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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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we're short on time the alchemist, to me the perfect formula here is tech stocks, t-bills and gold. we talked about tech, from my perspective t-bills give you ability to earn interest free income above inflation, should something go wrong i can buy bargains. gold is my insurance, if things go worse than i'm anticipating it will ultimately maintain its value better than traditional stocks and bonds. that is the magic formula you teed up our segment for. liz: that was gold, gld, not gilead. michael, thank you very much. here we go, the closing bell, records for the s&p and nasdaq. apple, microsoft broadcom. [closing bell rings] nice moves today. kudlow is next. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so president trump in detroit
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this weekend rallying black voters with his prosperity agenda. that after successfully pitching the country's top ceos in washington, d.c. dr. ben carson, jerone smith in a few moments. our intrepid edward lawrence with all the details. edward's what's's cooking. >> reporter: very different scene for president joe biden over the weekend a lot of celebrities trying too get president biden reelected to office. george clooney, julia roberts, barbra streisand. these people are not affected by inflation rest of us are feeling. in the campaign event they raked in $30 million the campaign used for ads. inside president joe biden highlighted liberal causes and went after the u.s. supreme court. president biden: look the supreme court has never been out of kilter as it is today, i mean never. i taught constitutional law for
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nine years. this guy knows more about it than most. look, the fact of the matter is, this has never been a court been this far out of step. >> reporter: outside that event protesters blocked the entrance. they yelled. held signs. the money raised at the event went to buy campaign ads over the next month that feature attacks on former president trump as convicted criminal, not featuring president biden. over weekend huge dichotomy, former president trump went to historically black church in detroit. no megastars in the audience. >> tell your waiters, waitresses anybody getting tips, a lot of people get tips, car attendants, caddies a lot of different people get tips, we're not going to tax tips, the tax immediately is coming off. [applause] >> reporter: the former president pointing out the difference in how people are able to live now than they were under his administration.
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larry, back to you. larry: thanks very much, edward lawrence. we appreciate it. all right, trump winning over converts while it looks like mr. biden is frozen in time and place. that is the subject of the ♪. so while democrats argue amongst themselves whether barack obama really did in fact have to escort joe biden off the stage at that big hollywood fund-raiser, not really politically appetizing headline a black pastor told donald trump over the weaken that obama and biden, quote, never came to the hood in detroit. that headline came a day after "the wall street journal" story that top ceos are flocking to trump again in a bid to shape the agenda. the ceos of course, listened to mr. trump at the business roundtable to tell him about his business-friendly tax cut and deregulation agenda, including of course drill, baby, drill
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permitting on energy projects and allowing educated foreigners and foreign-born college students in the u.s. to be given a shot to stay in the country. that's a separate matter from very tough close the border stance. closing the border was a very popular one at the detroit community roundtable event where mr. trump highlighted that the rush of open border illegal immigration under biden has taken away african-american jobs. take a listen to this one. >> millions of illegal aliens are pouring in and taking your jobs. the black community is being hurt more about itism legal aliens, 16, 1million. they're taking your jobs. larry: so mr. trump reminded his audience that unemployment for black males hit a record low of 4.9%, 4.9%, pre-pandemic. whereas today under mr. biden, that rate is jumped up to 6.4%. mr. trump says he lifted
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6.6 million people out of poverty and gave record funding to historically black colleges and universities. in addition he emphasized his investor tax-free program of opportunity zones that leverage up the opportunities for black and minority-owned businesses. crimes, illegals, energy costs, inflation, just as big issues in minority communities as they are everywhere else. mr. trump also emphasized he will be cutting their taxes while biden is going to raise them. in particular the former president continued to tout his incredibly popular idea of tax-free tipping for service workers and others that one is a potential home run for working class and minority voters. over the weekend the trump campaign announced a black americans for trump coalition led by stalwarts such as former hud secretary ben carson, dr. alveda king,.
