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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 19, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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every detail! (woman sobbing) we will all regret this day! - just days after christopher seider is buried, five more american colonists join him as martyrs in the struggle for freedom. what starts as a protest against military occupation escalates into a bloody reminder of the disregard the british have for american lives and american liberty. the boston massacre finds a lasting place in american history, not just as a horrible tragedy, but as a call for true patriots to stand up and fight for the unalienable rights we hold so dear today, the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (dramatic instrumental music) larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow.
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so president trump right now 'to take the stage in wisconsin. with his pro growth tax cutting seize the border agenda we'll take you there live. >> in washington, d.c., joe biden announced another mass amnesty plan for thousands of illegals, we'll have more on that. with former dhs part secretary chad wolf but first edward lawrence, has the details on mr. biden's amnesty plan. reporter: the president having department of homeland security keep noncitizens spouses and children together. that move he claims will help grow the economy by adding skilled workers department of homeland security will help family navigate process.
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thepresident said it would move some 500 thousand spouses and 50 thousand children to the protected status, to stay in the country. president about 30 minutes ago. >> i refuse to believe that the second our our border we have to walk away from being america for visit generations have been renewed by talent. skill of hard work and courage of immigrants coming in. reporter: believes that he could secure border and provide legal pathways to i to -- citizen, house speaker office said this is an election year plow. american people are not buying the attempt. larry: thank you edward lawrence biden's open border is killing innocent americans. and must be stopped. that is the subject of my riff. >> illegal immigrants got
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aways now running close to 2 million, during the biden years according to congressional sources and 7.4 million recorded illegals crossing the border according to i.c.e. that is for a total of over 9 million combined, and joe biden now wants to add new parole in place for illegal alien spouses that is one of the most extensive executive amnesty actions in over 30 years, according to our next guest chad wolf bidens ag using parole authority and put who knows how many illegals on an expedited path of three years to u.s. citizenship to vote in 2028 elections. all this even though there all right exists a lon longstanding process for
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illegal alien spouses to qualify there is no telling why it won't be a larger number, and under this i this is an incentive for fraudulant marriages that is a key problem in the first place, and this is happening while mr. biden claims a pause in number of migrants crossing the southern border to a daily average of 2500 over the span of a week. but in fact, that number has already been completely breached. no matter what biden's election year rhetoric. the reality is that southern border is still wide open, reports suggest that northern border may be wide open with as many as 3 thousand illegals crossing there in the month of may alone. country is in an uproar over biden's illegal
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immigration. now to some it is an economic issue. employment data suggests that cheap labor illegals who work, are displacing native-born job opportunities and depressing real wages. but so many of illegals do not work, and democratic blue states in particular are forced to pay generously for free food, housing and health care and public services, it may crowd out america's longstanding entitlement system but greatest tragedies are sheer criminalities bound up in this immigration nightmare. el salvador criminal who was caught and deported 4 times for crimes in the u.s., before that he murdered a young woman in el salvador and days ago was alleged to have murder a young mother of 5 in suburban maryland, and morning, a migrant
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arrested after rape of a 13-year-old girl in daylight at a park in queens, brutality and savagery of these crimes is beyond comprehension, brutal gang warfare has come across the southern border to or sanctuary cities where blue state governor and mayors will not cooperate. joe biden has the gall to say the american people he is actually going to expand his crime ridden web of amnesty and his assault on middle class values and the lives of innocent people, no wonder a poll shows that 53% of hispanics favor deportation of illegals. you can just feel the intensity of americans of all stripes, screaming out for heaven's sakes stop this
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madness. that is my riff. all right. for more on this bring in chad wolf former dhs secretary now executive director at afpi . chad, thank you in this parole in place for alien spouses, this is fraudulent, this is -- we already have stuff in the books. if this isl legitimate and open door to thousands more illegals will it not. >> i think you are right. this is the unlawful use of parole that we've seen biden administration do over last 3 1/2 years, they have patrolled upwards to a million individuals here there is the latest step in putting more individuals in parole, this time in place program. that we have never seen before. you are right. you know what we saw after daca in 2012, that from president obama was
