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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 26, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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weapons. >> it indicts tyranny. and defines equal diaz diaz a natural born right it sun fulfilled for alarm portion of the new nation population, as slave owners who fight for equal fi, thomas jeffrey epstein and gejefferson, it is not their moral contradictions but the strength of their ideals that define the true american spirit and continue to offer hope. for all of us. >> larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. so joe biden now on day 5 of
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his came david lockdown ahead of thursday cnn presidential debate. as trump continues his own tour deforce. what do voters want to hear from the former president on thursday? vivek ramaswamy will give us his thoughts. first up, aishah hasnie live in washington with the latest. on the trump and biden operations, what is cooking. reporter: we won't see either biden or trump until thursday, neither of two have public events on the schedule any more, team biden is on a media blitz, sends out surrogates, predicting today that trump would be quote unhinged to debate stage, their words, when asked about voters, and whether voters think that trump did a better job in office than biden biden campaign did not talk about policies, they blamed americans and their poor
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memory. >> i do think that people have amnesia and as i have been talking to communities across the country for the campaign, latino communities, i have reminded them about what we experienced for 4 years under trump. reporter: we all have amnesia larry biden serogates hitting battle ground states to drum up the abortion issue. a hot topic. hillary clinton warned in new york times this week that mr. trump will most likely say he wants to leave abortion to the state, he hopes that sounded moderate, but it means he sense dorsing most extreme abortion bans already imposed by many states and all of extreme restri restrictions to come. >> i want to see president
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trump ask biden, when is abortion not appropriate, point out a lot of extreme measures that are out there. reporter: conservatives say voters would rather hear the men talk about the economy and immigrations the border, tracking with our latest fox news poll that voter rank abortion 6th in issues they consider extremely important behind the economy and immigration. larry: thank you airbnb. air, ae biden keeps breaking the law, that the subject for riff. >> one thing that donald trump should ask joe biden at the cnn presidential debate on thursday, is why he won't abide by the law regarding the cancellation of student loans. so, just last night, two u.s. federal judges daniel crabtree in kansas and john ross in missouri, they are appointees of former
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president barack obama, they issued u injunction to prevent biden administration from canceling any more federal student debt, blocking so-called save plan that has a price tag of roughly 475 billion dollars over the next 10 years. that according to penn warton budget model. so much for helping low income families, the plaintiffs in case, attorneys general from missouri and kansas succeed in making case congress never gave president biden the authority to a cancel the loans, back to mr. trump's hypothetical debate question to joe biden biden press office responded to that court decision by
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saying they are going to ignore it. let me quote, today's rulings won't stop our administration from using every tool available to give students and borrows relief they need said karine jean-pierre, she went on to say, that is why the department of education will continue to enroll more americans and save. so, i am sure folks watching the debate will be curious to hear mr. biden's answer and more interested in why he is willing to breaks law or so intent on disrespecting the supreme court for that matter. basically biden who is criticized supreme court in his state of union speech, he sees highest court in land as just a bunch of republican justices allied with elected republican officials out there in the interland. now, for a guy who talks a lot about preserves democracy this is opposition to take, he demeans and
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ignores the decision of one of the three branches of government. nefnever mind he will keep spendingallest almost 600 billion worth. court decisions be damned. the final point. concerning possible fiscal questions in this cnn presidential debate. the latest cbo baseline during the biden years, go from 2023 to 2034, shows increase in federal debt held by public, from 26.2 trillion dollars to 50.7 trillion dollars. as a share of grveti gdp that debt moves to 122%, someone has to do about spiraling federal spending and borrowing. that will require a bold
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planned think about plan that restrains spending but holds down tax rates to promote revenue enhancing economic growth. however breaking the law or promoting a fiscal break down, is not the path to a new american prosperity cycle. that is my riff. all right. so we welcome back to show great pleasure joining us vivek ramaswamy. former 2024 presidential candidate. trump campaign surrogate, welcome back. you know. just this -- a lot of things, i was hoping mr. trump, i don't know whether the cnn moderators will ask the right questions, or not. but mr. trump could ask mr. biden, why are you disregarding federal judges why are you disregards the supreme court and where are you disregarding the whole issue you do not have the authority to cancel student loans that is motte only des regard of the law, that not
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a bad place to start, what do you think vivek? >> i think you laid out great points, my advice to president trump to be yourself. president trump i think has a historic opportunity right now to defy the media narrative and demonstrate he will be the president who unites the nation, joe biden ran on a platform of national unity, he failed. president trump will unite this country in a different way. success is unifying, excellence is unifying. so growing our economy and fixing the border crisis, those are not just policies solutions, they are spends to reuniting the united states of america. i will be with him in atlanta. i look forward to it i have full confidence heap h he has led to country, if he could do that he could handle himself in what will be a three on wh one debate, make no mistake, i am confidence former
