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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.
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>> good wednesday morning, thank you for joining us i am maria bartiromo wednesday june 19, your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast markets are closed for the juneteenth holiday, the futures are mixed ahead of the open. were looking at nvidia it is been on a tear once again yesterday finishing at an all-time high, the most valuable company in the world nvidia is followed by microsoft and apple in the most highly valued company, the raleigh nvidia led to the s&p 500 and the nasdaq to fresh all-time highs on tuesday the second string record close for the nasdaq the euphoria behind the chipmaker and how long can the raleigh go on the broader market showing gains in market seeing green year to date in 2024, european markets are pulling back fractional losses across the board in europe. in asia overnight market tire
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hong kong was the best performer enhancing up 3% back at home an immigration free-for-all as president biden unveils sweeping legislation to grant amnesty to the spouses of illegal immigrants and speed up work visas for migrants, all of this is crime is spiking by illegal gang members in the country because it entered america to the wide-open border, were getting into it, the debate countdown is on nine days until the first presidential showdown president trump also rally in wisconsin and new polls put them in a dead heat with president biden nationally while leading in swing states the national committee cochairman lara trump will be here in the 8:00 a.m. hour, joining the conversation management rebecca walsh or, bullseye ingenuity fund manager adam johnson and maslansky and partners lee carter. "mornings with maria" is live right now.
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♪. maria: it is time for the hot topic of the hour hunter biden's e-mails revealing the top chinese communist party leader allegedly asking him to travel to china to talk about future business opportunities. in 2013 biden vice president joe biden got on air force two and took a six-day trip around asia and hunter introduced his father to his chinese business associate, house republicans disdained after biden used his role as vice president to discourage scrutiny in the 2016 security and exchange investigation which involved the business associates. in the letter of the chairman of the sec james comer house judiciary jim jordan.
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in 2016 attorneys within the sec enforcement division were investigating a tribal bond which several individuals were charged with security laws in several of the business associates were implicated by the alleged conduct, lee carter, your reaction. >> i think the people in this country are so fed up with politicians and this kind of behavior they see so much corruption a back dealings in the think it's unfair that people have this access in these opportunities of who they're connected to and that's why people want donald trump back in office because they want somebody to take a sledgehammer to the corruption into all of that. on the other hand is a lot of people to question the trump family at the same time and they say is this a double standard we have to remember the trump family had a business long before donald trump was in office and the question really
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is what were hunter biden skills and what was he able to pedal to get so much money, what was this all about. maria: we don't have any evidence at the trump family did anything wrong. they had businesses all over the world. the letter that james comer sent to ja joe biden. in that letter james comer writes this during the 118th congress the house committee on oversight and accountability has been investigating influence peddling by you and your family and the committee has accounted $24 million that is flowed from so foreign sources, the committee has identified legitimate services to lucrative payments, to equate trump and biden is wrong we don't have any evidence of trump family doing anything wrong we do have evidence from oversight and $24 billion going to the biden family for no legitimate
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business. >> i think that's a real key what was offering in the $20 million for. >> he was offering contact i will get you, hunter biden in front of my dad the president and we will make things happen for you. this is very exciting tell me more, you're going to have to pay me if you want more. it's so crystal clear what happened and it's hard to find the smoking gun where you can say aha. we all know what happened. maria: that's what james comer has tried to do the letter march china, ukraine, russia and other countries in terms of money that is gone to the biden family members, two checks according to the letter that went to joe biden directly this is james comer's work in the investigation.
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>> there weren't just two checks, think of all of the transfers that you have talked about over months many months, dozens of transfers. >> i'm referring to two checks sent directly to joe biden the other were sent to family members they identify two checks directly to joe biden then there's this, house democrats were in step with republicans on a certain bill, democrats are backing out of that, coburn reported ethics but after officials with the biden administration reached out to the democrats telling them don't to go ahead and support this they said the bill could be used against the biden family ahead of the 2024 election because it requires president of the family members to disclose any foreign payments or expensive gifts and loan transactions as well as tax returns from before-and-after office and their time in office it would require family members
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to report official travel means for personal business, here's what we think happened, the white house reached out to the democrats were aligned with republicans in pushing the bill forward they said don't support the bill it could hurt the biden family, what are you afraid of if you didn't accept diamonds, a porsche and money what are you afraid of. >> at the get really bad day at three democrats that were supporting it that retracted their support and said we can support this and from what i understand they alluded to the fact that it can potentially hurt the biden administration of the biden campaign. that's pretty sad if you're not willing to stand for ethics because your current candidate, weird enough from the comer report that this is happened, to your point about trump is only politician i've ever heard of an american history that is gone into office and left poor that he went in. he did not do what this biden family has done.
