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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 25, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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with another debate that's just about jake tapper? maria: by the way, i don't hear a lot from joe biden on what he's going to do, right? he's always attacking donald trump, so i guess it's as important for biden to stay on message. >> absolutely. i think we see a president whose not running on his own record because it's so, his policies are so unpopular with the american people so he's got something to defend too. maria: make sure you tune in tomorrow i'll be speaking with former us border patrol chief rodney scott joining me at 8:30 a.m. eastern. of course the border is the number one issue, the economy number two issue for many voters so that will be front and center on thursday as well. mitch roschelle, emily, great to see you both we so appreciate your time this morning. we will talk soon. thank, everybody see you again tomorrow. have a great day. vargas any & company picks it up now. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, good morning, everyone. thee days to the cnn presidential debate and it
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dominates the political scene. this faceoff could decide the election. the president gathered at least 16 aids at camp david to prepare they turned an old aircraft hanger into a debate studio. they're trying to get the president to memorize one-liners on the issue. remember no notes are allowed so he has to rely on memory. that's going to be tough and they are looking for ways to trigger trump's temper. hillary clinton offers her opinion of trump's debating style in the new york times. she says he starts with nonsense and digresses to blabber. trump's debate prep consists of high energy rallies and diving into blue state strong-holds to put so-called safe biden areas in play. that's the state of play in the election. here is the markets. the dow opening with a loss of about 70 points but look at the nasdaq, a gain there of about 82 points. we have a small bounce for nvidia this morning. it's down 13% from its high last week. it's now bouncing back a little, $121 per share. interest rates a little changed
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this tuesday morning. the 10-year treasury is right just below 4.25%, the two-year right around 4.75%. oil $81 a barrel at latest count 81.46. gas, no change for regular at 3.44 diesel down one cent at $3 point 79 or 3.80. politics a new poll shows biden losing ground among young voters still beating trump with this particular group but his margin is much smaller. this won't help. a huge blow to biden's $160 billion bailout. federal judges are put on hold his student loan forgiveness program. that means borrowers will not see their loans cut july 1 and they will have to keep making their monthly payments. on the show today, jamal bowman and aoc's embarrassing primary rally in the bronx. the vote is today all about israel and hamas. the progressives have so annoyed
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the rest of the party that a moderate george latimer pulled in millions of dollars. he play win. is there room in the democrat party for jewish voters and hamas supporters who call biden genocide joe. back to the cnn presidential debate. the bookers have jumped on it and there are bizarre bets like who will curse, or who will be the first to miss pronounce a politician's name? dave portnoy knows a thing or two about gambling. will he place a bet? we'll ask him. he's on the show. tuesday, june 25, 2024. "varney" & company is about to begin. how you like me now, how you like me now ♪ stuart: that's another make of that "how do you like me now."
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lauren: whose the original? stuart: tobey keith? i don't know. anyway, that's manhattan, sixth avenue, away we go. good morning, everyone. we are three days away from the cnn presidential debate and we're getting some new details on president biden's preparations. good morning, lauren. what is this about the airline, plane hanger? lauren: the new york times says at camp david a movie theater and an airplane hanger have been outfitted with lights and production equipment to create a mock debate stage. at least 16 current and former aids summoned from washington and wilmington go back and forth on golf carts to join president biden in strategy sessions. who are the 16 aids? the national security advise or jake sullivan, steve rochetti, the architect of the save democracy strategy and both former and current chiefs of staff. look they are coaching biden to look strong, and to trigger trump. how do you do that? you study tapes and hours and
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hours to figure out what gets under trump's skin and go there to make him look unhinged but here's the deal. if trump remains cool, calm, collected, he can show i'm fighting for you. i'm fighting for the american people while biden fights him. stuart: interesting strategy right there. okay, hillary clinton, she's got a new op-ed ahead of the big showdown thursday night. i'm quoting now. "i know the excruciating pressure of walking into that stage and that it is nearly impossible to focus on sub santa fe when mr. trump is involved and our three debates in 2016 he unleashed a blizzard of interruptions that overwhelmed the moderators and did a dis service to the voters who turned in. " kayleigh mcgee white joins us now. does clinton have any influence these days? >> she thinks she does. i'm sure she would like together
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running against trump and she is still a loser and the fact is that donald trump was a different candidate back in 201d not to mention the fact that the rules of this debate on thursday are different. he's not going to be able to interrupt biden like he did back in 2020. the moderators are going to be able to cut his mic, and so i think that biden will, indeed, try to trigger trump, try to trigger these reactions, but the key here is for trump to, as lauren mentioned, remain calm , collected, focused on policy, and also to rely on those moderators to cut him off when need be. stuart: the latest fox poll shows president biden has an eight-point lead over trump with young voters. that lead is way down from the lead he had in 2020. why is there support among the young falling, kayleigh? >> as a young voter myself, we definitely tend to be more liberal on social issues which is why you still see biden carrying the vast majority of the young vote, but the key here is whether you can get us to turn out at all.
