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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 20, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good thursday morning, everybody. we've got breaking news right now, the bank of england left interest rates unchanged. the boe meeting today and just you announcing this this morning, here is a note from piper sand letter, boe to keep rates steady we are noteing that the pound is cheap, shares are rich like everywhere, the guilt as well as options are largely fair, we're watching the u.k. market for any reaction after the bank of england held rates steady. the swiss bank cut interest rates for the second time this year. i'm maria bartiromo. welcome back, it is thursday, june 20th. time for the hot topic of the hour. president biden is departing for camp p david to prepare for the upcoming showdown with former president trump as the first debate is now just one week away. it is next thursday. robert f kennedy junior did not make the cut to qualify tore the debate. meanwhile, democrat advisors to president biden are voicing
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concerning about the campaign's leadership and its direction, just five months before the november election. a democrat strategist for the biden campaign telling axios, quote, it is unclear to many of us watching from the outside whether the president and his core team realize how dire the situation is right now and whether they even have a plan to fix it. that is scary says the democrat strategist to axios. your reaction? we were looking at video of president biden struggling to get into his suv this week, a lot of commentary about that. it took him like 20 seconds to get into the car. >> look, maria, biden is silencing dissent and that's scary. it's a symptom of a dying campaign and it's a symptom of a bad leader. what is so troub troubling is wt biden has done to america, he bankrupted us, gutted our paychecks, no longer celebrates a nuclear family, we can't celebrate women's sports and you couple that with what he continued to do is double down
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on the national security crisis at the border so we're seeing the scary ripple effect of biden in office. i don't know how he's going to -- i can't even say stand on that debate stage because he demands to sit, sit on the debate stage, look at the american people with a straight face and say he's done anything but continued death had and destruction. maria: it's been a rough four years, that's for sure, mark. i laugh when i see these democrats say, well, he's our guy, and we're just going to suck it up and vote for him. how selfish is that? do you understand the impact this policy has had on the country? >> i don't understand it. i guess i understood why they did it four years ago, they probably looked around and said joe, we've got no one else. we've got to roll you out there. but you look at his cognitive fitness four years ago and ho howhe was can communicating and speaking, he wasn't super sharp but he was way sharper than he
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is right now. the decline was rapid. next week's debate, it will be interesting to see how much time cnn allows for response, will it be 30 seconds, will it be 2 minutes? if it's two minutes, i think he'll forget the question and start rambling. watch, they might keep it shorter so hes has less of an opportunity to hurt himself. maria: here's one of the questional videos, doing a sky diving thing in italy and biden just juajust wanders off. this video sparking more concerns about his health, shows biden struggling to get into his suv in delaware on tuesday, took him 20 seconds. then there of course is the obama putting his hand on his back walking him back stage when they that celebrity fundraiser. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre is doubling down on claims that this video here is a so-called cheap fake and that cheap fake videos are spreading misinformation.
