a barrel, 7d it is 65 grand. that's the markets. now this. we heard a lot about president biden's outreach to hispanics he's lost a lot of support from the demographic and he needs to get it back. get ready with the mother of all outreach programs, it is call parole in place and it will be announced tomorrow june 18 that is the 12 anniversary of obama's executive order allowing migrants who came here as children to stay, biden's outreach goes a whole lot further. an estimated 1.1 million illegals would be allowed to stay if they have been here ten years and married to a u.s. citizen, they would get a work
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permit and could not be deported, it will be the mother of all amnesty programs, it is beau biden, 7.6 million migrants have come here since biden took office, there are another 1.9 million known got a ways, some have terror connections, summer members of venezuelan criminal gangs in the outreach came and marilyn were migrant from el salvador allegedly raped and murdered a mother of five, rachel morin was her name. it turns out he fled to america, crossing the border illegally after murdering a young woman in el salvador, what will we do with the mass migration, donald trump says deport them, biden's answer is parole in place, that is code for amnesty, he thinks that will bring back the hispanic vote maybe he should read the latest cvs poll which showed 62% of hispanics want a new national program to deport
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all undocumented migrants, the open border and now amnesty, picture political mistakes and everybody else has to pay for it. second hour of "varney" just getting started. bill maher issued a stark warning for democrats about biden's immigration policies, watch this. >> voters keep saying over and over again we are not comfortable with this lover under level of immigration and i understand why it doesn't make you racist to say that in the liberal parts certainly in america said last week he's our senator here and by reviving trump's asylum band, biden has undermined american values and they all stand back and say we don't want to be called a racist so we will not make a move on immigration, it's going to get them the election date is
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happening, it's happening in europe and it proves that in europe and is going to happen in america. stuart: we should've bleeped that out. brian brenberg is with me this morning, to me this is simple, biden cannot control the border and will not control the border. >> i will say does not want to control the border, here's what's happening if you look at the policy with the ten years and you're married and you get the work permit what they do they overwhelm the system they make it impossible to manage the system and once that is happened on the backend the accomplish everything that they want, is it a million, they do it that way and they do it by executive order, that is almost the bigger issue were losing our democracy to executive order, how can a policy like this be decided by a president do we elect the king to make policy for four years, we have a congress, they should vote on this and there is no way it would pass congress.
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>> at 7.4 million plus 1.9 million got a ways i think these folks have to work, at some point they're going to have to work because we cannot support the all and we can have them sitting around. >> i'm going to disagree i know where you're coming from but that's exactly what the left want you to say, they'll say you're right you have to work your good capitalist you know people have to work. once you do that it is over, the amnesty has happened. i know deportation is hard nobody wants to talk about it because it means tough choices. if you ratify what is happened with the immigration policy in this border over the last four years with work permits you will never stop it. stuart: you're an economist, surely the cheap labor will be very good for the american economy wouldn't it? >> labor is good for the american economy but you have to do according to the rule of law,
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capitalism cannot thrive without the rule of law it is a fundamental component of prosperity, our border is the antithesis of the rural i'm with steve moore he had them on earlier i'm a big fan of legal immigration and is a low birth environment, illegal immigration over time will destroy prosperity because it will destroy the rule of law and you can see it right now our president wants to do an executive order to ratify lawlessness. stuart: good stuff, thank you very much indeed we will see later in the day, now this trump was in detroit over the weekend and he made a campaign stop at a church, how tobacco. >> the pastor of the church thanked him for visiting the hood, watch here. >> president trump i'm so humbled that you would be here, president obama never came to the hood so to speak. president joe biden went to the big w but never came to the h
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hood. >> biden got 94% of the detroit vote in 2020. trump is not looking to win detroit but is looking to win michigan in if he could up the numbers in detroit he could absolutely do it. stuart: while trump was in detroit biden was in los ang angeles, biden went after the supreme court, what did he say. >> he called it out of step inside one of the scariest thing about potential second trump term is having him replace supreme court justices, listen. >> the supreme court has never been as out of kilter as it is today pre-the fact of the matter is this is never been a court this far out of step. stuart: he went on to say if trump is selected that he selects tumor supreme court justices, that's what he was saying. >> is doubling down, what is
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next week two years since the supreme court overturned row versus wade, nbc news is reporting that the biden campaign is planning over 30 events of the swing states to leverage the moment to tell women that trump is taking their freedom away. what happened a couple of days ago what did the supreme court do they said the abortion pill used in two thirds could stay on the market, trump says leave it to the state it is like a scare tactic that is coming from the biden campaign, i get it is politics biden wants to win that's how you paint your opponent. stuart: look at reality, turn to the markets, it is monday morning, here's what's happening to your money a little bit of red ink, mike lee is back with us, use a big cap tech will lead the market? there is a well-known analyst dan ives said microsoft is going to go to $550 a share, what do you say about the big cap rally and microsoft.
