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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 20, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good thursday morning thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo i hope you are having a good thursday morning it is thursday, june 20, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast hot topic of the hour since may, there has bean 3 point shift in the matchup between biden and o former president trump biden leading trump 50 to 48% win margin of error trump beneath biden with new voters trump increasing his lead more candidates are added and trump is winning the swing states president biden remains underwater on most top issues to voters including the economy, 58% voters disapprove of biden's performance, cochairman republican national committee lara trump and
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president trump's daughter-in-law joined us yesterday what she said about trump and the polls watch. >> i i mean look as relates to donald trump we know traditionally polling tickle has him behind where he truly is the best poll i think of all is actually going out being among people of this country, you saw donald trump in wisconsin, when you go out maria, actually you talk to people and engage with voters, you get a very different sense than what these polls reflect very much akin to what i think a lot experienced in 2016, that polling typically had donald trump behind but everywhere you would go across this country excitement enthusiasm momentum clearly behind him. maria: with mark tepper jonathan fahey mehek cooke this morning. mehek: tight poll bad for biden loving in three i think so critical inflation, immigration, then you look at
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israel, biden continues to lose what is so important fundamentally to every american family we need security economic security, national security, and you continue to look at biden's campaign not addressing issues because i don't even think -- that he is more focused on making sure nmentdz illegals aliens come into our country continue migrant crime surge and go underneath us to be, don't have very long voter id laws the fain focus they are not addressing issues because this is the election interference happening between our very eyes nobody is calling it for what it is,. maria: you were surprised by poll. mark: to your point teeing up the topic you mentioned trump winning the swing states that is really what matters, because again, elections are won off electoral votes not off popular vote as i mentioned earlier when you look at vetting oodes real time, you have seen, right now
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trump ahead by 9% that is pretty substantial that is when you are looking at the electoral votes the most surprising thing, you know given that i am in the financial services business most surprising coming out of this poll while biden is underwater as relates to the economy, he actually made progress over the last month in this poll, dutch make much sense to me. yes inflation certainly looks like may be moderating a bit comut economy slowing quickly that last retail sales number a complete bloodbath jobs numbers aren't looking hot economy is weakening. maria: economy weakening questions about biden capacity look at video sparking concerns over the president's health struggling to get into his suv in delaware tuesday took 20 seconds just to get into car we are learning president biden top super pac is reportedly donating at
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least 10 million dollars to compete with trump's campaign videos what do you see there sp every day another video they call them cheap takes biden looks like can't conduct daily routine activities, of an adult. maria: but not fake that is the thing they are trying to say cheap fakes i haven't seen anything fake what is fake. jonathan: when you look at polls, mark talking swing states i think trump is winning states did not win in 2016 arizona, nevada so in a very good position the biden campaign doesn't act like they think they are in even the ballpark on this thing. the scary thing for biden, they can't talk about his fitness they know a failure can't talk about issues all they have at this point lawfare a rich division abortion their whole again at this point. maria: look at video here,
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biden wanders off look at field everyone focused on skydiving giorgia meloni had to pull him back you have obama video obama had to get him put him his hand on his back walk him off stage can when they did the fund-raiser, these are real videos not fake videos white house trying to put enough confusion out there, for people to say maybe wasn't real, no, no, no. these are real. mark: real, unedited i don't know how can watch these say i got a lot of confidence in this guy going to give him 10 million dollars. jonathan: outrages you know what is happening with donations all of a sudden cominging in for joe biden, is when donald trump was convicted, he raised a ton of money. >> yeah. jonathan: biden's doj at work, came back to bite him. maria: great point. mehek: you real want to see what is happening take away
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funding for biden from trump put them at usdfight joe biden out there in super bowl in theatre empty eating popcorn blaming corporations with inflation president trump talking to young voters talking to americans stop donating but to at usc fight with american people let's go. mark: fighters jump over octagon shake his hand immediately love him. maria: close to that maybe next thursday we got the first showdown between trump and biden happening exactly one week from today, what can we expect? >> point out, i -- i mean interesting. >> i cannot -- >> obviously, what do they say biden was jabbed off for whatever the stage. >> murphy chairman of doctors caucus said he was jacked up. >> i am assuming try to redo that if there is 90 seconds or