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watch this. >> calling it cheap fakes, that is something that came from -- directly from the media outlets and calling it that, the fact checkers and calling it that so we're certainly going to be really clear about that as well and calling it out from where we are, from where we stand. maria: what is she talking about? has anyone on this set seen any cheap fake videos? >> no. maria: all these videos are real videos. >> they're all real. maria: what is shoe talking about? >> the only cheap fake video i've seen of this is when president trump is hitting a golf ball and winning a championship and it happens to hit biden on the head. that's the only edited video i've seen. all the rest of these are unhe'e unedited, they're accurate. maria: president obama puts his
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hand on the back, walks him out. the whole walk biden has his arm on his back, this is undermining joe biden in this video. this is not a fake video. it's a real video. him getting into the suv is a real video, him wandering off in italy is a real video. what are you talking about. >> it's so embarrassing. everyone sees what they're seeing. for the biden campaign to sort of force people to lie on his behalf, to basically compromise their integrity on a daily basis when you have cabinet officials say behind the scenes he's sharp as a tack and all these things, it's so ridiculous. you think of the debate coming up. he's going to need basically i think a week of doing nothing but preparing to get through the lowest bar probably ever to be set for a debate. if he speaks only half jibberish sh they'll call it a success. it's incredible, all the questions will be favorable to him. he has such a low bar to clear. he's not going to be able to clear it and i think the democrats are probably making
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plans for what do they do when he falls on his face next week. maria: he may need more than that. republicans say he got jacked up at the state of the union, whatever that means. greg murphy, the chairman of the doctor's caucus said that on this program. we don't know what he's going to do to prepare. >> certainly unusual behavior at the state of the union. maria: we are just getting started this morning, for this hour, quick break and how crypto is making an impact on the campaign. the word on wall street is here with expectations an outlooks. catch my new fox nation documentary on china, underwriting the enemy is streaming on fox nation. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. maria: welcome back. time now for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. formerrer president trump is looking to convince the crypto community to back his campaign, calling for, quote, all remaining bitcoin to be made in the usa, kelly o'grady with more right now. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, maria. when over 52 million americans own crypto, it's no surprise why can it's become a campaign talking point. former president trump is the first major presidential candidate to accept donations in the digital currency, it is in contrast to a few years ago when he said it might be a scam. now he vowed to keep regulators away. >> i will end joe biden's war on crypto. we will ensure that the future of crypto and the future of bitcoin will be made in america. >> reporter: a source tells me trump is working directly with crypto advocates to shape potential policy but he's not
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the only one meeting with industry leaders. president biden will join a round table next month and has been tweaking his messaging to be more crypto friendly. he recently angered the community by vetoing a bipartisan resolution that would have limited the s.e.c.'s oversites, this comes as the space is spending big this election cycle. they say they're hooking for a president who -- looking for a president who brings sensible policy. >> the trump team has done a number of things to reach out to the crypto community, the biden administration has started to make some early efforts. i'm hoping we'll have active healthy dialogue with both candidates and they'll recognize this is a consumer protection and national security imperative and be in support of sensible crypto policy. >> reporter: he isn't the only one. the stand with crypto pact is signing up advocates in droves. georgia and arizona doubled the
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gap in votes between trump and biden in 2020 so maria, that alone underscores the impact crypto could have on the result come november. maria: great story, kelly, thanks very much. kelly o'grady joining us now is ubs wealth management senior vice president brenda o'connor kquanis. also with us is mark tepper. what do you make of that reaction to kelly's report hadding. >> biden recently vetoed the most crypto friendly bill ever and it's certainly upsetting crypto fans. so i'm not a huge crypto investor. i hold some, it's a small percentage of my overall as he'll allocation. i had lunch on monday with a client who is a big player in crypto and we talked about this and we were talking would out the election and according to him, the big crypto players, crypto fans, crypto investors are pretty much done with biden. they're moving towards trump. trump is trying to do everything he can to remain committed to crypto, to support crypto.
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and i think that's just one more group whereby den's going to -- where biden's going to lose a lot of ledge. maria: do you think because trump sees legitimacy in crypto. >> it's possible. maybe sees legitimacy. maria: it's a good voting block. >> recognizes it's a weakness for biden. we're watching interest rates, the bank of england held interest rates sties i did, eighth consecutive meeting where they held rates steady. the swigs national bank yesterday cutting interest rates -- this morning, for the second time this year by 25 basis points to 1 and a quarter percent. back at home, the futures markt is pricing in a 68% chance the federal reserve will cut rates in november. >> if you asked and answered investors a year ago -- asked investors a year ago they would have said the u.s. would lead the world in interest rate cuts. the reason the u.k. can cut rates, they've incurred a cost,
