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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 18, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone, i'm in for maria bartiromo. it is tuesday, it is june 18, it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast, time for the hot topic of the hour. the white householding a dreamers celebration today as the biden administration shares new details on its plan to grant mass amnesty for hundreds of thoses of illegal immigrants married to u.s. citizens. the white house says this makes it easier for the migrants to get permanent legal status
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without having to leave the country which is what they currently have to do. this would be the second high profile unilateral action the president is taking on immigration this month. p just about two weeks ago, he unveiled the executive order aimed at clamping down on asylum claims at the southern border. former cia deputy director mike msounding thealarm. the terrorism warning lights are blinking red again, writes. given the particular vol vulnerability of the southern border, the recent executive order is a valuable step towards limiting entry to the u.s. rich edson asked the white house national security advisor john kirby about the use of emergency authority at the border. here's his response. >> is there anything more the administration can do without congress? >> the president already as you just saw last week announced
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some executive action particularly when it comes to asylum. we need for congress to act. there was a deal on the table, a bipartisan deal in the senate that would have been the most sweeping change, would have caused the most sweeping changes not just to border enforcement and security but to immigration policy itself and many, many years, and it didn't go anywhere because a certain ex-official decided he didn't like it, he thought it was better for there to be a problem rather than an a solution. i'm not going to foreclose what he would do in the future. we need comprehensive legislation. cheryl: president trump is blaming the crisis for the murder of rachel moren. the suspect is an illegal i'm immigrant from el salvador. the sheriff says this was not the first crime he committed after finding his dna tied to a
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2023 attack in la and is wanted for murder in his own country. a biden official revealing unaccompanied migrant juveniles are not getting background checks at the border. they're not inquiring about the criminal histories of the teenagers. and then look at this. a new cbs poll shows 53% of hispanics are in favor of kicking out undocumented immigrants who illegally enter, 50% support the establishment of federal holding facilities to keep migrants before deportation. there's a lot to go through. i want to go back to the political side. the journal writes internal democratic polling found most americans support granting legal status to spouses of u.s. citizens which is what we're talking about today even if they entered the country illegally. that to me says that that's part of the political move, that the biden administration is making
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today. >> it's cleanup on aisle nine after they created an unmitt unmitigated disaster. you look at what i call the bed rock of the 2024 election, the fairness doctrine or of lack of fairness when you have migrants receiving $300 a week from the city of new york, it will cost $12 billion over three years and veterans are 50% disabled, family of four, receiving less than a family of four migrants. something has gone terrible hey wrong in this country. they want to do whatever they can to kind of smooth over the issues they have with their own base but it doesn't change the fact that you've got john kirby there, pretending that he's no longer a diplomat and a used car salesman on behalf of the biden administration, he leaves out the fact that over a year ago 219 republican members of congress voted for pretty stringent border policy and not a single democrat voted for it. the president said don't do anything with it. chuck schumer allowed it to
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collect dust in the senate. so yes, the same exact testify order you passed -- executive order you passed this month is the same executive order you could have passed two years ago, the same legislation you're trying to blame republicans for is less stringent than the one we had a year ago. so this is their crisis. they told us it was a figurement of our -- figment of our imagination. they have no one to blame but themselves. cheryl: seattle is looking to fill depleted police department jobs with migrants that entered illegally. here's what they posted on their linkedin page. they're now accepting applications from daca recipients. they're called dreamers as you know. migrants who entered the country illegally but were kids at the time. but seattle police said we've got jobs we need filled. what do you say? >> first of all, the daca kids have restrictions on the ability to carry guns.