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>> ron smith, byron donalds, wesley hunt, tim scott, many, many others. while joe biden may be frozen in place and in time, donald trump's making some serious progress toward the oval office. that's my riff. all right. let's have some fun. with he welcome back to the show, dr. ben carson, former hud secretary and we also, an important trump surrogate, let me put that in, my pal. jaron smith, former trump policy advisor. gentlemen, good to see you. ben carson, great to see you again. were you at the detroit event any think you were according to some of the press clips. give us a little narrative, sir. >> thanks, larry, good to be with you as always. yes, i was there. detroit is my hometown. so i spoke before the roundtable and the level of enthusiasm was
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extremely high. people are anxious to hear what president trump has to say because they have already seen what he did in the previous administration and they were good things. you don't have to think back a long time to make the comparison and the other thing is the left is trying to make this election about a person and you know, a convict, all this kind of stuff because they don't really have anything that they can run on and donald trump is presenting things that everyday people feel. they feel it when they go to the gas station. they feel it when they go to the grocery store. they feel it when they open their mail and see the utility bills. and it is having a dramatic impact, not just on black people but on all people. you will see a migration toward him from all people, anybody who is thinking, not allowing themselves to -- is going to be moving in that direction. larry: on that point, first of all, jer ron smith, thanks for
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coming back on. good too to see you to. looks like, polls suggest, issues of gas prices inflation in general, crime, border problems, border problems maybe taking jobs away from blacks and other minorities native-born, here at home, these are the same issues as they are for everybody else in the economy and everybody in the country, jer ron. it is a question of getting there. i was interested the black minister in detroit neither mr. obama or mr. biden bothered to come around into the neighborhoods to talk directly to the black churches and to black community leaders. what is your thinking on that? >> well, the truth is, is that black americans are not a monolith and when you look at what the media is putting out there, mostly they're talking about more elite, hollywood type black americans but if you actually go to the actual cities
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like atlanta, detroit, cleveland, new york, you speak to people from the community, all of them know that their lives were different under president trump. you had cheaper prices at the gas or, energy costs. you had your money go a lot further than what it did and you had less crime. you also didn't have this influx of illegal immigrants competing for jobs. i've even talked to taxi drivers that said for the first time in his life under the trump administration he saw individuals working construction that were african-american. he hadn't seen that before. it was due to african-americans having the real opportunity to compete for jobs that normally go to, you know, people coming from the southern border. and so it's a real difference. people can compare and know what it feels like under a biden administration versus a trump administration and most americans are saying i'm better off under trump. larry: hang on.
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this is mr. trump during this discussion talking about unemployment. hang on one second. let's roll this tape. >> but we achieved the lowest african-american unemployment rate and the lowest african-american poverty rate ever recorded, ever, ever recorded during my four years. [cheers and applause] we lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty. black americans saw their largest increase in homeownership on record. never been anything like it. larry: ben carson, before i come right back to you, sir, let me play one more, i love this so much, pure genius, donald trump's tax-free tipping for service workers and others. this one's a home run. here he comes. roll them please. >> as part of those tax cuts i have announced that i will eliminate taxes on tips for restaurant workers and hospitality workers. so for restaurant workers, for
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hotel workers, for cabbies, for car people, it is a lot, but anybody receiving tips, no more tax on tips. i think that will be a great thing. you know they earned it. larry: one more, ben carson, you know, you were, you and jaron and others pioneered the opportunity zones which has tax-free investment into the minority communities. presumably help and black and other minority-owned business formation. that is another tax-free advantage, opportune zones. will mr. trump expand them, if you think he is given a second term? >> without question he will expand them because he is about that very thing, opportunities and he believes in a rising tide lifts all boats. so he doesn't go around and pick one demographic over another and say, now we're going to make this one disadvantaged and we'll make you advantaged. he doesn't do that and he was very supportive of all of the programs that lifted people out