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went through a recession, gdp is worse, higher unemployment. we're not seeing that back here. but there is real stress on the u.s. consumer right now. we saw that in the retail sales this week, you see that in the consumer sentiment number and see that in the jobs numbers in terms of claims and job openings i think we are going to see continued stress on the u.s. consumer that may lead to one or maybe two rate cuts later this year. maria: even the chairman, jay powell the other day, said maybe the jobs numbers arguably are overstated so even he sort of highlighted the weak a spots within the economy. >> and you don't look at that top line 272,000 payrolls numb burkes you look at the nuance under the hood with the job openings, with the wage growth, with the number of new claims that are coming out. the u.s. consumer is not doing well in the u.s. right now. maria: look, all of this weakness in the macro story, mark, and yet look at the market. we're up 15% year-to-date, 19% on the nasdaq year-to-date. and the wall street journal is
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looking at nvidia this morning, talking about this huge rally to the most valuable u.s. listed company writing it has echos of the dot-com boom, showing similar move to cisco systems two decades ago. we were talking about this right here yesterday on the set and a number of my guests said the same thing that cisco back in the day, i remember, you were there, i was there, it was rallying and then it had a huge comedown, is that the kind of thing we're going to see for nvidia. >> i don't think so. not at all. you look at nvidia, since essentially january 1st of last year, it's roughly 7x and when you go back to cisco and look over a two year timeframe that's 7x. oracle, 10x. these were incredible moves and the companies eventually petered out. when it comes to nvidia, when it comes to a.i., there's takes a ton of staying power here and nvidia still has the number one a.i. chip. amd probably has the second best chip and they're really far behind. the big difference here is when it comes to nvidia, they are
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making money hand over fist. and people who are nvidia bearers will point to the 45 times forward multiple. maria: it's a big multiple. >> when you're growing earnings, your long-term earnings growth rate is expected to be 42 to 45%, it's not expensive from a peg ratio standpoint so i still think there's plenty of opportunity here. i've heard calls of 5 trillion in market cap. maria: wow. >> i don't know -- maria: are you serious-a- >> i don't know that that's possible this year. maria: this years it's 3.3 trillion. it's not going to get to 5 trillion in months. >> the stock was up 240% last year. it's up 170% so far this year. so look, i'm doubtful that it hits it by thend of this year. maybe the end of next year. it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility. maria: you're right, given the run we've seen already. how do you want to allocate capital, want to put money in tech? >> i kind of agree with mark. i think tech is not only a great
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play because of earnings potential, we think the sector will grow by 20% but it's counterintuitively a defensive play because of the strong earnings growth. if we get even one rate cut this year that's going to be another tail wind, look at what happened with the cpi print last week, tech was up 2 and-a-half percent that day on the scent of a potential rate cut later this year. maria: brenda, great to see you. thanks so much. mark, you're with us all morning. we're grateful. quick break and the details on the sick attack of a 13-year-old girl by an illegal migrant, new york congresswoman claudia tenney is here on what's going on in her home state as biden fails to keep americans safe from the wide open border and unknowns coming through it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. >> be people are a alleging that he came -- he approached the young couple two 13-year-old kids, tied them up, put a gag in their mouth, raped the young woman, and asked them to stay there for 20 minutes while he i guess left.
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but at the end of the day, he's remanded into custody, he has those charges pending, he waived his 180-80. maria: welcome back. that was a queens district attorney sharing more details about the illegal migrant charged with raping a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight in queens new york in a park. the ecuadorian migrant admitted to videotaping his sick attack. he said, he quote, was nervous at first and then got comfortable and recorded it. new york police department sources confirming to fox that the migrant crossed the border illegally near lee gel pass, texas in 2021, that's been a hot spot for crossings. governor greg abbott made it one of the main focuses on operation lone star last year. joining us now, new york congresswoman claudia tenney. congresswoman, good to see i. you and many others in the republican party have made a major issue of the open border and we don't know who is coming through, now for four years and now we see the results of that,
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this person came through the border in 2021 and has now raped this 13-year-old girl. >> yes. maria, this is a total tragedy and totally doesn't need to happen. the democrats refuse to do anything about the border, joe biden knows this is a huge problem, the american people are talking about it in all these races whether it's the president presidential race in swing states, especially upstate new york where most of my district is the northern border of new york where i met yesterday with some border patrol agents and others and talked to them on the phone about what's going on and a how the system is so over-stressed and the biden administration is doing nothing. they're so overwhelmed, they can't keep illegals from getting into the border. the cartels are controlling the border and they're letting every kind of person in here, violent criminals, people who committed crimes in their country of origin and they're forced to let them go because a lot of the
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reason is because of new york laws, the green light law passed in 2019 under governor cuomo where they allow illegal immigrants to get licenses and special protections as aliens in the state of new york which allows them to go anywhere in the country and it also prevents i.c.e. from being able to detain these people within a certain amount of time and that's why we have this horrible situation with laken riley, the new york police department was forced to let this criminal alien go with ties to a gang. he got to georgia, killed laken riley and that's what you're seeing in new york city with the tragic incident of a rape of a 1 13-year-old girl, injury to two young children, a boy and girl. it's going to continue to happen, maria. these are going to be like smash and grabs until we do something with the border. it is affecting us, our security, it's under siege along with economic consequences in new york where we've seen over 3.5 billion in new tax as in the last two years to pay for illegal immigrants. this is just -- out of control.