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there's an issue around that. i think also certainly they're here but ultimately the jobs should be filled by people that are qualified, that are here probably i think at the end of the day it will create people for sympathetic for immigrants, a higher crime problem, more degradation for the cities. >> at our best we're a nation that doesn't penalize children for the actions of their parent. the plight of the people who qualify for daca was left on the back burner by a democratic party who says we are the only ones to help had you, it's kamala harris and cohorts in the senate that voted againsts the dadaca protections. cheryl: this came from president obama. this is 2012, this is where daca came from. you're saying that harris fought against it. >> she fought against it. not only did she fight against
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it, you're also looking at the point right now where we can't have a conversation about daca because they troubled, tripled, we don't know the amount of people in the country illegally, hundreds of thousands of people got aways, crossing our border, we have no idea who they are or where they have gone so, yes, unfortunately for these people trapped in limbo, by the policies our government have put in place in a bipartisanmanner, yes, they're stuck here, not able to do what they need to do on behalf of the country they love but it's also a reflection of the fact that democrats continue to make the immigration policy much more untenable for the average american by treating the migrants better than -- cheryl: internal federal data that fox got ahold of yesterday, i don't know if you saw this, i.c.e. docket has exploded. the fiscal year is not over. >.>> there's 1.4 million extra. cheryl: 8 million, the numbers
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are staggering. coming up, we are examining the fed's outlook on rate cuts and whether or not we could expect a cut this year. everyone's got an opinion be about it. the word on wall street panel is here to weigh in. we a first on fox interview at 8:30 a.m. eastern time, edward lawrence will sit down with new york federal reserve president, john williams. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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philadelphia federal reserve president patrick harker says he views one interest rate as appropriate for this year and would like several more months of improving inflation. we'll hear from the bank of england on thursday, they're expected to hold interest rates steady, 5 and a quarter percent. that's the macro story. but volatility, the vix is at 13, very low volatility. what do you make of that. >> at this point we're starting to ask ourselves as investors is this time different, can we actually take a deep breath or is this the calm before the storm and so in that situation if we want to see several months in between rate cuts, we have six months left in the year. if we want to say we're going to see one rate cut as a team of active managers, we're not expecting that to make a huge difference in terms of our strategy. the market will react. we'll get a buying opportunity or a chance to offload
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something. i would agree this sort of everything seems to be working out just right is exactly the reason to sit tight. [laughter] cheryl: september could be a whole different story. >> settlement could be -- cheryl: it's an election year and that could change the dynamics for the market. you look at history, september a lot of times can be a rough month especially if you've had a nice summer so enjoy your summer, everybody. [laughter] >> i think when we look at where oil prices are right now, we see them trending down. if we see oil prices come down, inflation comes down, that tidal wave -- interest rates come down and the wall of money, people talk about the wall of cash, if that pours in that's one of the possible outcomes, we might see 6,000, dare i say 6500 is possible but at some point there's going to be a moment to say there's profit taking and that profit taking will be significant when it happens. i think it will be q1 next year. cheryl: i'm going to ask you both about this. one of our frequent guests on the show, mark tepper, he says the market is about a.i. and owe
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ozempic. the norvo ceo will testify as bernie sanders is blasting the company for the high prices for the weight loss drugs. they charge americans 969 a month, that's dollars, for ozempic, compared to 155 bucks in canada, $59 in germany. they charge americans over $1,300 a month for wagovi while the same drug can be purchased for $140 in germany, $92 if they the u.k. sanders says the committee looks forward for him to explain why americans are paying up to 10 to 15 times more for the medications than people in other countries. this will be interesting, chris i'm. >> all the innovation comes from the united states.
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the cost disparities are here. 85% of americans pay for insurance are third party, canada, i think it's 60%. so there are issues around that. the end of the day, you can't defend thats disparity. bernie sanders, i'm going to say this -- this will be the first time. bernie sanders may be right, if people can buy their drugs in canada, people see the price dispair the at this, perhaps that will levelize the playing field. go bernie. i'm feeling the burn on this one. cheryl: if you own the stocks, you're not that excited. there are a lot of trades surrounding the glp-1 drugs. we talked extensively about them on the program, especially mark tepper if he's walking. he's been a big fan. what do you think? are you worried about the sector as the beginning of regulation starts to take hold in the industry. >> i'm not worried about the sector. this is an example of the importance of active management and having a long-term approach. this is competition playing out. if it comes to the point where it is vital for novonordisk to
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play fair, things get leveled out and investors that own the shares need to have seen this coming. this is a weak spot when you have to assess when looking at risks of your investment. this is a big glaring flag that people need to consider. cheryl: the patents expire in 10 years. on the other side, many doctors are hoping patients that are dealing with obesity would be on the drugs. real quick, you have stock picks, netflix, mastercard, you like the consumer focused names. >> yes. when we think about this environment the question often comes up why. [laughter] >> why would you be a little bit bullish on consumer and when we look at mastercard and netflix which are in our etf, we see them as strong quality plays because when we look at netflix we see advertising, digital advertising has taken off. it's something that's been
