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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 24, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone, i'm in for maria bartiromo. it is monday, june 24, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast i'm time for the hot topic of the hour. the father of the 13-year-old girl whos was allegedly raped by a migrant at a new york city park blasting president biden's open border telling the new york post, quote, the open border policy i have never agreed with because that invites a lot of things that we don't need and look what came in. look what happened to my daughter. maria spoke with texas ag ken paxton about the surging migrant crime on sunday morning futures yesterday. >> the biden administration allowed criminals into our country purposely.
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the other countries are emptying their pri sons. we're getting the worst of the worst. that will have a dramatic effect for years and years to come as these people are spread around the country. we're going to see more and moran come crimes, people dying,. cheryl: this migrant comes in from ecuador. this happens to this beautiful teenager, her life is cut short and obviously these things are going to be coming up at the cnn presidential debate on thursday. the nation has been affected by the border like we've never seen and this is just one crime we're talking about. >> i mean, it's inevitable, right? it's inevitable that we're going to have these crimes because we now know that -- how many? thousands ov of vice president venezuelan gangmembers and othee come across the border. maybe these people get in the country, behave for a while and they figure what the heck, you attack a cop, you're let go in the streets, nobody seems to care.
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so i think -- i mean, i think this is a huge problem for joe biden. i don't think it's going to go away. i think it's reprehensible what he has done at the border. and by the way, it's not just going to be murders and rapes and so forth. i think there's a very good chance we'll have a terror attack at some point. there are so many people in the terror watch list who have come in that we know about. what about the ones we don't know about. the whole idea of an open border is an abomination. whoever said without a border you don't have a country, i think that's true. cheryl: that's the next point i want to make, luke. so many cities across the country have become border cities. because they've been bussing and flying these migrants, denver, san francisco, seattle, boston, new york, chicago, so communities now are seeing what the border states -- i grew up in two border states. i grew up in this my whole life, i've known this. you've got two migrant groups
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that are sheltered here, a group from africa, a group from south america, they got in a huge brawl at ran randall's island,e shelter there. a migrant was stabbed in the shoulder by an attacker from the rival group. >> every state's a border state now. you just hit on that exact comment, right? so they get shipped to denver, spread out throughout the state. if you look back to 2008, there were 700,000 apprehensions. now there's about 10,000 people coming through a day, 4 million people a year coming through. if you do the math on that, in 10 years, 10% of the u.s. population is going to be illegal immigrants if we continue on this path and if you look over to europe, those elections over there, they're swinging red, swinging conservative because they have a lot of immigration issues as well. the question is, when are we going to start voting that way because of immigration issues that's what i'm kind of think, right? cheryl: liz, by the way, all of this is being discussed on
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multiple networks and it's obviously going to be an issue that will be presented to both of our presidential candidates this coming thursday. but i couldn't believe this, so a democrat from washington is on msnbc, she mocks the news coverage of the case we talked about that happened in queens and i'm sorry if i mixed this up, we talked about houston, what happened to the young girl in houston but also what happened to the young girl that was raped, she is alive, to be clear, in queens and she's mocking this and saying that it's just -- it's hyperbole, this is fear mongering, but these are criminal cases, one in new york, one in houston. >> it's not hype hyperbol to te that have lost loved ones. this is not normal. when republicans are accused of
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being anti-immigrant. we're not anti-immigrant. we're anti-illegal immigration because that's law breaking. when you talk about how many criminals are coming across the border, every one has committed a crime. if you're not coming in properly with the right credentials, you are committing a crime. look, the biden administration has okayed this from day one. biden ins his first month of office put through 94 executive orders, canceling all of trump's protections of the border and allowing all kinds of benefits to be given to immigrants to further attract them. you have to ask yourself why. and there's no question all -- now hundreds of thousands of people here illegally are put on voter rolls, they're not allowed to vote in federal elections but some will inevitably because it's impossible to police. in california you have at least 100,000 people probably on voter rolls. you're telling me someone is going to sit there and say this