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of poverty and brought self-sufficiency. the opportunity zones he was particularly behind us and we were able to get an enormous amount of investment from the private sector, get people working again. those are the kinds of things that a president should do, not go around scaring people and using the justice department to inflict harm upon their political opponents. i think the american people are smart enough to see that. and all of the communities. i think you will see a massive migration in that direction. larry: jer ron, i will give you the last word, this idea from the black minister, and i'm quoting from some of the press reports, biden wasn't coming, he doesn't come around to these kind of community roundtables where you can air points of view on all sides of all the different issues and trump cares to come. now i don't know, it has to count for something in this election, don't you think, jer ron smith? >> i mean it's real. building trust in the
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communities that need it most. i wrote a book called, underserved. it talks about trump's ability to build trust in communities and collaborate with those communities to create real change in outcomes. i think in a second trump term you're going to see more of that because he has the trust of these communities. he can go directly into those communities and not just create a top-down approach but a bottom up approach. that helps each community throughout america. larry: all right. and the issues are really, they're the same issues. i mean you can't segregate out the issues. they're the same issues. i think you both are making that point. anyway, dr. ben carson, thank you so much. jaron smith, thank you for coming up on the show. coming up on "kudlow," joe biden's open border is allowing more grewsome murders. -- gruesome murders. i mate to report this stuff. maybe illegals registering to vote, how is that possible? senator tommy tuberville will
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weigh in next up on "kudlow." you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday 4:00 p.m. on fox business. if you can't get us at 4:00, text your favorite nine-year-old, she will show you how to dvr the show, and you will never miss a tip tax-free, tipping person. a tax-free tipping person. i'm kudlow. i have to think about that. i think i got that right. ♪. i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪
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for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. larry: we welcome back to the show alabama senator tommy tuberville. senator tuberville, thank you very much. there is a horrific story out there unfortunately compounded by bad immigration policies from the bidens. this story, salvadorian criminal comes in, murders a mother of five in maryland, suburban maryland. i want to just play some sound from a local sheriff on this whole catastrophe. take a listen, please. >> i want to now direct these comments to 1600 pennsylvania avenue and to every member in both chambers of congress. we are 1800 miles away in
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hartford county, we're 1800 miles away from the southern border and the american citizens are not safe because of failed immigration policies. larry: there you have it. still, senator tuberville, before we get to other details, the bidens have done nothing. the biden plan, so-called executive order, if anything, is allowing more illegals to cross the border. all of our reporters, bill melugin, all "the fox reporters" have been reporting that. we're way over targets already. the biden plan is only about a week old. what do you make of this entire awful story? >> larry, this has been a complete nightmare for the american people. all the american citizens across the country there are no more border states. as the sheriff said he is 1800 miles from the southern border. it is a catastrophe. this is something that should be addressed immediately. we're wore referred more about other countries than we are about our country. i've been there several times.
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i feel bad for our border patrol, our i.c.e. agents people supposed to do what they do to control the border. it is out of control. it is all about political control, larry. it is just, it is unimaginable. a president of the united states could destroy in 3 1/2 years what was built in the last 248 years which was borders, our sovereignty, everything that goes along with it. larry: yes, sir. let me play sound from mr. trump, who will close the border as fast as he possibly can if he is to be reelected. he is talking more about deportations. he is talking about deportations, essentially to african-american group in detroit, although it is a nationwide discussion. take a listen to mr. trump, please. >> on day one of my new administration we will begin the largest deportation operation in american history. we have no choice. this is not sustainable. [applause] dwight eisenhower, which people
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don't think of him in these terms, had the largest deportation ever by far in the history of other country because he said they're destroying our country. we can't let this happen. that was dwight d. eisenhower, much stronger president than people give him credit for. larry: i think it is interesting, this idea of deportation, particularly with respect to criminals, harkening back to dwight eisenhower, you know, this is popular. all the polling, senator tuberville shows 60, 70% approval of a strong deportation plan. i'm sure it is linked to those awful stories about criminal murders and so forth, but what do you make of that? do you think this will stand the test of time? >> i do, larry. i've talked to the president trump several times about this. he is all for getting elected and in the first thing, just start deporting people. we can, american people number
