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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  June 18, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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stuart: another question, oxygen accounts for the human body's mass, it is all yours. ashley: no idea. i will go with 35%. %. lauren: 55. >> applicant number 2, 45%. stuart: i will go with number 2 as well. mike often gets it right. 60 -- are you kidding me? the composition of the human body is 65% oxygen, 18.5% carbon, 3% nitrogen, 94% of a dozen other elements. lauren: in price is right rules, i win. stuart: closest without going over. calling it quits for the day. coast-to-coast starts now. neil: we are not buying as many
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things but that's the reason we continue to buy stocks. the retail sales report is the latest reminder of by anger, not building. today, a much slower pace at all because average folks are pulling back on buying stuff or not as much stuff. how many times have we reported this on the show, the stuff of which market rallies are made a run made because it gets back to rate cuts and whether they happens this you are not. the latest bedding is one cut does get thorough but it hinges on avoiding off the charts data. a strong piece of economic news that could change that. that's not happening yet, at least not today. steady is she slows, victoria fernandez on a summer rally
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that persists on the notion a rate cut exists. what do you think? >> you are right. that is what the market is looking at. they've been expecting rate cuts to begin for a long time, they've been waiting and waiting and because of the weaker data we've been receiving as of late on retail sales, the market is saying it's not higher longer. sooner than the fed has been alluding to, especially since we've seen four central banks already start they are easing process where maybe the economy isn't doing as well as people expected to, and stand in the way of a market moving higher and lower rates. neil: we had a slowdown in
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retail sales, we talked about how bifurcated it is. and not nearly as stronger, the markets on this. >> they want to see the slowing economy, you want to be careful, rates at 5.4%. and in the camp they should not cut rates. there's a lot of pressure to her point. we see some central banks around the world cut, the bank of england does not cut thursday but starting next month, the fed is not falling position. what does he do? they should step back. even if they cut you have a
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well diversified portfolio, not what i would do. the underperforming sectors, financials, places there will be opportunity even if the market pulls back and if you want to be really cautious, in the equity market look at the big value plays and respective industries the represent value to stabilize the portfolio if we pull it back and i hope it does pull back a little bit because it has gone hyperbolic. neil: names like nvidia and all that. we are concentrated for all that. market rates have come down. wasn't that long ago, that is a lot lower mortgages and home equity loans and all that sort of thing.
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what do you think? >> i'm not in an island, and not sure the fed needs to lower rates, you're absolutely right, look at what yields have done already, just on anticipation of what might happen. this is what worries the fed. they don't want to lower rates and stoke inflation before they have a grasp of it and have a melt up in the market and that is part of the concern why they are raiding so long and signs of this economy saying things are slowing down. why not let them occur naturally? i am not sure they are as restrictive as people think we are. our star number is higher. yields are cutting down that could stoke a little bit of spending by consumers going forward especially in the housing market and let's
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remember housing prices lead rents by 12 months. if we see housing prices continue to move higher, what does that mean for the shelter? it remains sticky and that will be a thorn in their side. stuart: which would keep it holding off. i want to pick your brain later on technology. it seems to move forward whether we see this going up or down. i want to get that he normally straight. i want to go to peter doocy, the economy that is turning around but they are into the money raising thing with the most interesting of folks. >> reporter: the debate prep, the campaign of fish want to drill into president biden in different ways to tell donald trump to his face that he is a
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convicted felon. >> what you can expect his donald trump to do what he has been doing which is undermine the rule of law, attempt to tear down the judicial system. as he has done consistently the president will talk about how dangerous and irresponsible it is to do that. >> reporter: president biden is going to attend a fundraiser in a wealthy dc suburb cohead and by bill and hillary clinton. wealthy donors keep writing big checks despite dismal polling lately and renewed questions about president biden's mental acuity as prominent liberal strategists are saying they think president biden might need next thursday's debate more than trump does. >> still skeptical. i look at polling, we have all the new information, you can see some change but got to
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look. i think the president needs this event. >> reporter: starting tomorrow, the whole week is locked up for this to debate prep at the presidential retreat. and pass this afternoon remarks due to the nation, fine tuning the election argument. neil: thank you for that. following the strategy of the trump campaign to going to these battleground states that are winnable and is a repeat of the strategy in 2016. brian is in wisconsin with the latest. >> reporter: wisconsin, pennsylvania and there must win states come this election. that is why donald trump is here today. biden won the badger state in
