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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 24, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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germany, they are also bringing their own air conditioners, australia, italy, canada and i mentioned britain, all of these countries are big on climate change. >> apparently i need to travel more to europe i did not know this was a topic i thought everyone had air conditioning. it's crazy and hypocritical, do as i say and not what as i do, micron comedy private flights, i don't know the answer to that but all that going on is hypocritical. >> the games are going to be exciting, they cannot swim in the river because it's too polluted. >> in rio that was an issue, the waterway was really polluted. >> liz peek, luke lloyd, thank you joy tamika maria will be back tomorrow, "varney & company" is up next. stuart: good morning, everyone, four days to the cnn
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presidential debate, what a contrast between the candidates, biden is held up first at the beach and now at camp david, you won't hear that much from him, he is in deep basement mode, trump exact opposite, he's out and about plunging into crowds and deeply cities. in philly he dropped into a steakhouse and give a 500-dollar tip and wrote no taxes on tips on the receipt, today he's off to new orleans meeting and greeting and raising money, to the market stocks coming off the best we can make from the s&p 500, more weakness in a.i. tech stocks but smaller caps are doing well, the dow up maybe 80 in a fractional loss for the s&p and nasdaq is out about 50. bitcoin drifting lower, $61000 for that coin at the moment, interest rates of change, the tenure covenant just below four and a quarter percent, just over four and a quarter% up slightly,
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the two-year it's 4.74%, just below four and three quarters percent, oil hovering around $80 a barrel, 80.79, gasoline down 1 cent at 344, notes change for diesel 3.79. politics what are the russians up to with their nuclear antisatellite program, should we have something similar, do we have something similar, the chair of the house intelligence committee will be joining us, on the show today the travelers championship interrupted by oil protesters, they set off layers of the 18th green and held up the game for a few minutes they will all fossil fuel ended by 2030, my opinion their tactics are hurting their cause they better not mess with the olympics, monday june 24, 2024, "varney & company" is about to begin.
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♪. stuart: the danger zone, what dangers would that be, donald trump hit the campaign trail in philadelphia over the weekend, he hit it big time. you have to tell me more about the $500 tip. >> he gave it to the folks that make the cheesesteaks and tony nixon philadelphia and he wrote no tax on tips and then he pulled the cheering crowd on vp. >> nobody knows, who do you like as vp. >> jd vance, who do you guys like as vp. >> tom cotton.
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>> jd vance. >> tom rubio. >> a lot of variance. >> he says he knows who the vp is, desi, when will he tell us? a social man it will be when he needs a bump up, he was at the rally and deeply philadelphia and that's where he tied biden with crime. >> under cricket joe the city of brotherly love is being ravaged by bloodshed and crime, murders in philadelphia reach their highest level in six decades, retail theft in philly i've spent so much time here is up 135% center-left office, they want to silence me because i will never let them silence you and in the end they're not after me there after you, i just happened to be standing in their way. >> expect the same message in louisiana today.
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stuart: you can't hear anything from the president he's held up in camp david. >> is gearing for the debate. stuart: charlie hurt with us this monday morning, trumpets campaigning all weekend, biden is held up at camp david, that's a contrast and a half. >> that the most important point of what were seen, during the campaign in june of an election year the idea that a candidate would go dark for a week is unheard of and i guess because of the peculiarity of the campaign we sort of glossed over that bug is the most important thing, donald trump is doing what candidates do with the running for president, this idea that joe biden is going to go dark is practically unheard of. jumping into the deep blue cities as a deliberate strategy, go to the belly so to speak and make sure he can go there and get a crowd. >> or something humbling that i admire very much, he may not win
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all of those voters but he has the respect for the system and the voters to ask them for their vote. that is the way politics is supposed to work. >> biden raised $30 million campaigning with celebrities in los angeles earlier this month, this weekend he's going to another wealthy area he's going to the hampton. it seems that much of the president cash comes from celebrities, hollywood where as trump's cash comes from the little guy that's another contrast. >> is a huge contrast we saw the explosion of fundraising for the trump campaign after the conviction in new york and those were small dollar donations. the great thing about that every single person who wrote a check for $12, $20 they can write more checks, joe biden responded by going to hollywood and having a hollywood fundraiser, those people max out and you cannot go back to them not only has trump
