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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 18, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: brutal and incomprehensible crimes coming from joe biden's open border, and cow know americans -- you know american of goodwill and common sense are just begging, please, stop the mad a ifness. now we'll go over to les macdonald. she'll pick up the ball. elizabeth: larry are, thank you so much. welcome to "the evening edit."
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former president trump barnstorming in racine in the battleground state of wisconsin. let's listen in. >> looked at our inflation if, our real inflation. they said it was 10 for the last couple of years qume -- cumulatively are. if you add different categories, i think it's between 40-50%. they say it's at 232. the 2 22% is a lot. that's record setting. let them add the cost of interest, let them add the cost of trying to buy a house. nobody can buy a house anymore. the american dream is dead. the money they can't get, the interest rates through the roof. during my term we had gasoline down to $1.87 a gallon -- [cheers and applause] and by the end, the 30-year mortgage rate was 2.7%. [cheers and applause] think of that. and now it's 10, 11%, 12. you can't get the money, so it doesn't make any difference. they can tell you what the rate
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is, but row can't get the money. joe biden unmetered the fastest and -- inherited the fastest and strongest economic recovery in history. e gave him the greatests economic recovery in history. we were all set. i hated -- we had the greatest economy ever in the history of the world. covid came in and we did an unbelievable job. and by the time we ended, we gave him the gatest bounceback that anybody's -- greatest bounceback that anybody's ever had. and guess what in he blew it to shreds, and if that's where we are right now. biden's inflation price hikes and energy destruction have cost the average american family an astonishing $28,000. think of that, $28,000. and and on day one of my new administration, we throw out bidenomics and replace it with maga-momics! [cheers and applause] mag mom ifics and it was just
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announced, you probably heard it as i'm walking up, i say, you let me say that. i'm walking up here, it was just announced that the budget deficit is now expected to be almost $2 trillion in 20424. think of it, 2024, think of it, $2 trillion. 2024, that might not be so good, because i take over to -- they're going to say i have a $2 trillion deficit, i say i didn't do anything. we'll get it down. $400 billion more than estimated because he's throwing money out the window on the green new if scam and other things because this student loan program which -- it's not even legal. i mean, it's not even legal. and the students aren't buying it, by the way. his polls are down. i'm leading in young people by numbers known's ever seen. [cheers and applause] nobody's ever seen. [cheers and applause]
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and remember, or with trump no to tax on tips. [cheers and applause] so for all you people -- [laughter] a couple of people that get tips, right? tips. no tax on tips. that's right. no, i think it's good. you know, you work, work, work and they come out and they harass you. they really harass a you. a lot of people have told me that. he's just passed new regulations that make it very, very hard on people that earn tips really for a living. for the most part, they live on tips -- elizabeth: joining us now, former top economic adviser to president trump, judy shelton, former cb work director douglas holtz eken. we're going to stay on the rally in re in racine. supporters there want to be a part of history. judy, former president trump really hammering biden on rampant government overspending. the imf warns it's igniting a record u.s. fiscal crisis, and trump is saying biden is causing
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record inflation. judy, take that on. >> well, it's is so clear how president trump's message is resonating with this that crowd, because he's talking to people where they live and how they live. and, yes, the government overspending do -- the biden administration deserves to be hammered over that. this fiscal stimulus is a way of sprinkling money around, increasing pressure on prices because it increases demand for resources, human and material. and -- [inaudible] if big government, big business or big investor, bidenomics works for you. president trump is connecting with the with the people that are suffering the consequences of that overspending, who have to incur the ravages of inflation and then the double punishment is then they have the high interest rates that prevent them from getting a mortgage to get a new house. they get hammered on credit card
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debt, and so they're doubly being punished for problems they didn't create. elizabeth: yeah. so what judy just said, douglas. trump just saying the real inflation rate, what judy is saying, is likely at 20% or 40 percent when you factor in -- 40 when you fact no to have in cost of living, high interest rates, higher mortgage9. trump is saying biden and democrats are, quote, fascists. they're demolishing the constitution with executive actions and spending outside congress. by the way, i have to say trump gained 32 points on biden in a a new -- 2 points on biden in a a new poll and is leading in the swing state of pennsylvania. what to do you say to what trump is trying -- saying, douglas? >> i think it's pretty much a done deal that trump will win on any economic matters. people make up their minds sick months before any election, and the records are real clear, and the sitting president, mr. biden, his railroad's dismal.