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>> they try to equate it. >> there's no moral consequence at all. >> is not the same, support you have the conversation because you cannot have the faux outrage without evaluated in all there is a huge difference. maria: let's take a short break. catch my new vaccination special on china underwriting the enemy streaming tomorrow and we will have more of that coming up this morning on the new vaccination special. we just getting started, quickly, markets are closed on the juneteenth holiday but we see green so far this year in zeroing and on wall street including nvidia, loeffler tanker investment nancy tengler is here. but when officials admit they retaliated against whistleblowers are called attention to errors in the production process, the testimony coming up. you're watching "mornings with . we'll be right back.
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and you're in business. make now the future at maria: take a look at futures markets are closed for the juneteenth holiday futures mixed as you can see, yesterday was a record-setting the s&p 500 hit another record close yesterday is that the 5487 on the s&p and upper quarter of 8% the dow industrial were higher by 56 and the nasdaq record territory up five points and 17862. nvidia was one reason is surpassed microsoft and apple in market cap become the most valuable company publicly traded company take a look at nvidia
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$3.3 trillion in value, the stock year to date has gone nowhere but up a beautiful chart of three to half% on the session year to date the stock has been trading up we saw ten for one stock split laughing tinker investment ceo nancy tengler, great to see you, thank you for being here. maria: is great to have you in person what your reaction to nvidia. >> i've been drawing an analogy to the 1990s not just when i was a lie but i was managing money and there are many similarities and what are the things that is different we had momentum positive momentum correlated with negative earnings now we have the biggest companies earning a tremendous amount of money and i think that's important to pay attention to i think were in early days as is 1995 it's not 1999. nvidia there's a lot of reasons to love the business.
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>> at that point i feel like i was there to and anybody who put at the end of their name saw the stock go higher and wasn't based on fundamentals do you think the move and nvidia is based on fundamentals/because it's producing high-end chips for military and technology devices et cetera is there any difference in fundamentals. >> i remember you down on the floor. >> of course the use cases are tremendous and expanding and being monetized we don't actually own nvidia but we own the poor man's which is broad, that is up 65% this year end nvidia 170%, you want to be engaged in the picks and shovels and the supplier of the a.i. solutions in the old economy companies embracing not just
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digitization that was the original thing but now it's generative a.i., robotics, generative a.i. clock computing think of walmart as a poster child for a company in old economy company expanding margins and growth via utilization. maria: you sold and bought more. >> i did. i think nvidia will learn in pre-split terms, the stock split 3 - 1 so if they earn $3. it was ten for one. the stock is rated at $135 they can earn $3 this year, that's a 45 pe 135 divided by 33 to 45 pe and you say that's expensive but they're more than doubling their earnings. it's as if he is trading at 20, 21 and going until present in nvidia is doubling 45 times isn't that cheap and i want to be careful of saying that
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because there does come a point at which were talking about the 90 similarities were evaluations do get stretched. >> if you go back and look at the four horsemen cisco is trading at five times, let's use an example we can relate to microsoft, microsoft is trading at 51 times and it's up 35 times but you have 15 or 20% growth down the pike and these are companies that have ironically benefited from higher interest rates so they came in with fortress balance sheets and the incoming balance sheets to triple over the last couple of years. plenty of room for buybacks, x-uppercase-letter dividend increases in even though the mag seven is talked about too much you do have significant earnings growth over 20% in the s&p. those are things you have to pay attention to an investor and put