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>> in this case big is beau beautiful, the biggest stocks are the ones leading the market as we saw calendar year 2023, there leading the market because they are the ones with the most substantial earnings growth they have balance sheets that are healthier than most nationstates in the world and they have the best future prospects because what were looking at right now is the largest technological upgrade in the history of the world not being artificial intelligence. it's all happening in front of us and it cost a tremendous amount of money to be well-positioned so the biggest players, the ones with the most amount of money our position to do the best as we transform into the next phase of technology, not only are these companies with the best earnings and balance sheets but they have the best future prospects in the near-term. stuart: ever cora well-known in wall street they lifted their
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target for the year end s&p to 6000, it is currently under 5000, do you think that is the possibility of rally of that kind by the end of this year for the s&p. >> absolutely. when you make new highs, you normally make more new highs in the three things that i look forward to be a super bowl , never what do we have an expanding economy, yes. are we going to see increasing liquidity, yes, not only from rate cuts later this year but quantitative tightening which isn't talked about as much as rate cuts but bottom line were getting more liquidity in if you look earnings growth for the next quarter is expected to be a 9% year-over-year, i imagine those numbers will go up like they did this last quarter another extraordinary bowl sign, when you put those together stocks go higher and my evidence for this is the last 15 years.
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stuart: you made your point again. interesting stuff, thank you for joining us we will see you soon. lauren is looking at the mover and i want to know about nvidia. >> the supreme court will hear nvidia's appeal of 2018 security fraud lawsuit accusing of misleading investors over how much of the sales went to crypto currencies. it's chips are used in crypto mining which we forget because were constantly talking about nvidia chips as the oil for the a.i. industrial revolution the stock in a high earlier in its down fractionally right now. >> down 13 cents. broad,. >> topping $1800 for the first time 18 - 14 for a gain of 55% this year it's been up seven days in a row after a few days ago and plans to execute a ten for one stock split as all the cool tech kids are doing. stuart: did best buy get an upgrade. >> they should get a price target of 106 they say the
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improvement in housing to buy more electronics for your home, the natural electronics replacement cycle that is boosted by a.i. in new categories. >> moving on to this, kamala harris attended a ukraine peace summit the trump campaign was quick to criticize harris for her fill in role by the president attended the star-studded fundraiser in los angeles, peter doocy has a report coming up israel's military says it will cause fighting during daytime hours and gaza to free up a backlog of humanitarian aid deliveries, this is been driven yet yahoo disbanded israel's war cabinet wanted the repercussions of that for biden, kt mcfarland is next. t erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it.
