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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 25, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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judicial system in one at a time has taken a presidential candidate off campaign trail tethered him in a courtroom essentially to prisconditions to remove him from this campaign cyclened him with is unconstitutional gag ordering depriving missourians all those of access to presidential candidate that is not the way this system works we can't allow a rogue prosecutor in new york to are underlying the integrity of our election fighting for missouri's sovereignty, missouri's voters' ability to hear from and access presidential candidate, united states spirituality has a method in applies to resolve institutes article iii section 2 united states constitutional disputes between states adjudicated as a matter of jury instructions at united states supreme court missouri has a big problem in new york. >> you testified in front of the house judiciary committee last week you called illegal prosecution you think eventual
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inventoryly thrown out. >> i absolutely twi that replete from constitutional error, lack of unanimity during deliberations missourians harmed when president trump can't take to the pain trail and talk about issues that are important to him and missouri voters missourians, their first amendment rights, flip sides of the same coin in the sense that president biden is trying to buy with institutional student loan by aout simultaneous or content at the rate of theing lawfare against president trump to take him off the trail to hold on to authority at all cots even if it undermines rule of law destroys our government in the process. >> look what they wrote in the kansas city star in op-ed ag bailey using missouri taxpayer money to fight trump's new york conviction is ordered
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justice. >> i am starting to think the kansas city tar doesn't like me missourians being harmed what if president trump was having a rally in mo can't how many moance want to hear from trump talk about law fire he has been silenced first amendment protects not only speakers but listeners as well gag order to protect defendant's right to fair trail the president wants to speak on these issues should be allowed to do that a continuation constitutional presumption against gag orders because they voolt first amendment yet here, should be heightened scrutiny, presidential candidate in height of a campaign one of the most consequenceal elections in nation's history. >> how you think this comes at debate we are waiting to see how cnn handles the presidential dab they are going to raise issues that matter to the american people or are we going to see more attacks on trump? >> i have no faith and
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confidence in communist news network able to do to be fair or objective i hope the issue of lawfare comes as up even americans maybe disagree with president trump on policy positions cap get behind the idea constitutional and rules matter offends basic sensibility of fairness. >> yeah. but probably you will hear joe biden call donald trump convicted felon a lot that is possibly one of his main tools. to unnerve trump, right? >> i think that is absolutely what president biden's strategy that is why he glide michael could languageo third ranking official in department of justice former dnc consultant to as is alvin bragg in have trial court level prosecution alvin bragg declined charges wade until at leaves one of the basises conspired from statute of limitations before the 34 count indictment against president trump the department
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of justice deployed colangelo in law fire against president trump coordinated tactic stop looking at trees the cases in isolation look at it see it for what it is. >> you are a lawyer how do you prove that that this was all coordinated by biden's white house i believe congressman andy biggs with a timeline prosecutors met with white house counsel at this time, jesse watters said november 18 was one day about, two weeks after biden basically said look we have to make sure that trump does not return to the white house, two weeks later, november 18 got all meetings happening with prosecutors in the white house. do you have evidence, that in fact this was coordinated? >> well, the circumstances speak for themselves impute incurable impropriety, we have demands documents from department of justice will continue to pursue that we are
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not stonewalled by biden's crooked department of justice again, the public the missouri voting public deserve to know this government is weaponized against a political government favored by missouri voting public you been. maria: are s look. i spoke with former ag eric schmitt on my program over the weekend, to discuss the issue around president trump, i just don't understand, how you actually are going to, you know,, prove this and get this -- certainly in time for election. do you think this sentencing we are waiting for july 11, is going to keep trump out of jail or not? >> well, i think the judge help bent on sending president trump to prison why my lawsuit is so important normal appeal process to adjudicated individual's right to fair trial is in -- against state of new york why this united
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states supreme court is so important we are going to have to file this week asking court to rule before the citizen to stay sentencing, allow the integrity of our election, to stand on its own without interference and lawfare from new york. >> what are you expecting from supreme court on immunity issue? we should hear that soon; right? >> absolutely. and i take place court will do right thing presidential have immunity of this got to have immunity for trump decisions they have to make president has broad constitutional authority, he has to be able to exercise that unfettered from this review constitution builds in a process to sanction a president called impeachment congress tried twice did convict president trump he did nothing wrong. maria: thanks very much we are following your work andrew bailey joining us in missouri, thank you, sir. we are just getting started quick break house republican sounding alarm about illegal migrants tied to isis crossing
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our southern border is the biden administration taking the threat seriously? we are investigating. >> ron johnson here with new push for term limits don't miss that you are watching "mornings with maria" live fox business. stay with us. . ♪ , yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ - it's apparent. not me. - yeah. nice going lou! nothing like a little confidence boost to help ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months.
