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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 26, 2024 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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maria: welcome back, good wednesday morning everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, june 26, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. more b hand 13,000 criminal migrants have been apprehended at the wide open southern borders this year, according to customs an border patrol data, more than five times as many encounter as in 2020. jay b son owens revealing agents arrested seven previously convicted sex offenders in one weekend, the crime spike includes 12-year-old murdered jocelyn nungaray who was brutally raped and murdered by two the illegal migrants in houston, texas. she fought back, leaving bite marks and scratch marks on one of the attackerrers. one of the suspects was in court yesterday where a woman in the courtroom yelled murderer in spanish several times. the judge sent bail at $10 million, deeming them flight risks. this story is so horrific and so troubling.
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your reaction? >> it's just gross negligence, the policies we have. look back to 2021, there's an explicit dhs memo that lowered the bar on how we vet for criminal histories in migrants arriving at the border because of the volume numbers, is a failure on the government's side. it's a failure for immigration. the country is built on i'll graci--immigration and perceptif immigration is souring, it's gone down 10 points since 2020 . nobody wins in this situation. maria: there's a sound bite of alejandro mayorkas back from 2020 and he said we've overturned so many of president trump's border patrol and border rules, i don't even -- i lost count, something like that he said. >> right. maria: he was bragging about it in 2020. >> bragging, as if to say what a wonderful thing that we've done to open the border and make america available to all. no, that's not how it works. >> but they don't even -- not
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one of them, including him, have called any of these women or young girls by name and the fact that this young girl, what was she 12 years old. maria: 12 years old. >> for two hours they were raping and -- maria: i can't even -- >> attacking her. maria: so troubling. so precious, look at her. >> nobody from the administration says her name, rachel morin, the other woman from earlier this year. maria: laken riley. >> laken riley. say her name. maria: m massachusetts governr is sending officials to the border to talk to the border officials about the lack of space to house the migrants, they're saying it's essential to get the word out that our shelters are full so familiars liss can plan to make sure they have a safe place to go. the issue here is that this is what this administration wants to do, they want more money to make more housing for the
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illegals. this is the problem. it's not that they actually want to stop the flow of illegals coming into the country. they just want more money to create more housing. >> well, it's really creating a split on the left because you're seeing blue states like massachusetts really struggling now and blue towns that are receiving a lot of these migrants struggling to fund the schools, there's a town that's worried they have one ambulance, how will they accommodate 200 migrant families in the town. >> they're living at logan airport. if you fly into logan airport, it's unbelievable all the migrants that are living in the airport. >> i'm surprised it took her this long. maria: no one cares about the american citizens that are being affected by all of this because remember, mayorkas was bragging about it in 2020. here it is. watch. >> we have rescinded so many trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list
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them. maria: too much time. too much time to list them. >> you know, that's the problem with progressive politicians. they have their own view of the way the world should be and they try to force the rest of us to adopt it. the difference with republicans is republicans generally are building businesses and looking out for their families and they go into politics to try to make a difference or to serve or give back somewhere along the way but they already having else. democrats don't have anything else. they go into government because they feel government should exist to help them and help other people and further their agenda. two very, very different views on the world. maria: it really feels like they will stoop to limitless levels to hold onto that power, hold onto that grip on power. >that's all they have and that's all they want. >> this undercuts the big goal which is immigration reform and making it easier to immigrate to the country.
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it's a self perpetuating cycle. maria: governor michelle bowman is warning the influx of immigrants could impact the prices of rent. watch this. >> there's the risk that increased immigration and continued labor market tightness could lead to persistently high inflation. given the currently low inventory of affordable housing in the united states, the in-flow of new immigrants to some geographic areas could result in upward pressure on rents as additional housing supply may take time to materialize. maria: now it's also a factor for inflation. >> why is anyone surprised? right? because look a at what they're doing, there's not enough room, so they'll bid the prices up because everyone wants a place to live so it goes to the highest bidder. to her point, that's exactly the issue which i think she's the one she said also that she sees the fed potentially could raise rates if inflation doesn't come under control and that's the point. >> she's right, based upon the
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number. freddie mac recently said we have a shortage of 3.2 million houses. that's fre freddie mac. >> hotel prices are up in new york and they link it to the amount of migrants put up in hotels. maria: we have the pce index coming out on friday. it is going to affect all sorts of things. we're coming up to the word on wall street, we've got the fed's preferred inflation read coming out friday morning, we've got preliminary expectations there. the word on wall street panel has expectations coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching
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your money. joining me is payne capital management and the host of payne points of wealth podcast, ryan payne back with us. also with us this morning is adam johnson and kenny polcari. thank you for being here. thank you for joining the conversation. >> great to be here. maria: we've been chatting all morning this morning but adam, i want to get back to what we spoke about a minute ago because the s&p 500 and nasdaq were higher yesterday, the nasdaq was up 220 points because nvidia led a rebound after the three day selloff on top of two years of gains but the company did lose $430 billion in market value in three days and that a caused volatility in semiconductor stocks. look at the chip stocks this morning. i want to get your take on chips right now. i know you say that a.i. stocks could cost more but they're also worth more so you've got a list of the top 10 a.i. stock picks, right. >> i absolutely do. the reason is that i've gotten so many phone calls from people over the past couple weeks saying aj, what's the next nvidia, i said well, there's a
