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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 19, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good witness morning everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo i is wednesday, june 19, 7:00 a.m. on the button on the east coast. hope you're having a good webs morning. it is time for the hot topic of the hour. a new npr poll finds the race for the president is neck and neck, each receiving 49% support, president trump is gaining when third party candidates are adding. former president trump slamming president biden for bore kerr policies after the nypd arrested an illegal migrant who was accused of tying up and raping a 13-year-old girl at knife point in a new york park. here's former president trump yesterday. >> in new york, an illegal alien with mutual and multiple prior arrests approached two 13-year-old children with a machete in broad daylight,
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forced them into the woods, tied them together by the wrists and raped the girl at a park in queens. when i'm reelected we will begin removing the criminals, the horrible people from our midst and we'll do it immediately. it's not like we have a choice. do we have a choice? we're not going to live likes this. our country is so badly run. maria: meanwhile, the white house is offering condolences to the family of rachel moran. the mother of five who was rape and killed by an illegal from el salvador. they write we extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends. we cannot comment on active law enforcement cases but we believe people should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law if found guilty the. pop said he's not interesting -- president biden said he's not interesting in playing politics with the border, a. >> i'm not interested in playing politics with the border or immigration. i'm interested in fixing it.
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i'll work with anyone to solve these problems. that's my responsibility as president. that's our responsibility as americans. maria: we're now learning that over 40,000 migrants have crossed the border since biden's executive order, thousands being released into the country every day. so much to talk about here, lee. first, take on the polls, because nobody knows the polls better than you do. this one npr poll says these two are in a neck and neck nationally. what's the story. >> they've been neck and neck nationally for a long time. i think the poll nationally is not what i'm paying attention to. when you look at the average of nationwide polls, trump is ahead by just about a point. but the real thing here to remember is this is going to come down to the battleground states. the battleground states donald trump is winning by more than 3 points in the battleground states. this is where the he'll ex will be decided. -- election will be decided. i think it's really important to remember that donald trump never led in the polls, not once did
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he lead in the polls in 2016 or 2020. and he always outperformed the polls. between 3 and 8%, depending on the states, even in 2020 when he was trailing in the polls, he didn't win, but he still outperformed the polls. i think the same thing is going to happen here, this could be -- i think it could be a landslide election. i don't think it's as close as the polls suggest. maria: what a joke that joe biden says he doesn't want to play politics at the border, and he wants to fix the border, i mean, come on. it's been almost four years, you haven't fixed the border, we've got 10 million illegals crossed the border on your watch. what are you saying, why do you think we're morons? >> the deciderses, what they're calling the voters of the swing states, they say donald trump will fix immigration, they say they think donald trump will protect the threats to democracy more than joe biden. that's what he's running on. they say they trust donald trump more on the economy. on all issues that matter the
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most they're favoring donald trump and this is a big surprise. if you read the article in the washington post about this, they're saying all these things are happening with donald trump, he's still winning on the issues. yes, he is winning on the issues. people better start understanding why. he's winning on the issues that matter most. maria: that's what i'm saying. to say i want to fix the border, but has no evidence of such thing. >> maria, it nud used to be-itd to be this guy will cut my taxes, this guy will raise my taxes. it was kind of the american way. we're talking about a president who canceled the remain in m mexico policy, let 10 million people get in and people are dying. i'm so tired of waking up and reading about a young girl getting raped in this country, this has got to stop. maria: i know. >> and stop lying to our face and telling us what is happening in front of us is not actually happening and you're not playing politics. maria: it's really -- it's
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maddening. i understand. meanwhile, there's all the cognitive issues. president biden seemed to freeze up again and he actually forgot the name of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. let's watch it together. >> my name is joe biden, i'm jill biden's husband. [laughter] >> thanks to all the members of congress, homeland security secretary -- i'm not sure ---all kidding you aside, secretary mayorkas. >> he forgot. flthere's no fairness,i would come to joe biden's defense, there are times i've too gotten tongue tied. we all have. but, yeah, that's just uncomfortable a. the problem is, it's not just one example. it's example after example. it's tripping going up the stairs on air force one.