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maria: welcome back. markets mixed dow closed up better than 250 points yesterday while the s&p and nasdaq lower take a look nasdaq down 192 at 4:00 wall street dow up 260, nvidia one issue here, it was down 6% yesterday third straight negative session, biggest one day percentage decline since april last three days selling nvidia he razeed nearly 430 billion dollars market value from market cap stock into
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correction territory following two years major cycles tlooblthd stock bouncing as you will see up 2% right here joining me fund trat may thinking partner mark newton i have been looking to towarding for a to talking you are a technician know markets technicals better than most what is your take? >> look nvidia pull back difficulty to label a correction up over 55% since april lowe's so a tremendous run if anything this is the pause refreshes, i wrote about semiconductors last night getting down to critical trendline support i believe that holds, what is interesting is that while technology sold off you have many stocks broad bays for recovery very good sign i
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don't make much of nvidia i think 115, 116 holds stock up premarket i think runs back retests 140, over the next month so i am not really that concerned. maria: really interesting so you think that in fact it is no -- no surprise to see selling could resume up trend settling out lower than at high incentivize. >> that is interesting point nvidia lost over 3 hundred billion market expect a s&p only down 1% if that over the last three trading sessions, you look at dow jones weighted reference up five straight days this isn't is a big decline in the stock market if anything it is just a minor period of underperformance in technology following huge run, now we're seeing sectors like financials healthcare, discretionary all come back this is exactly with a investors wanted to see but everybody is fix aitdz on
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nvidia, thinking market is going to crash that is not the right narrative it should be a time to be vested i think markets go higher. >> the financials in a second you also write in your most recent report while some minor rotation out of technology, the underperformers largely concentrating in utilities energy industrials tell me about that. >> well we haven't seen seen any evidence of defensive trading for people worried about a market peak, normally you want evidence of all defensive sectors, showing tremendous strength so, you know consumer staples utilities creating near 52 week lows, what we need to see is financials healthcare, represent combined about 25% s&p start to gain traction real back that is, what we've seen last week my thinking economic data continues to weaken expectation yields start to pull back actually
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can few fuel the market higher. maria: you are expecting a real firm tone to market second half of the year many financials you mentioned financialed fed floating possible changes to bank capital overhaul would lighten load including big banks,, expected to be cautious on shareholder payouts during the week stress test your thoughts on banking sector how those charts look. >> you know only disappointing area banking seeker is regional banks very important, of course, small caps part of that certainly have underperformed i think going to take a larger decline in treasury yields but i am still optimistic on financials, at least next couple months i think further to go, i know has been one of the top sectors last week, you know literally about 1 1/2% last
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week, so, you know the market s&p has been down but that is financial, risen sending a a little bit of a message still actually time to really overweight this sector, as market startles to broaden out. maria: you also say we're approaching a do-or-die situation for the dollar right here mark what are your expectations third quarter on dollar what does that mean for markets? >> well, a lot of mys cycles trends suggest dollar should go lower in months to come we started to see ever so slight evidence of weakening on fringes of the economy, 10-year turning down more sharply dollar should follow suit follow two-year yield lower i am expecting a move down under 104 could lead down to almost 100 would maintain temporary weakness for the dollar at a time i think a lot of people are starting to question-frankly the economy, you know despite high fuel
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prices there are since a of different trends continuing still doesn't matter to lower income part of the market of the unfortunately hit hard by this in general very much a good time to be vested i think dollar and yields pull back should be, you know in tailwind for risk assets between now and the fall. >> look you and tom wait have been spot on on this market congratulations on great research, good to see you this morning, thank you. >> a likewise thank you. >> mark newton joining us quick break, just two days away from cnn presidential debate border crisis in spotlight after brutal murder of 12-year-old texas girl by two illegal migrants wisconsin senator ron johnson here to weigh in on that former federal reserve president james bullard with the latest on inflation. what he thinks the fed should
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do next you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ the sun is gone, and ♪ ♪
