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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 25, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: i have a new appreciation for this music. i like it and am prepared to say so.
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the debate, cnn debate. good morning. it is 10:00 in the morning. the dow is down 144 points. on the bottom right, 140, the nasdaq up 100 points. big tech, on the upside, nvidia backup 3%, apple at 209, amazon slightly higher, alphabet, microsoft, down 206, that is it. the ten year treasury yield around 4%. oil 80 one dollars a barrel. bitcoin under pressure recently bouncing back a little bit, $61 a coin in. consumer confidence important.
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what have we got? lauren: we are more confident. in june it came in at 100.4. it fell in may but better-than-expected. stuart: the market takes good news badly. lauren: this number shows our anxiety about inflation and how confident we are. stuart: we take good news badly and bad news goody. i think -- is that a trump expression? lauren: it is in. stuart: it is possible that thursday's cnn debate decides the election. both sides have their strategy. biden is preparing at camp david using an old aircraft hangar that rigged a full-scale studio for practice. 16 aids and experts craft questions and answers. 's handlers want to two things.
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first, they want the president to memorize 1-liners on all the issues. no notes are allowed. everything has to be memorized. that for biden will be a struggle. second, they studied tapes of their first debate and concluded trump was overly aggressive and that hurt him. this time around biden will be looking at ways to trigger trump's anger. hillary clinton offered her advice in a new york times op-ed. she says it's nearly impossible to identify what is argument even are. he starts with nonsense and digresses to blabber. that's very dismissive of trump, she lost the debate last time and suggests biden counter trump by accentuating biden's positive like abortion, those are positives. how does she avoid the negatives like the border, migrant crime and inflation.
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obama is weighing in, intelligenceer says he's whispering about like saving their legacy from trump. trump for his part is preparing biopic campaigning, he is comparing his energy with biden's lack of it and his record. are you better off now than you were four years ago. what will they say to the president to get them going and keeping them going for 90 minutes. he was jacked up for the state of the union speech. he came out shouting and angry, better than dollar lethargic. could it be some type of energizer decides the president's - maybe that is why trump's former white house doctors say he should take a drug test, trump says he will. odds are biden won't. second hour of varney just getting started.
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brian brenberg with me this morning. thursday could decide the election. what do each of the candidates have to do? brian: got to look like a guy who can be president for four more years, he's got to memorize some lines. how do you like that? your president is practicing in a hanger to memorize some 1-liners. does that sound like governance? trump won't get bated into going off of the issues, he can stay on the issues and get hammered, put him on his heels and counteracts with 1-liners. stuart: at your advice to trump. >> if he does what he does out of the business roundtable for crime, economy, inflation and nails biden on those issues, there's no 1-liner in the world that can save the president. stuart: trump's campaign criticized the network personalities chosen to moderate, defending jake tapper and dana bash. listen to how moderators spoke
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about trump in the past. >> the dehumanizing rhetoric of adolf hitler is alive and well on a national political stage, this time in the united states given life by donald trump and presidential front runner donald trump. >> let's recognize this for what it is. a long-standing anti-semitic trope that the true allegiance for jews is religion rather than their country. it was used in nazi germany to justify the arrest, persecutions and attempted extermination of the jewish people. trump has been pushing this for years. stuart: moderating this debate, likening him or have in the past to hitler. brian: trump is good playing with the other team's hometown reps. he doesn't have a problem with that. he agreed to it.
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he made a mistake by agreeing to this with moderators, i don't think so. he could look better, everybody knows he is playing with the other guy's hometown reps. if he stays on the issues and ignores the other stuff it will look like a victory. stuart: something else a bit more important than debate prep. federal judges in kansas and missouri blocked parts of biden's student data bailout plan. he cannot longer implement the system that would cut borrower's monthly payments and provide an easier path to forgiveness. that's a big blow to biden because he was buying the youth vote with of this. brian: it is part of his student debt bailout. he has done a whole bunch of different things. it is nice we got a victory from the rule of law, what the
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administration is going to do, keep throwing new plans out there and they are playing this in the courts. you've got to have 5 more victories like this to make a dent in what biden is trying to do with student debt. stuart: supposed to be defending democracy and goes against the constitution with student loans. susan: he is making rules without congress which is who should be passing that. stuart: stay there. your with me for the hour. many are calling on biden to take a drug test before thursday's presidential debate. has trump agreed to take one? lauren: i can't believe we are talking about this. if biden takes one, of course i will, a drug test for crooked joe biden i would. also immediately agreed to one. the former white house doctor and congressman ryan jackson wrote a letter to biden and biden's doctor, submit not one but two drug test, one before and one after the debate, prove to the american people that
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deserve to know you are their leader, you can perform on your own. biden has never taken a cognitive test. that we know about. and we've seen the mumbles and the wanderers. stuart: what we want to know is before the president get on the debate stage, what is he taking? was at coffee? is it red bull, some sort of stimulant? i think he took something before the state of the union and his ability to get to the 90 minutes is crucial to winning the election. lauren: when we heard about taking something for the state of the union, how are people saying this but then you saw his performance in all these instances after and maybe they were right. maybe it's not that outlandish. does he owe it to the american people to show he can do it on his own.