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really resistant in the sort of dampened consumer environment. when we look at mastercard it's the fact that payments have to cross the rails so even if we have sort of a slowdown, when we think about inflation and the fact that's going to increase gross dollar volume, they've got to cross a rail every time you swipe a card. mastercard is a toll taker. even when we come down on the market a bit, they're there. they're sort of the troll under the bridge. you've got to use a payment network to pass. cheryl: as far as streamers go, netflix seems to be a victor in the wars, disney plus maybe not. >> netflix has done well. cheryl: it's good to see you. >> great to be back. cheryl: chris is going to stay with us all morning long. coming up, house speaker mike johnson says the republican party is united after meeting with former president trump. indiana senator mike braun is next on what's next for the gop. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. cheryl: former president trump blaming president biden for the death of maryland mom of five
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rachel moran. the suspect is an illegal migrant from el salvador. he attempted to enter the country three times in a two month span. trump writing on truth social that she was illegally killed by a brutal monster who was wanted for murder in el salvador and fled to the u.s. because he knew crooked joe would let him in. now her children will grow up without their mother because he refusrefuses to shut down the b. >> i've been in office now 10 years. i've gone through president obama to president trump and the border was never more secure than it was under president pre. we have a president who invited so many people to come to the country. every citizen in the country, that is a public safety crisis and one we can easily fix by
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really coming up with a workable immigration policy for our country. it's just insane that we would allow things like rachel's murder to happen and when i say allow it, we we you allowed it y letting him into the country unchallenged. cheryl: joining us is now is indiana senator mike braun, senator, this tragedy, this comes after the death of laken riley, an illegal migrant here in this city, in new york, shooting two nypd officers, they survived. when is enough enough? >> well, i think the tragedy is, these are the incidents that you hear about. so tough on families. there have been 10 million roughly illegal immigrants that have come across the border, not to mention they even come across our northern border now because that's got holes in it as well. it's not only this, it's the national security risk, up to
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150 nationalities, they generally fly into probably mexico city and get a different way through the border. we're setting ourselves up for something that i feel and many other senators do that is going to be a big deal when you let that border open so long. so we've got what you just talked about and they're doing it for a very crass reason. from the beginning, we had record low illegal crossings under trump. they calculate politically that folks that come in will become a voter some day and then they try to do stuff like late to the game propose that would baseline illegal immigration at five to 10 of times the rate and then throw stuff out there like amnesty for spouses. they're trying to play both ends of the spectrum. it will be the biggest issue in november. cheryl: the wall street journal writes about that this morning and says that-they cite internal
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democratic polling, they say most americans support p granting legal status to those married to citizens. there will be an event at the white house, talking about daca, reemerged as a talking point. i say talking point because it seems politically motivated. >> no doubt about it. it would take 60 senators. on any of those issues, we'll roll up our sleeves and look at that. it's got to be based on a completely secure border. until we get that, none of that other stuff can come on the table but they're fast-footed. they think they can have it both ways, put enough money behind it, you push the narrative out there and they think that will soften the blow they're going to get in november. you've got be careful. cheryl: well, obviously these orders and these actions are-the timing as we head towards november, so let's talk about
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november. house speaker mike johnson did meet with former president trump at mar-a-lago yesterday. after the meeting the speaker posted a photo on x of the two gentlemen and he wrote this, it was great to meet with president trump today at ma mar-a-lago, or party is united and working together, i'm confident we'll send president trump back to the white house and grow the house republican majority. there's a new poll that finds that former president trump is leading biden by 18 points in iowa, senator. that was once a swing state. remember, obama won the hawkeye state in 2008 and 2012 and a pollster wrote on x in 2020 trump won iowa by 8 points, now the pollster shows him up 18 in the state, bad news for biden in more competitive western states, like wisconsin, like michigan, this is coming down to the swing states, senator. i know you met with the former president last week. so what do you make of the state of the race right now with all a
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of that data in front of sunny. >> well, that would scare me as a democrat because iowans will be similar to the badger state. that's the swingiest of all swing states. when i was with the president last week, there is unity in that room. and what is drawing everybody together is how blatantly bad things are. we haven't mentioned the sugar high economy. that's the number two two issue. there will be signs on the horizon that that's not working. that's benefited mostly government and big companies that have gotten -- borrowed money invested into them. that's going to start to fall apart. so many big issues out there. border will be number one. we've got to be careful that we don't let them do stuff like they're trying now to try to spin it in a way that softens their bad policies over the last three and-a-half years. cheryl: well, that's why the debate is going to be so crucial