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9 and the policies -- his record's dismal. the policies are to blame. the record stimulus in 202211 ignited this inflation. there has been continuous excessive government deficits even though the unemployment rate's been below 4 percent, that makes the fed's job harder, puts pressure on the dollar. none of this is good news for the average american, and all of it is avoidable, self-inflicted error. so he just has to reed them -- read them the facts or, and it's a simple case to make. elizabeth: yeah. is so peter morici, judith, put out a story that basically what biden and democrats have been doing is destroying the u.s. dollar dominance. americans will have the pay $850 billion more in higher cost of living, higher taxes, higher interest rate. trump is saying jimmy carter looks brilliant, quote, a genius by comparison to biden. >> well, when you put at a risk
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our most powerful instruction of soft power which is the dominance of the dollar, you are, you are really playing with fire. this is something that we need to rely on. we want the dollar to be the most trusted currency in the world. and our rivals, in particular our enemies, are really talking up this idea that with the u.s. lack of fiscal sustainability so obvious to everybody, that the idea of having faith in the future viability of the united states is being called into question. my background was to study the internal monetary financial system of the soviet union. in is 1989 i wrote a book called the coming soviet crash which shocked even me, but the country was going bankrupt. the soviets tried to cover it
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up, but two two years later they did go bankrupt. and the fact that we're so open about it, so transparent and everyone can see this future projected deficit approaching $the $2 trillion -- elizabeth: yeah, it's not solving it. and, by the way, neil ferguson did a column. we're going to get into that later. codouglas, nearly half or, 46% of middle class workers are cutting out or slashing their retirement savings funds because of the high cost of living. u.s. retail sales barely rose in may. the prior months revised lower. consumer confidence is down, but kamala harris is saying, you know, you just have to way9 for biden's policies -- wait for biden's policies to take effect. and kjp, the press secretary, is basically saying, no, to when housing costs are going to come down. she's saying no. >> well, i mean, the consumers
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are real concerning to me right now. for quite a while, they carried the u.s. economy, but since january this has been zero growth in real disposable income. there is no way to generate additional growth in you can't have people's incomes rising, and this is the achilles heel of the current situation. the american household is strapped, and they're not going to be able to continue the spending they've been carrying the economy with. business investments have been weak. if it weakens further, we have real, real problems, so, you know, you can keep waiting, but i think the only thing you're waiting for is further trouble. elizabeth: got it, douglas holtz-eakin, judy shelton, thank you so much. look who's here, former acting i.c.e. director tom homanful it's good to hear you and have you on. former president trump just gave a shout-out to you. trump just slammed biden's new executive the action on the border to give a path to citizenship to an estimated half a million if illegal aliens married to u.s. spouses. people are saying this is mass amnesty.
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trump just making news, he says he's going to overturn that and other biden border actions saying the u.s. does not is have a choice, that we're in a border collapse. what do you say? >> i agree 100. this is the third time this administration has abused section 212d5 of the immigration law says what parole's used for is to parole people into the united states for significant public benefit or humanitarian concern. but this administration taking that statute and twisted it so it's not even recognizable. that's how they're creating the cbp11 app that's bringing millions in. then they abused the statute again, violated the statute, increased the chnv, now he's doing it a third time. the president if's right, parole can be can rev candidated. so i think president trump gets back with in the white house, i you'll see revocation across the board. it's illegal.