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person is legal, this person is not. i don't believe it. cheryl: what you're talking about is the fact that when it comes to the states, the states are -- that's where the inclusion of the illegal migrants is coming in as far as the voting issue. now, unless you're here in new york where they're just open about it, you're here for 30 days, we want you to vote. >> in local elections. cheryl: in local elections. that's not the case. there's been pushback from that. look, i go back to what happened to this young girl in texas, in houston, the one that lost her life and the rape of the queens park, obviously horrific as well. but these were young teenage girls that are being victimized and where's the outrage? where is the anger? this is not an echo chamber, everybody. this is actual -- these young girls, they're lives -- her life was ended and the girl in queens -- that migrant in the queens park, he filmed it. >> it's horrible. it's absolutely horrible. there's another issue at play too. because of the bad poll is the we've had as a -- policies we've
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had as a nation, less people are getting into policing. you're seeing shortage with the cop a criminal justice field. that means more things will happen. cheryl: laken riley. >> we shouldn't forget laken riley. cheryl: yeah. i mean, a college student, her life cut short. >> yep, yep. for what? cheryl: for what? anyway, we're going to take a quick break. we are just getting started this hour. a cnn presidential debate is only four days away. we have been waiting for this and it is finally here. president trump heading to deep blue cities to court voters, president biden hunkering down at camp david for the week. we're talking about it all morning long. markets are mixed to start the final trading week of the month of june, the end of the second quarter this week, the end of the first half of the year. the word on wall street come canning up to preview some key inflation data this week. don't miss a moment of it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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cheryl: time now for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me now is njp wealth advisors president, brian bendig. also with me luke lloyd. brianer, let me start with you, this is the final trading week of june, rounding out the second quarter and we're ending the first half of the year. right now dow is up 114, nasdaq is down a little bit, s&p is up by 6 and-a-half. so far for the year, look at the
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market performance. the dow is up 3.88%, s&p as has gained about 14 and-a-half percent and the nasdaq is up almost 18%. we've seen now this is the longest stretch without a 2% selloff since the financial crisis, for the s&p. and then i want to pull up the 10 of year treasury this morning. we've got this inflation data really coming out later in the week. we're going to get the final read of first quarter gdp. we're going to be getting the pce price index, that comes out friday, brian, that's really what the fed focuses in on as far as rate decisions. what are you expecting? >> well, we're expecting on friday that the pce indicator as you said, cheryl, it's going to come down month over month, alo some of the other indicators this week, i think it's going to be a chop hpy week, similar to last year. we're in the quiet period, heading into earnings.
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where the market's been this year, it's a story supported by earnings growth, led by mega cap tech. we're seeing green shoots coming out of other sectors that are helping support market valuations. at the end of the day the indicators support investors' confidence whether or not there's one or two cuts in interest rates that are still in the cards, by the end of the year, which we think are still in there but we've got to get confidence as we move forward this week into the following months on where inflation is going to go. cheryl: luke, you've been really watching a.i., that space in particular. >> everyone has. cheryl: yeah, well, 40 of% of the market has, that's our returns anyway but apple and a meta are holding talks on a potential a.i. partnership and this brings the long time tech rivals together, they would integrate meta's generative a.i. model into apple intelligence which there's questions about apple n intelligence. you say a.i. could slow down innovation. what do you mean? >> let's clarify this. in the short term, there's going
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to be a lot of money invested, a lot of productivity added, probably a lot of profits add todd a lot of corporations which is why you're seeing the influx of money into the stock market in these a.i. companies. but in the long term, i am concerned that the reliance just like our reliance on the internet of a.i. could actually slow american innovation. i know colleges, my college where i went is talking about how to teach people how to incorporate a.i., learn how to use a.i. by their side but when you create reliance on technology you're not thinking like an innovator and american innovation is what drives the economy for the long term so my long-term concerns is that we slow that american innovation because people aren't thinking for themselves, using chatgpt to help with certain things to solve their problems, they're not actually trying to solve problems in the economy. if that happens, we have to pay attention to that for the long term because the economy needs good minds to inno vat, to solve problems -- innovate, to solve problems, to grow. cheryl: brian, you say when it comes to technology, you brought
