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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 20, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call 1-800-234-7090 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! ♪ larry: tell you what, the war against fossil fuels and this political management of the strategic petroleum reserve is badly weakening u.s. security against our enemies like china, russia or iran. and it's got to stop. and i will hand the baa if on the to over to my friend liz macdonald. elizabeth: thank you so much, larry. that was a great show. always good to see you, my
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friend. right now we are going to get right to fox news contributor tammy bruce. tammy, welcome to "the evening edit." okay, so let's get your take on this, the president reportedly taking a full week the prepare for cnn's presidential debate, an hour. that tammy, we're going to show on camera what d.c. insiders, democrats, people when who have been in the white house are talking about now, how dramatically different president biden looks and how he's aged. but the white house and democrats, his backers at places like msnbc say this is not a problem, biden's on his game, voters should not worry. what do you think? >> it was a problem in 2020. it was a problem when they had to hide him in the basement. it had nothing to do with covid. i mean, come on. you're running for president. so we knew -- and it was almost like we were all suspending kiss belief at that point where you just -- disbelief -- where you just choose to not have to deal with it because it's too scary. but they've started this way. this is why it seems strange to people where they won't admit
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it, but this was the problem in the beginning. it now is just maybe a little bit more obvious. and they can't hide it as well. so it makes all the sense in the world. from the start he was supposed to be a mascot, and there is a bureaucracy that really believes, liz, that we don't -- that america doesn't need a president, it needs a bureaucracy, that they're the ones running the country, they're the ones who make everything happen. and they thought they could do it again. and this was their chance. and, boy, did they take advantage of that chance. they have set everything on fire, and they probably don't understand why, because they're useful idiots. everybody's future is on the line. it is not just embarrassing, liz, obviously, it is fodder for our enemies. putin is going to north korea -- [laughter] to, like, align with them. then putin goes to vietnam. and you know why that happenses? because there's no american president. america is not here. and bad guys everywhere are just
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joining up, and they are ready for more, and they're going to do more before we have a change in january. elizabeth: you know, tammy, to polls show trump is leading biden in the swing states in a new ipsos poll by about 5 points. a new sienna poll, trump is gaining on biden even in the blue state of new york. but, tammy, the white house has been doubling down, attacking media for reporting on the unedited footage coming in daily. we showed footage of joe biden slowly getting into an suv as the secret service agent stands behind him to make sure he doesn't fall down. tammy, isn't this a question -- instead of attacking the media, should the white house just show everyone their claim this footage a are cheap fakes, are altered to back up their claim? should they show their proof of of that? >> there is a cheap fake, i have to admit it, and it's if the biden presidency. that's the cheap fake. now, what's dangerous about this approach is, one, it exposes the contempt they have for the
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average american citizen, for the voters. it shows you the degree to which they will go to lie. in other words, literally, liz, they're saying don't believe your eyes. and, obviously, the bigger problem is, you know, this a. a.i.-generated deep fakes videos that we are warned about that we've seen sometimes where it looks like it's real but it's not, that's a genuine problem. and there's a guy facing 13 felony counts for doing it with joe biden's voice during the primary season. i think it was new hampshire. so this is a serious issue. when you blame something that has nothing to do with the videos we're seeing about joe bide, it diminishes the trust the people have in the argument that deep fake videos are real and that they're serious. so there -- just like with vaccines, you know, people now we're worried about vaccines because of the she shenanigans with the covid vaccine. they're willing to burn it down simply to try to escape the
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reality of what they're facing. elizabeth: you know, let's show it again. the white house answered to all this, what you're talking about, tammy, is demanding the media show the longer take, the full video of biden in italy. we're going to show it again. it's worse than realized, the longer take, tammy. you can see from the point where the skydiver landed that the italian prime minister and european if commission president appeared concerned. biden was wandering away. the italian prime minister walked from the left across the crowd of g7 leaders because she felt the need to pull biden back by the arm. so, tammy, when you see the longer take and you see how the other world leaders are present in the moment but biden looks frozen, staring, isn't it right there for everyone to see? >> yes. and that was what was especially embarrassing. ma if caron says something to the e.u. representative -- macron -- trudeau was there. of course, maloney -- meloney, the prime minister of italy was the host. she is not turning her back to
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her other leaders as she gets back over to biden, so she walks backwards towards him because everybody looked like they knew something was happening, it was wrong. none of them wanted to do something. they looked kind of shocked and embarrassed. and thank goodness for this great italian prime minister. she's fabulous and a conservative. she handled that with aplomb. but everybody else was, i think, quite disturbed and at least nervous about what had to occurred. elizabeth: yeah. >> so their argument that you've got to see the whole thing, it gives the impression -- and they said cheap fakes and deep fakes -- that this is, none of this is real. the fact is that they know it's real. this was their first inclination, was to lie even more to the american people. but our lives are at stake here. this is not just about an election, it's about the future for the american people. elizabeth: tammy bruce, come back soon. great to have you on. >> thank you, ma'am.
