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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ stuart: patriotic song on june 20th, summer solstice, the longest day of the year. 10:00 thursday june 20th, straight to the money, green across the board, the dow is up a hundred, the s&p up 30, the nasdaq is up 53, that rally continues. the 10 year treasury yield had been going up earlier today, still going up, above 4. 4%, the price of oil 80 one, 82, eighty two twenty seven right now. bitcoin 65,000 and change, 65-2 to be precise. that's the markets and now this. lock her up, lock her up, remember that from the first trump presidency, the crowd wanted to lock up hillary clinton. donald trump could have tried to do it but he didn't. this is what he told fox and friends.
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>> i felt, i could have done it but i felt it would have been a terrible thing and then this happened to me. i may feel differently about it. stuart: a slight into of retribution right there at the end, the left jumped on that. it is what they need to stoke a climate of fear. look what he's going to do if he gets back in. here are our old favorites from the view. >> there's been a lot of talk about trump seeking retribution, he is so vindictive that he will go after, however he has to, through the irs maybe your even through sponsors to get us off the air may be. how seriously should we be taking that? >> i don't think anybody is safe. stuart: don't think anybody is safe. they don't really believe they are going to be locked up or taken off the air. they are playing to biden's
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theme which is the president is defending democracy and trump is attacking it. how conveniently that ignores president biden's politicizing of the legal system with his lawfair, that doesn't help democracy nor does the student loan giveaway denied by the supreme court or the immigration laws trampled on for the migrant invasion. wait for the cnn presidential debate. expect a very big role for january 6th. this won't stop. the left is basing much of its campaign on defending democracy. it is trump hatred basically creating a climate of fear it good knowing the real dangers of a second biden term or should i say the near inevitable presidency of kamala harris. second hour of varney just getting started. kaylee magee white, i say this
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to left is stoking irrational fears to beat trump. what do you say? >> you are right and it is because the only thing they have to run on. the risk for democrat is they are asking like the boy who cried wolf and have been doing this since trump came on the scene 8 years ago or every time he says something or does something. they claim this is the end of democracy. this is the end of our judicial system. most voters don't believe that anymore because they claimed it one too many times and nothing of the sort of which they warrant has actually occurred, democrats seem to forget trump was already president for four years and democracy is doing just fine, people head to the polls in november and will make their choice and democracy is going to survive even if trump wins another election. stuart: a new fox poll shows biden is leading big time with women. he's got 58% support compared
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to trump's 40 one%. is that because of trump's convictions and the situation with stormy daniels? >> could be part of it, abortion is another big issue. although biden is doing better among women he is performing worst among women voters since any president in 2004. he's lost 8 points support among female voters since 2020 so trump could still make up some lost ground among suburban women because women like myself are not single issue voters. democrats seem to assume the only issue we care about is abortion when in reality we care a lot about inflation, we care about the economy. we care about illegal immigration. those are all policies trump does better on than biden. when we head to the polls in november we will be thinking about the entire picture, not just one issue. stuart: how could trump come back with women? i know he is down less now than he was in 2020 but how does he
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come back to a position? >> it is simple. focus on the policy. women are turned off by trump's brashness. they will be turned off by biden pointing out is a convicted felon. the more trump is able to turn the focus away from those personal things and focus directly on the policies is that will make a difference at home for women the more they will support him. reminder women what the economy was like when he was in office before biden won in 2,020. remind women their grocery bills used to be 30% less expensive. those things will make a difference. stuart: how do we explain biden leading in the polls, nationwide paul, biden is leading. how do you explain that? >> it will go back and forth a lot between now and november. trump's conviction has made a difference for biden. we have this debate next week and that could change a lot. we can see another flash back
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to trump going out in the polls depending on how biden performs. a bit of turbulence is to be expected. trump is making significant gains among demographics that matter including women especially black and hispanic women, young voters like myself and he has reached the point of support among men he was at in 2016 which is another significant tell which direction this election is headed toward. stuart: the debate will be important. see you again soon. one collar on a popular radio show had some choice words for democrats. neil: charlemagne the god's show, this person who goes by the name israel said they are not buying what democrats are selling. >> by the line item, everybody can see joe biden is 81.