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what is it now? five times? it's not knowing where to stand at a omaha beach, not knowing where to stand s saturday nightt the fundraiser. it's losing his train of thought over and over again. it's not just one time. everyone's allowed to kind of get lost one time. but not this many times. not when you're the leader of the free world. maria: those videos of georgia maloni taking him back into the group when he was on the ground in italy and then at the fundraiser with obama where obama walked him off stage. >> right. maria: you have to wonder, is joe biden about to walk out stage left. i mean, i don't know. is he going to make this election or is he going to have to withdraw. the democrats clearly want him to withdraw. i think it's obvious, the fact that obama has his hand on him, walking him off stage the other day, that for me -- >> or running cover for. maria: can we see the video? >> he said after that, this man
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is not fit to be president. i think if you have left handed media commentators saying that -- >> 30% of americans think he's fit to serve another term, yet he's getting 40% at the polls. 30% of people don't think he's fit, yet they're giving him -- these issues are important for voters. 30% -- that means 20% are saying i would rather have an incompetent person run the country than the alternative. maria: selfish. they're worried about their grip on power, not thinking about the rest of america. how else can you see it. >> or you're a die hard dem and you'll vote dem no matter what. maria: amazon is facing a large fine from the state of california for not complying with new labor laws. we're going to get into that with the word on wall street. we'll get that expectation for
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amazon and tech as well. then, the debate is coming up. the countdown is on, eight days away to the first presidental showdown. the republican national committee co-chairer lara trump is here this morning at 8:00 a.m. don't miss her. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ -so, what's the code? -it says 547. 5-well, that's not working. dad, she really needs to pee. [baby crying] we're gonna get in in a minute, okay? -it's not opening. -well, i'll call. representative. [baby crying] speak with a person. [cs line] you are a valued customer. representative!
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and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me is payne capital management president and host of the payne points of wealth podcast, ryan payne with us. also with us this morning is rebecca wallser and adam johnson. great to see you, ryan. adam and rebecca, we've been chatting all morning. take a look at futures on this holiday for the markets, closed for the juneteenth holiday, the s&p 500 had another record close
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yesterday. nvidia surpassing microsoft and apple in market value. now the most valuable company in the world, nvidia. take a look at the stock year-to-date, the nasdaq was up yesterday but the whole markets was really lifted by the chip stocks. ryan nvidia's chart -- that's a beautiful chart, isn't that you beautiful chart? >> i think it's no coincidence that adam has a nicer pocket square than usual because i know he owns nvidia. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> it's remarkable. it's worth $3.33 trillion. just above microsoft at $3.31 trillion. and kind of the drum i've been beating here is, it's starting to look a lot like the late '90s, early 2000. back then,s cisco surpassed microsoft in the s&p 500. they were the backbone of this whole data and basically fueling the internet at that time, just the waytoday a.i. is fueled by y
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nvidia. maria: i think it's a good analogy. >> it can get crazier, prices can get higher. cisco topped out 200 times forward earnings, we're moving 50 times forward earnings. >> 45 times forward earnings. >> i'm sure you're checking it every second. >> trust me. >> this makes me think about if you look at the s&p 500 on a current pe ratio at 23 times, during the tech you bubble it got to 28 times which if this mirrors that, and i think history does tend to -- maybe not repeat, we're going to 6500 on the s&p and i think that's realistic. we talked about this before, the fed most likely will cut once this year. i see this with lots of clients walking in the door with you way too much money in crash. if you see your 5% rate go down, where will that money go? the hottest part of the market where all the momentum is and that's the big mega cap a.i.
