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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 21, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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(marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. maria: welcome back. good friday morning everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i hop you're having a good friday morning. it is friday, june 21, the first day you of summer and it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the
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hour. a new fox news poll shows president biden's approval rating at just 45% as former president trump is beating biden in the polls and in the cash battle. a new emerson college survey shows trump pulling ahead in six key swing states, including arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania and wisconsin. and he's even tied in blue medicine sew take. back in -- s minnesota. back in may, former president trump brought in 141 million in donations. thomas, your reaction? >> well, this is great news for president trump of course and i think it was quite funny to see the huge amount of donations he received after a being convicted. i think at a one point they were pulling in about $2 million an hour which of course upset all the democrats, i think the entire charade of fake prosecution backfired on them massively but i don't think in 2016 we ever had trump leading in any of the states, everyone
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thought he had no chance of winning. the fact we're seeing all of these polls, it's looking like this is going to be a hopefully a landslide for president trump, i think we would be very excite todd see that. maria: they need a landslide to ensure it's fair transparent, they say. >> exactly. they need to make it too big to rig is his line, that seems to be where he's going on. but the fact that biden is not pulling in the money like he used to be and the money that he is pulling in, is from hollywood donors, you see him going out there, visiting all the rich people and the liberal world. meanwhile, trump is taking small money from everyday people. i think that shows you which side each of these candidates are on, trump is really out there representing the everyday american man and those people are struggling and that's why we're seeing these polls that are showing biden is not doing well for the people of this country, people are really struggling and trusm is going to show them -- trump is going to
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show him he's going to turn it around and a make america great again seems to be the resounding line. maria: i wonder if george clooney, julia roberts, all these celebrities, does it dawn on them what's going on with the murders from illegal my grajts and got aways. i don't know if they recognize what has taken place as a result of biden policies including the open border. a sienna college poll has biden beating trump by 8 points in deep blue new york. i think this is partly because of the migration story. biden won new york by 23 points in 2020. trump is getting a boost from jewish and black voters. and then new polling analysis shows president biden has the weakest lead among women of any democrat since 2004 especially among black and a hispanic women. he is now polling 58% with black women, that is down 86 -- from 86% in 2020, thomas. >> well, exactly. you know, we're in new york city. you can feel it as you walk around.
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we saw videos of women being punched randomly in the street. the city has become quite scary for women. i can see why. can you believe trump is out there hosting rallies in the bronx? can you ever imagine that a republican candidate would be doing this? i went to detroit to see president trump speak there and it's the same thing. deep republican -- democrat detroit. we might see becoming more and more republican because people are realizing that democrats have not been doing much for the black community and of course the jewish community are finding they are very much on the side of hamas which is very scary for thethe jewish people, so -- maria: john, it's pretty clear there's reason to panic on the democrat side as a president trump goes into these real deep blue regions and is garnering a big crowd. you know, thomas mentioned the south bronx, he also went to new jersey. he's going obviously minnesota and now we're less than a week you a way from the first face
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off between the two, president biden and president trump will debate next thursday. biden won the coin toss by calling tails, giving him the option of podium choice or selecting the order of closing statements. biden chose his podium position. trump will get the final word, john. your thoughts. >> i think in this debate trump has to stay close to script. that's that's going to be very important. when they go the ahead and mention how trump is a convicted felon, trump has to counter that charge by noting how -- a large number of legal authorities on jewejurisprudence say this was a sham trial, think of what dershowitz was saying, others, who think this was a highly politicized charge that has no place the united states judicial system and don't get excited. be calm. don't get angry. try not to get angry, at least
