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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪. stuart: the eye of the tiger, the theme song back in 2020, it was for trump. >> i can't answer that but as my friend dave's favorite song even though he's 46 years old and grew up in the 80s but his favorite song he plays all the time it's odd. stuart: a big shout out for dave. >> dave weinberg, my best friend, why are you taking a single hobby. >> we performed this to my high school opposition. >> u.s. ... to political question we talk better high school experiences, back to you. stuart: good morning, everyone, 10:00 o'clock eastern, to the money, solid gain for the dow it is up 300 points, i am squinting, the top performers ibm up sharply help with the rest of the market, only four losers in 26 winners, it's a
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pretty broad-based for the dow industrials, fractional loss for the nasdaq down two points, that is it the ten year treasury, still going up, it is right at four and a quarter percent, the price of oil has been around $80 a barrel, that looks like the dow jones industrial, we will take a come of the dow industrial, let's go to bitcoin 61000 recording, it is a selloff, 616 as we speak, stock is up and bitcoin down, that is the market, now this, talk about debate prep contrast, these two candidates could not be more different, trump does a deep dive into the heart of the democrat party, he is out and about in the middle of deeply cities, biden holds up, first at the beach than camp david he is surrounded by policy experts doing mock debates, there's not much to be said about the presidents debate because he really is held up, is extreme basement strategy, go nowhere, say nothing while he prepares.
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his team will fan out the campaign for him, people do judge to ohio, gina raimondo to marilyn, and to colorado. trump on the other hand conducts a very different form of debate prep is very much out and about plunging directly into the crowd, and south philly made an unexpected visit to tony and nick stakes he left a 500-dollar tip and wrote no taxes on tips on the receipt then he pulled the people around him asking who he should pick for his vice president, today he'll be in new orleans raising money. when the cnn presidential debate arrives thursday night, trump says he expects the president to be jacked up, those are his words like he was for the state of the union message, he has the energy it takes to stand up for 90 minutes of intense debate without notes everyone is looking to see if he could do it without a senior moment trump has to avoid making people feel sorry for the president, constant interruption did not work well for him in the debates
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provided in 2020 he'll have to restrain himself even though he's debating a president who is trying to shut him up with a prison sentence, biden has to get fired up and keep his train of thought and trump has to calm down 100 million tv view interviewers decide if he has what it takes for another four years or whether trump deserves a second chance, that is a contrast that is being roiling our politics for the last eight years, the second hour of "varney" just getting started. ♪ we have heard from todd piro with the top of the hour and we will hear from him again, hi david what do you expect to see at the sid engine cnn presidential debate, is it make or break for both candidates, my take was spot on highlighting the distinction, trump needs to play i'm not going to say prevent defense but it prevents
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you from winning, we know the old adage, he needs to let joe biden hang himself with his own rope, he doesn't need to be standard donald trump, his face is going to vote for donald trump no matter what, he needs to get the independence in the looking for the outburst to not vote for him all your running, if he sticks to the issues and highlights the contrast, then him and joe biden, just as joe biden and he can't talk on a stage, he's going to walk away handily with the wind that has to be the strategy. let's stay there i want to talk to about this, senate judiciary is the ranking member that is lindsey graham and he says they're trying to destroy the supreme court, watch this. >> they're trying to micromanage the roberts court in trying to destroy alito and thomas because they don't like that the conservative judges, i like chris but in his world the people over there are a part of
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a political team that when democrat philip the ballot box people over there will fix the problem from the liberal perspective, the supreme court no longer is a political body is looking at the constitution and making constitutionally sound decisions versus political decisions that is a problem liberals have with the court. it seems the mounting attacks on conservative justices, right before the immunity decision comes down, that is a political attack. i harkens back to your roe v. wade this is what they do the left put extra pressure in situations where there trying to lead to a certain verdict, our system cannot operate like that that cannot happen, the nine individuals need to be free to make a decision and extrajudicial pressure in the attempt to question whether they can take certain cases were not and does congress have the authority and second whether justices can stay on the case