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stuart: not that much price movement the dow is down 100 and nasdaq of 12-point vice president harris went to the ukraine peace summit in biden's place the president was attending the fundraiser in los angeles, peter doocy joins me how did the summit go without fighting? >> it was an interesting dynamic president biden was in europe for the last two weeks and zelenskyy was begging him publicly to attend switzerland peace summit for ukraine the president biden passed he said as vice president instead even though this is one of the white house top foreign-policy priorities helping ukraine. >> for president joe biden and me is one of our defined emissions to uphold international rules-based order
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to defend it, strengthening and promoted. no doubt it must be a priority for us all. >> according to the vice president underscore the united states is unwavering support for the people of ukraine as they defend themselves against an ongoing russian aggression, this was not just a follow-up the vice president was working on a critical piece of ukraine aid which is new loans were the ukrainians can get money borrowed against the value of seized russian assets. >> we agreed the g7 at our partners have agreed to tap the value of the stream to provide a $50 billion loan to ukraine that will be paid from the so-called windfall profits that are accruing in this financial institution. >> if there are any big or
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important under policy developments the vice president might remain in the leading role because president biden is kicking it off to delaware and camp david for several days in a row of debate prep ahead of next week's one-on-one with chuck. stuart: he needs some rest. peter doocy, will see you soon. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dissolved his work cabinet he does not agree with the tactical positive the military to allowed aid into southern gaza, kt mcfarland joins me now. israeli politics appeared to be a mess, what are the repercussions for biden? >> the biden administration has it doesn't really matter who is running israel because the policy is going to be the same the israeli leadership, the work cabinet and all the senior leaders of every political party in israel they want to destroy hamas they don't want have a
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permanent scar they don't want to leave things the way they are. i think the biden administration is diluting itself if they think the get a different leader in a different outcome. the problem in gaza is not the a that plenty of humanitarian aid is getting the humanitarian aid to the people. the reason it doesn't go to the people, hamas takes it and in charge of distributing their not distributing. if something really chilling happened last week the wall street journal had an article where they were showing the quotes from the senior leader of hamas yaya said mark what he was telling his own people as we want civilian deaths we want the blood of her own people. if we get the blood and we are in the news. it goes against human nature, every being wants to protect her own children and yaya does not he wants palestinian women and children to die because it gets blood and blood gets headlines
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and that's how he thinks he wins the war. stuart: it annoys me when i see pro-hamas demonstrators in america in new york city in particular labeled as anti-israel, they are pro-hamas, they are pro-the people who are brutalizing jews, i think we should be clear about that, the media at this moment is not. >> the media is not and not just that there brutalizing and calling for kill all jews they want their own people to die, think about what that means, the head of hamas wants his own people to die because then he's in the headlines, he figures he wins and hamas wins no matter what. hamas wins if there's a permanent cease-fire and a mosque can survive to control gaza yet again. he thinks he wins if israel has to occupy gaza there could be a forever war that they'll be bogged down in more killings and bloodshed which isolates israel and makes israel the nation,
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people need to understand what's really going on don't look at the headlines as you point out, look at what's really happening, here's a leader in the world today that wants is on women and children today. stuart: extraordinary, senator tom kohn from arkansas blames biden for pollutants war in ukraine, watch this twomac i think it's important to look at the context of what's happening in ukraine over the last ten years i know vladimir putin only invades ukraine with democrats and president inhabited barack obama and joe biden and it did not happen with donald trump, one reason why vladimir putin that he could get away with going to the jugular and praying is because of the debt under disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan it with a weakness and decision, it was a few weeks later when he mass troops on ukraine's border. stuart: is that a cotton right? >> is right for a couple of reasons and one that nobody wants to talk about is the price
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of oil, russia needs high oil prices because it lives off of the oil export revenues that's for everything. if you look at what the price of oil in the obama administration was $120 a barrel what was it during the trump administration $40 a barrel, what happened with president biden came in he undid everything trump it on energy and i think you just that this is 40 if oil prices are $80 a barrel when oil prices are high who gets his military and increases his military and invades his neighbors in ukraine when our prices are low who hunkered down below what donald trump is been a successful president it wasn't that ukraine and putin didn't want to invade ukraine, pollutants can invade ukraine when donald trump was president and then the money. stuart: i want to talk about french politics, jordan bartonella is a far right national front and gaining a lot