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and once again, the administration's proving they're going to take care of illegal aliens before u.s. citizens. how about securing the border first? how about doing that first and protecting our national security? if. elizabeth: you know, senate judiciary hearing last month, there was testimony, a federal report that 12% to 15%, 1 out of 7 daca applicants had prior arrest records for assault, battery, rape and murder. tom, back and hispanic voters, people who came here legally do not like the border collapse. cbs/ugov poll, 62% i say deport illegals, 53% of hispanics say that, 47% of blacks say that. trump just moments ago a just hammered biden over an alleged el salvadorark n gang member if charged in the rape and murder of a mother of five. he crossed the border illegally at least three times and was a gotaway on the fourth. it's rachel, laken riley, kayla
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hamilton, many more. they would still be alive today if not for the border crisis. >> and there's many, many more we'll never if find out about. chicago, new york, l.a., they won't release that nationality. many illegal aliens create crimes. not all of them, but many. since biden's been president, the border patrol has arrested 157,000 illegal aliens that had convictions here in the u.s. you take the almost 2 million known gotaways that we didn't arrest, how many of them are terrorists and if criminals? because there's a reason why hay paid more to get away. they didn't want to pay less to get a prix air -- free airline ticket to the city of their choice, get free medical care. this is the biggest national security vulnerability if i've seen in this country. a lot of criminals come across that border, and president trump is right. not every illegal alien is a criminal and public safety threat, but many are.
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and every young lady that we just talked about, they should be alive today -- elizabeth: yeah. we just had a 25-year-old ecuadoran arrested for the brutal a sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl in queens, used a machete-style knife, tied up the two girls with shoe laces. local good samaritans helped to stop this perpetrator, but trump just said biden and democrats are the far fascists. -- fascists. they're the ones twisting and distorting the u.s. government. what do you say? final word. >> exactly right. this administration not only is ignoring federal law are, they're actually violating it. president don't care what the supreme court said. you can't relieve student the loan debt, he's doing it. they said you've got to put the remain in mexico program backing he didn't do it. they're going to be held account accountable in january 2025. lem elizabeth tom homan,s thank you so much for join ugh. still ahead, senator
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markwayne mullin. pat fallon, marc thiessen. "the wall street journal"'s bill mcgurn, political have the gist terry schilling and fox news contributor joe concha. we got the upstate date on the new york appeals court rejecting former president trump's latest bid to have the gag order lifted. voters are speaking out. trump remains gagged, but biden is able to campaign on attacking trump over the same new york case. plus, more on top spokesperson john kirby agreeing u.s. terror threat warnings are on the rise, but he will not say if biden will call a national terror emergency. are they putting biden's campaign above america here? that's the debate. and the evening edit" debate panel takes on neil ferguson's new column. judy shelton just allude toed to this. he says u.s. deft sits are getting -- deficits are getting more like soviet-era overspending, hammering democrats for turning the u.s. government and schools into
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collect collectivist dei factories. plus, the white house and msnbc dispute unedited, unaltered video evidence of biden showing his age, weakness and frailty as the foreign press in the u.k., india, china, japan, france say the president's age issues are only getting, quote, worse. we're taking it on if on "the evening edit" tonight, we'll be right back. stay right there. ♪ the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate.
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do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. elizabeth: let's welcome washington post columnist, author and fox news contributor mark if thiessen. -- marc thiessen. >> great to be with you. elizabeth: press secretary karine jean-pierre claiming these unedited photos of president biden are deep fakeses. have they offered any proof of that? let me back up. there's pushback that it was a g. photo op in italy, but none of them are explaining why adults seem to be hyperaaware around biden and have to the lead a grown man by the hand or the arm? >> well, look, the american people aren't stupid. you can explain away any of these particular incidents, but there's so many of them. it's almost every day. he started reading the instructions his speech
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writers -- i'm a former speech writer. he's reading the instructions that are put in in all caps and brackets. four more years, pause. he seems to be, got walked around like ad toddler. he goes out and shakes people's hands that aren't there. and this -- the american people don't think it's deepen fake because 8 out of 10 think he's too old for a second term. americans aren't stupid. they can see with their own eyes. they're basically telling americans, don't believe you're lying eyes. americans understand this man is not ready for another term. elizabeth: americans deserve transparency and truth from the white house and the news media. >> very true. elizabeth: we're hearing that the president has a dramatically declined since last fall. he's not is same since even three years ago, but the biden white house is increasingly bullying the media about this coverage. it seems they appear to be desperately trying to convince voters that he and the country are in much better shape than polls show most americans believe. show the foreign press, they're
