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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 25, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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say goodbye to daily insulin injections with omnipod 5... a tubeless system that automatically adjusts insulin to help protect against highs and lows. try it today. go to for risk information and instructions for use. consult your doctor before starting on omnipod. >> young voters will say they support student loan debt
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forgiveness in theory but when it comes to their list of top priorities it's at the very bottom. >> if they could at least explain to me how this protest in .0001% helped their cause, then maybe i'd say just that, but i mean this is just, this has done nothing. this does absolutely nothing. they look like absolute idiots. >> you have a faction there. there are those unfortunately and there are the socialist squad and progressive members who are anti-semetic. >> everybody is saying he made a mistake by agreeing to this with these moderators. i actually think he could look better when everybody knows he's playing with the other guy's hometown. >> ♪ ♪ stuart: now this was always one of my favorites. as a young man, 15-16 years old "can't get no satisfaction."
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oh, boy those were the days. long time ago though. it is 11 a.m. eastern time on this tuesday, june 25. you're looking at the markets, split decision, dow is down 189 nasdaq is up 136. tech beginning to come back a little. show me big tech please. let's see if they are all coming back. yes, they are. meta, alphabet, amazon, apple, microsoft on the upside. big gain for meta up nearly 2%. the 10 year treasury yield up or down? the world is up but only just below 4.25%. up this morning. now this. there are a lot of democrats who hope this man loses his primary today. jamaal bowman is an embarrassment to much of his party. he's an anti-s exmite, a socialist and foul mouthth and he represents parts of new york city but done nothing about the crime that breaks out daily on our streets. bowman's fellow squad member,
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joined him at this rally perhaps ing around the stage to a song by cardi-b. she's worried the progressives may lose. now look at the heart of this race is the israel-hamas war and the split in the democrat party between jews and people of color. bowman and aoc are pro-hamas. they insist america's support for israel means biden is complicit in genocide. genocide joe, can you believe it these people are democrats and members of congress. no wonder the american-israel public affairs committee gave millions to bowman's opponent george latimer, a moderate democrat who leads in some polls just follow this through. if latimer wins bowman and the progressives will blame jews , worsening the democrat split. they will take their fight to the democrat convention in chicago. if bowman wins re-election, they will claim vindication for their
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pro-hamas views and yes, they will take their fight to chicago , and they will take it to the muslim voters of michigan and minneapolis. again worsening the democrat split. is there room in the party for jews when they are being attacked by their fellow democrats? let's go back just for a moment to the bowman aoc rally, the bizarre dancing around, looks like they frantically demand attention. bowman isn't normally obscene in public. aoc isn't normally as manic as this but they need attention. could it be the socialists and the anti-semites? we live in hope. third hour of "varney" starts now. jimmy failla with me this morning. today's election is a litmus test for the left. will they reject the socialists?
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>> gosh i hope so. i watch that aoc rally over the weekend trying to claim they had 1,200 people. let's be clear. it's new york. half of those people live in that park. it's hard to gauge crowd size but if you watch their antics, when they say like act like you've been there before. someone should tell jamaal bowman that doesn't mean prison. it means you're kind of a class act. the reason they are running around looking for attention is the same reason they are losing. jamaal bowman and aoc and the squad as a whole are instagram influencers with a side hustle in congress. they have made their way by getting clicks and reactions from the right and for a long time it was enough to give them power and clout and the problem is it's election time. there's no deliverable on your bill, on your safety based on somebody doing karaoke in the park and this is what they are running into. couple that with a side of anti-semitism a term which is a very big side to be clear and you've got to hope they get rejected because there's no place in in society for anything
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they are doing. stuart: i've got it an msnbc host questioned vice president kamala harris on why the race is so close. couldn't understand it, but watch this. >> it's the contrast, it's so obvious, what's going on? why does it poll so closely? why is the race so close? >> these races are always close it's the election of the president of the united states, and everyone in an election for the president of the united states will critically examine all of the issues and make a decision, but at the end of the day we're going to win. stuart: jimmy, let me be blunt. vice president kamala harris is a national security issue. >> yeah. stuart: because if she takes over we've got a national security problem. >> yes. to answer this seriously, the reason msnbc isn't sure why it's close is because their priorities aren't anyone else's. they think people really care about a pounding over the drum