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that is not how this works the judiciary needs to be independent and cannot be run by congress which is ultimately the end of the day the left wants and lindsey graham is railing against. stuart: house republican phil timmons from south carolina he is calling on the supreme court to intervene and trump's new york criminal trial, what is he doing event the congressman wants to pass a bill that would grant the president the authority to move the state charges to federal court, congressman tim and says americans need to make informed decisions before they vote on president of the united states and the manhattan da alvin bragg is a never trumper he is political but the chances of the high court taken this up are very slim the likely pending an appeal which hasn't happened and it will happen after the sentencing, that is a show of support. stuart: it's not going to happen. >> i don't think so. a quick check on the markets especially the dow industrial 300 points we have green across the board, the s&p is up 20 and
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the nasdaq is getting again of 17-point, mike lee with us, we want to focus on bitcoin. it is down $61000 up maybe $10000 from the high, earlier this year back in march you said the party was just getting started, are you still a crypto bowl. >> we have something called the housing, what that is, the reports for bitcoin get cut in half, that has coincide historically with the tripling of the previous cycle hi which means we should be headed somewhere near 200,000. if you look at the fundamental backdrop of a new trillion dollars of debt every hundred days, i absolutely would be a buyer in their certain players in the market, in the morning you see massive eyes coming in
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from the etf provider in the market in my opinion and bitcoin is like pulling back on a rubber band and a certain point in a few months from now it can explode much higher. stuart: still ahead for the purpose, what about the stock market the best day still ahead for stocks? >> absolutely, if you look at a chart of the market this year, with a most identical to 1995, for those i was still in high school then but i know how to look at the charge but i remember what happened in the late '90s, it was just the beginning of an absolute blowout will market. if you look at what's going on if you look at artificial intelligence in the history of the world in front of us there are a tremendous amount of similarities with what's going on. if you look at the evaluation of the top ten stocks in the s&p
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500 turned about 30 times forward earnings in boom and 250 so there is a ton of room for the market. you are a super man, you return to the status, thank you for being with us, you gladden the few hearts, thank you, see you again soon. lauren is looking at the movers with tesla up nearly 2%, 186, the second-quarter delivery numbers, and a days time there to come in at 420,000 units that's better than the prior and that is down for the year. tell me about target. shopify to add sellers to the third-party marketplace into target up to .6%, this will enable target to find trendy brands, perhaps luxury brands and pushes online traffic. stuart: what is with resmed, eli lilly was that bound the weight
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loss drug they asked the fda to approve that bound for sleep apnea. city looking at this decided to downgrade to neutral as a result. stuart: todd piro is looking at me. >> do you think i'm waiting on my sleep apnea result, i might need one of those. stuart: very funny, we just are just report on the home prices of younger generations, doctor question, our youngsters putting homeownership on hold. >> they can't muster up the money for a down payment is seems impossible for them survey show the under 25 crowd is struggling to afford a home half of them live with their parents in only 18% own a home or live with someone that owns a home, when you talk about the
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president losing appeal of young voters this is one of the reasons why. >> one of the most fundamental things, you can in america by a home of your own and live in it, that is a remarkably american thing. i think we need optimism. >> i cannot give it here. i look at my house i could not afford my house and i bought it four years ago i could afford it if i bought it two years ago. i'm 46 let's put me in between five, 26 and all the incremented income by accruing experience i don't even know if i could afford rent and think about buying a house that's how overpriced the housing market has come in if you eliminate all the inventory from 208,221,122,012 because obviously the lehman brothers and all that mess you cannot afford anything now. i have a 3% mortgage rate as do most americans and most markets have under 4%. stuart: is a problem, thank you. team usa is insisting on
