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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  June 24, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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little late but i'm going with 93. >> i'm going with four, 1993 on the grounds that the internet was broken up by netscape, their ego 1993 the assistant of interconnect networks was invented a decade earlier 1993 in release of the public domain april 30, 1993 and right after that release out came netscape with the search engine you could search across all the internet. 1993. >> i don't remember using it, try to do the math not even 30 years old. it is 31 years old, no math on this program ever, our time is up, we're going to count down to "coast to coast", today is anchored by my good friend and colleague ashley webster.
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>> thank you very much do, happening on cavuto "coast to coast" the dow soaring with markets in the green to kick off the last trading week of the month in the second quarter we have the ace market panel to follow the money where does it go next, the owner of new york's famed juniors chain may be looking to trade at the cheesecake business and known to be the cheap cheese in new york city, ellen rosen has signaled his frustration with crime and quality of life in the big apple and he'll be joining me live to talk about his possible run, don't want to miss that and shark tank investor kevin o'leary what a lineup, kevin will be here and is on the hook with him and when asked about cathie wood the wall street bigwig to announce that she is backing donald trump for the good of the u.s. economy. indeed i'm ashley webster in for neil and you are watching cavuto "coast to coast".
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♪ welcome everyone, the top story markets jumping higher to kick off the final week of trading for the month look at this all three embassies are on pace by the way to end june and the green, the nasdaq at 5.5% slightly lower in today's trade check out the dow up 342 points let's get reaction from the editor and chief adam company bc himself and capitalist pig hedge fund manager jonathan hoenig, thank you for joining us, adam let me begin with you more green today but let me ask you this are we seeing signs of fatigue in the market especially as you point out among the semi conductor heavyweights. as i've been saying all year we are bullish of the s&p calling for higher and we recently read our target to 5600 but today is
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interesting we see nvidia the chip stock down pretty big nvidia down 5% the stocks are still pushing higher with the s&p going toward 5500 again. i think this is an important trend to note there is a lot of capital in the semiconductors that once they sell off they are rotating back into the green market but into different names which haven't led higher until this point which i actually think is a healthy trend that we are seeing we continue to call for higher equity prices. ashley: let me ask you about nvidia, do you have concerns about how the stock is moved and how much is moved and how quickly it's moved and is it showing signs as fatigue or exhaustion. >> only twitter% in the last year, nvidia is responsible for 60% of the entire stock market gain this year. what worries me is first and foremost is the concentration
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higher highs tend to get more higher highs, the trend is your friend, what is different is the concentration we have the top ten stocks like nvidia now accounting for 20% of the entire market that is the largest concentration since at least 1980 it even more than that is a focus on the stocks we talk about the same we did with pot stocks back in the 2017 and we have small-cap and value much better investments right now then chasing the stock of hundreds of her% in the last two years. ashley: very good, were wrapping up the second quarter and now in this. with the summer doldrums, lighter trading and lighter volume of the overhang of a presidential election and we still have a ton of cash on the sideline, where does this play out with regard to the market with to say the next quarter, the third quarter.