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of january 6. people care about crime inflation, obviously the education of their children and that's why this is close is because back to the whole thing where they aren't listening to anybody but themselves. why is it close in kamala's eyes listen, i'm trying to be tactful here. she's dumb. okay? i'm not, i don't mean that from a place of disrespect but when you watch her try to articulate any idea you kind of get the feeling that someone is giving a book report on a book they didn't read, and that's any issue. it's a border czar who hasn't been to the border, who called it a climate change, was the root cause of illegal immigration, as if people fleeing any type of oppression were concerned about the weather in 50 years. the root cause of illegal immigration is we're letting them in. do you know the old line, why do you rob banks because that's where the money is? why is everybody migrating to america because it's open. lauren: that's where the money is. >> dang right it is. stuart: we're going to make sure to watch you every saturday night on fox news saturday night that will be at 10 p.m. eastern
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with jimmy failla. it's we're trying here, stu. stuart: i watch the reruns. let's check the market. let's check nvidia. it is up 4.5% today, taylor riggs joining me this morning. nvidia was down 13% from its all-time high last week. is the air beginning to come out of the a.i. story? taylor: just a little bit and i think this is healthy so since the high last thursday, that's about one, two, three trading sessions. you wiped out $550 billion. that's the market cap of about tesla, so you just wiped out a full tesla. of course you're coming in and getting a little bit of a boost today. i think this is healthy. i'm going to tease you to my big chart of the day coming up at 1:00. parabolic moves that go straight up like nvidia does. that's never healthy, right? so i think it's good that it's coming off a little bit. it's added a trillion dollars in market cap in 23 days alone. this is good, right? let's come off the highs and re-
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evaluate the a.i. bubble or the innovation is just beginning, i think everyone is still variable. stuart: it's just amazing the numbers that it chucked around. taylor: a trillion added in 23 days. do you know how long it took berkshire hathaway to add its first $23 million? a century. stuart: you have to tell me about trump. he's negotiating a speech to the bitcoin convention, nashville at the end of next month. what do you make of trump court ing the crypto crowd? taylor: i think this is a great play for a really young zen z voter. we talked a lot about the winkelvoss brothers coming out. they said he's pro-business, crypto, industry but also sort of a business person so if you are thinking about this environment, where a fiat currency you don't trust in a dollar that's been devalued. maybe you're a young generation and thinking where do i want to hide from the government, if you don't want a central bank
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digital currency maybe you're looking at crypto. i think that's where the young generation is feeling and thinking right now and i think trump is smart to play into that stuart: it doesn't matter what trump said about crypto a year ago. he's saying this about it now because he wants that vote and that's entirely understandable. he's a politician. let's get back to the market today the action, i want to take a look at eli lilly. i believe they're up, yes, they are nearly 2% what's the story? lauren: they are working with open a.i. to develop medicines against drug-resistant pathogens that happens when pathogens stop responding to medicines over time, so this is a.i. in drug discovery. it's a huge market. eli lilly tapping it. stuart: i've got a buck that says novo nordisk is up, because lauren: wagovy was approved in china and because of its population they have the highest number, most obese people in the entire world. stuart: nobody would believe that. lauren: i know it's kind of shocking. stuart: don't expect that, frankly but there you are. what about google? lauren: new high.
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waymo, self-driving, open to everybody. is in the city of san francisco. there is no wait list. all you have to do is download the app and put it in your destination. stuart: i'd like to do that. i would like to try that. lauren: you could blast the music as loud as you want. you don't have to worry about anybody else in the car. i frankly like to worry about people in the car, specifically a driver at the steering wheel. stuart: i wonder if we could get fox news on the tesla in san francisco. that be an interesting question. i'll try. lauren, thank you. coming up a new white house official had thousands of social media posts mocking republicans criticizing israel and comparing police to slave patrols but those posts seem to have disappeared overnight. what's going on there with that guy? we're digging in. california budget has a short fall of $27 billion but the state is still trying to move forward with the expensive plan for slavery reparations. we'll bring you the plan to pay for it. a new report cartels are selling vip border crossing packages to
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migrants for thousands of dollars. county sheriff mark lamb respond s to that and the sheriff is next. this is clem. clem's not a morning person. or a night person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. and that person... is impossible to replace. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you help clem with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours.
