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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 20, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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- [radio] return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear when from out of the past come the thundering hoof beats of the great silver horse. - to find an equal to bass reeves, it's difficult not to look to the legendary lone ranger character. the similarities between the two are hard to ignore. and to many, a strong indication that bass reeves is the true basis for the tv character. we may never know if bass reeves really is the inspiration for the iconic hero. but the true story of bass reeves is more extraordinary than any legend. (gun shot) larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow.
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well president biden open border disaster is killing innocent americans, hurting the economy. and may doom the president's reelection. we'll have a lot more on that. with house majority leader whip tom emmer. and fox news contributor sara carter, but first up, fox news jackie hinrichs with latest on joe biden amnesty push. >> president's plan gives undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens a pathway to permanent residency if they have illegally lived in u.s. at least 10 years and beasts requirements. republican lawmakers call it a cynical bid to win over hispanic and latino voters ahead of november election something that former president trump dismissed as not a threat. >> under this program, a deluge of illegals will be
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given immediate green cards and put on the fast track to rapid citizenship to vote, i think a lot of them will vote for me, you look at hispanic population, if you look at black population, they are voting for trump. reporter: house speaker mike johnson said that amnesty plan will incentivize more illegal immigration, writing this is prove positive of democrat plan to turn illegal aliens into voters. now white house denied this plan was aimed in part to win back progressives and people unhappy with biden's executive action on border biden said he was importanted to take that action because congressional republicans refused to pass a bipartisan immigration reform bill. >> folks, i'm not interested in playing politics with the border and immigration. republicans walked away from the deal for most pathetic
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and petty reason, donald trump got on the phone and started the press confirm this and calling them, calling senator saying don't. don't go ahead and do this. reporter: since president executive order shutting down access to u.s. ais asylum system, ill regul illegal immigration has dropped but high profile cases of migrant crime have been in spotlight, after that maryland mother of 5 was allegedly killed by a man here illegally. larry: are not early returns from bill melugin and other fox reporter at border we're still over 2500 limit a day, is that right. reporter: and the way that order is structured it has to be below 1500 a day for a week then 2 weeks later reopen. but fact that dropped, also shows you how high it was.
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because, when you had as president puts it in 25 percent drop, that is really inindictment of how high the numbers were before. larry: got it. reporter: i'm hurry he said 25. larry: good enough for government work jackie hinrich thank you very much. >> now turning to another story. new report out today that cartels and china, the mexican cartels, and china of tied in a massive money laundering scheme. fox news griff jenkins got the gory details for us. reporter: this was not your average money laundering scheme but a sophisticate criminal partnership with sinaloa cartel teaming up with chinese under ground money exchanges laundering over 50 million with mutual interest for all. >> cartels are desperate to get cash made from sale of drugs in united states back down to mexico. without having that cash
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seized by u.s. or mexican authorities chinese money laundering groups, are in business of helping wealthy chinese nationals obtain cash in this country. reporter: something for everyone. 5 year investigation dubbed operation fortune runners sized 300 pounds of cocaine, nin. >> and cash and weapons, carried out by doj, and chinese and mexican law enforcement. the lead suspect edgar martinez reyes used a complex system to hide money sources with chinese brokers that were sold to put money in cartel's pockets, it was good for the cartel's bottom line. >> the percentage that gets paid in u.s. is closer to 1 or 2%. the affiliates and members of sip lo sinaloa cartel
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are paying less to gets their money laundered than before. reporter: china remains the primary source of fentanyl precursor materials that cartel use to make the drugs, fentanyl is the deadliest drug that u.s. has faced and sinaloa cartel is mostly responsible for the flood of fentanyl across the borders. larry: well. griff jenkins thank you, we appreciate it, but a lousy story. larry: truth wins out in the end that is subject of the riff. there are so many phony changes and untruths around that cross so many issues sometimes hard to south things out -- sort things out. today is juneteenth that celebrating final enforcement of emancipation
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proclamation that occurred june 19, 1865. in ga galveston, texas, a number will holiday, but -- noble holiday but here is joe biden and his folks who can't resist calling donald trump and republicans racist. you can't lit up today on what should be a unifying holiday? so i'll tell you, you asked for this. there is not a racist bone in donald trump body, second it was the the abraham lyn lincoln than grant republican party that was part of the emancipation of the slaves, unfortunately, and terribly unfortunately, the next 2100 years or so -- next 100 years or so the jim crow democratic party that obstructed emancipation and irchl amiimplementing of the 13, 14 and 15 amendments of the constitution, he