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president trump can handle himself. larry: i love the themes of success and unity. i just was thinking, it may be if the moderators won't ask good questions maybe mr. trump has to ask a question or 2, i think -- or two, this is not first time supreme court ruled now federal district judges ruling bidens want to ignore it, you can't willie nil i break willy-nilly break the law biden wants to talk about tell crass, blah, blah, blah, why not ask him why he does not uphold our court system. >> i think this theme of law and order is interesting, a couple of different levels, we have rampant breakage of law and order in the cities across the country, no accident we have seen
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abandonment of rule and law. when president is disregarding the law himself this is this goes to culture of rule of law in america. i'm fully confident if moderators don't step up and to their job president trump will be able to do it, i think that american people are ready to see true that venire. was 2020 fair with how media handled it? it was not. but the american people have been fool once, i think that president trump has an historic opportunity to let his record speak for itself. 4 years of former president trump, 4 years of biden, you were 4 years of trump you had a sealed border, a growing economy and stable world order, under biden we're closer to world war iii than ever and a more porous border and economy failing in the place of inflation that will hold in the eyes of most americans, success in face of trump's
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term will be unifying. larry: live that you were just talking about the russian hoax and laptop computer and that stuff. i am reading about you trying to takeover buzzfeed the web site, and this is a noble mission vivek, they were inbe enablers, they won a pulitzer prize for pushing russian hoax which was wrong and phony. you pick z up your stock holding you want to put new people to the board, maybe do to buzzfeed what elon musk did to twitter. i see a marketplaced opportunity. instead of government do it have private investors like yourself do it, buzzfeed, fake news, russia an hoax ands rest of us tell us
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about your buzzfeed campaign. >> sure, i'm a big fan of driving change through the private sector. i criticize media a lot during the presidential campaign but i don't believe in words but in action, i see an opportunity there a wide open tune in media landscape in creator economy to say, we'll be a platform that embraces the full cultural and political spectrum across the board. i think it say missed opportunity, a lot of people heard of the company, but what does that brand mean, there is a company whose stock has gone into gutter since they have gone public it should be a company that is recep te receptive on an outside voice. the reality, i think some change we'll see is not just coming through government but also through a change in
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culture, and the economy and i think reviving the voices as shareholders, i have lived american dream and built successful businesses to apply it now in new ways is one way they think we could drive positive change in the country. larry: i love that. >> i did have my first meeting with the manage think team it was a couldn't vehia construct of meeting. larry: i love it. i think that mr. president trump agrees with you 100% the best way to drive change to do it through private sector and investment last point, in a litter to th lit ter to -- openly admit your past journalistic failures and redefine buzzfeed brand around pursuit of truth. you said this in a letter, they are not buying it but i think you are right. put it out their. >> i think you want to talk
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about uniting the nation and seizing a major opportunity, any member of mainstream media who looks there are oddient -- audience in the eye and said we lied to you, we made mistakes and we're sorry. we're not letting it happen again, here are changes we'll make and ern your trust. that that is massive be opportunity for first mainstream media organization that steps up and capture tthe opportunity is there. the power of capitalism gets people to make the right decisions, i respect what elon musk has done in case of twitter. but in contact of publishers or one, stepping up to do that right thing, that is a major opportunity and part of what i articulated in the first letter i sent to the board. larry: great stuff, vivek ramaswamy good for you, thank you very much. >> we love having you on the show. good luck down there in atlanta. >> coming up on kudlow biden
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racking up america's debt, why is it these left wing operations cheap -- keep trying to blame mr. trump, this is an odd story, numbers are the numbers. we have got russell and kevin brady, you can -- russ vought and kevin brady. i'm cuddl kudlow we'l do you want to close out? should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right? feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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larry: on the eve of cnn presidential debate, how can biden allies, with a trai straight face, say more trump created more debt than mr. biden, we talk about it with russ vought and kevin brady. welcome. russ vought, i bet you do you didn't know that donald trump was the big spender he created that debt. i am reading that from mya maginnes' group. i'm not -- i just will not sure how they get to what they get, i've seen others
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say that. try to make the case. but i look at this cbo baseline numbers that came out last yike, seemed that the debt under mr. biden has gone from 26 trillion to 50.7 trillion over next 10 years, straighten me out, really? trump was the culprit? >> no, he was not, unfortunately, i like what mya's group does but they often take static score for a number of things they don't impact the revenues that have come out of that. and you know they don't control for covid with the reality of what we were facing at the end of that administration, but the sheer reality is we're looking between 7 to 10 trillion dollars in debt and deficits that biden administration has put on this country and saddled tax payers with that, not comparable to what president trump left office with.