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one can't afford this. it is costing us a billion dollars a month. we're having people get killed. our, the american citizen, both republican and democrat are starving, larry, they're starving for a fair election to they think their vote counts. we used to have a election system that was really controlled by the justice system. not anymore. it is pretty much controlled by however the democrats want to control amnesty or illegal voting by illegal immigrants. president trump is for sending people home. he is exactly right. american people don't deserve what they have been, the hand they have been dealt from the biden administration for the last 3 1/2 years. there is the number one issue going into this election. i don't care if biden runs or somebody runs on democratic side, president trump knows he has to go after the border issue. this can bring our country to its knees quicker than anything else. larry: on top of all that,
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senator, there is another disturbing headline or story out there, i will read the tear sheet from the "new york post" but the post is reporting government offices are handing out voter registration forms to illegal migrants. let me repeat that. government offices handing out voter registration forms to illegal migrants. you don't have to tell you whether you're a citizen or not, they will give you a voting form. this is, adds insanity on top of all the criminality, what do you make of this one? can it be stopped? >> exactly. it has to be stopped. if you go to any kind of office, whether it is state, local, county and have to sign up for any kind of federal aid or whatever, usually there will be voting registration at that entity. unfortunately there is 19 states right now, larry, out of 50, that issue driver's license to illegals. most places like the state of alabama, if you have got a license, given to you by the
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state, that pretty much says that eligible to vote. obviously you have to register, but it has gone way over the top. the democrats are reaching for straws. this is just one way they can get as many people registered as possible. there will be a lot of people that will vote that are illegal in this election but hopefully people understand what is going on. i think president trump's going to get a lot of democrat vote out of this because people are sick and tired of the nonsense and the illegality of what the democrats are doing. larry: the last one, senator, it is a little, the same issue, but, mr. trump, when he spoke to the ceos at the business roundtable on thursday, he talked about being tough on the border and that is as popular with them as i think it is with others. he also mentioned something that was interesting, look foreign educated workers who come here legally and, foreigners who are educated in our colleges who are here illegally should be allowed to stay.
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in other words, if we train them, the united states trains them we should keep them. so we become a magnet for the best and brightest around the world. >> that is assuming of course they are legal with the proper visas and work permits. he said that to the ceo group. i think it was very popular. what do you think about that one, sir? >> i think republicans would be on board if people come here the right way, by the way and also being educated, understanding the constitution, understanding our way of life. obviously you get to believe what you believe in in terms of religion or whatever but the problem we're having right now, when you come across the border as we speak, you're not held accountable for anything and if you're held accountable for what you do in this country and understand the laws of this country and go by our laws, i'm for pushing some kind of citizenship. we need some kind of immigration law here. we have to do something here in congress but unfortunately we've got too many people pushing back against each other and there is no consensus.
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so we got to believe in this country first. this country has to be first. make america great. make america first again. if we can do that we can help with getting people here from other countries the right way to be able to contribute to what this country is about. larry: how about one quick, last attempt at a quarterback sneak, senator tuberville. tax-free tipping, no taxes on tipping for service workers what do you think about that one? >> i think that's awesome, larry. we have all tipped before and also lowering the corporate rate to 20% instead of joe biden going to 28%. we cannot continue to destroy corporate and the middle class. joe biden is trying to destroy both of them. he has already destroyed the middle class. larry: there you go. i think the ceos enjoyed it very much. tax-free tipping i think that's a home run. thank you senator tommy tuberville. as always we appreciate it very, very much. see you soon. folks coming up on "kudlow,"
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mr. trump is winning oversee yes, sir, as mr. tuberville said by cutting the corporate tax rate. biden losing the ceos with his plan to hike the tax rate. by the way that tax would be hiked by 1/3 when you walk through the numbers. we'll talk about it with economists michael falkander and scott hodge coming up. "kudlow" available as a podcast. episodes available every weekday right after the show on spotify, on apple, and fox business no quarterback sneaks here. we'll be right there on all of these media. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪.