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maria: welcome back lawmakers demanding action on the border, calling on homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas releases information on suspected terrorists illegally crossing into america fox business hillary vaughn. >> this isn't be hard to identify people terrorists trying to come in. >> good morning, maria. that is right house republicans want to find out seems to be pretty difficult, because of those 8 suspected terrorists found loose in the country house republicans want alejandro mayorkas to level with them about how those eight suspected activity with ties to isis were scattered throughout the country how they got in,ps immigration subcommittee chairman writing to mayorkas to hand over all information they have on individuals, writing quote criminal aliens potential terrorists exploit vulnerabilities in our nation immigration system to detriment of those in u.s. the
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biden administration border immigration policies only increase lakewood terrorist will remain in u.s. >> red blinking lights everywhere when it comes to pos possible terror throat senatoro senator joni ernst doesn't thick president trump is being aing with enough emergency. >> i don't think there is a sense every urgency, this is -- tenuous times in the united states, as we see president biden continuing to -- when pit comes to immigration policies i don't think there is -- is necessary sense of urgency that we should see to protect lives. >> house republicans in letter to mayorkas asking to hand over details on 8 suspected terrorists how whenwhere entered u.s. processed, whether anything suspicious was flagged in process of suspected terrorists democrats
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say better to assume best not worst when it comes to people claiming asylum. >> you can't assume every person seeking asylum in this country is go being to it commit a crime we need control of our border we also have seen a significant drop in crime under president biden who has vested in law enforcement nationally. >> maria some americans may not be feeling that drop in crime, especially those who have lost loved ones at the hand of i will immigrants. maria: i would say that is true hillary, thanks very much hillary vaughn joining me noww ron johnson member senate homeland security budget finance committees what is your reaction to all of this hillary is reporting. >> good morning first of all people need to realize president biden and colleagues in congress democrat colleagues in congress they want an open border they caused this problem, i mean zealots -- not acting with
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urgencies what they wanted shouldn't surprise, six, seven, eight million in this country shouldn't surprise more than 150 nations sent not necessarily best people, venezuelan opening up jails in have mental institutions going to see members of gangs most horrific brutal gangs in mexico central america in this country, you take a look at horrific crimes committed by money cities are what is sad about this, they shouldn't have happened these, you know that little 12-year-old girl laken riley people should be alive living their lives but they are not because joe biden, and democrat colleagues in congress wants open border caused this problem i cannot that emphasize enough not that they are not reacting to something that just happened they caused this problem. maria: why? why do they want to open border?
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>> i can't really explain it i mean, the best explanation they want to change the electorate of america forever a one party nation realize bringing a bunch of people in here very grateful to democrats going to vote for democrats and we have evidence of nono government organization ngo pryinged paper to migrants says when you get to america vote nor joe biden, joe biden directed agencies to register voters, now you think is going to be registering conservatives republicans? no, they are registering democrats leftists illegal immigrants trying to relax controls on mail-in voting, absentee voting, even if grants can vote going to be counted in census people coming to democrat states, end up with more members in congress will change
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electorate as well a long-term game plan, but, democrats are relentless, they patient in terms what have trying to achieve politically, destroying this country. maria: memo you referred to i have here in spanish says don't forget to vote for joe biden we need another four years, but the woman who is written said she didn't write the memo, who wrote the memo? and why is memo at the border? >> well again, our taxpayer dollars are being spent on a lot of nongovernment organizations that are loyalty facilitating flow of illegal immigrants again this did not just happen this is something that biden administration isn't properly reacting to. they caused this problem inviting people in this country sit there on tv like nor -- we got to control border you don't want to control the border you want completely open border you just want cover you are lying
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to american public that you want closed border. you want an open border. >> i understand, 10 million people in this country on joe biden's watch two million gotaways then we see stories, like the 12-yea technicalsan gi murdered mother of five murdered, disgusting, that gangs are here raging in new york throughout our country we showed a map about all gangs of that come through this murder one big issue for voters. and, of course, we know that will it come up with president biden former president trump go ahead to headed thursday at cnn presidential debate what do you think? we know number one and two issue behind economy for voters i never see cnn reporting any of this have they been to the border at cnn? i don't think so i have been there six times, five times another time what do you think, do you think it is going to come? >> this should be front and center should be almost all