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should know about this he eulogized glowingly at funeral of senator robert bird of west virginia who was a chance man. -- klansman. finally in his best moments, linden johnson lbj worked with republicans to get civil rights act of 1964. but joe biden and his pal should not be so quick to throw stones because they live in glass houses. there is a marvelous op-ed today by african-american "wall street journal" colliscolumnist, jason riley called trump gets serious about black voters, he lausd laweds president for -- lauds the president for gee ing to places that help black and minorities and work class during his
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first term. joe biden is hemorrhages black support on jean teen ajuneteenth and calling trump a racist will not change anything it is stupid and pathetic, no one will buy it joe biden last minute election year measure to grant parole in place authority, for illegal alien spouses of u.s. citizens, that is daca 2.0, an election year plow it will be challenged and held up in court just like daca 1.2, none of the a amnesty measures will be implemented, mr. biden lost all support regarding his open border that is killing innocent americans and wreaking havoc across america. fraufraudulent marriages and phony executive orders are no substitutes for serious policy actions, joe biden is not kidding
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anyone. about any of this. in fact, makes him look so political, and low down, that the hypocrisy of it all will probably lose him votes. all right. and then there is finally relatively minor economic point that already massive budget break down is getting worse, i say minor because not as important as black emancipation or criminality linked to open borders. but, a 2 trillion dollar budget deficit as far as eye can see during a period where there is no pandemic or depression, or nothing happening to bid to biden won'1.7 trillion dollar deficit. now the score keepers have jacked up their fy 24 spending number by about 400 billion. cancel student loans and
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medical and bailouts are cause, budget spending headed today 25% of gdp . and the federal debt held by public now headed toward 51 trillion dollars which is about 122% of gdp . again, mr. biden tries to blame everything on donald trump. but trump only real big spending year was covid 2020. when he acted responsibly by cutting a deal with democrats to save the country. biden on the other hand, has spend over 6 trillion after inheriting a fue a -- full employment economy from trump and 20% bide bidenflation shows no sign of ending any time soon.
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but the polling numbers so far show his campaign is a failure. donald trump is pulling together a working class coalition of all colors, and stripes, based on the theory that success is theumen ultimate unifier and truth. that is my riff. joining me now house majority whip, tom emmer from great state of minnesota, it is a toss you of state, and great sara carter, investigative journalist, and fox news krircriscontributor, sara carter, i want to begin with you. only because ton i want to begin with you, who does joe biden think he is kidding, with his daca 2.0.
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his first executive order has failed. now he is trying to please i guess people on the left, he will not get votes this is nonsense. not working what do you make of this sara carter. >> well, it is illegal and unacceptable it proves that his open border policy is a dereliction of duty on his part, he put american people at risk. you know american people should be the number one resource for president biden, we should be protected by the executive branch there is their only job, but instead he put everyone's life at risk. now he will offer a blanket amnesty to possibly a half million people or more, it opens floodgates, i was in
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el salvador, he was per fleckperplexed how president biden was behaving in united states when it came to the border he said we don't want our people to leave, we want our people to stay. i have put thousands of people in prison, traffickers of drugs and members of ms-13 we have locked them down but biden wants them loose on american streets that is unacceptable that is why you see a bankruptcy frflip from the black community and mishann-- hispanic community. larry: one of will pos polls so over half of hispanics' deportation. 6e. tom emmer, "wall street
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journal" editor call page, this is a page that is usually sympathetic to immigration they say biden sees obama daca and raises one, president uses undocumented immigrants mered married to americans as pawns it will never pass legal muster, if biden wanted it why didn't he talk to house republicans you got hr2, make a deal, we have done this in a better way, but, he is now providing really you know, these are incentives for fraudulent marriages that makes it worse, i don't understand any logic here, he is not fooling anyone. >> well, this is another exam oexample of joe biden working for illegal immigrants and donald trump is working for the american citizen, trump will get it under control when he takes the white house back.
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in meantime, this is just joe biden against his cronies sticking a finger in the eye of the american public, number one issue, securing the southern border protecting our citizens from harm that caused by this and the financial harm, you mentioned it on your intro, on annual basis, 150 billion dollar plus, on annual bases that is a 1150 something dollars per american citizen that is costing us, not least that is the financial part but lives that are lost on regular basis. this is a crises that has been created by joe biden, you talk about trying to work with it. he has ignored us, we passed strongest border security bill in last 20 years that dealt with 5 things reform parole, and finish the wall, and end catch and release
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and restore remain in mexico, he refuses to negotiate on the 5 simple things. remain in mexico, our border patrol authorities tells us that would soft 60% of the problem overnight. larry: i don't understand, you can't just declare parole in place. you need congressional legislation. you tried to make a deal. i know there were discussions, why did joe biden wait until now. why didn't he want to make a deal before. and why does he insist on making it a partisan issue. you know, tom biden polling numbers are so bad on border. he will be down 20. wow too late -- way too late for this transparent cover-up thing. i don't understand his thinking. and the courts will be block this anyway.