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two minutes of talk time per answer, biden is going to get confused. he starts time and time again cannot remember the question starts talking in circles. >> maga is ritualism? all they can say sowing hate can't see on record you deflect the point president trump say continue to point to president trump when we have award winning record under president trump safe economically, finally. >> since president trump came down elevator making stuff up like russia collusion story nothing new just getting started coming up president biden's wide-open border turning every state in a border state groups in utah reporting influx of venezuelan migration don't miss it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. take a look at futures after the markets closed yesterday for juneteenth holiday we're looking at a gain start of trading this morning futures indicating gain with dow up 7 nasdaq up 95, remember it was tuesday, that nvidia closed all-time high now the most valuable company in the world market on fire nasdaq up 19% year-to-date largely, led by those big tech names like nvidia as well as microsoft, others joining me now u.s. bank asset management group chief investment officer eric freedman thanks for being here half mark of the year great first half in terms of stock performs do you think the rest of the year mimicks it. >> we do we think a great start to your point one of the
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things really bank on if you will, a broadening out participation, we don't necessarily need that, our clients are really set up to continue to participate in the technology landscape but we are expecting to see a bit more astrayeding out across large-cap u.s. stocks, in particularly important to us one thing we are paying close attention to as we turn page in july we start focusing on 2025 census, earnings market looking for 14% earnings growthier overier big number optimistic offer weight equities we think right place for clients mineful of lofty expectations into 2025. maria: part of it has to do with all money on sidelines right mark tepper? jump in you got 6 trillion dollars money market accounts the thookdz people move from money market into stock market. mark: you would think so especially with whole a.i. hype rally causing more and
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more of fomo by the day people want to have a play as relates to a.i., but eric a question for you have, i am happy i mentioned that you are expecting large caps to rally to broaden you the which is great we need more portion i mentioned this earlier in the show. but when you look at the performance of s&p 500 stocks year-to-date, roughly 40% actually have a negative return so far this year, right? and s&p up 15%. but my question for you is small caps what is it going to take for small caps to finally see the a sign of life? >> a great question one we get quite a bit two things working against small caps one, 30% of that is un profitable not producing positive earnings second issue 35%, is in a position needing to refinance
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debate in environment you have validated interest rates again some companies not profitable, that is a bit of a headwind for sometimes, i i think we will get things to reverse for small caps number one, some he leveling out inflation expectations not base case we any inflation risks probably a little bit upside as we get deeper into this year also think that smoem more earnings growth cross sectors beyond tech most small cap not technology a lot of banks, consumer discretionary, if we see that continued let's call it glide gathering higher consumer spending or stability should be good we prefer large caps over small caps. maria: how much does macrostory play into your thinking here eric? i spoke with stephanie pomboy president of macromavens one of the best research firms out there she notes from latest cfo survey, she says in a special question nearly one third cfos positives indicate
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because of uncertainty about election postponing or scaling down delaying permanently canceling new investments when you look at corporate investment isn't that an indicator of economic stability? and looks like they're canceling plans to invest. >> it is a huge issue, maria. we do our cfo survey i encourage watchers check it out one thing we've seen is idea there is some uncertainty, cfo's in particular doing a couple things number one preparing for potentially more m&a, number two, spending more time, thinking about capexks where had the technology, cyber, things like ai, those are real trends, so still feels like a level of cautious optimism from cfo's but to your point can change most policy irrespective what side you are own policies towards second half of this year early next year leaves cfo's
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concerned about how much they can budget for that sovrth, still smo. but not the buoyancy a member a year or few months ago. maria: interest rate question bank of england halgd rates steady at 5 1/4 point hold rates is it despite uk hitting 2% inflation target swiss national bank cut interest rates again this morning, earlier this is second time, this year, that the swiss national bank cut rates this morning 25 basis points, one and a quarter % in u.s. futures pricing in 68% chance fed cuts in september eric, you say high service inflation is flungs asset performs fade behavior what are you expecting from the fed. >> we expect there to be one cut this year maybe second one depending on back hatch of data, but to your point service inflation, the i'm