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that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+. that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. stuart: the dhs sebaceous alejandro mayorkas will be visit ing tucson, arizona tomorrow. matt finn is there. matt, what is the secretary going to see during his visit? reporter: well, the exact details have not been disclosed just yet. it's being described as an operational visit here at the border. as soon as we learn more about it, we will bring that to you, and here at the southern border, the number of illegal migrant encounters has plummeted since president biden's executive
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order on asylum. for example, here in the tucson sector, earlier this year, just a couple months ago we were see ing about maybe 2,500 illegal migrant encounters a day. that number has now dropped down to 400 but when you take a look at that 400 figure, that represents the number of migrants that law enforcement encounters but what has always been a key concern is not just the migrants that are encounter ed but also, the gotaways who evade surrender and take off into the us. despite president biden's executive order on asylum, the number of gotaways remains at about 500 a day right now, according to data obtained by fox. since the beginning of fiscal year 2024 for example, there have been 61, 700 gotaways in the el paso sector, followed by 54,000 here in the tucson sector , where we are this morning, and more than 30,000 in the del rio, texas sector. now at the presidential debate, president biden can be expected
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to tout legal encounter numbers have dropped but critics say the border is still too pourous. >> president trump had a secure border. he handed it over to joe biden and joe biden opened it up because he wants this policy. this is the reason we impeached secretary mayorkas. he is failing the american people of doing this basic job of keeping us safe. when he says the border's secure we know it's a lie. he's also helped press conferences saying they are vet ting these people. we know there's no vetting going on. reporter: so, we will keep you updated hour-by-hour on mayorkas ' visit. also vice president kamala harris was tasked with finding the root causes of illegal immigration here at the border. she was here in arizona yesterday in phoenix to talk about abortion rights but she didn't make any trip here to the border. back to you. stuart: matt, thanks a lot. now take a look at this. hard to believe. mexican cartels are offering vip packages to migrants. they are charging up to $15,000
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to cross the border rather easily, perhaps using underground tunnels. county sheriff mark lamb joins me now. mark, the cartels must be making a fortune out of this. >> they are, stuart. they have been making that from 500 million a year under the last year president trump to over 13 billion a year. we encounter these people all the time and those numbers are exactly right. they are paying between $6,000 and anywhere between 15,000 and sometimes even up if you're from china or some other place where they have to pay a little bit more, and what they will do is bring them across and a lot of these folks are the gotaways. many of the people coming in that are on the terrorist watch list are mixed in with those gotaways, dressed in camouflage, and they are paying the cartels to avoid detection from law enforcement. that's exactly what's happening. stuart: doesn't over a dozen migrants were found. they had been beaten, tortured, sexually abused in a cartel
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stash house. do these folks know what kind of trouble they are getting into when they come into this country >> no, stuart. in most cases they have no idea what they are getting into and you know, our policies of this administration, this government's policies, is really putting these people right into the hands of the cartels. the cartels have been abusing them, holding them, kidnapping them, extorting them, using women for the sex trade, using the children for the sex trade, putting them in hard labor here in this country. just because they cross the border doesn't mean their experience with the cartels ends it actually, depending on how they paid the cartels if they paid them in cash or credit, they mayo the cartels for years and the cartels are very savvy that here in america, there is an appetite for the purchase of women and children, sex, those type of things. they are all ready to do that. stuart: do you see this in pinnel county,
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people who have come across the border and owe money to the cartels and they have to work it off and keep sending money back to the cartels as long as they are in america. do you see that? i think that's called indentured labor. >> we've seen this for a long time. you know, i pulled a vehicle over and had two females and a male and a child in it. the male paid cash, one of the females had done credit and she owed $13,000 to the cartels. this is what we see everyday. we're pulling loads of people over everyday and most of them are doing this on credit with the cartels so they will owe the cartels and pay that off in one way, shape, or form. so this is a real thing and why i'm running for the us senate, stu, because i can't keep fixing on the county level. it's why i'm going to the federal level. stuart: sheriff thanks very much for being with us. we always like to put you on the show because you tell it how it is. you describe what's going on right near the border and we appreciate that. sheriff, come back and see us soon. yes, sir, thanks. >> will do, thank you. stuart: last year, florida's
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governor desantis required hospitals to ask patients about their immigration status. taylor? they're required to ask. whats the aftermath of that? taylor: if you are a patient you're not required to answer but that question is prompting a lot of people not to come to the hospital if they are illegal immigrants or so a study is showing so we have a study showing the numbers of what is happening to medicaid spending because of course if you're an illegal immigrant trying to seek help and you don't have insurance medicaid is covering that expense, right? you have a week left in the fiscal year and it's down 54 % year-over-year since that law was signed so its been 150 million. now down to the 60s or so so you are seeing an impact. people on the left would say you're deterring people from seeking help because they are afraid you're going to ask their immigration status. people on the right say they aren't required to answer and if you need to control medicaid spending hospitals are allowed to ask and yes they are still required to treat trauma, pregnant ladies, the likes so we'll see how this plays out. stuart: that's fascinating.