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names, nvidia, microsoft, apple, which can fuel the rally a lot higher. maria: some people leave money in money market accounts, they say rates are going down but i'm not going to move it. >> greed is a powerful persuader. maria: it's hard to know which tech stock to buy because of the outsize gains already. look at amazon for example, adam, california is fining amazon $6 million, nearly 6 million for failing to disclose warehouse employee quotas. this is a new one. the golden state creating the law back in 2022 to you address concerns they had they claim about the e-commerce giant's workplace practices and treatment of hourly workers. look at this stock so far this year. adam, i want to get your take on amazon, not as good looking a chart but nonetheless up over the last year. >> i'll take it and i am long it as well, full disclosure, as are my clients. have you to be long. the magnificent seven, i call
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them core ingenuity, you have to be long. california, there's a lot to unpack here. why is it that california thinks it can determine the rules for the rest of us from ev mandates to clean air to how companies should treat their workers in the warehouses. i'm tired of california trying to assert its standards on the rest of us. that's point number one. point number two, what's going on here is that they're saying you have to tell people what the standards are. you can't just have the standards and then penalize them for not meeting the standards. i will grant that is a fair point. but let's just get government out of the workplace as much as we possibly can. maria: i mean, it's a good point. we'll see where this goes in terms of -- it's like the beginning of more attacks on the company. california like new york is desperate for money. >> desperate. maria: they're going to look under every rock. >> yeah. >> track every mile. maria: there's that as a well. as we look at the price of just
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about everything, up over the last year, take a look at oil prices. you're looking at this nonrenewal of the u.s. and saudi arabia 50 year br petro dollar agreement. how do these international disruptions impact markets. walk us through was happened with the u.s. saudi pact ending. >> macroeconomicly, the united states is the weakest it's been in 50 years because on june 9th our petro dollar agreement expired with saudi arabia that was be put in place in 1974 and was not renewed. when we went off the gold standard in '71 we started having massive inflation, the oil embargo, all these things happening. nixon sent kissinger over to meet with the king of saudi arabia and they agreed to sell oil in dollars and we'll provide
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security through our military and the petro dollar agreement with the u.s. and saudi arabia was born. when we kicked russia out of swift in 2022 and they aligned thethemselves in the block so m, they confiscated -- it's a loan. u.s. wanted to confiscate all 300 billion. europe had has most of the assets. europe is the one that told america we're not going to do that. they said we'll loan the earnings and we'll loan -- basically, we don't having backing our currency, there's no asset backing of our currency and a we're confiscating countries we don't agree with geopolitical moves. this could be the demise of the dollar. dedollarizeation is happening very fast. maria: this sounds disturbing to me. i china and russia are hoping they can come up with replacement to the u.s. dollar. i never thought that was possible. >> it's going to happen because of the crypto technology with the block chain and what the bricks nations have come up with, you don't need. maria: ryan, thanks for being
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here. do you want to jump in. >> weaponizeing the dollar is a big mistake. you're seeing emerging markets using their own currencies, for transactions outside the u.s. it's a big problem for sure. maria: always a pleasure. rebecca and adam you're with us all morning. we're grateful. one sanctuary city sending migrants to salt lake city, utah congressman burgess owens is here to tell us how border policies impacted his home state after the break. you're watching uh "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. say goodbye to daily insulin injections with omnipod 5...
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>> crooked joeys sending a message to the world that he rewards illegal entry. don't kid yourself, the ones that are hurt the most, the black population, the hispanic population. this is a mass entry into our country and the unions are getting absolutely killed you b. all an illegal alien has to do is sign up for the new program, a sham marriage or college degree. maria: that was former president trump slamming president biden's new immigration plan yesterday, warning about its impact on minority communities. as you know, biden granting amnesty to up to half a million migrants living in the united states illegally. this gives the spouses of immigrants three years to apply
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for permanent citizenship, biden says this will be great for the economy. watch. >> i'm announcing new measures to clarify, speed up work visas and help people redeem this to help the economy grow. want to keep building the strongest economy in the world with the best workforce in the world. maria: joining me is utah congressman burgess owens, congressman, good to see you this morning. thanks so much for joining us. what is your reaction to the president's amnesty new law here, this executive order? >> well, maria, this gives you an idea where the priorities are with this president. he had a choice over the last three years to work for the american people or to build a power base and the state of utah we're now paying on average of $1,217 per month than we did back in three years ago. that's $15,000 hit on any of the
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middle class, working class, and it impacts us in a big, big way. what we have here is you have a party that instead of focusing on making sure the american people are working, moving forward, they're trying to find power by replacing us with people who do not understand our culture, our american way, come here without an understanding how to give back to the country but he gives them power because he gives them more votes. i think it's evil is what it comes down to and americans are waking up to it and i'm thankful we're a few months away from making a big change. maria: are they waking up to it? do you think people are waking up to it? it's so extraordinary to the me, all of these things we're talking about every day, the policies of the open border, the policies of the spending leading to inflation. are we living on an alternative planet that this could be happening and this is okay and they're still neck and neck, these two? >> i would say this. i've been waiting for this moment for four years, maria.