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elizabeth: let's welcome back former federal prosecutor katieture kousky to handle this news, thanks for joining us. what do you make of this breaking news out of "the new york times" and axios today that judge aileen cannon refused to step down from the trump classified documents case after two judges pressured her to do so when she was first assigned to the case? in other words, turn it over to another judge, that the optics of her on the case would be bad. what what do you think? >> well, ultimately, judges have wide discretion to determine if they are conflicted in some way with, and so judge cannon made the decision that she could remain on the case despite her involvement in the earlier pretrial session of that court. so, obviously, there's been a lot of discussion about judge merchan not recusing himself. ultimately, the question about whether a judge made an appropriate decision will be left up to an appellate court if there is a conviction -- elizabeth: why would judge aileen cannon have to recuse
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herself or the step down in any way? we understand she was appointed by trump. there was talk, you know, the other judges -- "the new york times" was saying they felt she wasn't appearanced.. -- experienced. what were the other issues? >> not specifically enough to step down, and i think she made a very clear decision that that was not justified under the law. but, ultimately, any judge's decision to not recuse themself if an appellate court later decides that was in error, it could risk a conviction that occurs in a case. but the judge in this case obviously, there was no reason aside from political animosity to suggest that a she recuse herself. there was nothing raised that would suggest any sort of conflict of interest that would be disqualifying for her. elizabeth: you know, it's interesting, katie, so the judge is about to hold a hearing on whether special counsel jack smith's office is unconstitutional because he was never confirmed by the senate. and in other words, that he has more power than more than about
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eight a dozen u.s. attorneys. the debate also is why didn't a.g. garland just pick one of the u.s. attorneys to handle the classified docs case who had been confirmed by the senate, you know what i mean? jack smith was never appointed or confirmed. what do you think? >> well, i think that this is one of many -- no where near going to trial. there are so many novel concerns that need to be resolved by the trial judge before this case can even proceed into litigation. so, certainly, i think those are very valid questions to look at a, how this very novel case came to be aside from all of the other constitutional a issues and the issues with trying a case involving documents. practically speaking, they are a long way off from ever seeing this case in active trial, if it ever gets there. elizabeth: so the media, democrats continue to criticize judge cannon for indefinitely postponing that trial. they're saying she's exhibited hostility to prosecutors. do you see it that way? >> absolutely not. and i think it's very easy to
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forget that a lot of other criminal cases are working their way true the docket cans -- through the dockets across this country, and these delays are very common and particularly in a case like the classified case that has so many other layers of complexity. these delays are absolutely within the norm here, so there's nothing really to complain about aside from judge cannon trying to do her best with a novel if case that is highly scrutinized. with but nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever. elizabeth: okay. the supreme court is about to drop a string of blockbuster rulings including on former president trump, all hanging in the balance, these claims that -- his claims of absolute presidential immunity from prosecution. what are your thoughts about that? how is that supreme court ruling that's expected to come down by the end of the month, how do you think that's going to hit the trump cases? >> well, these are absolutely the most significant thing to happen to the trump cases moving ahead here, especially the immunity case. i've been of the mind all along that the presidential immunity needs to be very broad because,
