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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 25, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good tuesday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i hope you're having a good tuesday morning. it's tuesday, june 25. time for the hot topic of the hour. mother of 12-year-old jocelyn nungarays is calling for justice after she was brutally raped and murdered by two illegal migrants in houston, texas. watch this. >> she was still my first born. i was a teen mom. i fought for her at 15. so 27 now, i'm still fighting for her. and i'm just remembering that she was a very special little girl that deserves her justice. maria: court documents allege that the venezuelan migrants lured nungaray under a bridge where they stripped her naked to the waist and assaulted her for two hours, one of the suspects was wearing an immigrations and customs enforcement ankle monitor when the crime happened.
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one of the migrants accused of murdering jocelyn will be in a texas court this morning, the other was in court yesterday where the judge set the bond at $10 million, determining he was a flight risk. the death penalty is not off the table for these two as they face capital murder charges. what a story, emily. your reaction? >> i think it's just abhospitaller. it's -- a abhorrent. we've seen 1.6 million people cross the border and not apprehended since 2021. this is a huge failure of the biden administration, i think it's going to take massive steps by a future administration and by congress to put a stop to this on the border. maria: to see these murders, it's not just this dear 12-year-old, there have been others. a new poll reveals that latino voters in battleground states favor trump's immigration policies over biden's, 43% trust trump, 38% trust biden. mitch, i mean, you're talking
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about people who came here but went through the steps to go through to become legal citizens, they don't like the idea that all these people are cutting the line and we're all feeling fear over all of this crime and a murder. >> you know, it's interesting, this is the -- i think this is the biggest issue that both sides of the aisle in terms of voters, especially undecided voters, see and feel every day. and i have a friend who is a raging liberal and thinks that we need to shut down the bauer r and build a wall, something you would have been eviscerated for suggesting four years ago. i think this is the big issue. the economy obviously everybody feels but i think at the end of the day this immigration crisis is something that the biden administration just can't hide from. maria: yeah. and that's what i was questioning earlier, emily. i don't see cnn reporting on the wide open border at all.
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i don't know. do they even know what's going on at the border? i don't see -- this is one of the lead stories and it's a national security issue for america. will they even bring it up at the debate on thursday? >> i think it's impossible to ignore that the american people want to talk about this and we heard this from congressman jiminez in the last hour that we've seen a growing number of individuals on the terrorist watch list coming across the southern border, 11 people came across the border under trump on that watch list, it's almost 400 now under president biden. this is a significant national security problem and i don't see how president trump can't bring it up at the he debate, whether the moderators do or not. maria: there are rules. when he's not answering a question, their mics will be turned off, outside of answering the question that the moderators have. cnn came out with the rules, the cnn presidential he debate. >> 100%. i think what the interesting thing about the mics being off,
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it probably protects trump from knee-jerk reaction as that he's capable of doing especially if president biden says something that's just not true. what concerns me about the debate is that cnn says they're going to be vigilant in a live fact checking, the question is, will that be a two way street in fact checking. if president biden says they inherited 9% inflation, will they say no, that's not true, it's 1.4%. i think it will be very interesting to see how cnn calls balls and strikes live. maria: we'll be watching on the capacity of both individuals. you know, a lot of questions about joe biden's mental capacity, given all of the gaffes that we've seen, emily. >> i think the challenge for president trump is the bar is set so low for president biden's performance in this debate that even him showing p up and being able to answer questions will be spun as a victory. it's going to require president trump to really stay on message
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and talk about the economy, talk about energy prices, talk about the things american people care about because we know we're going to see spin from the moderators and the from the mainstream media. maria: when we come back, the tech sector loses steam, nvidia saw the biggest one day percentage decline since april yesterday following two years of gains, the word on wall street panel is here with expectations, what that means for markets. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys.
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maria: welcome back. time now for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money, joining me right now is capital advisor ceo, leo kelly, also with me is mitch roschelle. leo, thank you for joining the conversation this morning. >> great to be here, maria. maria: mitch, i want to kick it off with you with the big story
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of the markets with nvidia selling off a, finishing down 6% on the session yesterday, 6 and two thirds percent lower, the third straight decline, declining session and the biggest one day percentage decline since april. these last three days for nvidia erased nearly $430 billion in market value from nvidia's market cap, sent the stock into correction territory, this morning the stock is trading up, mitch, fractionally, up about 2%. yes, there it is, nvidia trading higher after the three days of declines, mitch. your reaction? >> i think that's the correction that everybody is waiting for. it's down 12% from its high. people who wanted to get into nvidia that thought it was pricey have sort of been waiting for this moment so i'm not surprised to see it up today. i think the thing -- it gets trashed a lot. people start talking about it being a bubble, comparing it to the dot-com days. but just some facts. net income for the first quarter was up 600% year over year.
