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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 25, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪.
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maria: good tuesday morning everyone. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is tuesday june 25, your top stories right now, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. the countdown to debate night, president biden hunkered down at camp david with two days to go until the cnn presidential debate, president trump's legal team back in court for his classified documents case as d.o.j. prosecutors try to gag the former president from speaking out about all of that. we will get into it, wall street tech losing team, futures are searching for direction take a look at where we stand for a mixed day, the dow industrial down another 37 while the nasdaq is up another 87, yesterday a similar story the dow industrial 260 points as the nasdaq dropped 192 at 4:00 o'clock on wall street, what are the wall street nvidia a day long losing streak
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after the rally investors are looking for other options outside of the a.i. and chip boom, nvidia is up in the premarket right now up three and a quarter percent. this week the final rate of gdp is out on thursday, the federal reserve preferred reading on inflation ma pc is on friday, were previewing all the data coming up. european markets are in the red, take a look at the eurozone, the s&p 111, the cat caught appears is down 49 index index in germany by 185. in asia markets finished mostly higher, factional moves across the board in the asian embassies with the exception of shanghai composite which is down a fraction, to federal courts in kansas and missouri blocking president biden student loan forgiveness plan, missouri attorney general andrew bailey a part of the lawsuit that made it happen. he will join me live at 8:00 a.m. eastern, joining to the conversation all boarded on madison dancers metro shell is here along with senior vice
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president emily "mornings with maria" five right now. ♪. maria: it is time for the hot topic of hour, we are on countdown mode two days away from the presidential debate, doctor jill biden the first lady hitting the campaign trail in charlotte, north carolina today as president biden has been hunkered down at camp david for the past five days with 16 advisors both past and present to help them prepare for the first phase up with president trump, the biden campaign taken the debate more seriously than undertaking his presidency because the polls do not look good for president biden even the mainstream media questioning the close polls with vice president kamala harris this
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week. >> president biden and you have both warned that democracy is at stake in the selection. if trump wins the second term, women's rights will continue to be decimated and international alliances will be frayed. if the contrast is so obvious, what is going on, why does it pull so closely, why is the race so close? >> these races are always close. it is the election of the president of the united states and everyone in election for president of the united states will critically examine all of the issues and make a decision but at the end of the day we are going to win. maria: emily, your reaction? >> i think we are about to find out if the american people are finding out whether there is a reason if president biden has done less press conferences in the last 40 years. were seeing the mainstream media
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hedge on that right now. the reality, the american people want to talk about the issues and talk about energy cost in the economy and inflation and i hope that we get a chance to hear that on the debate stage this week. maria: obviously mika and that clip did not want to talk about any of that she wanted to talk about how democracy is threatened and she laid it out and did not have kamala harris say she said all herself. >> nothing like leaving the week and should witness. this is unprecedented that you have a former president running against incumbent president and you have a track record of the two individuals basically on display and if the moderators can make this about, which they probably won't, with a respected track record at the slamdunk for the voters. there bringing up all of the red hearing issues like democracy, women's rights in all of these things of the elements of the
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electorate fired up to vote in one direction or the other. but i think this is a story of track record, the economy of the border these are things that people can feel and see every day and if we can make the debate about that is what the audience should get. maria: it's interesting what's taken place for the commission. they informed four universities yesterday that the commission has been released from the contracts to host presidential and vice presidential debates after the group was ditched by president biden, they're not the only one struggling ahead of the debate, the cnn presidential debate moderators have a long history of blasting trump including comparing him to hitler, that is all trump 2024 press secretary caroline bobbitt was trying to say yesterday before she was abruptly cut off on the cnn interview yesterday morning. watch this. >> what do you expect from joe biden. >> it takes someone five minutes
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to google jake tapper in donald trump. >> ma'am, stop right there. >> ma'am i'm going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues, i would like to talk about joe biden in donald trump who you work for. if you're here on his behalf i'm willing to have this conversation. >> i am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past. >> i'm sorry we're going to come back to the piano. >> thank you for your time, you're welcome to come back at any point, she is welcome to speak about donald trump a donald trump will have equal time to joe biden when they each join us. maria: she does not want to discuss all the comments that jake tapper has made about president trump in the past for four years and counting, he responded on fox news last night. watch. >> cnn censored me today because they cannot handle the truth and they have been pushing lies about president trump since he stepped into the political arena
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eight years ago, the propagated russia russia russia, they help the biden campaign sensor the truth about the hunter biden laptop story and push the scarlet bill hoax and seven years later debunked yesterday and have an anti-trump bias that is at the core of the organization. maria: emily, your reaction. they don't want to admit how they ran the story of russian collusion for years with absolutely no evidence and we all knew it was not true, i knew it was not true back then and now everybody knows it's true after three investigations which he doesn't want any history lesson and that. >> i think the american people remember this in the story in the work of the mainstream media to prop up democrat all over again. and for president trump not to take debate focus on the issues and don't get distracted by moderators or by folks in the press instead focus on what the american people care about.
