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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 21, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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maria: good friday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, june 21st, first day of summer, your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. today, tech pulls back, futures in the red this morning after both the s&p 500 and nasdaq finished lower yesterday. take a look, selling is continuing, just fractionally down. chip stocks are leading the decline as investors question valuations now after huge moves in the past year. mixed story this morning and yesterday's close for tech. we are looking ahead to the second half of the year this morning as markets are winding down the second quarter. european markets meanwhile pulling back, take a look at the eurozone, we did hear from another central bank p yesterday, more rate cuts from the swiss bank, the ft 100 down 78, cac quarante is down 42, dax index lower by 94. in asia overnight, red across the board, hong kong the biggest
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loser, the hang seng down 1 and two thirds percent overnight. migrant murder and migrant crime, i.c.e. confirming the illegal migrant from ecuador suspected of raping a 13-year-old in queens did in fact cross the el paso border in 2021 and was released into the country with a notice to appear and then there's the illegal migrant from el salvador suspected of killing a mother of five, he entered the country as a got away during biden's open border. we are learning about the death of a 12-year-old girl in texas allegedly at the hands of illegal my grants. why isn't the biden administration acknowledging the southern border. fox news bo polls show more americans approve of restrictions on asylum seekers. more americans are fed up with
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illegal immigrants. joining the conversation all morning long, john lonski, political c consultant, tom corbett dylan. "mornings with maria" is live right now. it's time for the the hot topicf the hour. a new poll shows 35% of voters approve of president biden's handling of immigration, they're hammering the plan of establishing parole in place qualifications. they're warning this could lead migrants to aabuse immigration law and commit marriage fraud. mexican cartels are offering vip travel agency packages, worth as much as $15,000, helping illegal migrants sneak into the united states through a stream of underground tunnels. the smuggling has become so lucrative, drug cartels are
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focusing 70% of the criminal activity on getting the migrants across the u.s., mexico border and using tunnels to do so. here's former president trump yesterday discussing the wide open border. >> look at what's happened. we've been overrun. it's an invasion of our country by people, many people come out of jails and prisons, come out of mental institutions, insane asylumsand we have terrorists cg into the country at a level we've never seen before. maria: sounds like what we heard in 2016 from then candidate trump and then in '17 by then president trump. thomas, it seems like everythie said about the border has completely materialized and now it's too late because we're actually witnessing murder of american citizens. >> yes, very much so. it's such a shame that that wall never got built. now would be the best time to have a secure border. they're tunneling, doing all sorts. but the crimes is for someone
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from europe, we've seen this. it's surprising to americans, it's not surprising to europeans, look at stockholm, one of the greatest cities in the world, they imported millions of people from the third world, became the rape capital of the world. this will only get worse. the more they import these people. and it's a scary time for the united states i'm afraid. maria: that's why so many people are worried we're losing the country, john. okay. let's not take the biggest super power in the world for granted. rome was a super power at one point. wasn't it? >> yes, it was. this country right now is being run very, very poorly and i believe the american voter is going to make that assessment known come this upcoming november election. i want to add, you are just touching on you few crimes, a handful of crimes. look at the thousands of young people that died from fentanyl overdoses. maria: absolutely. >> where the fentanyl comes
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over the border. i want to add, this is absolute insanity. it seems as though biden's open border policy is helping to fund these drug cartels from mexico. maria: yeah no, doubt about it. >> they are bringing people across the border, the profits they make provide them with more capital with which they can i'm import fentanyl from china and sneak it into the united states and kill more americans. this is nonsensical. maria: they are making billions, the dangerous drug cartels. the money they're making pales in spare son to the loss of -- comparison to the loss of life. in houston, two venezuelan migrants charged with killing a 12-year-old girl. border patrol released one of the migrants last month and el salvador migrant arrested for the murder of maryland mother rachel moran.
