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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  June 21, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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inc. and, john quincy adams, barack obama, calvin coolidge. >> calvin coolidge. >> a trick question. it is just estimated they didn't have iq tests. i but this is going to be barack obama. and john quincy adams. the sixth president, estimated iq of 175. graduated harvard university, served as secretary of state under president monroe and was fluent in seven language. lauren: that's great for an american. you can go around the world and speak english. europeans speak so many languages. "varney and company" is done. coast to coast starts now.
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>> raking in the cash and cutting into president biden's money edge. they were following the money and all the latest details. from fast cash to fast food, mcdonald's aiming to take a bite from consumers inflation by launching a $5 meal. will it help dominate the fast food price war. the restaurant ceo, andy p prdzner. aaa were forecasting record number of travelers, the largest increases. i will talk to a trop travel expert for tips on how to keep traveling from unraveling. you are watching cavuto coast-to-coast.
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to our top story on this friday. donald trump virtually erasing president biden long-standing cash advantage. edward lawrence has more on this. >> reporter: president biden at camp david preparing for the presidential debate. we will likely not see him until the debate but the campaign cash keeps rolling in for the democrats according to their campaign, the second best fundraising month in this election cycle. the biden harris campaign from the campaign war chest at 91.6 million. and donald trump being a convicted felon. >> he is only out for himself fighting for your family.
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>> reporter: trump supporters say the tactic will not work. >> donald trump doesn't have any problem out reaching to people who are outraged by what they see in the country. and i'm voting for the felon, they know that whole thing was rigged as well and they are sick of what they are seeing. >> reporter: donald trump erased that lead. president biden, due to a muscat collation by democrats following the conviction of donald trump in new york where the timing of the 7-year-old case has been criticized, the trump campaign held in $70.48 hours after the verdict. in the immediate 24 hours after the verdict the campaign says 30% of the donations were new donors. the cash on hand fundraising totals. president biden in the dnc when donald trump plus the rnc outpacing that at 157 million.
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the trump campaign itself with $170 million cash on hand, the biden campaign is 92 million cash on hand. a lot of cash to be thrown around but trump holding that minor advantage. ashley: amazing he closed the gap. to pick up on what edward was saying, donald trump's hush money conviction seems to have fueled a donation bonanza for his campaign. let's get to ron desantis donor how lambert. trump basically out raised biden by $60 million last month. how did he manage to do that. what is the player here? >> there's no way to say it but donald trump is crushing it in fund raising.
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that verdict came at the end of may so that doesn't include a lot of donations from june but he is up $25 million in cash on hand with president biden. fundraisers are selling out, three in california in early june. i went to one in orange county that was sold out, one in las vegas that was sold out. the energy is unbelievable. he's leading in almost every swing state. it is safe to say donald trump is in the best position he has ever been in when running for president, the best position on either time, more cash on hand, the rnc and the trump campaign have more cash on hand and he is leading in polls. pretty amazing. ashley: the battle comes down to the independents and perhaps others, the black and latino vote. how is trump doing appealing to those voters? >> reporter: going right to them and talking with them.
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events like in detroit, did one in the bronx. he is going right for those voters, talking with them and the polling is showing their moving in his direction. the last polling showed 25% of black voters leaning toward voting for trump this time. if he gets that number it is over for the democrats. that is going to be reflected down ballot as well so you will see swings, if donald trump wins this election, the house goes to the republicans as well and so will the senate. close to 50% of hispanic voters leaning towards trump. the highest ever was 32% of hispanic voters. these numbers are amazing. ashley: the vice president pickford donald trump, if you believe what people say is riding on this.
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by some accounts, who can raise the most money will most effectively. marco rubio's name keeps coming up especially for his influence among latino voters. how do you see that playing out. >> if marco rubio were to be the choice, it complicates it because that means donald trump would have to move his residency, you can't have them be from the same state. he can't move out of the state. there is tim scott on the senate side, jay dee vance on the senate side. i lean towards governors. i mentioned multiple times for governor of texas, greg abbott, governor of virginia as well. there is obviously from the
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governor of arkansas, his press secretary. governors to look at as well. neil: a lot of people looking forward to that. how does that play out? >> donald trump was going around help tracking to people doing fundraisers, in your home in delaware for 7 days to prepare for this debate, odd thing to do as a sitting president to need that much preparation. trump shows up extremely strong in that debate, expectations are so low for president biden if he can get through it, i don't think it will help them. you've got inflation.