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up a theme that i brought up multiple times, how does a.i. improve business operations, how does the back end of walmart work more efficiently, amazon's warehouses work more evidence excellently with a.i. do you think we fully realized those innovations yet? >> thanks, cheryl, for bringing up that point. the a.i. trend is a five to seven year story and i think right now investors are piling into this excited about what that innovation's going to bring in the short term but i think there's a lot of uncertainties. we do know that a.i. is being used in supply chain management and some of the larger industrial areas as well as in he retail and there has been some productivity gains in bringing goods to market, bringing inventory to market but at the end of the day there's a lot of uncertainty so we've seen these trends play out before, if you remember 20 us plus years ago the rise of the internet and that trend took a while to play out before we got to this steady
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state so i think investors need to think about valuations, stay diversified, but to your point cheryl, it's a longer term marathon race, not a spring and i think there's more to be -- spring and there's more to be learned as the thereunder plays out. cheryl: you're bullish it seems on healthcare. thewall street journal wrote when hospital prices go up local economies take the hit as research finds companies lay off workers to help make up for health insurance costs as hospitals raise prices. does that concern you because healthcare has been -- we know that's where job creation has been. that's another economic story if the journal's prediction is true. >> well, i think it's a fair point about a segment of the healthcare space because this is the chicken versus the egg debate regarding how healthcare is delivered in the country and larger healthcare systems are
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gobbling up other businesses. we're looking at big pharma, innovations in technology that's helping support well notice for the society and that's an innovative growth trend, similar to industrials in the sense both sectors are in areas where you can find growth, cheryl, but not necessarily have to over-pay for growth as we've seen in some of the mega cap tech stocks. cheryl: we talked about a.i. during t word on wall street segment but luke i'm going to give you the final word because your colleague mark tepper talks about the ozempic revolution in healthcare. brian mentioned big far a m&a. pharma.your thoughts. >> you can combine healthcare and a.i. and look at the medtronic space or medtronic stock, we own, where with you can have technology within the healthcare field that will help doctors, whether artificial intelligence to help them or technology that will continue to grow the field, innovate the
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field. there's a lot of money that hasn't poured into that yet that will be coming. cheryl: brian, thank you for being here this morning. we appreciate it. >> great to see you. cheryl: you too. luke, you're going to stay with us all morning. coming up, the cnn presidential debate only four days away. as former president trump takes the lead in the cash battle and the polls. tennessee congressman tim burchett is up next with his thoughts. plus, president trump is courting voters in deep blue philadelphia and, hence, he has -- and hints he has chosen his eventual vp pick. we're going to talk about it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ you're a song, you make me want to roll my windows down and cruise. ♪
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cheryl: we are just four days out from the cnn presidential debate. and a new national poll reveals former president trump is now leading president biden by 10 points as buy you den is hunker -- biden is hunkering down at camp david to prepare. maria spoke to former president
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trump's son eric yesterday on sunday morning futures. >> it's pretty telling of a president who those go to camp david and a lock himself in a bunker for an eight day period of time because his policies are so bad that he those figure out some way to polish them up and try to sugar coat them and try to frame them with all of his top advisors, i can tell my father is not doing that, my father is on the right side of these issues and, you know, 10 days or eight days in the woods in camp david to try to explain yourself to the american people, i'm not sure that that's a big showing of confidence. cheryl: meanwhile, some senate republicans are urging former president trump to avoid the mistakes that he made during the 2020 debate, suggesting that trump doesn't need to be overly aggressive and shouldn't badger or interrupt biden. let's bring in tennessee congressman tim b burchett, a member of the house oversight, transportation committees. i want to bring up the comment that came from senator john