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it's very difficult to get us to go to the polls in the first place, and the fact is that biden is focusing on issues that the vast majority of young voter s just don't care about, and that includes issues like the gaza conflict, this includes student loan debt forgiveness. young voters will say they support student loan debt forgiveness in theory, but when it comes to their list of top priorities, it's at the very bottom, and instead we care a lot about the things that are affecting us on a daily basis like inflation, housing affordability, the fact that we can't a fort hoards. these are the real issues that we're concerned about. stuart: let me go back to abortion. it is going to come up on thursday night. planned parent hood is spending $40 million to boost biden's campaign on abortion. kayleigh, is abortion the big issue for democrats? >> it is the only issue that tends to motivate democratic voters to turn out in support of joe biden. the problem is, is that this is now a states issue, so the same
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way that trump can't necessarily campaign on a national abortion ban, biden can't do that either. many of these swing states that he really needs to drum up support in have already made their decision about abortion in their own statewide ballots so in those states such as my home state of michigan, abortion is not a big motivating factor for those voters because they have already had the chance to weigh in on it so that's going to be something that biden needs to wrestle with over the next several months. stuart: kayleigh mcgee white, thanks for joining us. see you again soon. >> thank you. stuart: trump's team ramping up campaign efforts in swing states lauren, what exactly is it? lauren: the day after the debate on friday, trump will campaign with the virginia governor, glenn youngkin, whose very possible, popular, sorry, because trump is trying to flip virginia and expand the map for republicans and his team is setting up eight offices in minnesota also to expand their ground game there and expand the map. the last time minnesota voted for a republican was 1972.
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they think that it's in play, and while democrats are trying to flip florida, there are nearly 1 million more registered republicans in florida than democrats and trump won florida two times and lives there but biden team think it's up for grabs because of abortion policy. it's on the ballot in florida in november. stuart: got it. thanks. let's get to the markets now. tuesday morning, i see some red ink for the dow off 60 but a nice gain for the nasdaq looking for an 80 point gain at the opening bell. let's go to nvidia as well. it entered correction territory yesterday down 13% from its high last week modest bounce this morning back to 121 per share. eddie ghabour with me this morning. there's a sell-off in nvidia. are you buying it? >> we did add to it. fortunately we raised some cash last week and we used some of that cash to buy more nvidia yesterday when it dropped under 120. we're still not fully where we want to be in that position because i still think there will be volatility but look after a 40% move in about five weeks,
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it's expected to get a little bit of a breather and the bottom line is i really don't think this market can go to new highs and go higher without nvidia participating and because we think markets are going to continue to hit new highs through the summer months, we want to be concentrated in the areas we think most of the money flows are going to go into, so it could continue to stay choppy short-term but we'll keep buying. stuart: what about the market broadening out? i see some of the small cap indicators and much smaller than that. they are going up dramatically. far more than big tech at the moment. >> yeah, so what's interesting, we saw three straight days of the market, broad market going down a lot of focus on tech but we saw some really good things in regards to this market broadening out. you're seeing a bit in healthcare, for example, we have a healthcare etf up over 3% on friday. it was up again yesterday. industrials catching a bid. energy catching a bid, so that allows you the luxury of being able to buy things that are down
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when other parts of the portfolio are holding up so if this market does broaden out that's very positive and then you'll see the tech trade come back in favor so it's taking a little bit of a breather right now after really nice run. stuart: but this bull market is still in place, isn't it? >> yes, sir, it is. stuart: okay, we'll take it. eddie ghabour, thanks for being here. again, see you soon. we have a read on home prices. lauren, we should point out that these numbers are from april, so they aren't that relevant to actually today. this is the index. lauren: case schiller home price index. look the bottom line is prices keep rising and rising more than expected. here are the numbers they jumped 1.4% in april from march and 7.2 % from april of 2023, so housing not getting more affordable. stuart: and housing prices up and sales down. lauren: yeah, i mean, that's the trend. it's not just the prices. it's the rates. they hover near 7%. stuart: thanks, lauren. democrats in california want to