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maria: they want him to shut up they have a gag order on him right now, what is he supposed to do, not say anything about his opponent while his opponent is blasting and for being a threat to democracy all over town? >> absolutely. in the debate stage and hope we get to see them talk about this. instead of being censored by folks. maria: and talk about the issues. we are just getting started, we have a lot coming up. markets are searching for direction after tech nai may be subsiding. chief market strategist troy gayeski is here why he says is more important to hold on to cash in this market. leaving a three-man after striking a plea deal with government, were talking about that, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: mixed markets is worded, yesterday the dow was down, i'm sorry the dow was up 260-point yesterday while the s&p 500 and the nasdaq actually traded lower. the nasdaq was down 192 even at the dow was up 260. markets green across the board year to date as we head into the second half of the year. take a look at the numbers. the dow is up about 5%, almost 5% year-to-date, s&p up 14% in the nasdaq up 16.5% so far this year, great first half, fs investment chief market strategist troy gayeski, great to see you, you have fears about the second half of the year, you say fears of part two of a global financial crisis order reason to hold onto cash?
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>> i think what is happened particularly in u.s. equity and were the first to say u.s. equities are rich whether the magnificent seven or look at the s&p yet the upper end of the evaluation range and obviously there's more in the economy than a year ago but because equities have done so well in certain alternative strategies like private equity or private credit have a very rich opportunity and a lot of clients are thinking that things could be too good to be true and sometimes in different strategies there are factual reasons why there is good outcomes. in other cases, high tax states in business district office towers or in the fixed income market where you have five years, things are almost too bad to be true. it is important to divorce your opinion on outcomes versus the facts that are driving current market price action and not overwhelm your portfolio with
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cash because you're leaving a lot of opportunity on the table, that's been the biggest megatrend the last two or three years, clients have so much more cash 3 - 4 more times than pandemic, were looking for a home to put the money to work where they can make incrementally more return and maybe think high single digits, low teens. but not to cope comfortable level of risk like buying into nvidia at the top were chasing the nasdaq record evaluations. maria: i think what you are saying, don't hold onto so much cash? >> don't overdo your cash allocation because there are echoes or what happened in the goble financial crisis in terms of bank failures, some of the stresses that we see in office towers in commercial real estate, understand the fact that equities have been driven by very strong fundamentals in the gradual rotation back into equities. there are many alternative strategies that can kopelman your equity exposure without taking risk with higher
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returning cash. maria: let's take a look at nvidia for a second. he finished down 6% yesterday, this is the third straight day of losses, the biggest one-day percentage decline since april, the last three days have a race to $430 billion in market value sending the stock into correction territory, how do you see this? >> big numbers, i think this is part of the challenge when you have a copy like nvidia, which has been a great wealth creation machine that we've almost ever seen in capital markets that has been growing revenue earnings and cash flow faster than the market cap has grown which is almost unprecedented. the fundamentals of the corporate entity are incredibly strong and they have a borderline monopoly obviously on the a.i. chips and the issue recently, there has been so much momentum in money that has chased it that it was overbought similar to a broader equity markets. short-term is a little dicey but
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the fundamental is very solid long-term and it's a question of how much more can market cap grow and can they defend their margins as well as the earnings when more competition comes or the amazons, microsoft of the world trying to diversify away from them from their a.i. chip usage. maria: what do you think do you think we should sell into a rally or do you want to hold onto the stock or do you think you want to buy more? >> i would be cautious on public equities or at least the next several weeks for two reasons. a lot of the recent action has been driven by corporate buybacks and were about to intra- window where that's going to stop so that is going to disappear and also systematic trend followers, ctas or at max long allocations a bit in a long, long time in the next two or three weeks is the summer, be cautious to understand you are better off having capital and equities and fixed income for
