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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  June 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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ashley: i think it is about reflecting light so i think number one, white. stuart: a question, surely. lauren: i was going to say read but i am switching to gray. stuart: what stone is gray in egypt? lauren: i have no idea. stuart: i think you are right. the answer is white. it cannot be. when the pyramids of giza were built, they were covered in 6. one million tons of white limestone with capstones of gold. who knew? who knew? white. tepper, thanks for sticking around to. lahren and ashley, see you tomorrow. now friday feedback. 3, 2, one. coast-to-coast starts now.
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neil: a pause that impresses but rekindles concerns. nvidia the most valuable company on the planet, nasdaq up seven days straight, the s&p scoring at 31st record of the year. just a century later, the comparison, back with us today, this might not be over anytime soon. you saw the roaring 20s happening all over again. what do you make of it? >> the roaring 2020s, open ai introduced chat gpt on november 30, 2022. everyone has been excited about artificial intelligence. this, stocks of had an
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extraordinary run. technology lends itself to boosting productivity and profitability with companies that use it. producing the picks and shovels but there will be a lot of gold miners that strike it rich. neil: utilities benefit from this warm weather. a lot of energy for that and a lot of juice for that. >> it may shelley, the cost side of the equation is the problem. even companies like microsoft and amazon and others spending money buying gpu chips for nvidia. with capital spending which is a drag on profits. nvidia is the only stock going
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into a vertical fashion but we will find as it is more important in terms of generating profit abilities. neil: a lot of people harken back to the internet boom and i always draw the distinction. and artificial intelligence and the rest, and a lot of paying customers forking over some more money for this. >> it is an earnings multiplier, and evaluation for a lot of hype. and in the 1990s, with telecom
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equipment with the internet, did lot of seller financing, created their own magic for financing of the product, but bad absolutely no money but but a lot of equipment and this time around the earnings are really there and so, i think it feels a little bit like that. has long as things lead that way, it is sustainable. neil: we are having audio problems with you but i thank you very much. we know how the decade ended many years later. to lucas tomlinson, at the white house where politics is a big thing.
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in an election year markets do very well. in tight election years they do better. that's another story. this one is very tight. >> reporter: might have explained this. if you don't mind the horseracing, 100 ° outside. according to a new marist poll, president biden and donald trump are tied at 49 apiece. those plan to vote in november, trump has a slight edge 5449, biden has a two point advantage over independent voters. among white voters trump is 12 points over biden doubling the 6 point ngo in may and among nonwhite voters biden leads trump by 18 points. calling that the youth vote, trump is leaving biden among
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voters 25 and older. bottom line this election is a close one. the majority of americans say trump better than biden in attacking the economy with the issue of immigration. the executive orders, and the move is paying off. >> president biden: encounters dropped 25% at the border. the lowest number we've seen in a long time. >> reporter: the house speaker responding that it is an election year charade. when it comes to this all-important first debate that is a week away. it goes to camp david. neil: to spend a week. >> a week at camp david.
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neil: lucas tomlinson putting up with the heat. more on that later. in the meantime to edward lawrence following other developments. tim scott on the list of potential vp running mate's for donald trump raising a lot of money today. >> this could be important this time around with some critics saying they are concerned kamala harris would have to step in for an 81-year-old joe biden should he win reelection. regardless, either candidate would only have four more years. one of the people on the short list donald trump for the vice president list, one of the republican front runners in 2028. donald trump talking about byron donalds.
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>> byron donalds is an incredible guy. i noticed he happens to be on the list of potential vice presidents. what anyone like to see him? i noticed your name is high on the list. that's good. >> reporter: tim scott hosting a fundraiser in a few hours that will feature the world's most wealthy people like karen griffin and mark rowen. others on the vp list making the rounds like jd vance. >> if you look at the record of donald trump and joe biden, who is trying to throw their opponents in jail? is trying to use the power of the state to go after not just his political opposition but a lot of common citizens? that's joe biden, if there's a threat to american democracy it is coming from joe biden. it's not coming from the guy who governed effectively, who governed successfully.
