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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 21, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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morning. thanks for joining us this morning. on beautiful friday i hope having a good friday morning
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the first day of summer, i'm maria bartiromo, friday june 21, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, time for hot topic of the hour fox news poll reveals 35% voters actually proffer of president biden handling of immigration as illegal migrant crime surging in country houston two venezuelan migrants accused of killing 12-year-old born released one last month el salvador migrant arrested for murder of a richl moren, mother of five three honor do you relian, arrested in killing, in los angeles arrested attempting to cross san diego border list goes on and on reaction. thomas: i mic the figure people agreeing with policy on border there is no policy on the border. maria: with who are they? thomas: they don't agree what
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in do they are haters i support biden no matter what in reality this is a dangerous situation for everyone in the united states. you know as i say we've seen in europe, this has happened in european crime out of control when germany was imported third world you become third world, a shame happening to the united states. so, you know, we really need to get trump needs to get back in quick as possible get that wall finished a good start i don't know who people er. >> i think you are right probably trump haters not focused on policies just hate trump not focused on fact policies out of administration led to murder of american citizens, ice confirmed to bill melugin migrant from ecuador charged with raping 13-year-old girl in queens new york city, he was previously
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caught by border patrol. saying quote encountered by u.s. border patrol june 25, 2021 nearing ael pass texas ununlawfully entered united states on february 2, 2022 immigration judge in new york city ordered him removed from united states thomas clearly never deported, what are we doing here? we've got encountering people putting them back into the population. even the judge orders to get deported are weren't followed. thomas: how can you be ordered to be word got they say all right. have fun. you look at the crimes of some other people, you know they think, everyone near capital was found quickly put in jail can't get rid of sort of people doing dangerous things sad biden administration won't even acknowledge that these crimes are happening they
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won't say names of victims, you know when you are a government first thing usual supposed to do is keep your people safe, being the amount of tax that we pay in this country towards this government they cannot people safe the ones enendangering people allowing open border. maria: i am glad you mentioned that you said january 6 you meant i am glad you brought up january 6 because this is another piece of whole story that is outrageous, all those people are still sitting in prison, they were arrested for being around the capitol we don't know if they did anything wrong, they are still in prison meanwhile, can't deport potential murderers? they can't stop people from coming across the border committing crime? and putting american citizens in jeopardy what is wrong with this situation. thomas: not just that, so many protesters going to
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capitol you know, you know cause a scene don't get anything -- get sad some people next to haven't had anything stuck in a d.c. jail meanwhile, criminals flooding coordinator border doing unspeakable crimes to american citizens, really is quite sad. maria: john that in and of itself shows how political this administration is it is not about fairness just about taking down your political enemy. john: correct, the biden administration, prioritizes political kcrime over violent crime that is not united states of america, so, come election day, we are going to see some changes that are going to be in reaction to this nonsense of putting ideology ahead what have really matters, ahead of substance, that 30% of those
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polls who support biden's border policy, because they hate trump finding out a stupid thing to do because when biden is voted out was office or any similar slowly of biden not winning election that is largely because of biden's border policy biden's tolerance of violent crime. maria: certainly changes sentiment throughout europe you saw parliamentary elections last week you saw conservatives winning in a stunning rebuke of immigration policies in europe. >> fantastic news loving in it new york saying finally people woke up standing up to these liberal politicians you know flooding with people quite entertaining actually in germany, they lowered voting age to 16 because they believed this all kids are left wing what happened is all
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the kids voted like far right the young men of europe standing up, and saying they've had enough saying this is europe this is you know this is not what we want to happen to europe. and quite exciting to see. we've got farage in united kingdom hoefg about to win in our election july 4. i think, strange date but that is what i think we will see what happens exciting time in europe the right is rising again. maria: wow. . that is really interesting development there in europe thanks for that just getting started this hour quick break manhattan d.a. alvin bragg trump prrth colangelo to testify on capitol hill one day after former president will hear sentence from july 11, wesley hunt is here on what she will asked in that house judiciary hearing we are getting ahead of it. all that glitters dot