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and don't focus too much on donald trump. relate to the american people how damaging the biden administration has been to the american people both domestically as well as damage biden has done to america's standing in the rest of the world. maria: yeah and thomas, the other day i saw a clip of jay tapper at cnn and he said look, in the 2020 debate trump raised the fact that the biden family took in money from china and from others and biden said he didn't take any money from them. now we know he did. biden lied. so jake tapper said it. i'm wondering if he brings it up at the debate or do you think p cnn basically put that off limits, not allowed to talk about any money the biden family has taken in. >> they won't bring up any of those things. what happened to the fact checkers. remember the fact checkers that were everywhere during the trump administration. they disappeared. i don't think it's fair they're doing this, they're going to
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mute the microphones when the other candidate -- when biden is saying all these things that we know he does wanders off, trump should be allowed to question that but i don't think we're going to see a fair debate but we'll see. we'll see. maria: you don't? okay. we'll see. we're all going to be watching that, that's for sure. a quick break and then the dangers of a wide open border, illegal migrant crime is ramping up, we're talking about it this morning. first, markets pulling back this morning as investors signal buying exhaustion, particularly in the a.i. tech sector. the word on wall street panel is here to weigh in next don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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maria: welcome back. time now for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money j joining me now is former gartman letter editor, dennis gartman. also with me is john lonski. dennis, thank you for joining the conversation. good to see you. >> good to be seen. maria: i want to get your take on the mixed market yesterday, s&p 500 and nasdaq finished lower after hitting all time highs this week. stocks are showing a little sign of buyer exhaustion after a what has been really an incredible year, a look at commodities, gold hovering around 2300 dlardz. you say the market bubble will burst. tell me how you see the rest of the year. >> i think prices have seen their highs for quite some period of time, time shall tell of course. but you had an outside reversal day in the nasdaq and most
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importantly had an outside reversal day and new high and close below the previous day's low in nvidia, the leading character of the bull market we've had thus far so i think we have probably seen our highs. time shall tell. but to me this looks very bubbly, reminds me of the dot-com era in 1999 and 2001. reminds me of the south sea bubble and 14th and 15th century, reminds me of the craze. it's been a one direction street. i think the fact the public has bought into it and we've seen a huge inflow of money the past two weeks into the nasdaq and to nasdaq etfs or nasdaq related etfs and nvidia and high tech etfs, i think that's indicative of a market top so time shall tell but for my own account i'm slightly net short, got a position in the vix bringing to the upside, that usually rallies when markets break and most of my money is in two and three year notes, some of which i'll roll over in the
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course of the next several days but -- maria: i mean, look, we have been waiting for some kind of a pullback, just given valuations, just given this market momentum has been nonstop for the year. john, the parent company of olive garden, darden restaurants, told analysts that fast food customers are shifting to casual dining chains as consumers are frustrated with higherrer fast food prices. used to be you go to fast food because it's cheaper, not so cheap anymore. the may cpi report revealed total food away from home is up 4%. meanwhile, a new poll finds 46% of americans are struggling to remain where they are financially, john. your reaction. you said earlier the economy is slowing. to what extent? >> we're going to have a better indication of what's going on when we get the consumer spending report for may coming out next friday. but i think that there is a real
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danger of a stall or something worse by the final quarter this year, at the time of the november elections, hold onto your seats. that poll you're talking about, 46% of surveyed americans claim that they are struggling financially. this is the first time in a very long while, in years, where the percent struggling financially exceeds the percent whose financial situation is stable. i want to add one things that's very important. that 46% share struggling is way above its average of 25% who are struggling, that's back in 2017, 2019, the three years prior to covid. so this is another problem that the biden administration is going to have to deal with. people are very unhappy. they're gotting clobbered by inflation and being hurt by a job market where these monthly
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increases in the number of jobs is over-stated, perhaps grossly overstating the underlying health of the labor market manu.maria: even jay powell sad that last week, argument made that the job numbers are overstated. what is the message of the market when you see the 10 year treasury yield back down to 4.2%, that's where we are right now. look, we're down almost 3 basis points ahead of a big week of inflation data next week. we'll get the final read of first quarter gdp on thursday, the may pce index on friday. that's the fed's preferred inflation tracker. so dennis, what do you think of that, where rates are right now? what is that telling us? >> we've seen an inverted yield curve for 15 months, that's indicative of a recession. i think the yield curve continues to remain inverted for a period of time. over time, however, the short end of the yield curve will end up moving probably by a year from now we'll probably see it back to 3 and-a-half percent on