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bringing their air-conditioning units to the olympics in defiance of organizers green initiative, we have the story on france and green initiatives and air conditioning is coming up for you, united nation relief and works agency is being sued by victims of the october 7 attack in israel the agency committed decades long fraud and corruption in gaza, charles payne has exclusive report, he is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪
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stuart: let's get to the fox business exclusive, victims of hamas terror attacks are suing
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the united nations relief and works agency called moon rock, that is accused of committing widespread fraud and corruption in the handling of a gothic, charles payne has the story, tell me more. >> this is an exclusive lawsuit, the nature of action they talk about it would happen on octobee plaintiffs, hamas did not carry out these atrocities without assistance it was aided and abetted by among others in the above named defendants who are current or former senior officials of the united nation relief to work agency for palestine refugees, as well as in raw itself. this is not something that is new this is united nations agency that has been facilitating not just aid but textbooks facilities all of these things to hamas taking money that was earmarked for people who live in gaza, it was
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all hijacked according to this lawsuit. by the way they filed in new york in the southern district because of the united nations being here in the implication that the united nations was going on. stuart: it is the united nation of the agency that is being sued in new york and sued, they want money. >> they want accountability i don't know what they want on the money front, stuart if this is true, united nations agency took money sensibly to help the people of gaza but instead it went to hamas to provide the weapons and a storage facility and listen to this, to facilitate the construction of underground bunkers, attack tunnels, prison cells to hold hostages, command-and-control centers offer hamas, this is explosive and this is proven to
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be true we have to re-examine everything our entire relationship with united nat nations. stuart: it is a blockbuster it reduces the credibility of the united nations entirely. >> honestly they didn't have a lot of credibility to begin with but it's one thing to be seen as an organization but unrwa how big it is to have a staff of 30000 people, just for the folks in gaza, some jordan some lebanon, the office of the united nation high commissioner for refugees has 20000 employees although they handle 30 million refugees around the world, this was a gigantic loaded money machine it was all designed according to the lawsuit to give money to terrorist. stuart: charles payne on it, will see a lot more about this i'm sure throughout the day, thank you very much indeed. israel's defense chief is in washington, d.c. to meet with top white house officials
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including anthony blinken, kt mcfarland with me is this all about an imminent war between israel and hezbollah and leb lebanon. >> i think what iran is calculating is three things, they've got the money because of high oil prices because biden administration refused to enforce the sanctions so iran is flushed with money and they want to go to work number two the divide between the biden a administration and israel because the biden administration wants to win the two states of michigan and minnesota and they're worried about the anti-israel muslim vote, there is a crack in the wedge that we always used to be strong allies. number three i think iran is calculating like a lot of countries, what if donald trump wins, they note from will be pro israel and trump will drive down
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oil prices and they know they'll be bankrupt i think you're looking at a narrow window of opportunity and they're making a move and unleashing hezbollah and their encouraging hamas to keep going out to settle because this is their moment to go after israel. stuart: what do the israelis want from us, weapons, political support, diplomatic support or all of the above. all of the above plus intelligence. there have been a lot of stories in the media that the biden a administration is holding delivery of weapons or slow walking or giving the weapons but you can't use them in rafah you can only use them in the way that we tell the to micromanage the war and what israel is coming to do we need your support and we need it with gaza into moss and we need in the north of lebanon against hezbollah and we expect you weapons and what you diplomatic support and we want to share intelligence with you.