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d dot. stay with us. . ♪ ♪ [paper flips] ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪
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maria: welcome back manhattan district attorney alvin bragg trump prosecutors colangelo will testify before the house judiciary committee next week july 12, just one day after trump's sentencing next month rather after trump sentencing, last night jesse watters told us about a very important day for the democrats, watch this. >> november 18, very important date garland appoints jack smith special counsel on two different trump cases, the same day, 18th nathan wade
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meets with white house lawyers same during the course same day 18th number three guy at biden's justice department matt colangelo gives two week notice to start working with alvin bragg. what are chances on the same day the four criminal cases against donald trump emerge from the biden administration and come alive? everything we just reported well documented. maria: yeah. november 18 also, the directive from president biden came nine days before november 18th watch this. >> just have to demonstrate that he will not take -- power -- by -- if he does run, making sure he -- under legitimate efforts of constitutional does not become next president again. >> these are all the examples republicans use to say that
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all the attacks on trump have been coordinated, coordinated by the biden administration. to take down his political enemy joining me now is texas congressman a member of the house judiciary small business natural resources committee congressman what should we think? what should we believe going on here given the fact first joe biden says he has to make sure trump doesn't get back into white house, nine days later, on november 18 we see all this coordination, jesse watters just reported what do you say? >> maria when tiants speak believe them alvin bragg ran putting president trump in jail he delivered on promise made to the biden administration we know why they are doing this, because they are losing in every single swing state i just saw polling even losing in minnesota, former president a very good job secure border a great economy we were safer, we have four years of the biden administration failure
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then now all of a sudden, the only thing they can do to win in november is attempt to put president trump in jail this is a coordinated attack when i asked alvin bragg these questions of coming up next month, july 12 i want to know why, we doing this like for republican national convention before donald trump going to be oir nominee for the to republican party, why are we doing these things right now? it is obvious to the american people it is obvious to swing voters obvious objects obvious to us to vote in november to save this country this is not a banana republic they are behaving in a way all rogue nations rogue countries, history all of a sudden america is becoming that, it is up to us to stop that this is ground zero for it. maria: are and if it doesn't stop it just goes on and on
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and on. remember, is there was no accountability for the russia collusion lie, okay? in 2016, and 20 is a hillary clinton's camp came up with fantastic lie that donald trump colluded with russia to win election, she pushed it through, the agencies of the government fbi, cia they drove it viral the whole world was talking about it trump colluded, it is not true. we know that it was never true. i knew it was never true from day one. there was never accountability what do they do? did it again tell us hunter biden laptop was fake, told us that there was no censorship during covid lies on top of lies on top oflize. if you don't stop it and have some accountability just going to continue. you know that so you are going to -- >> it is -- it is. >> you are going to ask when they testify if collusion if there was -- coordination in taking trump down with indictments. >> well, of course, i am going to ask that they are going to
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lie say that it wasn't no one above law. >> under oath? >> of course under oath, my guess still going to lie going to be up to us, to look at the evidence that you have, articulated that you have laid out basically tell american public, that look, they are lying going to continue to lie, they are going to continue to say this is -- this isn't -- is fair no one above the law, especially president trump now going after president for immunity indicted how many more times than al capone never in history of any president have we seen this now doing to it donald trump let me tell you something else maria. if he was not running for president none of this would be happening, president trump al tells me they are not coming after me they are coming after you i am standing in the way that i think god for revolve to stand in breach for american public save our constitutional. maria: if you are sitting there you know if manhattan