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they talk about for an hour an a half, it is worthy of that a clear and present danger we are going to see repercussions of the democrats open-border policy for decades to come this isn't going away, we're going to -- so much right now, swept under the rug human trafficking sex trafficking drug traffic being how do you think young women have to the fie five to 15,000 dollars human trafficking fee mow do you think they pay that fee off? they are forced into sex trafficking drugs fentanyl drug overdose it is covered up by media the mainstream media complicit in this aiding and abetting horrifically crimes overall that is happening. maria: it is awful. and the other issue you have done so much work on china house oversight committee says
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joe biden and family accepted tens of millions of dollars from china-ukraine russia you did your reporting on this, you and your colleagues there in the senate, and we still haven't seen any you know i mean white house says just not true. james comer sent a letter, you think that up -- >> mainstream media turned blind eye word to corruption biden crime family as well, there are mountains of evidence the fact we show, bank records tens of millions dollars nothing from countries that are adversary to america the biden family what did they do to deserve tens of millions of dollars flowing in through adversary countries they sold influence position their name, and to the extent comprised of american national security economic security it is hard to tell i do know one of the first actions joe biden
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canceled department of justice program that was designed to uncover, investigate, stop chinese theft of intellectual property on college campuses why in world would president of the united states stop a program like being that? that is one of the main reasons china harmed americans in property theft. >> one of the first decisions in have oval office to castle china initiative you are light james comer told me looking at that as potential issue joe biden was paid for family was paid to cancel the china initiative we don't know if it is true but james comer is investigating i don't understand why are you and a couple others in congress raising these,, why? is it because your colleagues are there in the seat too long forget who they work for? senate republicans weighing potential for term limits, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell when he steps down from that role in november you are helping to lead that charge imposing term limits do you think your kleenex -- you are the people have to vote
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for out do you think anybody is going to vote to have a term limit for their term? >> well what i've been primarily in charge of is republicans senate to have a mission statement what do we stand for what are we willing to fight for i proposed one sentence mission statement fight and defeatist ideology and policies of the radical left destroying america the radical left is the democrat party i understand desire for term limits i don't want a leader abusing this position pushed back leader mcconnelle after november election reelecting majority leader republican leader of the senate we should have taken at least 30 days if not 45 days, you want a leader in place before next congress starts no reason to vote seven days after election i think an abuse of his leadership position i have been fighting back against that since i got reelected in 2016, and told my colleagues we ought to delay
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leadership elections, of course, i got a phone call from leader mcconnel that day i want a collaborative process to you've talents of people i am tired of one man dictatorship mitch mcconnell has been. maria: are everybody is who do you want in that role? >> listen rick scott running i supported him last name extraordinary individual extraordinary background, with an of the largest employers in america when he ran hospital corporation of america very successful governor in florida helped set ron desantis up for success is a fab louis colleague in united states senate concerned about the fact 35 trillion dollars in debt and really brought house conservatives together the reason we got, rick scott leadership, conservatives in the house. maria: quick before you go if you are going to look at term limits for elected officials are you going to look at term limits for the office? that isn't what quote/unquote
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"deep state" is all about career people in there working for decades, even if you have the elected official in different person. >> a well again, ultimately term limit is the i totally agree with that to exercise that term limit american public needs to be informed with mainstream media basically, rulet bunch radical themselves look how long they hid crisis the catastrophic on border in the end term limit has to be the vote. >> good to see you we will be following all of that certainly following your work we appreciate you joining me ron johnson joining me in wisconsin we'll be right back. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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welcome back velt protester breaks out in
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synagogue in los angeles over the weekend cheryl casone with details now. cheryl: so maria protesters turning violent anti-israel agitators blocked out to los angeles synagogue area with large jewish population president biden condemning them anti-semitic, l.a. mayor karen bass said tame. >> it happened in the pico robinson neighborhood yesterday was abhorrent and blocking access to a place of worship is absolutely unacceptable. what we witnessed as antisemitism in the heart of one of our jewish communities this violence was designed to stoke fear, it was designed to divide, but hear me allowed and clear: it will fail. >> microwave bass said lapd will enhance partnership with jewish public safety organizations to prevent this from happening again, report in "l.a. times" says officials looking into banning people