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it's going to have a very scary effect, 9/11 is going to look like a non-incident compared to what's going to happen in the future. maria: i don't understand why these are not the top stories on most of the media right now. it's unbelieveal to me the mainstream media doesn't report this stuff. we've got the illegal migrant charged with murdering a mother of five, rachel moran, he's set to be extradited to maryland today. alejandro mayorkas is denying any responsibility for rachel's murder. watch this. >> what do you say to critics who blame the administration for allowing something like this to happen? obviously this is something you hear in right wing media all the time. >> jim, first and foremost, of course our hearts break for the children, the family, the loved ones, the friends of the individual who was murdered, the woman, the mother.
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jim, a criminal is responsible for the criminal act. maria: yeah. her name is rachel moran. rachel's mom is slamming mayorkas for referring to her daughter as a individual, saying the biden administration never reached out to the family, congresswoman. >> there is a criminal involved in this and it's from joe biden to alejandro mayorkas, we've called for the removal of the impeachment of both of them in the house because of their dereliction of duty and complete under-- completely undermining our u.s. constitution. the president has had the power all along to take care of the border and he refuses to do that. speaker mike johnson pointed out the exact section where he had the power, very powerful and very strong section where he can literally shut the border down any day he wants. but they continue to blame the republicans for all this, they project oh, it's the republicans who did nothing. we have had hr2 on the floor twice.
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the original version of it, that's the most strongest border bill we've ever put out in american history. we amended it to make it more aamenable to those who didn't like certain parts of it in swing districts and other areas to a second version of hr2 that the democrats rejected and now joe biden refuses to do anything and by the way, maria, i told you this. i used to be saying are -- are the democrats trying to register voters. we know they are. susan rice, former president obama's key advisor is heading up the operation of tasking our federal agencies to actually get votes from illegal immigrants, get those ballots in the box and once they're cast, we can't go back and determine if that ballot was an illegal immigrant or not. and i wouldn't be surprised, and this is not a conspiracy theory, it's actually out there in a member had mow from sue -- memo from susan rice, i wouldn't be surprised if some how millions of illegal immigrants are
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cascasting votes in swing stateo make sure joe biden wins the election. we know president trump is winning on policy, we know that joe biden as you alluded to earlier will not get through te debate. it will be a di disaster. the democrats will prime the pump using our resources, our federal tax dollars, not mark zuckerberg's money coming in from facebook before. maria: hold on. an illegal voting in american election is illegal. you're not allowed to vote if you're not a citizen. do you -- are you saying you have proof that the democrats are trying to recruit illegals, migrants, to vote in our presidential election? is that what you just said? >> there is a memo from you susan rice that says we've got to figure out how we're going to get these illegal immigrants, it's going to be challenging to teach them how to make sure we get their votes. they don't say whether they'll
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make them citizens first or not. maria: unbelievable. >> our constitution requires citizenship. why do we have to pass laws for the democrats to say you have to prove your citizenship in order to vote? right now, you don't need an id. i voted yesterday, early t voting for myself in the primary, i walked in with my license and the people at the board of elections are like don't put the license out like a poisonous snake. almost 90% of people across all demographics including democrats require and care about making sure one citizen, one vote and that we have a valid id so we don't undermine the votes. it's insane what we're doing. we've got to have citizenship and have to have voter id. maria: by the way, ag merrick garland has vowed to stop voter id. he does not want voter id. you have to ask yourself why not. but we reported recently, guys, i'm here with jonathan f fahey d
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mahek. we reported recently there were papers that were found at that time border, and they basically gave notes to the migrants and said don't forget to vote for joe biden. so what do you think about that, jonathan? you worked at i.c.e. >> well, certainly everything this administration and the democratic party does is to at least make it if somebody wants to vote illegally, they want to make it as easy as possible for them even if they don't ex is explicitly say it. merrick garland, fighting voter id, what a could the reason be other than to make voter fraud easier. they have a fake hypothetical person that doesn't have an id that's 100 years old, why don't they get them an id going back to mayorkas, when he talks about the murder of ms. moran, he says he's a criminal but mayorkas and biden are entrusted to enforce
