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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 18, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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>> that is it for kudlow and think you for watching.
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♪ ♪ >> good morning i am cheryl casone emperor maria bartiromo tuesday june 18. your top stories at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. today the consumer takes center stage, futures are mixed as we await retail sales at 8:30 a.m. eastern. we can have the numbers in the dow is in the red by 12 points, the nasdaq and s&p pointing a little bit higher the s&p 500 and the nasdaq hitting a new all-time high both of them yesterday tech leading the way as microsoft and nvidia reach new records were watching as investors are putting their money as the fed is looking more likely to cut rates once this year. european markets are in the green across the board the cac 40 and the dax and in asia overnight markets mostly higher the nikkei in japan as you can see gaining 1%, back at home the illegal migrant crisis by rolling further out of control as the feds are finding more
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crimes committed by the dangerous venezuelan gang trend dear walk what we're going to talk about that. president trump leading president biden by double digits in what was what a swing state in the mainstream media and the white house claim video the president is the cheap fake working about you watching you decide, geordie the conversation all morning long wealth advisor president chris mcmahon and gop strategist joe pinion. "mornings with maria" is live right now. >> it is time for the hot topic of the hour republicans are
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warning and former president trump sentence in his so-called hush money trial prevented from attending the republican national command enter committee convention there will be a red wave the 2024 election. a new poll finding former president trump is gaining momentum as he holds an 18-point lead over president biden in iowa that the crucial battleground state, now he's turning his focus to flipping the sun belt state trump will be in wisconsin as he looks to rally voters, his campaign says the focus of the visit is to highlight how joe biden has failed the great people of wisconsin, trump visited while keisha last month where he claims reelecting biden would lead to the destruction of the country. the former president has had divided results in wisconsin in the last two elections. he won the state by 22000 votes in 2016 however, he lost the state by 22020. meanwhile vice president kamala harris communication director
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says that she believes ohio senator jd vance would be the greatest threat to harris vice presidency if chosen as former president trump's 2024 running mate. a lot to go through but let's pick up on the last point of jd vance. obviously if you look at a joe biden you looking at kamala harris because the president's age and that's been talked about as a vice president pick and who former president trump pics as equity be a crucial moment. >> it will be critical because we don't know what's going to happen on the court room of the 11th of july and if the judge decides he's going to sentence president trump to jail time and take the unprecedented to not allowing him to leave pending the appeal we could have an empty podium at the rnc, if that is the case the choice for president trump needs to be somebody who could potentially serve as a surrogate on his behalf and go through the media
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onslaught later going to receive, the pick is going to be critical but after that i believe president trump a unique position to say whether were talking about joe biden or whether were talking about, here's the results speak for themselves in the academy is not working for people on main street and certainly from the southern border to gaza to ukraine he turned the world into a dangerous place. cheryl: i would point this out going back to the first thing with republicans about their warning about the red wave remember the rnc convention starts july 15 in the sentencing in new york for the former president is july 11. legal experts still expect he would get jail time but you never know this is judge mershon in new york so anything is possible with this guy, do they have a point that would move the anger more against the democrats if something like that were to happen. >> what is happening some are
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lukewarm to trump and never drawn any sympathetic. they put them into a little be the last day of make it a terrible decision because i think the empty podium even though there would be a spokesperson i think that would draw people closer and frankly the power grows around him every day and i think it would be a mistake. cheryl: what you make former president trump is an 18-point lead over biden and iowa. >> 18 points. >> as much as democrats want to kick and scream about president trump being a felon in the republican party has nominated the felon it is not working they get on tv and yell about race and president trump is a racist, it is not working because at some point, the dam does break any of individuals who have been told year after year you must vote for us in the nearby full get better it is not getting