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reporting that bind is at the worst ever -- biden. in the u.k., france, itly, china, japan, they're all reporting on it here, on bind. why isn't msnbc reporting on it, marc? >> they're not interested in the truth. the biden re-election campaign on steroids to. it's real simple. you want to prove he's on top of his game? release the special counsel transcript. [laughter] let us -- i mean, the audio. just like bill clinton released all of his grand jury testimony in the monica lewinsky case? joe biden needs to release the audio e and let us hear how sharp he was, how on so much hi. americans look at this and say he is is soing cognitively impaired in these short, prescripted moments, what is he like behind closed doors? what is he like when he's talking to foreign leaders? one of the reasons the foreign press is reporting on this is because they're hearing from
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their governments, their additionals, boy, the prime minister just had a call with joe biden. he couldn't hold a conversation. elizabeth: okay. >> this is all over the world. elizabeth: yeah. let's watch what's going on. watch this. >> yeah, we -- and i think you all have called this cheap fakes video, and that's exactly what they are. they are cheap fakes video. they are done in bad faith. >> there's a growing and and insidious trend in right-wing media, broadcast, print and social media to take highly misleading and selectively ed admitted videos of president biden directly from republican national committee social media accounts and use those videos to spread messages virally to cast doubt on president biden's fitness for office. >> are you ready to choose freedom over democracy? we choose truth over facts! instead of trying to stop our ban on ghost -- the. [inaudible] that contain these -- commit crimes, they're working like hell to stop it.
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[inaudible] russia's frozen assets in europe and other places outside of, outside of russia. they're a banning books about black experiences. we'll teach donald trump valuable lesson. [applause] don't mess with the men of america unless you want to get the benefit. [inaudible conversations] elizabeth: i don't understand what's going if on in the media. these are the same people, it appears, who bully people into believing joe biden and democrat's narrative that the border's secure, inflation was transitory, afghanistan exit was a success and covid vaccine stopped covid. why should believe the media on in this? >> we shouldn't. but the one thing we need to be careful of, this is lowering can expectations for joe biden in the debate. all he has to do can is deliver a clear sentence and he's exceeded expectations.
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i think president trump when bind stumbles should -- should say, mr. president, finish your thought. the more he talks -- elizabeth: thank you so much. top spokesman if john kirby finally agrees with fbi director wray and cia a officials that terror threat warnings are on the rise about attacks inside the u.s. but he won't with say if biden will call a national terror the emergency. plus, fox news contributor joe concha. voter polls cite safety and security as their concerns. there's a feeling of lawlessness under this biden white house across the nation. we've got top republican senator john barrasso demanding the biden white house explain why no arrests were made last week during the violent pro-hamas protests just right outside the white house. taking it on on "the evening edit" coming up. stay right there. ♪
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elizabeth: welcome back. okay, serious questions, what
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the heck is going on with boeing? its chief executive again with drilled concern illinoised -- grilled today at a hearing as the faa probes whether they used fake documents emanating reportedly out of china. and a boeing whistleblower alleged boeing lost track of hundreds of faulty part, is some of which may still have been installed on new 737 max airplanes. hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill with moreful hillary. >> reporter: good evening, liz are. more problems are piling up for boeing today as new whistleblower testimony has been released by a senate committee that details new whistleblowers who claim that boeing doesn't just have a broken stay -- safety culture, but a culture that is designed to deceive and evade oversight. current boeing employee sam mohawk who works at the 7337 plant says deformed parts might be made onto planes, quote,
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storing parts that are damaged or otherwise out of cbs 2 ifification and those parts are likely being installed on airplanes. finish chairman richard blumenthal confront ifed calhoun about it today -- confronted calhoun about it today. >> he said he's been told to can kohl seal -- conceal this evidence from the faa and that he is being retaliated against, in fact he's been threatened with termination. how many of your employees have been fired for retaliating against whistleblowers? >> senator, i don't have that number on the tip of my tongue, but i know it -- >> have any -- >> i know it happens. >> reporter: before giving his opening remarks, dave calhoun first apologized to victims' families who lost loved ones in the two 737 max crash cans of 22017 and 2019, getting choked up at one point since they were at the hearing, but later he said he's, quote, proud of boeing's safety record. >> you're proud of this safety
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record. >> i am proud of every action we are taken. >> every action you've taken. >> yes, sir. >> wow. wow. you can't see it. behind you, the folks are showing pictures of the people who are the victims of your safety record. >> reporter: and senator hawley told calhoun he thinks the problem at boeing is with the c suite with, with the upper-level management and that they are the ones destroying the company. but calhoun told lawmakers today he as has no plans to resign earlier than planned. he's departing at the end of the year. liz? elizabeth: hillary vaughn, thank you so much. let's welcome back to the show fox news contributor joe concha. joe, thanks for joining us. we looked at voter polls. they don't like the feeling of lawlessness and chaos. what do you make of the story that top republican senator john barrasso demanding the interior department answer why still no arrests after that violent anti-israel, to-hamas protest last week near the white house? what do you think?