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>> reporter: the vice president calling to end taxes on tips. she wants to extend tax cuts as well. president biden calling to let the tax cuts expire and raise taxes on people making 104,$000 a year. that debate is next week. neil: thank you for that. julia manchester, a little surprised to learn you were ahead of me, the president will take his time preparing for this, getting ready for the big debate. what do you make of that? >> it shows how much energy and intention he's putting into the debate. whether an incumbent or challenger, for biden he has the eyes of the country, the eyes of the world watching get him at a time there are concerns about his mental acuity, his age and how he is going to appear.
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this will be the president taking time to prepare as much as he can for any curveball donald trump might throw at him. >> if you are a coach for both of these guys. what would it be? for president biden. >> for president biden i think one issue democrats constantly bring up is the issue of abortion and this is definitely a weak spot for republicans and even donald trump various closed-door meetings car republicans on capitol hill last week was very much cautioning republicans on how to message on that issue so as trump being the president to a supported supreme court justices responsible for overturning roe versus wade that could back trump into a corner. for trump attacking biden the economy is number one,
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particularly inflation. this hasn't gone down much and the white house has struggled to message on it. one thing i find fascinating is you are hearing president biden talking about releasing this $500 million ad calling trump a convicted felon or convicted criminal. i got the sense of telegraphing something ahead of the debate, it would be easy for trump to turn around and say what about your son. i'm curious to see how that goes. neil: it is significant to your point. let me get your take, both of these guys, they are getting rusty when it comes to debates, donald trump, marching to the nomination, president biden, who is rusty? >> forasmuch as we talk about
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president biden needing this week to prepare for these debates and how much people are watching for any slip-up there is also a lot of pressure on donald trump. a number of republicans and democrats when talking about the 2020 election and the final few months point to the first debate between donald trump and joe biden and many of them say that is when things started to go downhill for donald trump, that is where he lost the election. donald trump was too much of an attack dog, did not come off as cool and collected on the debate stage and came off as agitated. that didn't translate well. neil: what about the clueless old man who doesn't know what room he is in or what he is doing, gets a big laugh when donald trump says the stuff but how do you think voters respond to that? does it get too mean or pound the point donald trump is trying to make that he is out of it?
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>> there is a meanness element. it got personal between biden and trump, something that will turn voters off. trump uses that language with his own supporters at his rallies but it would behoove both of these candidates to focus on policy and their vision for the country going forward. that being said, if trump makes that line of attack against biden, trump hasn't struggled as much as biden has, trump is 78 years old and still has critics talking about how he also appears older, he is also mixed up names at rallies and such. there is a fine line he has to walk. neil: that is me every day, julia. it is julia, isn't it? national politics reporter, kenny read of the markets for
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the sweepstakes. in the meantime it is hot and going to get hotter. i remind people of something but having said that, this is kind of ridiculous because half the country, half of all americans, 2 thirds are going to be under 90 ° plus heat, the real heat impact where they add degrees for no reason just to make you feel miserable, 300 °, after this. ♪ ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals.
12:15 pm
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12:16 pm
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12:17 pm
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name!
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it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> i am doing badly with the weather. this morning i have to take my car to the air-conditioner. time to go back. >> i'm retired. i won't be going anywhere. just don't do that like yesterday. >> keep getting it wet. >> always have some things like that. neil: hydrating is important.