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you see the failed policies every day. if he shows up and doesn't make any terrible mistakes biden has a terrible record. neil: on that note, we shall leave it. thanks for joining us today. okay. sticking with that, donald trump will be planning a rally in philadelphia tomorrow. our next guest says love former president is going to areas, not always welcomed. that's the case for decades. political analyst giano caldwell joins us this afternoon. is this strategy working in your opinion going to areas where perhaps they haven't always been well received? >> i appreciate what donald trump is doing, it has been needed for many decades in the republican party.
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as a conservative, i recognize the fact that many in these areas, democrats don't want us there, it has been their stronghold, their bread and butter. fortunately for them and the black community, didn't have to deliver on anything for decades. that is what we see in these areas, schools failing in these areas, economic prospects in this community haven't been that great except when donald trump became president and saw the lowest on a planet rate for black african-americans at that time. people who were interested in willing to vote for republicans and donald trump if they were willing to go to those areas and have a conversation because once you demonize a group of people too long, until you get a chance to meet them and have a conversation you believe what you have been told, so now
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donald trump is changing the narrative, turning the page on what has been democrat will. neil: the biden campaign has been aggressive with donald trump saying you are a complete racist, you keep calling out cities that have black leadership or a large black population and that is racist. the reason trump and others it should be noted have criticized cities like chicago and another area that struggled with crime is because of extreme liberal district attorneys and mismanagement. that's not a racist, pointing something out that's making the life of residents in their cities miserable. >> those arguments are stupid. they beat the racist drum for decades. the point, no longer working. idiotic thing to say.
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he has been right for criticizing communities. there criticizing the same people, not something that can scapegoat. racism impacted people in this country. you can't call something racist because you don't want to change it or have the ramifications of your policy being positive for a particular community that has been enduring too long. people are not moving out of areas if we have the money to do so because people who run these communities. it has been terrible especially in chicago. neil: what percentage of the black vote donald trump can win? anywhere from 2025%, that could put him over the top. >> that would put him over the top. this narrative, donald trump can never win the black vote
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but if you get 20%, that's a win. what you do is cobble together many coalitions. in michigan, a really great example, one. 3 million black votes, 14% of the population is african-american. donald trump, donald trump won by 10,000 votes. biden won by less than 3 percentage points. thing of the black votes you get out of detroit, folks refusing to vote for president biden because of the israel hamas conflict and you consider the hispanic vote and working-class folks who say they will skip out and go with donald trump. a sweet state, must win swing state. if you get those coalitions, for that particular state you can do that. and actually put together a winning strategy for the next
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president of the united states, 270 electoral votes. neil: we have to leave it there. thanks for joining us. >> great to be with you. thank you for joining me. neil: the deadly consequences of unchecked border, 12-year-old girl found strangled to death in houston, two illegal immigrants in because study. a live report on that horrible story right after the break.
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for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. ashley: two migrants in texas, both of them crushed the border illegally into el paso texas. >> and allowed to stay. texas girl was dead. they were captured with surveillance cameras up to the last moment of joslin's like. police pieced together surveillance video and tractor them to a bridge, dumped in the
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bayou, later found in a creek. the medical examiner says cause of death is strangulation. last time joslin's mother saw her is when she sent the little girl to bed. >> the biggest hug and probably wouldn't have let go. >> reporter: josé ramos crossed into el paso, in may by border patrol and released with a notice to appear in court at a later date. 21-year-old johan martinez crossed into el paso illegally and was released in march with a notice to appear. they were picked up at an apartment complex not far from the murder scene. >> we want the justice system to do its job. if ever there was a stark and stands you don't give someone bail, this is it. >> reporter: the acting police chief says evidence is being examined to see of joslin was
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sexually assaulted and only the crime scene was horrible. ashley: mike tobin, thank you very much. cory mills joins me now. words fail you sometimes on a story like this. just another example both suspects stopped at the border and let go. this is what can happen. >> this is what can happen and is continuing to happen whether it is this unfortunate 12-year-old girl who met a devastating fate at the hands of those who shouldn't have been in the us or recently and ecuadorian illegal migrant raping a 13-year-old in new york or looking at laken riley's family. the number of angel families compiling at the result of this soft on crime catch and
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release, encouraging criminal activity terrorizing communities. we need to get back to title 42 remain in mexico donald trump agreements, enforcing our ice agents to start leading the largest deportation ever and we need president biden or anyone to start doing their job by sending more justices to the borders to process asylum refugee claims to turn away those who are not here for that purpose, strengthen the boards, build our wall, put a temporary immigration moratorium in place but we must protect the children in america and the families who are dying as a result of criminal migrants and fentanyl overdoses. neil: the murders are one aspect of this but there's a national security issue here. there have been people or those suspected of having ties to
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terrorist groups again just allowed into the country, who knows where they are or what they are planning? >> not only crossing the southern border but must not forget the northern border is at risk and that's where the majority of these individuals are crossing. we have 178 nations crossing into the country. we have military age males from pakistan and yemen, people on terrorist watch lists, we need to think about not just apprehensions but how many catch and releases without being caught or processed or put up for by the cvp. this is a terrifying moment, we have millions of people, 11 million, we have to start taking real action. president biden wants to replace amnesty, he wants to grant citizenship to vote in elections to buy his way into a second presidency.