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practically speaking, when the justices and others start getting into hypotheticals about what a president is responsible for and how they can determine whether it falls on one side or the other of what might be prosecutable, you get into some serious roadblocks there to say the least. so i think that the justices are probably going go a somewhat far in determining that a sitting president does have immunity for many act as that they commit while in office. the question is, to what extent is -- extent is that immunity granted and what is the test to determine whether something falls on one side or the other of the immunity line. elizabeth: katie cher cat sky, we appreciate you for joining us. we'll have you back soon. thanks for joining us. still ahead, congressman cory mills from house foreign affairs, congressman anthony d'esposito, retired lieutenant general keith kellogg, economist ej antoni from the heritage foundation, americans for tax
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reform president grover norquist and gop pollster lee carter. this big topic in the upcoming trump versus biden showdown, who is better for u.s. job growth? we've got a new controversy, a new deep dive into government data again reveals the government job numbers and biden's job claims are inflated. plus, more on critics saying that biden's allies in the press are misleading americans by misreporting, incorrectly reporting on the economy. and we take the on an msnbc legal analyst who claims talk of links between the biden white house and trump's new york prosecution are, quote, racist. there's a house probe into those links now underway. and former border officials slam biden for playing politics on the border crisis. and this news coming in, house homeland security discover the biden white house secretly expanded a major border program
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outside the purview of congress. and another a major new setback for biden's electric car pan kate for america -- mandate for america as trump hammers away from that. and coming up next, "the new york times" out with a brand new warning for president biden, his drop in support among women based on an average of about 30 polls is now close -- the weakest lead for a democrat with women since 2004. it's all coming up on "the evening edit." we'll be right back. stay right there. ♪ (vo) antarctica... you have to experience it to truly appreciate the beauty, the wildlife, the sheer majesty. experience it with state-of-the-art expedition equipment and hands-on scientific research activities, all in exceptional viking comfort.
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serious allergic reactions and severe eczema-like skin reactions may occur. i feel better. check out these moves. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. elizabeth: welcome back. the news just a few hours ago, independent robert f. kennedy jr. failed to qualify for cnn's presidential debate next week. it's officially setting up a one-on-one clash between president biden and former president trump. we've got more new polling coming in to the studio, this time from from emerson. trump leads biden in the swing states of arizona, georgia, wisconsin, nevada and pennsylvania. edward lawrence is at the white house with more. edward. >> reporter: well, liz, president joe biden leaving from his rehoboth beach, delaware, home going to camp david in a couple of hours. we do not expect to hear from him until the presidential debate. fox news polling showing president biden is leading
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president trump by 2 points, 50-48, within the margin of error. but when you look into the fox news polling deeper, president biden has an uphill battle. 62 of people disapprove of the president's performance on inflation, 58% disapprove on the overall my. 63% disapprove of the president's job performance on immigration. of the things extremely important to voters, the future of democracy and the economy the top two. immigration and health care tied for third with abortion at the bottom of that list, but 47% of people saying it's extremely important. democratic supporters say the president will target former president donald trump's character in this debate coming up, minimizing the issues. >> i'd say it's democracy, i think it's about the economy. but we are running against a convicted felon if. and let me finally say that the issue of choice, donald trump's supreme court the reason women have seen their rights to make their own decisions about their body being taken away. >> reporter: republican