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because since 2020 we have not seen these two men face-to-face and so we're nine days away. president biden is now releasing this new attack ad that goes against former president trump in the swing states and it's focusing on trump's legal woes. watch this. >> this election is between a convicted criminal who is only out for himself and a president who is fighting for your family. cheryl: some republican lawmakers are suggesting that if new york judge merchan sends trump to jail before the convention, the sentencing is the 11th of july, the 15th is when the convention starts. that's woul seal a red wave in november. what do you say. >> no doubt about it. as all the indictments have come along, he has strengthened that floor. bidens is dotte ring around on a
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stage, those be led off. he looks weak. his policies are bad. when i was in the room on thursday, that's the most of enthusiasm i've seen among our caucus in a long, long time and i think it's all culminating -- when you weaponize government, when you do what they've done to politicize the justice system, people put two and two together. they talk about democracy. i think most people think that does not look like democracy. it's playing into our benefit. we just cannot let them out-spend us, change the narrative, and foreget the bad record that we've had when they've been controlling the shots. cheryl: there's going to be a lot of things talked about and the economy is certainly going to be one of the biggest issues on the debate stage. senator mike braun, thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. cheryl: we've got a lot more coming up this morning. what president biden's border executive order is not doing to keep the country safe as
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thousands of migrants cross the border. sheriff mark daniels is next with a firsthand take. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized
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did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit cheryl: fox exclusively obtaining information that i.c.e.'s not detained dock he et skyrocketed this year, on track to hit 8 million by the end of september, doesn't include got aways that entered the country
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since president biden took office. we haven't seen a change since the executive order over a week ago. fox news' rich edson asked white house national security communications advisor john kirby about the use of emergency authorities at the border. watch. >> thousands of people crossing the border unknown each week. he says the united states should consider using national emergency authorities. is that something the administration is considering? >> i don't have anything in terms of decision making on what -- i'm not sure i completely understand what he means by all those authorities. the president has taken executive action he believes is warranted. you can't change what's happening at the border unless you have legislation, unless you have real resources and funding and support. there's no magic wand that can be waved to make it all go away. cheryl: joining me is arizona sheriff, mark daniels. your reaction to all of this? should we get national emergency authorities out to the border,
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deploy those authorities? we've got dangerous gangs and cartel activity at the border. >> good morning, cheryl. the answer to that is yes, we should. we have created a crime scene in our country based on an open border that's no longer just a crisis at our border, it's a crisis in every community right now and this is intended. i mean, we've opened up the border based on executive orders and i would debate and argue with john kirby and the fact that under title 8, which is federal law, states if you come across the border illegally you're automatically expelled, no questions asked. we set that rule of law aside to let them in. so this is well intended, what's going on at our border. cheryl: you say catch and release has allowed violent gang members and career criminals into communities like yours. >> well, that's a true statement, cheryl. you ask any border patrol agent, they're going to talk to the media, they'll tell you the same
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same thing. we've had catch and release for the last three and- and-a-half . when president biden comes out, you see media reports from john kirby and a others saying they're doing everything they can. those are feel good headlines. president biden took away the executive orders, used executive orders to open the border. he has the authority to enforce the rule of law and secure the border. ask any victim of fentanyl poisoning, anybody's that's been a victim of illegals take that were allowed in the country, what they would say about having the border secure. wee have to do a better job of securing the border. cheryl: speaking of the border, i want to ask if you've seen a bigger influx in arizona because governor abbott in texas has pretty much shut down what he was dealing with there. i'm wondering if the migrants are flooding intoe your area.
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sounds like they are. mike morel. the former cia deputy director, he sounded the alarm on the heightened terror threat at the border. he wrote an op-ed, said the terrorism warning lights are blinking red again and said the stated intentions of terrorist groups, the growing capabilities they've shown in recent attacks around the world point to a uncomfortable, unavoidable conclusion, the u.s. faces a serious threat of a terrorist attack in the months ahead and john kirby admitting the white house is watching. listen to him. >> former cia director michael morel wrote that terrorism warning lights are blinking red again. do agree with that assessment. >> certainly we would say absolutely unequivocally, we've got to keep our eye on the terrorist threat. cheryl: sheriff? >> we have seen no change down here when it comes to making the border safer. in fact, just the opposite.