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doesn't mean you are capable to run this country. we see what is going on. you could tell us it is not happening but we see it. we are living it. groceries at the cash register. put paint on my leg and tell me it is raining. lauren: i've been at the cash register cannot put that back and say that's not worth it, where did that price come from? he is saying a lot of voters are thinking, stop telling us what we are seeing and experiencing, another caller said both of these candidates are too old and proposed an age limit on the presidency. that limit was 60. >> check the markets, 37 minutes worth of business, the thousand 128 points, nasdaq up 32.
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adam johnson with me this morning. how is the ai rally different from the bubble, i will call it? >> it is bigger, and valuations today are so much less than they were in previous bubbles. when i say it is bigger, john chambers, former ceo of cisco yesterday due to comment about the ai rally, that he said the potential for a i is ultimately larger than the combined impact of e-commerce and the cloud which are the two biggest developments to come out of the internet the past 25 years so that's powerful. it's perspective, not just check gp tree wrote my reporter made my text cute. it's an engine on a boeings the 777 it sends a message ahead to the airport where the plane is going to land in 3 hours, this sensor tells us this fan needs to be replaced or it will
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predict it in advance. law firms using ai to actually proofread contracts. there been studies where ai can proofread an employment contract in about 30 seconds were takes a group of lawyers anywhere from 70 to to 95 minutes. that is what john chambers is talking about. as for evaluation, the nasdaq trades 30 times forward earnings. in 2,008 it was 70 and back in the bubble it traded 200 so we are nowhere near that. >> a very political season, the debate and conventions and polls all over the place, do investors want trump to win this election? >> i think the short answer is yes, the market has been reflecting that. morgan stanley created two baskets come of the trump wins basket and biden wins basket, very different type stocks. in a trump basket you have the
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banks because a trump presidency is lower on regulation. the trump basket has been beating the democrat basket for four months and even after the convictions it accelerated which is fascinating because the polls as you were discussing may be going the other way. stuart: a quick question about the treasury market. one year treasury, 5%. >> that's why it makes, there is, 5%. i invest in stocks and look at a 5% yield and that's pretty good. if the fed lowers rates as i expect they will. 5% return today's down 475 and 450. bison two years and 5 years,
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all those rates come down. >> lauren looking at the movers. >> from 293. this is the future of tesmer. robo taxes will be mainstreamed by 2040. is that earlier late? stuart: this is late. >> they expect a lot of competition so we won't expect the idea of a robo taxi until 2040 and at that time this won't be elon musk's overkill. stuart: look at boeing, they were hit badly earlier in the week. family members of those crashes. lauren: at the testimony by congress. family members say boeing
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should face criminal charges for the two fatal crashes five years ago and asked the department of justice to find them $25 billion plus criminal charges, the stock is half of one%. we want when it is down 174. lauren: a tough couple of years. >> one of the theses that has served me well over time is when great companies stumble, you buy them. boeing is a great company. it is too big to fail. you need it. none of us are happy with lack of quality control they are doing what they can to get back. stuart: it will take the time to get back. stuart: thanks. hollywood's iconic restaurant closing its doors after 55 years blaming california's $20 minimum wage rule.
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one lawmaker wants to see the face of the $500 bill. another wants to rename part of the ocean after him. are these real proposals? or just ways for republicans to get trump's attention. new concerns iran is wrapping up its nuclear weapons program. a new report claims they could be tripling production of enriched uranium. julian turner has more from the state department next. ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different
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stuart: the supreme court has released two opinions, neither are presidential in the unity. we are waiting for that one. stay tuned.