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supporters say the debate will come back around to the issues surrounding the way people live. >> democrats need to assume that the only issue that we care about is abortion when, in reality, we care a lot about a inflation, we care a lot about the economy, we care a lot about a illegal immigration. and those are all policies that trump does better on than biden. >> reporter: and that cnn presidential debate one week from today. liz? elizabeth: edward, thank you so much. joining us now, gop pollster lee carter. lee, it's great to have you on. this bombshell out of "the new york times" reporting a new warning for president biden that based on an average of 30 polls, biden's support among women is now the weakest lead for a democrat since 2004. it's dropped 8 points since 2020. lee, what's going on here? why the drop? if i thought democrats were making inroads, and notably it's among black and hispanic women. i thought the big thing was abortion. >> abortion is a big thing in those states where the it's on the ballot. it's not making as much of a
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difference in states where they've already made those decisions. but democrats haven't really made the case on abortion in recent months, and i think the bottom line is this: when you look at the polling, there are some women in the polls who are very, very solid and they're going to vote on the issue of women's rights. but more, many more, are saying i'm much more concerned about a inflation, the economy and immigration. and those issues donald trump is winning. and so even though we're, you know, make no mistake about it joe biden is still winning with women, he's not winning by a margin that would allow him to win. in fact, the polling suggests with this weak of a margin he doesn't have a chance of winning. elizabeth: interesting. >> and so what does this mean for joe biden. i think he's really going to have to turn it on when it comes to women's rights and messaging. can't just be about a democracy, because he's going to leave a lot of votes on the ground this way. elizabeth: there's not a lot of road left on this one. a new sienna college poll, trump is boosted by big gains among
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black and jewish empire state voters. biden leads by just 8 points here in new york. the poll's margin of error, yeah, it's 4%, but that means the race could be even closer even in the new york state of, a blue state, democrats. and this new ipsos poll, trump leads biden 37-35% overall in all a 7 swing states in a head to head matchup, 48-43%. >> and i think it's really important p those swing state polls are the most important thing we can look at. when you're looking at general polls, it's interesting to understand momentum and see if things are shifting. but this election's going to come town to those swing states. -- down to those swing states, and donald trump has consistently won. we've seen a couple of outlier, but we have been seen that consistently. and we're, you know, you just mentioned those polls that a just came in, 'em -- emerson's polls, the average in all those statements donald trump has the electoral college pretty much locked up according to the polls
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at this moment -- elizabeth: could it change in five months? because we know trump and biden are stepping up hispanic outreach in key battlegrounds. so could it change in five months? >> absolutely. of course it could. but the trend line has been holding strong for a long time now. and keep in mind that donald trump was never, ever, ever ahead in the polls in 2016 or 2020. never. he always outperformed the polls, but he never was ahead in them. there were some outlier polls, but not on any of the average as the entire time. so this is really tough news for joe biden, it's no wonder he's preparing for the debate for seven days because that's critical for him. elizabeth: lee, he's losing with hispanic voters. let's show this. watch this. >> he's underwater with immigration, and he's losing a lot of ground with latinos, so it's a hail mary to try to bring them back. because the last three years his economic activities, his economic message and deliveries have been a failure to working
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class latinos, and middle class latinos. >> trump versus biden on who would do a better job of handling immigration, 52-411% -- 411 right now. that's national poll polling shows. >> to me, it's not that donald trump is winning so big in iowa. that's not the story. it's that he's making it close in minnesota. minnesota is a reliable democratic state. it votes democrat in every presidential campaign in poll after poll i see trump within 2-3 points in minnesota. i don't think the media understands exactly what's going on right now. elizabeth: so, you know, what is going on right now? we understand, you and i have talked about it, what does the media not capture here? by the way, another poll, nearly 1600 registered latino voters in the 7 battleground states, 41% trust trump on immigration more than biden. what's going if on with the media coverage of this?
