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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 20, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪.
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maria: good thursday morning everyone, thank you for joining us, having a good morning, i am maria bartiromo, thursday june 20, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, markets backup after the juneteenth holiday features indicating again at the start of trading take a look at futures huge momentum in technology before the close nvidia becoming the world's most valuable company followed by microsoft and apple. were watching nvidia this morning, oil prices are hitting a seven week high pulling back from the bubble this morning european markets like this, take a look at the eurozone as we wait for the bank of england making the right decision this morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern stay with us on that, the swiss national bank cut interest rates by a quarter of 8% the second cut from the swiss bank this
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year, and asia overnight and make story fat under fractional moves across the board in the asian embassies, back at home the family of rachel morin saying her death never would've happened under the trump administration as department of homeland security alejandro mayorkas is denying any responsibility for the rise in illegal migrant crimes. were audit this morning a fox news poll showing a three-point shift in the race between trump and biden with less than five months out until election day biden remained underwater for every issue most important to voters, joining the conversation all morning long strategic wealth partners ceo mark tepper gop political strategist and trump sarah get and former acting ice director jonathan fahey, "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪.
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maria: it's time for the hot topic of hour the fox fox news showing since may a three-point shift in the match between president biden and former president trump with biden leading trump 450 - 48 which is in the margin of error another one shows trumpeting biden with new voters 51 - 47% trump increasing the lead with more candidates are added president biden is to underwater on most of the top issues to vot voters.includes a card we were 50% disapprove. the national committee lara trump was with me yesterday on the program here's what she said about president trump on the polls. >> as a relates to donald trump we know traditionally polling has him behind where he is in the best poll of all is actually going on beat among the people of this country, you saw donald
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trump in wisconsin and when you go out and talk to people and engage with voters, you get a different sense of what these polls reflect it's very much akin to what a lot of us experience on the campaign trail in 2016 which is at the polling typically had donald trump behind but everywhere you would go across the country the excitement and the enthusiasm in momentum is very clearly behind him. maria: let's get some reaction. >> i think this poll is one of many were so close right now to an immigration and national security crisis inflation when you talk about the three eyes, immigration, inflation in israel, the president continues to lead and build trust and build momentum and you have to look under the hood of the car, the big picture we may trail a little bit but there is a poll that shows their neck and neck, you have to look at the key issues were voters are coalescing under president trump
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because we know we have security, both national security and economic security in world peace. maria: it is interesting to see all the main issues trump in the lead but the national poll biden takes a swing to the lead. >> it's really interesting and how the race is going to shape up biden does not want to talk about the issues and skill be l'affaire in january 6 and trump will talk about the issues and what's important to american people, we had a month of negativity from the media with the trump trial in joe biden did not get a bump out of that. when we go back to the issues and violence performance it's good to go back to trump but the other thing that is interesting about the poll, the approval rating for trump is 45% in the poll, typically is been in the 39 - 40% so this seems to be in operation from that as well, it could be a quirk more than
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anything to worry about and the democrats seem to be very scared right now. maria: what do you think mark. >> the poll was very surprising over the last month or biden's gaffes, almost daily. what i will say their more aligned with the popular vote and as we know it's electoral votes actually matter which he says on electoral votes i got ahead by 9% 53 - 44 a month ago trump was head head 6% it moved three-point in trump's direction when he was convicted when they were head-to-head there is no advantage to either person. i am surprised but you can get different reads if you look at other sources. >> specifically other groups as well, democrats are freaking out the reliable union voters are turning to the gop, michigan