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raised more money he has more potential going forward. stuart: hold on, stay with me for the hour. i want to go back to lauren, before biden goes to the hamptons to bring in some money, he and donald trump are holding dueling valleys, where they both going. >> this is on friday. on friday biden will be in north carolina he lost by 74000 votes in 2020 but democrats are betting that the blue state exodus seven people from the northeast moving to north carolina might help them get the 74000 votes back and when and trump is going to virginia he opened 11 offices there and is trying to flip virginia red and he will appear with governor glenn youngkin. stuart: who is popular with sentra. >> and those who'd work for the other side. stuart: let's shift towards money, arc invests cathie wood
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the ceo seem to voice support for trump during interview over the weekend but the interview was deleted, what's going on. >> the interviewer kevin patrick deleted the interview because the part that he put out is that cathie wood endorse trump on the economy, she said if i vote with my business brains trump would be better but then kevin said he believes he ambushed kathy with joe versus donald question and i might have it unintentionally created a question and she didn't intend to create, i regret this and i'm sorry. stuart: they got to them. >> i don't think anybody said she endorse trump, everybody took the take away from the interview that she said trump will be better on the economy, that's exactly what she said and he pulled it and he said is piggybacking the future. stuart: let's take a look at futures, here's how your money
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is going open up for the new week of for the doubt 80 points, down for the nasdaq 64, jessica is with us on a monday morning, are we seeing the start of a pullback in a.i. are we pausing the a.i. rally. it seems like we are. >> if you look at last week and broad, micron and nvidia, they did pullback in the big question is going to be what is micron going to tell us about the future, micron reports earnings this week, what is micron going to tell us about the future of a.i., what micron has shown us, they have been in the shadow of nvidia and their up close to 70% this year, they've made their own path, they will be able to outline what the future is going to look like for their chips in for the nvidia chips because when it comes down to it without a.i., this market doesn't have a lot to get one. if you look at taking the a.i. stocks out of the s&p 500, we
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only had about a 45% gain this year. it's very important. stuart: could micron's earnings wednesday afternoon derail the a.i. surge? >> they could that i think earnings are going to be great. what i'm more focused on what is the ceo going to say about the future in terms of orders because keep in mind we had software companies like salesforce warning that they were spending a lot of money on ships and not as much money on software, that creates a very negative dynamic for technology. stuart: look to the debate the cnn presidential debate thursday night, what should investors pay attention to not just a voter but investors. >> if you look at the debate both presidents have relatively very good result in terms of how the market is done.
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what i'm looking at, number one what is joe biden going to present biden going to do about inflation. he is not answer that question. after cnn asked him what flavor of ice cream he likes, i hope they asking for a definitive explanation as to what he's going to do. number two is taxes, the trump tax cuts which i believe are big catalyst for the market being where it is, they expire in 2025. what biden is proposing not to say he's going to get his way will take away all incentive to invest because capital gains tax will be so high people may assume that is not worth the risk. stuart: that's what worries me a lot of people have done well in tech stocks, if you sell them young capital gains you have to pay it. also the next one is tariffs because trump is big on tariffs
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and especially against china in what were trying to do is show how working to reduce inflation, how are we going to be able to put the tariffs on the countries and reduce inflation. stuart: i wonder if cnn last question. we shall see. let's move on to ve violence one streets of los angeles after pro-hamas protesters blocked access to a synagogue, now the progressive mayor is getting involved in her response might surprise you but trump explains his new campaign strategy focusing on deep blue cities, watch this. >> they want hope, there is no hope with biden he is the worst president we've ever had, there's no hope. stuart: a winning strategy, i will ask steve forbes, benjamin netanyahu says he will not agree to a full cease-fire to in the war between israel and hamas but
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he's prepared to make a partial deal, trey yingst has a report from israel next. you can't be. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. over 400,000 people with afib have left blood thinners behind with watchman. a safe, one—time implant that reduces stroke risk
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stuart: prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced the current phase of the war with hamas is winding down, trey yingst in tel aviv, what is the cease-fire deal? >> it comes as all eyes are on israel were then front, amid new concerns of the possibility of a broader war with hezbollah, israel launched new airstrikes this weekend against iran backed organization targeting a variety of positions across southern