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the law and they not only refuse to enforce immigration law, they actively thwart it and it's so disgusting that this is going on and we're going to have more of these, not less of these. >> look, the big question of the day and we continue to ask this is why is biden not addressing what's happening and he's not going to you address as failed policies because biden is banking on not running a fair election and you have to see it, state after state, we don't have consistent voter id laws. in ohio, you can take your bank account statements and the address on it to show where you live and that's how you show proof. if we don't have proof, and congress isn't passing laws, we're going to have a huge issue and lara trump was criticized for saying prosecute individuals who try and conduct fraud in voting. that's insane. we should prosecute them. maria: congresswoman, you're an elected official, can you do anything about this? >> maria, after what i went through in 2020 i founded the
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election integrity caucus, we've been sounding the alarm on this since 2021 when biden passed the executive order, tasking agencies to make sure they get the ballots in the box. the executive branch members have to work on the mission, not on pl political harvesting of votes. this is the only way they can win. they're only going to win on process and undermining it not on policy. that's why we've got to be on top of the process, lara trump and michael whatley are making on this. make voting great again. maria: we appreciate your time this morning. claudia tenney. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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lawsuit accuses the company of violating the missouri human rights for allegedly subjecting job applicants to unracial and gender quotas they claim they use a modifier to meet employment quotas. we reached out to ibm about this. the company said in a statement the following. ibm does not use quo quotas and never has and any suggestion otherwise is false. joining us now is missouri attorney general andrew bailey. you heard what ibm said. what do you want to say in terms of a response? >> well, it's time to end corporate racism in america. this lawsuit is an important step in harpooning the whale. the ceo of ibm stated publicly that his executives have to enforce racial quotas or risk sanction in the form of reduced bonuses and the agents of ibm
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have actually bragged about having terminated other company leaders for failing to live up to these racial quotas. in fact, the ceo of ibm has stated that, for instance, asians are not and under-represented group within the ethnic industry and must be denied opportunities. this violates the human rights act. we'll put a stop to it. maria: isn't this coming from the top? president biden implemented all sort of new rules and regulations in the name of dei and that's why we haven't seen any broadband connecting any new people to internet, to the internet because of all of the regulations that have taken place. so is it really something going on in corporate america or is this something set by president biden? >> well, it's absolutely a cancer on our culture that comes from the chief executive of the united states of america, joe biden, push pushing radical, ray
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divisive policies. ibm, we're not talking about a mid-level manager, we're talking about the ceo demanding that his executives enforce racist quotas or be terminated or lose out on compensation. that absolutely violates the missouri hugh human rights act. it's important to put a stop to it and protect families. that's what i'm doing. maria: the ags are the front lines in stopping the agenda out of washington. president biden announced a new parole in place plan this week to provide a pathway to citizenship for thousands of illegal migrant spouses of u.s. citizens, watch this. >> first bill i introduced when i was president, immigration bill included this provision but it never got off the ground. need a little more help. now today a significant portion of it he is being passed. by executive order. as president be, i had to take these actions. every nation must secure its
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borders, it's that simple. trump and the republicans wouldn't do it. working with me, and which do it on my own. maria: did he just say as vice president i had to take these actions? biden's trying to shift the blame for the border crisis onto former president trump again. the new york post is reporting that, quote, some 42 you 42,000 migrants illegally crossed into the u.s. from mexico. the mayor of kansas city invited illegal migrants from new york city and denver and other hot spots for migrant arrivals to move to his city to help fill the job market, he said. your state, has it seen an impact since the mayor of kansas city's invitation? >> well, we're fighting back against the mayor of kansas city's unlawful attempt to turn kansas city into a sanctuary sticks violates state statute in missouri. it's a felony offense to knowingly transport an illegal