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ashley: i am always interested. you must talk to your democratic colleagues. how can they justify the way the system is working now? it is clearly is clearly not working. >> not all my colleagues say they would justify it one way or another, many say there should be no borders at all but then you've got the administration who will lie about the bipartisan senate agreement which is nothing but an amnesty bill but couldn't pass the senate and act as if he's doing an executive order under 212 section f, close the border and allow cvp to do a catch and release process, nothing has changed. all political pandering and this is president biden buying an election using taxpayer money at the expense of children's lives so he can try going to a second presidency and destroy our nation. ashley: something has to change for sure. congressman cory mills, thank you for talking to us today.
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coming up, markets trying to find their footing but end the short trading week on a short note. (vo) a law partner rediscovers her grandmother's artistry and establishes a charitable trust to keep the craft alive for generations to come. from preserving a cultural tradition to leaving a legacy, a raymond james financial advisor gets to know you, your passions, and the way you enrich your community. that's life well planned.
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ashley: president biden's student loan bailout is the biggest driver of the skyrocketing deficit according
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to a new congressional budget office report. steve moorehead says the latest estimate is trump -- biden's loan forgiveness is adding one hundred 45 billion to the deficit, that is a huge amount. >> better believe it. this isn't free when they call it forgiveness. it may forgive the people who took out the loans but not the taxpayers who have to pay for it but i would argue this is the tip of the iceberg, biden announced he wants several tens of billions of dollars relieved as well. your viewers understand this is just an election year gambit to buy votes from young people by saying taxpayers pay for student loans. there's a lot of anger out there. people who pay their loans
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should pay out the loans for people who didn't go to college, why should they have to pay, many of these people getting loan forgiveness have advanced degrees. they can't pay off student loans. ashley: i have a mortgage, but love somebody to pay that off. >> they said biden -- kind of joking about this but it is no joke. they believe this is a way to equalize income. credit card debt, can't pay it, student loan can't pay it. uncle sam will come to your rescue. ashley: it is called vote by anger. buying. democrats will blame the trump tax cuts that go back to 2017. i want your reaction to this. neil spoke with janet yellen about biden's plan to remove trump's taps cuts.
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>> the president wants to remove the trump tax cuts but not extend them. would that apply to those who did benefit for those who make $400,000 or younger? >> the president will protect the texts and families making $400,000 or less but those with higher incomes he would not want to see benefits from t cja. neil: those tax cuts would go. ashley: what do you say? >> i am confused. the other day in a speech president biden said i will eliminate the trump tax cuts. which is it?
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the gem of the tax bill as larry kudlow and i and steve mnuchin who put that together, corporate tax rate and we did that not because we love corporations. want american business to be successful but the evidence is clear that people who benefit from that were working-class people. the jobs were in the united states, if jobs go to ireland or europe or china or mexico there is no income for people and so the evidence is clear, we had a big debate in 2017 that all the democrats who vote against it said it wouldn't work, now we have the evidence, more corporate tax revenue at a lower rate, increase in productivity, reversing tax policies except has trump's name on it.