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the white house canceled a meeting with israeli officials, they were supposed to discuss new concerns over iran's nuclear program. julian, what are these new concerns? >> the us and israeli intelligence agencies have new alarming information about a computer modeling program that iran has acquired that in all likelihood is going to help it build a nuclear bomb and even build it faster. we ask the state department to comment on this, look at what they told us, this equipment iran's record speaks for itself as does its continued failure to demonstrate to the nuclear watchdog and the world that its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful. experts including republican congressman mike waltz say this computer program could be the key that unlocks faster progress for iran to have enough enriched uranium to build a bomb. >> when people talk about a
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breakout in the weeks or months for them to break out, that is having enough fully enriched uranium to have a bomb. this other element, this computer simulation is how do you get the actual bomb form to build the board head that fits on top of the missile. >> there's reportedly some division among officials over exactly what capabilities this software gives the regime but one former national security council official explained it this way, quote, for years now the intel community has assist iran is not actively working to build nuclear weapons. if true, this new computer program would upend that assessment and suggest iran has a shorter runway to a bomb than previously reported. once iran has enough enriched uranium to build a bomb the biden administration estimates breakout time to be a year and 1/2, 18 months to get to a nuclear warhead, the israelis recently updated their estimate
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to be as little as a year. pretty alarming numbers. stuart: none of it is good. thank you very much indeed. attacks from hezbollah intensified along his relapse northern border raising concerns of a wider war in the middle east. james carafans about oh. could this be the start of a wider war? >> not sure it's a water war. it could be another war. it largely signals the israelis are wrapping up military operations against hamas and what that allows them to do is shift their focus to the north. if iran and hezbollah wanted a wider war, they would have started it when the israelis were bogged down in gaza. this doesn't suggest a wider war but there could be a war with hezbollah and we will see if hezbollah takes the signals from the israelis they are serious about defending
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themselves and significant he back down. stuart: if israel goes after hezbollah, that would be a much bigger military operation than what they did in gaza. correct? >> hezbollah has ten times the motor capacity as hamas does, they have a lot more military capability. but all that stuff is within range of the israelis, the israelis nowhere at all is. the terrain between them is tough terrain to fight in. very defensible. so this would not be a decisive conflict on either side. blue one let's change the subject. vladimir putin and kim jong-un side apartment should deal to help each other if either of them is attacked. vladimir putin is fueling his war machine. does he get the money? >> i think it is meaningless. i was just in central asia.
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his first stop was is becca stand. why are you coming here, and he is back will tell you they are never going to build a nuclear reactor. he signs a deal which is meaningless and is -- the vietnamese didn't invite him, didn't know what to do with him. literally this is some weird tour that vladimir putin is on, for what purpose, countries pretending to do something significant and literally entertaining and this is all going on at the height of an offensive that supposed to turn the war around for them and they are getting their butt kicked. it's a head scratcher. stuart: you are not confused. you just don't know the outcome of all this.
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thanks for joining us. come back again soon. now look at this. northrop grumman testing their new underwater naval combat vehicle, the manta ray. i want to hear more about this. ashley: the video itself is remarkably large. we know about drones over the battleground but what about under the ocean. the latest military high-tech weapons capable of working extended hours traveling extreme distances with minimal human contact. the manta ray is on the california coast, report on the prototype have been very positive. the u.s. navy is banking on an crude systems to reduce logistical demands of surveillance and firepower for sailors and marines, the smaller ones are already used in eastern europe where ukrainian forces have
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used them to sink a number of russian ships, future plans call for a us fleet comprising 370 cruise ships and 350 unaccrued visuals. that manta ray is quite big. stuart: as long as is hours. millions of people are under heat advisors from the midwest to the northeast, soaring temperatures could cause major problems for your heart. we've got doctor marty makary on the case. donald trump's conviction had almost no impact on voters. trump surrogate and former attorney general matthew whitaker will comment on that. was he surprised at at all? his next.
