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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 26, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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maria: good wednesday morning. thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo, wednesday june 26, your top stories is, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. immigration and inflation, the leading issues going into the big showdown the cnn presidential debate simulcast live on fox news. look at the issues coming up. as president biden get set to face off against president trump and atlanta tomorrow night, first markets are mixed after tech set a cautious tone this week certainly the s&p 500 and the nasdaq bouncing back this morning, the dow industrial negative, nvidia is back up after losing $430 billion in market value and three trading sessions, google and microsoft reaching new highs the dow pressure bicycle goes down another 300 at the close fed officials weighing rate cuts, one official warning the open border is open to feel inflation, we are more on that,
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economic data final reading first corridor gdp out tomorrow the main pc index out on friday, we have the preview, european markets take a look the eurozone is mixed france under pressure, the election is coming up in two weeks and friends, in asia overnight grade across-the-board, take a look at the asian embassies were relook at fractional moves higher, joy to the conversation bullseye in doing judy adams on sincere slatestone chief market strategist any pull kerry and the boston globe opinion writer karine has jar is here, "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ ♪ ♪. maria: it is time for the hot topic of the hour we are one day
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away from the cnn presidential debate president biden is hunkered down at camp david with 16 advisors past and present to help them prepare for the first face-off with former president trump, top democrats urging the president to stop touting his record one telling cnn he wants the credit but it's not working he needs to stop, hilary clinton speaking out noting that she has debated the biden trump the past and her latest new york times op-ed, clinton writes this, i know the excruciating pressure of walking onto the stage in is nearly impossible to focus on substance with mr. trump is involved it is a waste of time to refute mr. trump's arguments like in a normal debate it is nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even our, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre is confident and the president xi says, watch. >> when there's an opportunity for this president to speak to millions of americans he shows up and emits a moment so
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obviously the president is going to look forward to thursday doing just that what he normally does the last three to half years and build on the economy and historic numbers and creating jobs, low on employment rate. maria: she has her talking points, let's get some reaction. even if you get a talk about low on employment, the truth is his disapproval rating has been climbing for a year if that nearly 55% they can pull out whatever talking points they want that's not what the american people are feeling they lost confidence altogether from the border to foreign policy to inflation, americans don't trust this president and these would have a tough time trying to go out there and tout his achievements. maria: hilary clinton i'm not sure what she's talking about, she says she doesn't know the arguments that trump is making,
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how about a wide open border in crime spiking across the country, how about inflation and forty-year high. >> she lowered the bar saying nobody should take this too much in its first debate and it's very nerve-racking and trump doesn't nobody's doing i think the whole thing is almost comical. he could not go on his record, to your point he does not really have a record. he's going to flip it around and turn on the anti-trump that destroy democracy, take women's rights away, all the stuff that they will turn it onto. maria: he has a record and it's about economic record it is a record of high inflation with wages going down. >> which was his own fault because he spent money that we didn't have number one and number two on his first day in office he canceled drilling on federal land which meant that we could actually get access to some of the cheapest oil that is out there which is why oil
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prices are as high as they are. he should look no farther than himself he started to take credit for things doing good but they would be better if he were in the way. maria: i love the idea of him putting this idea that trump is a threat to democracy even as he says the supreme court said i can't do it but i am doing it. he ignores the supreme court, he does what he wants. maria: biden campaign admitting that florida is the country's third most populous state and it's not about a grand stay in this race which they tried to suggest earlier. new poll beating by did another swing states like nevada, a new ar people reveals trump's leading 48 - 45%, and georgia a new atlanta journal-constitution of georgia university trump leading biden 43% - 38%, fox news digital spoke to voters across the country about president biden ahead of the debate, here is that. >> is time appear has come and gone unfortunately it i don't
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say that with pride but we all get older and were not getting any younger. >> everything that we are going through is a lot better four years ago. >> every day it seems like he is not confident in his role. trump on the other hand he is not show the same inconsistencies but with biden as americans we should be worried. >> i am not against him but i think we could do better as the democratic party and i feel someone younger and more fit can come into service i feel like that would be a huge step in the right direction. >> become sentimental capacity and the ability to handle the job and we see that biden struggles with that. maria: that is pretty interesting, we were talking about the fundamental issues that we were expecting to be headlined at the debate over talk about immigration it inflation but the majority of the people, regular voters