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thune who by the way is -- would like to be leader next year if the senate is taken back by the gop, he says basically, quote, don't take the bait and one of the things that former president trump got hit with four years ago was when he said that the proud boys should stand back and stand by. those comments is what can get run with and misinterpreted. what would you say? >> the difference between donald trump and the last few presidents we've had, he doesn't run something by the united nations or some think tank before he puts it out. he just lets it fly in his new york bravado. i think americans are tired from the bs you're getting from the current white house and they want straight talk and president trump delivers that. i think the issues are pretty evident, the talking points, it's the border. these folks are getting murdered, they unloaded their prisons and mental health institutes on us and we're
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seeing the results of a nonexistent border policy. eric trump's right. the president has been mentally abstreabsent from the white houe last seven or eight days he's phyphysically absent from the we house. he's gone underground. i expressed this to president trump at the conference meeting that he met with a couple weeks ago, i said mr. president, you're great at telling us what's wrong with this country and we've seen it and you're even better at telling us how to fix it because americans are suffering and they're hurting and i hope he concentrate on some of those things and what he can do to improve this economy for every citizen,. cheryl: thank you for bringing that up. it's going to be -- the topics that affect the wallets of americans, it is house, it is
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inflation, it is the economy, the gig economy, we're seeing people getting two and three jobs. they're driving an youtubeer and they're-uber and they're working down the street at the local pharmacy, for instance. another issue that will come up, that will be tax policy, if the cnn presidential debate is focused on policy, then one of the things -- this is coming from senator mark warner. they're talking about 2025, when the trump tax cuts expire and their plan if they can keep a hold of the senate, say that president biden does get elected, they're talking about a tax strategy that would be almost detrimental to the average american. those conversations that are going to be had on thursday are also conversations that are going down ballot for you and your colleagues that are trying to keep control of the house. how do you message that, congressman? >> i think president trump's done it very well, doing away with the tax on tips, that hits the average american working
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american every day that is out there, the single mom who is trying to -- like you said, those people working two or three jobs and they have to pay taxes on their tips. and he realizes that ever waiter or of waitress is going to have -- it's like a barber. you're going to run into them somewhere down the line. i think that was a genius stroke. it plays into the fact that he is listening to what americans are saying, he got that idea, he told us from a waitress who just told him that and he thought that was a great idea and i think that also shows that these senators, they deal in these platitudc. , they don't pay much attention until election year. the house, it's every two years. it's the basics that are hitting people right now, the fact they are paying $600 more a month. some people tell me they're paying $1,200 more a month out-of-pock t et just to sur prescribe and that's -- survive and that's working families and
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that goes down the line and you talk about down ballot. i think this is going to be across the board and i've encouraged the folks to bring up these basic things that are hitting americans because that's where it's at and president trump understands that and joe biden does not understand that. i mean, he hasn't paid taxes on $20 million through his crime family that flowed through different avenues so i would hope that he just sticks with the basics. cheryl: we'll have to see. again, we don't -- we expect these are things that we're going to be hearing, come thursday, but one of the things about messaging and communications because many administration officials are fanning across the country this week. they're out there to convince the american people that bidenomics is working. you've g yellen growing, buttigieg, harris. one thing the biden administration has done, created
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controversy. they hired tyler cherry for a communications role inside the white house. this is a former interior department communications court director who is under fire for past tweets he called for immigration and customs enforcement to be abolished, the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave pa a trolls and lynch -- patrols and lynch mobs. he responds and says past social media posts from when i was younger do not reflect knee current views. i support the administration's ajen dam we're focused on climate and environmental policies. another interesting hire from the white house. >> it's a dei thing, ma'am. they need to check the box. i guess they just needed a radical transgender white male, maybe that was what they're trying to hit but i think this goes back to one of my original points that i made and the last guy, the bald headed guy wearing the dress got caught stealing stuff in airports not once but