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congressman telling xes what we need to be concerned we can't assume people are going to figure out for themselves, we have to tell the story. >> leasing group after group moving away from biden towards trump and trump doesn't have the lead with black voters or hispanic voters were younger voters yet but the delta between where he was in 2020 and where he's at today is pretty substantial, now you throw union workers in here and it looks like groups that vote democrat are starting to rethink whether or not that's where they want to be. >> the also includes a black vote. >> it biden loses, president trump is picking up momentum, yet charlamagne tha god, biden continues to talk down in the big words and talking in circles rather than speaking directly to the american people, tell business owners how they can
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succeed and block owners can succeed and biden continues to give handouts to illegal immigrants treating us u.s. citizens like second-class citizens, this is why people are leaving biden space union voters as well, hard-working people and biden continues to give the agenda more than what union workers want which is jobs and security. maria: a lot of new rules for the climate change agenda, were just getting started, quick break markets open up to the juneteenth holiday to continue doing momentum over the rate cuts and tech in momentum, the dow industrial 40 points and nasdaq of 115, led by the chip stocks, sapphire wolfgang coasters here with the market outlook, american car dealers brought to a halt after reported cyber attack, everything you need to know about that coming up. you're watching "mornings with . ♪
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maria: take a look at futures and for bertone after markets are closed yesterday for the juneteenth holiday the dow industrial 43, the nasdaq is up 121 indicated a big rally at the start of trading for tech in the nasdaq, year-to-date very good moves, the dow industrial 3% 2024, the s&p 500 better than 15% year to date, nasdaq up 19% year to date, joining a sapphire wolfgang koester, good to see you. here we are at the midpoint of the year do you think will have as good the second half of stocks. >> absolutely remain bullish
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like we've been talking about before, i think certain sectors are out doing it like you can see in the nasdaq but we've been talking about the fintech and biotech very bullish. maria: is this based on tech or interest-rate expectation, this morning the swiss national bank cut rates, this is the second time the swiss national bank cut rates this year they cut by 25 basis points sitting at a level of one and a quarter percent, were waiting on the bank of england they will release the information is 7:00 a.m. eastern to expect to hold rates steady at five and a quarter% despite the uk hitting the 2% inflation target, the market here, future market pricing 60% chance that the fed will cut rates in september, what is the expectation of a second half rally consist of is it about your expectation for rates or momentum attack or something else. >> it is actually both, we talked about this a few weeks ago and i felt they should cut
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rates and is partially in the market but they didn't, it's been a while since the fed has actually followed the europeans and cutting rates, they had a chance to do so earlier that did not so now we seeing this price and the market is number one, number two the tech space with a.i. and fintech and biotech is hot and it remains hot, it's still well valued but i wouldn't say by any chance of the imagination, we've seen an increase in what is going to be ipos in the fintech space, look at companies thinking about it and you keep going into what does one want to invest in. >> ipos is indicative of a good capital market environment but mark tepper jumping, what's most important. >> when you look at the performance of the stock market year-to-date market is up 15% of
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a semiconductors up 60% in the new look at the fact that 40% of the s&p actually has a negative year-to-date return. once again we have a very, very narrow bull market and i'm wondering what do you think needs to happen for participation to actually broaden out. >> i think were good to continue to see people picking what they think is going to be hot you going to see some winners and some losers and i completely agree we would like to see better earnings and some s&p companies and on the other hand the money is going to follow where the successes, the successes can be in the fintech, biotech and the companies like nvidia as we talked earlier about in their overtaking the microsoft but really bullish on this technology, leveraging a.i. not inventing a.i. but leveraging as part of the workflow and enhancing and technology that were regular
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beyond where we continue to see success. if you look at the cybersecurity like the crowdstrike and companies like bank of america and j.p. morgan leveraging fintech companies, that's where the market is in the market will continue to follow where one should. maria: your looking at fintech in terms of big tech, when do evaluations come into play when you look at a stock like nvidia of 200% over the last year, all of the chip names showing outside gains over the last year, do you have any caution going into as a new investor though stocks today after the huge run ups or would you still be adding new capital to the company's. >> is obviously always harder to buy the high or someone near the high i still feel the demand for the nvidia of the world what we're going to have because of a.i. on ships and it's a good investment, you gotta be cautious at the top and i completely agree with you.