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net profit margin up 100%, revenue up almost 300% year over year. this is a country -- company, rather, generating a tremendous amount a of free cash flow. and i think there's a reason why it's the hottest stock out there. so i'm not surprised. people decided to take some profits off the table. but i think there's a lot of money on the sidelines and it's going to get back in. maria: leo, what about that? >> i think mitch hit it on the head. nvidia, the country. we're starting to look at nvidia as the market. and just like cisco or microsoft back in 2000, we're starting to see the market as a whole, the valuations of the market reach some pretty lofty highs and we're getting excite about the small group of stocks that are driving it and the markets pulled along. we've said over and over again -- while the market continued to go up, we said over of and over again, when markets get to fro
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frothy levels and i hear it's different this time and these evaluationses should be higher, nvidia aside, i think it's time for investors to be disciplined and make sure you're pairing back gains, holding cash, because markets do not go up forever. they just don't. there are corrections, there are pullbacks. maria: especially in a backdrop where we are with an economy that is slowing. treasury secretary janet yellen unveiled financing initiatives that will support housing development, includes $100 million for affordable housing over the next three years, calling on several agencies to help finance it. watch this. >> in line with the federal housing finance august sigh's report and the president's proposal today, i call on each of the federal home loan banks to work to voluntarily direct 20% or more of their net income
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to support housing programs and to prioritize new construction. maria: they're trying to do as much that's can around the edges to make this economy get a boost but, look, shelter inflation is up better than 21% since president biden took office, leo and we've seen all of the inflation metrics that are still elevated right now. >> absolutely. and here we go again. we're going to start to write loans at lower credit quality. we're going to have less down payments. this started the problems in 2009. i think when we look at the economy, there's a lot of mixed signals. it's a weird economy in that if you want to be a bull you can go find bullish data, if you want to be a bear, you can find bearish data. at the end of the day, inflation is incrediblely stubborn, the fed is struggling because while they want to lower rates and stimulate, they can't and inflation is not going away. it continues to be persistent
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especially as the fed pauses. so i do think then have a little bit of an uphill battle to climb and on top of all of this we just saw the cbo come out with their estimates for deficits for the next year and next 10 of years and as we discussed earlier in the year, the deficit is going to be much larger than was anticipated originally but we knew that was going to happen because of all the spending so we continue to have, maria, a situation where we're doing massive deficit spending, we're increasing it in the face of inflation and we have too much money supply. really tough spot for the fed. i think the economy continues to really run that line of trouble versus survival. maria: yeah. i mean, so many former fed presidents have said that. mitch, you've got jay powell trying to rein in inflation but at the same time he's faced with this tsunami of spending. thomas hoenig has spoken about that we're going to talk with james bullard, former president of the fed, coming up. i'm going to talk with him about
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all of this stimulus money. it's too many dollars chasing too few goods, mitch. >> and the fed's tool of destroying demand can only do so much and it's an economy killer. this is a fiscal policy that we need and the next congress and whoever is the next president, if they don't find a way to rein in spending, this problem that our kids and grandkids are going to inherit is going to be catastrophic. maria: well, a lot of people tried to do it, unable to do it. kevin mccarthy was there as speaker trying to do it no you avail. leo, great to see you this morning. please come back soon, thank you, sir. >> hang you, maria. maria: the illegal venezuelan migrants accused of killing jocelyn nungaray charged with capital murder. prosecutors are not ruling out the death penalty. we're talking about it with congressman eric burleson coming
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up, the threat of president biden's wide open border. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon.