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d.a. is lying to you, do you have proof and evidence to say you just lied and will you go to the mat to ensure that he faces accountability? >> so first of all. i commend jim jordan for bringing this forward bringing people in at this time and, again, the proof in pudding the evidence is there you have laid it out perfectly maria, the issue is this, we have a -- a democrat president democrat senate they are going to protect these people to bitter end why november is so important we have to get president trump back in november to you the end to all of this but no they are going to lie we are going to press them going to reveal the proof the american public has got to decide, in november. maria: all right. let me get your take on this new emerson college survey shows trump ahead six key swing states arizonaday michigan nevada pennsylvania wisconsin, trump is even tied with biden in blue minnesota we've got polling analysis
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showing president biden has weakest lead among women of any at in since 2004 especially black and hispanic women 58% black woim down from 86% in 2020 you with steel fellow congressman byron donalds hosting an inventory congress, cigars tell us about this. >> the point, byron and i trying to do in philly two weeks ago the exact event atlanta next week milwaukee bravely going where republicans generally have not gone before going to the black community we are telling people this. black issues are american issues! everybody wants to secure border, everyone wants lower taxes everyone wants better economy, everyone wants to be safer feel safer what we have not done in the past is go to community and explain it in
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articulate it in a way, for black community byron and i doing pretty good job president trump in full support what we are doing trying to basically, 25% of black vote if we get 25% black vote mathematically, democrats can't win, that is why you are seeing this shift, shifts in swing states, and byron and i black a very long time almost 80 years almost as long as joe biden has been around if we will take this message articulate it in a way, that is digestible black america to all americans going to have a very successful november we think -- if we can get a little bit more up -- 18th, black male vote in 2020 if we get that 25%, black women it is over. maria: i mean you would think i think this is happening, that black, white all of us are notifying what noticing
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what is going on sick to our stomach about it a report reveals transnational criminal organizations s expanding in united states we reportedly this a long time ago, that the chinese communist party leading everything setting up massage parlors all over the country human trafficking network mexican are cartels operating more than 20 states chinese organized crime, in nearly ten states venezuelan sex trafficking gang in at least five states sizis has been seen in at least three states a map show the map two venezuelan migration charging with murdering 12-year-old girl in houston one suspect crossed illegally less than a month before heinous crime was released into about u.s. after claiming he was fare full for life in home country, congressman we've got a venezuelan gang raging throughout new york right now people understand what is going on across the country. >> we passed h.r. 2 in the house over a year ago it is chuck schumer refused to take
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it up that bill would have fixed all of these problems, they are not serious about our border if we had at least 11 million enter our country illegally talk terrorists, gang violence, i am a combat veteran 9/11 thought would never happen again, we are seeing, to ravage our country again this will stop in november when president trump is elected. >> congressman, thank you for service to our great nation we so appreciate it you wesley hunt god bless you stay with us. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back, s&p 500, nasdaq lower after all-time highs this week stocks signs of buyer exhaustion markets green across the board so far a great first half of the year joining me crossmark ceo chief investment officer bob doll great to see you technology leading first half what is your outlook for the second half. technology will have a pullback extremely overbought fundamentals good the tech bubble a lot of people want to compare to, we have price to earnings price to sales price to eyeballs, companies nowhere near expensive as they were
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fundamentals pretty good but overbought. maria: how does fed fit in big tech mixed yesterday certainly did you see yesterday as any kind of a pivot in terms of buying exhaustion going into fed meeting and next move? >> certainly one day doesn't make a trend evidence that have exhaustion we have seen before they've come right back but some point i wouldn't be surprised if now we get that because buying seals you have weakening of the economy as you know maria, the surprise index worst level in two years, leading indicators continue the wrong direction even some sentiment around mid level consumers starting to flag a bit before has been lower end consumer struggling now mid also that is problematic. >> um-hmm what do you want to do as investor second half of
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the year how far do you want to allocate capital. >> i think is going to be much more bumpy ride not going to be basically straight up, we've seen first half. i think if i can you know buy stocks when they sold off trim some moved up a will add a little value to poverty i think harder to make money second half than first half. maria: does that have to do with rates at all? look at 10-year treasury i want you to tell me when you think this is telling us because 10-year 4.2% bob new poll finds 46% struggling to remain where they are we are seeing a slowdown in the economy. >> exactly, that slowdown i think, will from market standpoint start to realize some cuts in earnings expectations from the back half of this year especially for next year, remember, maria, the consensus is earnings up double-digit this year and next year that has never happened before two