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by the way if israel is threatened it will defend itself. stuart: next case a different subject ukraine president zelenskyy urging allies to ease restrictions on the western weapons so his for sins ukrainians can use american weapons against russian airbases inside of russia, do we have a stalemate in ukraine at the moment. >> we sure do we've had it for a good year end a half is another forever were at the stalemate were of attrition, which country wins a war of attrition the bigger country with more people in more money russia is winning but is winning very slowly so the request for all of the aid that zelenskyy wants not only additional weapons but to use them in a different way against russia he is doing not to stay even, the money that the united states is giving $100 billion already that we give them the 20 or $30 billion and we promise years ahead that is to keep things where they are and how to lose ground slowly and what
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ukraine wants is to of the anti-i spent several trips to the baltics into the eastern europeans on the russian border and all those countries and leaders were telling me we need more american stuff we want more american money we want more american weapons we want america to backstop us and when they say and ask them what is your plan they say it be terrible if russia lost and it would be terrible if russia one and really great if russia lost then the next question what your plan how are you doing it because you're losing the war don't have a plan except they want america to fix it. stuart: an endless war, kt always get thank you for being with us we appreciated. the u.s. olympic team undercutting the games attempt to cut carbon emissions, what is this about your conditions. >> the team is bringing their own air conditions, shipping acs from here to there i don't no
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what they say air-conditioning is a high priority and critical for the athletes to perform and regulate their body temperature and stay comfortable. stuart: the french will give them air-conditioner. >> with her doing it olympic village with athletes stay there using cooling pipes underneath the floor. that might help cut carbon emissions and be more green but the athletes don't care because they're performing in is not just american acids it's british, greek, french, german either all trying to do the same thing because athletes are pushing back saying this is absurd. stuart: into revolt against owner and screen rules that interfere with the olympic games. >> with all due respect somebody from a continent that has more, the united states is going have a tremendous advantage in all the countries that have this because everybody wants to virtue signal are going to lose you need to be at the tiptop shape form or talk about milliseconds be the determining
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factor is the stupid decision, go usa good call on our part. stuart: the team basically said that they said we have to do this because athletes are demanded in. stuart: this is connected to climate change, climate protesters storm the pga championship, you can see them smoke grenades, paint, the whole bit, we have the complete story, a mechanistic engine say anymore, alexandria ocasio-cortez made a bizarre interest such of all omens rally in the bronx she was seen jumping on stage to a racy cardi b song before bowman gave a profanity speech against israel, joe concha will deal with that next. ♪
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) good morning, georgia. we're so happy to be in this great state and be with all of you today. making history, showing the united states and the world how to properly care for our heroes who cared for us we're here to break ground on our newest veterans village. it■ll house ninety of our heroes it is in a state of dilapidation. and we are going to be performing a full renovation of this property in houston, we're able to treat them one on one, and i think that's the real breakthrough that tunnel to towers has made. we treat the veteran as they are where they are. each of these units is an efficiency apartment.
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it has their own kitchenette with a cooktop, microwave, full size refrigerator and their own bathroom. it's their home. many people believe that we■ll be building shelters. we don't build shelters. if frank siller won't stay there or our donors wouldn't stay there, we're not putting anybody else there. we have financial training we have job placement, interviews. everything that they need to get back on their feet and return, if they can to the community. we■re here to help them do that. the idea here is that this is not a handout. it's a hand up. so the more support we that we recieve, the more we can support our veterans. well, once you become member of the tunnel to towers family, you're in it. after our groundbreaking, similar to this project we've got projects coming up in denver, colorado. all the way up to buffalo, new york, and extending out to las vegas. the second prong of our program, is our national case management network. anywhere in the united states where a veteran or their family are experiencing homelessness. we provide them with direct financial assistance
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so we're able to help veterans in real time if there's a veteran at need or at risk, you simply contact us either through our telephone number at our headquarters, or through we are dedicated 100% to eradicating veteran homelessness in the united states. we will not leave our veterans unsupported. we will not give up until no one is left behind. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit power outages due to outdated grids and volatile weather conditions are leaving homes without power, but not yours. you took control. you took action. you made your home a generac home. when the power goes out, your life goes on uninterrupted.