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spend $12 million to study slavery reparations. some people think other minority , asians and hispanics, should not have to pay these reparations. we have that story. gamblers gearing up for the cnn presidential debate betting on everything from what color the candidates tie will be or what they will wear to who will interrupt the moderator first, or whether biden falls asleep. we're all over it. speaking of bets, bar stool guy dave portnoy had $180,000 on the line when protesters stormed the pga championship. he was furious. did he wind up making any money though is the question. i will ask him. portnoy is next. ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles]
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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stuart: futures suggest a mixed market, down 74 on the dow, up 89 on the nasdaq. let's have a look at cryptos. under some pressure recently. we've got the bitcoin at 61,000. its recovered a little bit but 61 grand on bitcoin, ethererum also moving up a little, 3,367 there. donald trump reportedly in talks to speak at an upcoming bitcoin convention. where and when is it going to be and what does it tell us about bitcoin and trump? lauren: nashville, tennessee the week after the rnc, so at the end of july, and it tells us that trump has flipped on bitcoin. he's now a supporter. he wants bitcoin made in the usa he also wants campaign donations coming from the crypto industry as they are. he wants more of them.
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axios is reporting trump will speak, rfk jr. vivek ramaswamy and senator marsha blackburn will be at the bitcoin convention. stuart: trump's big faceoff with biden is just three days away and now you can bet on the action. there's more than 40 different situations you can bet on like whether biden will make a gaf, who will be the first to interrupt, or even if there's profanity. dave portnoy joins me now. dave, are you placing a bet for thursday night and if so, which bet will it be? >> i wasn't planning on it. i don't know what the odds are on biden falling asleep but i take that today bank. stuart: [laughter] that's not going to happen. you know -- >> they got a little beeper on him or something? what about if he gets lost getting off stage. stuart: i'm sure we could bet on that but you wouldn't touch those bets, would you? you're not that kind of guy? >> no. those type of bets generally have pretty small limits, so you
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bet 10 bucks, 20 but you can't bet a lot on things like that so it's more the entertainment. i'd like to have a ticket maybe frame it of winning, did he fall asleep or get lost during the debate be a cool keepsake. stuart: you put down a lot of money on the travelers the other day. let's talk about those climate change protesters. they stormed the 18th hole during the traveler's championship. you bet heavily on scotty sheffl er. you must have been mad as hell when the demonstrate or s came on and interrupted the game in the 18th hole. >> yeah, i think that i tweeted "execute them" or something to that effect when they ran on in a quick minute. i don't even know what they were protesting. it accomplishes nothing. they deserve to get their noses broken. they are just, i mean, if they could at least explain to me how this protest in .0001% helped their cause, then maybe i'd say
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just break their arm but i mean, this is just nothing. this does absolutely nothing. they look like absolute idiots. that guy's belly is hanging out. no golf on a dead planet? what are we doing here? stuart: you did eventually win money because you get -- >> thank god. yeah, scotty won the tournament. listen, i don't like to give people financial advice but those trying to build their retirement fund just bet on scotty sheffler, every week. he's like a can't miss kid. stuart: he's won i think six of the last 10 tournaments that he's been in. i mean, that's like tiger woods. >> yeah, he's won close to 28 million. i've won close to 5 million. if you go down the pga leader board i'm right in the middle of it and i haven't picked up a club. stuart: that's the way you want to be. hey, what about your one bite pizza festival coming back to the city. second year in a row.