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25, fewer than 20 one thousand votes, today at 4:00 at his rally in wisconsin the former president is expected to hammer biden on the economy particularly inflation. fox news polling shows donald trump is trusted more by double digits over biden on the issue of the economy and inflation. the campaign says trump will focus on gas prices in wisconsin which are up more than a dollar per gallon compared to what they were in january 2021 when biden took office. it $3.28 a gallon. take into account all consumer products, food, shelter, energy, transportation and things are about 20% more expensive, than they were in january of 21. in a statement entitled trump,
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wisconsin, donald trump, and his plans to cut taxes for billionaires and corporations will make life more expensive if given the chance. there are million seniors, 65 representing 25% of the population. first lady jill biden was in wisconsin to launch a national effort called seniors for biden, seniors could make the difference as biden continues to poll lower-than-expected for young voters which is a core biden constituency. a new poll this morning shows trump and biden are tied among young voters under 49 but trump is up one point with voters age 45 or older. the same poll shows biden and trump are tied nationally. biden needs big voter turnout in milwaukee where democrats put up ten billboards highlighting closed-door comments the former president major republicans calling milwaukee a horrible city. trump clarified those comments to fox.
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>> it was clear what i meant. i said we are very concerned with crime. i love milwaukee and have great friends in milwaukee. the ballots, the way it went down was very bad, very bad. >> reporter: we are seeing 20 miles south of milwaukee. speaking of debate prep which is happening next week, milwaukee is hosting the are in c. the former president is forgoing mock debate prep, instead having informal policy discussions with advisors and experts and jd vance who is on the list potentially of top vp picks. neil: it must gall us a young man the campaigns are targeting old fogies like me. that would mean essentially i am cool and you are not.
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>> reporter: i guess i am not. neil: i don't know what i am saying but i found that fascinating. i grab it when i can. this one, i am grabbing. great reporting get. i would not call my next guest an old fogey but does represent the disenchanted democratic base you hear so much about, will, former executive director and senior advisor to bernie sanders, columnist for the daily caller. you switched sides but to which side? >> thank you for having me. look at where the economy is now, it's vastly different. it is a bang upwards of 17%,
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unacceptable to have president biden saying economies do better under him. neil: it's a big deal when someone of your note are reality, you were not some minor player in the draft biden movement, you were a key player. what turned you off? the economy but what else? >> from the economy to where the democratic party changed it not even in the past decade but the past few years. used to be the party of everything demand. on top of that we have a party that is more focusable on who you are as a person. if you are lgbt q, and -- neil: a lot of people says donald trump does a lot of good things. a lot of damage behavior too
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and erratic and some fearing he will be on a vengeance tour. is that concern you? >> it does concern me. one thing that does concern me is the state president biden is in. if you look at the democratic party, in the daily mail, you have the democratic party trying to figure out how to get biden off of the ticket. how many states vote in a primary? if you look at the polling, in key states where biden should be winning, cities for biden, florida, he should be getting a lot more support and right now every day people know what it is about. neil: let's monitor this moving along as weeks and months move along. one of those had enough with the democratic party and try something new, go back to the other guy in the oval office.
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some updates concerning the first time we've seen this in 24 years, vladimir putin visiting north korea, talking how to fight western sanctions against both governments. probably among the more sanctioned governments and individuals on the planet. they have a plan for that. you want to pay attention to this. ♪ (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way.
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and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ you'll get better when you're not blamed for a condition you can't control. you'll get better when your pain isn't minimized, dismissed, forgotten. we will never stop trying
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to get better. because when medicine gets better, all of us can get better. (♪) (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong! it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know.
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as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery.
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if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaver™ that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+. that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity.