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sorry ucentral bank aged headline number 2% target service inflation north of 5% that is a common theme across many countries not necessarily good that you buy not necessarily commodities of course some with a elevated but the cost of rent that is biggest variable while some hope that rents will come down really not a catalyst not coming from financing from prices so fact service inflation remains high we think leaves fed in the eyes of spot wanting to remain a bit more cautious ones they start difficult to rerz scomoo commodities moving higher commodities this morning oil prices, hit 7-week high, earlier, on demand optimism, copper on the move silver on the move what is your take in terms of this move in commodities that we're
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seeing? >> maria we own commodities on behalf of clients because important part of more tactical asset location, given what is happening in middle east, china the bigger issue issue you touched on copper silver gold seeing a lot of central banks not necessarily buying more bonds, to hold in reserve they are owning more commodities, precious metals, we think a good thing for clients to have in portfolios not necessarily perpetually but deeper into year inflation risk commodities good in poverty. >> would you buy big tech like nvidia most available company in the world 3.3 trillion dollars. >> i live in san francisco, in 99 and 20,000 aware of bubble talk i think well thought of. but just the demand for this technology not like entire
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internet this is very captive technology controlled by a couple of companies, and so this is a state that we would not be underweight whatsoever we think some gains makes sense across the broader ai complex but not a space we bet against we think a lot of demand something client should have in portfolios. >> thanks so much. >> thanks, maria. >> to a eric friedman joining us a quick break president biden's wide-open border turning every state to a border state utah reporting influx of venezuelan migrants don't miss it you are watching "mornings with maria" on fox business. we'll be right back. . (♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't. car, where are we going?
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say goodbye to daily insulin injections with omnipod 5... a tubeless system that automatically adjusts insulin to help protect against highs and lows. try it today. go to for risk information and instructions for use. consult your doctor before starting on omnipod. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> how not a threat to knocks when you have a prosecutor political party as the president waiting seven years to prosecute in an election year of former president -- >> that is a question for the department of justice on their timeline how this moves i can't answer that for you here. >> that is white house press secretary karine jean-pierre walking back her comments that new york's trial was on justice department timeline fers said on justice department's timeline now says new york post she misspoke meant to say a question for
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alvin bragg brings up potential coordination with the white house, joining me now utah senator mike lee member senate judiciary budget your reaction good to see you this morning. >> ie, my reaction, maria, is simply this is, obviously, this is obviously, coordinated said quiet part out loud acknowledged coordinated by joe biden and democrats to make sure they i am prison joe biden's last standing political opponent on thing standing between joe biden and second term is donald trump trying to walk that back not going to work we know the truth. maria: senator you are trying to fight back on what you are calling lawfare formed a coalition at least 14 senators vowing to block any of the president biden's appointees in department of justice democrat bills in response to lawfare against trump you write white house made a mockery of rule of law
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fundamentally politics in un-american ways we are unwilling to aide abet this white house in project to tear this country apart, so, let me get your take on more of this what you can do, look. let's face it. there aren't a lot of nominees, that are going to happen between now and election, right? so what are you doing what more can you do to push back, on -- on what you just said, you know taking down the president's opponent. >> yeah look. that is the point is that we can't pretend this is business as usual, and you know those who won't fight right now while we are in middle of a massive political battle, can't be trusted to lead after president trump has been reflected he will be, but we do have to fight back right now otherwise we send a signal that just fine for them to do this. this has never happened in the history of our great republic shouldn't be lapping now they
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know they are doing it this is coordinated effort we have our own coordinated effort pushing back. >> i want to ask about wide-open border senator we spoke with -- new york congresswoman claudia tenney she made a pretty serious charge that she said look in the past i thought it was a conspiracy theory they were letting in illegals because they wanted them to become voters now she says she has proof claudia tenney with me last hour. >> it is actually out there in a memo from susan rice i would not be surprised if somehow these millions of illegal immigrants somehow kacasting votes in swing states to make sure joe biden wins this election we know president trump is winning on policy joe biden as you alluded to earlier is not going to get through this debate going to be a disaster. and this is what the democrats are going to do going to be same way that he won, in 2020 they are going to prime pump using our resources this time our own federal tax dollars