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you had a big deal last time didn't you? it was a major success. >> yeah, it was great. i was worried whether the pizzas would taste like how they do in their actual spot. all had a great time. the only thing that didn't work, we got a monsoon last year, it was a hurricane but this year hopefully we get good weather. i said it last year, i'll say it this year. it is the best food festival. not just pizza, anywhere. if you like pizza there's nowhere you can go where you'll have the best pizza in the country all in one spot. we sold 5,000 tickets in like 10 minutes last year so we're doing an afternoon session and an evening session. stuart you should come. you could be my vip guest. stuart: i might just do that. how much is it to get in? how much is a ticket? assuming i don't go with you to get in. >> 150 bucks. stuart: you can get 5,000 people to pay 150 bucks for a pizza session? that's incredible. >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. well when you're giving away the
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scotty sheffler advice that's a drop in the bucket. stuart: is it a contest, this pizza fest, the single pizza? >> no so here is the thing. pizza people love these places. take sally's in new haven. you go to sally's you wait for two or three hours for a pizza. you go to frank's you have to wait in line, ruby rosa, so if you love pizza, there's nowhere else you can trial of them, basically in one shot, so, you know, other food festivals can be 300 bucks a ticket. these are literally the best pizza places in the country on this list and the most important part, they taste like how they do if you went to brooklyn. stuart: that's on september 4, put that on the screen again, okay? >> september 14, randall's island. stuart: okay, before we go, i've got one last thing for you. you recently revealed that you had skin cancer. tell us how you're doing. >> yes, so you know, you probably went through this. i'm getting old, stuart, so i have to go through all of the
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old guy check-ups, get my body for moles, prostate cancer, all of the old stuff, so they scraped one of my moles and it came back as cancer and it wasn't like hey we gotta get you in here or you'll die in five seconds. it was a basal cell carcinoma. they cut it off and i have a big scar on my neck that looks like i got stabbed so i'll probably tell people i got in a fight but you do have to get checked out and catch it early so nothing bad happens. stuart: good advice. i'll take it myself. portnoy, you are all right good luck with the pizza festival. i might even be there. you never know. >> you have an open invite. stuart: you're a nice guy. portnoy, we'll see you again soon. better check futures let's get back here. we're looking at a 90 point gain for the nasdaq at the opening bell, a 60 point drop for the dow. we'll take you to wall street after this. ♪ ♪
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stuart: all right three minutes until the market opening and we're looking at the dow down about 70 but modest gain for the nasdaq up about 80 points. angelo zino with me this
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morning. micron earnings out tomorrow after the bell. would a miss, not that you expect a miss but if they did miss, would all a.i. stocks be hurt? >> no, not necessarily. i mean, it all depends on kind of what that guidance looks like and kind of the trajectory here of kind of a.i. spend looking ahead, so the actual quarter wouldn't necessarily be a miss but that said, we do expect a beat-and-raise-type quarter here they are coming out nicely from a downturn that they experienced in 2023 and momentum is building on a pricing side of things, supply demand for memory chips remain very favorable and again we think the a.i. spend is improving for micron's memory chips and the momentum will gain as the year progresses and you get more customer chips ramping. stuart: so one of you raised your 12 month price target too is it 141 now. where is it going? >> so our target price is $170 and actually when you kind of
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think about the a.i. trade out there, this is probably the cheapest way to play that a.i. theme, trading at about $170 based on a 13.5 pe multiple to our 2025 estimate and we do see upside to the estimates so cheapest way to play the a.i. theme if you're concerned about some of the valuations out there in the market right now. stuart: does a good report from micron mean the rest of the a.i. block goes up some more or returns to rally mode? >> yeah, no, i think that's a good question, and our view is it should be the next catalyst here for the chips base. it doesn't necessarily guarantee these stocks continuing to go up not necessarily because you could always get kind of a digestion of some of those gains but that said we do think it will be a positive near-term catalyst for the rest. stuart: of those companies that are adopting and using a.i., have we seen positive gains for their profitability so far?