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>> it's insane, what we saw last week. these park rangers being harassed, having things thrown the at them. these pro-terror, anti-israel agitators inscribing, what was it, long live hamas? other horrific slogans on u.s. federal property, and to your point, 0.00 arrests are made, liz? this is what this says to all these thugs, these mobs, that you can do this, depace federal property, threaten others including park ranger, and nothing will happen to you, so feel free to do it again and again and again. which was all normal normalized back in the city of -- summer of 20000. --, 2000. right in the heart of portland, same deal. the police station was attacked on a nighly babies sis. and you had some in the media have the audacity the call it most toly peaceful protests. so when donald trump tried to
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send in the national guard, this cannot stand because democrats are going to be in serious trouble. richard anybodiesson ran in1968 being the law and order democrats, and they looked like they were losing control of the situation. chicago, 1968, that was viability, that was absolute chaos, and it will be again this summer about two months from now, liz, when democrats hold their convention in the windy city, certainly, for sure. elizabeth: you know, let's show the video, the shocking video of the smash and grab robbers overwhelming a jewelry store in california in a why would heist in sun ney vail. five arrests -- sunny if vail. you know, joe, the secret service is confirming a secret service agent was robbed at gunpoint if in tustin, california, during president biden's trip to the hollywood funds raiser -- fundraiser. it doesn't look good for bind or gavin newsom.
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>> oh, not at all. for a secret service agent a, for that to happen? and it's all to common for people who aren't working in law enforcement. the disapproval rating for gavin newsom in california is well above 50%. that's one of the bluest states in the country. we keep seeing videos like in this over and over again, so brazen. and there's a reason why more people now, liz, are moving out of california than any other state in the country for places like texas, tennessee and florida. again, this cannot continue, and we need law enforcement to be able to do their jobs and not keep arresting people and letting them back out to the street again and again and again. elizabeth owe -- joe, you always bring it. appreciate you. joining us now, senator markwayne mullin. thanks for joining. good to see you. >> thanks for having me on. elizabeth: let's get your reaction to top biden spokesman john kirby says he agrees warnings about terror attacks inside the u.s. are on the rise, but he won't sea is biden will call a national terror the
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emergency in why? >> you know, we have been getting intel reports on this for quite some time. mine, come on, it can't be sustainable. during trump's four years in office, there was 14 known terrorists apprehended at the southern border, we're at 3667 that were noun if -- 3667, not to mention how many associates. by the way, apprehended and a lot of them released. we saw that with those eight from that gene stand, and why he's not saying what we all know. it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when because of the porous border that is going on. the illegals that are crossing this that have terrorist tice it is, it's just a matter of when they strike in our city. and if he was really being serious about trying to protect america, he would actually secure or the border. and then he would absolutely put all his resources with our alphabet communities to go after a these terrorists that they
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released into the country. elizabeth: senator, let's get your from john kirby and also representative jim hines of connecticut downplaying terror threats inside the u.s. watch this. >> terrorism warning lights are blinking red againful do you agree with that assessment? >> certainly, we would shul absolutely say unequivocally that we've got to keep our eye on the terrorist threat. >> that thousands of peoples crossing the border unknown each week, and he says that the united states should consider using national emergency authorities. is that something the administration is considering in is he wrong there? >> i don't have anything in terms of decision making on whai completely understand what he means by all those authorities. >> those eight that week nationals with isis ties with arrested in multiple u.s. cities. they all a had come in over the u.s. southern border. the former c airks -- cia director, leon a panetta, told us this is a 9/11 wake-up call.