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neil: ashley: the latest estimates from the cbo, $1.9 trillion deficit this fiscal year, up 27% from earlier in the year. we are at a point, how concerning is that to you? >> the first budget i ever worked on, longer than you might think, reagan was president. at that time the entire budget was $1 trillion, now we are spending $7 trillion, these numbers, how concerning are they? this is as serious as a heart attack. there is no end insight. if anybody thinks you solve this problem by raising taxes on rich people i guarantee you it is not going to work. you can't have prosperity with higher taxes.
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ashley: that is the perfect place to leave it. terrific to talk to you. let's look at the markets if we can. socks on pace for another winning week, floating a little bit today, treading water but this week, the dow up 1.3%, the s&p up 3.4%, all very modest but still pointing in the green. let's bring in mayflower advisor's managing partner, larry glaser. where do you see the markets going this summer? we see a bit of the doldrums. >> it is days like today, stock market is not the same as the economy, hotter than expected economic data, pmi data services, manufacturing which weighs on consumers, the heavy concentration in artificial
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intelligence, nvidia adding the market in a few weeks, something we've never seen before. this triple options exploration on a holiday shortened week increasing volatile. a presidential election coming up will increase the anxiety level, so i think those issues way on the market. nvidia had a 10% stock market correction. a broadening of the market in a more traditional lens is what is needed for mainstreet to participate in what wall street has been seeing. ashley: those mega ai names, are they overplayed? are you cautious they run out of room? >> good values and opportunities for investors that are long-term oriented. there's more that meets the eye
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other than attractive names earning everyone's attention. the some industrial names that participate in a more favorable environment and benefit from economic trade, things that may happen but my concern, investors can't see the service, there's plenty of nvidia if they on the s&p 500. they may not have exposure to other areas. diversification means not just large-cap small-cap mid-cap but international diversification, the japanese economy bracing free trade bracing economic reform and a ton of growth from india which is the new china without the combat of policies. places for opportunity for investors to look beyond the same stories and harder than expected data is not good for the consumer. $2 trillion deficit will not
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create a favorable investment requirements. ashley: part of the deficit hasn't been held with higher interest rates. without mentioning the fed, the market betting on a rate cut in september. what are your thoughts on that? are markets right or wrong? >> if the market is obsessed over nvidia what about rate cuts, that's all the rage, all people talk about his fed watching get. we don't live in that economy. most of us live in a mainstreet economy and go to work every day. we don't think how the fed will impact our lives. with $50 trillion debt just around the corner at the federal level the federal government wants to cut rates especially with an election to boost and make voters feel good. that doesn't solve a problem. housing prices today are
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unbelievably high creating a burden, cutting rates won't solve that problem. the bigger issues are ones we have to address and cutting rates is a panacea, a band-aid but it is cutting spending, not rates that create economic prosperity over the next generation. ashley: you got a lot in in a short amount of time. you are bringing energy. appreciate that. good stuff. voters speaking in support of donald trump's tax-free tips pitch. what's not to like? what does andy pudzner make of this? that is after the break. ♪ hoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm.
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ashley: americans reacting to donald trump's push to end taxes on tips wages. grady trimble joins us now to talk about it. what's going on with this. >> reporter: it's a popular proposal according to our polling which is why he keeps bringing it up. she did so in detroit, and racing wisconsin at the rally. 62% of voters approve of trump's proposal to exempt tips from federal income taxes. 32% disapprove. what is interesting is when pollsters drop any reference to trump from the question, even more voters support the plan, fewer disapprove of it. highlighting the partisan divide even further democrats disapprove of exacting tips by 10 points when tied to trump
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but approved by a whopping 40 points when his name isn't mentioned. on on the flipside republicans support the proposal by less when you remove mention of trump. trump's proposal has gotten so much attention since he mentioned it earlier this month that a group of republican senators is introducing a bill that would exempt tips from taxation. they say it will give americans much-needed relief while prices are so high. >> you see folks, 80,000 irs agents, going after your tips, and inflation. a rich person may not know how much it costs to put gas in your tank or diesel in your truck, someone going to do that. >>'s mother to the tipping proposal, whether they support president biden's executive order restricting asylum-seekers, republicans more likely to support that