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introduced in june of an election year, we have president biden doing the same thing in june of an election year regarding amnesty, after daca the number of unaccompanied children spiked afterwards, after this you could see the number of fraudulent marriages to spike up also. larry: the bidens know this, this is election year stuff. they know. fraudulent marriages is best way, provides an incentive for phone phony marriages it has nothing to do with family values this a bunch of fraud to let more people in, this is election year democratic election earring. >> feels like biden administration in search of a problem. they talk about two things with this executive order, one, they want to she'll individuals -- shield
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individuals they say, by their own date ha own data have been here 23 years. the biden administration is removing hardly anyone, these individuals are not a priority for enforcement for biden administration. and second piece is. they say they a want to keep families together, the individuals are here illegally been here 23 years on average and have had ability to cure their unlawful status in u.s. as that alien spouse and failed to do soy for average of 23 years. they have not determined this say priority for them to do either. feel like thebini biden administration is in search of a problem to have a press conference a couple months out from an election. larry: politics here. so, mr. biden because he is suddenly issuing an executive order he claims he could not issue, but he is
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issuing it that will, quote, unquote, close the border, which it not. and now this amnesty. the first order didn't do anything. our reporter, bill melugin and other fox news reporters, they have already breached their targets, they are not clothi even remotely closing the border. reporter: >> we biden administration issues an enforcement direction or executive order that we saw last week, it comes with a whole slough of exemptions and loopholes, in san diego sector, you see they have exempted over a hundred country in eastern hemisphere from that executive order. that is why you continue to see them stream in and be released into american communities, most americans are catching othey know that what biden administration tells them and what occurs on ground in reality are two different things we're seeing that play out in
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real-time. larry: chad wolf thank you, former secretary of dhs. thank you chad appreciate it very much. >> thank you. larry: on kudlow you have two trillion dollar budget deficit, that number will grow larger. if illegal immigration continues to grow larger. anyway we'll talk about deficits and the economy. and we'll have to talk more about this whole tragedy, the crime wave associated with illegals. we have sandra smith. edward lawrence will come back and liz peek will be here. (wife) saving for retirement was tough enough. (husband) and navigating markets can be challenging at times. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments, we keep a disciplined approach with your portfolio, helping you through the market's ups and downs.
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larry: new cbo estimates coming out less than an hour ago. but 2 trillion dollar budget deficits, as far as the eye can see from the cbo, the new joe biden baseline, the next decade it could be 3, we'll celebrate that. with sandra smith, coanchor of america reports, queen of budget deficits.
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and we have liz peek, fox news contributor and great fox business' edward lawrence. hello kids. >> this is fun. larry: fun. we'll cover so much stuff. edward lawrence, you were in with president of new york fed john williams, a smart guy. what did he think about 2 trillion dollar deficits, williams is a distinguished keynesian. he would be rolling over in his grave. and 4% inflation. >> i think they have all been stamped federal reserve members with fact we're on an unsustain able fiscal path that is the line they use. so, that is what he thought about that, we talked about jobs report, one thing on this, to change topic quickly, last time establishment survey and household survey have divest.
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showing 272,000 jobs but household showing 408 thousand jobs lost, i ask what is the deal, he said. >> we're seeing i think slowing to more sustainable levels, that is a good thing. >> overstated? >> i think that in the establishment payroll survey some reason to think based on the benchmark revision data there might be a bit overstated we'll learn more about that. >> he said over stated, and federal reserve chairmen says overstated, you can't rely on the jobs reports. >> on the numbers. larry: 2 trillion dollar deficit, can't rely on the numbers, what does that mean? we're in a rocket ship, no one -- can't see anything. >> are we fresh off this administration insisting that inflation was 9 9% who
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joe biden took office it was 1.4%, there is a huge growing distrust from american public, on the economic data coming out, when they are not feeling the numbers that are getting touted and pushed you know, and preached to them. you look at the amount of spending out there, you don't see an acknowledgment that is how we got here there was an editorial said that can mr. powell get out more, frustration with american public is that everyone costs too much, unless you see an acknowledgment we got here by too much spending we're not fixing the problem. the numbers are interesting on the employment. where are we? how good are the job numbers. larry: i don't know. >> done we have job gains revised 10 months in year 2023? almost every respect that came out we had to -- every lmghreport that came out. larry: liz, you wrote about
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it, it is interesting, well over a year, that the payroll survey of large corporations has been going up, a lot but household survey, mostly families and small businesses, has not. okay? been flat to down last month was down 400 thousand, fed big wigs don't know which is the right survey. maybe we should not rely on that stuff at all? >> but the problem it driving policy, that is what fed is looking at in terms of their decision making the scary thing about 2 tri trillion dollar deficit is that economy should be growing really well, it is not, we're losing jobs. the job market is softening, economy is slowing look at retail figure today, consumers are out of gas, we're running those deficits, and yet the economy is slowing down. what do we do when we get into a recession 4 trillion dollar deficits? yes, we may have rate cuts