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better the migrant crisis bankrupting major cities across this country, people trying to make their own ends meet but at the end of the day the migrants are getting more assistance of people to call the nation home. cheryl: burger to get into that but i want to point out today president biden is going to join forces with bill and hilary clinton there's another fundraiser from the white house and this has white pie enter press secretary lashed out at reporters are asking about biden's alleged freezing at recent events, watch this. >> i think you will have called this the cheap fake video and that's exactly what they are all quote the washington post and they said have republican use misleading videos to attack biden in a 24 hour period calling out the new york post ironically several recent actually attacked the president freethinking troops that is what they're attacking the president for in normandy and again, in italy i think it tells you everything that we need to know
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how desperate republicans are. >> the president stood there listening to the music and he didn't dance, excuse me i didn't know not dancing with the health issue. cheryl: just to be clear she was responded about the video that emerged from the fundraiser in los angeles over the weekend with barack obama and will show her clip and let the viewers decide but she got attacked for the video, she was attacking because of the video and attacking the republicans saying it's a cheap fake but israel video. >> is a bad idea to tell people they're not seeing what they're saying they're too smart for that and clearly at some level of infirmity and age when george floyd's brother put his arm around him and spoke to them for a moment it triggered them back in but people know what they're
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saying it is sad. >> people know because they've seen in their own personal lives and will have to take pleasure we shouldn't take pleasure years the president of the united states of america he did not just stand there and not dance he was not moving he didn't look as if he was present with what was occurring and that's what people are seen time and time again. cheryl: she also mentioned what happened at the g7 and working to get into that little bit later there is interesting commentary in the journal about that this morning about how that played out on the world stage of the g7 with president biden in the italian prime minister. were just getting started. coming up futures are mixed, market coming off a fresh record as the fed's latest outlook includes one rate cut this year, macro founder and ceo with where investors are putting their money, don't miss fox business interview with new york fed president john williams that is live at 8:30 a.m. eastern time, don't miss it you're watching "mornings with maria" live on
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fox business. ♪ 's
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cheryl: the s&p 500 hitting the 30th record close of 2024 yesterday as mega cap stocks rallied in the dow stocks reported losing streak markets are gray across the board this year it's been a very strong year for the market, there you go with the dow, s&p and the nasdaq showing gains let's bring in 42 macro founder and ceo darius dale we were talking about this yesterday the journal pointed out that investors have volatility is low and numbers are good and this is the calm before the storm, do you worry
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about that at all. >> we need to time the storm if we want to make money as investors there is positive fundamental catalyst for the reason why they're performing so well and quite resilient the labor market held up and inflation is starting to behave in manners that allow the federal reserve to push through policy rate cuts at the goldilocks environment. >> i like the goldilocks environment and the dow has emerged around the s&p is incredibly well checked, a.i. and were talking about about disease in the gap between earnings-per-share price per share and is appropriate in signs of life on the horizon particularly in the dow stocks. cheryl: your both fairly bullish, there is a close the dow gained 188 points in the s&p, calls for 6000 on the s&p and let's pull up the treasury and take a look at the yield
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philadelphia federal reserve patrick parker says use one interest rate cut as appropriate for the sheer and several more months of improving inflation data but were getting hear from the bank of england on thursday in the uk is expected to hold rate study at five and a quarter percent. if it comes down to the interest-rate argument you expected were to get a fed cut in september after the election what you expect. >> we do believe that it does come down to the interest-rate argument the reality the economy has been resilient and it's going to slow over the medium-term in our growth is more than likely surprising to the upside in inflation if you look at our inflation is likely to surprise the downside over the medium-term which could create the goldilocks asset market this is not an all clear signal from the starting point as investors. the reason were an adverse spot in the positioning cycle and you decide were hearing calls for
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6000 on the s&p and the variety of metrics that help investors indicate where we are in the market cycle and a lot are flashing red from the perspective of medium to longer-term risk so rudely innings if you think about it picking up dimes in front of a steamroller. cheryl: the journal made a point yesterday which i thought was fair with volatility logos that investors are taking on more risks in if there is a downturn on the market there to get punished for that. cheryl: that is my concern and i know were waiting for the retail numbers to come out this morning into that point if you look at what's happening on main street those individuals that have the debt and have negative equity in the cars and more people having those cars repossessed. we now know everything from the payments to the after pay payments the micro lending rates are going to the roof, do you see that as having an impact on the retail numbers and by