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i woke up four years ago when reagan was president to what the democrat party was doing for my race for decades. look around the country, see blacks, hispanics, jewish americans, we're feeling the same thing, doesn't matter what party we're part of. we feel pain. we start talking to each other, trying to figure out what can we do to get out of this so biden has been a great unifier, brought us together in a way that only he could have done. it brought so much misery that we want something different. we're sick and tired of it. i'm excited, we're going to make big changes. maria: i'm glad you brought up the black vote and the sentiment for black america. we have new polling from usa today, they find black voters are moving away from president biden in two key swing states, biden is down to 56% in pennsylvania, he was at 76% four years ago, he's down to 54% in michigan, that's down 22 points from 2022. and you know, cnn p can't believe it. here's a cnn data analyst
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reacting to numbers for biden. watch this. >> look at black voters under the age of 50. holy cow, folks, holy cow, look at this, joe biden was up by 80 points among this group in 2020, look at where the margin has gone. it's now just, get this, 37 points. that lead has dropped by more than half, mr. berman. i just never have seen anything like this. i'm like speechless. maria: he's speechless. your thoughts, congressman. how has this happened? a moment ago you said this is what you're seeing in communities across america, is that right? >> speechless because the left has always been racist, always been bigots, they're speechless because they don't believe that we do not think with our skin. they're speechless because they think all they have to do is give them misery and we don't think anymore. people are asking those questions. we want to live our american dream, want our kids to be
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educated, have our businesses be safe every day, if we don't have that we're going to look for options. it's within our dna. we don't believe that bullies s should run us, we don't believe in dictatorship. i'm thankful that the black community which i always thought we come back to our basic baseline, our values, we're going to make an impact on the country and it will be looked at as historic. that's what's happening right now. black americans, hispanic americans, jewish americans are realizing we have a very special unique culture, now's the time to fight for it. we want our families to grow and be prosperous. and this is the way to get it done. president trump 2024 will a allow us to get back to the country we've always envisioned and we want to be together on this. maria: this is an important voting block, i know that do you you think this could be something that tips the ele election? >> no question. keep in mind, we've been -- 90% have been voting like a herd mentality with the democratic
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party. 30% of us will drop, that's what's happening right now, black men are tired of being put down, disrespected. so we're coming back. once we come back we'll never go back to the democratic party. it's lost us. maria: i want to go back to the border for a second. the sanctuary city of denver, colorado, sending illegal migrants to utah, 2,000 have been sent so far. the utah officials say shelters and resources for migrants are fully depleted. you'utah's governor writes thise learned the democrat mayor of denver has been sending illegal migrants to the utah without proper notification or approval. this is unacceptable, follows on the failed catch and release policy of the biden administration. are you aware of this? with what can you tell us about the 2,000 illegals sent from denver to your state? >> we've been aware of it for quite a few months. i've been trying to figure out
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how to find proof. i'm glad we have the proof now. it says a lot about the hard hearts of the leftists and marxist left. denver, they are a sanctuary. they welcome these people to come in there. once they get there, they just push them out any place across the country without any support or desteyer to know what's happening to them. this is a very hard hearted people, ideology, and a group. again, they don't care less what happens to them once they get here. maria: unbelievable. this is the issue that ripped across europe last week, parliamentary elections was a victory, because of this issue, illegal migration. >> this issue is bringing america together, realizing the democratic party doesn't care about the american people and that's what -- we wanted to see this, we wanted to see proof. this president allowed to see it in every way possible what's going on. we're going to stand up against
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it. maria: we're going to keep a spotlight on it. we appreciate your time this morning. >> good to see you. maria: quick break and then a president trump slams biden's border crisis saying things will get far worse unless he's elected. new york post columnist miranda devine is here to weigh in on that and a lot of other things. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. former president trump is warning about the migrant crime crisis after an illegal migrant from ecuador was arrested for allegedly raping a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight in the a queens park in new york. trump telling fox news digital, quote, these are biden migrants, they flooding our country, flooding our cities and states. it will get worse, far worse, unless i'm reelected president. the white house is offering