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. one of the migrants from venezuela accused of murdering 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray in houston last week will be in a texas court this morning. the other accused murderer was in court yesterday where the judge sent his bail at $10 million, determining he was a flight risk. documents allege suspects lured you nungaray under a bridge where they stripped her naked to the waist, tied her hands behind her back and assaulted her before struggling her and throwing her body in a bu yeah. one of the -- bayou. one of the suspects was wearing an a ankle monitor at the time of the crime. the death penalty is not off the table as they face capital murder charges. joining me is missouri congressman eric burleson, a member of the house oversight committee, transportation and infrastructure committee and workforce committee as well. thank you for joining me this morning. this is a hour of i'll story. our -- horrible story. our hearts go out to her family. your reaction. >> this is not the first sadly
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and it rob bring won't be the last-dab probably won't be the last. the last few months we had elizabeth medina and maria gonzales as well as the high profile case of laken riley. these are horrible stories that really underscore this situation. look, we just had a report come out from judiciary that made it clear that we discovered that whenever they are reviewing unaccompanied minors, they're not looking through the criminal background of these unaccompanied minors to see if they might be a member of a gang and as you know, the gang members that are the teenage age, which would qualify as unaccompanied minors aresome off the most dangerous individuals that might be entering the united states but sadly we're not checking that. this is extremely disturbing and
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every american should be screaming from the roof tops. maria: of course. and we had, what, how many people on the terrorist watch list already 2 that have been apprehended, i know it's almost 400 -- 350 people on the terrorist watch list that have been apprehended. imagine those 2 million got aways we talk about that weren't apprehended at all and just got in. this has become a leading issue for voters and certainly it's a national security issue but will it come up at the debate on thursday where president biden and former president trump will go head to head during thursday's cnn presidential debate, congressman. what do you think? >> i would be surprised if cnn brings up this question in the debate. if they do, it will probably be done in such a way, they give a soft ball to he j joe so they cn dispel it. i think they'll probably try to you avoid this topic. one of the most uncomfortable moments of the state of the union was when president joe
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biden could not even pronounce the name of laken riley whenever questioned about it so i just don't -- look, you've got -- let's juxtapose that with president trump who is actually calling the families of some of these victims. i have constituents in my district that he -- that told me that they felt very comforted whenever they received a phone call from the former president. that's the kind of caring nature that president trump has that really can juxtapose that with joe biden that doesn't even acknowledge that he has a granddaughter. maria: i'm wondering about that and the mental capacity of joe biden, given the recent gaffes. i spoke with the former white house physician, dr. ronnie jackson, on sunday. he is a board certified emergency medical physician, he was at the white house 14 years during the bush administration, the obama administration, and the trump administration. he took care of those three
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presidents. here's what he said about joe biden, questioning his mental capacity an and he's writing toe white house to demand a drug test. watch. >> i have sent five letters previously asking for president biden to submit to a cognitive test, similar to the one president trump got when he was president and those five letters have been completely ignored. tomorrow i'm sending a letter to president biden, to his physician, dr. owe conor and ccing the entire cabinet. it's embarrassing i have to do this, it's embarrassing as a former white house physician to have to do something like this. maria: i mean, it's pretty incredible that ronnie jackson says biden will have been at a camp david for a full week before the debate and that they're probably experimenting with getting doses right, giving him medicine ahead of the debate. is that what you sunshine.
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>--think? >> i think any patient or elderly individual or someone who has dementia, they can find some moments of clarity, right, they can find moments throughout the day that they have energy and i think we should -- trump's team should not underestimate joe biden and his team's ability to -- whether they're going to jack him up on mountain dew or whatever a it is, that, look, the state of the union this year, he had a lot of energy for about an hour or an hour and-a-half but it doesn't mean what we're seeing is obviously throughout the day he can't carry that level of energy, when he's out and about we're seeing that decline. so i certainly would not, if i were the trump team, underestimate their ability to do whatever it takes to make sure that he can work for one or two hours that he's on the debate. maria: we'll see.
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i know, a lot of focus on that. we'll all be watching how you thetwo handle themselves, they'l be standing up for 90 minutes in this debate. i want to ask about what's going on in missouri. you've got two federal courts blocking president biden's student loan bailout after a lawsuit from several republican led states, the court rules last night coming from district judges in kansas and missouri. the biden administration cannot cancel any more student debt from borrowers enrolled in the save plan, which ties how much someone pays each month compared to their income. it's cost taxpayers billions because he blew off what the supreme court said already. the supreme court said it was unconstitutional, here we are talking about it because keeps forgiving student loan debt, congressman. >> yeah, it's ridiculous. we all recognize that someone --
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we should not be paying for someone's mistakes and the decisions they're making. i didn't have anyone paying for my student loans. i think that people ought to take responsible for the debt they incur and it's a common thing. he didn't have the power to forgive the loans. congress didn't give him the authority to do so. i was proud to see eric schmitt, at that time the attorney general of missouri, take a lead role in suing the federal government over this and i think it's too bad that a we have to go that route but i'm glad to see that the courts have ruled wisely. maria: yeah. emily, your reaction? >> yeah, i just -- congressman, i would love to take you back to immigration if that's okay with you. last year you and many conservatives argued for a regular order process on funding the government so we could get conservative policies on things like the border put in place going into government funding.