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we've always been competitive. yeah... one of us always had to be first. first! first! [continue bickering in background] hold on, guys! [car honk] first. today, we're first together. we love you, mom and dad. thank you so much for making it possible. and now you can finally put yourselves first. vanguard investments and advice. for college, retirement, and all of life's firsts. that's the value of ownership. the all new godaddy airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... ...with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at
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daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking. stuart: this is an alert, there will be no decision on presidential immunity today. that was the big one, won't come today. on the markets this morning, one hour into the trading session and i see the dow up
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140, nasdaq is on the downside, 5 points lower. you brought your stock picks, draft kings, you've been there before. >> i wanted to follow-up. we spoke about this a month ago when the stock plunged 42-35, the illinois senator effectively said we are going to tax draft kings much higher because we can, people like to gamble but the stock is back about $40 again. i told people to buy that dip and i'm telling them again now. the stock trades at 40 pe. that may be higher than the market which is trading at 20 one, arguably double but also growing earnings at 100%, earnings are doubling. i'm very comfortable earning draft kings. more states are allowing betting on sports online. stuart: what do they do? >> this is a company that goes back to 1908, started off as the precursor to manufacturing stuff for what later became
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ibm. they now assemble large computers, design and sample computer systems using the invested ai ships. it to play on ai, 35% of revenues accounted for by amazon and google. they are building the systems for the biggest of the beasts, the stock is trading with a pe of 20 times and earnings growth somewhere 30% to 40% so it backdoor play on ai, trading cheap around $60. stuart: we could use a few backdoor plays and front door plays. >> now we got to be thoughtful about this. stuart: republicans in the house are working to honor donald trump with what could be called symbolic gestures. what are they doing? ashley: all sorts of options being considered including
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donald trump on the $500 bill. a congressional gold medal or an international airport, may be a part of the ocean colleagues was economic zone, which covers all the oceans around the united states. house republican lawmakers are tripping over each other introducing these bills and measures honoring the former president, the gestures largely symbolic but the real goal is to get noticed by trump and potentially get an endorsement. one bill wants to rename dollars international airport for trump. in response democrats have pushed their own measure to name the miami federal correctional institution for trump which a sarcastic poke at his ongoing legal battles. you think they have time for more interesting things in congress. stuart: we all laughed in the studio. if you could be honored in some way like this, what would you
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want? send us your thoughts for friday feedback. >> name something after me your name something after you? stuart: what would you like to be named after you. symbolic support for congress. >> you are getting a midnight garden and i'm getting a vineyard. stuart: next case, new foxhole shows an overwhelming majority of voters said the trump conviction had no impact on their vote. 6% say they changed their vote because but. former acting attorney general matthew whitaker joined me now. welcome back. does that surprise you? >> i don't think it surprises me because i was up at the trial. a lot of americans saw it for what it was which was an overaggressive politicized process with the judge and prosecutor in collusion to jam through in a very. jurisdiction the conviction of
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donald trump. i can imagine the american people kind of let it roll off their backs. there is more serious issues right now. we have a corporate tax cut that's going to expire in 2026, 250th celebration of the country, kitchen table issues like inflation and crime that are front and center for most americans. b1 former obama attorney general eric holder is concerned over the coming decision on trump's potential immunity. he said anything less than a decision that says a president should be held to the law just like any other american citizen should be, anything other than that is absurd. straighten me out for a second. what the supreme court will decide on his presidential immunity for official acts, putting limits on that immunity.
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have i got that right? >> you've got that right. if you listen to the arguments, what you heard is the court wrestling with where to draw this line. all we have is the nixon case regarding a civil matter is that suggested it was a very broad presidential immunity but in this case i am worried that the left because they are always tactful and there's no strategy are going to draw a line like eric holder does which essentially makes every future president make decisions in space of thinking through what is going to happen next, am i going to be prosecuted by the next administration for making a decision that well within my constitutional duties. you are going to see the court much more thoughtful in the impact for future generations and not how it affects donald trump and if it benefits donald trump in the near term i don't
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think the court cares about that because they are thinking what happens for future presidency and how do we maintain the republic instead of what the left wants to do which is to tear down and attack donald trump. stuart: if trump were granted some level of immunity by the supreme court, what impact would that have on his trials and on the election? >> i think the short answer is it will delay the dc matter but i think what the court is going to do is send it back to judge truck and in the district court of dc for her to decide which in the indictment, which were official acts and which were not official acts and that's going to take a lot of time. stuart: matthew whitaker. thanks for joining us, see you again soon. of florida family was robidoux when dropping their son off at college in california. they just pulled him out of that school.