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>> no, we have. overall, kind of when you kind of think about the shift from more traditional type servers to a.i. servers not only do they come with kind of higher revenue attached to them but they also do comma attached with more favorable pricing that are mixed in term of the margin side of things and overall improving profitability so that's especially with the case with a name like micron, but also marvel, broadcom as well and the networking side of things. stuart: to summit up you're expecting a strong report from micron that will lift it to $170 a share in 12 months and lift the other a.i. stocks back into rally mode. angelo, thanks for joining us. >> [opening bell ringing] stuart: the opening bell will be ringing any moment we're opening this on a tuesday morning. we're looking for a modest loss for the dow industrials but keep an eye on the nasdaq. could be a solid gain there. here we go, we're off, we're
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running. what do we got? the dow is down 80 points, a little shy of a quarter of 1%, even split for the dow 30 between winners and losers. the s&p 500 also actually gaining a little ground. .18%, nine points higher. i'm interested in the nasdaq because we might be seeing a tech bounce. yes, we are. .41% up for the nasdaq, 71 points higher. show me all of big tech please. the top five. we're led by amazon, alphabet, apple and microsoft, all of them on the upside, but meta is below $500 a share, $0.95 as we speak. microsoft getting closer to 450. tesla having more trouble with their cyber trucks but the stock is up a fraction. what's the problem? lauren: two recalls so two different problems about 11,000 cyber trucks called back for a failure of the windshield wiper that could reduce visibility. another 11,000 because the trim in the trunk bed could become loose and then dangerous for
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drivers behind the cyber truck. usually, you can fix this stuff over-the-air but in these cases, you have to bring the cyber truck into get it fixed. this is their fourth recall since the cyber truck went on sale at the end of november. stuart: but the stock is up a fraction. lauren: and i don't, the stock is up, but this seems to be almost every cyber truck delivered. stuart: okay, let's move on from there. microsoft, now they've been hit with an anti-trust charge from the european union. lauren: here we go again. stuart: the europeans want more money from us? lauren: yeah, eu regulators say microsoft is working with them but has not done enough to un bundle teams, microsoft's video and chat software that's very popular especially during covid, with its office 365 software. they call that bundling abusive. abusive. microsoft says it will try to make some more changes as it's now staring down the barrel of even more fines. the last fine was actually 20 years ago when microsoft, for the same sort of charges,
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coughed up about $2.5 billion. stuart: thank you very much. i'm going to move on. oracle, worried about a potential tiktok ban. what's the word? lauren: in a regulatory filing they say the ban would adversely impact their revenues and profits. analysts say that hit could be up to $800 million or about 1% of total annual revenue. tiktok uses oracle's cloud infrastructure to store and process us user data, but because oracle has skin in the game and because this is such a popular, a political and nasty issue, oracle hasn't said much about the tiktok ban until now. stuart: yeah, okay let's see if we do get a tiktok ban. highly unlikely. novo nordisk are going to build a new manufacturing facility in north carolina. i guess they got to keep up with demand. lauren: it's crazy stocks up 2%. they need to boost their manufacturing so they are spending $4.1 billion to expand their north carolina factory in the next five years so this will
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not be immediate. the other thing and this is helping the stock is wagovy was just approved in china and that's a big deal because of china's population, they have the most obese people in the entire world. the worldwide market for the weight loss drugs is estimated to hit $100 billion by 2030. i mean, there's patent issues in china obviously but it opens up the market for them. stuart: these weight loss drugs and a.i. have burst on to the market. lauren: new technology. stuart: it's real revolutions. enormous amounts of money have poured in. that's the great thing about america. they can attract capital to new ideas. a.i. has attracted $1 trillion in capital input only in america can you get that. lauren: but novo nordisk is a european company. stuart: don't spoil my argument. lauren: although eli lilly has a very good weight loss drug and they are american. stuart: thank you for bailing me out. why is bitcoin under such pressure? okay, so 61 now. it dropped below 60 overnight. lauren: i know. i'm going to call it profit-
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taking. it was actually what? two months ago almost 75,000 at a record high. also liquidations. if you look at outflows from the etf, they were very popular but the outflows in the past two weeks topping $1 billion. bernstein still a bull. they called bitcoin the new trump trade. they say a trump win in november would lead to a cryptocurrency rally bolstered by institutional adoption and improved regulation and i think most people would agree with that. stuart: and trump is negotiating to speak to a bitcoin conference next month. lauren: right after the rnc. stuart: why am i not surprised. why does piper sandler like uber lauren: their massive scale, they call it a "sleeping giant" and they think there's significant advertising revenue growth opportunity. they actually see 5 billion in a d revenue coming in the next three years. stocks up 2.5% now at 72. they see the stock going up 25% to 88. stuart: well, okay take that. boeing has reportedly offered to buy spirit air o systems, why
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should i care? lauren: and spirit is down 4%. well you should care because boeing has been trying to try to fix their supply chain issues and spirit makes the fuselage so they can better control the operation if they own the company, which they actually owned 20 years ago. the stocks are down because reportedly, boeing switched their all-cash bid to a mostly stock offer that values spirit at $4 billion. you could speculate maybe they couldn't get the financing. i think the reason the airline stocks or the aerospace stocks are down today is airbus. they came out and they cut their full year deliveries for the year, so with record number of people traveling, right? 3 million were screened record, what was it a few days ago by ts a, you're hearing the news they can't get the planes delivered to the airlines when they need them. stuart: that was the outlook from airbus. lauren: from european competitor airbus for the full year. stuart: it's actually down. lauren: 10% in europe. stuart: six minutes into the
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trading session leland:s look at the dow industrials we're down 33 points, 39, 377. the dow winners are headed by amgen, salesforce, apple, disney and merck. s&p winners are car any value, norwegian cruise line, uber and hershey and amgen and if you look at the nasdaq composite winners headed there by amgen, cognizant, airbnb and monster beverage. there we are. coming up it's primary day in new york city. this could be the end of the road for squad member jamal bowman. we'll see if his profanity-laced campaign speech will help him keep his job. an msnbc host complained to the vice president directly that the race is too close with trump why is that? listen to this. >> if the contrast is so obvious, what's going on? why does it poll so closely. why is the race so close?