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what are we missing? if. >> there's very much a story of the elites versus everybody else, and elites are missing it because there's a whole group of americans that feel forgotten. they feel like they've been let down by the elites, they feel that the system has a let them down, that the system is rigged, the system hasn't worked for them, and people haven't lived up the their promises. so a lot of people are say, democrats, i trusted them to do all these things, they haven't done it, and so i think trump is the kind of person who's going to fight for us and turn things around. elizabeth: lee carter, come back soon. great to have you on. appreciate it. >> thanks so much. elizabeth: still ahead, congressman anthony if d'esposito from house transportation, democrats are really shocked that even hispanicing voters back mass deportations. we're going the take it on with lieutenant general keith kellogg. but a major new setback for biden's ev mandate for america. a the tesla driver in arizona got trapped in her tesla after it shut down in the heat wave.
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and as i just mentioned, we showed it before, retired lieutenant general keith kellogg, house gop if senators and lawmakers demand dhs chief mayorkas explain why and how isis-linked illegal aliens got inside the united states. and president biden denies playing politics with the border crisis, but critic point out -- critics point out he's blaming trump and the gop for it. that ain't plague. coming up on "the evening edit." we'll be right back.
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elizabeth: welcome back. joining us now, retired lieutenant general keith kellogg. general, it's great to have you on. okay, let's tackle this story. when you hear that 21 top senate republicans had to step up and send a letter to dhs secretary mayorkas demanding he explain why and how 8 illegal aliens with ties to isis got inside the united states, what's your reaction when you hear secretary mayorkas called terrorists,
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quote, people of concern? one of the suspects reportedly caught on a wiretap talking about bombs. the senators include john thune, john cornyn, chuck grassley, joni ernst and shelley moore capito. what do you think? >> yeah, liz. first of all, thanks for having me. look, all of the lights are blinking red right now when it comes to terrorism here in the united states. not only those representatives, but you've got mike turner who's chair of the intel committee, former -- mike morrell, former deputy director of the cia. you've got fbi director wray all talking about the concerns of terrorism coming to the united states. and, look, the reason it's happening is because of open borders. when you look at the amount of people that have come through, we don't know even who's coming in. it could be terrorists that come out of afghanistan or tajikistan or recently picked up six on the most wanted list. when you look at it it could be with from state sponsors like iran, out of the cartels, we just don't know.
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and the problem you've got, liz, is we are really in the united states is target-rich environment. we don't have a lot of the real internal controls, pressing controls on people and their movement. you look at a some the facilities that we have that are really quite vulnerable, look at your transportation systems, your trains, your energy facilities. you look at all these facilities across the board -- elizabeth: stay with me because they were caught in l.a. a, in new york city, in philly, and the senators wrote in this letter that federal authorities vetting these individuals did not detect any ties to isis, but they only discovered these ties later when they were inside the united states. so it truly is an open border senator -- excuse me, general. >> yeah. well, liz, it really is. look, let's go back to 9/11. nobody really, nobody said of those people that were the terrorists onboard those aircraft were, quote, terrorists. they were students that took flay ifing lessons -- flying lessons, and look what happened.