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taylor, good stuff thank you very much. mcdonald's, a mcdonald's i should say has been operating in california for 30 years but it just shut down. the franchise owner is blaming the states $20 minimum wage. same old story. we'll bring you the full story in a moment. it's election day in new york. there's a real chance that squad member jamaal bowman could lose his primary. will the left finally pushback on socialism and anti-semitism? david webb is here to take that on. david is next. ♪ ♪ can i have another pancake? from full house...
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just use this...or this to call unitedhealthcare about an aarp medicare supplement plan. stuart: on the markets this morning we've got a big loss for the dow, well in percentage terms it's .70% but it's down 270 points. nasdaq meanwhile is up 1%, another gain for tech right there, up 176 points, 17.6 is your level. lauren is taking a look at meta good idea the stock is up nicely lauren: up 2% apple is higher too. bloomberg reports that apple rejected meta's attempt to
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integrate its a.i. chatbot into the iphone. reportedly apple didn't like meta's privacy and it's a huge concern for tim cook and one reason people trust apple. stuart: rivian? lauren: they are up today in an $18 price target so they are at 11 now after 6.5% gain. the firm sees a credible path to breakeven gross margins for this year. stuart: okay i'll believe in that lauren thanks very much indeed. today is the new york primary. in indiana incumbent jamaal bowman faces off against george latimer. eric shawn is in yonkers for us. there's a real fear i believe that bowman's campaign could lose the primary. what's it look like? reporter: yeah, exactly, stuart. it doesn't look great, they say here for jamaal bowman. the squad today could shrink by one. bowman, of course is the progressive democratic
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congressman here, a member of the squad. he's been one of the most outspoken members of the squad and a race that lately is focused a lot on israel. bowman is facing a moderate democrat the popular westchester county executive george latimer. he also was a state senator. he said bowman is out of step with the district and his attach on israel and support for the palestinians and he accused the state of committing genocide in gaza and he's called for ending all us military assistance to israel including scrapping the iron dome. he has aligned himself with other leftist colleagues like ra shida tallib, and latimer says the voters in the congressional district don't want that. they want, he says, housing, the economy and issues with jobs >> for me, running for this office was to try to get a representative who really focus on the whole district and on the issues of the district
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rather than being a national figure. i think that's what the incumbent has drove to be by joining the squad and being involved in some of these high profile speeches that he's given and so that's attracted attention. reporter: bowman has harshly denounced apac, the washington- based pro-israel group that has poured a reported $14.5 million into the race to defeat him and in that rally over the weekend, he slammed what he called organized big money from right wing billionaires and special corporate interests. >> this race has gotten national attention because, because it is the ultimate many versus the money race, and we are the many. >> [applause] >> we are the people. reporter: you might remember last year when bowman falsely pulled a fire alarm in congress during a congressional vote. he plead guilty to a misdemeanor and doing that. well today a former governor
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andrew cuomo about this race, he posted on x, that bowman, "is going to get smoked." stuart back to you. stuart: got it. eric thanks very much indeed. david webb joins us now. david, if bowman loses the primary, is that a sign that the democrats are really starting to reject socialism and this gross anti-semitism? >> well i wouldn't say the party is but the voters are and i think that's an important distinction. jamaal bowman represents what is now an eight-member squad. if he loses in this primary, that takes one member out but there are many others left. by the way, cori bush is next, her primary is in august. she's down 22 points and i remember in 2014, that was during the ferguson riots, when cori bush was there, and then she launched into congress, so the split isn't the party. bernie sanders is there with one foot in the political grave if you will but so is aoc who ignores her district. she's not walking down roosevelt