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>> these races are always close but at the end of the day we're going to win stuart: jimmy faler is here. republicans demanding answers about suspected isis terrorists crossing the border. they want to know why these people were vetted and released without any red flags. hillary vaughn has the story from capitol hill, next. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that.
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stuart: 11 minutes into the trading session. small loss for the dow. 40 points down, nasdaq solid up 80. republicans want to know why suspected isis terrorists were originally released into the country with no issues. hillary vaughn on capitol hill. what's the story, hillary? reporter: stuart, well house republicans want dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas to tell them why the suspected terrorist never raised red flags to law enforcement if they did, why
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they were let loose into the country anyway. house judiciary chairman jim jordan and immigration subcommittee chairman tom mcclip together writing asking him to hand overall of the information they have on these individuals writing, "criminal aliens and potential terrorists exploit vulnerabilities in our nations immigration system to the detriment of those in the us" the biden administration's border and immigration policies only increase the likelihood that criminal aliens and even terrorists will successfully enter and remain in the us. house majority leader steve scalise says mayorkas is not doing his duty to protect americans. >> this is the reason we in preach i'm peached secretary mayorkas orcas. we know there's no vetting going on and in fact, now we find out there are hardened terrorists. reporter: the house republicans also asking mayorkas to hand over details on the eight suspected terrorists, how they were processed by cbp, and whether anything suspicious was
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flagged in the screening process but democrats say it's better to assume the best, not the worst, when it comes to people claiming asylum. >> you can't assume that every person seeking asylum in this country is going to commit a crime. we need to get control of our border. we also have seen a significant drop in crime under president biden who has invested in law enforcement nationally. reporter: but stuart, some americans may not be feeling that drop in crime, especially those who have lost loved ones at the hands of illegal immigrants. stuart? stuart: got it. hillary, thanks very much. now, this. it's primary day in new york and congressman jamal bowman's job is on the line. look at this headline in the "wall street journal". will jamal bowman be the first to fall? let's bring in nicole malliotakis, new york. congresswoman, do you think he will lose today? >> i do. i think that the early voting over the last few days have
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shown very strong numbers in the areas where george latimer should perform well and i think he city serves to lose quite frankly. everything from the juvenile stunt of pulling the fire alarm when we were trying to avoid a shutdown, to his foul mouth laced tirade the other day to the support of policies like the open border policies and anti-police policies, like de fund the nypd that he supported not in sync with his district that have been bad for his constituents. this is somebody who deserves to lose. he does not deserve to serve in congress and i think the voters in his district will show that today. stuart: it seems there's a split within the democrat parties, split between jewish voters and the other side, the progressives who in my opinion are pro-hamas. if jamal bowman loses would that bring the party together to some degree? it's not your party. it's the democrats but would you comment? >> sure, and that's another very important point.