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>> he's moving back to florida where it is safe. the family park the rental car a block from the oberlin college lincoln university, grabbed a bite to eat, 50 minutes later they go back to the car, see the windows smashed and their 5 suitcases, cash and documents stolen in the police didn't help. >> we call the police and they said they can't come. have to come to the station. i said sir, we don't know where the station's, we just got robbed, we don't know the area, we are afraid. can you help us? they said no, they can't come. >> i left there for a while. >> if you live in oakland, you know you can't leave anything in your car but that's not normal to have your car broken into like that and the oakland mayor will face a recall election in november because crime in oakland has gotten so
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bad that carjackings are happening multiple times a day. stuart: big difference, thank you. now this. a former obama fundraiser is so fed up with the left that she's now backing trump. she is telling her democrat collectibles worth millions of dollars, she's got to tell us what led her to the breaking point and that is coming up in the 11:00 hour. company funded by the pentagon wants to feed our military lab grown meat. they claim it would reduce the carbon footprint of the food production process. cattle farmers and some lawmakers have a problem with that and we have a report on it next. ♪ ♪
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call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. so if you have this and want less out-of-pocket costs... and more peace of mind... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement plan. take charge of your health care today. just use this...or this to call unitedhealthcare about an aarp medicare supplement plan. stuart: a pentagon funded nonprofit is reviewing plans to
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could lead to feeding our troops lab grown meat instead of digitally, they said reduce the mysterious carbon footprint. lucas tomlinson joins me. tell me, what are the cattle farmers saying about this? >> cattle men are not happy about this. the issue is in the political arena and governor ron desantis banned the sale of lab grown meat in the state of florida. >> these will be people who will lecture the rest of us about things like global warming, they will say that you can't drive an internal combustion engine vehicle, that agriculture is bad, meanwhile plot flying to davo's in their private jets. >> the national cattlemen's beef association says, quote, outrageous as a part of defense is spending millions of taxpayer dollars to feed our heroes like lab rats. desantis has supports from
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democrats like senator john fetterman who says as some dude who never served that slopped my kids i stand with our american ranchers and farmers. codecs say lab grown meat is not been vetted and is harmful to the environment. >> they put it in stainless steel bioreactor, pump it full of chemicals and hormones to get it to replicate and pull out a meatball and call it lab grown meat. there is no long-term health studies on this. lab grown meat may be 20 times worse for emissions than actual natural meat. defenders of the lab grown meat say millions of animals will be saved by switching to this new diet. >> that requires energy and resources. the idea is you can make meat for people, clean, safe,
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healthy meat, without using a third of our planet and these animals to do it. >> notable the pentagon has not put this in player. troops in the field are still eating meat. some critics are saying they don't want the armed forces treated as experiment or creatures. stuart: good stuff, see you again later. then there is of this. the iconic arby's restaurant in hollywood forced to shut its doors after decades in business. they couldn't afford a $20 minimum wage rule. do i have that right? ashley: as always, yes, talking about the family owned restaurant in hollywood, has the giant cowboy hat sign, been there for 55 years but now shutting its doors, blaming california's $22 an hour minimum wage law. they call it the final nail in the coffin. they were battling rising
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inflation, food cost, the way take a step too far. it's the latest restaurant to close since the state boosted the minimum wage, it went into effect april 1st, to $20 an hour from 16. other popular chains including mcdonald's, burger king, wendy's, chipola, starbucks, have all been forced in the golden state to hike menu prices. some by as much as 8%. there you go. the consequences of $20 an hour minimum wage. stuart: thanks. some young people we are told are ditching stocks and other traditional investments going to collectibles. >> sneakers, cars, watches. 94% of jen's the and millennials are collecting these items.