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not mark zuckerberg's money coming from facebook before. maria: basically, what she is saying, is that there is a memo from susan rice that says we've got to figure out how going to get illegal immigrants, going to be challenging to teach them how to make -- we get their votes in the ballot they don't say whether going to make them citizens first or not. your take on illegals coming into country whether or not hole motivation here is to get them driver's license's social security numbers, get them to vote? >> remember maria in all 50 states you can get driver's license at noncitizen 20 or so states you can get a driver's license as illegal alien, known illegal alien remember under, national voter he registration act you can apply to register to vote while a driver's license driver's license 20 years after that enacted supreme court
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interpreted that to say state processing that motor voter application can't ask can't even request any kind of proof of citizenship everything they are doing this this is a feature this is not a bug. try it they might to deny it their own actions sounds like their memoranda in background confirm what they are doings. >> utah homeless groups say resources are limited homeless groups in your state deal with influx of migrants sent to salt lake city governor cox says denver sending them to utah, texas advocates say utah say they are dealing with a lot of venezuelan families federal authorities reportedly opening more than 100 investigations into crime committed by members of a violent venezuelan gang across the united states senator we know dealing with that venezuelan gang in new york as well, what are you seeing in terms of the impact of this
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open border in your state. >> okay. first of all all 50 states now are effectively border indicates biden administration throne gates open invited people flying them around the country, one of the reasons why we need some reformer legislation a bill i entered valid act that they can't enter the country on a flight destined for united states can't fly from one city to another city without a valid former government id like american citizens can't do that using cdp 1 mobile act what denver is doing sending 2000 or so illegal immigrants from denver to salt lake city could never have happened if valid act were law i tried repeatedly to pass this day democrats objected we need to push back also push back on administration, knowingly wilfully intentionally
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inviting people in, bringing them in, bringing them in and then keeping -- keeping them moving from one state to another, because even the states and cities that have called themselves sanctuaries are now getting tired of them. and partly because venezuelan other countries sending all least desirable criminal elements into the united states through drug cartels horrifically has to stop with the border enforcement, joe biden has all tools at disposal to stop it he refuses to do so -- >> it is not stopping we can't just keep saying this is happening, over and over again, it is not stopping. what are you going to do about it? we are here five months away from the election are we going to see illegals votes in the presidential elections somehow? >> i fear that we will, an virtually certain going to happen i have done everything i know how to do remember we don't have the ability to
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enforce the law it is one of reasons i have introduced legislation the save act if democrats really did not want illegal aliens to vote in the election, they would agree to pass save act today they are blocking it prohibiting it preventing valid act say you've got to show approve of american citizenship when you register to vote in united states of america the democrats won't allow that to happen. so this is one of the perils of having an executive branch one of the perils that we face. if you have a president unwilling to enforce the law you are going to have absolute lawlessness chaos, that here is their design it is tragic. maria: that is exactly what we're seeing across the country senator lawlessness and crime, you and wyoming senator lummis do you agree a bill to go after federal communications commission i want to ask about this as well you say they are meddling in flekz you take issue with fec proposed regulations on
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artificial intelligence campaign advertising, announced a few months before election tell us more about this. >> what is going on senator. >> yeah. look. everyone is opposed to ai being used to facilitate fraud that is not what this one is about. in the middle of an election cycle, they've come up with this rule, that requires imposes onerous restrictions on any use of a.i. in preparation for political campaign, the disclosure that have use. regardless of whether it is fraudulently regardless whether creates some kind of a false impression, doing it mid election cycle not in order to eliminate fraud, but rather in order to meddle tamper with elections, senator sin that a loomis and i to stop that from happening can't change rules in the middle of election cycle presidential election year.
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>> really hard to keep up with all this political tricks underway. i mean, before this election, senator. >> indeed it. >> is senator great to see you he as always we so appreciate your work we will be it thank you, sir. . ♪ . senator mike lee we'll be right back. .