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brought up mental capacity as an issue, this is becoming louder and louder in an increasing issue for this president, how do you see it. >> about of the swing voters that i talked to during the primary are willing to put aside trump's bombastic characteristics because they care about kitchen table issues, when they see the current president's age that really worries them and then there suffering from inflation as well. i'm not really surprised by anything that these voters are saying. maria: it's not just his age i'm talking about mental capacity. we spoke with the doctor from the white house, he was a doctor to president obama, bush and trump, doctor ronny jackson and he is demanding more from that this president take a drug test, they think he is going to be on something tomorrow night. watch this. >> again to be demanding more from on many millions of concerned americans that he submit to a drug test before and after the debate specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs because we've seen recently in a
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state of the union that there was a joe biden that came out that was similar to what we see on the day-to-day basis for the last three and half years. maria: these are the issues, the presidential debate happening tomorrow, simulcast live on fox news begins at 9:00 p.m. eastern, all of these issues will be front and center. >> we see what we see you can't tell us we don't see what we see, that's the most amazing, don't believe your own eyes, were just getting started about coming up, tech set the tone for markets, the nasdaq transit back after data volatility all ahead of key economic trade and trade data we have it all coming up, nasdaq of 50 points, the dow is down 25, the fitz-gerald group principal keith keep fitz-gerald is here on where he is putting his money, the new efforts to expose how much a u.s. dollars are going to fund the taliban, were talking about a don't miss that cover your watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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we'll be right back. ♪
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maria: no combat, but check the market. yesterday dow industrial down 300 points but look at the other embassies, s&p and nasdaq closing higher with the nasdaq appointed a quarter percent, 220 points higher on the nasdaq as nvidia rebound from a three day selloff after two years of gains, half intrigued other wipeout market value because volatility and semiconductors and broader tech, this morning nvidia is up 2% look at chip stocks overall showing gains after the volatility the
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fitz-gerald principal keith fitz-gerald, thank you for being here, almost half a billion in market value lost in nvidia in your selloff in the last three days. >> pretty much, i know this is an unpopular opinion but a run-of-the-mill as liquidity squeeze people taking profit is not even a blip on the radar in the scheme of things for me. maria: what about second half of the year after the huge first half with outsides gains that could've been double digit moves for the nasdaq and s&p 500. year to date to receive repeat second half? >> not only will we see a repeat better powering up and we will see increased market narrowness which is good and catch a lot of people by surprise, there is a lot of money and structurally speaking, that is good to force people counter intuitively and to the very tech were talking about that everybody's worried
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about. futures market in a 60% chance that will cut rates in september, fed governor lisa cook delivered marx to the economic club in new york yesterday saying rate cuts will be appropriate and reflex inflation to improve before rapid progress in 2025. michelle bowman and the federal governor said she is open to raising rates if inflation does not improve, that is exactly what jim grant told us earlier this year and nobody was talking about rate hikes, can we go that way a rate hike? >> as you know. maria: i find interesting that we are digesting what markets that were going to be six rate cuts, never actually back to a rate hike. >> we've been talking about this, they are very nervous trina rock and hard place, they know if they could cut rates and
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to stimulate inflation which they don't want to go to, five and a quarter% is normal but if inflation does not come under control then neil said a month ago that everything was on the table including rate hikes then they took it off in the market started to get nervous and now she said it again. i'm in the know cut camp for 2024 and i do think were getting a rate cut in 2024 but i'm not surprised that she said potentially. maria: you talking about her saying it at month ago about jim grant saying in march here's with me on the set talking about the ideas that the fed could be looking at. >> you're not expecting to cut in rates anytime soon? >> they might decide that three-ish is fine. maria: 3% inflation? >> yes concern over the inflation to focus on financial stability as they would define it, i think there's also a chance that the fed raises if they are confronted with the accelerating rate of inflation, i feel they have no choice in
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who's to say the 3.2% couldn't go up with an 80-dollar oil price no longer 70. maria: is the reason we look at the economic data so closely. that is dictating what the fed is going to do. >> tomorrow the pce which is the fed favorite. maria: tomorrow is pce friday g country gdp. it's good to be weaker and i think they're successful and look what we've done, you go to the store in the supermarket, prices are not coming down, insurance costs are not covered on, food is not coming down. maria: that's what we need to hear from joe biden in terms of a plan, i want to correct myself, the loss in nvidia is 430 billion, did i say million i met billion, half a trillion dollars in market value lost on the stock that you own. >> yes indeed i do that is the most expensive, i should say the largest stock in the world or was for a while until the corrected but people forget back
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in april nvidia fell 20% and that it went up 80 so as keith commented earlier this is part of the natural ebb and flow and it would be wonderful if everyone in my stocks went up every day but that's not how it works. maria: two years of gains for nvidia was not enough, stock is at 128 after ten for one stock split. >> on long and i'm staying long. you have to recognize that nothing goes up every single day in a row, not even the mighty nvidia, pulled back 13% and now it's up again. >> away from correction to normal trade and also friday is the russell rebalancing it's the end of the quarter there is a lot of asset managers taken advantage in taking money off the table and reallocating, i don't think the nvidia selloff is anything to be concerned about. maria: you still have six dragon dollars a money market account.