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three migrants arrested in the kidnapping of a 14-year-old indiana girl. a chinese migrant wanted for murder in los angeles, was arrested attempting to cross the san diego border. it keeps happening over and over again. thomas, we haven't heard a peep about any of this out of the administration. yesterday, we saw alejandro mayorkas answer a question. he kept calling rachel moran that individual, that mother. her name is rachel moran. she's dead. >> yeah, very much so. it's such a sad -- unfortunately, i think we'll keep seeing this under they get it under control. they won't acknowledge it, because it's one of their biggest failures. everyone is focusing on the border and they don't have an answer for it. trump is saying we've got to shut the border and a deported 24these people. they're not saying that. they're saying they can say. looks like they'll push towards a bigger amnesty for those already in the country, they're doing it with those that don't
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have green cards. they're introducing crazy policies. what this is about in reality is they cannot win the election with the current american population so they need to to import new supporters. maria: at this point, it's just very hard to come up with any reason, no reason whatsoever to keep this border wide open other than them trying to turn these people into voters. how can you believe anything else? claudia tenney made a stunning comment to us yesterday about what she is seeing and we're going to play that sound bite for you coming up. let's take a short break. we're just getting started this morning. we have a lot on tap. markets are seeing green this week after a rough day yesterday. where is the market momentum going. mark avallone is here to weighs in on markets. markets this week are higher. plus, predictable lack of prosecution, manhattan da alvin bragg allowing b ant anti-israel
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maria: welcome back. let's check markets, the s&p 500 and nasdaq finished lower yesterday after hitting all time highs this week. stocks are showing a built of buyer exhaustion signs, the dow industrials yesterday were up almost 300 points as you can see, three quarters of a percent. even az as tech pulled back. markets green across the board. dow industrials up almost 4%, s&p 500 up almost 15% and nasdaq
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up better than 18% in 2024. we are almost at the halfway point. joining me now is p mark avalloe good morning. what do you think? what is your outlook for the second half. >> good morning. outlook for the second half is more choppy hand it's been in the first half. this really has been a goldilocks market for investors. we had earnings being relatively strong. we had the fed taking their foot off the gas pedal, the fear of higher rates is pretty much behind us. inflation stubbornly high but not going up and the a.i. benefit and the technology benefit to investors, the efficiencies that companies gain and the hopes that that will help bottom lines have all been coming together. but as you know, markets do not just move in one direction. and it's not just the one year, year-to-date number y up 15%, maria, the five year average for
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stocks is now over 15% and that is so far above historical averages, investors might want to get back in touch with the fact that stocks can go in two directions. maria: yeah. it's a great point. and it also has a lot riding on the idea of rate cuts, right? let's take a look at the 10 yer treasury yield this morning. a new poll finds p 46% of americans are struggling to remain where they are financially, the yield on the 10 year right now down 2.7 basis points as you can see. what's your a take in terms of the fed, where rates go next? >> well, there's some fed induced pain out there and that was actually the unintended goal but it is the goal, whenever federal reserve raises rates. people who borrow on credit cards, people who want to borrow for a home, they're the ones that are going to feel it first. the financial pain comes from higher interest rates and we're
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starting to see increases in credit delinquencies and as this expands more and we do think the last home report we saw yesterday where home building is slowing, permits are slowing, we think the policy of the fed is taking its toll and y we're goig to see continued choppy economy through the summer, into the election and the fed will have their hands cussed, in all like -- cuffed, liking waiting until after the election to give the consumers the cuts they need. they're going to have to wait until after the election so we don't see interest rates coming down until november, december. maria: okay. well, real-time rates are down right now. john, jump in here. look at the 10 year, at 4.2% right now and of course we've got a big week of inflation data coming up next week, that's going to play into things, got
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the final read of first quarter gdp out on thursday, followed by the may pce report on friday. what's important to you right now, john lonski? >> i'd be looking at next friday's report on consumer spending. that's going to be quite important. remember that real monthly consumer spending fell by one tenth of 1% in april and given that weak retail sales report, i'm not looking for much growth if any by real consumer spending for the month of may. and that is why that 10 year treasury yield is coming down. the u.s. economy is decelerating. and as the u.s. economy decelerates, it makes room for lower treasury bond yields and an eventual rate cut and the important point here is that rate cuts are not free, they are going to come with a much slower economy and in many cases slower than expected readings on corporate earnings. maria: do agree with that, mark? and if so, how does that play
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into your allocating capital if you see an economy decelerating? >> well, john's right, we did have a short-term dropdown in rates and the market can is is leadingthe fed. my point is the fed is not going to lower rates right now because wage growth is still 4% and inflation is stubbornly high. high inflation hurts consumers. the fed cannot stimulate growth when inflation is above its tar target plus the stock market is all time high with asset prices at all time high. the last thing the fed wants to do is given more candy to wall street while consumers are struggling and suffering from higher places because inflation. john is making a good point about why rates have recently dropped becauses the market sees the pain in the economy. the fed has tied their hands here. we think choppy markets can be beneficial to investors but in all likelihood we would like to
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see them not get over-exposed in stocks right here. bonds can pay you 5, 6% depending on the quality. we think you get paid to wait in good corporate bonds and as rates drop you might get a capital gain opportunity to check your diversification and risk allocation. we could have a bumpy ride this summer. maria: this week, nvidia exceeded $3.3 trillion, is now the most valued company in the world. would you sell this after this huge run-up here or you want to hold it or buy it? >> nvidia does concern me. the prospects for it are real. they have earnings growth. they justified the multiple here to fore but the biggest thing that's missing is that competitors will lunge into the space, people who work at nvidia will go to competitors.