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the overnight fed funds rate but i think the long end of the curve will be difficult to bring rates much lower. the long end of the curve rates go higher, short end rates go lower but inversion will main a contain for a period of time going forward. so be careful out there. the fact that you get 4 and three quarters percent on two, three year treasury nets, it's a nice return. that's where i'm keeping my money at this point right now. maria: you see any changes here, thoughts on the upcoming data for the week ahead? >> well, i think it's going to point towards slower growth. i would add to what dennis says, you get 5% interest from money market funds and all also what we want to pay attention to is right now the market value of the entire u.s. equity market is something in excess of $50 trillion, is running at 181% of gdp. i'll tell you something. given where corporate bond yields are, the historical record tells me that instead the
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market value of common equity should be at about 100% of gdp. this is a grossly valued equity market relative to the underlying u.s. economy and when the economy slows down, a lot of us are going to be in for a rude you awakening. maria: oh, wow. we'll leave it there and keep watching the story, dennis good to see you. thank you so much for being here this morning. john, you're with us all morning long. we're grateful. have a great weekend. thank you so much. quick break and then a i.c.e. confirmed the illegal migrant suspected of killing that maryland mom of five, rachel morin entered the country as a got away last year. yes, he got away and then he committed murder. pennsylvania congressman scott perry is here on why the white house fails to take any responsibility for the dangers of the wide open border. then new york governor kathy hochul signing first in the nation legislation to keep kids safe online. we're talking about it coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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maria: welcome back. we've got breaking news this morning, i illegal migrant crime is surging across the up country, u.s. immigration and customs enforcement tell fox news that the illegal migrant from el salvador who is accused of killing rachel morin entered the united states as a got away. he was caught and expelled by border patrol agents three times in 2023. the fourth time he was able to slip through and crossed the border into the united states undetected as a got away. former president trump called rachel's mom yesterday, to offer his condolences to her family. in houston, police arresting two venezuelan migrants for allegedly murdering a 12-year-old girl and dumping her body into a bayou. border patrol recently catching both of the men after they crossed the border but they released them. joining me is pennsylvania
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congressman scott perry, a member of the house freedom caucus, oversight, intelligence and foreign affairs committee. it's good to see you this morning. this is incredible what we're seeing in terms of now murder from migrants and they were arrested but just let back in. and then they were let back in and they committed murder. your reaction? >> maria, most of us are shocked and horrified. of course, we're not surprised. these are unnecessary atrocities that are occurring and joe biden and the democrat party own every single one of them. rachel morin would be alive today, this 12-year-old girl, can you imagine it, a 12-year-old girl, these people would be alive today if not for joe biden and the democrat policies. i mean, this rachel morin, this is bellaire, maryland. this is, i don't know, fairly short drive from where i live. this is not down on the border, this is not inner city.
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this young lady goes out for a run on a rail trail and ends up losing her life in some horrific terror attack. it's all unnecessary. and of course, the biden administration wants to send condolences. meanwhile, today, maria, how many more of these terrorists and criminals are going to pour across the border into the united states and do this to someone else's family? it just continues. and they say -- it doesn't matter what they say. it doesn't matter. because rachel's never coming back. that 12-year-old girl is never coming home. maria: you know, i'll tell you, instead of actually acknowledging what has happened here and offering condolences to all of these people's families who are now dead as a result of these horrible policies, what does president biden do? he comes out with a new you allowance for illegals and he says that he wants to allow the
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spouses of u.s. citizens if they are illegal that they can stay here. i mean, this is what he's thinking about, opening up the country to migrants who are married to u.s. citizens. he's not acknowledging any of this, congressman? >> he's not acknowledging it, to the best of my knowledge, he hasn't contacted rachel's family, hasn't contacted the family of this 12-year-old girl because he's thinking about bringing more people into the country or allowing more people. well, he is bringing them, right. we heard about the plane trips. so whether -- somebody's going to control the border, maria, it's either going to be the united states of america or it's going to be the cartels and the cartels are controlling it as what border be patrol tells us and they're going to keep on sending these people to the united states especially when president biden and i must say it this way, and the democrats, because they're not doing anything. they're not saying anything.
