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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 24, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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say goodbye to daily insulin injections with omnipod 5... a tubeless system that automatically adjusts insulin to help protect against highs and lows. try it today. go to for risk information and instructions for use. consult your doctor before starting on omnipod.
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i'm cheryl casone i am in for maria bartiromo, monday, june 24 at 8:00 a.m.est for you days out from cnn presidential debates candidates preparing in very different ways. president biden is hunkering down at camp david former president trump courts the black voters in philadelphia he did this over the weekend, take a listen. >> we are going to bring law and order safety back to our streets, we are going to bring success back to our schools we're going to bring prosperity back to our forgotten communities and we are going to liberate once
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great cities make philadelphia better and more beautiful, than ever before. but saving once incredible place begins with stopping the killing and crime that is setting records every single week, the unions are being incredibly impacted by all these millions of people pouring into our country, so, but the african american population being destroyed by joe biden we will also work to lift up black, hispanic andorre communities, in philadelphia and all across the united states. >> maria spoke with florida congressman byron donalds about trump gaining ground with black voters on "sunday morning futures", president trump support amongst black voters going to actually vote anywhere from 14 to 18%. how you get to 25%, is you go through the actual full campaign get out the vote efforts, direct targeting immediate to black voters
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explaining that president trump's agenda was better for them than joe biden's going through how he is going to get america back on track to show biden has been a failure, i believe 25% is very possible. . >> what do you make of reactions. liz: going back to clip of street in philadelphia that is exactly what he has to do in debate talk about the future talk about what he is going to do, to make life better for americans, don't go back to the 2020 election, don't even talk about the lawfare although when biden attacking on democracy threatening democracy his responses should be there is no such democracy worse than trying to jail your political opponent, second thing, this is something i thought that was very interesting he raised this issue of unions, versus immigration illegal immigration historically democrat run unions violently opposed to open border they
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bring down wages trump should you took about that biden, calls himself most prounion president ever. boy, is that a great talking point in the debate. no you are not, open border and we know what data shows low income middle income americans wages are going down because of illegal immigration. >> i think a good talking point about unions maybe 50, 60 years ago, still important to this day, but technology has changed the game tech companies past 20, 30 years -- -- liz: union membership falling. luke: where has money been created over the past 20 years in in technology, where is that located states like california. new york, now california moved to dallas tech companies most money donated to the democratic party ins no states, the democratic party is not your old democratic party anymore democratic party
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representative of the rich and wealthy the weapon party representative of of the middle class blue collar hardworking person. cheryl: let me bring this up with blue cities in particular even though president biden raised 30 million celebrities the los angeles blue city siena college poll shows presidential biden beating former president trump by 8 points in new york, deep blue new york. remember president biden won empire state by 23 points, there was a fired group of new yorkers rallied outside floyd bennett field yesterday in brooklyn complang lease for migrant shelter not get renewed, but what do you make of numbers, new york, goes to your point that blue cities are now seeing effects of blue policy president biden's policy and, new york was angry about a lot of stuff but this
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is a big one. >> slh. liz: greg abbott my hero of the decade brought migrant problem, as you said, earlier chicago philadelphia new york you name it new yorkers are fed up to have their school backyards all of a sudden become places where migrants are living, hotels, literally something half our hotels now are housing migrants, this is supposed to be a big tourist destination where are those people supposed to stay? as we see migrants centers housing become more violent, there is going to be more and more outrage about it, and i -- there is plenty right now. luke: smaller donations coming in for republican party smaller from less than 200 dollars average joe donating that is important, democracy everyone has same vote i have same vote as everyone someone has 100 million dollars 10 blonds democracy the fact
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trump has seen the small dollar donation i think important. >> tips wages things people care about you are not safe in your backyard he hit those points in philadelphia we -- see downtown philadelphia looks like unfortunately. just getting started, coming up florida governor ron desantis has a new law cracks down on medicaid spending for illegal migrants in his state, florida congressman mario is up with more on effort to control wide-open border our political panel is back this hour time for cnn presidential debate remember tim hogan democratic strategy facing off with as i understand indicates josh hammer ahead of this week's big debate don't miss a moment of it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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direct hospital to accept medicaid to ask patients about ivenlgs status, process 54% drop in expenditures billed to medicaid first year the year prior to the law into effect the state spent nearly 150 million dollars on emergency care for illegal immigrants so far they have spent 67 million dollars. >> diaz-balart member of the housing appropriations committee chairman state foreign operations