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alien into the state of missouri. we're taking action against businesses hiring illegal workers. these are anti-human trafficking measures we're using at the state level because president biden failed this country, unlawfully hanging an open sign at the southern border, abandoned president trump's policies that reduced illegal crossings. more than 1500 fentanyl deaths in missouri in one year, 1100 cases of reported human trafficking. how many go unprosecuted, uninvestigated. those are attributed to president biden's b invasion at the southern border. he eliminated remain in mexico and implemented a catch and release policy but refused to build trump's border wall despite he was commanded to do so by congress. parole and the immigration code is about individualized terminations. he turned it into a visa program not ought sized by congress. it's an assault on the constitution, undermines the rule of law, makes communities less safe. maria: do agree with what
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claudia tenney told us, the reason they're doing this because they're trying to get illegals to vote in u.s. elections? >> absolutely. what other reason would there be to undermine america's national sovereign the at this, the democrats -- sovereignity, the democrats know they can't win on the merits. they want to rig the process. they do that in the form of lawfare to take political candidates off the campaign trail and a they're doing it to rig the 2024 election, as a platoon leader in iraq in 2005 i oversaw the constitutional referendum in iraq. i know what a secure election looks like. you have to have an id to vote, there should be a process and controlled measures in place. president biden is trying to undermine that and the blue states are colluding to accomplish that objective. maria: how do they get away with that? >> it's so amazing. attorney general bailey, i don't think you take it far enough. they aca testifily undermine every effort to enforce the law, anything you do to try to serve
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the interest of missouri with respect to this issue, they're going to fight against you tooth and nail. we've seen it everywhere. and it's so disgraceful. but in your state, are you able to quantify or have some sense of what the costs are to -- of illegal immigration just in financial cost to your citizens they terms of housing costs rising, school costs, healthcare, lower wages, is there a way to sort of tabulate that as to what is actually costing your citizens in addition to the public safety risk and national security risk and fentanyl overdose risk that they're facing that everyone's aware of? >> there's absolutely a high dollar cost to state revenue, to the taxpayers, the actual working families here in the state of missouri that have to bear the burden of this new pressure on these systems. it's jobs, it's healthcare, it's education, all of those public systems that are supposed to serve americans and missouri dhs ans but are now abused by
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criminal aliens that biden let into the country. more than 10 million illegal aliens have crossed the southern border, more than the entire population of the state of missouri, those numbers are present in the pleadings, they the evidence we put on in our three lawsuits againsts the biden administration, based on his failures at the southern border. i'm proud to say missouri won the lawsuit to force fiewn prest biden to finish building trump's border law, we look to stop his perversion of the parole process. the recent announcement is another failed policy, exacerbation of a failed policy to, again, undermine the parole process and create a visa program not authorized by congress. violates the you'll of law. maria: we're waiting on the supreme court. do you think we'll hear from the supreme court on president biden is immunity claim? we could hear it today. there's speculation out there that it could come down today. what do you expect from the supreme court on that. >> i expect the supreme court to do the right thing and find
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that presidents of the united states have immunity. our founding fathers anticipated there might be problems at the state level and put a system in place to prevent it. maria: kansas state lawmakers approved a plan to convince the kansas city chiefs and royals to leave misses southerly and move to kansas, it authorizes state bonds to finance stadiums and practice facilities. what's your reaction? >> it's going be a sad day for the state of missouri if we lose the crown you j jewel of sports. i'm a life long fan. look, at the end of the day, no one should point the finger at anyone except democrat leaders in they the city of kansas city. the mayor dodged the free exercise of religion. don't be surprised if they want to leave missouri given the failed policies. maria: we'll leave it there. great to have you there. we'll be watching your efforts. andrew bailey joining us. thank you, sir. quick break and then the first