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of ground, he's 28 years old but he has a chance to be the next prime minister, tell me, what is happening in france and all of europe. >> these are not far right candidates. the media portrays them as far right the really center-right, what's happening all over europe in the european election two weeks ago all the globalist liberal leaders got a trouncing mother was france or germany, belgium, they all got trounced because the european people are reacting to the bad policies over the last ten or so years, the open border the massive immigration and the lack of simulation in the woke agenda in these countries in the economic disaster that these leaders have brought, there was a funny headline with the european leaders at normandy the headline said the meeting of european leaders, it was not leaders the meeting of european losers
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because all the losers of the countries lost big at the polls. stuart: times change fast, kt mcfarland it was a pleasure, thank you for joining us we will see you soon. a new house bill that will register certain men for the draft, already ashley wichman. >> men aged 18 to 26 are u.s. citizens the part of the national defense authorization act which sets out the military priorities over the next fiscal year selector service has been more than 50 years but it is mandatory for all male u.s. citizens to register for the draft when they turn 18, failure to register is classified as a felony and it comes with a host of legal challenges supporters of the house amendment say registration would cut down on bureaucratic red tape and also help u.s. citizens avoid unnecessary legal issues and
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let's not forget it will cut down on taxpayer dollars going toward prosecuting the cases. that said it's unlikely that the bill will be taken up in the senate were democrats complain the overall bill includes curbs on funding for abortion, transgender medical care and diversity efforts. it is not going anywhere but there you have it. stuart: thank you, still ahead angel reese hit caitlin clark in the head putting the star players rivalry on full display, once again we will tell you how reese is brushing it off, kate middleton attending the ceremony over the weekend was her first public appearance since announcing her cancer diagnosis, doctor marc siegel will give us an update. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ ♪. stuart: you looking at san antonio, texas we are playing the song amarillo by morning because country music legend george strait broke the record for the highest attended concert in america for the 110,000 fans
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came to see the king of country by texas a&m at college station texas, 110,000 people about that, the previous high was a grateful dead 50 years ago which i don't remember check the market a minor loss for the dow and s&p in the nasdaq a little bit of red ink, look at novo nordisk, bernie sanders announces the company chief executive will testify before the senate about the price of weight loss medication like ozempic and wegovy senator says it's set for early september. you looking at some of the movers of novo nordisk. >> morgan stanley reiterates dell as a topic they met with management and thinkers momentum and the a.i. servers in the pc rebound, the stock is up almost
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3%. stuart: i saw micron up. >> cantor fitz-gerald ghost wanted $80 a share 20% upside from the last close thanks to the a.i. boom they report next week and cantor says watch their margins strong pricing of the chips could lead to a 40% gross margin as soon as august, that would be a win. stuart: news from apple supplier. >> apple is up $3 now 1.7% tdk japanese supplier says that has a battery rate through a solid-state battery capable of holding more aimed at air pods smart watches, air tax, devices smaller than the iphone. thank you the doctor who blew a whistle on the texas children's hospital faces a judges afternoon. he said the hospital provided gender affirming care for minors even after they claimed the program would be shut down, nate foy joins me why is the whistleblower facing charges. >> because he released this redacted information, today at 3:00 o'clock eastern time, the
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doctor will appear and be arraigned in federal court on four felony hipaa violations because he released the records to a journalist that he claimed exposed a pediatric transgender clinic at the hospital this is one of the largest children's hospitals in the entire world, the indictment is under seal, doctor chaim will learn the specific crimes that is charged with, he exposed the clinic after the hospital ceo claimed it shut down, shortly after texas lawmakers banned doctors from providing drugs or surgery to aid a child's transition here is doctor chaim talking about the secret clinic. >> they not only continue the program but expanded to behind closed doors and especially as a doctor trust is the most important currency that we have and the fact that they were lying to the public is an egregious violation of medical ethics. doctor chaim's attorney tells
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fox our client is a mandatory reporter of child abuse who reported as a whistleblower to the state of texas, possibly illegal activity that is seen in his hospital. it's our opinion the government going out of the way to prosecute a whistleblower the u.s. attorney for the southern district of texas tells fox there's nothing they can provide us at this time texas children's hospital did not respond for comment, doctor hein posted on x for father's day writing we can never submit to our children's destroyers, we must fight relentlessly to preserve their dignity and we must be ready to sacrifice for their future. the legal battle happens as doctor chaim and his wife are months away from expecting their first child, doctor will be here as he faces a judge at 3:00 o'clock eastern. stuart: now this a new op-ed from the surgeon general vivek murthy calls for health warnings on social media platforms, he