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subcommittee, congressman talk about this shift. financially, in florida. what has really saved the state so much revenue. >> sure what is saving people state of florida, florida -- we had a here to the rule of law, and you are seeing in text 54% drop in cost to the taxpayer, just to give if you are here -- the requirement that person has, but just asking, has caused dramatic cost shift supporting rule of law good for everybody that is why florida is doing so o phenomenally well cheryl: numbers we're seeing on screen bear that story out also, some not just -- also medicaid medicare fraud has
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been rampant something else state of florida has been, seems very successful, in battling better so than other states i want to ask something else this is election year, i think very interesting piece in "new york times" op-ed section says title marco rubio, that, of course, your senator marco rubio would cost biden the election with a they're saying is that there is one person on trump's reported short list of running mates, pennsylvania shaped slice other of so-called blue wall of the rust belt, rubio of florida what is it about marco rubio not only makes him strong candidate for vice president but could be name floated out could derail joe biden? >> well, look i think -- the president, president trump has a lot of good choices as far as who he wants for v.p., i
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think marco rubio would be fell on amazing commune indicator great story tough exceedingly smart obviously, quick on speech, president trump needs something loyal to him to agenda i think marco rubio fits that a fell on candidate for vice president, but equally even important, obviously, if something were to happen to president trump which will not marco rubio could step in in that very moment, so, the expertise experience the power loyal to the president and agenda a heck of a candidate for vice president. cheryl: well, we heard the former president over the weekend, say that he made his choice we don't know what it is expect to hear that are at convention i do want to ask you about classified documents case that is in a florida courtroom today. and judge aileen cannon going to hear arguments over trump
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motion to decisive trump attorneys charging special counsel jack smith illegally appointed to the case he was private sin at the time also asking the judge to adjust trump's release conditions they want to bar trump from speaking publicly about fbi raid on mar-a-lago focusing on comments about use of force the new report two other florida state judges actually pressured cannon to step aside from the case when first given to her wanted that trial to miami another worried about bias all happening in your state. your reaction to this. >> yeah, this is -- marco rubio i think american people see what is happening, we have sanctions, government other countries, for doing much less than what the federal government and the democrats around the country are doing to president trump. tournament trump is respect
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nominee for president opposition candidate to go after the opposition government we have sanctioned not even this is 10 years ago, the biden administration has sanctioned, other governments for doing much less than what biden administration is trying to do to president trump i think american people see it they are fed up this makes banana republics look good earn people wise to it see it one of the reasons former trump is going to be reelected, coming back to the white house cannot come soon enough for the good of american people and country >> talking about that in plaster with border crisis i know that your bill, that funds say it foreign operations was approved by house appropriations. you say this is going to reduce biden's budget by 19%,
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there is more what is going on with this. >> well, we, negotiating white house -- senate we cut 6% doing more to help our national security interests, we are turning out -- taking advantage of victories doing m more, funding priorities helping allies confronting adversaries but doing so [i [i don't audio].
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>> we can do a lot more. cheryl: a of work between now and then business continues congressman mario diaz-balart thank you so much. >> thank you we've got more coming up this morning, markets futures mixed to start the week 5 trailed days left in june the end of the second quarter end of the first half, 2024. ershares ceo joel shulman with market outlook ahead of key inflation data a very lively performance from taylor swift on london leg of her eras tour there was a special guest we've got it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. take a look at futures final trying week of june, and second quarter and the first half of the year right now you got dow up by 97 mixed story there stocks green across the board for the year market long
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of the stretch without 2% sell-off since financial cries ershares ceo joel shulman. >> do you think that we are hitting a bubble territory here? >> well i don't think we are so much in bubble yet some stocks maybe in bubble i don't think general market is in a bubble, we have to remember, this is a summer dog days of summer where less trading more people traders away more volatility so a possibility that we are going to see something, i know more are we going to see 2%? really need a catalyst related to drive that some flare-up -- >> another read gdp rarity this week pce price index on friday, that is have fed's key inflation driver. >> right. >> a mover? >> we are seeing it could be a moreover i mean seeing slowdown on gdp, the -- the gdp, drop from 1.6 to 1.3%