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exchanges can have an impact on the wall street as well. cheryl: were talking inflation-adjusted as well. >> that's a great question, the reality is more than likely to have an impact on the election then it will on the economy. if you break down consumer spending in the u.s. by income cohort the top third of income coverts of 51 consumer spending in this country versus only 15% for the bottom third this is been a k-shaped recovery in an economy and ultimately that's can have political ramifications but if you talk about the stock market or the bond market you have to think about things in the aggregate. cheryl: there is a lot to consider in an election year which is normally good for markets, we will see. >> with cash in the sidelines are still significant we see a little bit of interest-rate cut in the fed is a smidge political and we will see to and the reality is the tidal wave technical term. "the bottom line" we're going to
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see to interest-rate cuts and that cash is going to pull important in it was the lowest with s&p they went from last to first 6000 by the end of the year is likely to happen. >> the only thing that still concerns me a little bit is a shelter component of the cpi i see that as a drag on the economy is there anything of the data that you want and you can to or knows because the number one thing that were focused on on the medium-term the likelihood that we seek celebrated this inflation in shelter prices if you think about shelter on the annualized basis in the most recent cpr report we hit lives that we haven't seen since 2021 that's actually quite good. >> from an energy standpoint do you see it playing out in the biden administration trying to crack down on the new natural gas exporting we've seen them trying to slow play what's happening with nuclear energy, do you see any of that impacted
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innovation that needs to happen in some of the things that people are backing on wall street, the artificial intelligence that require so much energy we look at the chip many factory were trying to bring back home and at the same time not accounting for the rapid improvement that we need to have in the energy sourcing in order to meet the needs as well. cheryl: the a.i. development for infrastructure is likely in mainly energy we believe they are likely to continue appreciating over the medium turn that will cause a little bit of inflation but the reality if we continue to see an overwhelming this inflationary impulse of the larger categories like shelter it will overwhelm that. cheryl: the side hustle to what you're talking about is data centers. good to see you. your morning mover is chad, it's moving higher for interesting reasons up 19% on the premarket this is the online learning
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platform company they announced a cut 22% of the workforce and refocusing other offerings to academic guidance to students in the can use more a.i., it's going to be closing two of the offices outside of the u.s. they expect to save 40 - 50000000 next year with restructuring the stock is down 75% year to date. house speaker mike johnson meeting with donald trump at mar-a-lago as the biden campaign targets the committal conviction ended new ad blitz, working to talk about it. plus the restaurant industry but some are benefiting big time regular talk about that coming up you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. p1, months until november's election, house speaker mike johnson meeting with president trump at mar-a-lago yesterday. after the meeting the speaker posting on x this photo, johnson
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writing it was great to meet with president trump today at mar-a-lago our party is united in working together. i'm confident will send president trump back to the white house and win back the senate and grow the house republican majority. joe pinion big goals big dreams possible? >> it is possible in its necessary and were seen firsthand the chaos that it rubs when you have these consecutive sled majorities in the house when nancy pelosi had the slimmest majority since world war ii and we had the fourth slimmest and third slimmest because people leaving congress, santos was kicked out of congress is critical for republicans to get together to have a roadmap to the majority in the house and take back the senate because yes we need a republican in the oval office but if a republican does not have the support of congress or if congress has to send it into another food fight and trying to call for a different speaker of
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the house every other week that becomes an issue. cheryl: keep control of the house but work together. i think we seen many in the party are tired of the fighting in the republican party it's happening on both sides. i would ask you about this the washington post editorial board was held their long bidens mistaken inflation could cost him the election, this is the washington post pointing out misguided in this policy in regards to inflation and he's been blaming corporation and supply chain and that was the wrong strategy. >> energy prices and you stop all the natural gas and oil prices go up that drives inflation that was on him even if he would be honest and say because of my concern for the environment, he actually said on cnn inflation was a 9% when he took over that is a complete miss the point of this thing and i think she's right it's about the economy that's what people