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years of double digits earnings go unless we come out of a recession so expectations are very high. in a slowdown will only dash some expectations. maria: we've got a big week inflation data once again i want to bring john in what is your take on all this we will get final read first quarter gdp thursday followed by may pce index friday. john: with gdp i think close to 1.3% growth rate decidedly subpar on friday get news on pce price next like cpi price index for may should be unchanged maybe increase core cp/e inflation i think special importance will be what happened to consumer spending to real consumer spending there i believe we are going to see other low reading. on real consumer spending that would be consistent with bob's
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forecast of slower household spending growth going forward. right now we have residential real estate is in the tank let's not forget this has been the worst peak spring selling season for housing since the covid recession, that is going to hurt housing related retail sales furniture appliances building materials store sales will this slowdown big ticket item purchases spread to say automobiles? i think it might. the situation will just get worse until at long last, we get some relief from the federal reserve. >> what do you think bob you agree with that? >> i absolutely agree sounds like old news fed raised rates, from zero to 5 1/4 in 18 months that is fastest in modern history, amount of time from the first fed rate increase until onset of
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recession averaged 10 quarters guess what quart we are in? 10. i am not saying recession starting tomorrow morning but i think should be in the vocabulary. >> great to get insights as always thank you, sir. . >> have a good week being. >> and to you, quick break how inflation reduction act is funding the wrong groups not benefiting every day americans west virginia senator is here with more on that, bread sticks come with a cost olive garden latest company to see negative effects of inflation we will tell you about it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. . [♪] can a personal loan unlock your ambitions? oh yeah. consolidate bad debt and save money for your next goal. take a swing at your kitchen reno...
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insurance. . maria: welcome back department of justice, is being accused of concealing information about hunter biden
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debauchery, lauren simonetti with more. lauren: maria are the heritage foundation project filing lawsuit in delaware federal court against the department of justice in connection to hunter biden's federal gun case, oversight demanding release of records they say could show first son was being on grounds 1910 law a felony to knowingly transport any female across state or interim lines for a purposes of prosecution or debauchery concludes part of 2023 transcript from irs whistleblower, ziegler discussed efforts by doj to access potential mann act violations against hunter biden. ziegler's testimony highlighting west coast dissident of biden known in prosecution world allegedly deducted traveler expense
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rating to it. >> reportedly sending customers of lending tree after unauthorized access to database bloomberg reports there has been several listings on cybercriminal followers lending tree is investigating the size and scope of the hack says breach did not affect information linked to lending tree or financial account information of quote commerce take a look at the performance in the past year you can see, lending tree is down 3%. olive garden planning to raise many prices again even after top executives said yesterday that sales dropped last quarter, after losing consumers to inflation. the restaurant same-store sales fouling one half percent in fourth quarter missed estimates president ceo darden restaurants says on earnings call yesterday consumers are
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generally concerned about inflation, and becoming more concerned about the job market why raising prices between 2 and 3%, garden operates longhorn steakhouse ruth chris capital grill says company-wide plans to raise prices on average, of 2, to 3% in 12 months. tiktok arguing in a court filing not possible to technologically commercially or legally, for chinese parent company bytedance to divest from the social media app certainly not by january 2025 deadline in law president biden signed in april company writing in brief even if divestiture rnl feasible tiktok would be reduced to shelf former self, stripped of innovation and comprehensive tech
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technology, tiktok claims ustt users will be focused to live on quote island of content disconnected from global users if forced to find new owner the legal filing publicized the techs deal social media claims would have addressed national security concerns released, 103 page draft agreement for the first time. maria: thanks very much america illegal migrant crime crisis reaching dangerous levels, with at least five violent crimes across the country this week alone, latest happening in houston, texas where two venezuelan migrants facing charges for killing a 12-year-old girl, border patrol reportedly released one migrant into the country last month, west virginia senator revealing two radical antiborrowed and i immigration enforcement groups