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we continue every day to see border crimes her here in the county, our sheriffs will say the same thing. we're in the tip of the spear of crime in this country when it comes to being vulnerable. 9/11 taught us something, sadly, he we've set that aside, the history is set aside. it amazes me that anybody as an elected official, the president of the united states, would say it's okay to have an open border, what we're seeing in this country, it alarms me that political parties are more important than the people we serve. we've got to get this border back under control, make it manageable. cheryl: certainly the gang, the cartel activity that we've seen is incredulous at this point and you are a border town but many american cities are becoming border towns. the new york post is reporting out of here that the suspected rapist and murderer of this young maryland mother, he tried illegally crossing three times, hes was turned away.
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he evaded authorities on the fourth attempt, they say. do you think that whether it's rachel moran, whether it's laken riley, whether it's the nypd police officers, we saw shot in my city, is all of this preventable? >> 100% preventable. one of the main things any elected official, whether sheriff, mayor, governor or president of the united states or of u.s. congress, the main priority is to protect citizens and right now we're not doing that. let's be honest here. i think this is lost in the dialogue, the honesty coming out of washington, d.c. right now and the fact they failed to engage it, failed to acknowledge it and they failed to prioritize it which is the ingredients of the tragedies we're seeing in the country which is only going to get worse, we know it. 2 million got aways, the people we allowed in the country we can't v vet for criminal histories. it's only the tip. it's only going to get worse.
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i can't believe we're not united on this. cheryl: joe pinion has a question for you. >> to that particular point, obviously it appears to most people paying attention the increasing number of people on the terrorist watch list that are being apprehended coming across our border, we remember that it was basically just a handful of mad men that took this country to its knees on 9/11. and we made a vow never to forget. from your perspective, looking at what has happened there on the southern border, from the doj suing the state of arizona for the shipping containers, the doj suing the state of texas for putting up the bouys, how is it possible that somebody like john kirby stands up there with a straight face and tries to place the blame for the unmitigated disaster on somebody else? >> that's the most frustrating thing we see as sheriffs, we see it as committee members, my committee talks to me all the time about this is the fact that
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the non-apologetic application saying we haven't done a good job. we have to do a better job to protect you in the country. quit doing the blame game. it's not saving lives. it's frustrating, upsetting to see that. you're the president of the united states, you're a global leader, most powerful person in the world and you can't secure our own border. we have to prioritize america first on this. cheryl: the citizens of cocheese county in arizona are paying the price, per usual. never stops. sheriff mark daniels, thank you. >> thank you both. cheryl: coming up, what is next for boeing as the company's ceo gears up to testify today. we've got the details after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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cheryl: as it turns out not even president biden's secret service members are safe from california's growing crime wave. gerri willis has this one. gerri. >> cheryl, that's right. california police say a secret service agent was robbed at gunpoint while president biden was in los angeles for a star studded campaign fundraiser. authorities are looking for this car, take a look. it was seen leaving the crime scene. the suspect took off with the agent's bag not before the agent confronted the suspect, firing his weapon. officers did manage to recover some of the agent's belongings that were in the area. the robbery happened less than 40 miles from whereby den was
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busy rubbing elbows with celebrities on saturday. and also from the crime desk in california, sunny veal police arrested five suspects involved in a smash and grab robbery caught on camera. police say about 20 suspects used hammers and other tools to break into the jewelry cases. some of the jewelry was recovered by the police. the incident remains under investigation. and the irs and treasury department announcing plans to end what they call a major tax loophole used by wealthy taxpayers, targeting partnership basis shifting, a process allowing a business or person to move assets through different legal entities to take more deductions and minimize what they owe. to be clear, it's legal but sometimes abused. the treasury department says this could raise more than $50 billion in revenue over the next decade. house republicans writing a letter to the office of special counsel yesterday, notifying them of an investigation into
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whether the agency retaliated against irs whistleblowers gary shapely and joseph zigler who alleged a coverup in the hunter biden tax probe. they filed a complaint after special counsel david weiss removed them from hunter's case a week after notifying congress about possible preferential treatment given to the first son. the gop seeking a briefing to ensure there has not been, quote, improper influence relating to shapely and zig ler's claims. apple says it's ending the buy now pay later service just one year after launching it. the company says it plans to offer a way for people to apply for buy now, pay later loans from third party companies like affirm and credit and debit cards from issuers like citigroup when they check out with apple pay. the company says existing apple pay later loans will not be affected. take a look at the stock right now. it is up about half a percent.