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it's not just a generator. it's a power move. call or go online to request a free quote today. stuart: one hour in the trading session on monday morning here's what's happening a strong gain for they're down up 315 points rather any losing and sagal 30 the nasdaq turned around is down
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60 points as we speak of the market, lauren looking at the movers we're going to start with nvidia. >> down for the half% down for the third day that is rare for nvidia investors are taking profit because of the amazing run-up of 155%. if you look at this year with the best six-month start since 1976 for the s&p 500 and the reason is tech like nvidia between 24 and 28%, nvidia is one of the big reasons why it's coming down today letting air out. stuart: the a.i. rally has caused, meta. >> the wall street journal is reporting that apple and meta are discussing a generative a.i. partnership that would be great for meta because it could leverage the tremendous' or basin is up 1.3%, as for payment reports are saying that it wouldn't pay apple but it could sell premium subscriptions to
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meta services and apple gets a cut of that so it gives them the revenue stream recurring. stuart: apple in meta are both up from the concept. planet fitness, and upgrade at td company went to buy with a price target of 92 a nice run-up the firm named planet fitness as a mid-cap idea and they say the turnaround is in the early stages in the confident. stuart: thank you, president biden's holdup is accurate he is held up at camp david preparing for thursday presidential debate, david spunt joins us from the white house are we going to hear from the president that's what i've been hearing i don't think will hear until the debate on thursday as you mentioned he got the presidential retreat in camp david we got newsies being prepped by 16 close advisors
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that have been with them over the past few days he was not here at the white house and not expected to be here his get to go directly from camp david to the seated debate in atlanta a day later on friday he'll be in north carolina holding a rally with supporters. today marks two days since the supreme court overturned roe v. wade in the biden administration is continuing to remind people ahead of the debate that this happened with three justices appointed by president donald trump in the hope that two years later the crucial decision will resonate with voters as people prepare to vote in the coming months even the president not coming out publicly giving statements he put out the new campaign ad, watch. >> here's what donald trump says about your freedom after 50 years of failure with nobody
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coming close i was able to kill roe v. wade. >> the race for campaign cash is getting a little more heated, donald trump posing a serious character the current president when it comes to big amounts of cash, the trump campaign said $141 million was raised last month in the biden campaign said holding 85 million that was before the hollywood fundraiser short and earlier this month political reports that the biden campaign pulling all the resources together putting $212 million in the trump campaign has yet to put out the number of pulled resources but the trump campaign is catching up biden surrogates especially those donating to the biden campaign are taking notice. stuart: thank you, the radio host charlamagne tha god says the rules for the cnn presidential debate may favor trump over biden. >> are predicting that thursdays could be bad in the muted microphone the everybody thinks will hurt trump in charlamagne
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tha god says it's not going to work to the president's advantage, listen. >> do you not want trump to be interrupted, you think about it one way you're going to let trump go and you can't jump in and your 80 plus years old trying to keep up with every single lie he's going to lay out are you serious, biden is not going to be able to keep up it's good to be bad, donald trump is dangerous because he's funny he's getting give us one of the greatest standup specials we've ever seen on june 27 the names he's working on for joe and what is going to come with with hunter you're putting joe in a really bad situation. >> charlamagne tha god also said the quorum but if he goes in with the mentality he's already lost radio host at the debate is must-see tv into a real-life freestyle battle adding good luck president joe biden. a comedian that was sitting next to him his get a ship post debate with his commentary, he's going to make a name for
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himself. >> he said the on videotape, thank you. aoc made quite the entrance for jamaal bowman, she came out like cardi b that song was filled with profanity, bowman speech was not much cleaner, watch t this. >> i am the congressman in the south bronx right now. the power in the south bronx who the [bleep] we are. stuart: oh dear, joe concha, write about what you make of that. >> if i cringed any harder i would be a fossil, what can you say were governed by children who belong and padded rooms and bellevue, it clearly shows the only difference between genius and stupidity that genius has