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from wearing masks while protesting. >> israel high court ruling for military, decades long exemption do shane netanyahu's shaky government, hunter biden requesting new trial of after convicted of three felony gun charges earlier this month arguing trialed went forward prematurely must be trialed claim federal appeals court did not give go ahead to prosecutor jury found hip fwult lying about drug use in purchase of firearm, first son of a sitting president charged hunter denied wrong i doing to appeal that conviction. >> inside out raking in at global box office over the weekend has not opened in
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japan, given another-day boost warner borrowers laernldz entertainment flick highest grossing of the year so far part two previously held 2024 record at 1 -- at 711 million dollars, predicting inside out two will spectrograph one-billion-dollar mark one of the most highly anticipated of the summer on the heels of last year super mario brothers movie. >> the markets here we've got 10 we are treasury yield this morning, trading, up just 4/10 base point level 4.237% yield way down from the highs of the latter year futures market prices in rate cut 68% chance fed will cut interest rates this september, fed inflation murder coming out friday economists expect core
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month-over-month prize up 1/10 of a percent year-over-year up 2.6% let's talk the fed and the backdrop the economy now, with the former st. louis federal reserve bank president ceo, deen of mitchell e. daniels school of business james bullard back with me thanks so much for joining me. >> great to be here, thanks for having me. >> so i would like to start off with your assessment of the macrostory, james. about what are owe -- how are you characterizing this economy lots of good headlines later questions about what is behind the hood or under the hood in terms of job growth in terms of inflation, meeting the fed target. >> yeah inflation not meeting the target yet. it is a little too high, it has come down quite a bit. the inflation rate has come down quite a bit. that is not very satisfy to a
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lot of people prices are much higher than they were, i think that is frustrating for many, but inflation rate has come down, and i think it is going to slow going to we are going to get this report friday i think will show further slowing there that will give the fed, some comfort, but i think they want more evidence going forward in order to cut the policy rate. so it is all about inflation right now. maria: yeah, a i mean all about inflation but also looks like the economy is doing well, certainly from jobs outlook yet the other day, jay powell said that maybe there is fwooment to be made jobs numbers are overstated i want to play that and get your take on what we see every month, that looks like really good numbers the next month get all revisions, jay powell the last meeting. >>, market was kind of over heads two years ago we have
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seen it gradually move back o into much better balance between supply and demand what have we seen, labor force supply come up quite a bit, through immigration through recovering participation jong job creation you have payroll jobs still coming in strong even though there is some argument maybe a bit overstated still they are strong. so that is what we see. >> what about that james in are the job numbers overstated are we also looking at the jobs, going to noncitizens? and part timeers? your take. >> i think that immigration story has been one hard to get a handle on as far as official numbers if you are talking about, legal immigration that would be one thing would give, but illegal side, tough -- to get grair what is reported in job numbers i think something that has been talked about a lot in the -- you know
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economics community i don't think we have a clean answer to that, on employment it has come up to 4% it was in mid 3s, but such a low number for u.s. not too many people are worried about it right now, then jay powell was talking about decline in job options, you know there was a couple years ago two job options for every unploimd worker now 1.2 about the same as it was before pandemic. so it is -- it is a lot less frothy than it was still, thank you know the economy before the pandemic was considered pretty strong job market so i think we are still in pretty good poswith respect o job market. >> the stimulus money, flowing
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around pretty much all morning james i wonder your take here you all are, in your former colleagues there trying to rein in inflation but the stimulus money all the spending seven trillion in spending borrowing last couple years, has gotten in the way. you do you feel that at the fed do you think that governors understand that it is more than just raising interest rates in the face of all these trillions in spending? >> yeah, i mean i do think that the spending in late 2020 and first part of 2021 that a lot of that was -- as the pandemic was coming to a close so what happened was that you know the government basically borrowed money nut in bank accounts about as close as you can get to printing money you ended up with a lot of