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this year freedom caucus colleagues are looking to pass a continuing resolution and go home without doing the work. the homeland appropriations bill is on the floor this week in the house, do you plan to support it or push any policies to deal with the border in that process? >> yeah, absolutely. look, we're going to take the fight that's in front of us, i think that there -- we're marking up a bill. we should mark it up to be the most conservative bill that benefits american citizens. i think the strategy you're referring to, regarding the cr, is recognizing that these bills are likely going to end once they're passed in the house. the senate is not going to take them up. we all know that, we all know that's what's going to happen because it happened that way for the last 27 years and that's the way it happened last year. we marked up the same bills and the senate didn't take them up and they pushed us all the way to the end. so if we're going to be pushed to tend, the thought is we don't
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want to handicap an incoming -- potential incoming president trump with a full year of his term already expired where he can't make decisions about the budget. if you do a cr that ends very quickly into president trump's term, then at least he will have all four years to make a decision about appropriations. maria: we understand. all right, congressman, good to see you this morning. thanks so much. >> thank you. maria: all right. eric burleson joining us, quick break and then former levi's executive jennifer say joining me to talk about her latest business endeavor and how tiktok is suspending her company's content. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> if girls in women's sports matter and you want your
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daughters to have the same opportunity you had, stand up. if you know it isn't fair or safe, to allow males to compete in girls' sports, because it's well obvious, stand up. maria: that was an advertisement that got xxxy at a let i permanently suspended from tiktok for standing up to women's sports. the clothing brand founded by former levi executive jennifer sey aims to protect female athletes and provide a safe space. tiktok claims the ad, quote, may violate advertising policies by featuring offensive content, unquote. joining me now, the woman herself, former levi executive and founder and ceo of xxxy add let i, jennifer sey. why do you think the ad was banned on tiktok. what do you think happened?
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>> well, you know, as you indicated they're not very specific about what policy we violated but i can only glean that somehow standing up for women and girls in the world today is considered bigoted and anti-trans. the irony is, it's exactly what we talk about in the ad. it was meant to be inspiration for women and girls, the 70% of americans that agree with us, not to be daunted when they're called names and be told they're bigots when they stand up for them severs. it's come passionate to -- compassionate to stand up for women and girls, not according to tiktok, apparent ally. maria: this whole attitude around push for transgender athletes to compete with women, one of the reasons you l left levis and you started your own company. >> we launched march 25th. we're a nascent, baby brand.
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it's been going incredibly well. there's a lot of pent-up demand for a brand that stands up for women, not just one that claims to, not just one that wraps themselves in virtue but does nothing but treat women with astonishing disregard much like nike does. so i think -- i just think there's demand for it. 70% of americans like i said agree with us but you wouldn't know that if you were out here saying the things that we are saying. but people are coming out of the woodwork to support us because they're tired of it. it doesn't make any sense. the single biggest determinant of athletic performance is sex. maria: and where do you think this narrative comes from? i mean, 70% of the people that you're talking to agree with what you're trying to do and agree that women should compete with women, then where is this upset and this new narrative the coming from? is it coming from communist china? >> i think it's coming from the far left activist class and
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they've taken over the tools of culture, whether it's art, film, music or brands which brands are a tool of culture. that is why i started this because brands can normalize ideas in the culture. politics are downstream from culture. and we've sort of seeded the -- ceded the cultural ground. if the we deliver an amazing brand with beautiful high end product that competes with the best brands in the world, i think we can take back the culture and we can really inspire women and girls. maria: the reason i ask if it's coming from communist china because we're seeing a real active movement to take down the nuclear family, to have all these new ideas come in and then you get banned by tiktok which of course is run by a chinese company, bytedance is the overall parent there and now we're seeing this pushback to what you're doing so it's a head scratcher as far as where is this idea coming from if you say 70% of people agree.