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>> i think will see larger swings and historically speaking on a presidential election year, 25% spike in the volatility index between july and election in november but i also think the large swings, you mentioned over $6 trillion in money market funds and the record number of capital on the sideline i think a lot of these are good to be bought and regardless of what the fed does i know we have pce coming up on friday, the debt is moving to the right direction but we think were only going to see one rate cut this year but regardless the big tech names is a lot of debt buying and it might be for romo but at the end of the day the market is pushing higher and is a difficult and dangerous trend to fight if you're going to try to call it top in the market right now we would rather ride the momentum as other guests say the trend is your friend. >> it is indeed, we talked about pce it is a key measure that the
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fed uses in the personal pce, the question to me, if this comes in higher-than-expected does the market take a turn south or if it's benign or do we see a jump. >> is irony we have divided a administration taking victory laps about how inflation is coming down in some 70% of homeowners are literally struggling to keep up financially up 22% in the last couple of years, government spending is what creates inflation, government and posterity is what fixes it and we haven't seen that from the biden administration i like names like gold, gld, ppl t is the etf that attracts platinum in the inflation is over just yet, it might be quiet and slower than it was before but i think inflation is likely to run hotter and this is not only for investors but every american, the yield curve is still
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inverted you're getting paid more on the three-month t-bill that a ten year bond and that says the economy isn't as strong as you would think. ashley: that is sticky inflation, thank you both for joining us on this monday we really appreciate it. markets are mostly in the green for the month but this week will be all about red versus blue talking politics of president biden and former president trump having their first face-to-face showdown of this election se season, a lot is being said ahead of that, edward lawrence is at the white house with the very latest, good afternoon. >> we will not see the president today or hear from the president, there is nothing on his public schedule until thursday for the first presidential showdown, 16 advisors are with the president at camp david trying to help him prep, other officials and cabinet members are spitting out across the nation and these are the trips for today, more than two dozen events are scheduled
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in 15 states leading up to the debate, the message have been the same highlighting how much money president biden signed into law about government programs he is spending the money on. >> it is a good chance for the biden campaign and it's good that it's happening early to show that the selection is a contrast and it's not a referendum, do you feel good, do you feel bad, it's a choice like the president said don't compare me to the almighty compare me to the alternative. >> economy say the amount of government spending pushed inflation and something former president trump picked up on saying the spending amounts to the green new scam. >> making this brutal inflation much worse than anybody ever imagine. i believe it's a worse inflation the countries ever had to stop, bite inflation, i will and cricket joe's wasteful spending and rapidly terminate the green new scam.
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>> we know overall prices up 19% since a month president biden took office, real wages are down two-point to percent in the timeframe and all the messages will collide on thursday for the showdown. ashley: can't wait. thank you very much. now this arc investment ceo kathy wood plans to vote for donald trump in november saying that he is the best candidate to handle the economy, why are more on wall street railing behind the former president, is that it better for the economy, let's get reaction from o'leary adventures chairman, kevin o'leary, does this come down to less taxation and less regulation. >> you gotta think about it this way 12 months ago you never would've had wall street executives endorsing trump, they have now understood what his policies are going to look like versus what they have already and they're starting to make decisions exactly on that, tax
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rates matter, you heard trump top 15 - 21 ad 3 - 4 to each state indicates into 21 - 24 - 25 all in for u.s. corporate tax that is the middle-of-the-road on competition and maybe the bottom of the second court, if you go to 28 and add 4% to that, you're the most uncompetitive country in the g7, the kathy woods of the world who care about attracting capital to their funds, capital expenditure, capital private company, they care a lot about that that is probably one point that's been an issue in the last six weeks and people are focusing on a protection. >> also you what the democrats are focusing on is bidenomics, the use that name extensively and realize the rest of the country was like i'm not feeling really good about things right now so they drop the term may be too late but when you think
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about the trump term before covid hit the economy was humming along at a 50 year high, is that a huge argument for him with regard to the academy, he did bring a lot of prosperity in those four years. >> some of the hangover inflation is sticky inflation and housing, protein, food and energy, i think economists are starting to agree with the statement, we probably printed too much money post-pandemic, chips and science act, inflation reduction never produced inflation, the, is a trillion plus of money coming out of helicopters in the sky, it's very inflationary and it's hard to turn the it off and is coming to roost at a time when and cabinet really doesn't want inflation on kitchen table issues. the food inflation, the 32% since pre-pandemic prices on
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protein and chicken and steak, that is a killer, that is a killer because everybody sees every day when you buy fast-food and you could go home by herself and wage inflation is starting to shut down and dining is dying all around the country. stuff out there and thus i could get fixed by november unfortunately. ashley: you are right, i was looking at one of these comments from the gop and they put out a statement, they said the threat to capitalism from the democrats is far more worrying than the threat to democracy from donald trump, would you agree with that. >> that is good rhetoric but we're going to see all of this happened very shortly in a policy debate or at least we hope in this debate that is coming up. it's going to be the most-watched debate navy in modern times, this is probably going to be the ratings on the trump hilary which i remember canceling football, i'm getting the red carpet in the popcorn in
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the invites and the bar set up we're going to have a party. ashley: i'm so waiting for my invite, president trump spoke to voters in his pick for vice president, take a listen and i'll get you,. >> in my mind yeah. >> do they know spivak nobody knows. >> who do you like as vp. >> who you like. >> jd. >> would you like. >> who do you guys like as vp. >> tom cotton. >> jd vance. >> a lot of variance. that is a lot of shouting we didn't get a whole lot about of that but people shouting
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potential vp choices at him, jd vance, marco rubio, sarah huckaby, the list goes on, who do you think would be a good vp choice for donald trump. >> i am for burgum, i think in this particular election you think about and trump said this himself when he went into government first time he never did it before, he made mistakes on cabinet positions and he knows that he admitted it, now you have to think about execution is great at popular politicians but governors are better choices because that mandates to run states so a ceo of a state what i like is a track record a program for the richest people in america, north dakota off the map for anybody i never knew where it was, i been doing a lot of business here lately and i watch what is done in the gdp per capita on sovereign wealth in that state the richest americans so you really wish burgum would do that for every state and is ago to get it done guy and the executor
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mandates it can be very, very powerful duet, very good it will find out soon enough and coming back later in the show, former president trump has floated the idea of giving green cards to foreign students are graduating from the u.s. schools, what he says the goal is will get into it right after the break. ♪ clem's not a morning person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you with a plan that's right for him.