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nobody's going to walk around with a giant sign, liz, that say, hey, hit me, i'm a terrorist. they're not. they're going to go undercover. they're sleeper agents, they've got a greater idea of what hay want to do in the future, and it causes problems with our law enforcement facilities. but that's the way it is unless we're ready for it. elizabeth: president trump called to give his condolences to mother of a daughter who was murdered, watch mayorkas not remembering rachel's name, the mom says they're treating this like another data point. rachel was the mother of five. now five children don't have their mother. watch this. >> my reaction is that it's a completely political statement because they're not even willing to acknowledge if that she was a female, that she was a mother, a daughter. no one's contacted me personally, and as far as i know, no one has reached out and contacted anybody in the family. and to not even acknowledge that
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my daughter is a person or that she's a female or that she's a mother, like, to categorize her as a statistic is just, it just shows how impersonal that they are. elizabeth: your final word, general. >> yeah. remember their names like laken riley. say their names, remember their names. these were american citizens killed by illegal aliens, and we need to know that. it's happening all the a time, and we need to protect our citizens from these illegals that are coming across and causing damage and crime. that simple. elizabeth: general kellogg, thanks for joining us. we'll have you back on again soon. this interesting story, former president trump looking to convince the crypto community to back his re-election campaign. kelly o'grady live in new york city with the story. kelly, this is really interesting. >> reporter: oh, i find it fascinating, liz. because crypto could play a real
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role come november. you've got over 52 million americans now owning the digital currency, and it may matter in swing states. so take a look at some of these numbers. stand with crypto pac, they're signing up what they're calling advocates in droves. as of now georgia and arizona have more advocates signed up than double the gap in votes between trump and biden in 2020, so it's no surprise crypto is a talking point on the campaign trail. now, former president trump is styling himself a friend of crypto. it is a 180 from a few years ago when he called it a scam. now though he's vowed to keep regulators away. >> i will end joe biden's war on crypto. we will insure that the future of crypto and the future of bitcoin will be made in america. >> reporter: president biden are -- will reportedly join a round table next month, and he's been tweaking his messaging to be more crypto-friendly, but he recently angered the community by vetoing a bipartisan resolution that would have limited the sec's oversight.
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>> 49% of eligible voters are either gen-z's or millennials, so crypto is the majority party. i think many of them are very motivated after being attacked and attacked and attacked by the biden administration for the past four years. >> reporter: neither candidate has laid out detailed proposals yet but, liz, i've been speaking with large players like coinbase. the industry is spending a lot of money this election, and their base has the potential to tip the scales. elizabeth: interesting. kelly o'grady, good to see you. let's welcome to the show congressman anthony december to if see toe from house transportation. this shocking story, it's disturbing, congressman. it's a setback to bind's mandate to get everyone to buy electric cars and drop gas cars. this story out of arizona, a tesla driver found herself trapped inside her 2021 is 1 mot shut down while traveling on a full charge. the windows and doors locked up. the driver said, quote, i
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unplugged the car, went to get in my car, shut the door, everything just shut down. she was trapped. congressman, this is a big deal. >> it is a big deal, and it's more of the effects of joe biden and people like kathy hochul. these unfunded mandates that she's putting and he's putting not only on the united states of america, but here locally for me in the state of new york. i mean, there have been no conversations, it's just trying to check boxes. and, honestly, you know, tesla is one of the companies that i'll give credit where credit is due, they have been performing outreach to first responder agencies to try to help train members of not only law enforcement, but the fire service in dealing with accidents when it comes to electric vehicles. i mean, you see that the fdn ny has been on capitol hill for the last six or seven months where commissioner kavanaugh has been pushing for setting consumer standards on lithium batteries act which was passed a few weeks
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ago is and something that was supported in a bipartisan fashion. the issue is real. and, honestly, it's another issue we're facing down here on the south to shore with these mandates of offshore wind, not talking the communities and just going out into our -- elizabeth: right. but i gotta -- i hear you, congressman, but i want to get back to this electric vehicle, tesla, a car just locked up. you know, it's interesting, the main battery that powers the car and then there's a smaller battery that a powers the onboard electronics, that includes the door release and the power bicycle windows. nobody knows there's two batteries. the doors and windows won't work, and this motorist in arizona tried to hook at a her owner manual to find a solution, but the glove compartment wouldn't open without electricity. she had to get on the tesla app and ask for emergency roadside assistance. she didn't know there's a secret latch to open the door underneath the armrest, and she was finally able to get out. but this is -- so people don't know there's a secret latch on
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the armrest? it's on the underside? it's completely unmarkedsome do they even know what they're pushing on the american people when it comes to these cars? tesla's going to fix the problem, but this is a big deal. where are the standards for this? >> it is a big deal and, again, it's what we're seeing coming from the biden and hochul administrations in that they're forcing everything way too quickly. they're not planning for what the outcome is going to be, and we're seeing that in situations like this where people are locked in their a car. we're seeing it in situations where cars are going on fire and first responders don't have the resources they need to put them out. it's an issue that we're nation. but the democrats in this country -- in this we're facing. but the democrats continue to push their clean energy mandates that, unfortunately, they're moving way too quick for us to realize the outcome of it. elizabeth: congressman d'esposito, thanks for coming on the show. still ahead, we've got economist ej antoni and americans for tax reform president grover norquist.