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to give you a real small snap shot we left office 350 billion in interest payments per year. that has ballooned to a trillion per year as we close this year. you see that in the numbers and in pocketbook with regard to inflation under one administration in something we did not face under the previous one. larry: kevin, this is interesting, i agree with russ, mya maginnes' group they do good things on spending, they are not supply ciders on taxes bud they score trump with stuff that was bipartisan or i call nancy pelosi stuff. budget actions of 2018 and 19, they say bipartisan but a score is under trump, he was not going to veto it, if it was bipartisan, if we did it over again, the cares act during covid i don't see how we could have not acted. you could debate the second
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one. 988 billion which had a lot to do with the wishes of nancy pelosi, i think scoring stuff is unfair. i don't know if you have seen it or care. >> yi have seen it. -- yes, i have seen it it is sherry picked in a big way. the point you make is what i was planning to, much of president trump spending did occur driven by covid spending trying to keep people in their jobs and businesses open. we have seen under president biden big stimulus payments paying people to not work, locking down the local economies and businesses and much of that debt are his own econom executive actions such as forgiveness of student loans, i think we agree that debt we have right now is unsustainable, you could never tax enough to get out of debt because washington will always spend
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more than is coming in and really at end of the day you have to have growth in the economy such as we saw under president trump tax cut and jobs act that drove federal revenue in a strong positive way, you need right size government and have real farm spending guard rails around congress there is show no shortcut. >> russ vought we talked a lot on this show in last week or so when this cbo baseline came out, i think financial finances they are in shambles. and it not sustainable and has to be fixed. the kuo is it is worth reviewing, the cnn debate coming up on thursday, probably come up again, you can raise taxes which is what mr. biden is proposing and a lot of it "wall street journal" calls it tax
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armageddon, you can raise taxes or restrain spending keep your tax rates low and go for growth. is number two viable? can you restrain spending keep tax rates low and go for growth at the same time as you restrain the spending? >> i believe it is possible. i think that president trump has only viable strategy to do with fiscal wreckage that biden administration has give ugiven us. to extend tax cuts and re1 restrain spending in area that easiest because members have a vote of year and country hates it most that is bureaucracy and get rid of welfare hammock that kept people on sidelines for too long, do you those, and now you are on a path to balance, we put out budgets in every year but one under
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trump administration. that got to balance with that formula and congress refused to go along and pass those spending cuts. that is viable, and president trump is doing one additionalning thing, running on notion of i' impoundment that is an insurance policy against congress being unwilling to go along with his future spending restraint. larry: the biden budgets do not on paper do not get to balance. not even to paper. much less any legislative package, kevin brady, i want to ask you one more thing. this is hypothetical. if you substituted a 10% tariff for the corporate tacktax is it doable a border adjustment tax we talked about in 2018, i look at numbers this is back of
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the envelope stuff, about 4 trillion in imports, 10% of that you know would be about 400 billion. corporate tax revenues coming in more than 400 billion, it close. you could conceivably put a tariff in and take whole corporate tack out and i -- tax out and when you take that corporate tac tac tack out -- tax out. it would be a tax cut for people. >> i think that numbers look like it is comparable but policies are different. and i know as we propose the border adjustment tax we tried to level the playing field between u.s. manufacturers and businesses and foreign competitors, it was done in a way i thought drove growth investment and made us super competitive in the u.s. tariffs have a much different impact, i think they are as distortive as
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taxes i worry abouti exception expurc and under the radar role, government likes to drove those up there is some red flags, i think from policy stand point and economic stand point. larry: all right, i justed to throw it out there. i think that subject pops up from time to time. i call it musings, that is all. kevin brady thank you for your musics, and russ vought thank you for your musings appreciate it thank you very much. >> coming up on kudlow, why are voters losing confident in mr. biden in his economy? just musing? we'll talk about it with wisconsin senator ron johnson. and a couple other things as well, kudlow, available as a podcast episodes every weekday after the show, get it on po intspotify, apple
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larry: we'll go to edward lawrence, at the white house. what's cooking. reporter: student loan bailout plan, into separate judges decided, that halt that. they found issues in two different areas, related to the plan going forward. end result is decision in kansas and preliminary injunction in missouri will prevent any more money used to forgive student debt. >> i'm afraid he is not going to stop, we beat him at u.s. supreme court about this time last year on his plan a and immediately rolled out a plan b, i am sure he as a plan c, he has been bragging about how u.s.