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ashley: former president trump proposing green cuts for foreign graduates of u.s. colleges in an effort to keep the best in the brightest in the country let's bring in fox business grady trimble to break it all down, good afternoon. >> former president trump first floated the proposal to create a pathway for foreign graduates of u.s. colleges to become permanent residents during a podcast interview as you noted the former president says the goal is to keep top talent in part to help u.s. businesses,
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the biden campaign immediately attacked trump on the policy calling it an empty promise, ally and insult but the trump campaign defended it saying it would only apply to the most thoroughly vetted college graduates and this is a quote you would never undercut american wages or workers at a rally in philly over the week and the former president attacked president biden on the handling of the crisis of the southern border and trump promised other major changes to stop illegal immigration if he is elected. >> we will shut down deadly sanctuary cities and i will shift mashes into massive courses under portions immigration enforcement in on day one we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. in response to trump's policy proposal to help foreign college graduates get green cards, the u.s. chamber of commerce says given the critical need for american companies to intubate
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and create cutting-edge cybersecurity tools, harness significant advancements in artificial intelligence and expand domestic semi conductor manufacturing capacity, providing more international students with the ability to build their careers post-graduation is necessary for our nation to succeed in these endeavors, both candidates as you well know will have a chance to outline and contrast their policies on immigration in a whole host of other issues later this week. i cannot wait for it to begin, by the way as grady pointed out, immigration likely to be a key flashpoint during thursday showdown as biden's presidency has seen the highest number of illegal crossings and high-profile crimes involving migrants, joining me now republican marilyn congress andy harrison, your district we know is a long way from the southern border but you certainly have not been immune to the migrant crimes have you.
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>> that is absolutely right, the vicious murder rape done by el salvador murder occurred in my district in the community that is not used to that kind of crime. >> this is been an ongoing problem in the border has been open for years during this administration and at first i don't know if you remember but they said there's no crisis at the border issues fox news has a reporter that is pointing a camera at anyone that wanders over the line, three years later now they're blaming republicans for not enacting enough legislation to take care of the problem, you cannot make it up can you? >> it's unbelievable that the president seeks to blame the republicans for the violent crimes done by the illegal immigrants who crossed on his watch, the fact of the matter is the laws are the same when president trump controlled the southern border and they're the same now that mr. biden chooses
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to leave the border wide open, this is not a problem in congress created the problem of the biden administration cre created. >> last week we caught up with treasury secretary janet yellen and pressed her on how the administration is handling the situation at the border, i want you to listen to what janet yellen had to say in them will have your comments. listen to this. >> lock it down that's what donald trump wants to do, what do you say. >> my concern today with fentanyl trafficking and drug trafficking. >> if it shut down entirely then there goes the trafficking. >> the most impactful tool that we have is to put in place sophisticated drug detection and equipment and that's what president biden has done is not
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to shut down the border entirely but to greatly increase the number of drug detection units and we've had a massive increase in the amount of drugs that have been detected in entry guided on the border. ashley: with all due respect to janet yellen, the answer is drug detection units, your comments, and congressman. >> "the bottom line" the number of fentanyl deaths reached its high on their biden administration into continues to be high, they're seizing more drugs because the cartel is trying to get more drugs across the u.s. border and apparently there being successful and still getting drugs across the border poisoning tens of thousands of american because are border is
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wide open. >> it certainly is and has been for some time how big of an issue when you talk to your constituents is it very much high on the list of things that need to be addressed. >> and my district rachel morin rape and murder it is very, very high on their list in the economy continues to be high but as we see the horrible vicious crimes done by people who doubled longer this country there are a lot of people who agree with president trump when he takes office and we have to start the largest deportation ever in american history because we have the largest flow of illegals under this president, president biden ever in history. they can hardly wait to court the illegal immigrants. >> the question very quickly, how do you do that there are millions of people in this country who have literally dissipated into the shadows, how do we track them down?