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jamal bowplan is somebody who actually denied what happened on october 7, the atrocities that jewish women were raped and all these other atrocities that occurred on that day. he is an anti- sametic individual but one issue is the decency of a human being. i know george latimer, and while i don't agree with his poll politics necessarily, he's somebody that i could work across the aisle with and be respected among his colleagues from the republican and democrat side and it says a lot particularly coming from a republican but this person, jamal bowman is representing the constituents so poorly and yes he has really offended the jewish constituency that he represents which is why you saw particularly the jewish communities coming out so strong during the early voting period. i think that you have a faction there. there are those , unfortunately and there are squad member, the socialist squad and some of the progressive members who are
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anti-semetic. we know that illan omar also spewed anti-semetic rhetoric which is why i pushed to have her removed from the foreign affairs committee but maybe one by one we can eliminate them from congress and it be good for the country. stuart: congresswoman, this is maybe a minor issue but we've seen migrant children all around new york city. you see them on the streets selling candy or fruit and go down to the subways you see them all over the place. is this new survey, it claims that the that the is happening, the migrant children are out there because there's no child care. i mean, can you see , this is new york city. can you see the day coming when the next demand is free child care for migrants? i know they aren't proposing it yet but can you see it coming? >> well, stuart, don't give them any more ideas because they already are providing free legal services, laundry services, healthcare, free housing, free food, free metro cards, you name it. they are receiving it things that the united states citizen does not receive yet, they are paying for these individuals who have crossed our border by paying the cartels thousands of
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dollars, and now, the taxpayers are responsible for providing these service. it is wrong what is happening in new york city and also, let's point out, we saw a 13-year-old girl raped by people who are here illegally. we saw two police officers shot by somebody who was here illegally. people are being murdered, stabbed in the streets of new york city, by people who are here illegally and our mayor continues to allow them to stay in a hotel room at our expense. it is wrong and why we just need to change the president. stuart: i'm sorry to interrupt but it seems like those crimes, migrant crimes, horrible as they are in new york city, that's changing the tide of public opinion about migrants and the border and democrats. that be my point. what do you say? >> i think people are waking up they are seeing that these are not just innocent asylum seekers as the president, the mayor have claimed, that these are hardened criminals. many of them, they are people who are murders and rapists and it's clear we just saw three women across this country a now
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13-year-old girl raped in new york city and 12-year-old girl murdered in texas at the hands of people who this administration, they had them and they released them into the interior, because of joe biden's directive. that is why this president needs to be defeated. it's why we voted to impeach secretary mayorkas but it's up to the people and they will vote jamal bowman out today i believe they will vote president biden out and we can restore sanity and secure the border. stuart: congresswoman nicole malliotakis, thanks for joining us. it is entirely possible that thursday's cnn presidential debate decides the election. it could all come down to the candidates energy or in the case of biden, an energy drink. that's my take, top of the hour. today, mcdonald's launches its $ 5 meal deal, part of their promise to focus on affordability. what do you get for five bucks? we sent kelly saberi to find out she's next. ♪
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stuart: mcdonald's officially launches its new $5 meal deal today. kelly saberi at a mcdonald's in chicago. okay, kelly, what do i get for five bucks? reporter: okay, stu, you have some options. you could get a mcchicken or a mcdouble, and in addition they will throw in a four piece mc nugget, a small fry, and a drink but they aren't the only ones that are trying to get you back in the store with lower prices. let's take a look at this value meal fast food war that's coming to be. right now, burger king says that their value meal, called the " your way meal deal" makes you choose between a whopper jr.
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, bacon cheeseburger or chicken jr.. like the golden arches their meal will come with a small fry, four piece chicken nuggets and a small drink for $5. over at wendy's the chain coined the biggie bag deal five years ago in which similarly you have the choice of a junior bacon cheeseburger, four piece nuggets , small fries, and drink for $5 but just days ago wendy's said hey let's sweeten the deal ahead of mcdonald's big drop. we'll add a free frosty in for our customers who purchase a biggie bag possibly to one-up mcdonald's announcement. keep in mind that deal is only going on for another five days. but hey, around the corner there's a starbucks here from the mcdonald's hq in chicago's west loop and they are doing a value meal. you can get a tall drink, hot or iced, and depending on what food item you get whether it's a croissant or a breakfast sandwich it costs you between $5 and $7.
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stuart: thanks very much indeed. still ahead brian brenberg on federal court's blocking key parts of biden's student debt bailout. this is a big deal. gianna coldwell, on calling out soft on crime politicians, jimmy failla will take on jamaal bowman's desperate fight and sheriff mark lamb tells us about vip border-crossing packages offered by the mexican cartels. can you believe that? the 10:00 hour is next. ♪
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10:00 am
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