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u.s. consumer confidence slipping less than expected in june showing the consumer is less pessimistic about labor market conditions, big week of the inflation data as kenny mentioned the first quarter gdp out tomorrow the may pp enter pce on friday, your expectation, do you think were to continue to slow crawl down on inflation? >> i think that's pretty accurate, inflation is going to give away gradually but the fed does understand that and they're not thinking about how the rest of us actually live, that's where their models are disconnected. >> i like what jason trennert came up with the new consumer price index, what people use, the idea to strip out food and energy, food and energy are the two things that we need to survive inward stripping out food and energy when we go to the court, it's good to see you, we will check in soon. keith fitz-gerald, your morning mover is meridian take a look at the stock, the electric vehicle
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skyrocketing up 38% as volkswagen's plating to invest $5 billion in the company as a joint-venture, volkswagen investment will started a billion dollars with 4 billion and vested expected by 2026. they are creating architecture and software technology. rivian is down 49% year to date. also moving this morning is fedex, it is also higher, the firm surging after beating revenue expectation, stock is up 40% right now. reported net income of what it half billion dollars but he did say it could expect lower revenue for 2025 driven by e-commerce and low inventory, fedex repeat up the four "cutting plan, that includes consolidating the air and ground of shipping business, the stock up nearly 4% the last year, this morning showing a sweet move of almost 14%. a quick break, border agency and a massive spike in illegal migrants with criminal histories tried to cross into america,
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virginia congressman rob wittman is here on a new bill to take steps to secure the wide open southern border, it is all coming up. stay with us. ♪ harlem has everything.
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maria: welcome back a renewed focus in washington on the threat of the open border after the tragic murders of 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray and mother of five rachel morin. border patrol showed a big spike in criminal migrants entering the country, that is happening right now on joe biden's watch due to joe biden's open border, so far this year border patrol agents have encountered more than 13000 migrants convicted of a crime in the united states or another country. that number closing in on last year's record numbers. in 2019 only 4000 criminal migrants were encountered by border patrol, the numbers are way higher today, jason the wind revealing the agents arrested seven previously convicted sex offenders attempting to enter the country illegally in one weekend, virginia congressman rob wittman the harm services committee and the china select and natural resources comm
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committees, thank you for being here this morning. you. >> thank you. maria: is there a renewed focus, though be voted on the homeland security and it provides money for the border wall and border agency deporting dangerous criminals, can you tell us your expectations. >> i expect the appropriation bill to pass it is going to be a response to the absolute failure by the by then the administration, their policies are allowing the hardened criminals into this nation who were not taken the lives of american citizens, the blood of these young people are on their hands and it's unacceptable that we see this failure by the biden administration and how this is going to take action will put $600 million toward construction of the border wall directing secretary mayorkas to build a wall 300 million for advanced technology to make sure that we secure our border, this is unacceptable. this is have a direct impact on the lives of americans and were
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not going to stand and allow this to continue. maria: has president biden acknowledge these deaths, the deaths of the poor precious 12-year-old were rachel morin the mother of five, has even acknowledged this, what are you expecting his answers to be about this, clearly these people came in because of joe biden's open border and now they murdered. >> the president wanting to mention their names and he won't even acknowledge their policies are leading to these hardened criminals coming to the united states entered into committing the horrible acts of violence taking these people's lives, is absolutely unacceptable in this administration needs to own up to their failure and they need to promise american people that they will stop the border crisis in the hard criminals coming in taking the lives of americans. maria: i wonder if this comes up in the debate tomorrow night, cnn has not really covered this, i have not seen any of this on cnn, i never see the wide open