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they're providing no pressure against the president biden and this administration to stop this. what they're saying is we want more of these unvetted got awaysings we want more of the vetted people they continue to complete these crimes to come to the country and it's happening everywhere. you ca -- people are afraid to o out of their homes in rural america, all across america, because of -- we didn't have to live this way and we don't have to live this way but president biden requires us to because of what he wants. maria: by the way, it's not just rural america. i don't like leaving my house in the middle of new york city, okay. i'm sorry. i used to walk all over the place. i don't walk anywhere anymore in new york city. there's so many cases of murder. john lonski, it's hard to keep track. there's rachel morin, the maryland mother, right. then there's the 12-year-old girl, joslyn nungary. weigh in here, john lonski. >> none of this had to happen. this begins with joe biden's
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toll raise of illegals -- stress, illegal immigration. you're breaking the law at the border, they come into the country, they feel free to go ahead and break the law in horrific manners. it's a sad commentary on the biden administration. i want to say something about this deal that biden has proposed on marriage, that is if you're an illegal alien, you mamarry an american, you can stay in the country, won't this lead to a huge rise in what's called marriage fraud. illegal aliens will offer money to somebody to marry somebody to stay in the country. this will lead to more law breaking. maria: what do you think about that, congressman? will we see marriage fraud now? >> of course we're going to see marriage fraud. people are incentivized by the policies that administrations put forward and they're willing
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to break the initial law of coming into the country illegally, does anyone think they're not willing to fraudulently claim they're married so they can stay here? thistle this el salvadoran wan to be a murderer there. he is now traveling freely across america. it will be the next racket that the cartels are running from mexicoin america all at the hanf joe biden and complicit democrats. maria: you know who else is shameful is the media. the media is completely ignoring these murders, not talking about the fact that these people were murdered by illegals coming into the country through the wide open border. you never hear that little fact, that extra fact when you're hearing the media talk about this and then you want to talk about a racket. how about this, congressman. usa today is reporting that mexican cartels are offering
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pricey vip packages for illegal migrants trying to get into the united states, the outlet writes, quote, drainage network that reaches from juarez into el paso, this is one of the most sought after routes for patrons of a vip migration package, this is exactly where i went when i went to the border several times, i was in el paso. this tunnel route costs at least $6,000. the packages range from 6 to $15,000 a person, congressman. you've got the drug cartels touting vip packages that they're going to gets illegals into america. they're making billions. >> they are making billions and like i said, somebody has to control the border. apparently it's not the united states of america. it is the cartels. and the way they're doing it, so blatantly and openlies is like al capone telling the federal government come to the bar and during prohibition and have a drink with me, the bar is open
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and there's not a damn thing you can do about it or will do about i this is president biden. this is his colleagues in congress that are allowing this. and it's a complicit media that won't report on crimes statistics, telling us that crime statistics are down, knowing that crime statistics are increasing but they're not being reported by d.a.s that are associated with george soros and the left. it's a disrespect for the american people that pay the bill and now we're paying the bill in blood. maria: how long can this go on before we lose the freedom and liberty of america? how long before we lose the country all together, congressman? we've got a new poll this morning from emerson college and the hill. it shows former president trump beating president biden in six key swing states, trump is up 4 points in arizona, up 4 points in georgia, 3 points in nevada, 3 points in wisconsin, 2 points in pennsylvania, he's up 1 point in michigan. the poll also finds trump and biden dead even in traditionally
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blue minnesota. trump will hold a rally in philadelphia tomorrow night as he leads biden in that state as well. he's going right to the blue areas, blue regions across the country include philly. your thoughts? >> well, that's exactly right. pennsylvania's critical and the president doesn't have any -- president trump doesn't have any problem outreaching to people that are outraged by what they see in their country and literally we have people in pennsylvania saying i'm voting for the felon. they know that whole thing was rigged as well. and they're sick of what they're seeing. maria, we've already lost our freedoms, you said it yourself, you're afraid to go out of your own home in your own country in your own town because of the crime. we already lost this stuff. it's all avoidable. it's all unnecessary. joe biden has created this and his com patriots running in pennsylvania want to double down on this stuff, that's why president trump is gaining everywhere and he's going right