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competitors are going to surface. they're going to come up with their own great product and then there will be pricing pressure. nvidia won't have a monopoly and it's getting monopoly pricing. i would caution diving into the stock right now. i heard it was worth more than the stock market of germany and france. maria: great to get your insights. thanks so much. mark often a loan joining us. -- mark avallone joining us. the migrant crime crisis reaching new levels. iowa congressman zach nun is here with more on that and what can be cl done to close the open border. president trump seeing a boost in the polls for one particular deep blue state as americans are fed up with the illegal immigration story. we've got it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. maria: welcome back. a new survey from emerson college and the hill shows former president trump beating president biden in six key swing
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states. trump is up 4 points in arizona, 4 points in georgia, 3 points in nevada, 3 points in wisconsin, 2 points in pennsylvania and up 1 point in michigan. the poll also finds trump and biden in a dead heat, even, in traditionally blue minnesota. the results of the survey coming after trump's new york criminal trial. a sienna college poll has biden beating trump by single digits in new york. trump currently trails biden by 8 and is boosted by jewish and black voters in new york. a poll finds former president trump leading biden by 18 points in iowa which was once a swing state, obama won iowa in 2008 and 2012. joining me is iowa congressman zach nun, a member of the house financial services committee, a newly minted u.s. air forceful bird colonel. congratulations on the
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promotion. we appreciate your service to our great country. what do you make of the polls where trump is beating biden in the swing states and you've got these deep blue areas which actually trump is quite competitive in. >> yeah, maria, you're absolutely correct here. iowa has traditionally been a swing state. four years ago we were 75% democrat in our congressional makeup. we're now 100% republican, the first time this happened since the i eisenhower administration. folks in iowa the last days of the trump administration could fill up their gas at a buck 63. it's over $3 now. now filling up the minivan, buying milk, it's costing
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$15,000 a year. we have 8 million i'll lee email immigrants that have come into the country, we received 35,000 fentanyl pills south of des moines, enough to wipe out the entire city, this is a weapon of mass destruction. yythis is because of president biden who failed to act. this is an endorsement of trump and repudiation of the failed policies of the biden administration and the lack of ability ability to help everyday americans have a better life, safer life and secure our country, this isn't just a red or bluish shy, this is -- bluish blue issue, this is an american issue of folks looking at a the failed white house. maria: we're seeing the impact of illegal krill criminals in e country. it's the unknowns at the open
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border. it's not that americans don't want immigration. they want legal immigration. look what's going on with illegal migrants. illegal migrant crime exploding across the united states. a migrant from ecuador charged with raping a 13-year-old girl in new york city in a queens part. in houston, two migrants from venezuela charged with killing a 12-year-old girl. border patrol reportedly released one of the migrants last month. the migrant from el salvador arrested for the murder of the maryland mother rachel morin. former president trump spoke to morin's family yesterday after the department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas failed to mention her name. he couldn't mention her name in an interview earlier this week. three migrants were arrested in the kidnapping of a 14-year-old indiana girl and then there's the chinese migrant wanted for murder in los angeles. he was arrested while you attempting to cross the san diego border. even with all of these devastating stories, a federal judges is ruling against iowa
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governor kim reynolds' new law that made it illegal for those that were deported from the united states to enter iowa. the biden administration sued iowa over this. what's your take on all of this. >> a huge salute to our governor in iowa, governor iowa, what sent the national guard to the front line at the southern border. i've been part of that, helped command troops in that situation. we have a federal government who is more intent on spending money trying to sue states than using the money to help pay customs and border patrol the overtime they need to secure our border, to close the wall, things president biden could do today to remain in mexico, end catch and release, the same things he failed to do have resulted in sadly the death of iowans like mollie tibbetts who were killed by illegals to entered the country. if the federal government can't,
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won't, refuses to do its job, allowing local law enforcement officers to protect the country with folks who have been legally detained and then aren't being kicked out of the country even when they're supposed to be, they've become front line defenders. i was able to get bipartisan legislation through the house of representatives calling into question how much money it's costing local law enforcement for the enforcement, not to mention the fentanyl coming through killing americans every day. this is a national crisis left unanswered. i salute those in iowa doing the right thing. hr2, one of the first bills i passed in my opening days to shut the border and secure our done you tri but any bill passed isn't going to be able to be achieved if the president refuses to enforce them or even worse if the president comes after good states like iowa who are trying to do the right thing to protect legal immigrants but most importantly protect u.s.