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brian: you've got to do your job of the presidency on the spot. world issues don't give you seven days in a bunker prepping 1-liners. the world gives you real issues right now and if you can't respond you shouldn't be president. stuart: back to the markets, the dow down one hundred 40 points, the nasdaq has gone up some more, 133. a split market. scott shellady, attacks on who the rebels are picking up, putting pressure on the supply-chain. is this making inflation worse? >> it could make inflation worse. i thought long and hard, i read that article myself. if there is to be some inflation because of this, we should see it early in the producer price index, being what the producers have to pay for services like walmart and what we paid with the consumer price index.
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we haven't seen producer prices jump or show they have a lot more right now. not to say it couldn't happen but we have a fragile economy that way. we stayed out of the recession because the government spent so much money making sure we never got in one but this could be something everyone is looking good to derail the artificial intelligence craze or something that will come out of nowhere but put a halt to these markets setting all-time highs. right now i don't see it. we are acutely aware of it. we also watch the shipping because of grain and food, we need to eat as well. those prices should show up, the producer price index is something we have to watch the next 3 to 6 months. if there's an issue, it will show up their first. stuart: you don't care much for the ai driven rally. >> i love it.
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i was chief operator of a technology company, i am a big proponent of technology. it is going to be something that will reshape the way we do our business here and to lessen the blow of a $30 billion debt. there are some issues with the debt that are going to be very serious. maybe artificial intelligence and what it can do to the economy and help lessen the blow. i'm a big fan of it and i think it will be fancy. but i haven't gotten as much as i like, that's the bottom line. i want to get involved but i'm not involved enough. stuart: thanks for being with us. see you soon. we'd better take a look at nvidia speaking of high-tech. i see a rebound of 3.5%. lauren: the s&p and the nasdaq,
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13% drop in three days prior to today wiped out $430 billion, we've never in our lifetimes seen a wipeout of that size, it is coming back today and so is the s&p 500. stuart: we have a bunch of cruise lines on the top-selling list, carnival. lauren: they raised their profit forecast again, able to charge more for their cruises beaks cruises in alaska and the caribbean very popular. they are leading the market followed by royal caribbean up 3.4%. norwegian almost 5. stuart: swimming pool supply company. lauren: they are down almost 9%. they cut their earnings outlook for the year. there's week demand for new pool construction and people are cutting back, we are spending money on some things. stuart: thank you. coming up. 's israel supreme court
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unanimously ruled the military must to begin drafting ultra-orthodox men for military service, a decision that could lead to the collapse of benjamin netanyahu's government. a headline in the wall street journal says biden is constraining israel and that makes war with have is real and have an edge lebanon more likely. keith kellogg on that next.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: antony blinken told his relapse defense mr. this critical to avoid escalating the conflict in the middle east. a senior advisor to biden told hezbollah if attacks continue the us won't be able to hold israel back.
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trillion from tel aviv, the latest. >> reporter: diplomatic efforts are in overdrive to avoid a large-scale war between israel and hezbollah. on monday is really's defense minister met with us secretary of state antony blinken in washington dc. blinken reported that they want to avoid the exchange of fire on the northern border. 's comments come as the biden demonstration's us envoy to lebanon and told hezbollah the americans may not be able to prevent israel from striking if the situation unravels fair there. the national security adviser said this about the possibility of diplomacy to prevent a larger war. >> translator: if there will not be an arrangement through diplomatic means, everyone understands there must be an arrangement through other means. for now, we prefer to focus on the diplomatic campaign.
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>> reporter: which much of the world's focus on the northern front israeli forces continue to operate inside gaza. israeli officials say have a war there is winding down but israel continues to launch larger strikes against positions on the strip. of strike today in gaza city reportedly killed the sister of the hamas leader. as israel fights on multiple fronts, the israeli supreme court ruled ultra-orthodox members of the society have to serve in the military a decision that is sure to draw some controversy. stuart: we told you about the victims of hamas's attack suing united nations relief and works agency claiming this agency ran a money laundering operation to divert humanitarian funds meant for gaza diverted to hamas. lieutenant general keith kellogg jointly. where does this lead the credibility of the united nations?