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tom, sorry. we lost sara carter but you are on. >> i was saying that most recent poll, shows american trust donald trump on border and border security. more than joe biden by 27 points. the problem is you are dealing with a lawless administration, does not matter if supreme court says you can't righ write-off student loans or if there is no bases to persecute donald trump in courts. does kno not matter, these people do not believe in truth, they do not respect the rule of law, elections have consequence, american public is smarter than joe biden and his crazy radical left, give us credit for, they will show up in over in and do the right thing by putting donald j. trump back into office and giving republican majority in senate. >> sara carter. i'm sorry we lost you.
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but we have you back. last word. you know, the net of this whole issue is monsters, monsters are coming in to the country they are doing most awful and hideous things imaginable. i am not -- you know not just crime stats what they're doing to young women and teens, this is just a matter of common sens sense. i think most americans would say stop the madness, do what we have to do. put up the wall. go back to remain in mexico, let's be tough. mr. biden doesn't heed that. this is a day you know this juneteenth day a very important day emancipation day, i am looking for unity. not so much partnership. why can't joe biden give his
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arms a-- get his arms around unity, that is what he said 4 years ago when he ran for president, he does not have it in him, i think trump does, the last word, sara. >> i believe that too. i think that this administration is blinded they have divided this nation. we are watching crimes surge in many of our cities, we have seen so many young people die, coming into the kuhnlthe country those who are trafficked here and our own children here with deaths of fentanyl and other criminal networks, i am just praying to god that it is on not too late. he is open that border so wide, that we already have over 350 people that we know of that connected to terrorism. and that been picked up how much more have come in that we don't know. what is potential risk for the united states to be attacked. by a terrorist attack much like september 11, i think this is high.
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for all of the victims, tortured and hurt by these criminals that are coming in because they can't be ploperl -- properly vetted we need president trump back in office who will protect american people and put american people first and make american people the number one resource. larry: all right, we appreciate it very much congressman tom emmer and sara carter. >> on kudlow, juneteenth is about emancipation of the slaves. it should be a day of unity, there should not be name-calling. it is important. an important mission. we will talk about it with lee's terrell and spot turner up next on kudlow.
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larry: juneteenth is about emancipation of the slaves, should be a day for unity, not a day for racist charges. joining us now leo terrell, civil rights attorney, fox news contributor and scott turner, former white house opportunity and revitalization council executive director. and chair of the
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afpi center. thank you so much you know scott, this is a good day. this i is an important day if you ask me. republican party was originate or of emancipation amendments as almost anyone knows this not a day of racism not calls you know. joe biden and his people calling donald trump racist. this bothers me,. maybe politics as usual but that is not the spirit of today. our friend jason riley, to distinguished black columnist he writes a pretty good op-ed, what should we be thinking about on a day like today? >> well larry, always great to be with you sir. you are right, today, is not
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a day for racism or racist remarks, this is a day of celebration. celebrating, you want emancipation proclamation and freedom. also a day of great reflection, reflecting on man look how far we have come as a great nation in america and reflecting here is the work we have left to do. and lastly, as i was thinking about this, a great day of grat tour gratitude thank god we live in greatest country on earth, we is come together and celebrate juneteenth and each other that we leave in united states of america. larry: i like that. we should be grateful that you know such a thing has come to pass, juneteenths and emancipation. and you know. we are correcting problems of the past. that is a wonderful thing, in a democracy like ours, leo terrell, i just like this is a gratitude day not
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pointing finger and calling donald trump a racist, which he is not, there is not a racist bone in his body, here is trump, principle of freedom has been at foundation of republican party today we reflect on how far we have come as a nation and remember that light will triumph over darkness with president trump's leadership, that is the spirit of the thing. why can't we just have one day of unity? you know, i'm -- i know i'm asking too much. >> i'll tell you why, democrats are afraid of president trump, donald trump is a threat to the democrat party, because what donald trump talks about, not race card but all american card. i want what you want regardless of race, i want a good economy, i think a secure border, i want law and order, i think a strong
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national defense, donald trump talks to americans. the democrat playbook is to play the race card. news flash 30 years of practicing law, there is no systemic discrimination here any longer this is how far we have come, we are working together, by wait we had a black president and black mayors are in chicago, new york, los angeles, the race card is only card they can play, and the fear of losing the black vote means a destruction of the democracy party. by the way kamala harris is back in georgia, because she is braying politics because of the -- playing politics because of fear of losing the black vote. larry: scott turner, people see through it, leo is right. and you know, one thing that our friend jason riley mentioned trump is going to the block neighborhoods we -- black neighborhoods we went to south bronx and the