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the time being because inflation is so persistent and you don't have to make a binary choice between fixed-income cash and equities, there are alternatives out there that can generate fairly competitive returns without taking a lot of the crazy volatility that has been present in markets in the last four years. maria: it's been an incredible market year to date on top of a great market last year, mitch rochelle opinion, what is important to you. >> i agree with troy that cash is where people have thrown their money and the reality is cash if you invest in treasuries is yielding more than inflation which we haven't seen in a long time. my question for you, you mentioned the fourth leg of the stool of our tentative investments, how does the retail investor who is watching the show right now access alternative investments, is not something they can get access to easily because i think the perception is alternatives are just for the rich people and not
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for regular retail investors. >> such a great observation, if you go back ten or 15 years, the alternative investment whether private equity and private lending and multi-strategy headphones were really only accessible to large endowments and institutions and it's hard to access for the average investor, there is still regulatory constraints but for the most part the minimums and limitations have been democratized as we say so accredited investor is qualified clients with private equity and private credit in the case of multi-strategy headphones and strategies that mirror those in your probably not going to have the same return which you can access something that has a chance to be up in years like 2022 and we all know were going into an election, you talk about it all the time because how important it is in elections bring volatility particularly if you look forward at the fiscal cliff that could be coming tied
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to tax cuts being extended or tax cuts they get rolled back which could be very soon and the next key dislocated of markets. maria: that is a policy decisions and items on the table, you go one way or the other, either higher taxes or the extension of the tax cuts, real quick expectation for the date of the week as we look at the ten year treasury yield, we have the final read on gdp for the first quarter thursday followed by the pce index on friday. >> we've been making a lot of progress on inflation but the last mile is the hardest, we expect court to be fairly sticky and we expect cpi services to be fairly sticky as well but we are making progress, the path to 2 f us in the path to sustainable is going to be harder to achieve
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without a slowdown in the labor market and as you know the labor market has been incredibly strong. maria: for sure except when you peel back the onion and you see a lot of part-time jobs and a lot of noncitizens as well, it's good to see you as always, thank you. troy gayeski, we will see you soon. stay with us, we'll be right back. ♪ [thunder rumbles]
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maria: welcome back. former president trump classified documents case and of order court yesterday, judge eileen can enslave with the departs under prosecutor who was pushing to modify trump's release condition, he wanted those conditions to include a gag order preventing trumper speaking publicly about the fbi raid on mar-a-lago saying his comments about use of force put agents at risk. in a separate motion, trump's legal team calls for the child to be dismissed accusing special counsel jack smith receiving unlawful funding, arguing that jack smith is not authorized by statute and can accept li limits funding to go after truck, asking the prosecution if they really spent $9 million to november 2022 and march of 2023, the d.o.j.'s lawyer was unsure and said that he would get the court an answer as to how much
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they spent on this. joining me for the congressman carlos gimenez a member of the homeland security and select committee on china, what is your reaction? are you a lawyer? >> no i am a firefighter, that's how i started a firefighter. maria: i love that about you, thank you for your service and the fire department, what is your reaction to this, i want to understand if you have the legal background to parse this, this is pretty technical. look at all the things that they are asking of judge aileen cannon in your reaction to how she is responding? >> i think she's responded in a responsible way and i think she needs to be evenhanded and she shown to be evenhanded and as far as trying to gag the president of the united states again, that is exactly what they did in new york but i don't think it's going to work in florida and i think this judge is going to be a much fairer judge than what president trump got in new york.