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citizens who are under siege in places right here in the heart of the heartland. maria: all the more reason to prappreciate and cherish you and all of the incredibly courageous men and women who defend our freedom in this great country. congressman a, this month you were promoted to the rank of colonel in the u.s. air force, you served our country for 20 years including recon missions off the coast of russia and china, following 9/11 you were deployed to the middle east three times where you were part of a combat operation to rescue special forces in afghanistan. tell us about the importance of receiving this rank and congratulations again. >> well, maria, first of all, thank you very much. nobody earns these ranks in a vac kuehl. this is -- vacuum. this is a direct reflection of the men and women i serve with. it's a reflection of the fact that america delivers some of the best security in the world, we're not only peace through strength but we have men and women willing to put themselves on the front line for their country. i'm honored to get to serve with
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other men and women of both congress, we are mission focused, gives us the opportunity to deliver on things. we went into the national defense authorization. my bill was for a man who served and came back home and a his life was lost to suicide. this bill moves forward to help folks like adam lack lambert toe the mental health help. we're help junior enlisted receive the pay increase they deserve, fighting back against china and something called the clarity act to s stop them from stealing technology and reaching out to in in inknow vapors to -- innovators. i was proud to pass thoses
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billsism honored to serve with a handful of members of congress who are serving in a reserve or guard capacity, something we haven't seen since the end of world war ii. maria: consistent p grat cong, congressman. it's an amazing list of accomplishments. we're all proud. thomas, jump in on all of the issues we're talking about. the agenda is out there for everyone to see five months before the election. now you we're talking about murder when it comes to illegal migrants coming in. >> very much. you mentioned his -- biden's polling in the united states. well, i think also it's interesting to think about his reputation around the world. we saw at the g7 him staggering around in front of the world's mead y this is what is -- media. this is what is really showing america up on the stage and what we see afterwards, putin goes to north korea. could you imagine putin visiting north korea under trump? he wouldn't have done it. america's enemies around the world are taking advantage of
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the situation. i think we need trump to come back as soon as possible. maria: and we need our military and our courageous men and women more than ever. congressman, thanks very much. congrats to you. and we'll catch up soon. thank you, sir. stay with us. we'll be right back. >> thanks, maria. glp-1 drugs used in weight loss treatments are a global blockbuster, even with unliked and inconvenient injections. more human study results for lexarias patented oral delivery technology are coming soon. lexaria bioscience. [introspective music] recipes.
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and infrared scanning to view bases or attempt to fly drones over them as ways to surveil military sites. joining me is hudson institute senior fellow, at has organization founder, john taken d.t. ward with me once again. jonathan, how concerning is this, that the ccp continues to try to infiltrate our military installations. remember the surveillance balloon that flu o flew over the country was loverring around military -- hovering around military installations and now they're buying farmland near the military sites. >> that and positioning cyber weapons inside critical infrastructures, the fbi and others have reported. it's pretty clear first of all that in the event of conflict with china they would be able to strike the u.s. homeland, i think they would intend to disrupt and cause havoc here. i think there's enough people on record indicating that at this point. as to the purchase of farmland, the new york post report alleges that two of the major purchasers are actually members of the
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communist party of china. so i think obviously the easiest thing is to force a divestiture of assets in the u.s. by communist party members or affiliates and they shouldn't earn a any money, 10-cents on te dollar, get them out of here. there's no reason for the primary adversary to do that. maria: we're not doing that. we're not forcing the divestiture. >> i know. i've been trying to tell people for many years now about why we should do things, if we want to do things, this is one that seems relatively straightforward. maria: i'm trying to understand the consequences of what's happening realistically because we're not doing that, we're not forcing the divestiture of this. some states have done that. some states have said, no, you will not be able to buy farmland. on a federal level we've not seen this administration do anything so what are the consequences of this?