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it is a phenomenon, you expect this type of thing, temperatures but not quite like this. katie burn with more from philadelphia. extraordinaire. katie. >> reporter: a lot of people have been saying it is early to get heat like this. we are still in the last day of spring was what a way to ring at all in. going to the summer season with a week's worth of hot weather. we have more of that. right outside the art museum steps, people run up the steps behind me and show off their muscles but you can't see a ton of people out today. it is so hot. morning workouts in early before the sun started beating
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down. most have been telling me, at nac. >> when we walked to the car you are dripping sweat. >> reporter: a one minute walk where you step outside and let the sun beat down on you. you feel the sweat coming down. we have cooling centers across the philly area, dealing with heat in the northeast. there are pools and spray grounds, if they don't have ace. neil: keep drinking the water. thank you so much. the pressing concerns on the international space station. we have been following this. two of the astronaut who came
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up on the boeing star liner, they keep delaying their return. problems with the star liner, a helium leak, they don't want to take chances. people harken back to the columbia, there was known tile damage when it lifted off and when it returned it disintegrated. they are not saying anything like that is at risk here but they don't know for sure. they want to make sure the is are dotted and ts are -- a former nasa astronaut, iss commander, good to have you. what is going on? what is causing this? >> as you pointed out, star liner has its share of problems even before launch, multiple problems. boeing get in itself, the comedy has cultural problems in commercial airplane side and the space side. the current spacecraft that is
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docked to the international space station add additional problems after it got into space, small helium leaks, five of them in total. there one/100 of what can be tolerated. it can still beyond -- be okay. we could tolerate that. thrusters failed during the approach to the iss. four were cleared and turned back on, one remains turned off. none of them showstoppers, butch and sonny should be able to get into their vehicle and come back safely, shouldn't be a problem but this is the first flight of the star liner, first flight of any vehicle, you need to be extra cautious. neil: the columbia - faster not linked at all, they want to be careful. there are issues about the astronauts's safety.
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what if star liner can't take them back? is there any way space x or elon musk can come to the rescue? as an alternative? >> yes. that is what would happen if it was deemed, we should emphasize this is not what is being contemplated. star liner should be able to bring them home. if something drastic should happen and star liner is disabled, we would be looking at a rescue situation possibly sending up an additional space x vehicle that could take the crew back. i am not sure how quickly that could happen. it would disrupt the traffic model. but i am sure it could happen. nasa has looked at that as a contingency. we are not going to be caught flat-footed. with a no backup situation. nasa is trying not to be complacent. that is what got us challenger
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and columbia accidents not to mention the apollo one fire in 1967. we try not to repeat those mistakes, being extra cautious. neil: these concerns notwithstanding, you pointed out, given your own incredible service in the space program, we are back in a big way. china is all over the moon, don't know what they are doing. a lot of time on the far side and brought a rocket back with samples from the surface. what is going on their? >> the moon has been the focus for a number of countries and space agencies. nasa has made a big deal about sending humans back for the first time since 1972, china announced plans to send humans and establish a lunar base in the future. a lot of countries getting in the act, japan, india launching to the moon with various degrees of success under nasa sponsorship and getting involved. everyone is focusing on the
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moon, it's a precursor to sending people to mars. space x very much involved. a big contract to develop a human lander system for nasa for bringing nasa astronauts back to the surface. at the big focus and i think it is a great place to get everything together. make sure your astronauts are ready to go before you make the big leap to mars. neil: leroy, fascinating, your career, you were part of a unique group of incredible human beings. former nasa astronaut and international space station commander, appreciate it. we all did that together. hopefully they will fix a lot of these concerns. 2% inflation. the federal reserve will cut interest rates. they are there already in britain but are not cutting interest rates.
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adam: a lot of you are invested in the notion of 2% inflation, rates would automatically be cut. that isn't necessarily a sure thing. inflation in the united kingdom increasing get 2%, the bank of england would start cutting rates. what does that mean here? we are well north of that, in three areas. a ways to go. the chief strategy officer, great to see you again. they are holding off.