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condolences to the family of maryland mother rachel moran but no solutions. an illegal migrant was arrested for allegedly raping and killing her near a hiking trail year, as president biden announced a new pathway to citizenship for you thousands of illegal migrants spouses of u.s. citizens. here's what the president said about this yesterday. >> i'm not interested in playing politics with the border or immigration. i'm interested in fixing it. i'll work with anyone to solve these problems. that's my responsibility as president. that's our responsibility as americans. maria: unfortunately, he hasn't worked with anybody. joining me is new york post columnist, fox news contributor miranda devine. great to see you. he has not worked with republicans to secure the border despite lots of calls over the last three and-a-half years to do just that. your reaction? >> yes, maria. and he doesn't really need to work with republicans. he just needs to unwind all
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those executive orders that he put into place in his first day in office. he deliberately and proudly boasted about unwinding the trump era border protections. he did it and the result is we have 8, 10 million, no one knows how many illegal aliens here and the result is a 13-year-old girl being raped in a park in broad daylight in new york, a mother of five being raped and murdered in maryland, laken riley, i mean, the death toll is piling up and a donald trump says it will get worse if he's not elected. that's a absolutely right. but what's going to happen in the intervening seven months between now and january 20? you know, joe bi joe biden has o much damage to this country and he's such a liar when he says he's not playing politics. this is all about politics.
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maria: it feels that way. i knee you've -- know you've got an op-ed tie you tells don't fall for joe biden's nice old man act. do you think -- does he not know what he's doing. >> he doesn't know what he's doing 90% of the time. what i'm saying is joe biden has this uncanny ability to be able to pull out a decent performance when he needs to politically. we saw that at the state of the union address when everyone had written him off as completely demented and senile, we saw that in the did bates in 2020 when -- debates in 2020 when i think donald trump may have underestimated the ability that joe biden still has whether it's muscle memory or just a sort of a slyness that's in every bone in his body to be able to somehow pull out a pretty passable debate performance and because everyone is expecting that he'll be disastrous, if he doesn't fall off the stage he
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wins. maria: i wonder if jake tapper is going to bring up the influence peddling in this debate. we've got --ism going to go through e-mails in a moment. i've been reading from this letter that i have in my hand, this letter is from james comer, the head of the oversight committee as well as the heads of the judiciary and house ways and a means and they sent a letter to president biden. i'm going to read the top line. i know you have this. during the 118th congress the house committee on oversight and accountability has been investigating influence peddling. the committee has accounted for over $24 million that has flowed from foreign sources to you, your family and business associates. the committee identified no legitimate services to merit such lucrative payments. i won't go on. you know where this is going. comer lists money that they have identified from china, russia, ukraine, and the other day i saw a clip of jake tapper, he said something like remember on the debate in 2020 when trump said
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that the family accepted money from foreigners. joe biden said he hadn't. joe biden lied. that's what jake tapper said. so jake tapper is aware that this is going on. do you -- i don't know if he'll bring it up in the debate. will it be allowed to bring it up in the debate on cnn, now, eight days away. >> i don't know. i think that would be a real test for cnn and particularly for jake tapper to see if he has journalistic integrity. there's a lot of high stakes here at cnn. they've seemingly rigged the playing field to favor joe biden, whatever joe biden wants, gets. so let's see if the questions are fair and reasonable and if they are, they certainly ought to go to joe biden and his involvement in his family's influence peddling schemes with our nation's adversaries. this is what we have to understand. this is china. this is hunter biden going to china with his father in 2013,