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it's former president trump's job growth versus president biden's job growth on the line in the upcoming cnn presidential debate. that's a big deal. we're finding the jobs numbers have been inplated from the government. inflated from the government and from the president. we're going to get to it. but first, we want to check in with my pal dagen. what have you got coming up? dagen: hopefully, charlie hurt will show up. he would already be here if the electric grid didn't stink, if electric transportation didn't stink and government-run anything didn't stink. we'll have more on that. and also a some fabulous guests. we have monica crowley, steve moore and jason chaffetz on that head-to-head between biden and trump coming up next week. on the economy, on the messaging, on if we have a spending problem in this country, not a revenue problem. and we also have tim sheehy who's running for senate in
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montana on how one touchstone, hot button issue will be the electric vehicle mandate. oh, jon tester, so mad.. top of the hour. top of the hour. ♪ ♪ i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. if you're a grandparent, you know what i'm talking about when your little grandchild starts talking to you. something i couldn't hear for a long time.
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president grover norquist. "the evening edit" debate tonight, job growth is on the line in the upcoming showdown next week. e.j., first to you. your new story, you said job growth was overstated last year by almost 80000,000 -- 800,000 jobs? what's the real number? >> well, liz, what we're essentially seeing is the bureau of labor statistics grossly overestimating the number of monthly payrolls. and not only were these numbers revised down last year, 10 out of 12 months were revised down, but on top of that now we get quarterly census data which is much more accurate than those monthly estimates, and this new data shows that those job gains were overestimated, as you said is, by almost 800,000. that's aboutin every 4 jobs -- 1 in every 4 jobs which now never even existed. elizabeth: that's a huge number, grover. what do you think of this? biden is claiming he created more than 15 million job, but the bls' household survey which
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asks actual people if they have a job or not shows there's only been a gain of 2.44 million workers since february of 2020. >> well, e.j.'s study really a raises questions about transparency in government, whether the bureaucracy is part of biden's effort at a campaign organization rather than a government office. if you also have the question of labor force participation. while the numbers of people being hired can go up, the question is, are there more people in the country? is unemployment, real unemployment actually getting better? are people leaving the labor force and not coming back to work? i mean, what are the other questions you have here? and also we see a lot of the numbers of jobs that are created that they point to are simply government jobs that actually don't produce wealth or -- elizabeth: yeah. it's, like, one out of four jobs
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every month are government jobs, and that's a paid for by taxpayers. you know, the measure of jobs growth in the bls household survey has not been growing at all in the last year. there are actually less people, fewer people employed now than there were in july 2023. so biden's taking off a week to prepare for the cnn presidential debate next month with trump. you know, listen to a voter at trump's wisconsin rally talk about the hardships they're facing, and then watch the has takes from the left on the medie media a getting it wrong about the economy. people are being misled out there. watch this. >> i'm blowing through my savings just trying to keep up. food, electric, gas for my home heating, everything has increased. >> and no matter what side you're on, you've got to recognize the economy and inflation are not in a good place for americans today. >> wait, wait, wait, it's the best economy in many ways. i'm not belittling inflation,
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but this is a very strong american economy. we're leading the world -- >> joe biden's record as a president, he has a very, very strong record. we are the economic envy of the world. >> right. >> doesn't mean our economy is perfect, but literally we are the envy of the world. we've got a better situation than anybody, unemployment rates that we haven't seen in generations, economic growth that any major country in the world would kill for. >> you cannot tell the american people they didn't feel better economically under trump. americans are saying we are going in the wrong direction, and we are. look, under trump we didn't have wars. we had 7 million jobs created, we had prosperity, we had capital market flow being. we didn't have an inverted yield curve for the last 2-plus years. elizabeth: okay. so when you hear the left in the media saying everything's great, you know, e.j., the u.s. is at 11.4%gdp growth. foreign aid to nations like ukraine, biden's student -- student loan bailout blew i out a massive increase in the budget deficit to nearly $2 trillion for 2024.