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>> they are worried about inflation. our economy grew by 3. one% annually. in the uk, grew by 0.1%. and it grew by 0.4% in the eu. economic growth is fragile. on the one hand you would think grow the economy. they are worried about cutting rates, bringing back inflation. they slayed that dragon. supply-chain's are messed up. there is a war going on in europe. supply-chain's are messed up. trade deficit with china is growing. they are importing goods from china because they can't make them -- ukraine and russia in places where goods were made for european consumption. they are worried about
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inflation. if i was a central banker i would look to cut rates to spur economic growth. neil: some of them are. it's not what we expected. >> let's talk about the eu. the eu's rate got 4% and they cut to 475. that was a historically high rate. the sensitivity to rate cuts may be more dramatic but when you have stagnating economic growth, they have stagflation without the inflation. inflation could be right around the corner. neil: every one is hoping to see a rate cut, may be one this year but that won't necessarily -- a case of when we get it. >> probably. i said all along and said to
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you six months ago on your program they are not going to interfere with the election at a rate cut would be a signal the economy is strong enough and inflation is tamed. neil: two meetings after the election. it would be in the lame-duck session. post election, the november meeting in december meeting they could possibly do it but powell, a history major and a grad doesn't want to be remembered as someone who interfered in the 2024 election. neil: let's talk about where we stand with this market. all the concern about cutting markets but market rates, the fed has no control of that. markets are doing just fine. that's usually what happens in a presidential election year so
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the next one. >> i think there are a handful of names driving this market and two letters in particular, ai, driving this market. if something breaks and ai is driving the stock market, could be a big story. nvidia missed one quarter. all bets are off. i think it is really about those names and not the broader market even though earnings forecasts were revised up for the second quarter. neil: is that goes into the multiples. these others are not priced that way but those are earnings. how do you gauge if something is too overvalued or too overextended. >> i don't have the guts to buy nvidia and i feel like i missed that boat. it exists in a trust that i
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manage. i don't personally own it. any time -- trustees. it is all on me. when i look at my holdings, thank goodness i have apple and microsoft. i felt nvidia was frothy all along. the thing i lost sight of, this is a company that is generating free cash flow. this is real. we talked about this before. those were based on a.and three letters. and they are long gone. nvidia is a company. and -- normally in the past.
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it does become a market event. before then not so much. what about that. >> i don't think the rhetoric coming get out of their mouths from a policy perspective is a market mover. if trump gets more specific about tax cuts and the like, that could be a market mover. there's a presumption that trump and biden are on the ballot and if something should change, that is something the market didn't anticipate. markets like things they can predict and right now they are betting on -- neil: are there always black swan developers? >> stuff happens. neil: very good seeing you. we are following the artist of meetings, they call it just curious. letter putin and kim jong-un,
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the first two gathered there in 24 years but getting very powellsy these days.
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adam: they call it a multi year partnership. the first time they are meeting in north korea, they met a couple years ago in russia you might recall. that was than a closer relationship. alex hogan on what is brewing between the two. >> russia and north korea are deepening those relations making pledges to each other today and against the west, speaking out about that yesterday. this was the scene with kim jong-un creating a lavish celebration to welcome russian president vladimir putin back to pyongyang in 25 years. thousands of people packed to the city's main square. summer waving flags and flowers chanting welcome letter putin. the country signed a comprehensive strategic partnership act that promises
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cooperation in politics, the economy and a mutual defense pledge in case of aggression against either country. north korea is not only vowing solidarity to russia and its war in ukraine but went on to say kim specifically, it will unconditionally support all russian policies. much of concern from the west is north korea would supply russia to use in ukraine and in exchange russia would provide aid for the nuclear programs banned by the security council. the growing friendship on full display in moments like this with two leaders taking turns driving around in the russian limousine, the second limousine, gifted kim, a luxury car lover the first time came after kim visited russia back in 2,023. at the end of this meeting
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vladimir putin is expected to to travel to vietnam, it is 2:00 in the morning, they've not received official word yet. neil: ian bremmer is a genius. i categorize it, very wicked. there you are. great to see you. it has been too -- what are these two up to? >> the russians cannot get military equipment directly from countries that are concerned about european, south korean sanctions. that doesn't leave many countries out there that are willing and capable of helping with the war effort.