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policy if biden's name is taken out of the question. that shows the partisan divide even if people like the policy. ashley: good stuff. thank you very much. let's get reaction from andy pudzner. how could it impact the industry overall do you think? >> it's consistent with donald trump's desire to keep money in the hands of people that turn the money. it is a merit based system. very focused on rewarding people, consistent with his overall philosophy because increased take-home pay which is something they want to do. it's good for employers. this doesn't get discussed a lot but it's away restaurant employers in particular can increase compensation for their
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employees without increasing the cost they bear on their balance sheet. there restaurants dropping like flies, closing because of increased labor costs or commodity costs, this is a way to increase wages for their employees but not increase the cost of running the restaurant. it may keep prices in the restaurant down so people can afford to go there. ashley: some republicans have said lukewarm to the idea. and who don't get tips. >> two things. it was tossed between 250 billion over 10 years. that's a lot of money but compared to the rest of the federal budget it is a drop in the bucket. given student loans going to cost $500 billion-$600 billion,
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this isn't a huge investment and that ignores the benefits that may come from people having more money and spending more. i don't think the fiscal argument is a good argument. treating restaurant workers different, states are doing that. california increased minimum wage for fast food workers. haven't increased the minimum wage for other workers so i don't think we should punish particular segments of the economy. okay to reward certain segments, these are people that are in those tips by giving better service and donald trump is right on this. ashley: a move to another topic, mcdonald's kicked off a new marketing campaign with free fries friday which i love and a $5 meal deal to fight inflation. margins are slim at the best of times.
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>> reaction to consumer demand. there's a poll by lending tree that shocked me when i read it. 78% of people consider fast food a luxury. you took your girlfriend out anyplace else. i was running see ke restaurants, selling values and service, quality of the goods at a product for low-price. 78% of people think fast food is a luxury. a comment on bidenomics and the biden economy. 60% were shocked by recent bill they got so these companies have to do something. mcdonald's emphasized value. they haven't emphasized the quality of the food or service like chick-fil-a service, we used emphasize quality. they always emphasized the value and they have to do something to rebut the general
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impression that fast food is a luxury. it is absurd. ashley: you are right. that is insane. great stuff. great to see you. thank you for joining us. okay. it is officially summer. you can feel my heat and that means crowded roads, experts predicting a record-setting season. that story coming up next. ♪ ♪ this is clem.
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ashley: aaa says 71 million people will be traveling over the fourth of july week.
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haley berg joins us to help navigate our way. let's begin with the airlines. how are ticket prices this year? is that long gone? >> deals are the name of the game. domestic airfare is down 18%, europe is very popular over 4 july making it into a week vacation 37%. ashley: you have changed your mind or are you going to get hammered with last minute booking get? >> if you can be flexible where you fly and where you go there are deals available. take south carolina. charleston is available $80 round-trip from new york city. if you fly on cheaper dates,
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there are deals but you need a tremendous amount of flexibility. ashley: very quickly. the critical busy holiday period, times when airlines can melt down. we've seen it in the past. are they well prepared for the summer rush? >> they are conservative in adding back capacity but to address the growing demand for international travel be expects move sailing, one thing we can't control is the weather which can drive a large number of disruptions when it hits. ashley: i was told you get the first flight out even if it is 6 a.m. am it is the way to go. is that right? >> early bird gets the worm a. you are more likely to be delayed after 8 a.m. . get up early. it is worth it. it is often expensive.
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ashley: you can sleep on the flight. what about rental cars? if you don't want to take the flight or drive it, is it expensive to rent these days? >> inexpensive to rent a car, $48 a day but prices as low as $20 a day in destinations like florida. where you are going is important to how much you will end up paying but national average under $50 in line with what we save historically. ashley: when you get to these places a lot of people need a hotel. are there deals on hotels? >> there are deals on hotels, national average is $232 a night but if your dns day occasion are planning something last minute you can typically find deals even better than that and if you head into a city that clears out over the long weekend it is a great example.
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ashley: i feel calm now. thanks for joining us to give us the lowdown on what to expect as we travel this summer. thank you very much. that does it for us on coast-to-coast. the dow up 20 points, down slightly in the nasdaq, down slightly but down overall, another winning good week although a little muted. we are now officially in summer where trading volumes tend to fade away, the dow is up 1.5%, the s&p up 3% and the nasdaq up 6% for the month, markets have been doing well. that does it for us on coast-to-coast. taylor riggs and the gang on "the big money show" taking you through the next hour.


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