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into the heart and the belly of the beast and saying do you want to continue having your children slaughtered by illegals and of course nobody in america wants that to happen so they're willing to listen because the other side is insanity. maria: we lost some freedoms, i agree with that, certainly as the white house censors information and comes up with this crazy idea that everything's a deep fake which is ridiculous. none of the videos of biden running off into la la land were fake. they're real. we know it can get a lot worse if this continues. my question was, how long are we going to have to face this? do you think trump can win pennsylvania? >> i do think he can win pennsylvania. we know for sure he won one time and speculation that he won a second time but that's another store rim yes, he absolutely can win doesn't mean we don't have to continue to work at it. the trend line here is obvious, no matter what they do to
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president trump, he's going to continue. i predict he will win pennsylvania, thank you. maria: congressman, great to see you. thank you so much, sir. congressman scott perry this morning. >> thank you. maria: we will see you soon. we'll be right back. you'll get better when you're not blamed for a condition you can't control. you'll get better when your pain isn't minimized, dismissed, forgotten. we will never stop trying to get better. because when medicine gets better, all of us can get better. (♪) [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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maria: welcome back. america's illegal migrant crime crisis reaching dangerous new levels with at least five violent crimes reported across the country just this week alone. a new report reveals the trans national criminal organizations expanding in the united states, mexican cartels operating in more than 207 states. chinese -- 20 states. chinese crime syndicate seen in nearly 10 states. venezuelan sex trafficking gang in five states.
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isis is seen in at least three states. the new york post is reporting more than 1500 migrants from a known isis hot bed crossed the border in the past four years, including 5including 500 this y. joining me now is former fbi agent and attorney christopher swecker. thank you very much for being here this morning. we need to remind people it only took 19 people to take down the trade center. we've got 2 million got aways, now we know of at least one of them who committed murder. how is the fbi keeping track of all of this? tell us what you believe the fbi has in terms of information and data on all of these illegal migrants and what they're doing. >> well, we've seen very little information put out by the fbi. maria: exactly. >> in fact, as your previous guest pointed out, the national incident based reporting system, which is the gold standard crime
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reporting system that the fbi manages, most cities including new york and la do not participate in the crime stat program right now. so what we're seeing is -- it comes at a time when criminal gangs are i'll fill traiting across -- infiltrating across the border, especially the gang from venezuela and ms13 from el salvador, we're not keeping track of crime statistics. this is the imperfect storm from a criminal standpoint. we're seeing a crime wave that's not registered in the big cities, in the blue state cities. maria: is it not being registered or is the. ffbi notreporting it? you're form other fbi. i want to know what kind of information the fbi has and are they not telling the public because there want to be political and they don't want to hurt biden? >> yeah, it's a combination of the big cities not reporting the crimes and the fbi not having a good handle on the intelligence. at least we're not seeing any
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evidence of that. i'm not inside the fbi. but usually they will put out bulletins and warnings about gangs and cartels the and that sort of things and you'll see evidence of initiatives where they surge their resources for example down on the border and we've seen no evidence of that. i'm astounded that the fbi has a not set up shop in the border field offices of el paso, mcallen, houston, phoenix, you all those officeses ought to be surging resources and going after criminal gangs and interviewing every single special interest alien that comes across the border that we know of. of course, we can't goat the got aways. that's the biggest concern. i see business as usual in the fbi right now which is not a good thing. maria: well, of course they should be interviewing all of these special interest aliens, of course they should be doing more information, giving more information about the illegal migrants in fact we're worried they're going to commit murder like we are seeing them. why aren't they.