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says the apps are a main contributor to the youth mental health crisis, doctor marc siegel in the studio in new york this morning, our health warnings enough? >> there not enough. 60 years ago that we have the warnings on cigarettes by the surgeon general and they helped and i think he's right, he's been studying this for a long time he's not coming out of nowhere he looked at the impact and loneliness on our teams and bullying and he explained to me and interviews the surgeon general that you get drawn into social media as a team or younger and one true that you get ostracize and bullied and exposed to violence, he's asking congress to do more, he wants companies to come forward with health information that they've accumulated on how teams are being impacted and push notification and infinite scrolls were kids get bombarded with information that impacts
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them in sexuality, violence, bullying, it's pretty bad but i think and lauren probably agrees that the real solution is not this is having family alternatives, don't bring your iphone to the table what you doing with your family what other options do you have, what are your friends doing. stuart: don't have your phones in the classroom. that is huge why is that going on i absolutely agree. stuart: king charles, kate middleton are at the trooping of the color ceremony over the weekend kate's first public appearance since announcing her cancer diagnosis they king is also fighting an undisclosed form of cancer, how do they look to you. >> i wish they would give us a full disclosure on what is going on although i have an idea but i thought they looked good and once again i think it's real i think the showing royalty in the coming forward, it is courage and hope in the face of cancer i
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thought she looked good and she's taking photographs and really great photographs it's why i call this the colonies because of this kind of inspiration that you see from the royals. i love that they're both coming through. stuart: there royals, i can't hide that. >> what kind of an american are you back i'm very impressed by this. stuart: what form of cancer do you think kate middleton has come i know it's speculation about what do you think. >> i think it's a g.i. cancer, i think the operation that she had that cause complications if that was a hysterectomy you would be one day and one day out the next, she had some kind of complication and i wonder if she had inflammatory bowel disease and found cancer and they got it but they're treating it with chemo as a precaution over 3 - 6 months this is what it would be. why don't i think it's a gynecological cancer because the chemo that you use then is stronger if you use your hair, doesn't look like she lost her hair, that looks like she lost her hair. stuart: that's relatively good news if they got it and she
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looks then and she looks pretty good. thank you for being here we love to have you in the studio. caitlin clark was hit with another hard while playing against the chicago sky. ashley you better come into this and tell us what happened. >> you can see the video driving to the basket but ended up on the floor and hit in the head by angel reese referee revealed the play and assessed reese with the flagrant foul a comes on the hard foul by carter in the first game between these two teams, follow that reese appeared to celebrate at the time, the level of physicality that clark has faced during her rookie season has been a hot topic. clark said she thinks opposing players are getting away with things that others would not. by the way for the record indiana beat chicago for the second time 91 - 83 but clark
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certainly getting bumped around. stuart: that is putting it mildly i would say. coming up president biden stared blankly into a crowd during the hollywood fundraiser before being let off stage by obama, it is devastating that the president image, joe concha will deal with that in our next our, boom supersonic is opening the airline factory in north carolina today, the company says it will be the world's fastest airliner, grady trimble live at the factory after this. a full report coming up. ♪ tamra, izzy and emma...
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stuart: more than two decades after the concorde class flight
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we may see supersonic air travel again, grady trimble joins us from the boom supersonic factory in greensburg north carolina there developing a new plane, which i have two questions how fast will it travel and when will go into service. 2029 to answer your second question the planes that will come out of this factory will fly faster than the speed of sound and of course twice as fast as commercial airliners do today, what that means for you and me flying we could get from new york city to london in about three hours and 45 minutes or if you visit your family in australia you could get back to the west coast in half the time that it takes right now, boom supersonic is still tested a smaller prototype plane but this is a look at what the commercial supersonic planes will ultimately look like, boom ceo says newer materials, engines and technology will allow the
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company to bring the cost to fly way down compared to the last supersonic commercial airliner the concorde to around the price of a business ticket on a regular commercial flight today, boom says this particular factory will be a boom to the local economy bringing in 2400 jobs and creating impact of more than $32 billion. if we let the next generation of products get bill outside of the country those advanced manufacturing leave and ferociously difficult to get them back. >> i deeply believe the next generation are going to be supersonic and we need to build those in the u.s. and we get to do it in greensboro to ensure continued american leadership in a. >> enter manufacturing. >> as far as a timeline for the factory they will move the manufacturing equipment in in the next 6 - 9 months and they will have planes rolling out of here in about three years time and like i set off the top we will be flying supersonic if everything goes according to plan by the end of this decade.