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avenue and jamaal bowman is also absent from his district so this is a reflection of the people being concerned about the open radicalism of jamaal bowman. yes, primarily with his remarks right now over israel and the groups including left-lean ing israeli pro-jewish group, pro-israel groups coming out against him, but the fact is he's on display for an in effective leader and in effective elected official, and someone whose absent. stuart: but if he wins or loses doesn't matter, because chicago is going to feel the wrath of the extreme left directed against biden and the rest of the democrats. >> and they should. they should because they've caused this. the republicans didn't do this. the american people didn't do this. those that supported them helped and aided it but the fact is they did this. the progressives who failed decades and cities, inner cities , detroit, baltimore, look at san francisco. the legacy of the 60s leftover
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radicals that spauned this new generation that led to jamaal bowman, look at open, look at all of these areas and follow the legacy of leftism. stuart: i'm afraid it's my generation that did all of this but we apologize. >> but not you, stu, again. stuart: no not me personally. who knew. white house i think associate communications director, tyler cherry, he deleted thousands of tweets that have attacked the police, criticized republicans and spewed anti- israel rhetoric out there. is the white house covering his tracks? >> well they're trying to but there is that thing called the internet way back machine so they can cover it. once it's out there, it's out there for ever. the fact is this is not new for the biden white house and more to the kamala harris wing of the white house which is really the leftist progressive wing that karine jean-pierre, she's not just a press secretary she's a leader because she was their chief diversity hire after
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kamala harris. joe biden went for the black female. she was the black lesbian hire for the white house so they are bringing all these people in. remember sam brighton? who apparently likes to steal luggage but look what they did on juneteenth. they extracted a certain view of blacks in america as if it's a monolithic block that they decide what it is and presented this image with george floyd's brother and he's an actor but an actor in a patty labell dress. they go out and insult people and american people have to stop taking these insults and distractions. stuart: you got that right. david webb, all ready. well done, young man. >> and off to be ambushed. stuart: it should be called ambush. >> well you gave it to me so i use it. stuart: [laughter] thank you, david. a conservative legal group calling on all 50 states to crackdown on non-citizen voting. taylor, i guess they are concerned about voter fraud from illegal migrants is that right?
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taylor: they are, so it's the american-first legal association coming out writing letters to all 50 states. governors, lt. governors, secretary of state, attorneys general, all saying please start to check for citizenship when you're handing out voter registration forms. remember it's a little complicated but dating back to about 1993 it was required that if you're handing out welfare benefits you do also handout voter registration forms. the problem is no ones asking for i.d. or proof of citizenship so this organization says we just want to make sure that you are a us citizen. it's illegal to lion that form, but a lot of people are lying because we don't have consequences for lying anymore. that's the problem and they just want to crackdown on this before the election. stuart: got it. taylor good idea. thank you. coming up two federal judges have blocked key parts of president biden's student loan bailout. we have the full report on what happens now. this is the moment one california democrat was almost brought to tears when a republican explained why the state's plan for reparations
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is doomed. watch this. >> most of them, like me, are second, first, second or third generation immigrants who had nothing to do with slavery. discrimination, jim crow laws, nothing. it is fundamentally unfair to force these people to pay for this. stuart: kate sanchez will join us. she doesn't want to pay for reparations. we'll be back.
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when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission.
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did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage.