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but this -- i think these are alarming trends. and if the fed people are saying yes this is unstannable, say something, talk about spending they have not and neither has j. powell which i believe is appalling. larry: when greenspan did and volcker did a long time ago. a lot of economists pushing pe pencil, the dreadful crime ridden immigration problem that gets worse by the minute and mr. biden made worse today of, they are taking away native-born homegrown american jobs and depressing real wages. >> there are a couple ways to lock at, that you could be happy they are working when they are here. >> we don't know how many work, in work. i'll grant you that, i saw a piece by larry lindsay said
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a small percentage work most come in welfare. >> we want a accoun business friendly environment, i hope we can agree with that. what we're seeing is cities inundated with mig greg problem -- migrant problem, i hear left who are saying why are we deporting them. there is no way. maybe we should have been acknowledging that as they come in. larry: hispanics' to deport the illegal people. >> edward, deficit problem. think about what liz said, if you had a slowdown. then automatic stabilizers, you if you do nothing you go to 4 trillion on deficit, how can you have a tight monetary policy and get inflation down if you borough all this money. >> that is part of the
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problem, the debt is a drag on the economy, it is holding back the economy. we're spending more on just the interest payments from debt than on children in history of u.s., we're spending more -- getting close to more than defense on the interest payments for debt. it is a huge drag on the economy, holding back the economy. it is something that everyone that you talk to, economists and federal reserve, saying you have to turn this around. you have to figure out if good times, is when you should bring down deficit, and bad times use it. larry: i have a thought, let's abolish misnamed inflation reduction act, that was a trillion dollar worth of subsidies for green new deal stuff and electric vehicles, liz, did i forget, fisker failed that is an electric vehicle company they failed.
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i have a list of others, pro ter alord's town, electric last mile solutions then they are from si why do we sub side failures. >> a language an -- long answer. but, we're continue to subsidize all of these losing benchers, i don't think it is just electric vehicles and the companies that is biggest one, joe biden has an add-on twitter -- ad on twitter saying we'll make electric vehicles produce good union jobs. we're not down the road, byd, the big chinese company tesla's competitor are coming out with cars priced under $10,000, the range and quality secon isic lend.
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is excellent. this -- i think there is a huge issue. and does not really make sense. >> we should not be as a government as country, in the business of picking winners and losers. >> you are right. larry: yes. >> takes 40% less workers to do it. >> talk -- >> wait, i don't want to lose it. >> a great point. why do we want to pick winners and losers. were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here? i thought you'd never ask. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real life conversations.
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larry: let's listen to what he is saying. >> i love milwaukee, i said you got to fix the crime, make sure the election is honest, i picked milwaukee. the democrats or radical left lunatics as i call them, they say, just so terrible. they lie, lie, they have a
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horrible candidate that has no clue, doesn't know where he is, all they can do is lie, a -- i am the one that picked milwaukee officially, you had about 10 congressmen in a meeting we had, where i said how much i like milwaukee, they came out and said that is what we said, we can't help it, they are truthful. i just want to begin by saying, hello wisconsin. hello. great state. great -- we had great success here, great to be back in this beautiful state. with thousands and thousands proud hard working american patriots what a crowd with your help 5 months from now we'll win wisconsin and defeat your radical left democrat senator one of the worst in the senate. nobody knows she is a senator. she is not doing a good job
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representing, we have someone that will be great. so, we will defeat your senator tam tammy baldwin. -- we're going to elect eric from this area, he is a great gentleman, spent a lot of time with him. we the election him to u.s. senate and evict weak, failed and incompetent joe biden here, is an incompetent person. from the white house. and quite simply we're going to make america great again. [cheers and applause] less than 4 years ago our border was secure, inflation of nowhere to be seen, the world was at peace, and america was strong and respected. we were respected all over the world. up in of this stuff would have been happening that is happening now with russia and ukraine, and ao attack
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on israel, we would not have inflation it is a different place 4 years ago but now we'll make is better, bigger and stronger after that before, you had a president that put america first, i put america first, they put america last. under crooked joe biden the world is in flames our border is overrun, inflation is raging. europe is in chaos, the middle east is exploding. iran is emboldened, china is on the march and worse most incomp t incompetent most corrupt president in history will drag to us world war iii. other than that, he has done a good job? joe biden is humiliating our country on the world stage, he is humiliated us, you saw this weekend, turning united states into a total joke.