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>> that's what i want to know. that's outrageous. thomas, weigh in here. >> well, it is, it's scary. you know, and i think the united states has been quite lucky in recent years, if you look in comparison to europe, even in england we have many stabbing attacks, terrorist attacks. the united states has been lucky. but t shouldn't take that for granted. i think it is a scary time. i wanted to ask about the fbi. do you think there is a sort of divide, we saw a report that the agents on on the ground weren't too happy about raiding mar-a-lago, seems to be the top ones are trying to politicize this. the agents don't seem to be happy. is that what you've been hearing too? >> yeah, i have heard that. i know agents that are in the fbi, i know agents who re-- retired agents whose kids are in the fbi. they say if you are -- you can't speak up. you can't speak your mind in the
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fbi right now. there is -- they go out of their way not to embarrass the administration. for example, when chris wray calls out the border, the crime or the crime and the terrorism risks and threats that are ongoing right now, he doesn't attribute it to the border. and that is 100% the reason that this threat is where -- the threat level is where it is today. it isn't just october 7th. it's the fact that we've opened up 1800 miles of border and a it's business as usual with all our intelligence agencies and nobody's down there. maria: unbelievable a. that is so wrong. people are so tired of our important law agencies goating so political can and how about this, chris, the new york times is reporting that florida judge aileen cannon whose presiding over the trump documents trial refused to step aside from the trial when it was first assigned to her despite facing pressure from two other st judges who requested she dekline the case,
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one wanted her to move the trial closer to miami, another said it would look bad for cannon to he oversee it because of a past ruling on having a special master determining what documents investigators could look at. byron york writes this on x. this seems kind offed, is it normal for federal judges to try to interfere with another judge's case? chris, was do you say? >> i say these people don't know what to do and the deck is stacked in their favor. there have been 1,000 complaints against the judge but that's as the chief circuit court judge for the 11th circuit pointed out there was an orchestrated campaign against her. he just issued a rulings, posted on the district court website, that said the clerk is not to take any more complaints from the public. that there's no evidence of any bias on the part of this judge and there's no reason for recusal simply because she was appointed by president trump. so it's clearly sort of a far left wing attempt to, again, try
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to stack -- get rid of her and stack the deck. maria: the supreme court delaying the ruling on former president trump's immunity case, they have 23 cases left before they break for summer recess, chris. some are saying that's a good sign for trump. others are speculating that the decision will not come until after the presidential debate because of the weight of that decision. how do you see that? are you expecting a decision on the immunity? >> yeah, i think it's anybody's guess, it's a toss-up. i don't know that they should even consider political events in terms of issuing their rulings. i would like to think they don't but i think the longer this plays out, the better it is for former president trump, for sure. maria: okay. we'll leave it there. chris, good to see you this morning. thank you so much for weighing in on all of that. >> thanks, maria. maria: we so appreciate your time. quick break and then new york governor kathy hochul signing a first in the nation legislation
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to keep kids safe online, she says. we'll talk about it when we come back. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ maria: next week on "mornings with maria," monday president biden bypassing congress to grant protection to over half a million more illegal border crossers, tom homan with the fallout. tuesday, former st. louis federal reserve president james bullard tells us when jay powell will pull the trigger on a rate cut. wednesday, senator marsha
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blackburn on her fight to protect children from the dangers on the internet. thursday stakes in high gear, michael whatley handicaps the field. friday, we'll have reaction to the long awaited faceoff between president biden and president trump. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." (♪) (♪) (♪)
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. beloved actor donald sutherland has passed away at the age of 88. lauren simonetti with details. >> the canadian actor known for his roles in mash, ordinary people, the italian job and recently the hunger games has died, he racked up 150 film credits and 40 tv roles in his long career. keifer so sutherland, his son, posted the news on instagram, writing with a heavy heart i tell you that my father, donald sutherland passed away, i personally think one of the most important actors in the history of film, never daunted by a role, a well lived life. the italian job was one of my favorite movies. the irs is now looking to reject billions of dollars in improper covid tax claims.