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richard blumenthal's office saying a current boeing employee has come forward as a whistleblower just hours before the company's outgoing ceo, david calhoun, is set to testify on capitol hill. blumblumenthal's office says the employee is a quality insurance inspector from boeing in washington state, alleging boeing is cutting corners by losing track of parts labeled as not up to design standards. blumenthal saying in a statement, he was told by supervisors to conceal the evidence from the faa and he's being retaliated against. the wall street journal is also reporting that boeing's ceo search has hit snags. they write, quote, several high profile candidates have turned down the chance to run boeing. this is all happening as the department of justice is weighing whether to prosecute boeing for two deadly crashes
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that happened a half a decade ago. the wall street journal reporting, quote, the department is navigating between families seeking extra punishment for boeing and a judge in texas who has called the conspiracy case the deadliest corporate crime in american history. it will be interesting, the hearing later today, we're expecting dave calhoun, the former ceo to testify. this is the first time. we've been waiting for it for a long time. they're supposed to update us on the special 90 day plan for fixing things. cheryl: i think david calhoun is about have a very, very bad horrible day especially with the whistleblower that's come forward. there's been two whistleblowers, both deceased, not for nefarious reasons but the one they said ended up killing himself, he said he was being retaliated against and threatened by boeing employees. so i don't know if they're going to get into that today. i think they should. it's the culture of boeing. i think that needs to be
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addressed. as far as the doj investigation with those max crashes, it's because boeing didn't meet the criteria of what they were told to meet so they wouldn't get charged by the doj so it's almost their own fault, chris. i hate to be so negative on the company, but -- >> it's stark, right? instructing people possibly to not say the parts are -- what are they thinking? how could that be good governance? i think they did bring it b upon themselves. i'm glad they're held accountable for it. it won't be a good day for him. >> the stock price has virtually been cut in half, you see it here, 176. >> you do see the outlook being bright, long-term as they get past this because of national security issues. it was $400 stock, now it's $180. we have to bring this to the light of day. cheryl: focus on the faa. the faa for too long has let boeing self-certificate time that's where all --
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self-certify. that's where all of this came from. there's been production problems and parts issues and wheels falling off and door plugs blowing out. there was no proper oversight. that's my opinion. >> we saw that in the securities industry too. you've seen some of the things that have happened there as well. >> to that point poo, no one -- to that point, no one went to jail because of what happened with the financial collapse. if people don't go to jail when people are actually dying, there's zero incentive for this type of he behavior not to occur at boeing, any of the other manufacturers so the reality is, toker point, have you a -- to your point, have you a company that is embedded in the national security of this country, before you even realize just howen trenched they have in the commercial transportation of the nation and so you have the taxpayers a giving them money for our national security interest, you have taxpayer by default giving them money every
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time you bail out the airline industry that needs to buy the planes from them, the very least thing they can do is make sure that the planes don't fly out of the sky and kill us and when you willfully go against that, somebody has to be held accountable. >> what are the consequences, we don't see them. cheryl: i don't want to see a great american company fail. i want to go on the record and say that. we need boeing. there's got to be changes. >> the government needs to do its job, to your point. cheryl: we've got a lot more coming up. what the latest polls are showing for the 2024 election and biden's so-called secret weapon, that's the hot topic of the hour. after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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cheryl: good morning. i'm cheryl casone in for maria bartiromo tuesday, june 18, 8:00 a.m. east coast time for hot topic of the hour president biden secret weapon against former president trump could be older voters, "the
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wall street journal" poll finding biden has notched 4% seniors, trump 46% of that group down 51% from 2020. biden again with seniors a surprise as republican candidates have carried seniors since 2000 journal rights that one of the things worried about is democracy, j joe. >> i think democrats have done a good job convincing rank an file voters that republicans want to destroy medicaid they want to destroy medicare take away social security, raise the age and all these things never going to come to pass so i think would it be 405 the president to focus on things they care about, what is the america he left behind for your grandchildren who cannot read at grade level do math grade level at prolific rates what is america left behind for your children now no longer promised to


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