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twice, maybe more. i think that falls in the same avenue. this is because this president has some 25-year-old boy, i would call him, with a man bun that is advising him that has his ear because they reyou a ree they have lost every demographic or they're losing. i had lunch with a very successful hispanic man and his wife. big trump fans. it defies demographics. he's trying to get crazy radical left wing base and that's why they keep doing these crazy radical things, because they've lost every other demographic and they're losing. they know it. they don't have the hard left at the polls and they're frustrated because of the middle eastern policies with gaza and all that, knows he -- they're dead in the water, all the way down the ballot. it's going to affect congress, the senate, everything. that's why you're seeing him
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embrace if you will this hard left theology that is really just wrecking our done you tri, it's wrecking the base of our country and destroys families and children alike. cheryl: we talked about it this morning. real quick before you go, i don't have a lot of time with you but the former president's classified documents case comes back to florida court today. and the judge is going to hear arguments over the trump team's motion to dismiss the cames i want to get quickly your thoughts on this. basically trump's attorneys are saying that special counsel jack smith was illegally appoint todd the case because he was a private citizen at the time and smith's team is asking the judge to adjust trump's release conditions. they want to bar trump, get this, from speaking publicly about the fbi raid on mar-a-lago. they're focusing on his comments about the agency's use of force. real quick, your thoughts on all of this, sir. >> it's a complete violation of the first amendment rights. what if joe biden is critical of
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him during the day bait over this so he's in violation of court if he doesn't respond. this is election manipulation aatits worst because it's coming from our courts. they've completely, completely violated their oaths of office. i say follow the money. you won't come out this year, i'm sure, but next year and the ones following, people are going to start talking and you're going to find out how this was orchestrated and this is one of the deep state type situation. you have 51 intelligence officers telling th us that hunr biden's computer was russian collusion, this is part of the deep state. they sit around and laugh and joke and they manipulate the entire system and america is fed up an that's why donald trump will be the next president of the united states. cheryl: congressman, thank you very much. we'll be right back.
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cheryl: former president donald trump slamming president biden at his rally in philadelphia for the recent string of violent migrant crimes happening across this country, here's what he had to say. watch this. >> unbelievably crooked joe biden is going around trying to claim that crime is down. he says crime is down. crime is so much up. first of all, we have a new form of crime. it's called the biden migrant p crime. right? all these millions of people that have come in here, they're just getting warmed up. we had the safest border in the history of our country. now we have the unsafest border in the history of the world. cheryl: joining me now former acting director of immigration and a customs enforcement, visiting fellow and fox news contributor, tom homan. every time we cover another story of crime and in particular at the hands of these migrants in different cities, many blue cities, the white house if they
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make a statement about it, it's consistencondolences. your reaction? >> well, the white house should be ashaped of themselves. i'm disgusted. this should be a nonpartisan issue. these young women shouldn't have been sexually assaulted, shouldn't have been murdered. the people shouldn't have been here. joe biden turned things around and abolished both of the programs that were game changers for the trump administration. these men were in the y custodyf the united states border patrol. they entered the country illegally. the vetting procedures are insufficient. they close to release them. they entered the country he'll legally without proper documentation, you shall be detained. that's what the statute says. these people were released illegally by the administration and here's the result. cheryl: look, the republicans are the ones that are really starting to call out the white