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its limits, the best part in this case of aoc is that car to be is playing in the background, remember this is the same card to be who endorsed joe biden in 2020 and not too long ago publicly declared she was done with him and maybe 100 people showed up for the rally, the fact that jamaal bowman the guy who pulled the fire alarm to prevent about in congress and lied about doing so, he is in serious danger of losing there is a pullout right now that has them down 17 points to the primary challenger, many new yorkers are saying maybe you could become a volunteer firefighter after this. stuart: the climate protesters storm the whole of the travelers championship over the weekend top golfers were about to take the final putts, do protesters think that there helping the cause with this kind of thing i think it is really hurting them. >> you thought this was a good idea, to your point the storm on
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nationally televised sporting event and thankfully they were met with a cascade of booze in the crowd and everyone watching at home. these are the same morons that think shutting down traffic on major highways during rush hour or in front of airports and people try to get to their flights they think that would help the anti-israel pro-hamas because. it is amazing that we have to see this on a daily basis and it would be like after 9/11 seed marge supported al-qaeda after that killed thousands of americans and unfortunately we can see this going forward for the foreseeable future and especially the democratic national convention two months in chicago you were around for 1968 and you saw what chaos and violence and how that turned that election for richard nixon and i think will see more of the same in chicago, these protesters who by the way caucus with democrats this is not good for joe biden at all. stuart: thank you very much indeed, what you make of the climate protesters.
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not only did they make people angry, the golf tournament, chanting usa, usa, the travelers tournament brings in $3 million with amazing charities of connecticut that utilized the money to help kids with cancer, kids that are in homeless shelters, huger attention to yourself instead of what this tournament means to the great state of connecticut in the money that it raises, well done morons, well done. ice is shutting down the nations largest migrant detention center in south texas, the trying to cut cost, what will the migrants go we will ask texas sheriff thaddeus cleveland and her next hour. it's been a week since the hackers attacked a software provider used by thousands of car dealerships, they are struggling to get back into business, kelly saberi is at a dealership in illinois she's going to tell us how their working around the issue. god is next.
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stuart: we have the dial up close to 400 points, a solid game hardly any losers again sagal 30, one big winner ibm the nasdaq is down 75 points not much going on with big tech and nvidia is down they have a split market. thousands of car dealerships across the country are struggling to get back up and running that is a week after a cyber attack with the software for cb global kelly saberi joins me she got a dealership in illinois, how are they dealing with this. >> sometimes you have to do things the old-fashioned way i spoke to john who is the dealer principal for hawk auto group, they have locations around chicago and other parts of the country and he says with each interaction of customers it will
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add 20 minutes to do things with pen and paper and the caveat you need the guys who know how to do it. >> we have enough guys who have been around long enough anybody with gray hair knows how to do the math and we get it right and we have experience thankfully, those experienced people do a great job and we know how to do the paperwork. >> the system went out early in the morning on june 19, some services were restored later that day, then the company was hit with the second attack, the company told its customers sunday that it anticipates the restoration will take days and not weeks which leaves many dealers hopeful, what is cdk global is a dealer management system used for different tasks you can use it for car repair orders, financing and accessing customer records, one of the biggest automakers that use this are general motors, ford, volkswagen, mercedes-benz and bmw, the technology is much more
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extensive than just what car dealerships use, the company claims 2.6% of u.s. gross domestic product is transacted through their software for oem and independent software vendors, cdk has not revealed what it knows about the hackers identities but bloomberg says that they believe the group is located somewhere in eastern europe and other group is asking for tens of millions of dollars in order to relinquish their hold on the system, this comes as for publicly traded companies have filed with the sec to word about the financial applications that will come from the attack, three of which have seen declines since last wednesday. stuart: we hear you, thank you very much indeed, bugatti unveiled their next-generation sports car called the tribune on, how much does it cost and how fast does it go. >> their own daily little hyper generation sports car and it could be years for $4 million a