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shut down system writing to customers out of caution proactively shutting down systems no time frame for resolution dealer systems not available today at a minimum, car dealershipships struggling to close deals after they were originally, whether it was released who is behind attacks. >> florida company robbed dropping off son at a college in oakland california parked rental car a block from private university before going to restaurant to pick up food left five suitcases inside car then returned to the car 15 minutes later and find windows smashed in, glass everywhere, all of their belongings including identification, and 3,000 dollars cash stolen dropping
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kid off at school had a lot of money after the incident florida family decided to pull son from the california school and bring him back home, because of safety concerns. all this, as the oakland mayor is set to face a recall election in november, over the city's crime crisis first mayoral recall in oakland history if you live in oakland you know you can't leave stuff in car if you live in florida don't know that going somewhere for independence day plan accordingly more than 71 million people expected to travel 50 miles or more during july 4, setting a new record, surging past pre-pandemic numbers aaa predicting 85% will drive 8% flying 6 1/2% taking other transportation aaa says with summer vacation in full swings more taking
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extend trips anticipate this july 4th busiest ever additional 5.7 million people traveling compared to before covid that is unbelievably. so is this. ferrari reportedly planning to offer first ev, for at least 535,000 dollars, base price 535,000 dollars ferrari expected to launch ev late next year company says the price reflects confidence ultra wealthy drivers are ready for evs preparing to open a plant in italy will produce this model lift overall output up to a third you are looking at some pictures i know mark likes it likes the wing in the back. >>. mark: i think a great looking car the issue is ferrari like enthusiasts make not like it they like the roar of the engine. maria: are half a million
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dollars for car as soon as you drive to have lot plummeting in value, right? >> so long -- 53 to have,000 dollars in value number two drive that on a road gets flooded like my roads get flooded car will get destroyed. >>, i mark you down as a no, maria. [laughter]. >> thank you lauren, all right. . there you go, no new hikes -- 42 billion dollars investment part of 2021 infrastructure bill act officials wondering where money went ebb in infrastructure package since we haven't seen new internet broadband capacity fec brendan carr posted on x, years later not connected even one person with those funds in fact it now says no construction projects will start until 2025 at the earliest, 2021 administration got 42.4 billion from congress to deploy high-speed internet to millions of americans, no connection, not even one
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person joining me now man himself commissioner senior republican brendan carr commissioner great to see you this morning. thanks very much we talk every day about spending that this administration democrats did last four years one of the spending was infrastructure bill. what happened to the money? how come hasn't been used to deploy more broadband? >> president biden generated headlines about infrastructure laws passed but many ways defined as failure to launch, weeks ago headlines came out that 7.5 billion from that 2021 law to build nationwide ev charging stations resulted in only seven or eight charging stations built people thought bad that exact same law has 2.45 billion dollars to extend high-speed internet to millions americans slash forward to today zero americans have been connected in fact, not even single shovels worth of dirt turned
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there is a reason biden administration efforts are hardwired, to fail. because what they're doing pursuing not just connecting people but dei imitatives included in 42-billion-dollar plan ruled for dei climate change, labor preferences a relinquish lizft of priorities. >> i spoke with eric schmitt yesterday working on this said that one of the issues was all dei requirements as you just said one dei quota complementing climate action plan also prioritizing the hiring of convicted criminals. is that right? >> yes, that is right preferences in there for what they call justice impacted works just taking the eye off the ball for what americans want they want shovels turning high-speed internet worse than this, back in trump years we had a deal with starlink elon musk's operation, to deliver
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high-speed internet to 640,000 rural americans for eight hundred million dollars biden administration revoked that award replaced it with this promise of 42 billion that hasn't clifford anything there are instances other federal lawyers not just 42 billion are going into the ground some is okay, but in other respects they are bling out dollars on penny over building many cases, existing broadband networks rather than focusing on communities that have zero over zero, per second. >> senator schmitt told me the tax -- running afoul of congressional direction leadership, says states by statute submit plans that follow rule of law, and the sec said not satisfiable they have to resubmit plans they want the regulate broadband rates what is going on with that. >> they've gone beyond l.a. congress passed in 2021 senators have christian
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consumers department saying you are layering on requirements not in law putting in bids tbusiness business enteen process there needs a correction president bidenor somebody to say we have to eliminate, all these dei requirements have nothing to do with getting shovels turning. >> is big tech agenda out of the administration, really a climate change what are your thoughts on big tech agenda you have known proposed heavy regulations on ai also spoken out about sociacensorship. >> boil down one word "control" to control free throw of information speech on internet you can see in new initiative to call any video effective cheap fake you can see in latest by fdc, dnc said
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worried falling behind the trump administration, republicans in use of artificial intelligence, in political ad then stepped in where i work they would proposed a sea change in the regulation of political speech right on eve of election, by regulating use of a.i. through you disclosures in political ads, it was written to them saying outside jurisdiction authority doing this i can doing everything i can to stop that from taking place. >> incredible before you go, you are obviously, the federal commission's federal commission commissioner, i want to get your take on these fakes, because we saw several provides obama with hand on biden taking him will off stage giorgia meloni pushing biden back after he wandered off singing on juneteenth celebration biden sort of frozen up have you seen fakes?