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[thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ larry: all right, the headline top ceos flocking to trump again in bid to shape agenda. that is from "the wall street journal." joining us to talk about it, mike falkander, chief economist at afpi, former treasury assistant for economic policy,
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scott hodge, president emeritus of the tax foundation. scott, i start with you. the biggest issue for the ceos of the business roundtable, i was there, i was questioning mr. trump, the single biggest issue was the tax policy. the bidens are trying to throw coal water on this, but from the standpoint of sheer competitiveness, i have thought was the important thing years ago, at 20% rate, state and local add up another four or 5%, that is 24 or 25% midway in the oecd countries. you jack that up to 28, plus four is 32%, we'll get into some other tax hikes biden wants surrounding it, this will make owl companies uncompetitive. i think that is why these ceos wanted to hear from president trump he wanted to keep 21, go to 20 or even go lower. his message was i'm not going to
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raise it, if anything i would like to cut the corporate tax. is that the bottom line here, competitiveness? >> absolutely, larry. right off the fact we need to dispel this sort of progressive propaganda or mythology about the u.s. having a low corporate tax rate. by global standards we do not have a low corporate tax rate. our 21% federal corporate tax rate is still higher than sweden's and when you add in the state rate, it gets up to about 25 or 26% which is equal to france, and still higher than china's 25% rate. so, we are distinctly in the middle and it's hard to say that somehow this is a race to the bottom. in fact, as you know, we've talked about this before, the corporate tax rate is the most harmful tax for economic growth and when you look at the long-term effects, workers bear the heaviest burden of the corporate tax with lower wages, especially those at the margin like women, younger workers and
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low-skilled workers. so for mr. biden to go out to say i will raise the corporate tax rate to 28%, he is guarantying the u.s. to have worse competitiveness, to kill jobs and to undermine u.s. innovation. that is hardly a campaign pledge to run on. larry: you know, mike falkander, when you go through all the biden proposals, they want to raise the corporate tax, they want to raise the individual tax, which goes into calculating the corporate tax, they want to raise the tax on dividend which is the same as capital gains. that goes up too. and the obamacare investment tax. so when you put all of that in there, they're actually raising it by about a third, they're raising the tax burden by about 1/3, mike falkander, and i don't think that kind of analysis has seen the light of day properly, a third higher tax, all-in with all of their little mini tax hikes? >> that's right, larry, because
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not only do they want to do the things you just mentioned but they're looking to raise the share repurchase tax. larry: right. >> looking to implement a tax on unrealized capital gains. so if you think about all of that activity they're assuming that will have no impact on what companies do but as scott just said the bulk of the burden actually flows through to consumers and workers. you would see reductions in employment, you would see lower wages. you would see higher prices on top of the inflation we already have. not if corporations will have shareholders bear all of this, it will impact their operations. so the reason that these ceos are looking to get behind president trump is because they realize that in order to serve the american people, they need a low regulatory environment and they need a tax burden that is competitive with the rest of the world rather than being demonized and told they don't pay their fair share when in fact they do. larry: mr. trump won over frankly a lot of minds at this
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business roundtable for his stance. both tax cutting and also he will prevent overregulation and he will opt back into a better permitting process for drill dr, baby, drill but for any construction as well. scott hodge, the other thing is, miss lael brainard who has the nec job in the biden white house, she was quoted in the paper today that the corporate tax share is low and corporate profits are record highs anyway you're looking at it, we're not raising enough. we went back, maybe we're wrong here, but after the trump tax cut, so that the corporate share of the, corporate revenue share of total tax revenues was running about 4%, slightly higher, 2018, 2019 pre-pandemic. now that thing is up to 6 1/2% of revenues. so it has actually gone up. so i don't understand what miss
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brainard is saying. the tax collection burden is rising, not falling. what is she talking about? >> she should no better. this is simply economic malpractice. actually it is just propaganda. in fact it looks like corporate tax revenues will hit an all-time high in at least, not adjusting for inflation but well over $550 billion in corporate tax revenues this year, and yes, corporations are making good profits but they're also paying their taxes and that is in contrast to what we're hearing from the white house and they're simply trying to make a demon out of u.s. corporations who are trying to compete globally against some very stiff competition. and the worst thing is, is that this administration has been trying to get the u.s. involved in this global tax cabal, in this global minimum tax and sell out u.s. corporations so they have to pay more taxes abroad and in the u.s.