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lebanon has below launched drones, antitank guided missiles injuring one is really soldier, the exchange of fire comes as benjamin netanyahu announced plans to wrap up fighting inside gaza and shift forces north. >> after the intense phase is finished we will have the possibility to move part of the forces north and we will do this, first and foremost for defensive purposes and secondly to bring our evacuated residents home. >> 262 days into the war israel is still battling hamas on the ground and continuing large airstrikes against targets across the street, dozens of people were killed over the weekend and gaza city refugee camp amid new israeli bombardment, israel uses international criticism for rising civilian death tolls inside of gaza, now the military is answering questions about the operation in the west bank after shocking video revealed a wounded palestinian man strapped to a moving army jeep there is
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rapidly expanding tension across the region and at this moment there are no succeeding diplomatic efforts. stuart: the chair of the house intelligence committee is mike turner and he joins me in new york city, benjamin netanyahu will address congress at the end of next month. what impact do you think that'll have all the democrats as a political party in american politics. >> i think it's good he's coming he will be able to make a clear statement as to what his policy, goals and objectives are which you administration is unable to do. divided administration continually changes their policies and claims of provide weapons and they claim they are not, they seem unable to pick a side and stick with it. stuart: democrats are reportedly very worried that benjamin netanyahu will stand before congress and criticized biden, their president, democrat president. >> we seen it with the president of ukraine cayman and obama was
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president and he said i can't win a war with blankets which characterize that obama was unwilling to give lethal weapons to ukraine and in this instance benjamin netanyahu not only the audience of congress but the decision-makers, he is audience of the world as he stands before congress and lays out really that the challenges he is facing in his vision going forward. stuart: other republicans united behind benjamin netanyahu and the push into gaza. >> i think the republicans are absolutely unified about israel's rights to defend itself. and certainly that hamas must be removed. stuart: you want administration to declassify intelligence on the russian nuclear antisatellite program, do we know what the russians have got with the program and should we have a program like it? >> is to our disadvantage, doctor plumb from the department of defense indicated such a recommendation would be catastrophic and take out all the satellite and lower orbit
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and libra unusual for up to a year which people would be watching your program and we wouldn't know what time it is, basic functions of the western society, not true of north korea and russia and iran. the west is disadvantage and it would be catastrophic. the administration should declassify the information so the world understand what vladimir putin is doing he thrives in secrecy and my big concern, the administration is sleepwalking into a cuban missile into space and not doing enough. stuart: cuban missile crisis in space and i have a weapon we don't. >> a put in a place that would have devastating consequences. stuart: does this have to do with the russian nuclear submarine and havana. >> tickets related to vladimir putin said he's going to increase his nuclear weapons programs and make it more threatening and with the aggressive posture as you know this is about his goal to reassemble the soviet union and hold us hostage. stuart: mike turner chair of the
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intel committee, thank you for joining us. the democrat mayor of los angeles, karen bass is slamming pro-hamas protesters after they blocked access to a synagogue over the weekend, what is she saying about this. >> today's violence in the pico robinson neighborhood that's a predominantly jewish neighborhood was important in blocking access to a place of worship is unacceptable. i want to be clear that los angeles will not be a harbor for anti-semitism and violence and those responsible for either will be found and held accountable, she's meeting with police and community leaders, the police did respond in riot gear on sunday because protesters were trying to block jewish people from going into worship and then a counter protest and it really got out of hand, karen bassett democrat in l.a. is saying that is unacceptable. stuart: jerry seinfeld the comedian is an australian he was mocked during the show in melbourne, how did he respond this time. >> he welcome them back the
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protesters back, this is saturday night. >> we have a genius ladies and gentlemen, he saw the middle east. >> i think you need to go back until his running organization that we just gave more money to a jew that could not be a good plan for you, that's not what you want, that's the whole problem, you gotta come up with a better plan. >> he went head-on and he spent a lot of time responding to the protesters. >> it was a great response but it seems that jewish voices are being shouted down all over the world. >> of course seinfeld knows how to do that and he did it because he knew it would get a lot of laughs and obviously would love to use humor to disarm these things, the footage that we saw from yesterday out of los angeles is absolutely appalling, this is not a protest on two sides, this was people, these
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were jews going into a synagogue for worship and they were blocked from getting into the synagogue and kudos to karen bass for coming out and declaring that but there has been far too much silence from democrats across the board, democrat politicians and leaders in places like this on this issue and it's really disg disgusting. stuart: thank you very much indeed, quick check of the futures i see green for the dow and read for the nasdaq. opening bell is next. ♪ [thunder rumbles]