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for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. neil: had this to the list of provocative developed over the past couple weeks, the latest is vladimir putin north korea, first time he has visited since 24, they had a powwow of their own in september 2023 when kim jong-un traveled to prussia by train. this is north korea now. former kgb sleeper agent, incredible book on his life deep undercover my secret life and allegiances as a kgb spy in america, the stuff of movies.
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very good to have you. what do you make of this visit by vladimir putin to north korea? >> i'm delighted to be on your show, let me tell you what i think about this, what we have here is a normally alliance between stupid rocket man and vladimir the great. what is missing in this equation is a seasoned statesman in the west who doesn't play politics with foreign policy and if i have a little time, i can give you background why i said what i said, very dangerous situation just to finish up here the answer but if you give me a couple minutes, i can explain why i said stupid.
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stupid, i am friends with a danish citizen named larson who is a rank amateur who penetrated north korea to the highest levels by pretending he would help them overcome the damage that has been caused by the embargo, he documented all of this, there's a documentary out there called them all, undercover in north korea, delicious and very much gives us a lot of insights on how stupid north korea is and when it comes to vladimir the great, he is crazy like a fox. i've been watching him since he became a public figure in russia and that coincided with when i quit the kgb and he is
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busy busy building himself a monument to stand right next to peter the great. >> did you know him in those kgb days? that is when it started. he is fully spy trained as it were, what did you make of that? >> he was not really much of a spy, he was more of a mid-level bureaucrat and did that job very well because think about it, he speaks german pretty well. why was he posted into east germany rather than where the action was which would have been west germany which would have been austria, switzerland and a very high opinion of him who lives in the united states
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but what he took away from his career as a kgb employee was a lot of connections. sergey lavrov's secretary of state, ex-kgb even though he traveled the world as a diplomat, his first assignment in the west was being a diplomat associated with the united nations, guaranteed. neil: you scared folks a few days ago where the presence of these russian battleships off the coast of cuba had you concern for accidental launch of such weapons, i don't want to mischaracterize what you said but ships remain off the coast.
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neil: >> i believe we should not take this lightly, even though there have been situations where there were russian ships but we are now in a situation where vladimir putin declares we are fighting a proxy war so to speak, what his main messages to his own people when he's fighting ukraine he's fighting nato. so that, we need to be in an elevated state of alert and not downplay this. i don't want to scare people, don't want to panic but don't take it lightly either. what happened in those days during the cold war? it was a very close call with a soviet submarine, close to firing a nuclear tipped missile
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at the united states. i am worried about malfunctions, the russians based on my experience do not produce anything of high quality and i'm concerned about the state of their nuclear arsenal. neil: i have been fascinated by this whole story. former kgb sleeper agent deep undercover, if you listen to that and how it spells it out, could be happening again. following the beginning of the storm season, tropical cyclone just off texas could threaten that state and mexico as well, this could be a preview of coming attractions. ♪
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first. today, we're first together. we love you, mom and dad. thank you so much for making it possible. and now you can finally put yourselves first. vanguard investments and advice. for college, retirement, and all of life's firsts. that's the value of ownership. neil: exotic specialty coins, whatever you call crypto arena it is not paying dividends for a lot of people and other developments. charles: do you remember?