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this is the top priority for vladimir putin. where is he getting that? other states that are considered rogues and pariahs by the united states. russia is not a desperate country. they have a significant economy, the largest nuclear weapons capacity in the world, precious metals, not like americans can bring the russians to their knees. the fact this country is working closely with chaos actor like north korea, we have very little intelligence, no engagement with, should be a concern for everyone. neil: whether you add this meeting to that, these russian battleships off the coast of cuba 40 miles from our shores. whether this is off of peru in our neighborhood, china every
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day, the provocative actions of its own. whether it is all coincidental or test america. >> they are not coincidental. the us is fighting a war with nato allies against russia and ukraine. americans want ukrainians, to have sovereignty over nuclear territory and take the territory back, defeating the russians in this war, in that context, russia is trying to get as many countries aligned as possible to undermine the us, that is most directly easily capable for north koreans and iran who the us has sanctions against. they have nothing to lose. china won't provide direct military support for russia because it would lead to
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sanctions, that the chinese don't want or have to deal with because their economy is not doing well. keep in mind china is building their nuclear capability to a more significant degree, spending on their military and labor costs, and if you are china, look at your backyard and see the americans with military exercises, the us with allies all over china's neighborhood. russia feels the same way about europe. why wouldn't they want to invest more. china. every country in south america has more trade relations with china than the united states. a commercial necessity, some of that is turnabout is fair play. and a couple ships over miami,
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and i wouldn't overstate that. it's a more dangerous environment than you have seen at any point since 1991 when the soviet union collapsed. neil: the wave of populism across the world, it's not all right wing. in britain, the 14 year tory conservative government, the ruling party, a lot of cases abroad, conservative, right-wingers, what do you make of that? >> people against the system. when you have a lot of angry people in your population, angry about migration and made angrier because of disinformation, there's more
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hostility across the board, those are people willing to vote against incumbents to a greater degree. the party is seen as antiestablishment which is why they exceeded expectations. in south africa, the anc was the establishment party. and it did worse than expected, it was seen as the establishment, not doing enough for local people. macron took a huge in the european parliament. this is something around the world, a lot harder to run is a member of the establishment, as a card-carrying elite like emmanuel macron is seen as when so many feel their own governments are no longer representative democracies and this is a challenge for biden
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as we look ahead to november. lauren: 20 got to deliver the goods, good seeing you, let's not become a stranger. in the meantime, along the border, something that concerns a lot of folks including senator kevin kramer to north dakota. why do you think so? ♪ ♪ ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different
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>> president biden: we are about to move for. republicans walked away from a deal, the most pathetic and petty reasons. so much for republicans caring about the border. neil: the border and what is going on there is either the number one or number 2 issue for americans pulled across the country even as far north as north dakota. senator, you were among the first to say i am in north dakota, my constituents, it is out of control. the traction that it does. >> people are seeing it. not just because of them, uec fentanyl increases. the basic crime that we see as a result of people coming across the southern border, only takes a day to get
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fentanyl, and if you drive it up. we see the impact of that and overall the cost of it, more borrowing from the federal government. the economy is suffering, on the one hand showing workers on the other hand, people can't work. i joke about the committee, nearly a doubling of illegal crossings on the northern border. and some of that, resources on the northern border are being shut down to the southern border to deal with that crisis, much more open space for people.
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adam: doug berghim is among the candidates for the vice president. >> great for north dakota and america. he would be my choice. i used to wonder how it is a white guy with three electoral votes the never vote democrat could be on the shortlist and we started seeing it play out and on the stump talking about economic issues, very succinct, bringing stability for a lot of the donor class. looking at a couple business guys turned politician. more importantly to the administration. neil: senator kevin kramer. want to go to brian brenberg and "the big money show" guys. brian: thanks very much. i and brian wennberg


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