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larry: we'll let france and the eu determine our tax burdens for american companies. >> exactly. larry: that is not a cool idea. even faulkender is against that. you know, falkander, individual revenues are up to about 46%, it is a very big number. the point is, how about this, instead of we're taxed too little, how about we spend too much, do you agree with that point falkander? you think we can curb spending instead of jacking up taxes? i will give you the last word. it is such a tricky question. >> absolutely, larry. look, if you look at the spending forecasts cbo has the federal government spending 23 to 24% of gdp as far as the eye can see for the next 10ish or so years. if you go back to prior to the pandemic it was at 20%. so the federal government is still operating as if there is a pandemic emergency out there, spending way beyond its means. there is so much more capability
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for us to cut spending rather than think higher tax rates, less economic activity is the solution. larry: we'll do more on spending maybe tomorrow night. michael faulkender, thank you, scott hodge, thank you very much. a different story, trump winning streak of senate endorsements. my goodness, we have hugh hewitt, host of "the hugh hewitt show," kim strassel, "wall street journal" columnist and fox news contributor. welcome to both of you. kim strassel i was very good to see your praise of donald trump. i will not go down that line of reasoning. i was happy to see you wrote a column praising mr. trump, well-done. the issue here is very important issue taking the senate. your point, kim strassel, mr. trump's endorsements are much more strategic than it was a couple years ago and the gop has much better chance of picking up a bunch of seats and carry the senate, that fair? >> yay, absolutely.
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look, if you go back two years ago, 2022, every single story was about how donald trump putting his backing behind candidates with a lot of flaws, had a lot of problems, whether mehmet oz in pennsylvania, herschel walker in georgia, blake masters, in arizona. the story this time around how careful and chevre the trump campaign is being in state after state. if you look at montana, nevada, michigan, you've got, again pennsylvania this time, you've got candidates that are the absolute best shot that republicans are going -- larry: let's go to hugh hewitt. i think we lost kim strassel there for a second. i will finish up the list. sam brown in nevada. tim che in montana, dave mccormack in pennsylvania, mike rogers in michigan. larry hogan in maryland, i know
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he is liberal republican that would still count. jim justice will win in west virginia. hugh hewitt, what do you make of that. is this a winning lineup? >> it is. don't forget my beloved state of ohio, because bernie marino will take sherrod brown. there are nine seats in play. i think the three likelyist after justice wins. governor justice is lockdown. governor hogan is very competitive guy. he is liberal republican, but will have a r behind his name. the big three are kirkpatrick in pennsylvania, sheehy in montana, sam brown in alaska, they're all veterans. kirkpatrick, west point guy. larry: mccormack. >> sheehy, naval academy guy. west point guy in afghanistan. these are all serious men. they're warriors. i'm hoping that the president, you run in those circles with him more than i do, i would love for him to pick another warrior as his vice president, mike pompeo, tom cotton, jd vance, because there are 16 million
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veterans in the united states, 16 million. president trump had 61% of that vote in 2016. dropped to 54% of that vote in 2020. i would love to get the 7% back and more. larry: you're right. bay by the way david mccormick in pennsylvania. my very good friend. >> right. larry: i've given him most improved player this year. clovessing the gap with bob casey, jr. kim strassel the gop will need a good majority. reconciliation for budgets and so forth, taxes you need 51 votes. i would like to see them with 54, 55, 56. i mean, kim, they're thinking about a very broad-based approach. in one piece of legislation, which is called reconciliation, where you need just a majority, 51, it would be nice to have a cushion, there could be taxes, tax cuts, spending cuts, there could be deregulation, might be
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health care conceivably. might be defense spending. kim, i think that's where they're angling, why your piece becomes so important, let's say the trump senate strategy becomes so important, they're going to need it. >> you have to have the senate. reconciliation these days unfortunately about the only way you get anything done. also look at trump's legacy. if he wants more judges, if he wants people confirmed to his cabinet, they will do the deregulation talking about, congressional resolution acts get rid of with the majority the past president's bad regulations coming through. got to have the senate for all of that. the house would help too but you have got to have the senate. larry: hugh hewitt, talk to us about this debate coming up, sort of sporadic discussions. we're what, 10 days away from the debate. i don't know, cnn not my favorite network but not the worst thing i have ever seen.