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stuart: that's an important caveat if everything goes according to plan. grady, thank you so much indeed, one billionaire might be preparing a large investment in nuclear energy, who is it. >> that would be mr. bill gates he is prepared to pop billions of dollars into the next generation nuclear power plant project that is going on in wyoming, gates found a company called terra power and it's been exploring simpler cheaper reactors and expects to a country complete in 2030 and liquid sodium as a coolant rather than water and to boost its output and carbon free nuclear power is seen as a key part and smaller reactors, gates is the world's sixth richest
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person, he's invested $1 billion already and is prepared to put in billions more. stuart: now this another biden border initiative could move forward this week, this would extend legal status to undocumented migrants who have lifted for the y tenure and married to u.s. citizen. tom homan on the application to the national security. that is next. this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts... in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo
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stuart: new data shows a number of migrants awaiting a court date and inside of america, that number has doubled under biden, bill melugin on the california border, how many migrants are awaiting their day in court. >> millions of them in the new data we obtained from ice internally is a jaw dropper and shows how overwhelmingly, little context on what is about, a non- detained docket, that is made up of migrants were crossed illegally and released into the u.s. with the future court date it also includes illegal immigrants who have already been ordered removed from the country
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by a judge but are still here, with that in mind take a look at the staggering numbers, federal sources telling fox news isis nine detained has exploded to 7.4 million cases so far in fiscal year 2024 and were told it's on track to hit 8 million cases by the end of the year, the cases of more than doubled since donald trump time in office and were told over 1 million cases have been added just since october 1, largely due to catch and release policies at the border, ice is buried into put into perspective, the second graphic federal sources telling fox each ice officer is managing an average of 7000 cases each, you heard that right, 7000 per officer, that is obviously an impossible task given current staffing levels, ice only has 6000 officers nationwide and not all of them work on the non- detained docket, republican congressman mike green the chair of the holding committee and reacting to these numbers telling fox news the bipartisan
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laws that are been passed by congress make very clear that illegal aliens must be detained and biden mayorkas have insisted were instead directed in overseeing the mass release of illegal aliens into our communities, would be border crossings around the world are making a bet if they cross into this administration they will be released into the interior, these numbers show that is usually a winning wager, bottom line ice needs more body and more resources and they need it asap, will send it back to you. house intelligence chair mike turner is warning about the terrorism threat coming from our southern border, roll tape. >> what's important about the reports and what were seen especially in conjunction with director raise public statements that we are at the highest level of a possible terrorist threat in the administration's policies have absolutely directed threat to americans and no longer speculative or hypothetical and
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they are allowing people to cross the border unguided in terrorist actively working within the united states that are a threat to americans. stuart: tom homan joins us this morning, what are we going to do about this, i asked this question all the time and there's really no answer because the administration is doing nothing about it, am i right. >> they're not doing anything to have adenosine go thing, not only are they ignoring their law but violating their law, as you heard chairman greene say, the law is clear and the statute is clear and if you went to this country without proper documentation you shall be detained, not maybe and not think about about shall and going back to bill's report if they detained him should you ever's stay in detention before you see a judge is 39 days but the purposely releasing it, the overwhelming the system is 74.5 million and w8 - 10 years
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by the time they get a court hearing it'll have children and build equities, this is a long-term plan and they know what they're doing their playing the long game. stuart: , they are here and they are staying and are probably knuckling to deport all of them so ultimately whether we like it or not the good work arthur. there's no doubt about it the work illegally, as you and i discussed many times, nine out of ten immigration is clear nine out of ten will lose their case because they simply don't qualify for asylum but they won't leave and they won't leave for one reason, the wait for the next giveaway program and amnesty and docket their supposed announce tomorrow another use of the statue they're going to wait around we proven over and over again and hide out long enough will give you something. stuart: tomorrow there likely to announce the new program of giving legal status to undocumented migrants if you lived here ten years and married to a u.s. citizen, that is a huge amnesty program isn't it?
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is. >> exactly right. it entices more people to come, now people know i came across the country legally and hide out for ten years i may get a pro in place and were allowed to work it's another enticement in another abuse of the law they already abused the pro statute by probing millions of people in the country what is supposed to be a case-by-case analysis, i was ice director and i paroled three people in two years they already use the statute another twisting even further to create in place which i think is illegal, they go ahead and do it and i'm going to tell you this on to the next trump administration the paroles in place they can be relegated to a one. stuart: you will do that if elected, tom homan always a pleasure thank you for joining us we will see you soon joe concha, christian whiton, kara frederick, the 11:00 o'clock hour of "varney & company" is
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