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all over the world. first he wandered off the g7 in europe, and stage, he looked like he didn't know where the hell he was, but he didn't know where he was, he is blaming it on a.i. he is saying, he doesn't know what a.i., is that is okay. they i saying media is manipulating. on that one i have to stick up for media, i have to tell you, he said media is manipulating the pictures of him not knowing where the humanitarian hell he is, they are doing opposite they are making him electric bet -- look better in g7 he had to be rescued by other world leaders, he put his face on the pope's forehead that was weird, vivek is here, that was weird, vivek. i don't know. did you see the pope? the pope is like -- what is
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happening? the pope didn't really know what was happening, he said this is strange. then he froze during celebration at white house lawn and barrack hussein obama had to take his hand and lead him off of the stage, obama could have handled it differently, a bit softer, he could have done it like let's go. let's go. come on. he didn't have to grab him and pull him off the stage, but you know. he looked good. and i guess that was his primary purpose, to look good. he could have done a better job. the biden people were upset about that whole thing. but you know. yet to be discussed. but, crooked joe and his handlers sift -- insisting he is sharper than of and videos of crooked joe
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shuffling around are clean fakes, they are deceptively edited. if i am perfect, they say he made a mistake. perfect, i don't say clean fix, they do that, they do, that they are fake news, look how many you have out there. they are all over the place. larry: all right, we may return to mr. trump. but we have great guests, great new york congresswoman claudia tenney. and steve moore from the unleashed prosperity hot line and abc's radio host of moore money. couple things, claudia, get your -- take your pulse, why shouldn't tips, tipping for service workers, be tax-free, nation's leading supply side editorial page saying it was a bad idea, i don't know, cuts employment
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tax, the tax on employment that seems to be fair, good for working folks, mr. trump is touting it, i'm sure he will mention it in his speech in in racine, wisconsin what is wrong with that. >> i like that idea, i was a waitress that worked for $a for $1 an hour, it was a wash world -- cash world, the democrats are trying to eliminate saying we can't use cash any more, you are on your honor to say what your tips are, they are saying they don't trust you. they want to come up with a number about your tips it is already presumed, if you get more for doing a rai really good job, for merit, they will try to come after you i like it is more of a free market idea, i can relate on it imagine workings for $1 an hour, you hustle for
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great tips. that all part of the american dream. and all part of you know teaching people how to be entrepreneurs and how to really fight and strive, i think that opposite is what we have now. larry: steve moore, in the era of joe biden, who wants to raise taxes and then to raise taxes more. then raise them more after that. i would say any tax break that working folks can get would be a good idea. i don't think it will cost much money, i see that wild and craze estimates. from people on the far left, but that -- reminds me, people on far leften to care about working -- they don't care about working people, they don't care that. they don't care. democrats have given up on those people. >> i was a car parker in
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l.a., we lived on tips. as congresswoman said, you got paid for performance, better job you did the more tips you got. what do we did with 80 thousand irs agents if we have this policy? they are trying to find every quarter in the sofa they could find. this is all about trump's basic philosophy, let's lower taxes on work and lower taxes on companies so they locate here, and you are right, look at what biden is talking about, a horrific report out today, with two trillion dollar deficit. how will he deal with it? raise taxes through the roof that will lower growth, and larry, you left out one of the most important sad numbers in the report, they are projecting 1. 8% annual growth? no, we have trump in there we'll go 3 3 1/2%, we'll
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grow the economy get revenues in that is only way out of this. larry: claudia, you are from up state, new york, so, it does not qualify. but i want to talk about we have a few minutes. the fact is that it is the south. it is the south and the southeast and the sunbelt states, i am looking atrophies from james freeman, for first time claudia tenney 6 fast growing states in south. florida, texas, georgia, carolinas and tennessee. they are contributing more to national next gdp, than northeastern corner people are leaving northeast to go to sunbelt state its has to do with taxes and regulations and something to do i think with generally attitudes today of,. the democrats won't wise up, corporate tax cut biden wants to throw that out,
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that would make us uncompetitive on the international stage. it would raise tack burden across -- tax burden by about a third, they don't think in those terms any more the democratic party. >> you are right, new york state is perfect intubate o or of what not to do economically. i am a business owner in upstate new york, most people upstate new york are working at family businesses, we have pass through you raise corporate tax rate you hurt family businesses. you have energy policies that are impossible that adds to cost and inflation and dangerous. when you have an open border like we do. and laws this prioritize illegal immigrants and criminals over hard work citizens, that hurts the,
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business community that is why people are leaving new york it would be great in former president trump could win new york state we could get a few more senators and assembly members to take out left wing radicals who run albany or new york it is that simple look at new york don't do what they are doing to what president trump did it was greatest thing to have trump in office to help upstate new york businesses. >> the sunbelt all about the su sunbelt states, they like business. >> no income tax? no income tax. larry: sunbelt states they like employers and employees. the trouble with democrats they like employees they just don't like. employers, we'll come back to you later i'm sorry steve moore and congresswoman claudia tenney appreciate it. larry: fabulous story. lefty groups are losing their minds over a potential