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the hype aside. i was talking to one of the strategist and he said you have to chase the horse after scott after the barn and that's a good analogy. maria: the future market pricing in a 16% chance the fed will cut rates in september how does that play into your thinking i know you have a number of companies within the portfolio that it beaten expectation in terms of earnings and revenue. >> with the 12 best ideas portfolio at the end of the day it always does better than all of her other strategies begin the question why do we run the other strategies that are client not all of them have the tolerance. if you look at chipotle in stock splits, 50 - 1 i think it's trading as the new company. >> where microsoft beaten maintain there is a lot of opportunity don't listen to the companies listen to the fed which i'm happy not to do. in the '90s the big-game what
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they going to say what's inadequate is that he never said anything chairman greenspan now we have everybody saying everything and created a lot of volatility. >> he had rational exuberance. >> one thing that you said is so important all the money on the sideline, $6 trillion with the market accounts that has to give you wiggle room. >> it does we haven't even seen it be deployed yet we've seen foreign money, and that's a net inflows to equity funds, we haven't seen the u.s. consumer the u.s. institution on the sidelines putting money were not even close to foam well where you want to exit the stage left. maria: fear of missing out the everybody keeps talking about, great to have you, thank you so much nancy tengler, when america's national debt projected to top $56 trillion in the next ten years. divided of initiation is insisting the policies have helped cut the deficit south carolina congressman ross norman
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is here with reaction would become right back. stay with us. ♪
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maria: will come back the congressional budget is estimated the u.s. national debt is on pace to pop $56 trillion in the next ten years on by 2027 interest payments will set a new record as a share of the economy this year end next year and exceed the economy next year. the cost of social security, medicare and rising interest rates have made were expensive for the federal government to borrow large amounts of money, the president for the responsible federal budget miami guinness writes this, over the past statements of this fiscal year we spent more on interest payments on the debt the national defense and interest go longer on medicaid spending this year. here is karine jean-pierre but with the trump administration. >> this president has a strong agenda and to reduce the deficit will the last administration increased by a record
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$8 trillion in genocide a single ball to reduce the deficit and what this president has done he signed legislation to reduce the deficit by $1 trillion since taking office. maria: i'm not sure where she gets her numbers but the democrat spent $7 trillion on joe biden's watch. south carolina congressman ralph norman the house budget and services rules committee, you're on the budget committee, tell us what has suspended been in the last three to half years in regard to the deficit and debt. >> we don't have ten years we put the numbers out at 60 trillion accounting, the interest on the debt alone in the whole military budget, the biden ship is sink in this country is doing intelligently and we had a call with the ceo directory and he said how immigration was going to be a net gain for america because of the jobs that they will sell the taxes they will pay. it is insanity added over karine
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jean-pierre is getting her mouth but it's wrong and the problem with the figures that we can trust it does include social security, medicare, medicare and the debt itself is compounding every minute. i think the 266,000 per person is more like 300,000 that is digging is so deep that we can get out. maria: something you said is really striking, joe biden is sinking this country and is doing it intentionally. maria: why? how is that possible. can you explain that, why joe biden would be sinking the country into an intentionally. >> he's clueless to begin with, he's not cognitively there but is never been that bright even at his prime back in the 80s and 90s and his judgment is not there, take one instance the
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invasion at the border that alone is enough to sink the country and is doing a good job of it 15 million and counting we cannot sustain it into her systems of social security, medicare, medicaid. and illegal in its intentional he think is going to maintain his power base in the recent 500,000 of those legally in the country, the groups that monitor that this is just a scheme to submit his power at the ballot box. and thank god for donald trump. maria: we have the inflation reduction act the fiscal responsibility act, the chips act, the green subsidies, the forgiveness of student loan debt, although that is included in the spending and the borrowing on joe biden's watch, on top of that the president keeps allowing all of the