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border stories on cnn, will the moderators even bring this up? >> i'm sure trump will is one of the top three election issues, it's a number one issue that i hear from swing voters in places like new hampshire is not even close to the border. it's an issue that's important to americans and definitely one that the president is going to have to address at some point. maria: if he is not answering a question, his microphone is going to be turned off, i don't know if trumpets can have a lot of room to bring up things that the moderators won't bring up, what do you think if they don't bring up the border in the murders in the crime that we've seen, what a blackeye for the network. >> i think president trump will bring it up he has to bring it up and he knows this is in the forefront of people's minds this is the safety of your family, this is worrying about whether children are going to be at the hands of the hardened criminals and like we saw happening verlin and being murdered he has to
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bring this up, president biden has to accept responsibility for the failed policies that are leading to the deaths of americans, unacceptable in the people of this nation except should expect answers going into the future. maria: your hr2 failed not one democrat voted for hr2 do you think the homeland security appropriation bill is going to get full support. >> i think it'll get full support of republicans i'm not certain it'll be democrats that will support it, i hope they will, it just makes sense to secure the border how could anybody not be in favor of securing the border not being in favor in the criminals into the nation. >> you keep saying that and i agree with you but on the democratic side they all seem to be interested in closing the border at all which is mind boggling. maria: it has to be about voting, what is the answer? >> i think the answer is the
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policies that we put in place, the answer for the senate to take up hr2 to secure the border act, the answer is for the president to sign into law the appropriation bill to properly fund the border in the border security. maria: what is the answer to why the border is still open, what is the point who would do such a thing and watching her neighbors get killed. >> it is purely an intentional effort by the body to administration to not secure the border, there is no logical reason as to why they wouldn't, i cannot come to grips on why they would want to protect the american people there is no logical reason why they wouldn't do this. maria: votes, forgive me for jumping in but it is about vote harvesting. that's why joe biden is encouraging an open border, he wants to bring in emigrants who want to vote for the democratic
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party it's as clear as day that's what's going on, what do you say to that. >> i think there's a reverse effect we see a number of people in the hispanic community gravitating towards president trump and they see that this is wrong and i think that they are trying to get illegals into the voting realm but i think were doing everything we can to keep that from happening but i think there is a reverse effect. maria: let me switch gears, canada announcing a 30 day consultation period to examine the trade practices in the electric vehicle sector, the european union of beijing discussing plans to raise tariffs on chinese ev, the ccp is hoping to counter that by striking a deal with german carmakers by lower existing tariffs on large engine cars if berlin can convinces the tariffs to be dropped. i know you're leaving the china select a policy working group which is countering the ccp control of critical minimal supply chain, their use from semiconductors and wind turbines to electric vehicles i want to
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hear more about that but my question on this, the whole electric vehicle push has made us more reliant on china once again, all of these years with you and your colleagues saying we have to get the supply chain out of china they are threatening us and not going to send a prescription drugs and we can't rely on china for this and that, here we are in the same position with the biden administration pushing electric vehicles and all the components of the batteries are made in china, what are we doing here? >> we have to get back in the business of extracting and refining critical rolls in rare-earth elements the united states has not done that over the past 20 years and we see what's happening, china is monopolizing the world supply critical minerals in rare-earth elements, they control 100% of germanium all base components and semiconductors it is not just the pricing those things out of the reach of manufacturers but they are
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restricting the supply, we've got to get back into business of mining and that is extracted and refining critical rolls in rare-earth elements. maria: china is exploited it, thank you for being here, we will be watching your work on the china select committee, rob wittman joining us, we'll be right back. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know.