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trump victory. i love this my favorite story of the day joining me now byron york. and fox news contributor and david bossie. 2024 rnc co-chair, by ron, "new york times" figured out that trump might win, they are organizing a resistance. on immigration. on civil service reforms, ongoing on taxes, on crime. on low and order on the border and deportation, resistance, not even in office yet. >> well you know we saw this. in 2016 then transition to 2017. there were a number of groups set about to cripple trump's presidency with russia investigation they did enormous damage to force
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-- first two years of trump presidency and filed policies. you will expect more of that. i think. if trump were elected again, they would be better organized try to cripple virtually everything he does, one thing article did not say much about which is a big deal, a desperate effort to keep trump from being president if elected. certainly if he is elected, during transaction period we'll see effort to use 14th amendment, that didn't pass supreme court muster in states, try to use that to keep him frompyin being president in democrats win house i would expect debate to see whether they could impeach trump before he takes office. i think that the resistance will be just mul multiplied. larry: david bossie, mr. trump saying that for him, success is the best revenge. he is not looking for kind
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of revenge these democratic resistance group like in 2016 after he won, did he try to prosecute hillary clinton, who should have been? no, he says today, revenge is the success he wants to unify the nation around economic growth and law and order and closing the border and lower taxes and deregulation and drill, baby, drill. that is president trump's response the other team are off their rocker that is what i think what say you? >> success is best medicine and american needs it after 4 years we huts u put up with under joe biden, the team are sick -- people are sick they have trump derange ment send drop will, t
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syndrome, they are trying to prosecute him, they want to put their people in jail and stop him, during the transition and "law & order: s law -- lawfare, they are sick they hate president trump more than they love our country, we have been seeing it seeing it byron was talking about is right, resist movement, they failed then, they did disrupt us but they failed, they have done is harmed our country, we have to get back, we have to elect donald trump to do things we talked about. and we have close our border get our economy back on track. inflation under control. get energy back out there, that cell solve the problems. larry: i am short, i'm sorry. we may go back to mr. trump. in. the success is best revenge, i don't care with crazy left wingers are say, trump has
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the right message, it a unity message and a growth and success message, thank you, we appreciate it. larry: coming up americans in an uproar, about immigration. about illegal immigration, what does joe biden do today? he expands the amnesty net. with biggest crime rate that we've seen. unbelievable, we have tennessee senator bill hagerty to weigh in, i'm kudlow, stick around, a little bit more right here. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: welcome back with great pleasure bring in tennessee senator bill hagerty, welcome again, we don't have much time, but senator, you have new numbers out, congress says about 2 million got aways. there is roughly 7.95 million encounters we'll call it 10 million. and you had most incom incomprehensible atrocious murders and rapes from criminals crossing the
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border, from here is joe biden announcing today and expanding of parole in place, this case it is about illegal spouses. which as you know has been a phony fraudulent issue, not bad enough stop madness he will expand the illegals and give amnesty, i am staggered by this. >> as am i, this is a topic this biden focusing on, he is so wrong-headed on it, he fails to read the american public, the american public want the people deported by a long shot this was a move by biden administration to buy votes in places like georgia, nevada and arizona, he needs to look at hispanic communities they are voting for president trump, it is their communities that are now being attacked. when you hear about gruesome
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attacks the woman from baltimore, mother of 5 just murders, they are in headlines of day, 8 suspected terrorists coming in with ties to isis. larry: this is an incentive for fraudulent marriage. you are right. you know other thing, just, the poll that we cited, but the ugov poll showed over half of hispanics want to see complete deportation of the illegals, this is the of the hispanic population in the u.s. senator hagerty, over half. >> no surprise. larry: 53%. they are for deporting the illegals. >> it is no surprise, their communities are fraught with crime. that is where people are going this is why they go with trump in droves, i think president trump will see a landslide of hispanic
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voters, black voters this election season,ed tid the tide is moving away from joe biden, there is a move of desperation he did today, last attempt, like the student loan forgiveness, they will backfire. larry: i think you are right, his executive order in 2500 a day a lot of phony bologna, i think that people are scratching their heads saying stop the madness, i'm sorry senator we're out of time, short today, because of racine, we'll see you soon, we'll be right back with my last word. if your business needs a new application
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5:59 am
6:00 am
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.


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