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house over these statements about condolences, in particular, look at the deaths of rachel morin, jocelyn nungaray, they don't acknowledge they were aledgedly killed by illegal migrants. that's politically bad for them. a white house spokesperson said our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of jocelyn nungaray. it seems like there's tone deafness and gaslighting coming from the white house, as people get ready to tune into the cnn presidential debate thursday night, they're starting to gear up and tune in to what we're hearing from top candidates, this is what americans are going to vote on, tom. >> and they should. first of all, the white house is not going to use the term illegal alien. even though that's the term, illegal alien. when you enter the country illegally, that's a crime
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itself. they would have to admit their failure which caused the horrendous deaths and i'm with you. i think immigration is the biggest issue facing the done you tri. i've said that for two years, the biggest national security vulnerability a we've ever seen in the nation and not only is it a national security v vulnerability, it's the biggest public safety vulnerability a. border patrol alone hazard nearly 157,000 criminals, that's who they arrested. we have two 2 million got aways, that paid more not to get finger printed, not to get velletted. that's the biggest concern. they're criminals, they're gangsters, known suspected terrorists because they paid more to get away, and not get the free meals, free medical care, free work authorization. 2 million paid to get away. that should scare the hell out
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of every american. it does me. cheryl: it's a top issue, when you look at the polling, it's a top issue in states like vermont, maine, it's incredible. but look, the cdp data is what bears out the story here. it shows that the biden administration has admitted more than a million migrants through the u.s. through the app which is controversial and the mass parole flight program that we've seen and liz peek will get in on that, more than 636,000 migrants used that app and those appointments at ports of entry, 462,000 migrants have flown directly into the u.s., then they got paroled out as part of the chnb program. i want to get your thoughts on this and bring in liz as well. >> look, here's the plan. there are between 8 and 10,000 illegl entries a day. let's create legal pathways, bring the illegal aliens through the part of entry and bring
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another another population are t in. none of them have proper documentation to be in the united states. they created the shell game. saying okay, these thousands we admit every day through the port of entry through the airports, we can claim illegal entry is down because we're moving to what we call a legal pathway. if you add illegal entries with chmv and the app, we're still about 8,000 a day. this is just a shell game to try to fool the american people but i think the american people are onto it. >> tom, my question that cheryl already kind of referenced is the biden white house is out boasting about the fact they put in new regulations a couple weeks ago, they're saying crossings were down but what you're saying is really they're not down because they're just sort of making up for those numbers with the app and with flights coming in from other places, is that correct? >> that is absolutely correct and what they're not talking about, the known got aways that people are crossing, not being
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arrested. they're sky high. because look, illegal aliens, they don't pay attention to the rules. if they can get on the app or chnv and won't get arrested by border patrol, it's more got aways. border patrol is overwhelmed, tied up with the hugh you man hn crisis. there will be more got aways. the administration is lying to the american people. cheryl: tom, before we run, i just have to ask you, one thing we've seen with the migrant -- with the migration patterns, the crossings, because of what governor abbott has done by securing the border we've seen the crossings flow more so into not even new mexico, really arizona and southern california. do you think if we do have a change in leadership, that we can quickly as a country quickly stop the border crossings because we don't know who is coming across and there's
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already been several defense officials that raised the red flag on capitol hill and former officials about the fact that we don't know who is coming in and that we're worried about another terrorist atack in this country like a 9/11. >> can we secure the border? absolutely. we did it. under the trump administration. you put remain in mexico program back in, that was a game changer, third safe country back, end catch and release, detain people. the supreme court said remain in mexico program was legal. that was a game changer, moved illegal immigration to a 45 year low. this hags administration can do that. they chose not to. they abolished remain in mexico, abolished third safe country agreements, went back to catch and release. if they want to secure the border, dust off the trump policies that they abolished with 94 executive orders and secure the border but they don't want to secure the border. it's not mismanagement. this is by design. cheryl: we're going to see former president trump on stage on thursday night so we'll see what he has to say about it.