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the country, reuters reports of the commerce department has impeded the state backed firms and completed risk-based analysis of china mobile and telecom, afp i senior fellow and the chairman of the china policy initiative, d.c. international advisor and former deputy national security advisor for cheney, steve yates back with me, thank you for being here. in the realm of obviously sending information to the communist party isn't that a lot of these companies, china mobile in the others that are being investigated or having access to american data are they certainly sending information to the ccp? >> of course, they are state owned enterprises in a communist run country there's not much debate or analysis i don't even know in their own system that they deny it they play the different messaging based on who they hire or representative in american politics but basically there has been an awakening of sorts in the u.s. that cloud
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data is part of homeland security we tend to think of the southern border which we should and physical parts of our homeland security but cloud-based storage and data on americans is like letting them and without have to physically be here in the state owned enterprise for an adversary is going to get whatever advantage that they can buy the data. maria: of courses ccp has stolen the intellectual property costing american businesses, up to $800 billion a year's, that is an extra ordinary amount and that is something that is not a new concept if you go back to the 1990s there is concerns about what you can do with consumer data is not economic but is internationalized and modernized in its everywhere because technology is every part of our lives they know more about us than we do by getting some of the data and we have to
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be wiser on how do we set guardrails and you cannot do that by not having clean networks with reliable partners in the ccp is never to be a reliable partner. maria: what do you think the u.s. should do with the perspective communist china this is only one of a string of issues in the surveillance campaign that is very much in place highlighted by the surveillance balloon that flew over the country last year and took information from a military installation, and i got china's premier warning against what he is calling a vicious cycle of economic decoupling from the west he said some of the world economic forum in china yesterday he claims that decoupling will only raise cost for the entire society in the world he's basically throwing caution on any decoupling as the u.s. has suggested to decoupling is necessary. >> they certainly got the vicious down a vicious cycle i
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don't know any other way to put it when it comes to taking jobs and letting a virus out and sending deadly fat no that is not letters of love from a friend abroad so they know what vicious is and when it comes to decoupling, they started this process going themselves and they did it out of pure mercantilism for a long time but has an added level of sanctions as they watched towards russia's direction of the invasion of ukraine and, they are doing this in the question for us what are we doing and i have simple questions, you asked them and i think we talked about the many times i just have to say is this going to protect american families and communities and jobs and if we not we need to change course, are we lessening the appendices a look at areas and the answer is we need to change course what are we doing for an american revival so we have better safer less risky options and trying to contain the influences of the ccp and enhancing positive partnerships with others including our own
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hemisphere, we have the solutions we just been stuck in a fifty-year route of overdependence that we made and we should undo. maria: the last four years under president biden we have not pushed back at all to any of this for one of the first changes that biden made when he walked into the oval office was canceling the china initiative you have the u.s. ambassador to china nicholas burns accusing beijing and trying to weaken american standing and disrupt diplomatic activities in china and disrupt and undermine america's diplomacy, burns did an interview with the wall street journal and in one case a venue pulled the plug of a concert organized by the u.s. embassy without explanation saying there would be no electricity on the day of the event but they hosted the event the prior night and the one after when no apparent issue, this is one example of how burns is saying that china undermines america and its one issue of a long list that we know what,
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what should the administration do and why isn't it doing anything? >> it's astonishing that a fourth year of his tenure he is discovering some of the things that they always do and i'll never forget in the 1990s making my way to far west china miraculously no connecting flights, somehow it was inconvenient, the electricity for the embassy of that, this is old tactics that they do and basically the ambassador hasn't spoken up about this in very bold terms until now nearing the end of the tenure and we don't really do that much of the united states to say if you're good to do this to us the market have to do more to make it difficult to manipulate and influence things here, there was a time when we close down their consul general in houston because they were engaging in inappropriate activity. if you look with any degree of effort you find a lot of that in
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other places and make it harder for them here if they're going to make it harder for us there simple fairness and reciprocity, that is just the start. maria: i have a couple of investors on the panel that what do i get involved here, if we were to see adam johnson in the decoupling does that worry you a decoupling from china as a investor. >> it does at the moment because we actually unfortunately need china that we integrated our supply chain with china, that was a cheap place to go and have stuff made but you can't just flip a switch, you cannot do it right away, decoupling would actually be very inflationary certainly in the short term. maria: what about the chinese stocks traded on our exchanges, would you buy those i did a whole special on fox nation called underwriting the enemy that's exactly what market investors are doing unwittingly or not underwriting the and many. >> i don't buy them on the exchange i don't buy the chinese stocks in china there's so many places to invest your money if
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you want to go abroad europe versus china so i don't go to china at all. maria: your patriot and you understand the implication, what about that, i don't know if you saw the special that i just did on fox nation about all the companies traded on our exchanges, why is it they are still not following the rules that every other public traded company has to follow with the standard accounting rules, how come the biden administration and the obama administration when joe biden was vice president signed a memorandum of thousands of chinese companies to trade on our exchanges not follow the rules. >> it's inexcusable but that basically long-standing policy is under an assumption that china was somehow special in the developing economy in if we gave them privileged access that somehow the institutions would normalize them but instead is normalizing the institution to accommodate them, the mugging is not witnessing and accepting the
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evidence, i applaud anyone who would use correct information to make better choices and we have to begin somewhere strategically moving the investment supply chain away we made it the way it is, it won't be free and quick your guess is exactly right but we have no choice they brought the conflict, we didn't, we give them opportunity and friendship. maria: is great to get your insight on all of that, thank you very much for your extensive knowledge. steve yates joining us, we'll be right back. stay with us. daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more...