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>> if you want to you can, president biden doesn't want to, 1.3 deportation orders outstanding right now, we should check those people down and deport them and again, if there is a will there's a way and president trump has the will. ashley: very good will leave it there, andy harris, thank you for joining us. always appreciated. thank you. coming up he wants to be the big cheese, why the owner of junior's cheesecake restaurant is eyeing a run for new york city mayor he is here to explain why after the break. ♪
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ashley: junior's restaurant owner alan rosen says he's upset with the crime in the city and the quality of life in new york city and now he wants to do something about it by running for mayor, why not he joins me now, great to have you, have you decided. >> i have not decided but what i'm trying to do is figure out whether there is political and public support for my candidacy. ashley: you describe yourself, please correct me if i'm wrong,
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moderate republican is that true. >> i think that would be accurate. ashley: let's be honest in new york city that's not going to go very far if the stronghold for the democrats how are you going to overcome that. >> by making good decisions there upset with the quality of life in new york, the crime, et cetera and i don't need to be beholden to a political party to make the right decisions for all new yorkers i said to some of the other day maybe i'll be the hospitality mayor and will manage the city for all new yorkers from all walks of life. ashley: as a business owner in the city, describe for me doesn't really have the quality of life gone down considerably, tell me from your perspective. >> absolutely as much as i want to be a cheerleader for new york city and have more people come to our city and visit it there
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is a lot of negative news and it's all true, there is homelessness going on a migrant crisis as you were discussing, we have lawlessness in our streets, bail reform needs to be overturned, people want law and order in they want clean streets and they want to go to and from work in a safe way on the subway last night they resist dabbing on 14th street, it is too often we've almost become desensitized. the quality of life is definitely suffered regardless of what our current mayor says the statistics show all new yorkers agree enough is enough. ashley: who is to blame you can blame the mayor but is that the politics and the policies. >> i think the politics and policies have gotten in the way and it's time for a businesslike approach to government and to answer questions for the sake of the people making decisions and moving forward every day, honestly the first thing to solving a problem is to admit you have a problem.
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ashley: that is true, what will make the difference for you when you decide to run, are you feeling out right now. >> are definitely feeling it out and helping 70 from the republican party will reach out and say we like what you're saying and we like what you doing and we want to back you in this endeavor, i don't have the bread or cheesecake to do this on my own i need an organization behind me but i can make pragmatic decisions in smart decisions and hopefully we can get back to better times here in new york city. >> you're not a politician but you're not afraid to jump in the fray. >> i'm not afraid to speak my mind because i believe a lot of people are afraid to speak and even though there feeling uneasy right now it's hard to speak up i'm doing it respectfully and kindly i'm not bashing anybody but i think of a picture of new york city that could be a lot better than it is today. ashley: amen to that we wish you the very best of luck and
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depending on which way we look forward to talking to you again, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. let's bring back kevin o'leary, what you make of alan making a possible run in new york city have you ever thought of running yourself maybe not for new york but didn't you run an candida once or came close to it? >> iran in 2016 quite a remarkable experience i'm not sure i would do it again not a successful financial move but as most comedians i've never seen the whole country is pretty big during the run i visited every small town in canada so i saw something i got a great tourist ride out of it i endorse any business leader jump into the fray because when you meet payroll on a wednesday night you understand how hard it is to run a business, what is the biggest
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business in america that america is the biggest business, i would much rather have executives in cabinet that i've actually run a business to run the biggest business, america and i don't know why that's a bad idea i think it's a good idea and a lot of what we see in the mediocrity and the lack of executional skills is a lot of people have never run a business and i don't like to be critical of one politician over another but look at aoc in your state, what is disaster her district is a war zone she's very popular politician and she knows how to raise money, $20 at a time but she can't run anything and i'm sorry to be critical but it is true. ashley: what makes me even more flummoxed, that's a word you don't hear very often, the cities like new york, chicago, san francisco, they go to hell in a hand basket and politicians