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feel and that's at the marginalized people feel and there's get a bid and should be a day of reckoning company. >> a hate entered ahead of the debate were nine days away president biden release this attack ad goes against former president trump being released in the swing states that it focuses on legal's problems, watch this. >> this is between a convicted criminal who is only out for himself and the president who is fighting for your family. cheryl: they made $50 million in los angeles and probably more today, this is a strategy. >> they spent $25 million trying to convince the world that bidenomics was working and they don't use the term anymore it's an odd thing where you see somebody running against historical precedent you normally say are you better off today than you were four years ago, they cannot make the argument because by every measure we are not better off than we were four years ago and
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the border is an unmitigated disaster in the fentanyl killing americans, the migrant crisis bankrupting cities, the lack of fairness and treatment when you oppose that with people who are struggling to make ends meet right here in america. there get to spend all the money and i don't like it's going to move the needle and it's good to be the carterville it's the economy stupid in the economy is not going to bail him out because of the inflation reduction plan and nothing to do with lower inflation because of the policies that are basically admired us in the inflation that was supposed to be transitory it is here to stay because of his failed leadership. cheryl: i would get back to the debate kellyanne conway was on with maria was "sunday morning futures" and they were talking about the debate and where this conversation should go, listen to what she said about what we should expect and what somebody should be doing at the debate, watch this. >> people are upset he threw the debate on cnn my advice let joe biden speak let him slur let him
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struggle and stumble and let him stand at the debate podium with 90 minutes with acuity, agility that we all see and be ready for most of the questions about abortion in january 6 and covid. cheryl: interesting. >> they have nothing to run on besides abortion in january 6 that's why you see george stephanopoulos trying to coach the moderators in advance and ask president trump about january 6 and ask president trump about abortion and who he wants to weighted the 2020 election, those are not the type of things you would think you would be talking about and a 2024 context but they don't want to talk about the things that face americans, let's make it quite real, there are parents can potentially beginning letters and e-mail on behalf of their adult children saying you have to report for active duty soon and very soon because of the fact that the person who promised to be the return to normal president has left this world more chaotic and abandoned
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her ally in the israel at the time when they needed us the most and no plan in ukraine to bring that to an end in his effort to contain the war in ukraine has led us in the brink of world war iii. these are the issues on the minds of everyday americans those who family serve and impacted by the fentanyl and the complete ignorance of that mechanic party has led them to this debate were now their hopes are pinned on the chief who doesn't seem to appear to know where he is most of the time. cheryl: again the videos that we are playing for viewers and making them make their own mind what they're saying with the current president and the g-7 and being helped out by the italian prime minister or what we saw over the weekend. i want to ask you this was supporters of president biden would say especially when it comes to the debate stage you in the video from the g-7 as he should go back to kitchen table
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economics and the lower childcare cost, message of things that you have done and try to go on your record. >> i think it's a reasonable play but sometimes cutting out bank fees, nuisance fees, translation that is not the leadership at the end of the day people want strong decisive leadership in america to be destroyed in the world stage in this approach is emboldening trout making them stronger and taking the people to his side because of that that's what they're looking for. cheryl: we have a lot more coming up with the world stage is a very important topic, we will talk about it because vladimir putin visiting north korea for the first time in two decades sparking new concern over the relationship that is forming, retired keith kellogg is here to weigh in. plus mcdonald's a.i. ordering experiment comes to a close. will tell you what was really wrong over at mcdonald's. we'll be right back.
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cheryl: russian president vladimir putin is traveling to north korea for a two-day visit for the first trip to the country in 24 years putin is expected to meet with kim jong-un and sign a partnership agreement during his trip. a letter published in north korean state media ahead of his arrival intake north korea for supporting his actions in ukraine. he also said they will work together to be sanctioned to develop trade and payment systems that aren't controlled by the west, here's what national security communication advisor john kirby had to say about the trip. >> were not concerned about the trip, what were concerned about is the deepening relationship between the two countries not just because of the impact it's going to have on ukrainian people because we know north korean ballistic missiles are still being used to hit ukrainian targets but because there could be a reciprocity that could affect security on the korean peninsula.