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church in detroit he will be back. he is up close and personal to woo the black vote, republicans are giving it their best shot are they not, you are a leader with that, we have ben carson on the other night, you are out there, i think pushing enterprise zones and opportunity jones, doe quhag doing what it can. >> this is not political for president trump, this is not political for the g.o.p., president trump cares about america. he cares about every american. as leo said. and in particularly cares about black america. i had the opportunity to lead the on counsel as you said, and i know first hand, being appointed by trump and going on almost 80 cities in nation, you know if you are a racist 57 you don person, you don't create a
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council that serve people you are supposedly racist against. president trump not only does it because he cares, people are leaders in g.o.p. are downing this not to gain the black vote but say, we care about black america, no matter where they live in america, the policies that have been set forward, and that we had in first administration, elevated all americans but in particular black americans, and we'll doe it again -- do it again, had is his heart. larry: i think you know, it say pity to soil a day like this. with all of these silly racist charges, you know, it just soils the whole day. the mission here is so purpose. gentleman, thank you so much leo terrell we appreciate you and scott turner great to see you. larry: on kudlow, two trillion dollar budget deficit, as far as the eye can see. here we go. we'll talk about it nancy
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tengler and edward lawrence. i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. ♪ (alarm sound) ♪ amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ why not? did you forget something? ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ my protein shake. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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larry: wouldn't be a good day without this one, 2 trillion dollar budget deficit. now pandemic now or depression, we have nancy tengler, and our own edward lawrence, nancy welcome. i mean you know we don't have a pandemic, or a depression we're close to pull employment. we're spending and borrowing like crazy. this is a congressional budget was on the. they just upped to by 400 billion, i notice, debt in hands of public, is now looking at over 50 trillion dollars and what is it 122% of dwrk gdp .
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>> then janet yellen, funding debt at shortened. so interest expense is going up, and the cbo, 8 70 billion, that is just servicing debt. far surpasses the defense budget, it i is -- there is no end in sight, we have not spend half of money that has been appropriated, the inflation reduction act was scored by cbo to be deficit reducing. >> it will be over a trillion. edward lawrence, nancy makes a good point, they scored that inflation reduction act it has been rescored and rescored. but, interesting question, why is the treasury, are they selling the paper at
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short-end, medium turn, longer end a hundred basis lower. >> that say good question, treasury trying to handle this debt, but keeping long end of the interests down on this. one point that nancy made, we're talking about interest payments 3.1% to gdp this year, that is near record, we will break the record next year for interest payments to 4.1%. to gdp, more money on interest than defense department at end of this year, and more money in medicare. for that they are taking in more revenue, 1553 billion moreover next 3 years and spinning 665 billion more. -- other way, the difference will pay the interest on the debt, not paying down the debt. they are increasing revenue but not using to pay down
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the debt that is a drag on the economy. >> we're pressed for time, would you buy bonds with that schedule in front of us. >> at shortened, yeah, that is what we're doing. >> 90 days. >> yeah, 90 or below. >> you are getting well paid. >> you are. larry: not out the curve. >> no. >> how the heck do we keep inflation down, at some point federal reserve will be the great enabler. >> we have seen it, they have cut it in half, we're seeing you know the issuance keeping liquid to the market. the good news stocks don't seem to mind, you stay long, the narratives, secularnaritives like a.i. and cloud computing we make the private sector may bail the government out with productivity field growth, thank you edward lawrence for his great questions at
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fed press conference. larry: he is tough, i am glad down have on face him. -- i don't have to face him. thank you so much. >> we'll move along, talk about juneteenth. we great newt gingrich. have him put hispanic-american heritage historian hat on, the fact is juneteenth emancipation freedom. they are important themes, i like what scott turner said, we should be grateful that this country was able to develop this over the course of our history, what do you think about this today? >> well, i think that the end of slavery was a much greater achievement than people sometimes remember. lincoln led a nation which was deeply bitterly divided, southern slave holders, saw
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themselves as fighting for their lives, and fighting for their version of civilization. it was a brutal war. and i think we often forget that we paid a huge price as americans to liberate our fellow americans. we had people not just lincoln, but general grant who was president sent u.s. cavalry to south carolina to fight the clu clue cluc ku klux klan. repudiates its own past. but, the fact is that this is a day that celebrate that america did end slavery, and america has a huge commitment to improving the lives of all americans. and not just a black and white issue this is a country which has, normous appeal for asians and