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when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now
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stuart: let's see just over two hours worth of business and the dow is down 300 points but the nasdaq is up nearly 200. i'd call that a split market. looks like tech is doing well today. let's take a look at visa and mastercard. a judge just blocked their proposed $30 billion anti-trust settlement to limit credit and debit card fees. big setback ms. for the card companies in their two-decade-
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long dispute, they just lost this one and both stocks down. california dealing with a $47 billion deficit, however, democrats in the state are pushing to spend more on reparations programs. madison alworth joins me. madison, how do they propose to pay for this reparations? reporter: stuart i don't have the answer to that because i don't think the california state legislature has an answer to that yet. california governor gavin newsom and democrat leaders have set aside $12 million over the next budget year to help the state implement a series of reparation bills but as you said that ear mark is included at a time when the state of california is dealing with a $47 billion budget shortfall. now, that $12 million, it's not the last step either, because that money is set aside to help push the current bills through and begin to implement them. it's just the beginning. the current package has 15 different reparation bills, all of them tied like i said to reparations. none of them include direct cash
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payments, but there are a couple that are catching both activists and critics eyes so i'll run through them. one would subsidize thousands of dollars in property taxes. another would fast-track professional licenses for black californians and a third would actually give land back to black californians, so that third bill has pursuant introduced by state senator steven bradford, setting up the friedman affairs agency which would evaluate claims brought by black families that believe their property in california was unjustly seized through eminent domain. if it is determined that case is accurate the state office of legal affair would offer black residents remedies including the return of that land, giving them land and equal present-day value, or monetary payments equal to what they would have been owed. there's debate on both sides but one concern that has been raised is whether such moves would even be legal. with the supreme court striking down affirmative action last year these moves could be deemed unconstitutional. stuart: and they certainly are in my personal opinion.
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madison thank you very much indeed. now this , california lawmakers kate sanchez debated whether or not asian and latino residents should have to pay for slavery reparations. watch this. >> the majority of our state is latino and asian making up 55% of our population. it is fundamentally unfair to force these people to pay for this. >> no one asked black families over generations if it was okay to take their wealth, if it was okay to enslave them. if it was okay to -- if it was okay to put their children -- >> [applause] >> in generations of poverty. stuart: okay. two sides of the debate. kate sanchez joins me now, the lady in the first sound bite that you saw there. why should -- >> good morning. stuart: good morning, ma'am. why should latinos and asians be exempt from paying reparations?
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>> so you know, it's interesting. we are a majority/minority state , california, with 55%. it's fundamentally unfair that they should have to pay for something that had happened before many of have ever even been in this state to begin with , and i have to tell you, we see a lot of wild bill ideas coming through the california legislature quite often but i had to speak up when we saw this and their price tag could potentially be up to $800 billion for cash reparation s. stuart: so, who should pay? i mean, if asians, latinos don't pay, obviously black folks are not going to pay, who pays? >> you know, that's a great question and i think that's probably why this task force is continuing to do the research, but it does say in this bill that they have funding from a local, state, or federal opportunity, so that means california taxpayers, maybe national, federal, they said
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they will take from any sources that they have possible. stuart: okay. >> it's pretty wild. stuart: do you think that any reparations payments should be made at all? >> i don't think the people of today should have to pay for the pains of the past. i do believe that there is pain there. there is a history there, and i think for that we should have more discussions, but i don't believe people of today, hard working californians should be paying for that. stuart: i'll take that as a no. no reparations. i'm going to take it that way. >> [laughter] you can take it that way. that's great, yes. stuart: i shall indeed. kate sanchez, thanks for joining us. it was a very interesting debate and i know it will continue. come back and see us again soon. >> appreciate it, thank you. stuart: san francisco mcdonald's closing for good. its been there for 30 years. its been in business 30 years. why did this happen? lauren: the california minimum wage of $20, called out the icing on the cake, the cherry on top. it was also rent, insurance. in fact the owner of this
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mcdonald's said insurance rates have spiked "if you can get insurance" in the state of california. so, this particular mcdonald's is in a shopping mall. it's stones down gallery, i don't know if that means anything to you, taylor but it's near a college, a high school. it was a place wherefore decades people went. they were loyal, gathered and it closed its doors officially on sunday. stuart: gone, out of business, okay, thank you, lauren. show me the dow 30, please. what do we got here? we've got preponderance of sellers the dow is off 270 points. that's how we make the market. a black and gay social media influencer went from marching with black lives matter to shaking hands with donald trump at the white house. amir odem will tell us what got limb to ditch the democrats. he's next. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: two federal judges have blocked the biden administration from further student loan bail outs. edward lawrence at the white house. what does this mean for biden's