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they found rampant fraud. congress created the erc tax credit in march of 2020 encouraging businesses retain employees and file for tax credits in return. the irs now denies tens of thousands of claims, the pay out for the legitimate claims will take time. happening this summer. in new york, governor kathy hochul signing a first in the nation bill targeting addictive social media platforms for children, the legislation blocks social media feeds from targeting kids and prevents notifications on their phones between midnight and 6:00 m they the morning unless they have parental consent. the safe for kids act will go into effect 180 days after the new york attorney general latisha james finalizes the rules. facebook and meta say while they don't agree with every aspect of the bill, they will, quote, continue to work with policy makers in new york and elsewhere to advance the approach. and this, a 7 month series of
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tests by thewall street journal reveals that instagram suggests raisi and sex -- suggests raisiy racyand sexual content to 13-year-olds. maria: thomas, your reaction. >> it is -- it's hard because we don't always agree with censorship here but i do think that these social media platforms, they do show bad things. we all see it ourselves. i can only of begin to imagine what they're showing to children and it does scare me because if you go to a restaurant these days, you see these ipad babies, kids that are just stuc. i can't imagine what that is doing to these young brains. so it's a scary time for the future of america and i don't quite know how we do the that. i'm not sure if regulation is the right way to go about it but we'll see. maria: certainly, they're so different than the way i grew up, john. we were outside on the block,
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playing stick ball all day long. >> yeah, this is really sad. i mean, this harms the ability of young children to concentrate and focus, they're wasting their time on these social media platforms, trying to be as popular or as liked as possible and it makes absolutely no sense. they're not being outside and enjoying some exercise. socially interacting. they're viewing stuff in terms of pornography that they shouldn't be seeing at that age than that makes it all the more difficult for these children to develop socially. let me put it this way. there's a very good chance moving forward thats companies like meta are going to be looking at a lot more regulation than we currently expect. and i would add, one way of taking care of this problem might be to go ahead and have governments tax the usage of social media where early on it's going to be the suppliers of
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social media that have to pay the tax but eventually those suppliers are going to get tired of that tax and try to find a way to pass it onthe consumer and perhaps by doing that, we'll have parents finally see to it that their kids don't have access to these communications devices. maria: interesting idea there, lauren. i mean, you've got to put some kind of guardrails in place but thomas makes the right point, you don't want censorship either but you need guardrails for our young people. >> i think a lot of young people are starting to realize that after i'm on this device for a long period of time i don't feel so good and they're staying away increasingly from social media. flip phones are making a comeback because it's easier for everybody. it's up to the parents to band together and make the unpopular decision that let's say most parents give their kids phones when they go to middle school, right, because they'll have more
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freedom so therefore the parents can track them better. maybe those parents band together and say let's delay the decision until they're 14 years o. if the parents do that and kids realize what social media addiction is doing to them, maybe it will change. maria: yeah. great analysis by all. lauren, thank you. quick break and then new polls find only 35% of americans actually approve of how biden is handling immigration. it's the hot topic of the hour. it's come canning up right after this short break. then west virginia senator shelley moore cap toe is here to discuss the inflation reduction act and why it's been benefiting all the wrong groups. that's coming up. you're watch wassing "mornings watching "mornings withmaria" l. ♪
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8:00 am
morning. thanks for joining us this morning. on beautiful friday i hope having a


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