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all those videos as far as i snow are real where are cheap fakes the white house claims all over the place. >> i said is a while ago trump disinformation is new disinformation what is happening people slapping labels on political speech, advertisements not because worried people are misled but worried they are going to be effective. maria: there you go, commissioner great to see you this morning. thank you, sir. >> thanks brendan carr joining us. we'll be right back. . there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way.
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do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. new york republican lawmakers say 41 criminals convicted of killing new york police officers have been released from prison since 2017, released former nypd deck is calling to make the killing of law enforcement official a federal crime, he is looking to unseat democrat senator kirsten gillibrand in office since 2009 thanks very much for being here you are trying to unseat a kirsten gillibrand in office since 2009 how you going to do it. >> i being a former detective people say who are you running gains i say you can't pick her up missing in action we need to hold represents accountable there is no accountability for things she hasn't done. that is great state great
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platform we need to talk about it get our constituents involved. maria: i want to ask about illegals in new york because this has become a hotbed for illegal immigrants the illegal immigrant accused of raping 13-year-old girl queens park arraigned on 11 charges including sexual assault kidnapping admitted to videotaping the act raped girl, 13-year-old boy using shoelace you know this park. >> i grew up in queens, patrolled new york city 20 years, a park you want to send kids in, it is apple thet thaik we have could be alternative about children going to play in a playground this is so brutal act, a man 20-year-old man raping 13-year-old girl tying up boy she was with, and then going out buying drugs afterwards,
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he confessed yesterday to video taping how sick can you be we have illegal immigrants living in hotel down the block in shelters, it has to stop we have to have zero tolerance. you are a former detective you are running for the new york set a senate why don't you tell our audience a little about you why you think you should be a member of the u.s. senate. because people don't know what you want to do should you get in office. >> well, maria i was a detective new york city for 20 years retired 24 years ago, starred small business squad security a global country over 800 retired active law enforcement officers throughout country i had a company in europe just sold, i think time to get back give back public service a good thing to get involved start helping people hold people accountable for common sense not talking about common sense anymore things have gone so far both directions we need to
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get back to basics i look at economy i remember mother sending me home to bring home six eggs somebody will say can i have like two eggs i worked three jobs as cop to put kids through college, high school, everything else i think it is important, we just get back to quality of life things, basics giuliani, bragg's administration -- we got back to quality of life started at bottom workabled up have to save city save the state save our country. >> thanks very much for being here. we'll be right back. .
8:57 am
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9:00 am
maria: welcome back. 30 minutes away from the opening on wall street. take a look at futures this morning as we approach the opening after a holiday yesterday. dow industrials down 40 points, nasdaq up 68. mark tepper, final thoughts. >> initial jobless claims came in high her than expected, continuing claims continue to go up. the economy's looking weak. the labor market's looking a little more fragile. maria: real quick. >> i'm excited to see what happens with this presidential debate. i predict president trump is going to school joe biden. maria: jonathan. >> supreme court today, watch the immunity case and the free speech case. maria: great, great points all around. guys, thank you so much. fantastic show today. thank you for joining us. see you again tomorrow. "varney & company" is up next, stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. the markets reopen after the juneteenth break, and th


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