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>> i will do a dramatic shift for you. with lebanon, all the way around here. in 2006, the un passed the security revolution 1701, supposed to wind down the war in israel, requiring hezbollah to move north 20 miles north which meant the settlements in northern israel were okay. we put in an interim force for lebanon, military force to watch over this and nothing happened. closing the circle, when you talk about credibility with the un in israel and hezbollah and hamas they've got 0, none and i don't blame them. stuart: hezbollah is in getting
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the message by restraining israel, biden makes a major war in the north nor likely. would you agree with that? >> i would. in a way, the leader of hezbollah, made little bit of a mistake, you allow the israelis to handle the situation in gaza. israel cannot live with the situation they are seeing now with hezbollah and lebanon. they evacuated 80,000 people. hezbollah is not supposed to operate a 20 mile gap. israeli, israel can only take so much. they will respond quite aggressively. the downside, if you thought this was bad, lebanon would be the third one. the amount of weaponry hezbollah has is enormous and
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the weapons they have like a missile with a thousand mile range with gps warheads could reach anywhere in israel and that would be more extensive and more deadly. not just to hezbollah but israel as well. stuart: russia is blaming the us after a strike in south crimea. what retaliation will they take? >> you go please, you can retaliate all you want but we won't hold ukraine back. i would remind russia you started this war and you are going to pay the price for it. the regret i've got is you didn't supply ukraine with better weapons to force the issue on russia. this is one of those that is just talk, you don't want to go and give the ukrainians the
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equipment they need to strike deep into russia and push the aggressors back. stuart: biden is not going to take an aggressive stand against vladimir putin, is he? >> not at all. you've seen that happen. we said this before. russia took crimea under obama and part of ukraine proper under biden. is not going to push back at all. we had an opportunity 18 months ago to push back hard and didn't do it. almost a quid pro quo and that is not what vladimir putin understands. he understands strength and resolve and they are not getting it from this administration. as much as it takes, a philosophy the biden administration is a bumper sticker. stuart: thank you very much. see you again soon. wikileaks founder julian us on agreed to a plea deal with the department of justice was what
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can you tell me? >> he will plead guilty in a us federal court room later today, the closest us port to his home country, australia where his wife and two young children will be. he won't plead guilty to a charge of conspiring to disseminate classified information relating to the national defense of the united states and he will be sentenced to 62 months or the time he already served in a prison. in other words, he's a free man pending a federal judge signing off on this plea deal. stuart: thank you. vice president kamala harris lambda trump for saying his felony conviction appeals to black voters. she called insulting. two years since giano caldwell's brother christian was murdered in chicago. how he is taking a stand for the victims of senseless crime. giano is next.
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can you say big tech is doing well? yes you can. lauren is looking at a big tech stock. lauren: it is having its tenth annual fun day, july 16th, millions of deals, this is a tesla to the consumer. most people have amazon prime and the consumer is under pressure today following the confidence data. stuart: gap. not the gap. gap. lauren: they old old navy, and gap. gap is the parent company. and upgrades for the price target of 30, in the early innings of transformation. stuart: some glamour on you. lauren: very goody of you. did i do it right? you know, i am trying to figure
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a home depot and lowe's are down 3% and homebuilders are down one or 2%. %. barons is out with an article which they say this is the worst homebuying season that kicks off after presidents' day. it is the worst one in a decade. the consumer confidence number was we, home prices and mortgage rates are high. if you are not buying a new home and fixing our current home, that's bad news for housing. stuart: thanks very much. it has been two years since giano caldwell's brother christian was murdered in chicago. in light of his death and the prevalence of soft on crime policies, giano founded the caldwell institute for public safety. giano, welcome back. we feel for you. the institute you founded, what
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does it do? >> it has two missions, people like doctor penske who has come up with a manual for families as well as doctor fitzgerald, a police chief. the soft on crime da, larry krasner, and in addition to those things we are going after progressive prosecutors through messaging. advancing legislation to make it safer and that makes communities more lawless. stuart: you've taken aim at the soft on crime prosecutor, taking direct aim at him. is this a political thing? >> absolutely. we launched the birth of the
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caldwell institute for public safety. i have no choice which i am fed up with what i am seeing across the country. we work in the news business and your covering the story, multiple stories every day about a new family that tragically lost their son or a father or in some cases the same day my brother was murdered, a 6-month-old baby named cecilia was killed. instead of talking about it, the millions of dollars to finance these prosecutors there needs to be action. i can't lose anymore family members. this is why i started the institute of public safety. stuart: you no longer live in chicago. >> i live in miami. one of the big cities. when i go to chicago even in new york, my head is on a swivel, checking where i am to ensure no one is coming up behind me. we know the stories, seen the data.