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6:50 am
her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back heavy rain flooding and tornadoes publicly in the u.s., cheryl casone you with the details. >> let's take a look at the aftermath of the heavy rain and catastrophic flooding in the midwest, first in minnesota next to the rapidan dam plumbing, 85 feet into the blue earth river and getting swept away by rushing water, the dam is in intimate failure condition after they breached the barrier in more than 3 million people in the u.s. have been impacted by flooding, a brief tornado causing damage and one county in eastern iowa yesterday damaging the road, trees, crops and powerlines, major disaster has been issued in the state as it
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continues to deal with flooding and storms and water sure breaking through levees and forcing residents and neighborhoods to evacuate and two people are dead due to severe storms in the midwest. a dangerous man who attacked a woman in central park in the middle of the day still at large this morning, police launching a manhunt for the assailant, chief of patrol explained the attack which has many new yorkers shocked. >> around 130 she is sunbathing in central park and male comes towards her exposing himself, she gets up and screams to run and he attacked her in she fights him. maria: she fought him off, the woman was in a well-known area to park goers in the middle of the day she fought him off twice, officers scoured the park for witnesses and pulling and surveillance video at this point the attacker described as a 6-foot tall african-american mail-in his 30s with curly hair, police say they will not
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stop until he is off the str streets. breaking news from the auto industry, toyota, volkswagen and tesla issuing recalls of hundreds of thousands of vehicles, volkswagen is hit the hardest, issued warnings for 270,000 cars with a faulty passenger airbag, toyota following close behind that they recalled 145,000 also an airbag issue that could cause injury. bad news for tesla, cyber truck drivers the futuristic -looking vehicle hit by a pair of separate recalls one for faulty windshield wipers and another for wrongly installed in the truck bed, both recalls impacting more than 11000 cyber tracks, i don't think there's that many out there right now. basically this is the fourth time we seem to recall for the model hasn't even gone to mass production, let's take a look at shares of volkswagen it is flat right now, tesla a stock to watch that is down more than a quarter of 8%.
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the house of representatives passing a bill that would block countries receiving u.s. foreign aid from redistributing funds to the taliban, the no tax dollars for the taliban act was introduced by tennessee congressman tim burchett a good friend of her show who was with us on monday the taliban took power in afghanistan back in 2021 shortly before president biden disastrous withdrawal of the country and that led to the death of 13 u.s. service members, since then the u.s. has spent more than 2.8 billion in aid and humanitarian assistance, the new reports as tens of millions of dollars has ended up in the hands of the taliban and telling fox digital it's obscene the any money we get to the taliban with 35 trillion in debt do not need to be funded are enemies one bit. the other player the united nations because they have been sending aid into afghanistan and i do think any of this panel is
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shocked that the taliban is grabbing funds. maria: the and aptitude in the level of ineptitude in this demonstration, that is what is shocking. >> it's time and time again, the fact that we will pull the military out before we got her own people as one general said the military is the last to go key people protected and say is mind-boggling. maria: one-stop botched act innocent withdrawal happened and put all of her adversaries on the market, they all saw what was happening. >> we look so weak and if the u.s. is good run from afghanistan like they did in vietnam then we can do whatever we want. >> goes no coincidence china upped its aggression against america and they want bagram air force base as well. >> over the weekend i was talking to to intelligence officials that were bagram at the time in afghanistan and they said they have gone to their bosses officials in the pentagon
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and this is the wrong move we have to protect that in the air force base, we gotta keep them present and we are present in north korea and south korea and bases in germany. maria: president biden wanted to have a press conference on september 11 and he wanted to say 20 years later were out of afghanistan, it was all about president biden wanting his press conference. >> as if to say mission accomplished, he accomplished the mission. give me a break. maria: it was not, 13 servicemen are dead. >> and they took control in the country is a disaster. >> now afghanistan has gone back to what they used to do, drug production that's how they're making money because there's nothing else in the economy is been destroyed. maria: a quick break more illegal migrants with criminal records are tempted to cross into america to the wide-open border it is a hot topic of the hour wait until you hear the numbers, special agent nicole
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parker is here on the cia teaming up with the biden campaign to run interference on the hunter biden laptop story, wait until you see what drop before the 2020 election we've got it you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, stay with us. ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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