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sitting at the head table with his father, meeting the top ccp officials and then boasting about it and then leveraging it for a 10% stake in a private equity firm. that's just the tip of the iceberg and james comer and his team, they get derided all the time, they've done an you macinb in teasing out the bank p documents, suspicious activity reports, to put together a pattern and a picture of what was going on during joe biden's vice presidency when the family raked in millions of dollars from these countries and joe biden was there on the speaker phone, having breakfast, having dinner with these foreign clients, offering himself as the brand, as the product. maria: yeah. absolutely. and i want to watch to see if that comes up. but you know, we've got these new hunter biden e-mails obtained by fox news digital, they show a top chinese communist party leader allegedly asked hunter biden to travel to china to talk about future
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business opportunities. this was all in the e-mails. in december of 2013. you just mentioned what happened next, hunter joined then vice president joe biden on air force 2, okay, so he goes on air force 2 when joe biden is going to asia, they take a six day trip around asia which included china. their, hunter attended multiple events with joe biden including a lunch that featured ccp leaders. december 5, hunter e-mails a business associate that the top ccp leader sat next to joe biden at the lunch and asked hunter to travel to hong kong, his business associate writes back the next day saying i can go with you to find out what he can do for us. meanwhile, house republicans say that hunter also used his father's role as vice president to, quote, discourage scrutiny in his 2016 securities and exchange commission investigation which involves his business associates. miranda, your reaction to all of this now that we've seen the. mails. >> -- e-mails. >> it's further proof that hunter biden was using his proximity to his father, his
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father's power and influence to extract money from china and we know he did that with other countries as well. and for the democrats and their enablers in the media to keep denying the undeniable is just insane. it's the same position they are taking on the laptop even though it's been entered into court as a trial exhibit for the government in hunter biden's gun trial in delaware. maria: by the way, the same position that they took on russia collusion as well. right. >> exactly. maria: they got awards for reporting 6789 they're never going to admit it was g garbage. they made up the story in the clinton campaign that trump colluded with russia and the media went with it across the world. >> exactly. that's why there has to be accountability. democrats are talking about donald trump ex acting retribution. it's about people going to jail and people being held accountable for the lies and the
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perjury and the sabotage that they have conducted and the dishonesty and corruption. maria: it was really rich to hear andrew mccabe on cn nsaid everybody if they the fbi is worried trump will throw them in jail. why? because knows what they did. mccabe knows what he did in 2016. >> guilty conscious. exactly. maria: great to see you. thanks so much. >> you too m&a. maria.maria: the first major ht wave of the summer underway. katie byrne is in philadelphia this morning with everything we need to know. katie. >> reporter: a lot to talk about. we've got at least hundreds of heat records that could be set this week. we'll have the latest from a hot philadelphia, coming up. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. a life threatening heat wave bringing the hottest testimony the churs in years to the midwest and to the northeast. katie byrne is live in philadelphia with the latest. katie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we've got heat alerts impacting tens of millions of americans right now. so we are watching these heat records. we could see at least 200 of them rough broken this week or t all across the midwest and northeast. in philly, we're out front of the famous rocky steps, the art museum behind us. we've been watching some people out and about getting early morning workouts in before the heat really sets in but we know in philly we're on day two of temperatures in the 90s and more of the same is expected through friday. i've been talking to lots of people who have been out here sharing with me that this is the type of heat that feels like you're just hitting a wall, just to walk to your car from the office will leave you dripping sweat and we know some parts of
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the northeast will experience heat today they've never felt before. upstate maine, there's an excessive heat warning which means the national weather service expects it to reach 105 degrees there for at least two hours. the record there right now is 101 degrees. when you think of maine, you think of a place famous for showshoing, skiing, things like that. to think of of it reaching that high of temperatures obviously a big impact there and all across the region today, a lot of people will be talking about this. maria: for sure. katie, thank you so much. katie bin. katie byrne. new york supreme court dealing a blow to former president trump. >> the court rejects trump's appeal to escape a gag order. trump and his attorneys say the order violates first amendment rights to free speech. the court of appeals disagreed, saying substantial constitutional question is involved. the order bars trump are from