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major heat wave of the summer is underway, nearly 100 million americans under heat alerts. katie byrne is in philadelphia with what we need to know. >> reporter: it's another hot one for most of the country on the first day of summer, we'll have the latest on who is impacted by the heat and for how long, coming up. -so, what's the code? -it says 547. 5-well, that's not working. dad, she really needs to pee. [baby crying] we're gonna get in in a minute, okay? -it's not opening. -well, i'll call. representative. [baby crying] speak with a person. [cs line] you are a valued customer. representative! we can go in the window. (♪) daddy! just a moment darling. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals leave you hanging,
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try one where you can reach a human in about a minute.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. philadelphia issuing a heat health emergency due to the prolonged 90-degree temperatures as northeast cities urge caution heading into the weekend. katie byrne is live in the city of brotherly love with more. hhow hot is it. >> reporter: we've got a shady spot right now. it's going to get hotter from here. i'm seeing people walking around with gallons of water to get them through the day. more than two thirds of americans are dealings with temperatures 90 degrees or hotter today, here in philly we're going on day three of that which means we'll officially be in a heat wave today once that happens but we know the heat doesn't end there. we're expecting the heat to last through the weekend, which is something a lot of people are dealing with. it's been a record breaker already this week. more than 100 heat records have been either tied or broken across the country. that's why officials are he
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declaring emergencies across the region including here in philly where starting this morning they're going to open up more resources, city services to the elderly and homeless populations to help them stay safe in this. i'm talking to people heading to work this morning, most of them say they're lucky they have ac inside their offices and they're limiting time outside and bumping up air conditioning to high at home. >> we go home like the heat, the humidity in the house, we have the ac on high and my friends and family pretty much are doing the same thing. just trying to stay cool. we've been keeping it at 65 because during the heat, the house is hot and you know heat rises so we're just trying to get through it. >> reporter: some people are worried about those energy bills what they'll look like at the end of the month. we have another weather element in the northeast today, especially the new england area, another round of severe storms possible. that's going to cool things down a little bit but not for long.
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the heat is expected to creep back up and people will be dealing with it for another few days. maria: katie, thanks very much, katie byrne in the philly. shocking new details revealed in the fatal shooting incident on the set of rust, lauren simonetti with those details now. >> maria, alec baldwin was reckless with firearms while filming and once fired blank round on the set of rust. the actor is facing voluntary -- involuntary manslaughter charges in new mexico, over the tragic shooting death of the cinemainga tographer. pros yprosecutors say he violatd firearm rules including using his gun after scenes were over, holding histo his trigger whet didn't require it. the trial against alec baldwin will begin july 9th.
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honeywell international reaching a roughly $2 billion deal to purchase aerospace technology company case systems from private equity firm. the wall street journal is reporting the dials all cash, honeywell's second recent acquisition in the aerospace tech industry in recent months. take a look at a honeywell stock in the premarket, down $1.73, 211 on the reported news. and family members of boeing plane crash victims are asking the department of justice to fine the company $25 billion and press criminal charges against company executives. watch here. >> all i could think is the six minutes and four seconds of my daughter on that boeing 37 max, did she cry for me? did she know that will be his last breath, did someone hold
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her hands, so boeing ceo, management, did you hear my daughter cry? justice is for them to be held accountable and be criminally charged and to face us in trial. >> those were the two fatal crashes about five years ago in 2018 and 2019. no high level executive has lost their job as a result. david calhoun was not the ceo when it happened. he came in after. he has other safety lapses on his watch. reportedly nobody wants his job when he leaves at the end of the year. this is a crisis of confidence in boeing. maria: it's unbelievable how many issues and a how many jet medmalfunctions there have been. it's unbelievable. >> they need to be held accountable. they knew there were issues. we have an internal e-mail, said
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the airplane was designed by clowns who in turn were managed by monkeys. maria: who wrote the e-mail? >> boeing employees. >> the flood of whistleblowers are open now. maria: that's right, the whistleblower. >> many, many. maria: lauren, thank you. we'll watch that story, certainly. stay with us. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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