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slowing down big ticket purchases being held back, we're seeing consumer general reluckant recognize so much right 24% to government, 77% service sector run economy, and we will see what happens, those i think cpi going to be more driver than pce and gdp this week of. cheryl: the big component luke, shelter talked about we share with you, all of this data combined i am glad you mentioned cpi i put more weight in this more than anything else. >> actually companies seeing prours seeing pass on to consumer, and the market has been wrong with rate crux expecting 6, to maybe one issue might be two who knows if we even get that what is interesting the market has been flooded with ton of stimulus a very long time what spriefgs me how unvolatile the
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market has been for election year typically you see 10, 15% drawdowns up to 17% if combatant losses would price in trump victory around the corner what do you expect towards november? has the stimulus all policies government spending has that been the reason we haven't seen seen drawdown? >> recognize heavy concentration of apple was down 12% we have to recognize when we say market up 5, 6 stocks so that is driving the market under layer, many small caps have not felt the benefit of general market, for example, our indices up over 21% year-to-date but large-cap stocks small caps getting ham hammered. liz: down the that make five stocks unimportant a tiny bit
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of questioning whether ai is, our economy next couple years as anticipating what do you think? >> when it comes to ai nvidia real story, first quarter, first quarter, revenues more than all 20 -- 26 profits of last months, exceeded since reception 30 years a story never seen anything like that 2.7 now at the time now over three trillion-dollar company real story competitors in the seeker are negative, negative growth negative revenue, so this -- dominant story we are going to see you know of five i think real issue for professional money manager consultants focusing on benchmarks inappropriate doesn't represent entire market what they've got to get trump get at. cheryl: i got to ask about taxes "the wall street
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journal" writes 2025 tax armageddon talk ing about proposals out from mark warner, you say new tax proposals will heat up election year discussions on the market side what do you i mean by that. >> so i think thursday's debate i really think should focus on tax issue, it is actually a way to get at underlying issues of immigration, recollect states like california like illinois like new york cities like new york big cities hit hard new york spends a hundred billion dollars, new york city a hundred-billion-dollar budget 12 billion to support illegal immigrants, by the way, we've got all issues going on, and the state of illinois, recently imposed a gambling tax goes up to -- 74.7% 74.7% for city and state bind what we are looking at,
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municipalities in to be creative to get money for things income tax some, the income tax started in 1861 to fund civil war, 1% rate, 1 or 2%. liz: stunning jaw-dropping great to see you on set. cheryl: we are taking a quick break when we come back county judge in trouble after ending up in the back of a police cru cruiser, a poll puts president trump 10 points ahead of president biden nationally democratic strategist tim hogan as i understand kaitsdz columnist are here you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ , bette davis eyes ♪ ♪ . [thunder rumbles]
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not severe heat thunderstorms, facing weather this week gerri willis has details. gerri: cheryl that is right let me tell you when creating all kinds of problems the train bridge over the river near ohio partially collapsinging after intense rainfall flooding luckily bridge was blocking off welfare the incident, 100 million americans under heat alerts as record-breaking heat wave scorches the nation. >> catastrophic flooding tornado watching from mid-atlantic to new york city experts saying storms not
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bringing much relief from the heat, philadelphia police, arresting 36-year-old ramón rodrigues vasquez for allegedly shooting a police officer in kensington saturday night, evading arrest officer conducting vehicle stop with partner police say a man now identified as vasquez ran from car opened fire strikeing the veteran police officer at least once in the neck the officer remains in critical condition. the city police commission gave a press conference saturday saying quote pray for the men and women here today out in the field knowing they were going to give their lives for their job. atlanta police releasing body camera footage showing the arrest of a douglas county probate judge kristina peterson charged with simply
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battery against a police officer after allegedly hitting a cop outside a nightclub last week, police say the democrat judge refused to cooperate with the officer after he asked for identity the bodycam footage showed her cursing at officers while in custody, being represented by fullerton county commissioner who claims she was helping defend a woman being attacked by a man outside the lounge, when the incident with the police officer occurred. very interesting. taylor swift travis bringing love story in tour in london, surprising crowd performing in skit during a custom change kelsey look at that different from football uniform swept her off her feet fixed her make-up days after the couple became instagram official swift posting this selfie with
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kelsey with prince william and his children i know you are a big man. cheryl: big swifty i am good boyfriend by the way other video you have to see gerri prince williams dancing at that concert not really good. gerri: i saw picture not video, you know, how can you look good -- >> you can't do everything, do it well, thank you very much rasmussen poll shows that former president trump is up 10% nationally at 46% compared to president biden, at 36%, a five way race, the latest ipsos poll shows trump winning all seven swing states 48% to biden 43%, inflation, and immigration, as top two voting issues, maria spoke with florida congressman trump v.p. hopeful full byron donalds.