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latinos and appeal for afrikans, and that is so on one hand we have a huge migration coming in, while should americans are telling us how terrible we are. i don't see a lot of folks leaving, and we're probably only country in world that has to worry about finses fences to keep people out, and old soviet model was a fence to keep people in it should be a day to celebrate what america is about. larry: another point, you wrote this great piece, donald trump's tour deforce his trip to capital and ceos thursday. you know biden spent a lot of money runnings ads talking about lack of democracy, i don't think that is worked. trump has a positive message of success in the economy on the border. with respect to criminal justice, his message of success seems to be
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triumphing over all of the negativism that bidens put program. what do you think about that? >> let me say about things like january 6. the chairman and his team. i think are rolling out information about how total dishonest the january 6 committee was and house should move to repudiate that committee, there no reason for steve bannon to go to jail when committee of lawless and dishonest. i had opportunity to be with president trump and all 3 of his meetings last thursday, very issue oriented very positive and every meeting he talked about eliminating the tax on tips, i think that politically is a brilliant idea. are you really going to vote against a tax cut.
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hard working americans who are eking out a living and heavily taxed, trump's commitment is to a very prosperous america. he understands, i heard him in meeting, with round table croi croix o -- of ceos, deregulation siza important as tax cuts you have to do both here, is committed i think to coming in with a strategy that will traumatically strengthen the american economy and create a lot more jobs for all americans and put people to work who may not go to college, but who learn skills and learn thing we need in society whether plumbers, air-conditions or building various things. we need a tremendous number of workers who are just capable of getting the job done. and i think that the president -- i think president trump as a
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businessman has a remarkable understanding, as you know, you were on his team and reagan's team, he understands the economy, my view is he will create a dramatic bursts of prosperity. larry: to me, newt, success is paramount and a unifier. i'm sorry, i really am sorry that joe biden turns out to be a guy who tries to tear things down not build them up, newt i'm out of time, success is the best revenge. thank you so much for coming back on, talk soon. >> thank you. larry: we'll talk with montana senate candidate tim sheehy. from is nothing wrong with being a successful businessman in montana cop rare contary to what senator tester is saying we daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer.
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daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking. - it's apparent. not me. - yeah. nice going lou! nothing like a little confidence boost to help ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: what is wrong with being a successful businessman and running for senate in montana, we ask sacandidate tim sheehy, as i understand it senator jon tester who votes 91% with joe biden, he says you are a problem because you are a
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businessman, a successful businessman. you are driving up prices, you are a bad guy despite the fact you are a navy seal and company bridge airspace has contracts with federal government, what is wrong with being a businessman, i thought it was a good thing. >> it 95 percent of the time, you are right. i fought for my country, so did my wife, she was a marine, we took lessons we learn from war and came home, andic to lessons we learned from war and afly them to fighting wildfires and protecting our public landing and saving lives and created hundreds of jobs from scratch from starting in our barn 9 1/2 years ago that was a success story american dream. you nailed it, today's democrat party that say bad thing, if you successful, you said it with newt, success is a great unifier, they are afraid of, that if we unleash american people to achieve and be prosperous
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that is bad ther for them, we have to save america,. larry: my wife is from montana, tester is attacking you for being a businessman, he is in a lot of trouble, i am told polls are moving in your favor, but his votes for biden is cause of high inflation and stagnant growth of a lot of problems there. if he is just another biden vote. >> you hit the nail on the head, you look at what causing the costs to go up, has nothing to do with successful businesses and job growth, it has to do with ridiculous money printing policies of this administration, and war on american energy and war on american workforce, paying people not to work to sit on the couch, giving illegal immigrants more money than we are giving our veterans,
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that is what is turning thetic scwothe economy to this warped landscape. we have to return free market principles and reward hard work and success, people' common sent back, a secure border, and cops are good, criminals are bad, boys or boys and girls are girls, simple things that americaments back, thment -- wants back. larry: this is just, you know, former navy seal, who is in business successfully, that seems to be a winning combination, jon tester will have to bark up another tree. >> you know, he will have try to distance i'm lev himself from biden, which is what me doing now, we need all help we can get erase that will determine control of senate going forward weaker to wwe have to win senate this cycle.
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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪


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