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spending on illegals, the president this week announced a new executive order granting amnesty for half a million people, immigrants living in the united states illegally this will shield them from deportation because the spouses of the migrants three years to apply for permanent citizenship biden is attacking republicans despite doing this in plain sight he is attacking republicans on the border, yesterday he did so. watch this. >> republicans walked away from a deal for the most pathetic and petty reasons donald trump got on the phone and started with the press to confirm this in calling the senator saying don't, don't go ahead and do this. don't support this legislation. the had bipartisan support. when you asked why, he would hurt him politically and help them instead. so much for republicans caring about the border. maria: after three and half
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years of not doing anything about the wide-open border, 10 million illegals in the country on joe biden's watch he is now blaming you and your colleagues and biden is claiming that executive action is working, what is your response. >> he knows better that is just words in the given them talking points. when he took office three and half years ago he opened the border and stop building the wall the donald trump started. the evidence is here and we don't know who's coming in he's getting as many and as he can in the latest vote scheme but 550,000 children is to submit and make it hard for donald trump to come in and reverse it's not going to work the american people are going to demand it. maria: the white house says that joe biden is fine i want to play a clip from yesterday and let's decide but listen to this, he was talking about the people around him and he tried to
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welcome everybody including his department of public security secretary alejandro mayorkas, let's take a listen to this i would like to get everybody's reaction on the panel. >> my name is joe biden i am joe biden's husband. thanks to the members of congress and homeland security secretary -- are not going to introduce you all the way. >> what did he say. maria: we don't know. >> that didn't really happen? >> he said these videos are f fake. >> you watching can't help but wonder is he okay. >> initially he made a joke, my name is joe biden i married to doctor jill biden, he was joking but the end of the sentence but
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he didn't say the name of mayorkas. >> was a joke or did he space out again. >> it's a fair question when you look at polling only 30% of americans think is mentally fit for office only 30%, karine jean-pierre can say whatever they want about this videos but the american people are seeing this and they have real concerns and this is not political, then looking at the videos and thinking for themselves. >> that was awkward and is not just the one video it is video after video, interview after interview, the mumbling, how about just a couple of days ago when he was on stage and former president obama had the pattern on the back and say there it is. amazing. maria: that the second wanted the week remember giorgia meloni pull them off when he wondered
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often that obama walking him off stage, what was that about was obama really walking them off stage to be helpful or was obama make it a point. obama wants joe biden not to run. >> he probably does cover that is because obama wants his party to be strong in joe biden it is not strong. maria: he want this person whoever that may be probably, laura or susan rice. >> and he wants to win. if you look at the polling it's really, really bad for joe biden and donald trump never lead in the polls in 2016 or 20 and he is winning in the polls especially in the states of matter. obama wants to win. we're going to have off norma back soon to continue with that. thank you for that i wanted you to see and make your own decision in terms of what the clip was about. we'll be right back.
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lexaria bioscience. maria: the new partnership i'm about to tell you about vladimir putin and kim jong-un citing new comprehensive strategic pack it's expected to deepen the two countries military and economic cooperation, kim jong-un rolled off the red carpet with food with a lavish welcome for the first trip to north korea and 24 years for putin putin thinking kim ahead of the water when meeting for his unwavering support of russia's war in ukraine and its fight against what he said was imperialist u.s. policies, kim jong-un told putin that russia north korean relations were reaching new heights, state department senior advisor incentive for the national interest senior fellow christian writing, your reaction to the thriving partnership between north korea and russia.