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maria: what about the idea that jack smith is not actually authorauthorized to take this o. we spoke with andy mccarthy about that and here's what he said, watch this. >> arctic is a very substantial argument because the appointments clause provide that you have to have one of two things, either you have to have a position that is created by law where congress has prescribed a way for the person to qualify and you have to have nomination by the president and confirmation by the senate and the problem with smith, he was not appointed by statute, he has not been nominated and he was not confirmed, he is basically appointed by the justice department regulation in the attorney general under the constitution does not have the power to create an office position like this. maria: your reaction? >> my reaction, i'm not an
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attorney like i said, i'm a firefighter but if what he said is true then i think the trump team has a pretty good argument to throw out jack smith. again that's going to be up to the judge to decide. maria: let me move on to get your take on the border. as you noted in the past has created a situation where every state is a border state, one of the migrants from venezuela who is accused of murdering this deer beautiful precious 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray will be at a texas court this morning, the other accused murderer was in court yesterday and the judge set his bonded $10 million, they determined he was in fact a flight risk, the death penalty is not off the table, both migrants are facing capital murder charges in the entered the country on joe biden's watch with his open border, court documents alleged the migrants lured jocelyn nungaray under a bridge and stripped her naked to the waist and assaulted her for two hours,
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one of the suspects was wearing an immigration and customs enforcement ankle monitor when the crime happened, a poll finding latino voters in battleground states favored trump's immigration policies over bidens, 43% trust trump on immigration while 38% trust biden, your reaction to this horrific story? >> is a product of joe biden's reckless, irresponsible policy at the southern border allowing everybody to come in. he is flouting the law, violating the law, the losses only people allowed in at the border are those that seek asylum and the ones that have valid asylum claims. parole is to be given on a case-by-case basis. he has given parole on a mass basis and when you do that these are the results in its unfortunate that americans are paying the price now for joe biden's policy and as i said from the get-go it is on
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purpose, this is been done on purpose by joe biden and for what reason, it seems to be more political than anything else and he's trying to change the face of america and what he's doing is illegal and now it's costing american lives. by the way, be careful remember what the fbi director said that we are at the point where he really fears some mass terrorist attacks because the people that are coming through the border are not being vetted correctly and again, we also have 2 million that we don't even know who they are, why they are here, where they are in the reason why they crossed the border which poses an unbelievable threat into the united states of america. maria: of course, one would expect that, you know more than most, you are on the house homeland security committee but congressman, do you think this comes up in the debate i don't know how much cnn knows about the border, frankly i've never seen them cover the wide open
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border and i don't see them talking about the fact that we had murders at the hands of illegal migrants. i just wonder if they're not covering on a day-to-day basis like we are at fox, do you think will raise it even though it's one of the important issues for voters do you think they will raise it on thursday? >> i have serious doubts of what cnn will do and the debate cnn has been a huge critic of president trump and completely unfair to the president. the first thing i would do if i were president trump i would turn over president biden saying are you going to apologize to the american people for not only dying today but actually fabricated ally about your son's laptop, are you going to do that? and find out the president will do that, the president of the united states, joe biden lied to the american people, fabricated the story on the debate stage saying that it was russia misinformation you knew all along wasn't russia
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misinformation, he lied to the american people but that's par for the course, president biden has been dying to the american people for the last three and half years, i don't expect a fair treatment of president trump, actually can congratulate president trump for going on the debate stage no way that the deck is stacked against him but it's going to be difficult for president, he is not going to get a fair shake at a cnn. maria: we will be watching that. good to see you, thank you very much. >> it is my pleasure. maria: carlos gimenez in florida. one biden administration official pushing back on china accusing beijing of trying to undermine diplomacy talks retired four-star general jack keane is up next away and on the comments from the ambassador, tesla sees through a rough 2024 what's causing elon musk to cut his workforce, we've got it you watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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maria: this week on "mornings with maria", tomorrow's editor marsha blackburn on her fight to protect children from the dangerous lurking on the internet. thursday the vp stakes in high gear, republican national committee chairman michael watley handicap the field. and friday bidenomics versus mackinaw mixed take center stage, we will have reaction to the face-off president biden president trump. it is all right here on "mornings with maria". ♪
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get started today. go to for risk information and instructions for use. consult your healthcare provider before starting on omnipod. simplify diabetes. simplify life. omnipod. maria: welcome back israeli defense minister is in washington, d.c. to meet with defense secretary lloyd austin at the pentagon, they will discuss the next phase of israel's war with hamas and ongoing security developments in the middle east, yesterday
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gallant met with anthony blinken and director burns, benjamin netanyahu said he is still committed to the israel proposed cease-fire deal after walking back comments that he made on sunday, that was that he was interested in a partial deal with hamas to return with some of the hostages before resuming the war, fox news senior strategic analyst and chairman of the institute for the study of work, general jack keane. great to see you, thank you for being here, how would you assess benjamin netanyahu's remarks recently? >> i think walking aback with the right thing to do and it's well known what president benjamin netanyahu wants to do is get the hostages back. but he also wants to make certain that hamas does not have the military capability in wherewithal to conduct another october the seventh attack on israel and he's bit about that