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>> we're going to call votes today president trump support amongst black voters going to vote from 14 to 18%, how you get to a 25%, you go through the actual full campaign get out the vote efforts, direct targeting of immediate to black voters explaining that president trump's agenda was better for them than joe biden's then going through how he is going to get america black on track, joe biden has been a failure, i believe 25% is very possible. >> joining me now democratic strategist former hillary clinton spokesperson arc initiative senior advisers dim hogan and josh hammer here we go time for cnn presidential debate for the first time in four years we are now going to see two general on the stage, are together. josh, first warrant to get your reaction o to the latest polling, the former president progress that we're seeing with that minority vote that
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was crucial to be clear to president biden's you four years ago. >> yeah. the national horse race polling very close race fox news hood joe biden gain lead a point or two the national horse race polling up or downswing state polling tells a convincing narrative donald trump leading in visually all major swing states especially in sunbelt cheryl even nevada, nevada actually not gone red in presidential election in two decades or so donald trump has a commanding lead right now in states like nevada, arizona, georgia north carolina not currently looking like in play the moment for president biden. now having said that, even if donald trump sweeps the sunbelt unless upset like virginia going to have to win the least one of three result
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belt states pennsylvania wisconsin, or michigan the polling there is tighter. albeit donald trump leading in most polling in wisconsin and pennsylvania for me cheryl that getting back to an argument i have been may be abling a few months given the fact donald trump has to exceed -- break through result best blue wall i think strangely in favor of selecting j.d. vance as candidate from ohio the region, are he speaks to the white working-class voters in those states will decide three states apparently donald trump made up his what kind when it comes to who he is picking for vice president i hope he makes the right choice here. cheryl: a couple things i find interesting first off you've got new york times writing marco rubio could be thing that would sink, joe biden. if he was presidential pick for myriad of reasons, talking about polls you worked for
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hillary clinton do you think at the time that the hillary clinton campaign made a mistake not paying more attention to some red flags in polling that led up to 2016 if so, do you think biden campaign making that smistake now a, in polling industry in 2016 talking about, over sampling wrong education level certainly voters why we ended up where we ended up but to josh's point if you look at 538 this morning a simulation of donald trump versus joe biden, joe biden wins 50 times donal donald trump wins 49 in result of best michigan wisconsin pennsylvania, everything within the margin other joe bid winning wisconsin, michigan trailing in pennsylvania republicans underperformed in nearly every special election that we've seen whether on
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abortion murders like kansas or kentucky or special election, like in ohio district rep ran 20 points behind donald trump today is anniversary two years of the decision hugely for voters i would much rather be jsh at this point also showing momentum for him, in good time. >> with cnn presidential debate coming up thursday going to be june 27, the mics muted, gives former president trump final word, former president trump on campaign trail president biden at camp david mar spoke with eric trump yesterday about all the press listen to this. >>. >> pretty telling of a president who hasgoing to camp david middle of the woods, lock himself in the a bunker
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for 8-day period of time because his policies are so bad, that he has to figure out some way to polish him up sugarcoat them frame them with top advisers i can tell you my father is not doing that my father is on right side of these issues 10 days or 8 days in the wood in camp david to try to explain yourself to american people, not exactly sure that is a big you know showing of confidence. >> okay, your reaction to that? >> i think his point that father is not as prepared for debate? i don't know, i a good chance for biden campaign good that it is happening early to show that this election is a contrast and not a referendum you feel good do you feel bad? but a choice like the president said don't compare plea to al unitey compare me to alternative a lot of moments that crystalized, we saw voters watched those debates say joe biden won i am
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thinking of donald trump saying to cowboys stand walk being, by joe biden narrating exhausted saying will you shut up man we will see if donald trump can keep him under control a lot of issues joe biden can press abortion democracy healthcare turning the corner. cheryl: we know democracy abortion top of campaign strategy i don't have a lot of piem josh i want your reaction on what just happened this morning trump 2024 national press secretary taken off air on cnn leavitt trying to put out how jake tapper one of the moderators has been outspoken against trump watch. >> what do you expect from joe biden? >> well, first of all, it is -- it is takes five minutes to google jake tapper to see that. >> ma'am. >> i am going to top you i am
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-- to i would like to talk about about. donald trump who you work for. >> you are on his behave. >> we have this conversation -- >> i am stating facts that your request colleague stated in the past. >> i am sorry we are coming back -- thank you very much for your time you are welcome to come back any point welcome to come back speak about donald trump, donald trump will have -- to joe biden when they both join us. >> josh she was yanked what do you say? >> look, i mean trump campaign obviously, agreed to debate doesn't mean car line is wr tapper, donald trump versus mainstream media tired of gross media bias pervade this country like cancer it is a good political posture for president i go back to notion
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of so-called galaxy what donald trump has to do thursday night, when so-called democracy gets brought up sigh clearly look there is one person on this debate stiej, who say department of justice is trying to put the other in jail it is not me. cheryl: i am sure he will. >> the discussion -- >> i have no doubt that donald trump will say that, excuse me, quick i got your reaction to what -- >> -- what do you make of that. >> well, one of them also fermented insurrection i would say is a huge --,, to josh's point yeah they agreed to debate, on cnn with jake tapr give a waive leverage in those negotiations i don't know what point trying to make about jake but yeah. cheryl: well it was something. as we say in the south josh hammer, great discussion thank you so much a lot more we've got more coming up to look forward to here, perspective
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home buyers most expensive market in at least three decades, jeff? . >> we will show you house sold within four days common making it hard for some folks to afford their first home. the story in a moment. .