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the majority of americans feel crime is a big issue. that's one of the linchpins in this election for 2,024, presidential election. blue one rua trump supported? >> i supported his policies. will when you think he could turnaround america's big cities? >> there's a chance and to be honest we don't have a choice anymore. you can't sit on the sidelines. it used to be you could be a middle-class person, didn't matter who was in the white house. now it is radicalized. they are not prosecuting crime. you can steal $750 of items and we live with a new generation of teenagers who don't know accountability, don't know what it means to go to jail because they have soft on bail crime, soft on crime policy like no bail laws in illinois where you going, commit a crime and come out the same day. what is there to do?
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to go after the prosecutors, and to be tough on crime. stuart: we've got time to deal with this one. vice president harris going after trump for saying his felony conviction appeals to black voters. watch this. >> donald trump says he connects with black voters, now especially because of his felony conviction. he says he is not a racist because he has a lot of black friends. your thoughts. >> on the first point as connected to the second point it's insulting. it is insulting. for a number of reasons including he reduced a population of people to a sum total of what is in his mind who they are. he's wrong. stuart: what do you say? >> black voters are supporting donald trump in a way that
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we've not seen in history because he's going to them where they live. is going to philadelphia. is going to the bronx. is going all over the country where republicans never go. i've been arguing for decades you should be going to talk to those folks, they never met a republican before but now i want your vote and many are saying we want to vote for you and i appreciate what he's doing and it will make a difference and, donate. necessary to save our country. stuart: come back anytime you like. now this. the administration is blaming trump for the problems in our economy. how is it trump's fault this time? lauren: the 2017 tax cuts. >> the signature policy from the trump years was the tax-cut and jobs act.
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promised an investment boom the did not materialize. it gave huge tax breaks to corporations and wealthy individuals. it resulted in enormous increase in the deficit with tax revenues, responsible for many of the problems we face now. with fiscal trajectory. neil: what about spending under four years of president biden? deficits are a problem but the tax cuts give businesses confidence to grow, expand and higher. they are punitive. they help grow the economy. stuart: we are four years removed from trump's presidency. how long can they blame trump? brian: from here to kingdom come. there issue, the treasury
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secretary talked about deficits and said you keeping money in the pocket is the problem. no spending issues, not the spending. you keep your money. do you want people in office who say the problem is you keep your money, is that what you want? stuart: what time is your show? brian: i get fired up when people think the problem is my stuff. lauren: the cnn debate is what biden says about trump. tax cuts are bad, all trump has to say is i wouldn't trust you to run the ice cream shop at mar-a-lago. how would you run a business? stuart: let's move on. former mayor of new york michael bloomberg wrote an op-ed calling for schools in the city to follow la's lead and band phones in schools. public support for phone bands is growing. nassau county legislature passed a measure banning
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biological males, could face legal challenges. nassau county executive bruce blakeman deals with that next. ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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stuart: long island's nassau county, 12-5 in favor of banning transgender athletes from competing in women's sports. listen to how one democrat responded. >> the laws that were promulgated in nazi germany in the 1930s covertly discriminated against jews because of a purported overriding concern that jews represented a threat to the stability of the german government. it was done over a manufactured fear and false narrative. aren't you doing the same thing here?
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you're creating a false narrative, promulgated based on fear of a perceived advantage. of the one that's one democrat comparing the bill to nazi germany. nassau county executive bruce blakeman, that was over the top. deal with it please. >> it was disgraceful. it was despicable. i am a jewish-american. to call me a nazi, the speaker of the legislature, howard coppell, is a jewish-american which he called him a nazi. non-jewish members of the republican majority voted for this. he called them nazis. it is disgraceful. what we are doing is sticking up for women and girls rights, fair competition, and a safe environment in which to participate in sports, nothing more. it's not anti-transgender, it's not hate, it's about common sense and doing the right thing
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by women. stuart: are they taking you to court to reverse this? >> i believe somebody will challenge it. anybody can sue anybody for anything. i imagine they will try to challenge it but we believe federal laws favor women and protect women and title ix which was a landmark legislation to protect women in sports and create an even playing field for women is going to prevail and they will be wrong and we will be right. stuart: a question of fairness. new york city is launching a new division at helping the migrant population. a new division in the educational department repurposing $750 million towards this. where do you stand on special division? >> my county is not a sanctuary county. we are on the border of new
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york city and we see the troubles new york city has with this foreign invasion and new york city spending $10 billion of taxpayer money on migrants and have been in this country for 15 minutes. they are not vetted. they are undocumented and it's a terrible mistake. we need money for schools, infrastructure, hospitals, we need money for our citizens. to spend this money on a new division in public schools is to me a missed priority of what they should be spending money on and it is wrong, the state is doing the same thing, spending $2.6 billion on migrants when we need money for other things. it is very wrongheaded. stuart: michael bloomberg, former mayor of new york city wants to ban cell phones and new york city public school saying there's going support for bands like this.