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>> what about the backdrop of the macro story are you expecting things to weaken how would you characterize the economy. >> i would characterize academy is going into the election in a few bullish things and you will see at the end the fed cutting rates and even though there partially priced in are we actually going to have further in the interest-rate i'm not sure that will see it will see you once in front of the election otherwise not. maria: we will leave it there, good to catch up, thank you very much. wolfgang koester, your morning mover, dell and supermicro, take a look at the stocks in the premarket as you can see supermicro up 3%, dell up almost 3%, elon musk said the firm will supply server racks for his a.i. starter acts a.i. supercomputer, dell ceo says the company is building in a.i. factory with
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nvidia for musk startup supply and half of the racks needed and ask a.i. is planning to build a supercomputer to power the next generation of the chat bot the supermicro is up 318% the last year, the dow was up 198% the last year, quick break divided administration taking a responsibility for the murder of marilyn mom rachel morin as her family says no one from the white house has reached out, texas congressman keith self is he on the nationwide rise on illegal migrant crimes, justin timberlake's attorney speaking onto the drunk driving, everything you need to know coming up. stay with us. ♪
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. make what do you say to critics that blame the administration for allowing something like this to happen obviously this is something that you hear and right wing media all the time.
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>> first and foremost our hearts break for the children, the families and the loved ones and friends of the individual who was murdered, the woman, the mother. a criminal is responsible for the criminal act. >> what is he saying individual mother, woman, alejandro mayorkas is there design in a responsibility for the illegal migrant for murdering marilyn mother of five rachel morin is her name, the suspect crossed the border in february of 2023 he will be extradited to maryland today, rachel's mother is leaving mallorca's for referring to her daughter as an individual in the biden administration for its response to the tragedy. watch. my reaction is as a political statement because they're not willing to acknowledge that she
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was a female and that she was a mother and a daughter and a totally depersonalize as her and makes her an object, no one contacted me personally and as far as i know no one has reached out and contacted anybody in the family. >> texas congressman keith self the house veteran affair for an affair committee and army foreign affairs. thank you for being here this morning, we understand that this individual who murdered rachel morin crossed the border during the fight that was underway between the administration of greg abbott, the governor of texas over razor wire, greg abbott was trying to close the border putting the razor wire up in the administration was stopping them. in the meantime in the fight this guy comes to the border into america and ends up killing the mother of five, rachel
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morin, your reaction. >> this is only a symptom, joe biden continues to get the middle finger to the american people, he does not care about the consequences of his open border policy. we have 600,000 illegal people that are roaming the nation freely and you notice mayorkas wouldn't say her name is pretty much like joe biden with blake and riley, when even say her name. maria: so terrible, ecuadorian illegal migrant he is accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight in a queens park he is in custody after being arraigned on 11 charges including predatory sexual assault and kidnapping the suspect videotape the attack and a machete to threaten tie up the girl the 13 year-old boy using a shoelace new york police department sources confirm that the migrant crossed the border
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illegally near eagle pass texas in 2021, same thing that's been a hotspot for crossing, governor greg abbott meter one of the main focuses for operation lodestar last year, here we have all of these people committing murders having come to the border on biden's wide open border, mayorkas all the while saying that the border is se secure. i think it's in one you is the hamas leader he doesn't care how many civilian casualties, joe biden is saying the same thing, i don't care my open border policy is here to stay. where is the outrage and where are the chance on the street by thousands of people with no justice, no peace, where is the outrage of the american people with open border policy and we are seeing the criminal will happens if we start to see the terror element because we know there are tens of thousands of military aged males, what
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happens then will we see the outrage across america. maria: the whole time for four years jonathan fahey in the biden administration has been telling us the border is secure, it's ecuadorian who raped a 13 year old who crossed during the fight over the razor fire i want to be clear and clarify, your reaction. >> it's disgusting and congress is totally correct in this administration does not care the highest priority is open border policy and they want as many illegal immigrants to come in as possible and its acceptable cost and risk that these things will happen in the reason he didn't say her name he probably does not know her name he would be very careful not to say anything at all disparaging about the person that did this but the other thing that's interesting about the interview all the good things that illegal immigrants contribute to the country and he