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we have not seen the parameters of all of that and have not see the country for which an but were good we watching that very, very closely. cheryl: center for american security co-chair fox news contributor and national security advisor to president trump and vp mike pence, lieutenant general mike kellogg. >> we're showing your book war by other means of the general did white house, let's talk about this what do you think putin's true purposes for going to north korea after so many years of never traveling there. >> i have to push back on the comments made in the white house by kirby. he is parsing his words. this is pretty important, what putin is doing is solidifying the alliance with china and north korea as well you need to see armaments that north korea can provide it is important to
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national security you take adversaries off the stage and you basically work individually with each one of them and what happened they collectively come together under the trap of administration president trump took kim jong-un and north korea off the table by the personal dialogue and when you don't have the personal dialogue things start to fall apart, biden has instructed putin in over two years you cannot treat an adversary that way, what is done he solidified the alliance and going to get more weapons and he created a backstop for them china's way to provide economic security and north korea will provide the weapons that he needs. cheryl: the more the axis of evil, as far as the payments my guess is crypto currency because many have asked how kim jong-un is surviving in the answer is dealing in the crypto market. i think some of putin's all the guards have done the same. u.s. special envoy dana sexting is visiting lebanon to be with
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senior officials to ease the tensions between israel and hezbollah. this is an israeli defense officials warning on the brink of could be a wider escalation with hezbollah, she was in israel yesterday and met with benjamin netanyahu and other officials but his visit came a day after benjamin netanyahu dissolve the war cabinet. what is your assessment of the situation right now. >> this is not good this is the one that i'm really, really concerned about with israel and hezbollah. when you look at hezbollah it's a largest nonstate military actor in the world they have over 100,000 missiles and the biggest missile can reach anywhere in israel that it wants to. we thought we had the situation contained, we the world a few years ago and the second lebanese were when israel went into lebanon and the united nations security council with an
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unsecure united nations security revolution 1701 which pushed hezbollah back from the border to the river 20 miles and then they put on a fill the un inner forces for lebanon to make sure there was any activity on the border and what is happened hezbollah has taken over the border and forced israel to evacuate 80000 of the citizens away from the border area and it's a constant barrage going back and forth in this could break out it's one that concerns me if israel starts a third lebanese were it'll make gaza look like child's play when it happens there. cheryl: lebanon is a real concern is not so much because it is lebanon. >> because gaza can be handled. cheryl: certainly there has been some advancements especially in rafah but let me ask you about this, how concerned are you at some point the u.s. forces are
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going to have to go when in assist or do you think the israelis can handle this on their own and i'm talking about lebanon. >> i think the israelis can handle them on their own it's pretty much a bloodied mess and all we need to do, the united states agrees to provide them support and in shock about military support and provide them economic support and more importantly political support meaning israel is our friend we know their back is against the wall and we need to be for them. period instead we equivocate and say the israelis are good here but the bad here if thomas or hezbollah is bad here if you have to back israel full up the entire world looks at this and they look at gaffes and see an adversary in the relationship with israel and pushing forward we see that happening in the united states when you see the
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protest on campuses and anti-semitism and that's a gap there trying to exploit, with u.s. forces on the ground in combat to make some support forces. >> i want to ask you about china, nato secretary says the alliance to deploy more nuclear weapons in the face of growing threats and global analysis of nuclear weapons and they found that china is expanding the nuclear arsenal faster than any other country and from beijing may have intercontinental ballistic missiles as u.s. or russia by 2030, very disconcerting research. >> we never going to face a major threat we used to do it on the soviet union not russia and i was so confused about putting
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more missiles on alert. in the missiles and the bombers in the submarines and we have for ballistics submarines 24/7 all of the time and you will at the warheads in the amount of missiles we have over 600 missiles in warheads on alert all the time little on the 400 missiles and where it's coming from yet to be concerned about the chinese the growing in the soviet union, russia and it's a threat work and have to face into the future. >> may be his talk about other european countries that the possibility but i don't know about that either i agree general kellogg always great to see you, thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. we have a lot more coming up, john kerry might be following in