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what's your advice to president trump during this debate? >> don't interrupt joe biden. the president is having a bad week. between the juneteenth, the g6 1/2 i'm calling it because joe biden was like half there, saturday night in los angeles t was a bad week for president biden. the bar is very low for him. don't interrupt him. when the question comes to the president i hope he put as question into his answer, i hope jake, i hope dana, will ask him about the 10 mill illegal immigrants. i hope you will ask him about the laptop. ask the moderators. don't interrupt the president. i don't think he can go 75 seconds and make sense unless he had a lot of red bulls. he is not very good now, not very strong on his feet. let him talk as much as he can. larry: that is very good advice. kim strassel saw the smile on
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the red bulls. poles would like both candidates drug tested before the debate. what do you think? >> i don't know if we need drug testing but my ad sites donald trump don't confuse this with a rally. you got your base. he shines in those places but he has got to come off as presidential. he is trying to convince people in this that wouldn't otherwise be attending one of his rallies. larry: you two are mighty good on a monday. i can't thank you enough. hugh hewitt, thank you so much. kim strassel, thank you so much. terrific stuff. we'll have a live report on president trump meeting with top republicans at mar-a-lago today. stick with "kudlow." terrific stuff from those two, hugh hewitt and kim strassel. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients.
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course and how we can complete the mission of restoring him to the white house and growing the house majority and winning the republican majority in the senate. >> reporter: here are the gop's major agenda items. re-upping the expiring trump tax cuts. the gop could lean on a special senate process to avoid a filibuster to pass that but renewing the tax cuts may add to the deficit. there will also be a focus on border security. republicans say a porous border puts the u.s. at risk. >> we're talking sex predators, we're talking gang members, violent criminals, terrorists, people who have ties to terrorist networks. this is not just hundreds of thousands. we're talking millions. >> reporter: but democrats scoff at suggestions that former president trump and republicans are interested in governing at all. >> for november fast approaching, republicans continue to show the american people where they really are,
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with maga extremists and not with the majority of america. that's what republicans senators and house members are doing. >> reporter: now democrats plan to target republicans from a swing districts or states who align themselves too closely with former president trump. larry? larry: chad, let me follow through on some of that, that is very important report you've given us. with respect to some remaining fiscal and budget business for the current fiscal year, i thought i saw a story today that suggested house republicans at least would just as soon have a continuing resolution and push most of the heavy lifting into next year. is that, can you confirm that in your reporting? >> reporter: that's something that they have talked about just a couple weeks ago, they began this conversation. the idea they're kind of banking on the idea they will hold the house, have former president trump back in the white house, when win senate and implement
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public policy priorities next year with republicans in control of all three major levers of the federal government. they can implement their spending policies and shut off the biden and democratic policies. it is a roll of the dice. the house at best is a jump ball. republicans have a better shot with the senate but that something that many republicans nobody said yes, that is in fact how we're going to do it but there are a lot of republicans especially conservatives who think that is the best way to go, larry. larry: the last one, the big thing, the big thing i guess is reconciliation next year, put as much, if the gop can win control of the congress, put as much into it as they can, 51 votes, get into it. >> reporter: that is always tough thing. that has to meet budget special rules. it has to be fiscal in nature. as you know it has to deal with spending. that is something they have to deal with. larry: chad pergram, thank you ever so much. we appreciate the up date. i will be right back with my
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5:00 pm
larry: you know, it looks like mr. trump is successfully wooing blacks, win or it, working folks on the issues which is really the same for everybody on the issues and i'm going to be elizabeth macdonald like everybody else. >> you better. you'll be in big trouble, larry. larry: i wouldn't dare not to. >> larry you're great. thank you so much good to se


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