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facing more he most expensive how big markets at least three decades jeff flock live from cranbury new jersey with more, jeff? >> good time to sell bad time to buy, i am yeah if you've got a house in sought after neighborhood a place in cranbury three bedroom two bathhouse, 575 sold in four days. beautiful landscaping nice neighborhood the price because of lack of inventory really rising take a look at number 419,000 dollars for the median priced house year-over-year up almost 6%, and where is it worse? right here standing in northeast. up more than 9% in northeast. followed by midwest, west and south, that is all having
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chilling effect on sales existing sales now year-over-year down about 3% wasn't that great last year white is doing making very a very hard for folks, that are on th on the, you know, lower topped get into a house harvard study found to buy average pride of hours decent down payment 120,000 dollars you got to make in income compares to 2021, 82,000 dollars, dramatic increase if looking over asking price within a day or two of listing not a lot of inventory out there. cheryl: the whole problem, cash buyers are coming in, and knocking anyone out. >> killing everybody. cheryl: younger buyers, jeff flock great report thank you
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so much liz talking how difficult market is not changing -- >> people buying selling my house right now my thoughts in a couple weeks -- very segmented you can't look at housing market throughout the whole entire nation it is very different state to state city to city some reversion everyone flocked to red states, florida, texas influx actually see supply kind of issue supply on market four times higher than in dallas, texas, cheap tore live cleveland, ohio people moving there now. cheryl: that is pushing the prices higher, my friends in texas say californians buying homes here don't bring politics with them. liz: tennessee don't cal my tennessee -- look,
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affordability worst ever in our country i hope comes up thursday night. >> polling from gen z nine out of 10 most important issue come november for election is housing. housing affordability. >> majority middle class america has note et worth tied housing. >> entry level where you start to accumulate capital historically in our country, right now not work. >> i want aggen "z's" to buy, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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>> time for the big buds of the morning the u.s. olympic team gearing up for the paris games asking organizers to permit air conditioning and hotel rooms,
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that goes against the officials there in their efforts to cut carbon emissions in general for the games, the u.s. lipid committee says this is a period of time that predictability is critical for team usa's performance and our conversation with athletes, this is a very high priority and something that the athletes felt was a critical component in their performance capability, the average temperature in august was expected to hit 79 degrees at the time that the olympics are going on and by the way is not just the u.s. olympic team, there are others including britain and other countries. >> all those athletes want to sleep well, i'm surprised to hear that. if you want to know why micron is being pulverized with the french election, climate idiocy has overtaken europe and has for years. >> here is a list, it is ger
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germany, they are also bringing their own air conditioners, australia, italy, canada and i mentioned britain, all of these countries are big on climate change. >> apparently i need to travel more to europe i did not know this was a topic i thought everyone had air conditioning. it's crazy and hypocritical, do as i say and not what as i do, micron comedy private flights, i don't know the answer to that but all that going on is hypocritical. >> the games are going to be exciting, they cannot swim in the river because it's too polluted. >> in rio that was an issue, the waterway was really polluted. >> liz peek, luke lloyd, thank you joy tamika maria will be back tomorrow, "varney & company" is up next. stuart: good morning, everyone, four days to the cnn


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