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future show is split up 70 for they're down, down 5960 at the opening bell, which is about three minutes away. keith fitz is with us we had 377 days without a 2% selloff in the s&p 500, does that mean odds are a selloff is coming? >> it means a selloff is possible not probable contrary
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to what the bears think that's a pretty good thing. stuart: you don't think a big selloff is coming, do you? >> here's the thing selloff are short-term in nature, if you want to play to win you have to think beyond that in longer-term framework, that's what were doing if this is to be a selloff week the end of the month or the second quarter probably good odds will get one. stuart: you don't advise on the trade in and out rapidly, you're more of a buy-and-hold kind of guy aren't you? >> it depends on what we see when it comes to opportunities if it's like nvidia we're going to go all in quickly. if it's something that we think will play out like a defense stock or pharmaceutical that will take a longer term because that's a longer-term cycle that were interested in. stuart: you like lockheed martin, as a defense stock because it plays a solid dividend, that's why you like it? >> it does decades of dividends and something called the beta about three quarters of what the s&p 500 is, on a week like this if you're worried about a
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selloff you get great dividend and a 7% growth in the lower pe instability because the stock would get rocked around. stuart: same with rtx, raytheon and defense stock. >> same kind of thinking, defense stock the world unfortunately is not a calm place that means the stock is a great place to hide out and potentially grow and get a dividend and get stability if you're worried about a selloff a week like this. stuart: what is a dividend payout on raytheon. raytheon is about 2.5% right now or so. stuart: it's not much, it doesn't sound like much if it's a longer cycle four, five, six, 7% growth per year over a couple years that's going to pay off handsomely. stuart: we shall see, were out of time, sorry about that but will move onto the opening bell on wall street it is about to be wrrank. maybe that lady will step forward can you do it.
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we have open the market on a monday morning and we see the dow on the upside, solid gain there must be a couple of dow stock doing particularly well, look at ibm is at ibm in the top corner. it is, ibm doing well, j.p. morgan, united health, amgen, they're doing well there's about five or six losers in the dow is up 110 points the s&p 500 opening with a fractional loss i call that dead flat to slightly lower, the nasdaq composite has open with a fractional loss, down about one third of 1% i suspect with big tech may be taking a badly this morning, microsoft, apple and amazon are down but meta is back up to $500 a share, the 6-dollar gain, alphabet up 180.
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apple we have to focus on them, they now stand accused of breaching european union competition rules, what is this. >> investors are brushing it off, i'll point out that milley is research increase their price target to 261 of the highest on wall street this is what's going on european antitrust regulators say the app store does not allow act developers to provide their own pricing in the work to communicate with users about their offers outside the app store, why would any company actively steer business away from themselves, that's what europe wants apple to do and as a result apple could be fined 10% of the worldwide revenue that would be about $40 billion, you get annoyed hearing stories like this but this is a digital market app and that you and their holding our big tech companies to the fire. stuart: they just want the money they cannot innovate themselves or they want our money, that's exactly what they're doing. apple is getting bigger on china division pro the a ivr goes on sale there and there are reports
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that they added two retailers to it, ali baba, you think you can put the goggles on and do a test drive of a car or get a makeup tutorial, more use cases. stuart: i would die to know what sales backed up for the goggles. >> we don't know which makes me think it's small for the $3500. funny you should say that, bytedance is teaming up with broad calm to do what. >> develop a new a.i. chip, reuters says it'll be manufactured by tsmc, developed and designed by broad calm and bytedance, the overdue partners, bytedance needs chips to power its algorithm, not just for tiktok but for the chapel in china and the chip would reportedly be in compliance with the expert restriction. stuart: tesla anna potus of elon musk's pay package that are butting heads, what is the latest on this. >> stock is up 2%, the judge has to approve this, the shareholder vote to give him the pay
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package, tesla says delaware judge kathleen mccormick should but opponents say take this all the way to the delaware supreme court, the judge needs to determine the legal fees for the shareholder who sued, he originally wanted 5 million worth of tesla, maybe he should get 1 billion but i think the catalyst for the company this is why the stock is up to present, the second-quarter delivery numbers the big august robo tax event, that is the future of tesla, dan ives thanks this is a stock that could double in the next 12 - 18 months because it's an a.i. play, tesla's artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence to tesla would be a half. stuart: big numbers. let's see what happens with apple and see if they can double it, i'm not sure about that, ups announced they're planning to sell the coyote logistics, first of all what is coyote logistics.