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supreme court told him he could not do it but he would do it anyway, there is a co constitutional crisis, we know congress hase the power of the purse not the president. they will appeal and will not stop administration from using every tool available, the tools adding up student loan bailout ballooned fiscal deficit to 1.9 trillion, spending not slowing by this dang f administrations for time federal reserve board said that inflation remains high in part because of open u.s. immigration policy that added millions of new immigrants in u.s. over past few years. >> given the low inventory of affordable housing in united states, inflow of some immigrants could result in upward pressure on rents as additional housing supply may take time to
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materialize. >> those inflated rents in the system, has a lag because of size of lease and shelter costs are a big part of calculation of inflation, and consumer sentiment came out, it was a little bit better than expected but last months were revised down, we'll see next month. larry: all right edward lawrence thank you very much. >> more on this bring in wisconsin senator ron johnson. welcome back, starting with consumer confidence. you long at numbers today. level of confidence dropped a wee bit in june it is 10% below a year ago, but the killer, hovering around 100 on the index, if you go back during the trump years, that index of running about 140. this is more or less 35 to 40 percentage points below where it was during the trump years, that spells a lot, that tells you a lot 'it, consumer confidence
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leading ep kate o -- indicator of the economy what do you think why has consumer confidence ever recovered under this current administration. >> because people can't afford to 53 things any more. -- to buy thens anymore, the metric i use, the dollar you started with at start of biden administration is worth 83 cents. the damage has been done it is not going away. people are suffering, they can't afford groceries and looking how federal government is forcing them to buy electric vehicles, the costs of used cars has declined because electric vehicles have lower value because people are realizing they pay $10,000 plus to replace a battery, biden administration policy are destroying this country, on top of it you throw open border, a flood of illegal immigrants and people i'm sure are concerned, are my wages going up with so much pressure and competition for
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jobs. a cross the board people welizrealize that democratic governments have been a disaster for this country. larry: consumer confidence writ large in leadership and governance. you local polling information, you know working class i don't care whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, you name it young people, none of them have much confidence in future, they will look for a change from this dan administration come november, they will lean toward mr. trump, these numbers are hovering and wall street gets excited about 3 tens of a 59 there and two-tens there, they are fourth points below where -- 40 points below where they were during the trump years that says that there was more confidence then than now. >> you have a media telling
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americans now miserable they had to be under trump administration, you have a media sweeping to misery under the rug, not admitting to it people recognize reality, they see the endless wars and america spending money on you know, trying to control someone else's border rather than our own, they lost confident in government, and confidence -- consumer confidence as a result? one last one. >> student loan business we have talked about it. my riff and vivek ramaswamy. just outwardly brazenly, in response to what the federal district court judges are saying and response to what the supreme court itself said a while back, mr. biden said, i'm going to forgive student loans, cancel the debt anyway. you know my hope is that mr. trump asks for biden how he can brazenly just break
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the law, i don't have confidence that the cnn people will ask that question. maybe they will, i'll be surprised. but i mean really? supreme court, you have federal district judges. obama appointees, and they say you can't do it and bidens say we'll did it anyway, what do you make of it in. >> it also nancy pelosi that speaker of house of representative said that president biden did not have authority until he did it, then she was okay with it, it is tbrosly unfa grossly unfair and know c unconstitutional. it is grossly unfair. not particularly popular, but the small spice slice of americans. larry: senator ron johnson appreciate it very much talk soon. >> lay bring in some replacements. joe concha fox news contributor. mark simone, mark.