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commenting on trial witnesses like stormy daniels and michael cohen. he can speak out about judge merchan and manhattan da alvin bragg. house republicans are pressing democratic new york attorney general latisha james to release records related to trump prosecutor and former doj employee ma new you colangelo. they're threat thing to subpoena the records if she does not comply. well, new jersey senator bob menendez is scram tbloing keep his senate -- scrambling to keep his senate seat while he is on trial. this is the second federal corruption trial to date. the senator has held that seat since 2006. declined to run in the state's democratic primary and is resorting to collecting signatures in a spanish restaurant you apparently to try and run as an independent. new jersey's democratic chair stating this, i think he would be well advised to focus on his defense and not some half baked
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political pursuit of something that perhaps will not be a reality. okay. here's this. hoosier state residents may have to make their favorite pies at home. more than a dozen indiana we pizza huts shutting down this month, 15 locations run by a franchisee group called eym. that group closed. pizza hut filed a lawsuit against the group you alleging they breached a franchise agreement and have a history of late payments. eym is claiming the pizza chain did not fulfill contractal obligations and failed to adapt to modern business practices, it could cause more closures in georgia, wisconsin and other states. then this, msnbc host rachel maddow says the u.s. economy is doing great under joe biden. >> joe biden's record as a pat president is a very, very strong record. we're the economic envy of the world. doesn't mean our economy is
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perfect. we're the envy of the world. we've got a better situation than anybody. unemployment rates we haven't seen in generations, economic growth that any major country in the world would fight for. >> currently, unemployment, that does sit at 4%, the rate and year over year the last read on cpi was 3.3% but not to put a finer point on this but you see the messaging, right, we're seeing it. we saw the campaign put out 50 million, the biden harris campaign, they're going after trumpdonald trump, convicted fen line and we're seeing messaging from rachel mass dow, they're trying to -- maddow, they're trying to spin the conversation and get away from the video that's been seen over and over. maria: and the argument that the economy is so great has holes in it because first of all when you look at the unemployment numbers, a lot of the jobs are going to noncitizens and a lot of the jobs are part-time.
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so is she aware of that? how do you look at an economy without looking at inflation? inflation -- real wages are going down. >> how do you look at an economy without looking at consumer confidence, people's opt of mitch. 706% of -- optimism. 70% say it's not good. you're trying to gaslight the american people and say the economy's never been better. it's not reality. it doesn't work when joe biden says it, doesn't work when rarachelmaddow says it. maria: ther border has an impact to everything and the crime spikes we're seeing. >> maria, i'm a numbers guy. i love numbers. numbers tell the story. the misery index is unemployment rate plus inflation. unemployments is 4%. inflation is 3.3. add them together, that's 7-7.3.guess what the tipping pos
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for presidents that are trying to get reelected, 7.3. the mystery index is at the point at which historically incumbent presidents do not get reelected. maria: they've got the directive. they've got the directive from the white house, rachel maddow is going with the directive she's been told. >> the problem is, you can't experience something yourself, see it with your own eyes, feel it with your own pocketbook and be told by rachel maddow on msnbc that a everything is fine. this is great. i want to qualify her statement. we are the envy of the world because we are the world reserve currency and biden's policies and all of these things that have happened and really his appeasement to china has throwed the dedollarization and kick kickingout -- led to the dedollarization that we are going to experience. we brought it upon ourselves. get prepared. we have not experienced this in over 70 years, 50 years for real. >> we walked talked about this
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yesterday on the program, the washington post, there is a headline, it says joe biden could lose the presidency on inflation. and it's a deep dive into why inflation is likely going to be his down fall in november. maria: i would add, yes, we were the envy of the world for a long time. i don't know that that's true anymore. a lot of people overseas are looking at america and they're under whelmed. we'll take a short break. when we come back we've got the hot topic of the hour. stay with us. we'll be right back. ♪ another destination wedding?? we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!!
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