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you're saying in the likelihood or the possibility of a conflict between the u.s. and china, the ccp would try to attack our military sites because they're so close to it? >> i'm saying that, one, it's pretty obvious this has to do with surveillance, the ability to surveil and a monitor bases, that's something they obviously can do. there are other things they can do that maybe i won't get into here but i think also if you add up the rest of what's going on here, you take the sort of cyber initiatives, the pre-placement of cyber weapons, those sorts of things and the actual chinese communist party doctrine for war with the united states, they would intend to disrupt the home homeland -- the farmland but perhaps this broader program of what they're doing here. it's not just the pacific, it's not just the first island chain. that's not how this would go. maria: it's unbelievable a. you've been so great on this. you brought this subject to our audience so long ago. i want to commend you for that.
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we're now learning that the u.s. and china reportedly held informal nuclear arms talks, this happened back in march for the first time in five years with beijing officials claim thing would not resort to new clear threats over taiwan, the u.s. and china holding high level talks yesterday apparently on anti-narcotics cooperation as the house select committee on china is announcing the formation of a fenced nil policy working group. we need to focus on how it's poisoning american citizens. they say they're working on a policy working group. fine, we just want it to stop. >> well, look, i think the select committee, one, the report they did on fentanyl i would say is the most important thing they did. they have provided evidence to the american people of china's direct role in the subsidies and
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manufacture of fentanyl, including grants and tax breaks to companies that are doing this so i think at this point we understand that the ccp is doing this. this is one of the most hostile acts that ever been carried out against the united states and they're going to need to come up with options now, this is about options and executing options. we need to get this to stop. people are looking at sanctions, that sort of thing. yes, this is a -- we're talking about every year now over 100,000 deaths and as attorney general bill barr pointed out, this is not just a drug crisis. this is lethal. these are lethal a doses, lethal poison, it's really the poisoning of america and the largest killer of americans under 30, under 40 of any kind. so yes, i mean, if we really look -- look at what china's doing to this country. it's become extreme. the soviets never did anything like this, nobody's ever done
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anything like this. and i think all options teethed to be on the table -- options need to be on the table and a congress will have to draw up the options. what can we do to take action. maria: congress needs to draw up the actions and we need to start taking this seriously. it's just unbelievable that you said that, that this has become extreme. it feels extreme. we've never seen anything like this. and we have n now a new fox natn special called underwriting the enemy and i put a spotlight on what could be the greatest financial scandal in history, american investors unwittingly funding the chinese communist party with the retirement dollars. we discuss deterring conflict with china. watch this. >> strategic interest is massive in deterring the conflict. i'm confident we can deter a conflict. this is party that needs the united states more than at any time intime in our had history.
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we have the power to protect ourselves. that's what the american people must demand. >> what about those 60 to 100 million americans whose money it is, why can't they go to elected representatives the, why can't they go to fund managers, their stockbrokers, financial a advisor and say thoe famous words from the movie network, i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take this anymore. maria: that was roger robinson referring to all the companies that are chinese companies tied to the chinese communist party and that -- and the military of china that trade on our exchanges. >> well, right. i mean, we're in a pretty insane situation honestly, maria. at this point the writing is on the wall. and the people that are doing the investing in china, they're going to lose the money. that's something just on a purely financial business level here, this is going to turn out to be one of the worst
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investments for anyone that's participated in this. you look at the video this week from chinese attacks on the filipino naval vessels, using clubs and knives and all sorts of things. why would you invest in this? it's just insane. so to say nothing of the national security risks. i mean, the fact that companies are still there, that we still have major business ties. i mean, i think that's going to have economic consequences to businesses that are going to be the kind of thing that should have been obvious a long time ago. maria: it was obvious to you, that's for sure. >> well, yeah. it's been sad to watch how poorly we've handled all of this and how blind we've been but eventually -- maria: you're right, jonathan. >> reality comes. maria: thanks very much. again, thank you so much for your incredible knowledge and experience on this subject over the years. we so appreciate you. jonathan ward joining me. my new special, underwriting the
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enemy is available to stream right now on fox nation. check it out, underwriting the enemy. quick break and then manhattan dakota alvin bragg letting the columbia university anti-israel protesters off the hook, a look at how much the destructive protests cost the taxpayers coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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6:51 am