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i agree with that actually. are you banning phones in your school district? >> unlike new york city, we have school districts, the county does not run the school system, we have no jurisdiction over that. i don't know why someone was 11 or 12 years old needs their cell phone, in school. we never had them growing up and we turned out all right. stuart: we did indeed or at least i like to think so. you dealt with three subject in three minutes and that is just terrific. appreciate it. brian, you have children. are you against them having phones in school? brian: totally against it. if you have a problem in school, go to the nurse's office or call your folks, they can deal with that but they are a huge distraction and they suck kids into a doom loop of scrolling that is so bad for mental health, contributes to
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so much bullying. the upside is negligible. stuart: do you have kids? lauren: i don't want them to have phones was i want to push it back to eighth grade. around fifth or sixth grade some sooner but a lot of parents saying wait until 8. stuart: gas prices tend to rise during the peak summer driving season. some predict prices at the pump will fall 10% from their current price. patrick cdehan is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones.
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stuart: look at gas prices. the average for regulars $3.46. some analysts say we can see gas fall 10% ahead of 4 july. patrick dehahn is with me now. a 10% drop by 4 july. make your case. >> reporter: don't know if we will see that, oil prices have
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heated backup. we've already seen a 10% compared to april, the national average down one point, $0.30 a gallon from the high the high in april, oil prices rising above $80 a barrel. that may have lower prices than today, already seeing some markets, gas prices are inching up. we may see modest increases but still the potential into july and august. the biggest question is hurricane season and what could happen with refinery disruptions and outages. gas prices still a bit cheaper than they were last year. stuart: with all these electric vehicles on the road, quite a few of them at least, we see a drop in demand for gasoline? >> we certainly are. according to gas buddy data, gasoline demand, for the last
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week, softer than historic norms. we side demand close to 10 million barrels a day during the height of the summer driving season and evs are part of that but americans still gravitating towards flying this summer. jet fuel demand close to records. tsa pre-check numbers are back to pre-covid levels. americans are jumping on a plane. stuart: can you offer hope for the long-suffering souls of california where the average for regular is now $4.81. can you offer them any hope? >> the timing is off. californians are going to see another increase in gasoline taxes on july 1st. a lot more states have been indexing them to inflation and with inflation up even in illinois we will see another increase july 1st just in time
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for the july 4th long weekend. stuart: have you thought of moving to florida? >> i do that in the winter but chicago holds my heart. i almost never philip illinois myself. stuart: you should be in chicago for the convention. you've got to be there. >> might stay away from downtown. stuart: thanks for joining us, see you again soon. vandals spray-painted 35 new cybertrucks. lauren: someone doesn't like élan musk. they wrote expletives on dozens of cyber trucks sitting in the lot in fort lauderdale. the police on the hunt for who is this person or persons? 2 million worth of cyber trucks were vandalized. stuart: the tsa preparing for record-breaking travel.
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lauren: tsa screens 2. 99 million people, the highest in history, 3 million people in one day addicts affect a repeat, expect to screen 32 million travelers for independence day including the 27th through july 8th. the busiest day will be friday, june 20th. stuart: i am not sure. roll the dice and see where he goes this weekend. stuart: thanks for joining us. still ahead, jimmy failla growing kamala harris on why the race is so close with trump. mark lam on mexican cartels offering border crossing packages to migrants. david webb on the democratic primary. what are the chances squad member jamaal bowman loses his
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seat? that is next. ♪ ...
10:58 am
so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants?
10:59 am
wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. gold is soaring and copper demand is at all time highs. american pacific mining is seizing the moment by partnering with world class miners to unlock america's next big copper gold strike, fully funded with a $14 million exploration blitz this summer and nominated for multiple industry awards, including six by s&p global. american pacific mining fueling america's mission for homegrown metals.
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say goodbye to daily insulin injections with omnipod 5... a tubeless system that automatically adjusts insulin to help protect against highs and lows. try it today. go to for risk information and instructions for use. consult your doctor before starting on omnipod. >> young voters will say they
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