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benefiting from funding from the inflation reduction act joining me woman herself west virginia senator, republican conference vice chair, member of rules committee thanks so much for being here. >> thanks, maria nice to be on thank you >> tell us about your find information it did of the inflation reduction act. >> a well, the inflation reduction act particularly on environmental justice side there are hundreds of billions of dollars, that are going out, and hundreds of millions in this one fund. as we look at it we started looking at groups getting 50 million dollars, and two of these groups are exactly as you portrayed them very antis immigration enforcement very extreme groups, that this government that the biden administration through epa funding to tune of 50 million dollars. and i think a fraud on american taxpayer quite
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frankly we've seen crime just this week instances of very violent crime, by illegal immigrants but we also know that with 10 million new people here who we don't know who they are presents a huge challenge these groups are very radical they protest they use money to disrupt the antipolice, in my view they are anti-american get inflation reduction act because written so loosely is -- is sending grants to these organizations, in the name of climate change. >> i mean senator this is incredible, we are hearing the implications of this priority out of this administration, this climate change agenda, that is having such impact and how do your colleagues get away with calling this spending you know boondoggle, inflation reduction act? it did not reduce inflation you know that. >> no. no and up so-called inflation reduction act but here is a
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biggest i think hypocrisy here antiimmigration groups getting climate funding, while the president is supposedly doing asylum reformer there is no truth in advertising here they are very much at cross-purposes if the administration is funding groups, that want to abolish ice don't want detention or deportation, are very, very pro illegal immigration you got to follow money here, and that is what is happening, and we're going to keep overturning rocks here because i think this is the beginning. it is a lack of transparsey, the president for political reasons saying one thing administration is doing the opposite in the name of climate change i don't know how these people help people with climate change with all they do is protest sit in the middle of the road disrupt
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people's every day lives in traffic all those kinds of of things. >> outrageous, senator even more outrageous wide-open border, the fact that we are not seeing any acknowledgement of the murder that we are watching and reporting on every day, migrants killing american citizens. >> it is really -- sad is not even a good description it is engulfing you see very venezuelans popping up a lot what is vetting at border venezuela is disrupted do we obviously, this administration lets them in, then they go, you know, join with gangs and family members that have been engaged in violence in their country now gaengage in also very we found that history of some perpetrated violent crimes what they did in hole countries doing the same thing there, and so they are coming here, and murdering our young,
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young me of five baltimore, jogging student near university georgia texas you mentioned i mean happening everywhere, an i think it is got to stop but it is -- it is at the same time i don't think the administration is showing the outrage that i think many people feel as they hear stories one after another. >> not just administration but your colleagues on the left, they are not showing any admission or acknowledgement that their policies are actually enabling all this a new survey from emerson college and the hill finding former president trump beating president biden six key swing states largely because of this in may president biden democrat national committee raised 85 million dollars former president trump republican national committee brought in 141 million he donations he raising biden cash advantage trump campaign leads biden again in total money in bank trump has nearly 117 million biden has nearly 92 million senate republicans
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hoping to win back chaifrn national republican senatorial committee launched add, in key states do you believe republicans can flinch the senate in november. >> absolutely. the republicans cab flip the senate we foe going to be 50-50 senator jim just justice. >> i think, you know this issue of illegal immigration 10 mill over 3 1/2 years you see administration president try to say oh, we are going to put in policies going to alleviate this had 3 1/2 years to do this if they simple had not undone what president trump was doing significantly eliminating numbers we see fentanyl into this country at the same time with fentanyl