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neil: what is going on? charles: this is a story my producer reported on the and it did a great job and the back by -- like a sleepy joe, something like that. but don't even want to go there. last night, pitched a story, last couple days about a new dj t called the trump coin. it was pitched to us as being backed by people affiliated with trump. backup but, crypto, border
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enforcement, taxes, inflation. trump is trying to appeal to the crypto community, talking to them about what he sees as the future, accept campaign contributions, vivek ramaswamy is his crypto advisor, entrepreneur, ran for president against trump but big in the crypto space. this trump coin gets pitched to us and backed by people affiliated with trump, trying to figure that out. and it is out there and trading wildly. the thing about this is they are not denying -- we went to vivek and check out the story, non-denial -- neil: i love when they have to
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follow up. charles: we should point out that martin schkreli is involved in the story. he spoke about this, basically said backed by people affiliated with trump, how would he know? i don't know how he would know. you know who he is? neil: when elon musk was promoting it, those investors didn't turn out. charles: this thing is doing okay, this is a purely speculative player, whether trump is using this as a vehicle, they are not saying or deny anger, a million times right to vivek, we did our job. the story is on fox business
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which lays out everything. is he using this as a vehicle to tap into crypto. these are single issue voters and apparently a lot of them. these are people -- neil: isn't any passing fad. took the whole arena. charles: trump using this as using the passing fad to get campaign contributions or whether you should speculate on this thing because it's a speculative play, no different than a meme stock. the same symbol dj t is on his truth social meme stock. you can buy some for your wallet. charles: would you accept getting paid in bitcoin but invariably is they said you can. neil: when was the last time
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you bought a slice of pizza? i will take it. places with tassels. charles: definitely want that. charles: meantime we are looking at the start of hurricane season, one is brewing in the gulf right now. the fox weather meteorologist extraordinaire on what we could be looking at. >> reporter: an indication behind me. this is wave action from a storm that's 410 miles southeast of brownsville, texas which we are in corpus christi, this wave energy keeps coming and it is what we call potential tropical cyclone one. what does that mean? this area that has not formed into a tropical storm yet. when it reachedes 40 mile-per-hour winds, we can call it a tropical storm and that's forecast to happen tomorrow.
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the reason it is called ptc potential tropical cyclone one, the national hurricane center issued watches and warnings on it and we have tropical storm warnings here in texas from port o'connor south to the mouth of the rio grande. when you talk tropical storm warnings we expect winds of 40 to 74 mph. that is expected to pick up in the next 24 hours. the rain will pickup from this as well. the forecast cohen takes this to mexico. don't focus on the cone, focus on the impacts, the amount of rain and timing of the rain. the rain picks up tonight, takes us into tomorrow, easily talking three to five, ten inches of rain for south texas. that causes localized flooding. that's an issue. silver lining, record deficits as far as rainfall, dealing with drought conditions, this will help out, a fast moving
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system will be out of here in 18 hours. of his named it will be tropical storm alberto, the first of the atlantic hurricane season, 2024. neil: as one of the senior iconic figures in meteorology, you could delegate this to someone else and be sitting in a studio like i am but you have to make us all look bad. thank you for that. good seeing you. be safe, my friend. he is the best of the best. we look at that storm closely and see what happens when the winds kick up. have you heard about taylor swift and the impact she's having on a potential interest rate cut? her tour is so big and so in demand, and economic activity off of our rate cut, that is power and i daresay adele might be a tad jealous.
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but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to
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neil: you probably know about this producer i have who loves taylor swift, who doesn't? the bank of england could par. but originally generated a records -- going on. and what is going on now. >> taylor swift economic power is mind-boggling. take a look at the united kingdom. and at taylor swift conference. the investment banks, the
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economic boost could indeed force the bank of england to put off a possible rate cut in september. in sweden, swift's concerts are cited as a reason the country's core cpi in may rose more than expected, swift is currently on the 18 city european leg of her tour which still includes stops in zürich, mailman, munich, and concludes in august but the data has proven something else. it's american swiftys or traveling in bulk because the tickets up to 87% cheaper because of your buddy deb laws on resale value. the cheapest ticket is $433 compared to the cheapest ticket available to swift's october
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concert in miami which stands at $8032. as a result the european air travel has skyrocketed. flights to malan and munich see an increase of 45%, compared to last year, to lisbon and other concert venues jumping 20% year over year and when the tour comes to a end of this december in vancouver, canada estimates say taylor swift's concerts could make 5. $7 billion. amazing. neil: imagine if adele were on a tour. ashley webster following that as edward lawrence crunches these numbers. that's amazing if true, no reason to doubt. >> talking about the ecb, unbelievable she has that much
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pricing power. i talked with john williams, he agrees with the path federal reserve members laid out, one rate cut this year, the fed believe they will reach the 2% target for the end of 26. >> if i look at the data carefully icy disinflationary process continuing and expect inflation to keep coming down the second half of the year. we had 3% inflation since june of last year, we have growth in the economy and employment rate at a steady state, is that the new norm? >> we achieve 2% inflation. inflation came down faster than expected and picked up surprisingly. >> are you seeing one rate cut this year? >> you saw the inflation we put
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out, we focus on the job and do the best analysis we can and make the best decisions we can for the american economy. we have to save on that and ignore the politics and all that, focus on getting our job done. that's what we need to do to be successful. >> reporter: a september meeting before the election, we are looking at one or another. neil: if taylor comes back to the united states to resume the tour we will get cuts. >> raising economic growth in the district has power. neil: great seeing you. edward lawrence. victoria fernandez back with us. what do you think of what was outlined? they are watching the idea that they give up 3% and settle on that.