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acknowledges this is an essential risk because of all the good things going on and it's truly discussing. it congressman can i ask you hasn't been a single thing from this administration because you're on the front line in texas and we know were on the front lines right now but this administration has done and help texas in any way dealing with this problem. >> absolutely not texas is on its own respect 10 billion plus dollars on the texas budget on the lodestar we are doing on our own because the federal government refuses to do it, joe biden refuses to do it and he kept us from building the wall that the federal government was resting on the gun. absolutely not, texas is the target of the biden administration, it is not helping texas it is a target of the biden administration. maria: when i was on the border i've been to the border several
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times in one of the times i was there i saw all the materials on the floor and they were riding they were getting rained on and they were rotting sitting there. i don't know what the cost of that is but they said don't build the wall, leave it although that's exactly what they did sources are telling fox that the biden administration is calling off the meeting plan between the united states and israel to discuss iran's nuclear problem the decision to cancel the meeting came after benjamin netanyahu publicly criticized the lack of the u.s. military aid but the white house officials of the meeting is moving forward but yet to be finalized. i want to get your take on this a fox news poll finding voters trust president trump to do a better job on the israel hamas more than positive i trump is up four points on that specific issue, congressman your reaction to how the administration is handling israel in the middle of the fight for its own survival. >> i work directly with idf when
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i was on active duty, they will defend themselves and they will continue this and americans trust trump on several issues let's go back to 62% of the americans support mass deportation, you just saw the figure on israel, donald trump has the trust of the american people because the american people are starting to realize that biden administration wants to make america socialist marxist country so you're going to see this continue up to november and as to the actual decision the biden administration has been anti-israel and since the beginning they've slowed down the weapon systems shipments and decision-support obstacles in their way and appear that they built was absolutely worthless and it was a virtue signaling thomas and joe biden is not a supporter of israel. maria: you think the whole motivation is to turn america into a socialist country. it's hard to understand why the
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commander-in-chief and the leader of the free world would have a wide open border with 2 million got away so we have no idea what their motivations are and all of these people who we have no idea what their backgrounds are in receipt murders and theft et cetera. you think the motivation is to change america fundamentally. >> absolutely look at the debt, $35 trillion now, look at the fascists coming out of the biden administration and executive orders telling you how you run your company and what you can say sending fbi agents to intimidate people that have exercise their first amendment free-speech rights, it goes on and on there is no doubt. maria: thank you very much for being here, we appreciate your time. >> keith self is in texas. silicon valley stepping up the screening measures warning that china's ramping up efforts to spy on america in silicon valley
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is doing double checks on potential employees. we get to talk with against an institute fellow gordon chang with more on the trip from beijing, things heat up on the summertime temperatures or sediment the latest forecast of the heatwave that were getting, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: a bipartisan congressional delegation meeting with the dalai lama and india
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yesterday despite warnings from china, the meeting coming week after congress passed legislation to pressure china into holding talks with the dalai lama and other leaders over the status and rights of the people, president biden is expected to sign the bill as beijing is threatening resolute measures if it becomes law, joining a skate stone institute senior fellow and author of the coming collapse of china and china's going to war, gordon chang back with us, your reaction to this. >> we should not recognize china's claims to do but china next tibet after innovation is not just to but, they're claiming the large portion of the south china sea, big parts of india and xi jinping has been propagating this notion that he has a right to rule not dominate but rule the entire world since 2017 and the officials have been talking about the moon and mars sovereign territory, there is no stopping the guy xi jinping so we should not recognize china's claims to anything. maria: it is unbelievable how he
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puts out the warnings when he doesn't like something and he follows through remember the anniversary of the hundred years of the communist party and anyone who doesn't go along with what we want in terms of reunification with taiwan will get their heads busted to dust he actually said that. >> cracks goals and spill blood, that's what we get a seat. >> the chinese people are good if not only building up their own country but taking on the rest of the world. clearly he announced he is going to rural the world. maria: you are in my new fox nation special and we want to talk about that as well the special is underwriting the enemy out now on fox nation, i hope you'll check it out were getting get into that. as we get into that let me get your take on the financial times reporting, the ft says silicon valley's stepping up staff screenings of chinese buying, technology giants such as google and high-profile startups like