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>> yeah, i mean, there's no doubt that there's socialist and communist leanings, it's destabilizing for our culture. the one true thing we've always known is that males and females are different, to say that they are not and male and female bodies are the same is incredibly destabilizing. if we allow that idea to be furthered we sacrifice the truth. i'm not willing to do that. maria: good for you. american athletes are competing to make team usa with one month to go before the summer olympic games in paris, they're barring transgender athletes who went through puberty as males from competing with women. we're seeing this on the local level as well, in new york the legislator voted to ban transgender girls and women from competing on women's teams at local facilities. do you think that this is -- this idea that you're trying to promote is getting louder and
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people are figuring this out? >> i want to commend the governing bodies for making the right decision. it's unusual to have to say it but it was a brave decision in the churl today and it was the -- culture today and it was the right decision. women deserve safety, privacy, an even playing field, deserve the chance to compete and we deserve the chance to win. i was an elite gymnast as a young person. i accepted losing on an even playing field. i wouldn't accept it from somebody who is doping or who is male. i think the decisions are encouraging. i think we have a long way to go and i think the tiktok ban is i'll husillustrative of that. we have to stand together. i think if we stand together, we can't lose. maria: what happened at levis that caused you to get a bad taste in your mouth about all of this? >> i think i was very outspoken during covid. it was difficult to live where i lived at the time in san francisco and i ended up moving
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to denver to enable my own children to go to school, the schools in san francisco were closed for 19 months. i made the decision. it was time to leave. i had been there 23 yearsism really proud of the work i did there but i'm super excited about starting my own thing now. somebody told me when i started this business that the highs are going to be so much higher than when you're working for somebody else and the lows are going to be lower and a i will tell you that is exactly true. maria: well with, it's wonderful that your principles have really shaped you and guided you in terms of what's next because you just said it, you've got girls of your own, right? you've got -- you were gymnast. >> yeah. one daughter and three boys. maria: one daughter and three boys. but all of this, your upbringing, your experiences have shaped this and you've got courage to actually move it forward. congrats. >> you know, it shouldn't take courage to stand up for children and to speak the truth but unfortunately in the world today it does. people ask me all the time why
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are children and free speech the hills you're willing to deion and i ask them in return do you even have a hill if you're not willing to do that. maria: good for you, jennifer. we'll be watching, good luck with xxxy and th thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. maria: jennifer sey. we'll be right back. stay with us. this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow, senator marsha blackburn on her fight to protect children from the dangers lurking on the internet. thursday, the vp stakes in high gear, republican national committee chairman michael t whatly handicaps the field. and friday, we'll have reaction to the long awaited faceoff between preside president bidend president trump. it's all right here on "mornings with maria."
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maria: welcome back. president biden set for another manhattan fund raise r this week, one day after the cnn presidential debate. cheryl casone with details. >> biden will join music legend elton john in new york city at the stonewall inn this friday to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the gay rights movement before he heads to another fund raise rer the day after the cnn
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presidential debate. the last time the president was here he hauled in had more than $25 million at radio city music hall with the help of barack obama and bill clinton. former president trump was down the street at the memorial for fallen nypd officer jonathan diller. so tickets for the latest of biden's luxury events reportedly starting at about $250. biden will jet off by the way to another pair of donor events in east hampton and new jersey on saturday. new yorkers love all the traffic that comes with this, maria. okay. hooters is the latest major restaurant chain to permanently close locations due to, quote, current market conditions. 40 stores of 300 worldwide were shut down creating a total 12% operational decline. the high cost of wholesale goods known as ppi a major factor for hooters. on the consumer side, 41% say they plan to spend less on restaurants this year. that's according to kpmg.
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hooters spokesperson saying, quote, like many restaurants under pressure from current market conditions, hooters has made the difficult decision, we look forward to continuing to serve our guests at home on the go and at our restaurants here in the u.s. and around the globe. well, protesters turning violent sunday as anti-israel agitators blocked access to a loss angeles synagogue. president biden condemning the actions as anti-semetic. lolos angeles mayor karen bass d the same. >> the violence that happened in the pico robinson neighborhood yesterday was habe abhorrent and blocking access to a place of worship is absolutely unacceptable. what we witnessed was anti-semitism in the heart of one of our jewish communities. this violence was designed to stoke fear. it was designed to divide. but hear me loud and clear.