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why does joe biden need 16 advisers for his debate prep? donald trump is out raising money on the campaign trail, 16. >> normally 2 or 3 or sometimes 4, i checked history, according to reports, they are at camp david, they are at an airport hangar there. they duplicated whole debate set, lights and equipment and cameras. cognitive patient, i don't know that is joe biden but technique they use, you get them very familiar, in very familiar surroundings, 6 days in this set will get him familiar with it they have him standing for 90 minutes twice a day. it is unlike any debate prep, but problem is you can over prepare. larry: yeah, by the way. i still have most of my marbles that would drive me crazy, every day, twice a
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day, and throw 16 advisers, they will slow so much information at -- throw so much information at him he will forget it all, you know i might not blame him. >> tmi, too much information, you consider biden's mental acutety it may fry the cpu, trump should ask him why did you need to be removed from civilization and isolate yourself like james kahn in movie misery. he had to go to cabin. you have been president for three and a half years, don't you know your own record, 16 guys? i have 16 guys on my softball roster, why do you need that many people, you will see a biden probably packaged and homogenized and a trump who is free wheeling? which one do we get, one who
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is angry or sit back and let biden be biden. larry: i will say until i am gone he was off his game in the firsty debate he was not well, he had covid. because i was in with him for a few minutes before that debate. it was clear he was not well. and i think that affected him but, he will be much bet either time. let's -- i want to talk about important issues put up new most important tax related sticker for this debate. coming up go ahead, come on roll 'em. trump, don't tax your tips, vote trump. okay. they say it a sticker, i was hoping it was a button, mark simone, politically. that is a winner is it not? and you think he will use it in debate. >> his poll numbers among
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mater dees is through the roof, 100%. i think it is a brilliant idea, he also talking about no income tax, they are ale brilliant. but, and you say tax cuts for rich? not if is is restaurant employees, workers in the service industry. >> i think it is a winner, i some of my wonky friends say it not a winner in terms of policy, so simple. >> a populous message. that is all it is in a state like nevada. larry: do you think that joe biden would a come out against it. >> in jake tapper or danah bash is not asking that question, they won't, trump should look over and say, joe, do you believe in no -- on tips not taxed and let's hear him answer or joe, tell
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us what remain in mexico is and why you are against border walls, ask the questions you know that moderators won't and let's see biden answer them. larry: other one to raise, we will have -- mr. trump said he decided on who his vice president will be butly is not telling anyone. we is a situation on set, doug burgum, looks like george washington. put it up on full screen that could -- trump. a lot of people saw it. wwe have this conservation, i asked him how long he has looked like joh george washington, he said 10 seconds ago. will it help or hurt. >> i think just got him the nomination, you watch trump through years he going with
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older distinguished looking, guy, george ross, and last time he had to pick a vice president older distinguished looking guy i think that will help burgum. >> put them up on fur full screen, i am asking joe concha which is doug and which is washington. >> i don't know if i see the washington thing, he looks more like the one-armed man in the fugitive. >> you have to digity age him. >> how could it hurt, george freaking washington. jump hfunny how trump has played it out, watching the apprentice all over again, who will win, this is the seen finale, it would be interesting if he announced at the end of the debate on who that 57 wou 5 person would be, then that would be
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contrasted again kamala harris. >> george washington would be a good debater, joe concha thank you and mark simone. no taxes on tips, coming on kudlow, what happened to dehamasification in israel, israelis have to do what they have to do, we ask florida congressman mike waltz up next on kudlow, starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. if your business needs a new application
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larry: so, what happened to total victory for israel and dehamasification which was a goal, joining us now florida congressman mike waltz, you know, our friend john bolton, he wrote a good piece today. we should eliminate not one cube ib inch cubic inch of hamas' tunnel network should remain and should there be widespread agreement with arab states including comprehensive dehamasification, we don't hear anything like those two conditions, we have lost our way on this war. what do you think about it.?
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>> i don't think we have lost our way in congress. but this administration is obsessed with ceasefire that is because of pressure from the progressive left, i fear that one they are force israel to basically allow hamas to survive. hamas has stated more october 7th are if their future, they seek to constrain israel biden and schumer and this administration that is actually inviting iran to be more aggressive and inviting hezbollah to be more aggressive. hezbollah has tripled number of drones and rockets in the last month that they are firing into israel while you have over 100 thousand israelis intern alley displaced as refugees, idf has to clear hezbollah out. or what the administration should be doing is leading an international coalition on iran, they should be flooding world with american
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oil and gas to drive town the price of oil that bankrupts, ran's war machine, then put in place the secondary sanctions that house already passed on chinese buyers and brokers and shippers of iranian oil. larry, you know it about the cash coming from iran in this -- as long as iran is flush with cash this instability and wars will continue. they are the root of the problem. larry: you are 1 thousand% right. -- 1000% right, china right now, buying ir iranian oil and violating the sanctions and i might add buying russian oil, china is financing two wars against the united states right now, you never hear a peep from the bidens. >> and larry, then, china gets an additional benefit with a bonus our military aircraft carriers, ships and munitions are wearing
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themselves out in red sea and mediterranean instead of being in the pacific. it is a triple threat right now. larry: are you advising president trump on this? on the eve of this cnn debate? are you advising him on this, i think these are key points. >> well, i moo mean we talk about it whenever we see each other, i'm not labeling myself any kind of adviser, he knows drill, baby, drill not only solves domestically, but also drives up putin 's war -- dries up putin's war machine and ir iran's war machine. biden is makings world buy russian gas that is crazy insane. larry: there you have it congressman mike waltz appreciate it very much talk soon, i'll be right back with my last word.
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♪ (alarm sound) ♪ amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ why not? did you forget something? ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ my protein shake. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪


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