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hybrid with 1800-horsepower iv 16 engine i didn't even know that they made that with a b16, two electric motors, top speed to 27 miles per hour but that could increase to 300 miles per hour with software updates only 250 models will be built. stuart: how do you feel about dragon those around new york city. >> i would be scared i would have the appropriate insurance. stuart: could ozempic treat arthritis? some doctors say that injection could treat a lot more than weight weight loss, or rather heavyweight obesity, we have the details. a new blood test with artificial intelligent may be able to detect parkinson's before the symptoms start, doc siegel on that next. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: the dow jones average is up close to 400 points. the dow winners if you check them out, with goldman sachs, that is sharply higher adding 63 points to the dow, caterpillar up 33 points to the dow, ibm, 25, united health 44, there is
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some big winners and contributing mightily to the 400-point gain for the dow jones average, not a bad day, 1% higher for the dow, the supreme court will review tennessee's law that bans gender affirming medical care for transgender minors, 25 states have restricting or banning gender affirming medical care for trans children it is the first time the high court will consider restrictions on puberty blockers, hormone therapy or surgery for minors, the case will be argued in the next term that starts in october of this year, a new blood test using artificial intelligence may be able to detect parkinson's disease, seven years before the symptoms start, doctor siegel joins me, is this all about a.i. it's all about a.i. and another thing that were going towards is looking at biomarkers, different proteins that come from abnormal
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genes in the bloodstream, we've been doing it in the spinal fluid but never doing it to the bloodstream, parkinson's is associated with an abnormal mutation to a protein called office and nucleon, the success eight other proteins that go awry it's a study from germany and the united kingdom and the key, it was 75% accurate for people that had problems as sleep issues, rapid eye mov movement. it's good to be the wave of the future with artificial intelligence. it's going to be a way to diagnose the condition years in advance of any clinical symptoms, that is the key, the people on the study had rapid eye movement problems but they weren't showing any physical characteristics and seven years in advance using artificial intelligence and abnormal proteins in the blood, before you ask, this is also what have applications for other neurodegenerative diseases
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including your favorite alzheimer's is going to be something we use for all types of neurological diseases it is the wave of the future. stuart: i hope it arrives in time for me. some doctors are reporting that ozempic is helping patients with arthritis and some other chronic conditions. is this the drug or is this the health of your lifestyle that is in play. >> you always ask the best questions it is both, start with a healthier lifestyle, if you lose weight you have less pressure on your bones so your arthritis goes down, if you lose weight less sleep apnea and if you lose weight your blood pressure goes down in your risk of diabetes goes down on top of that ozempic and drugs like it seemed to be anti-inflammatory they prevent inflammation which also causes high blood pressure and also causes rheumatoid arthritis in these other problems and problems with fertility in polycystic ovary server getting a twofer with
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ozempic but again i don't want people clamoring for it we have a huge run on it and it's gotta be something that a physician who knows what they're doing and says and prescribed and a machine where you push a button and ozempic comes out i don't want that if someone comes with you in their overweight and they can't lose weight by diet and exercise, would you prescribe ozempic? >> absolutely i think it's the first weight loss agent that i've seen in my lifetime that dramatically works. i do prescribe it and i do use it for people who have it but able to lose necessary weight in other ways. it's a very important tool. a new role proposed by the oregon medical board could cost doctors their license if they commit a micro- aggression a micro- aggression using the wrong pronouns, is that enough to make you luger license? >> on date please disturb and as
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are you, first of all physicians trained for so many years to get where we are in the second thing when you say somebody is biased, who is the judge and who is the jury in his can evaluate you, we have so much pressure on physicians on front lines, if god forbid a slight word is said the wrong way under lose my license because of that that's way overkill i think doctors have been pummeled by insurance and so many things, i'm not for that. stuart: is overkill, we don't want it. see you again soon, thank you for stain for the top of the hour. still ahead steve forbes making trump campaign stops in deep blue cities is that a good strategy, guy lewis on the classified documents case in florida what is the chances it gets dismissed, the wall street journal on why young leaders are walking away from biden, the 11:00 o'clock hour is next.
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