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openai have stepped up their screenreader personnel, the move comes among fears that foreign governments are using compromise workers to access intellectual property and company data, we know this is happening because of the lawsuit against somebody chinese companies were there stealing intellectual property, do they do it that way were they sending people in chinese nationals to work at corporate american companies to steal it. >> they certainly do it that way and they steal it through cyber means and everything else it is a full assault on american technology and we know this is going on and we know that they still somewhere in the neighborhood of a half trillion dollars a year of u.s. ip and we've got to stop this, we have a political class that want take the measures necessary to end this, president trump tried with section 301 tariffs and we want to increase the rate as he told you in february trump also have the china initiative. the china initiative was quite
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effective. and they indicted the professor sending the information to china and they shut down the houston embassy, the president walked into the oval office and cancels the china initiative. >> were not competitors there and their adversaries. >> it's very interesting that you have startup companies that in chinese spies with the u.s. government allowed spy balloons to move across the whole country untouched which is very, very sad my question for you this china innovate at all or are they really good at stealing. >> now they do. >> they're good at making incremental innovation in the very good at taking western technology and western concepts in making the products and making weapons there fantastic
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at that and what they haven't done other breakthroughs the conceptual breakthroughs that allow you to have a computer chip they don't do that. >> john ratcliffe said it best replicate and replace, american businesses need to understand the robbing, replicating and they will replace you avenue fox nation special and i hope you will join us to watch it underwriting the enemy and putting a spotlight on the greatest financial scandal in history. american investors unwittingly funded the communist party with retirement money in the second episode we discussed how china stealing intellectual property, here's a clip. >> is a serious threat to the intellectual property. >> america innovates using the free market, the ccp prefers development by theft. >> john ratcliffe was very clear and he said the strategy of the
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ccp when it comes to foreigners is rob, replicate and replace. >> china steals on the order of $500 billion a year of u.s. intellectual property. we are seeing the biggest theft in history as people say and by the way we have enabled because china could do this without her permission. >> how is this possible that this is still going on how come the administration get to anything to stop it. >> i don't think biden wants to stop it, he knows how to do this we americans have the tools to do this and we need to sever our relations with china china has declared a people's war on us it's an enemy and the title of the documentary there doing all of these things and people will look back at us and shake their heads in disbelief that we allowed this to happen because
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this is not only strategically wrong it is morally wrong for us to do this at a time when china's poisoning americans with fentanyl and configuring the military to kill america. >> i spoke with one ceo greg brown the chairman and seal of motorola solutions and he dealt with this first hand is in the middle of a lawsuit against another chinese company because of the very issue they stolen intellectual property, here's grade wrong with me. >> motorola had three to half alien and revenue and 15000 employees, today we have no revenue and 50 employees. after these infractions going back a decade and a half we made the decision get out of china is not a productive market and they don't play on even terms in the communist party leads the theft of intellectual property and patents so the adjustable market of 66 billion that we pursue for public safety national security is zeroing out china with the thought market. maria: he said there was no
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problem, all of these companies all have to sell to $1.4 billion is a huge market, greg brown said we got out of china with no issues. there still growing. >> xi jinping is attacking foreign companies. he's been doing that for a long time especially since march of last year when he went after a number of america due diligence companies and consulting firms, we know what is going on and we need a political leader who will use the power of the united states to protect american businesses and we don't have that right now unfortunately. >> it's great to get your insights. thank you, check out my new documentary underwriting the enemy is available right now on fox nation. join us for that a quick break in american car dealership brought to a halt after a cyber attack, everything we need to go talk about after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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>> welcome back a historic heatwave, texas is facing a tropical storm, lauren simonetti with all the details. good morning a record-breaking heatwave bringing blistering temperatures with 99 million americans under heat alerts across the northeast, this is expected to continue into the weekend over 200 cities could see new record high temperatures. in the lone star state the first name storm of the atlantic hurricane season tropical storm alberto bringing heavy rain, flash flooding into storm surge to the texas coast overnight and is expected to do the same today, look at the video, rain totals reaching up to 11 inches in some areas and tornadoes and waterspouts are possible parts of louisiana mexico also being hit, terrible news and hearing mama and alleged drunk driver rammed to cyclists all caught on camera the para bike riders in