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>> and mary supply and demand, they don't own trucks but they put together a customer that needs something shipped that can ship the product, that is it. ups is selling it to rx over $1 billion ups is up a little bit it's a good deal for our ask a low because they bought coyote for double what they're selling it for. oh dear, box office, disney inside out to, another record-breaking weekend, how much did they bring in. >> another hundred million, to get that much in your second week it is a big deal, very few meal movies or actually able to do all in disney pixar inside out to broaden $724 million worldwide next weekend this will be a billion-dollar blockbuster. stuart: it helps to have a hot weekend where the sediments are air-conditioned. >> escape the heat. >> it works on disney's favor this time. a credential to billion dollars
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stock buyback and their up but not much. >> basically the rewarding shareholders after the insurers solve robust growth since particularly last year when the covid restriction were lifted in china and in hong kong the stock is up a bit, it was up 6% hong kong today also up sharply in london. >> charlie hurt has been sitting here, he's taken notes any smiling. >> the last time you asked me this last time i said i would buy tesla, i feel like i'm so rich now. did you buy it? no i did not buy it. stuart: he think is going to double. i said i would have to so i have this enormous imaginary wealth all of a sudden, another thing there is a trucking company called coyote, how bizarre is that, coyote or what the human smugglers are the border why would you name your checking logistics company coyote. stuart: perhaps they named it before the coyote was well
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well-known. >> the coyotes have been working the border forever in joe biden handed the whole thing over to them. stuart: write a letter to the times and put your complaint in. check out the big board we are up 70 points in the very early going 39200, dow winners, we have ibm, chevron, unitedhealth, j.p. morgan, dow inc. all on the list, the s&p 500 winners this far today, cf industries, mosaic, tesla, ibm and nasdaq composite winners topping the list tesla, meta platforms, palo alto, micron technology, global foundries, inc. here we go coming up, here they go again, climate protesters storm the 18th hole and delay the finish of the pj travelers championship, do they really believe that enhances their cause, i cannot believe that. a report to government employees have received a bigger payraise than private sector workers we
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will ask stephen moore what's going on with that. while biden is at camp david his administration is hitting the road there making a nationwide sales pitch for bidenomics edward lawrence breaks down that with the strategy right after this. ♪
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>> 11 minutes worth of business, the nasdaq is down 50, now this, president biden hunted down as he prepares for the big face-off with donald trump later this week, the top officials are fading out across the country in their talking bidenomics, edward lawrence at the white house, no leaf blower yet but let's get on with it, who is going where.
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>> you missed the truck backing up, the president is going nowhere he is at canton david, nothing is on his public schedule until thursday we go to the debate and no official event, the president has cabinet members and a administration officials, steve getting out across the country to do student events in 15 states this is just today come easy poop but enter buttigieg in transportation those officials reminded people about this but did the president signed into law the first three years in the president's campaign with the talking points for years. >> the problem is all of the benefits flowing down to everybody as quickly as possible and that's why joe biden is fighting to save people money, fighting for law prescription drug costs, fighting for healthcare and fighting to make sure people of access to housing and to make sure big i'll and all of the big companies are not taking profits when they're
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supposed to. >> those be the talking points and all of those without the government programs that they signed into law, $7 trillion spending the balloon of the federal deficit to 1.9 trillion for this fiscal year according to the congressional budget office. >> the deficit that we have now are unusual and unsustainable, they are unusual to have large deficit when the labor market remains pretty strong in the economy has recovered for the pandemic. >> 41% say they are falling behind it only 14% are getting ahead and the fox news polling the white house lowering expectation for the president and the debate while trying to charm offensive with how much money they're spending as a fan out and talk to folks across the country. stuart: here is a headline, bidenomics also known as him him to modern monetary theory, the crazy economic theory that spending has no consequences,
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steve moore wrote that and he joins us now. first of all what is mmt and more importantly how is it connected to bidenomics? >> great to be with you, mmt modern monetary theory is a crackpot idea that a number of left-wing economists came up with five or ten years ago in the promise of this, i'm not making this up, the united states government can borrow and borrow as much as it wanted to trillions and trillions of dollars and it would not have a negative consequence on the economy, guess who picked up this idea, joe biden these were the people that said obama stimulus plan didn't work they didn't spend the borrow enough so they just developed by bifold and this is the reason we have trillions of dollars of deficit and by the way a seventh grader you can bring a seventh grader and they will tell you to get a. trillions of dollars enough to