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inflation out of that so 2 fed had to step in. i would say beginning in late 2021 we didn't raise interest rates until first part of -- first quarter i guess of 2022. then got very aggressive in 2022 that a policy is working. and bringing inflation down. and inflation core pce inflation below 3% right now that is pretty good progress but unfortunate i think factors did feed into inflation, the fed had to raise rates in order to get that back under control. maria: right. secretary janet yellen unveiling financing issues a hundred-million-dollar for affordable housing next three years yellen calling on federal home loan bank to voluntarily direct 20% or more net income to programs money still flowing shelter inflation still up better than
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21% since president biden took office your reaction. >> yeah. i have to say i'm a bifurcate pessimist on housing market, roughly speaking we did not build enough during the period from 2009 to 2019. then the pandemic came along you might have thought pandemic was going to harm the housing market but instead went the other way, and you got a -- a boom in the desire for more square feet more housing. so now you've got a market that is sort of badly out of wha whack not enough properties people sitting on mortgages. i don't see that coming back into balance for some time now so we're going to have to wait and see on that. maria: all about the supply, as you just said, mentioned, of course, is another issue we've been talking about for years, james great to see you
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this morning we so appreciate your time please come back soon. get a to be here thanks a lot. maria: thank you so much james bullard joining us stay . with us. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪)
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wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”.
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you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. bifurcate inflation driving
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consumers away restaurants compete with better prices kelly saberi live in chicago with more. good morning. >> good morning, maria. . you know this is interesting, because mcdonald's usa president said in open letter recent quite rare that this is an interesting time because social media portfolios have been bashing this many he says those claims are unfounded he says although they've been facing inflationary pressures that they have not been hiking prices, more than inflation rates should have made them that high, let's take a look at the value fast food war that is at hand meal deal you can choose from mcdouble or mcchick with small fry nuggets a drink calling their value meal you can choose between whopper, jr., bacon chase burger chicken junior four
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friey nugget small drink five bucks wendy's countyed biggy bag small if i felt ries, small drinks five dollars wendy's is adding the frosty for limited time that was just five days become mcdonald's decided to release their value meal 24 could be that wendy's trying to one-up mcdonald's. >> thank you so much mreaction. >> i like the value meal, i am a mcdonald's fan wait for arby's to weigh in i don't think one value meal would hold me over. >> mcdonald's, wendy's might get me with ferocity i learned mcdonald's doing free fries
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maybe that is is what i am going to do value, value, value. stay with us we'll be right back. . 37 ... visit
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maria: welcome back. we're 30 minutes away from the
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opening bell on wall street. right now the dow is indicating a decline at the start of trading and a gain for the nasdaq at the start of trading, dow is down 82 but the nasdaq is up 80. let's get final thoughts from this fantastic panel. mitch roschelle? >> it'll be interesting to see how this week plays out with economic news that will cross the tape but also what goes on with this rollercoaster of nvidia so i'm keeping an eye on that. maria: of course we've got the economic data and the pce and the gdp coming out. >> yeah, the pce is the fed's preferred measure of inflation and we all believe inflation is sticky especially the shelter component of it so it's going to be very interesting to see what that number says and a and how the fed ends up reacting next month. maria: emily the big story of the week no doubt is the cnn presidential debate. biden and trump head-to-head on stage thursday. what's most important to watch? >> most important thing to watch is if donald trump stays on message. is he going to tell the american people about his policies to fix
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this economy or will we end up with another debate that's just about jake tapper? maria: by the way, i don't hear a lot from joe biden on what he's going to do, right? he's always attacking donald trump, so i guess it's as important for biden to stay on message. >> absolutely. i think we see a president whose not running on his own record because it's so, his policies are so unpopular with the american people so he's got something to defend too. maria: make sure you tune in tomorrow i'll be speaking with former us border patrol chief rodney scott joining me at 8:30 a.m. eastern. of course the border is the number one issue, the economy number two issue for many voters so that will be front and center on thursday as well. mitch roschelle, emily, great to see you both we so appreciate your time this morning. we will talk soon. thank, everybody see you again tomorrow. have a great day. vargas any & company picks it up now. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, good morning, everyone. thee days to the cnn presidential debate and it


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