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plans, edward? reporter: the federal judge in kansas and one also in missouri have basically blocked the president's student loan bailout plan that he's trying to give as much money out as possible. the judge specifically in kansas stopped part of the student loan bailout, that has not yet been rolled out. the rule changes would have lowered the monthly payments and offered a faster path to debt forgiveness. the missouri judge issued a preliminary injunction barring the department of education from granting anymore student loan forgiveness under the rule changes of the save plan. the missouri attorney general says it's getting ridiculous with the president, president biden ignoring court rulings. >> he's been bragging about how the united states supreme court told him he couldn't do it and he was going to do it anyway. at some point this becomes a constitutional crisis. we know congress has the power of the purse, not the president. reporter: so the white house press secretary karine jean-pierre says that the president strongly disagrees with the decision adding the rulings, "won't stop our administration from using every
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tool available to give students and borrowers the relief they need." the congressional budget office says the president's student loan bailout ballooned the cost and pushed the deficit this year to $1.9 trillion. >> so the 2024 deficit as you said, it went up by quite a lot. there is several drivers on the outlay side that were important. one was student loans and this is both a higher cost for past forgiveness, and also the administration's plans for future forgiveness. reporter: so, the department of justice is expected to appeal these decisions and continue to try and push the student loan bailout from president biden. back to you, stu. stuart: edward got it thank you very much indeed. taylor is with us now. what do you make of this , i think it's a blow to biden's student loan entire program. it's a huge blow. taylor: the whole program was the greatest wealth transfer in history but we're transferring
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it from the low income, the poor , to bail out the billionaire elites that have now made up the left of the party. so, if you want two, three, four degrees to be a doctor or a lawyer and you don't want to pay your way, you're now asking the farmer, you're asking the restaurant worker, you're asking the small business person , the trade person, who didn't go to school, to bail you out. i'm against it. stuart: well all right, clean cut opinion. thank you very much indeed. good stuff. now this president biden still has a majority of young voters supporting him, but that support is slipping. one young voter told fox why she left the democrat party behind. watch this. >> i grew up in the social media culture that was very dominated by left wing propaganda for lack of a better word. i accepted it wholeheartedly. i loved it. i was very into it until i started to come out of it and realize that a lot of what i believed was very emotional and not really based in logic or
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fact. stuart: all right let's bring in amir odom, a social media influencer. amir, you have a similar story. you went from marching with black lives matter to shaking donald trump's hand. how did that happen? >> yes, thank you for having me so pretty much growing up, black and gay in america, i was always a liberal and then in 2017, i went to a couple black lives matter rallies and it's very emotional, crying in the streets , the whole nine. later that fall, was on date with somebody and they were just questioning me on why i felt the way i felt. why did i hate the police? why did i stand with black lives matter? and in that moment i realized i wasn't thinking for myself. i really didn't know why i felt the way i felt. it was just regurgitating headlines i was seeing on cnn or twitter regarding race relations in the united states so that person led me down a path to watch a couple of
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different youtube videos on different people like charlie kirk, candice owens, ben shapiro stuart: what in particular did you like about trump? >> in particular? i was at that moment in time, i was just very curious about him. hi was always being told to hate him but i didn't understand why i had to hate him. i did like how bold he was. i liked how i knew what he was feeling and his opinions and how upfront he was so at the time that's the only thing i liked. stuart: and you are going to vote for him? >> yeah, yeah i am. stuart: thanks very much for coming on the show today, am ir. we like to have different points of view that come into us. >> thank you for having me. stuart: you have a different point of view and we appreciate it. come see us again. >> appreciate it. stuart: more "varney", next, actually "varney" trivia is next . [thunder rumbles]
11:56 am
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11:59 am
what is the name of the kellogg's corn flakes rooster? cornelius fowler, roy, we have three contestants today so you first. lauren: it is cornelius. i just know that. stuart: you remember it from your childhood?
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lauren: i think so. either cornelius or roy. stuart: you can't have mine. >> fowler, just a guess. your guess. stuart: i'm going to go with roy on the grounds that the least likely. it is cornelius, wouldn't you know? cornflakes didn't always have a mascot. it was given one in 1958. the rooster was chosen because it was associated with waking up in the morning which is when you have a bowl of cereal. thanks very much for being with us. we are watching you, "the big money show" on fox business. see you tomorrow. "varney and company" is just about to end. coast-to-coast now


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