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cause inflation in all of the economists and it would happen in our prices are 22 and 25% higher in its ruin the economy and hopefully will never have to suffer through modern monetary theory again i find ironic that the biden people are running around the country trumping this economy because most americans have lost income adjusted for inflation under biden's presidency. stuart: i'm not quite sure how this works, you say government workers are getting a 40% pay raise compared to private sector workers. his accurate seems extreme. >> what were saying is the average government employee compared to private sector employee by the way with comparable skills, comparing apples with apples, that government employee has higher pay but the real injustice here for taxpayers because they paid
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the salaries is that they get benefits that are 60 - 70% higher than the private sector worker, wait a minute we have an institution, the federal government that is losing $2 trillion a year, maybe we could start by bringing parity by what private sector workers are making and what public sector are making, don't forget that the other advantage that is not accounted for, you cannot fire a government employee they have essentially lifetime tenure, i don't have tenure, do you, i could get fired tomorrow. i don't see how this can change, i don't see how you can cut spending sufficiently to narrow the deficit and i don't see how you can cut benefits and pay of government workers anytime soon. i don't see how you can do that in the society. >> this is been happening for 25 or 30 years and is the power of the public sector employee unions and by the way the democrats basically do anything that the unions want and now we have this massive public
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employee payroll that americans cannot afford to pay for. stuart: it won't change until there's a debt crash, that is my opinion. it won't change. it's good to be romantic. can i do one quick shout out to lauren simonetti. she gets an a in economics, she gets in a because you're exactly right about apple, apple has a great product is what are the best phones in the world and the reason the europeans are trying to shut it down, they cannot compete and you left out one thing, we have the united states federal government by nn on the side of the europeans and not the american companies. stuart: i've got a get and i'm sorry for cutting off, some to his been very nice by the way, thank you very much, steve you are alright, we'll see you soon, charlie hurt, what you make of this. >> it is astounding and i think you're right is not going to happen until we have a come to
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jesus on debt but donald trump's credit, he is talking about abolishing the department of education and that's a great first step but reining in the federal government, the spending on the federal government, if you don't do it was salaries and employees and workforce, the new knocking arena in the federal government and it needs to be reined in. stuart: thank you, now this is either presidential debate is four days away, trump is out talking to folks and deeply cities, biden held up at camp david, their strategies couldn't be more different, that is my take at the top of the hour. prospective buyers are facing the most expensive housing market in three decades, the median price of a home well over $400,000, jeff flock has all the numbers after this. ♪
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stuart: this really hurts prospective buyers are facing the most expensive housing market in three decades but that is not stopping some buyers from
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getting out there and snatching up a home as fast as they can. jeff flock in new jersey is outside of a home that sold in four days, do i have that right, tell me more. >> it is the have and the have-nots, this is a place in cranberry new jersey, nice neighborhood east wind windsor schools, this is a three bedroom two bath house and went on the market over the weekend, it's off the market, $575,000 is the asking price, a lot of houses go for over asking, people with money or buying them, take a look at the numbers on the median home sale existing home $419,000 that is never been higher in history that's up 6% over the last year as well, there's not a lot of inventory, if you look at inventory numbers
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and they've grown a little bit but the agents tell us those are homes that are not desirable in the neighborhood and may not be in great shape and people with money are coming in and buying over asking, it's making folks at the lower end very difficult to get in. if you look at a harvard study that just came out, you gotta make $120,000 a year to afford the average home, that's a decent down payment, three years ago it was 80000 you had to make, not how to make $100,000 in if you like you or me, were close to retirement and we have a house paid off and we want to downsize but we got cash so we come in and we could be a cash buyer but if you're trying to get a loan it is not a great time with interest rates the way that they are, this is not a great time. stuart: you got it and you got it right. now then i want to say thank you to charlie, quick market check, the dow was up 230 points, there
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are a couple of stocks of the dow 30 that are doing very well, ibm and unitedhealth up nicely and that's helping the doctor again of almost two thirds of 1%, those are the winners, ibm, boeing, j.p. morgan chase and coca-cola. i have to say thank you to charlie hurt. >> i give una, thank you you get an a+, three hours a "fox & friends" prior. the best a+ i'd ever got. stuart: still ahead joe concha will recap the progressives while the rally for jamaal bowman, it was wild. lastly doctor marc siegel will tell us about a new blood test that may detect parkinson's years before the symptoms show up. steve forbes with the trump campaigns deeply cities and alisha finley on the wall street journal on biden losing his deal to young voters. the 10:00 o'clock hour is next.
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