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according to bank of america and they find just 14% of young people view stocks as the best opportunity for growth so they are diversifying their portfolios. it is shocking. it a different generation. i am closer to them that you are. with when you can't trust the stuff, 92%? >> a high school senior who still knows every thing. of the one we are flat a lot of time. i would love to pursue this but we can't. next case. climate protesters vandalized stonehenge with orange paint. these vandals think they are going to raise our consciousness, they better think again. that's "my take" top of the hour. travelers don't seem to be bothered by the string of safety incidents on commercial flights, airlines are gearing up for record-breaking the summer travel. grady trumbull has a report from reagan national after this. ♪
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stuart: fourth of july weekend fast approaching many of us
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will be getting out of town. grady trimble with the second reagan national. reagan national. how many are expected to travel this year? >> 70 one million americans are expected to travel somewhere over the entire fourth of july week according to aaa, that's the most ever they say. the vast majority of people are going to drive but a record number will also get on a plane. nearly 6 million people are expected to fly, 7% from last year. it's a precarious time for the airplane and airline industry with all the problems boeing is facing but folks i talked to don't seem deterred by that or deterred by the threat from american airlines flight attendants to go on strike potentially later this summer. part of the reason they are not bothered is airfare is down from last year. the travel booking apps hopper says domestic round-trip tickets are down about 18% for
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fourth of july weekend and if you are planning a big trip to europe that weekend those round-trip tickets are down 37%. on top of that a lot of consumers are still choosing to spend their money on experiences over things. >> the younger generations, the prioritization of travel expenditure is not just a post pandemic trend, it is the way they view their finances and discretionary spending and they will continue to prioritize trips, vacations over things like buying homes, buying cars until they are much older. >> hopper says we are seeing the rise of what they call leisure travel, the combination of business and leisure since so many people can work remotely they choose to do it from exotic locales. stuart: why not? thanks very much indeed. the northeast and midwest are dealing with scorching heat. some areas reaching one hundred degrees, temperatures like that
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lead to increased risk of heart problems and dehydration. doctor marty makary joined me now. what are the signs of dehydration? >> think of those at high risk who don't have air conditioning, their heart rate goes up. they are sweating. there's something called insensible loss of water which means you don't realize you are losing water as quickly as you are and people need to drink frequent. blue when you get a headache? >> absolutely. headache. the entire constellation of symptoms consistent with feeling lightheaded, exhausted, that's a warning sign of dehydration. stuart: i am told you that your urine gets darker when you're dehydrated. is that another telltale sign? >> and most people yes. it's a later stage because your body is trying to conserve water so your urine is less deluded, those are all signs,
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not ominous signs but indicators you are approaching dehydration. stuart: 50 conservative groups want house republicans introduce a bill to block the use of diversity, equity, and inclusion as a measure in medical school admissions. how big a problem is dei in medical schools? >> most medical schools have five dei deans or officers, most funded by the united states government, in direct grant money, if a researcher gets 2 million the dean will get $1 million in/money. so there has been no enforcement, supreme court can't enforce a rule, that is why they are calling for actions by congress. stuart: if you do a dei statement you have to say how
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you are helping fight for inclusion, diversion and equity. now you don't have to. >> right now there are many ways medical schools are saying we will work around this rule and recruit based on race even though we are not allowed to. stuart: doctor marty makary, good advice on a hot summer day. still ahead, steve hilton on los angeles providing the homeless with 600,000 darla luxury apartments. jack cannot has 's warning about a water war with israel and sheriff mark daniels will join me on why illegal migrant criminals are allowed to walk free.
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10:58 am
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10:59 am
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11:00 am
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