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the dallas-fort worth were writing in the international airport when a white suv approach them from behind and rammed into them one cycle is felt to the side of the road and the other throne from his bike and run over again as the car kept going and didn't stop we pause the video before the impact the driver was chased on the other motorist interested according to a witness, police say they found six empty cans of beer in his vehicle both victims have been released from the hospital, thankfully there expected to be okay, justin timberlake's attorney is speaking on after timberlake was arrested for driving while intoxicated in the hamptons the attorney telling fox news digital i look forward to vigorously defending mr. timberlake all these allegations and i'll have a lot to say at the appropriate time but i'm currently awaiting full discovery from the district attorney office. take a look at here this is the surveillance footage showing
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timberlake driving minutes before he was pulled over by police for blowing through stop sign in veering out of his lane, that is his vehicle, a source told people that his wife jessica biel is not happy about the dwi but she will also be by her husband side, they will represent the popstar for his court date next month. cyber attacks ramping up across the nation car dealerships struggling to close deals with software provider cdk global was breached the company shut down their systems and the executed extensive testing before restoring some functionality, cdk is investigating whether customer information was leaked, and thus the fallout from a major cyber security breach in the medical field last month and they detected unusual activity on may the eighth locking doctors in nurses out of programs that show vital patient
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information in its reportedly still causing actual mixups and anomalous nurse reported that a woman did a patient went into cardiac arrest and died after the cyber attack delayed her test results that would've helped her get the treatment that she needed to save her life and thankfully he didn't get the paperwork was so confusing this is the worst nightmare we talk about cyber attacks i always say they get my social security number but this is life-and-death with the electronic records are messed up but people are literally dying. maria: do we know who that happen who is behind the cyber attacks, we still wonder if it is china, russia or who the bad actors are. >> it is june 20 and this is still going on. i was reading several reports of the nurses said if something happened to me where i needed to go to hospital i wouldn't be in this one that's how they felt
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about the situation, you see this paper all the time no big deal but would you switch to electronic you can't go back to the paper and expect everything to get where it needs to be because you changed your system. i think what you're starting to see globally cyber attacks have gone up almost 70% from 2022 were not just talking about medical information today in terms of they stole my personal information this is truly life or death and there's somebody other hospitals that are witnessing this so we have to step back and say in addition to the crisis that we have at the southern border and the economic crisis that we feel in our pocketbooks there is something greater, the cyber attacks i believe there is a coordination and we have to ask what is happening i do want more government intervention i want businesses to start developing a plan and have a cyber security task force that deals with this. maria: is one of the biggest spends for america is one of the biggest outlays. >> a has to be.
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>> the hacker groups aren't 16 your kids sitting among the gods basement doing a cyber attack, these are big businesses, for-profit enterprises and they will access you information and charge you millions and millions of dollars in the form of ransom to supposedly let you off the hook but you never know if you pay them are they going to let you off the hook or do they come back for more it is scary. >> it's scary and it's a big issue and in legal issues corporations are vulnerable for liability if the vatican adequate security but the thing that is scary what is just business or money i don't want to say it's not a big deal but when you talk about health or babies getting the wrong medication or the power grid and other things that can cripple a society so easily it's really scary and it makes you concerned that were not even close to
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being on top of the. maria: that is the intent to hurt people and kill people. >> it is painful to say, i used to think about as having a financial, but this is having a human repercussion. speaking of humans is that we push for artificial intelligence we are being replaced, god bless the nurses and the doctors in the hospital who know how to second-guess what they're doing or what they're being told by the system or not the system into make sure i don't give those narcotics to them in the baby, that's what human striving this, the good humans thank goodness for that. maria: thank you. covenant president biden gets ready to hunker down at camp david to prepare for the first presidential debate, one week exactly away, were democrats are casting doubt on the strategy of the biden administration to beat trump, it's a hot topic of the hour. andrew bailey is here on why he is suing ibm, it is coming up. watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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