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is that how you see it? >> people are using a lot of bombastic language. as it turns out, we arrested those tajiks with ties to isis, and we have not if had a major terrorist attack in this country in a very, very long time. that a doesn't mean we let our guards down. of course not. the it's a danger my republican friends like to play out even though there has not been a single terrorist fatality engineered by anen documented alien. elizabeth: check what a he said, 1919 hijackers, but there were 48 terrorists connected to 9/11 -- 19 hijackers. just ignore fbi directer wray who testified foreign terror the threats are at a whole other level, citing the border crisis. just ignore house intelligence chair mike turner saying we're at the highest level of threats ever for a possible terrorist attack? what is going on with this democratic congressman? >> first of all, he's carrying the water for the democrats.
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they understand they're going to own this if it comes out and actually happens. and, by the way, they'll be the first one to blame republicans if it happens underneath president trump's watch when he becomes president next year. the unfortunate part is they created danger, and they know darn good and well was they reae same intel reports we do. mike turner said we are literally at the highest level weaver ever seen -- we've ever seen inside the united states, and their coming by droves over our southern border. it's because of president biden's policies on the southern border that's put us in this situation. elizabeth: you know, you raise an important point there. i mean, we saw 11,66 -- 1,664 there are is -- excuse me, illegal aliens with links to terrorism, including those on the watch list caught at all a ports of entry, in between ports of entry. >> right. elizabeth: it's a disturbing number. is still ahead, bill mcgurn, also political strategist terry
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schilling. "the evening edit" debate panel tonight, neil pirg southbound's new column, derek ferguson, we are all soviets now. we're going to explain it. ferguson says u.s. deficits are getting more like soviet-era overspending. he's hammering democrats for turning the u.s. government, colleges and schools into dei factories. but first, let's check in with jackie deangelis and david asman in for dagen and sean. that a a. david: how our enemies are taking advantage of president biden. katrina campins is here on exactly how our american dream, the idea of owning a home, is dying in america. details on that. jackie: and we've got senator shelley moore capito, she's going to talk about the white house announcing this new plan to give mass amnesty to illegal immigrants that are married if to u.s. citizens. finish hmm, it's happening right before the election.
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how interesting, david? adam lax salt are also be here, he's going to be talking about boeing's ceo on the hot seat today and also some of these new whistleblower claims all coming up, top of the hour. tead tead see you then. free birds. vanguard personal advisor can help you prepare for every chapter. we got this. that's the value of ownership. ♪
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street journal" columnist and author bill mcgurn along with political strategist, terry schilling. thanks for joining us. we've got the debate panel tonight. this new column, first to you, bill, by neil ferguson, we're all a soviets now. what do you make it -- make of it, bill? he's saying we have a bogus dei ideology pushed by heats in the u.s. government and schools. he has two degreeses from oxford, he's taught at oxford, came bring, nyu and harvard. king charles just knighted him a few days ago. what do you think, bill? >> first of all, he's always a good read. he's very intelligent and puts his finger on a lot of things others are missing. i think he's dead right about the decline in the work ethic, in writer chews like patriotism and the growth of government, demoralizing of the american people i think he's right about
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that, and you draw similarities -- he craws similarities with the soviet union toward the end of its time. that said, i don't think we're quite the soviet union. we have a lot of things -- he argues that china is a real rival, but china's different because it has vibrant economy that the soviets never had. and even there i would caution that china's not immune from some of the same problems. it's a state-run economy. the foreign investors are kind of looking elsewhere now. you've got, you've got a population problem -- elizabeth: yeah. they have an overbuilding -- >> elderly population. elizabeth yeah, they blew out their -- [inaudible conversations] china's got real problems. elizabeth: yeah. is so what bill just said, terry. where do you come down on this? by the way, he's citing deficit spending. it's going to exceed st.s