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hilary clinton's footsteps with an e-mail scandal of his own from the time the secretary of state we have the details next in california wage hike is a benefiting minimum-wage workers what you need to know you're knocking to believe this after the break "mornings with maria" live on fox business.e ♪ fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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cheryl: whistleblowers are claiming secretary of state john kerry using e-mail alias while performing his official white house duties, gerri willis has the details. >> good morning to you serving as the nation's top diplomat john kerry using e-mail alias for some communication into top legislatures are demanding more from to know why senator chuck grassley and ron johnson pending a letter to current secretary of state anthony blinken writing this we want to know whether the then secretary of state kerry complied with all federal laws and regulation with respect to his e-mail, communication and with the responses to relevant freedom of act request if properly included the e-mail
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address. and the sad conclusion to a bizarre mystery, an american found dead on the beach increases week is confirmed to be famous horseracing trainer toby sheetz. the 55 euros body was found on the tiny greek island, the island is only one point to square miles and a population of less than 100 people. he is one of seven missing or dead tourists on the greek isles this month alone. it's unknown how he died but officials say many of the other tourists found that this month were hiking in the extreme heat. still missing retired los angeles county sheriff's deputy albert kalb a that went missing during a hike on an island off the greases east coast. it is a day of bankruptcy today, to high-profile bankruptcy filings in the transportation sector, electric vehicle strode up throwing in the towel one year under unveiling the first
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model. nobody is coming close to touching tesla just yet. in the world of public transport. pictures are taking a hint this morning. the budget alternative to greyhound mega bus is at risk of going under and since the parent company files for bankruptcy they offered to guests from 1 dollar every since 2006 and is served more than 50 million americans across 500 cities, the buses will continue running as normal during the bankruptcy. and mcdonald's is putting a stop to a failed experiment. artificial intelligence in the drive through, what could go wrong there. the company partnered with ibm on ordertaking technology but informed strength and trip franchisees it will begin on the 21st after baking on ice cream, crazy, confuse customers to post video clips buying what
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they call the mcdonald's robot one ends up with nine cups of sweet tea instead of coke that she requested another was built $200 for 20 extra orders of nuggets. mcdonald's will be introducing technology in the future, take a look at the stock in. some california fast-food managers are bringing home the bacon as the states new wage law takes effect this game passed the 20-dollar minimum wage causing many franchisees to close their doors, high prices or lay off employees. let's talk about provision boosts salaries for managers. raising canes, that the name of the franchise employee told the wall street journal the base pay was bumped from 79000 to $85000 per year and she's eligible for monthly bonuses up to $7500 if her story reaches certain goals
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is 27-year-old man of 96 employees and location of 9 million each year in sales she could be making $175,000 a year if all the bonuses kick in but the knockoffs of the wage laws are incredible. we are seeing prices rise by 9% of fast food restaurants and fewer people go to fast food restaurants. now the national retailer association is saying 39% of their members say they're not making any money they're not making any profit. >> they wanted that this was going to happen in the tens of thousands of locations with close and they did. when rubio, the tocco chain, you can't sell tacos. cheryl: i love fish tacos you cannot sell those, you have a problem. this might enter misguided policy. it's amazing. >> if you look at one side what happens raise rates and it's
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going to get expensive. cheryl: rubio's has great tacos if anybody was wondering from personal experience. >> people want to get paid more money, i'm happy for the manager and less excited for the line cooks and all the people they used to flip the burgers that will be replaced by the robots flipping the burgers and people taking the orders being replaced by the kiosk and can't get it to work properly. one person gets a 30% bump in a 50% bump in five people lose their job if that's good to be a net positive, show me but nobody can and just as a reparation plan with the big, big number to say we cannot afford to pay the number i have a l a lot of peope saying congratulations you put us out of business. cheryl: with high inflation and put costs, these chains are dealing with. >> their squeeze from both sides, food and the wages.
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for a lot of these stores is impossible to stay in business but we see the bunch of them close and they're making less money and fewer people are going he wants to get their food from a machine anyway. cheryl: unfortunately somebody depend on fast food to feed their family and their being priced out, that the cpi. thank you very much. we are going to take a quick break, would make about president biden looking to take more executive action for immigrants possibly granting amnesty status and are legally here, thus itself don't miss fox business interview with new york fed president john williams happy life this morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern time. watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone, i'm in for maria bartiromo. it is tuesday, it is june 18, it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast, time for the hot topic of the hour. the white householding a dreamers celebration today as the biden administration shares new details on its plan to grant mass amnesty for hundreds of thoses of illegal immigrants married to u.s. citizens. the white house says this makes it easier for the migrants t


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