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2% inflation seems like a crawl. >> i don't think we get to that. i've been in the camp that they will struggle to get there and change the rules and it is a new economy and a new environment, technology is changing the world, 3% is the right number and all of a sudden we won. a tough time getting to 2%, like victoria said, whether food or utilities or insurance, things that you and i need every day, not responding. neil: they have been waiting for this, the market has climbed, these are put off and climbing steadily, the s&p close to 15% on the year,
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nasdaq is on fire. who cares if it doesn't happen. what would happen then? >> the market doesn't seem to care but you have to have a handful of stocks that are leading this market. look at nvidia. it counts for a large percentage, one stock of the year-to-date returns we've seen for the s&p and the top ten making up 40% of the market. a very concentrated market but what we would like to see is not what we are seeing right now. as the year goes on, some of the areas kenny talked about, harder hit areas like healthcare, utilities, investors going into those areas in anticipation of wider market, we don't want to be out of the market because it's continuing to move irregardless of what the feds says they are going to do and walk that line
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very carefully. it will get tougher and tougher on each meeting. neil: you mentioned utilities and they have been benefiting from the ai push. these are the backbone to keep the power going and suck up a lot of energy. what do you think of the normal conservative thing that can be anything but right now? >> utilities, the huge underperformer, actually closer to 14% on the back of what you said, you need to provide this electricity to run the ai, the bitcoin mining and all that stuff. i like utilities and talking an environment where interest rates start to come down, utilities are decent dividend payers. you get paid for owning those stocks and you are in the new growth phase in the utility sector. i think it is a place where
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investors should be allocating it. neil: when you step back and add the ai plays you are running out of options. people go down from nvidia and intel. they run up enormously. how do you play that or just etf that? >> you do have to have exposure to these names. you also have to be cautious because if you add momentum factors those are the same names. if you want to add quality factors, some of the same names because the earnings and predictability of their grub has been pretty high. i think you need to take a larger step back, without covered call component,
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absolute return strategy to your overall portfolio in a place with continued volatility for this year. neil: the same goes here. in the meantime the markets notwithstanding, donald trump says don't believe what's going on there. look at the underlying economy. president biden has a different view after this. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel
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i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way.
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to learn more, call today or go to adam: having this next gentlemen on, the house majority whip, tom hammer, talking about all things this election year. as you know, the former president is going to be in wisconsin. he thinks he has a shot of taking that state. always a close call. the battleground performance so far so good and keeps pounding the economy.
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president biden keeps pounding the economy with record-setting markets, that is his issue. one of them has got to be wrong. >> the markets can set records. not everyone in this country gets a chance to participate in those markets. when it comes to the economy, president biden has been lying for four years, starting in july his first year in office when he tried to tell everybody we only raise the cost of your fourth of july barbecue by $0.07. this is been insane blaming oil companies, and everything else, bottom line is we get 20% inflation since president biden took office. this is something average americans feel every day. 55% in the increase in gasoline, 40% cost, increase for eggs and almost 30% increase in their electricity. neil: that's the stuff americans are dwelling on. i want to pick your brain on
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donald trump's idea to replace the tax code with money raised from tariffs. what do you think? >> i don't think that is what he said but i was sitting next to him. he was talking about different ideas. i was impressed with the idea that he's already thinking into the future about thinking out-of-the-box. neil: not as much as we get from the tax-cut. >> he recognizes that. he was trying to get people to think about different ways of doing business in this country that gets our spending under control, make sure we take care of the debt and can put this country on a better path for prosperity for generations to come. neil: i apologize for the truncated time. thank you for that. house majority whip, key confident of donald trump. taylor riggs and "the big money show".


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