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it will fail. >> mayor bass says the lapd will be enhancing their partnership with jewish public safety organization to prevent this from happening again. by the way, a record in the la times this morning says that now la city officials are looking into banning people from wearing masks while protesting. you can still protest. maybe take off your mask. meanwhile, over in israel, where the war is happening, a high court ruling unanimously for the military to now draft ultra orthodox men for mandatory service, that ends a decades long exemption but this could threaten ne netanyahu's shaky government again. la, you can proest the, we're going to force you to take your mask off but you can still protest. that's one issue. i don't know if you saw this, here in new york, alvin bragg just let all those columbia protesters go, forget the charges, never mind, go home and
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you can protest again, kids. don't worry about it. it's insane. maria: as they try to take trump down, they're allowing all of those people who really created massive damage and upset to so many, emily, they're off the hook now. >> yeah, i mean, i think we've seen the folks on the left try to dance around this issue because their youth voters moved so far onto the left on israel that they are -- they're protesting in the street and damaging property and a putting people's lives at risk. the president doesn't have a good answer for this. but i'm -- frankly, i'm released to see them at least condemning violence on the streets. maria: yeah. mitch. >> this isn't protests, maria. these are acts of violence. the protesters at columbia university, they took hostages, took over the administration building on campus and took hostages. i don't know how you can take hostages and get released with not even a slap on the wrist and what happened in loss an a less, you're looking at the screen right now, these are acts of violence, that's assault and
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battery. yes, take their masks off so we can know who the perpetrators are. this is disgusting and i think every elected politician, i applaud the mayor of los angeles but every elected politician should condemn it. i don't know where adam schiff are and other members of the democrat party in california, they should be jumping up and down and condemning it as well. maria: look at thighs loser -- these losers, they're attacking one woman. they need a gang to beat up on one woman. that's one woman beaten up by this gang of anticipate israel protest -- anti-israel protesters, what losers. >> look at what happened too, the graffiti and the damage done to ucla, usc got physically hit, columbia here in this city. but these authorities of these blue cities to mitch's point, they're not doing anything about prosecuting these acts of violence. i mean, if you're going to break the law, prosecute them. but you know, in la and new york
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you can get away with pretty much anything as we know. maria: well, that's right. they are instead focused on prosecuting their political enemies. that's what we see over and over again and that's why, emily, the trump administration continues to call all of this a sham. >> yeah. i think that's exactly right. we see the president being chased after in sometimes i think distractions from these really real core issues, distractions from protesters in the street, distractionses from high inflation, distractions from high cost of living and those are the things when we get back to the debate that president trump is going to have to get back and a emphasize. we can't allow the mainstream media to be a distraction here. maria: we'll take a short break and come back. cheryl, thank you. quick break and then a two federal courts in kansas and missouri blocking president biden's student loan bailout. attorney general andrew bailey is here for an exclusive interview, he's part of the
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lawsuit to make it happen. he's here after the break. stay with us. ♪
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states rulings from district judges in cans as and missouri biden cannot cancel any more stein debate that ties how much somebody pays each month for income would have cost taxpayers 475 billion dollars next 10 years has already cost billions. joining me missouri attorney general andrew bailey ag bailey great to have you thanks very much for being here. >> thanks for having me one. >> you are part of that lawsuit that made this happen, look. joe biden has already ignored is it supreme court also deemed for giving student loan debt kept doing it after being told annualization do you think he will stop. >> i am afraid he is not going to stop we beat him at the united states supreme court about this time last year on plan a, he immediately almost simultaneous, rolled out a plan b, i am sure a plan c. recently on stomp bragging now
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united states supreme court told him he couldn't do it he was going to do it any at some point a constitutional crisis congress has power of the purse not the president, at the end of the day, the supreme court decisions from last june invoked major questions doctrine for proposition that congress doesn't hide elephant in house hole if congress intends to redistribute 3500 billion dollars in debt they have to speak explicitly has not done so twice rejected the bill president has no textual basis in law for this i am not going to let joe biden, saddle working families, with debt. maria: you have said you are suing being new york over lawfare against president trump intending to sue state of new york over what you call unconstitutional lawfare tell us about that. >> missouri has worn interest in participating in a presidential national election on equal footing with other states yet what is going on here the rogue prosecutor
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judicial system in one at a time has taken a presidential candidate off campaign trail tethered him in a courtroom essentially to prisconditions to remove him from this campaign cyclened him with is unconstitutional gag ordering depriving missourians all those of access to presidential candidate that is not the way this system works we can't allow a rogue prosecutor in new york to are underlying the integrity of our election fighting for missouri's sovereignty, missouri's voters' ability to hear from and access presidential candidate, united states spirituality has a method in applies to resolve institutes article iii section 2 united states constitutional disputes between states adjudicated as a matter of jury instructions at united states supreme court missouri has a big problem in new york. >> you testified in front of the house judiciary committee last week you called illegal prosecution you think eventual


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