maria: welcome back. the supreme court out with a number of decisions yesterday including a decision on foreign investment taxes. lauren simonetti with details now. >> happy friday, maria. the u.s. supreme court upholding a trump era tax on foreign corporate investments in a 7-2 ruling. this means americans are still required to pay taxes on their stakes in overseas companies even if they have not seen profits. the case was based on washington state you couple who invested in an indian company and received a $15,000 tax bill. they claimed their profits were being redistributed into the company and not sent to them. this avoids the larger
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conversation and the elephant in the room about taxes on the super rich and it does double down on president trump's 2017 change to the tax code, justices clarence thomas and neil gorsuch dissented. well, the winkledos twins donated $2 million in bitcoin to president trump's campaign. trump positioned himself as a defender of cryptocurrency. tyler writing on x, president donald trump is the pro-bitcoin, pro-crypto and pro-business choice and his brother writing that trump will put an end to the biden administration's war on crypto. the treasury department's financial crimes watchdog issuing an you alert yesterday to all banks requested that they screen closely for cash flow related to illegal fentanyl production. the biden administration is facing pressure to combat
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fentanyl trafficking as overdose deaths soar. the production of the dangerous drug mainlies takes place in mexico, the chemicals often come from china and a transactions take place through shell companies and cryptocurrencies. hard to track this stuff. last year 107,000 americans died from overdose deaths, 74,000 of those linked to synthetic opioids including fentanyl. it's tragic. manhattan d.a. alvin bragg dropping charges for nearly all of the anti-israel protesters who took over hamilton hall at columbia university on april 30th. fox news digital reached out to the d.a.'s office for comment and they say this. our office is continuing to pursue cases from both campuses including all assaults against police officers. there are ongoing school disciplinary proceedings for the students who had their case dismissed. both campuses refers to columbia and the city university of new
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york. there is a report that protests cost taxpayers $53 million in overtime pay for the police officers that had to respond to the chaos when the schools couldn't handle it. and a poll from the foundation for individual rights and expression finds 80% of americans say vandalizing school property is never an acceptable form of proest the, 72% of americans think campus protesters should face some type of punishment. but maria, the assistant d.a. says, well, we just didn't have enough evidence. what about the police body cam footage, what about the students who had footage of what was going on? they didn't have the evidence. maria: that's unbelieveal, lauren. really. well, maybe the d.a.'s office, they may just be too busy manufacturing crimes for biden's political enemies, john. maybe that's it. they're just too busy manufacturing crimes. >> yeah, again, this makes that convicted felon label placed on donald trump look all the more
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ridiculous. as far as new york city's justice system is concerned, it'sheavily -- it's heavily weid towards politics, put it that way. this is another black eye on alvin bragg's tenure. maria: thomas? >> i've yet to hear of this guy actually charging, it seems more that we hear he's not charging this person, that person. these students are some of the most privileged people in the done you tri, it's one of the best universities in the world, not a cheap place to attend. they like to come up with the ideas, they like to be victims. these are not victims. they're very privileged people. they should be held accountable for what they were doing. maria: so far, we've only heard attacks on trump and we'll wait for the sentencing, july 11th president trump is supposed to get sentenced as alvin bragg lets everybody else off the hook. >> four days after that sense b sentencing is the republican national convention where he would be nominated and that,
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maria, very well might happen while he is in jail. that is entirely a possibility even though he has no criminal record and a he's not a flight risk. this is new york. this is why it is entirely possible that believe it or not, new york could flip red or if not that, that would be maybe unexpected, he can come within single digits of biden. maria: it's amazing, to see them in this tight of race in new york, it's the right point. we'll be watching that. lauren, thank you. when we come back, former assistant fbi director christopher swecker is weighing in on hundreds of migrants from isis hot bed countries crossing the border into america. now they're here. biden's approval rating falling again as trump pulls ahead in six swing states, we've got a look at the fund raising battle in the hot topic of the hour, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
6:57 am
♪ daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking. (♪)
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(luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait.
7:00 am
(marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. maria: welcome back. good friday morning everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i hop you're having a good friday morning. it is friday, june 21, the first day you of summer and it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot


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