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there's now a real fear of inflation spiraling out of control. these are estimates out of the cbo. what do you think, e.j.? >> i think things are much worse than what the cbo is projecting as a has been the case for quite a while right now. look, at the end of the day you can only tell people for so long don't believe your lying eyes and empty wallets. there are americans who can't afford their rent, they can't afford grocery, they can't afford transportation costs like gasoline. there's a reason why people are so dissatisfied with this economy, it's because the fruit of the tree of bidenomics has ripened, and voters are not enjoying it bitter taste. elizabeth: final word, grover. when you hear the media tout the biden economy, what's your reaction? >> biden has told us what he's going to do in the future; take our capital gains tax up to 44.6%, twice china's, take our business taxes higher than china's, have a second death tax on top of the one we have now and tax inflation. it's going to get worse. elizabeth: e6789 j. j. an tony,
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grover norquist, we'll do it again. it's great to have you on. we're taking on this story, an msnbc legal analyst claimings that, you know, talk of links between the biden white house and trump's new york prosecution are, quote, racist. we're going to take it on with congressman cory mills coming up. stay right there. ♪ ♪ (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought!
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let our expertise round out yours. elizabeth: joining us now fl florida congressman cory mills, your reaction to this sound from msnbc legal an analyst, calling house lawmakers -- let's get your reaction. >> he is continues to push a narrative, as i have written it is dangerous. tying the current president to the prosecution in manhattan by somehow alleging that biden administration, the department of justice, was pulling manhattan da alvin bragg's strings through a career litigate or, matthew colangelo. it is factually false and dangerously racist, it
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assumes that da bragg, who is black could not have executed this prosecution on his own without the supervision of a bunch of white elders. >> your reaction. elizabeth: is anyone saying what the analyst claims, we never heard it, we talked with former doj and prosecutors all of the time, is this more my thoughts and opinions are facts. >> that is what it is, we know clear from the msdnc when they get trumped on legal analysis by some of the most thought provoking individuals they try to run to either racism or bigotry or fast fascism, we know that people like letitia james and fani willis anda alvin bragg ran on ideas of going after donald trump, we know judge merchan, i chat in that
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courtroom, he sustained an objecttion without thinking you about todd blanch would object to things not germain on the case, he all above all it, then allow it to continue to point high would sare -- he would say by the way jury, what you heard, strike it from her memory, imagine telling people, don't look at that red car, don't look at that red car, don't look at that red car, what do you think they will do? they will look. that is what the judge was doing, he know he was benefiting, we know his daughter was benefits and one of new york laws is that a judge or anyone who presides over a case cannot financially or their family cannot financially benefit from the case, that is what did is occurring in this kangaroo court. elizabeth: the root of trump prosecution date back to 2018 under house speaker pelosi.
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they wanted to go after his tax returns and family, and stormy daniels, the timeline after midterms biden said they'd would use the constitution to stop trump then ramped up with jack smith, and fani willis and bragg. wasn't there a push to impeach trump before he was inaugustiat. >> i think that is right, it was russia, russia then ukraine, ukraine. they were spying on his campaign, you have strzok and page and corrupt fbi and department of injustice,. elizabeth: congressman thank you. we appreciate it we just ran out of time, good to see you, right now to my buddy dagen at "the bottom line." dagen: good to see you, wish me luck. thank you,


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