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>> it's an interesting develop, would north korea was founded was a creature of the soviet union of joseph stalin and not of china but the soviet union went away and north korea really turn to china for financial aid and food aid in economic aid, now north korea has really been doing very well it doesn't depend on foreign aid if they create several billion dollars each year through cybercrime and now has a thriving business, military relationship with russia and usually the north korean leader that have to go to moscow or somewhere else in russia and supplicate to the russian leader, kim jong-un's father took a three week train trip to moscow to see the russian leader, this is different to putin, one thing north korea does well is export and proliferate weapons that's done a lot in ukraine and artillery rounds which are been in short supply on both sides, north korea has an enormous
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amount of those and so the significant amount russia. maria: all of this happening on joe biden's watch in the justice department announced a 10-pound environment of mexico's drug cartel with conspiring with money laundering groups linked to chinese underground banking to laundering $50 million in drug proceeds 24 people have been charged in the volume under money laundering scheme, "the bottom line" something that roger marshall the kansas editor told me first on "sunday morning futures" and that the chinese organized crime has been working with mexico drug cartels and making huge money from it. watch this. >> are exporting affected all this is another crop to the ccp in china dichotomy faltering, failing and propped up by the ccp this is the next economy and
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the money laundering is going to be so important that we get on top of that. maria: your thoughts, when roger marshall brought the story to us he told us of the chinese players are really the senior players, you would think that the drug cartel from mexico are in charge, to ccp underground and organized crime groups that are leading the effort by laundering money and sell drugs, traffic humans, your reaction. >> it seemed like a new form of triangular trade very much not to our advantage, to be interesting to see the dime as a child goes on in which institutions were involved, you have to ask yourself for the dirty money is going in the world and places like switzerland to crackdown the uae it's gotten off the list of money laundering concerns, hong kong because of the crackdown where it went from having the rule of law that it inherited from the colonial area to a
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location that is now firmly under the control of beijing in the ccp were the rule of law is subverted by political control we see this in the trial of jimmy lai and others who are involved in free speech, something fine in hong kong until a couple of years ago, it's quite possible that hong kong is going to become the dirty money center of the world in the old days you can take it's a case of 100 standard panama therefore injecting cash into the legitimate financial system and move it around the world you cannot do that anymore and makes a lot of sense of china would fill the role in their partnership with russia and creating this parallel and alternate international banking system that is separate from the u.s. dollar this is something that could impact this greatly in the cost of our national debt and in general the cost of capital for american washington seems not to be paying much
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attention. maria: trying to ask the question why doesn't the president or the administration tried to use the capital markets offer we have all these chinese stocks trading on the u.s. exchanges and basically ordinary investors are funded the expansion of number one adversary avenue fox nation special underwriting the enemy where i put a spotlight on the financial scandal in history market investors unwillingly funded the party with their retirement money in the first episode we talk about how wall street is turning a blind eye to the national security threat, watch this. >> this is the most consequential moment in the history of our country. >> the chinese communist party has infiltrated the u.s. economy. >> the enemies behind the gate are deep inside her financial infrastructure in the capital
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markets. >> chinese companies are traded on the new york stock exchange and the nasdaq right now. >> it is scandalous. >> this morning oath of secrecy. >> american investors unwillingly or not i funded the expansion of our number one adversary. >> is unbelievable. >> i'm as mad as hell and i'm not would you take this anymore. maria: i am maria bartiromo and this is underwriting the enemy. maria: christian, your reaction? >> is a fundamentally important story, a lot of the u.s. financial system has unrequited love for china the idea you have one point to billion people in the world's second-largest population country if we could get a small slice of that we would be rich not realizing china will never let u.s. financial companies have the freedom and the chinese competitors will always have the
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upper hand see of wall street that needs to wake up the other point very stupid things and we allow hong kong monetary authority to clear the u.s. dollar transactions that's a privilege we only get to a few other countries, japan, the philippines and singapore and hong kong delegated to hsbc which is very much complicit in the crackdown on any dissidents banking and hong kong why do we allow this effect could stop tomorrow and if they won't do in congress won't do it it's one of dozens of way that you outlined where we are giving the enemy the rope to hang us. maria: the companies that are trading on u.s. exchanges they don't even follow the same security and exchange commission rules that the rest of the public up at his follow. there was a ruling a couple of years ago saying they will have to start getting in line with accounting standards but they still have it. while we have our investors funding the enemy the adversary