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payments. -- social security payments. it's going to beat the pentagon's budget. what do you think? >> at first i was a little nervous about a having to debate bill -- [laughter] but, no, listen, i love the article. i think he brings um some very good points, mainly the guide between the elites and the everyday american people in this country. right? there are several polls between ivy leaguers where, for example, 88 of ivy leaguers would support rationing things like meat in our food supply and gasoline where only 221% of normal -- 211 of normal, everyday -- 21% normal, everyday americans support that. there is a growing guide between essentially a corrupted's's elite class that is propagandizing and then there's the american people who are still good and honest. and i think that was a very good request article and a great contrast to make between where we're heading and where we were. elizabeth: yeah, what terry just said, the free press to cofounder which neil wrote for says shea, quote, hopeful norm
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people -- norm normal people fight back in u.s. cities and institutions. neil ferguson is saying need to take a closer looked at feeling patriotic about america, feeling good and positive about america, feeling good about spirituality, religion are, children, community involvement. they're all important. but he's saying the democrat party is undermining the federal bure are rock city -- bure crockeries -- bureaucracies. he's saying it only benefits, quote, bureaucrats. >> yeah. he's pointing out what happens when you rely on government. it takes more more control and a big stake. and you take for granted the vir chows that that let people live in a -- virtues that let people live in a a prix society. i think the most damning thing apart from the if gap between the elites and the order mare people, the most damning thing is about a values. and i think a lot of the young people are really lost because
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life has no meaning for them. elizabeth: yeah, they are lost. what do you think, terry? yeah, what bill just said. that's important, what he just said. what do you think, terry? final word. >> reason, i think that the -- listen, i think that the american family is going to same way that the soviet family went, it's being abolished. people are getting married at higher and higher ages, they're not having children, that's a sign of pessimism in the future, and we have to fight back here. and the good thing though, the big difference is america still has free and fair elections. elizabeth: that's right. >> we can stop this right now. elizabeth: and america is good. bill mcgurn, terry schilling, you guys are great. thank you so much. still ahead, congressman pat fallon from house oversight. the new york appeals court today rejecting former president trump's latest bid to have that gag order against him lifted. that's the new york case there. biden's campaigning though on that verdict, and trump just hammered biden today in wisconsin. for lawfare. saying they are, quote, lawless
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fascists destroying the u.s. constitution and democracy. we're a taking it on on "the evening edit" next. ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ so tell me about your heart attack. our heart attack was... scary! never want to go through that again. but we could. with heart disease, you never know. so we made changes. green juice. yeah, not a fan. diet, exercise...
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former president trump latest bid to have new york gag order against him lifted on that case here. but biden is campaigning on the verdict? >> you know, liz, i'm not surprised but those what are supposed to be administering justice are administering injustice, president trump has been hamstrung by that, that is the ploy that joe biden and his administration wanted to run against a quote, unquote, convicted felon. and it is no coincidence he was tried by a democrat, with a capital d, appointed da. and a democratically appointed judge. and a jury pool is -- 95% democrats this is a mischaracteristic of justicism former .
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former president trump just hammered biden for lawfare. as quote lawless fascist abusing the u.s. constitution, courts and democracy, saying quote biden is most corrupt president ever, your reaction. >> i would agree with president trump, we didn't have the term lawfare in our lexicon that i'm aware of until recently, this is what worries me, i don't want folks that lose elections to be jailed this happens in banana republics, we have the most vibrant republic that the world has known this is a slippery slope, dangerous. >> america is good, the system of checks and balances works but biden white house is attacking media over unedited unaltered footage of biden looking weak in the press overseas.
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but foreign press is reporting on biden saying he looks weak anded doery. -- dodd. >> he is weak. i don't think that biden would pass a cognitive test, that is why they are fighting to get actual audiotapes of the interview with special counsel hur. elizabeth: what happens with the debates? >> president trump will crush him. i think joe biden will have to be juiced up with a bunch of adderall. elizabeth: thank you congressman fallin, we'll be watching and reporting, i am lelizabeth macdonald, thanks for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. time for "the bottom line," send it right now to jackie and david. filling in. david: you gave us three extra seconds. jackie: good evening i am jackie deangelis


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