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deaths going up i don't think the administration can get out from this situation they created on their own promoted it promoted it. i think american people are smarter than that i think a lot of times people think voters aren't discriminating in thoughts, they absolutely are. express their opinions at ballot box also through donations as you mentioned. maria: if you have any idea why the democrats want open borders? >> yeah everybody says well open borders brings in new people they get registered as democrats. i don't really i don't buy that is whole reason i think, i think it is a lot of their constituencies the people that are representing in washington so radical, they align with groups that are antienforcement they want to abolish ice, any alternatively enforcement, so this just it is more than one thing, i think all of that together. maria: i mean quite weak one
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of the reasons this country is falling behind now senate considering a proposal to national defense o authorization athforce women to sign up for military draft writes on x not voting on any defense bill that forces my daughter to refrj. >> i have a bit of different opinion as you travel world we were in finland, certainly in israel, women do serve and mandatory service, so, you know, i think if you see ways happening in our own military many more women than ever had i think an idea worth considering i think we women do many more all the rolls in military where as before they weren't but this is not going be a draft we are not going to have a draft our draft days are over. the military is much different, so you know maybe worth a discussion just to see so we can see what our -- our
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o men and women as they age into 18, as they register i don't know i don't have a firm opinion on it not totally against it. >> diamonds are a less a expensive girl's best friend apparently gerri willis with diamond industry why it is taking a hit right now gerry. >> that is right, look you can buy diamonds for less than you expect up to 80% savings maria we are are telling you how to do it after the break. .
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maria: welcome back price of i diamonds on decline due to cheaper option fox business geragos live at a jeweler in new york city with more. >> that is right i have to tell you he amazing how much you can save natural diamond prices down as much as 6% year-over-year, 30% since highs in 2022, but as you say lab grown dieldz are spiking in sales i am here with owner of soho gem thanks for joining us today start with questions
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like okay how much can i save? >> you can definitely save up to 80% on engagement ring there is no resale value that has been established in the market for the diamonds. >>o who is buying. >> everyone from the baby boomers if you can believe to it millennials for sure i would say just about anyone you can think of. >> you say the quality is as good as natural diamonds? >> absolutely. it is -- because made in laboratory much easier to make higher quality diamond. maria: we have a test you are going to give me right. >> ready. >> yes, okay. >> two diamonds here one is over five carats one is over four-car ats which one made in the lab. i would love a lifeline maria if you were here would make you answer this question, but i am going to guess big one i am assuming would buy a big one you could afford more what
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do you say good guess but you would be wrong. all right. there you go. beautiful diamonds, you cannot tell the difference maria i am shocked at how closely they look like the natural one back to you. maria: that is amazing, gerri, thank you for that john, your reaction. john: this is a great example as to how technologically progress pushes prices lower overtime excellent example i want help to wait and see what lab grown meat does to price of hamburger and steaks. >> indication trading down about everything inflation killing american citizens because, of the fact that it will is cutting into wages, so trying to trade down on everything they buy. maria: very much so i think also comes down to the fact people aren't getting married kids aren't proposing people buying diamonds when young
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they used to do straightaway also i have noticed a trend among younger people not just indictmented i see a lot of girls emeralds, saphier the duchess now princess of wales hood a beautiful big saphire. >> a quick break we'll be right back. "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ maria: welcome back, we're 30 minutes away from the opening bell on a friday. let's check markets here after a mixed day yesterday. dow industrials right now showing a decline of about 26, nasdaq and s&p 500 also fractionally lower and joe lonski, final thoughts? >> not only do we have very important debate on june 27th coming up between trump and biden, but prior to
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that on june 25th, we have a very important primary for a congressional seat now being held by a left wing democrat, jamal bowman. if the democrat centrist challenger that's george lattimer wins, it tells me there's no choice but moving to the center. maria: thomas, final thoughts? >> all eyes on that and busy weekend for president trump and he's out campaigning across the country and you never see biden campaigning. i don't see any biden events going on and i don't really know what he's up to. probably on the beach in delaware like he seems to be most of the time. maria: he stayed in the basement last time and worked for him, i guess. thomas corbett dylan and john lonski, thank you very much. over to "varney & co.". stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria. good morni


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