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business for seven months. but he still wants the hostages back and at times i think those tensions between the two of them is the retake on his interview is all about. the reason why there has not been a cease-fire is because of hamas and the operational leader for hamas and gaza. he believes he's on the winning side of this and he has enough remnants of troops left to regroup, reorganize and re-attack and he thinks that time is on his side and that is why he is pushing back on cease-fire negotiations and he's been the obstacle since december because only thing that he wants to discuss is all troops out of gaza in a permanent cease-fire, of course were benjamin netanyahu is he wants the hostages home but he also wants
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to reduce the effectiveness of hamas is a military organization and certainly as a governing political body in hamas. maria: i understand that he said the intense phase of the fighting in rafah is about to end and were waiting for that, he drew down troops in gaza, more is really defense forces will be sent to the border of lebanon, tensions are rising with has below, the joint chief of staff chairman brown warned on sunday that any offensive into lebanon would risk a response from iran, but haven't we've been seen a response from iran throughout? >> certainly, what is happening, the architect of what is taking place in the middle east with the attack on israel, the reality is iran operationalized all of its proxies in a coordinated fashion to support what was taking place by hamas, that is the iraq he malicious,
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the houthis in particular and obviously what we've been seen with has below for seven months attacking into northern israel, there is a phase changing taking place in gaza, less clearing operations, more targeted attacks and raids. it doesn't mean the war is over, a phase is changing but it does mean that they need to divert their attention to northern israel, there are 80000 citizens displaced from their homes in northern israel, that is because hezbollah has moved on the military units close to the israeli border forcing the evacuation and what israel wants to do is return the border, the normal border of israel and commit the citizens to live there and they will accomplish that they have to push the hezbollah military back across the river away from the closeness of the border of
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israel. they want to accomplish that by diplomatic means and when the administration is making claims that you should be threatening this or the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff is saying it would be very difficult for the united states to support this in a way that we did on april the 13th when iranians attacked israel, what the united states position should be is not incentivizing iran and hezbollah but putting a foot down and saying this is israel sovereignty, they have a right to have their normal border return to them and we're going to help israel if israel needs the help, i cannot imagine the united states turning his head and not responding to israel if they need air support to carry out a campaign that they are conducting, they wanted diplomatic solution they want hezbollah to move away but certainly veiled threats that we
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will not support them effectively only incentivizes iran and hezbollah to continue what they're doing, not to take the diplomatic solution. maria: let me move on to china i don't know if you saw the piece in the journal as an interview in the journal with the u.s. ambassador to china, nicholas burns he has used forceful language criticizing china accusing china of undermining diplomacy, he says that beijing has ramped up the suppression of american diplomatic activities in china, he tallied 61 public event since november in which china's ministry of state and other government bodies pressure chinese citizens not to go or attempted to intimidate those who attended, he also says that beijing is trying to weaken american standing and disrupt the diplomatic activities, the center for strategic and international studies is warning that china's military could take taiwan without a firing a shot by isolating the nation with a full or partial enter partial
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quarantine crippling the economy, the think tank says that the coast guard could cut off access to taiwan ports stopping the flow of vital supply, here we have got a veteran diplomat nicholas burns whose very forceful and talking about china and the interview with the wall street journal saying that beijing is in fact trying to disrupt activities in the standing of america and doing so even in china by stopping chinese citizens from going to these events, at one point in the article they say they just canceled one the other day because they had no electricity, meanwhile electricity was fine the day before. >> what is happening here, ever since the two leaders met president xi and biden in san francisco, there has been a much advertised thought and relations a detente in relations that
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they've toned it down, china has made that statement and that's what they intended to do. in other words less intimidation, less coercion, less aggression in the region and certainly less at home as well. and what burns is doing, for him to make a statement like this, he is ambassador to china, he is just telling the truth and what's happening here inside of china were at much-publicized embassy events just like embassies here in washington, d.c. have the periodic events route the year sort of promoting who they are and what they stand for and that's with the united states embassy is doing their at the 61 events and what is happening china is coercing people not to go in intimidating those who are attending and fundamentally contributing to a negative relationship with the united states, and other words if china is being two-faced
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about this and on the one hand they're saying we are toning things down but on the other hand they are really not and that's what burns is actually saying and are we surprised by any of that that china looks at our diplomats and lies to them about what their intent is, we are not surprised at all, on the quarantine we have said from the outset that china has made its influence in domination in the indo pacific region by building the artificial islands in the south china sea in the intimidation coercion of her allies in the region from taiwan to japan to the philippines to vietnam to malaysia, et cetera all without firing a shot. that has been the mainstay, we also have to look at what is an invasion and how do you stop it, that's a worst-case scenario but does china have other so-called gray zone activities that they can used to coerce and intimidate taiwan to voluntarily submit to them a blockade being
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one ls or one of quarantine using a coast guard, yes they do, they have the opportunities available and likely, they would try those first before they tried an all-out invasion. maria: we are watching closely the potential reunification with xi jinping has been talking about for so long with taiwan. we will see when that happens, always a pleasure to talk with you about it. thank you, sir. maria: general jack keane, stay with us, we'll be right back.