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tom homan, thank you for being here. >> thanks for having me. cheryl: all right. well, the former president certainly proving he's got pull in some of america's bluest cities, a recap of his philly trip is ahead. you're watch "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ing
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cheryl: well, if it's not severe heat, it is thunderstorms and the u.s. u.s. is facing more inclement weather this week. gerri willis has the details. >> that is right. the train bridge over the big sioux river near iowa partially collapsing after intense rain fast and flooding. luckily, the bridge was blocked off a before the incident. 100 million americans under heat alerts as a record breaking heat wave scorches the nation, in new york, 50 schools opened as cooling centers over the weekend and 8,000 you con ed employees were threatening to strike if their contracts were not improved. they reached a tentative deal
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early sunday. flooding and tornado watches hitting the upper mid he west with severe thunderstorms expected from the mid-at lain p particular to new york city. the storms will not bring much relief from the heat. you'll have to wait that out. hot rod legends john force was in a fiery crash when his engine exploded during a sunday race in virginia, he was racing down the track when the explosion sent his car veering into the left track wall, take a look at that. the 76-year-old was removed from the car and was alert sitting up and talking to paramedics while being transported to the hospital for further evaluation. amazing. and did you see this? six climate protesters facing multiple charges after a storming the 18th hole from all directions at the pga tour's travelers championship, they were spraying smoke, grenades and paint and delayed the finish for about five minutes. police came in, tackled the
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protesters, and escorted them off the green. didn't take much time. they were arrested for disruption. the commotion did not stop scotty scheffler from winning the event, beating him in a one hole play off, the sixth win in a year, the most since tiger woods' run in 2009. finally, former president trump campaigning in the battleground state of pennsylvania on saturday, making a surprise stop at tony and nick's steaks in philly before the campaign event. the president spoke with big supporters, signed hats and left $500 tip on his order. he also reportedly wrote no taxes on tips on his receipt. that's a reference to his proposal to end taxation on tips for service workers. cheryl, i've got to tell you, the big winners in this, i know it's highly controversial for some reason, the big winners will be rest restauranteurs. it will take them off the hook
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for increasingly higher wages. cheryl: taxes, maybe a little less paperwork. >> i think taxpayers should be thrilled. it's a lot better than biden spending 400 billion to pay off student loans and get the student vote. think of the millions and a millions of people that donald trump is winning with $500 tip at a philly cheese steak restaurant. i mean, that's a pretty good deal. cheryl: know your audience. one thing about trump's messaging, he knows his audience. >> he sure does. >> absolutely. the thing is with the tipping as well, if you g google trump's tx savings with tips, every article says it will cost the government $250 billion. the way i you look at it, it will save $250 billion from people's pocketbooks. the government is a broker of tax collections and distributing them. they're bad at that. any way you give more money to the people stimulates the economy and drives more tax
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revenue. >> it could happen sooner rather than later. there's legislation that's introduced by senators cruz and scott. this could happen in short order. cheryl: there's another issue that i think is interesting coming from the wall street journal. i want to get your take on this. she says what does president biden have in common with an electric car. neither can go far without a rest. [laughter] cheryl: also, young people are increasingly disillusioned with both and she brings up not just the ev car, the expense and they're driving evs and can't afford to keep them up, but also housing which you talked about a lot. >> right. cheryl: and then the crush of inflation and a lot of the younger generation might be ones that would like to not have their tips taxed. >> i have to tell you, the frustration with the prices of housing which have gone nowhere but up you, the latest report shows existing home prices also on the rise. this is something that that
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generation is so deeply disturbed about and like you, cheryl, i'm going to hold onto my 3% mortgage with my dying breath because it is a good thing. but you know, a lot of these folks don't understand it's a market. prices go up, prices go down. even in housing. >> i do think there is that part of the generation that's okay with renting. that's okay being more flexible. that's okay working from home. cheryl: i disaagree with you. when i was 23 years old i realized that it was costing me more to rent than to buy and i figured out a way to get a down payment. >> when the tree falls on my fence, i don't like taking care of it. >> there's a view that you're building equity by buying a place, right? that's probably your tradeoff. cheryl: great discussion. thank you so much. we're going to take a quick break. when we come back the cnn presidential debate only four days away. here we go.
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trump is heading to deep blue cities to court voters, he's heading to one today as president biden is hunkering down at camp david for a week. that's the hot topic of the hour. stay tuned for the political panel, we have strategist tim hogan going head to head with syndicated columnist josh hammer on the biggest political stories of the morning. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ take on me. ♪ take on me. ♪ take me on. ♪ take on me. ♪ i'll be -- ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪
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