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those very companies are probably american rules and we allow this. >> if you pull a 10k word 10q good luck figuring out what's happening. when it comes to know your customer requirements these are opposed on u.s. banks if you go when an open account with the suitcase of cashier banker will want to know a lot about you. in hong kong we accept their information as if it were gathered in the united states but we don't over the rest of china would do it for hong kong, the self-imposed naïveté where we need to wake up and smell the financial enemy is trying undo our financial system our dominance. maria: as far as i can tell this is only country that america gives such allowances to. there is no other country that we would have the very companies that are producing military items trading on the exchanges
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do not follow with accounting standard that every other public company has to follow. we have a spotlight on it and we appreciate you weighing in. my new specials available tomorrow on fox nation. i hope you check it out. extremely beginning tomorrow, but would officials admit they did retaliate against whistleblowers who called attention to heirs against the production process, the highlights from the testimony coming up. ted cruz is here this morning discussing the new legislation to crackdown on a.i. and keep kids safe online. it's in the 8:00 a.m. hour. "mornings with maria", live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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maria: one of the greatest of all times legendary baseball player willie mays has passed away, cheryl casone with the details. >> the hall of famer otherwise known as the say hey kid died at age 93 his son said he passed away peacefully in among loved ones considered to be one of the greatest baseball players of all time, he thrilled fans for decades for america's beloved past time, the iconic satterfield scored his first break in 1951 he was 20 years old making the debut with the new york giants who later became the san francisco giants, he helped the team in the 1954 world series and was the heart and soul of the giants for two
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decades before a brief stent with the mets he retired in 1973. he is a 24 all time all starting to time mvp, 12 time gold among many other words he was inducted into the baseball hall of fame in 1979 and maria has a connection her father a friend when they served in the army together and mays used to call him brooklyn. >> he called my double-click my father always talked about willie mays and for my dad's birthday one year my husband got him mazes jersey in the catch one of his most famous and we have those hung up after my father passed we put them in my tv room at home. i love the fact that he called my dad brooklyn. >> i love it that's a wonderful memory. >> they met in the korean conflict they served together in the army. maria: we honor the legacy of him today and were hoping to get a picture. i have some other headlines i
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want to bring you, this is affecting so much of the country, much of the nation continues to get walloped with the record-breaking heat wave affecting multiple states, 92 million americans for the midwest and the northeast are under he averts as temperatures hit the upper '90s, chicago, washington, d.c., boston residents feels like temperatures of 100 and more eric adams announcing cooling sectors across the city of exhaustion, heatstroke in a press briefing on capitol hill and karine jean-pierre had to halter comments in the press passed out due to the heat, watch this. >> to somebody pass out. >> as for today the sweltering heat continues to affect the country in the record-breaking temperatures on the forecast maine is about to see of ugly
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brother in texas tropical cyclone. in other news this morning single justin timberlake arrested in the hamptons early yesterday morning for driving want toxic even according to police documents a 43-year-old had bloodshot and glassy eyes and he performed poorly on all standardized sobriety tests he was charged with one count of dwi alongside citation for keeping right and stopping at the stop sign after staying in the sack entered sag harbor jail overnight the new york post said he enjoyed the losing party before getting behind the wheel and he told officer he had one martini but witnesses said he was wasted and picking up strangers drinks and finishing them. the popstar was arraigned tuesday morning and the paparazzi snapping photos with his lawyer who gave no, he is set to appear for the virtual court hearing on july 26. he pleaded not guilty.
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finally this, boeing ceo dave calhoun admitted to retaliation against whistleblowers and apologizing to families of crash victims during his appearance before congress yesterday. >> i would like to speak directly to those that lost loved ones on alliant air flight 610 and ethiopian airlines flight 302. [inaudible] >> the grilling before the senate homeland committee subcommittee had plenty of fireworks. watch this exchange with senator josh hawley. >> you're proud of the safety record? >> i am proud of every action that we are taking. >> every action that you've taken, wow, you cannot see a binder but the folks are showing pictures of the people who are the victims of your safety record. >> i think the problem is with you. >> as a new last-minute witness was added whistleblowers sam
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mohawk who alleges but we does a properly documenting tracking and storing parts that are damaged or otherwise out of specification and the parts are likely being installed on airplanes. a motion riding high from victims families. one mother asking if calhoun and bowe boeing could hear her daughters cries as she lost her life aboard the 737 max another man looking justice for his sister who died on the 2019 boeing flight. watch this. >> i'm here simply to confront her killer. he was aware of all the design defects. he was one of the head decision-makers to put the plane in the air and to keep the plane in the year after alliant air crashed in late october 5 months before and he is a mass killer. >> they want criminal charges filed against boeing and executives, the d.o.j. jury is out with what they're going to
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do but boeing has issues with the d.o.j. maria: a lot of problems at boeing. >> to go after line air crash into make the call and have another incident i see why it could lead to communal charges. >> real quick according to senator blumenthal there is a more than a dozen whistleblowers this story is not over for boeing at all. >> thank you. stay with us. we'll be right back. at the wal, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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