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6:51 am
it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
6:52 am
maria: welcome back. a violent protest breaks out at a synagogue in los angeles over the weekend blocking people from going, cheryl casone with all the details. >> protesters turning violent yesterday as anti-israel agitators blocked access to a los angeles synagogue in an area with a large jewish population, president biden condemning the actions as anti-somatic, los angeles mayor karen bass meeting with leaders after, watch what happened. >> the violence that happened in the pico robinson neighborhood yesterday was a point in blocking access to a place of worship is absolutely unacceptable, what we witnessed
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was anti-semitism in the heart of one of our jewish communities. this violence was designed to stoke fear it was designed to divide but hear me loud and clear, it will fail. >> mayor bass is the lapd will enhance their partnership with jewish public safety organizations to prevent this from happening again, to federal judges in kansas and missouri issuing separate rulings stopping the education department from going forward with major parts of president biden student loan bailout biden hazard granted 160 billion in loan repayment on the taxpayer dime in the last three years if upheld, the decision will impact millions of borrowers starting next month. education secretary modell cardona writing this, president biden, vice president harris and i remain committed to our work to fix a student loan system and make college more affordable for more americans, we remain proud of providing debt relief to more than 4.75 million americans,
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several republican states have filed lawsuits arguing the mass loan repayment goes far beyond the presidents legal authority, last year biden's 30 billion-dollar plan was blocked by the supreme court in part because of what happened in missouri and maria is going to be speaking with attorney general andrew bailey a leader on the issue coming up on the 8:00 a.m. hour, don't miss it. tesla has laid off more than 19000 employees since the start of 2024 about 14% of the workforce, companywide e-mail indicates the headcount since over 121,000 in the e-mail elon musk writes this over the next few weeks tesla will be doing a comprehensive review to provide stock options grants for exceptional performance. this is days after shareholders approved is 56 billion-dollar pay plan two weeks ago emergency
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crews in arizona rushing to save a toddler after she was trapped inside of a tesla, the family said it malfunctioned and the grandmother says the battery to open the electric vehicle door died without warning, firefighters had to smash the window to rescue the little girl, let's take a look at tesla, the stock is slightly higher, then there's this wikileaks founders julian assange to avoid extradition or more prison time he was granted bail by the high court in london released from bill barr's prison, he has been there for five years, he is heading to u.s. federal court in a northern mariana island, back in 2010 with the help of chelsea manny was accused of violating espionage law over wikileaks release of classified u.s. documents. a judge must approve the plea, is likely go to be sentenced to 62 months time served and that will be allowed to head back to australia with the freedom, his wife stella, supporters made a statement before his release, watch. >> 12 years on and visiting julian and high-security prison but this period of our lives i
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am confident now has come to an end and i think i this time next week julian will be free. >> the cost of julian has been deprived of freedom for all these years. >> in 2010 his wikileaks website released half a million documents related to the u.s. wars in iraq and afghanistan one of the largest classified document leaks in history and remember, the risk that he put u.s. soldiers in because of his release, some say he's a journalist and others say in activist, i will report and neil can discuss. >> as a navy reserve officer have a real problem with making people who actively put our national security at risk, free-speech heroes i think that's what happened with julian assange, i'm not surprised they reached a plea deal and sending them off would likely time served, simply because they were quibbling over the smallest things at this point i think
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it's good to put the chapter behind us and move forward. maria: thank you, we will take a break, when we come back the illegal venezuelan migrants accused of killing a 12-year-old now charged with capital murder, prosecutors are not ruling out the death penalty, the hot topic of the hour we will get into it will become back. levi executive and ceo of xxy athletics jennifer sey is here on her new company and why expand on tiktok you're watchinl "mornings with maria" live on foesx business. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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