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get reelected. i could not understand that. >> i think people should question who is managing this for me, if you're a voter all of these politicians work for you and san francisco you could not walk at night in new york is getting like a very famous italian restaurant and very expensive watch stolen and broad site outside of the front door i'm a watch collector so this goes around the community pretty quickly in the word on the street is you can't wear watches is new york, san francisco and los angeles, i no longer wear a watch in the city, it's such a shame. ashley: how pathetic is that, i want to move on to this issue you been very vocal of raising the minimum wage but out in california, which long-standing san francisco mcdonald's close this weekend because of the higher paychecks they went from 16 to $20 an hour, what you make of that. >> it's a mistake a gavin newsom
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mistake i been very vocal about his lack of execution i was just in california for two weeks it is not just fast-food and convenient dining that is shut down because a profitable a $20 minimum wage and a lot of other businesses are leaving the state, california is being hollowed out that is what is occurring taxpayers high net worth individuals, businesses, entrepreneurial businesses which represent 62% of job creation 5 - 500 they are moving out of the state to places like tennessee, texas and florida, i don't invest in startups in california anymore and when i do we move them out in relief some employees there. it is not a place to do business or in business and i think gavin newsom for his interest in running for president should probably fix california because
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everybody has figured out that the place is a disaster is just mistakes and policy, just go there and see for yourself, walk around san francisco. it's not america anymore it just isn't and you started to talk, you have to blame the top manager and then you go down to the city administrators and the mayor, what a wasteland all these places shutting down is not a partisan argument when a walgreens shut down in the drug door entrance door shuts down at a convenience store shuts down in a bodega shuts down that has nothing to do whether you're blue or red that is bad policy or bad taxes it's lack of any legal system and crime prevention. it's a wasteland, sorry to tell you that go try it out, you wouldn't run a convention in san francisco, you have to take an uber one block to your hotel or
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you get executed. ashley: it is a shame it's a beautiful city and at one point it was beautiful to visit not anymore, kevin o'leary, will have to leave it there always aa appreciated. the astronauts aboard boeing starlight will spend more time and space but they have bargained for their return to earth is being delayed again into next month. we will bring you all the details right after this. ♪ we've always been competitive. yeah... one of us always had to be first. first! first! [continue bickering in background] hold on, guys! [car honk] first. today, we're first together.
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house, the treasury secretary of minneapolis holding the roundtable on home affordability this afternoon, divided administration has been pushing efforts to boost housing supply
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as high home prices have created a crunch for buyers, we know that, the question is is it a viable plan and should the fed play a role in the housing market, to former democratic senator david and wall street journal editorial board member and former george w. bush speechwriter bill mcgurn, thank you for being here. that may begin with you, this is going to be a campaign issue, no doubt about it, there is a chronic lack of affordable housing that this country, people are struggling not only with buying the american dream but also being able to afford the rent. should the fed play a bigger role in this, how big of a role do you think this will be as part of the campaign. >> i think the fed can marginally affect the prices of housing but on old-fashioned it is supply and demand. the problem we have now is a huge demand for housing. there is limited supply, what is
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it limited by, yes, interest rates are very high right now but it is also limited by a law or regulation on land use, what kind of house you can build and it's not a coincidence that the areas that have fewer regulation and allow more housing to be built putting downward pressure on prices and make it easier for people to get a start in the housing market. ashley: david, bill brings up that point, regulations in california is another example of the amount of cost and regulations and how much that adds to the cost of a home. it's almost impossible to get affordable housing, what say you. >> i agree with bill, every level of government has to play a part here, no one entity can do it alone, that's why janet yellen had that announcement today regarding $100 million
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fund to help build new affordable housing and $100 million, that is a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. but it is a step in the right direction and the catalyst, we need the fed on board, we need the state and we need local governments. we start to see local government starting to really do some creative things, the most creative has to do with is in terms of zoning. how are we going to make sure that we preserve a great quality of life in places like the suburbs but also allow for new housing because it is supply and demand and it comes back to that issue. yes, this is on the minds of the american public, recent gallup poll showed that behind inflation, housing is the number one issue in terms of economic factors. i think the candidate from local mayor up to the president of the united states are listening to the concerns of voters and this is a top issue going into 2024. ashley: bill, let me follow up on what david was saying, the
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high cost of living, divided administration coming under fire for that for spending in the face of inflation. that is a big reason why people can't afford the groceries, the rent in the cost of living in general, is this a vulnerability for joe biden? >> yes it is, i think back to basics, janet yellen doesn't build any houses and doesn't expand the supply, our private sector builds the houses and i think we have to unleash them and let them build, somebody restrictions and these restrictions that you have on the kind of housing that can be built, where it can be built and so forth, they largely impact people at the bond levels, people like no growth, they don't like that includes change. but the people at the bottom need warehousing to common so they can afford or find something in their price range. that's why they're fleeing california. ashley: very quickly, i'm out of
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time how would you respond to that. >> i think is a balance. i'm a homeowner like millions of americans, i want my property value to increase, but i also want my neighbors invite kids to be able to have a place to live. that's why it's a balance. we cannot undo all the regulation has to be done smartly to make sure people can afford to live here in my property value doesn't suffer because of it. ashley: very good, you got it in quickly. thank you so much gentleman. i appreciate it. now to the story. nasa and boeing have postponed the return of the starlight or from the international space station. fox news correspondent madison has the latest on this. >> the two astronauts staying docked in space for a lot longer than expected the first manned mission on the starfighter began on june 5 and was only supposed to last eight days but several
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issues with the spacecraft are delaying the return to earth, nasa says the starliner has small helium leaks and thruster problems the starliner won't leave the space station until july, nasa says engineers are really taking the time to study these issues which is also helpful for future astronauts and preventing problems. in an emergency the starliner would be cleared to return to earth, even with the issues, nasa says the spacecraft is overall doing well in orbit but space experts say it's important to be extra cautious. >> one thing that we learned about american culture and the way that we regulate human spaceflight is that we are really, really concerned about keeping her astronauts safe, when people get mad in the airline is delayed, we're checking some equipment, would you like to get there safely? >> the two astronauts on this mission are retired navy captain
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suni williams and barry "butch" wilmore. williams and wilmore don't mind staying at the iss at all and have completed a lot, food and supplies are not an issue in orbit and no exact time on when the astronauts will return back to earth, but when they do they are sent to land at a space harbor in remote new mexico. ashley: we wish them well. thank you very much. we appreciate the update. we will have more cavuto "coast to coast" right after this. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently.
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ashley: the largest gathering of specialty food producers is underway in new york city, madison alworth is there with a sneak peek at the most
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unexpected's foods that could be served at your dinner table. i'm already hungry. >> i'm sorry i'm not hungry at all i been eating all morning, what is so cool about the show is all about the food going to wind up on your shelves and dinner table, it's a big year for the show there completely sold out and that's because more people eating at home, when it comes to food away from home it is up over 22% in cost over the last three years, people are eager to eat good food like some pickles, here is the brooklyn brine you've come back onto market and you took a break during the pandemic. what is the reception bid like from your consumer enter people interested in buying products like yours at home. >> it's been overwhelming the support from where we left off has only grown since a couple years that we've been on pause. >> one thing that we talk about is inflation, as a producer you
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have many differing opponents of pickles, the brines of the packaging how do you deal with the prices so you can keep margins and have a customer by product that they can afford. >> efficiency in manufacturing, that is the first thing that were looking at, how could we change the process to offset certain inflation that is happening. overall the cost of goods has risen in some areas and stayed the same in others. it basically when you can get economies of scale that helps to keep the manufactured price down, it's definitely something that were focused on in trying to keep a competitive. >> before we go, we're going to try the whiskey sour, i cannot drink on air but i eat pickles. >> is an all-natural pickle made with brine whiskey, apple cider vinegar that we make from scratch barrel aged in whiskey barrels, has a fair amount of heat to it but the rye whiskey is a central focal point. ashley: thank you so much. >> we cook off alcohol. >> i needed then. ashley: we believe you, than


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