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lot of them out there. they said really. i put together a list. my top 10. what i found is -- this is super micro computer, marvel technologies, celestika, even amd and micron, although nvidia would be a better solution. maria: you've got marvel, microsoft, amd, palenterez absolutely, yeah. if you look at the ten top a.i. stocks, they trade at an average pe ratio of 32, the s&p 500 is 21. you say it's more expensive than the s&p. yes. the growth rate is from 25 to 200%. so you're paying more. but it's worth it because you're getting more. so much more growth. the s&p will probably grow about 10% this quarter. would you rather pay 21 times to get 10% growth or pay 32 times and get 100% growth. and that's my b point. maria: was the selloff in nvidia over the three day period a drop in the bucket? >> yes. maria: did it matter? >> no to answer your question
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directly. no. i mean, people forget that nvidia went down 25 are% in the month of -- 25% in 2 month of aim. not only did it regain the 25%, it went up another 60%. so 85 percentage point swing. that's incredible. for it to come down 13% over three days, fine, that's just the way markets work. maria: all right, aj i like that. ryan, what do you think? you have to tell us what you think in the context of a slowing economy, right? because let's look at the economy and u.s. a auto sales expected to he slow during the second half of the year. they're increasing by 1.3% over the next six months and the fid's favored inflation measure, the pce index is out on friday, expectations call for a gain of one tenth of a percent month over month, 2.6% year over year. your thoughts on all of this. >> first off, the you ayou toe market c -- the auto market is interesting. we had a huge shortage during
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the pandemic. you were tai paying top price fr automobiles. supply chains are normalized. there's more inventory. the fed raised interest rates a lot. financing a car costs a lot. there's no surprise that you're going to see a slowing in automobile sales going for the rest of the year which actually should be good for the consumer because prices should start to come down and i think when you look at the consumer in general, we haven't been spending on goods, we've been spending on services. if you look at the consumer confidence index that came out, people will spend on trips this year, not on appliances, not on cars. so i think that trend continues where the american consumer will spend on services, still light on spending on goods, the consumer confidence survey, they believe inflation is starting to mod of rate and they believe -- moderate and they believe the employment market will be strong. the growth eu indicator is 3% fr the quarter.
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growth will stay strong. people will be sad because they don't feel good right now because auto prices are up, energy and housing prices are up, food prices are up. they're going to continue to spend. that's going to drive the economy. maria: looking at autos. auto sales and the market will slow down, does that mean auto insurance will slow down? that's really been the issue, auto insurance is one of the things that's outsized in terms of gains with inflation. treasury secretary janet yellen who we're told reportedly is worth $20 million, by the way, she said she goes to the grocery store every week but she's not shocked by the rising prices. watch this. >> have you been to the grocery store lately? >> i sure have. i go every week. >> it's sticker shock, isn't it. food prices remain high. they're no not rising at the rae they were last year, but they're
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up 20% since pre-covid. should we boost the food supply in the country. >> labor cost increases, that grocery firms have experienced, although there may be some increases in margin, i would be reluctant to agree that we should be involved in subsidizing agriculture. maria: food inflation is up better than 20% since president biden took office, kenny. >> right. maria: to be clear. >> to be clear, everybody understands that which is what i'm saying. we all experience it every day so they tell us what they want to tell us, yet we see what we see and we pay what we pay and to your point about car insurance and auto insurance rates, it's unbelievable. the cars have become more expensive, there's more technology so my wife got in a car accident, got rear ended in florida which i thought wasn't really -- when i looked at the car, i thought it's not that much. it was $25,000, the trunk and then the cameras in the back,
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all the stuff and i'm going -- and it was nuts in terms of what it cost to fix the car. i thought why don't we just total the car but they wouldn't total the car. 25,000 bucks. i'm looking at the car, going 25 25,000. it's all the technology in the car that causes -- so the rates are sky high. >> yeah, 100%. that's where inflation has been stubborn, that's where it hasn't come down. shelter costs should continue to moderate. pce should come in around 2.6%. >> not y according to michelle bowman. she thinks immigrants will cause rents to go up so shelter cost will potentially go up. >> we are overbuilt in some places if the south. the overall country, it should continue to moderate. recent rent, zillow has an index, it's showing it's moderated as well. >> are rents coming down in new york city? >> no. >> but the whole country. maria: steve schwarzman told e
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this a long time ago, we're the largest owner of commercial real estate and he said i can tell you rents a down. he said rents are down. they're not. it may be coming but it hasn't caught up yet. maria: ryan payne, adam, kenny, you're with us all morning. we're grateful. brian style is here with a firsthand take on the impact of biden's bad border policies, how a hometown in his home state is seeing a strain on local resources. we'll have details. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back, more than 13,000 criminal migrants have been apprehended at the wide open southern border this year, according to new data, more than five times as many encounters in 2020, than in 2020. border patrol chief jason owens revealing agents arrested seven previously convicted sex offenders attempting to enter the country illegally in one weekend. joining me now, wisconsin congressman bryan steil. there's a new report from the
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institute for reforming government showing a significant strain on local resources for the small wisconsin city of whitewater after the you arrival of more than 1,000 illegal migrants. can you give us your thoughts on all of this? >> the city of whitewater is a city of 15,000 people that's seen over 1,000 migrants arrive over the past two years primarily from nicaragua and venezuela, had a huge impact on the community, in particular a massive drain on key resources for first responders in the school district. the school district of about 2,000 students, when they add 200 students over the course of two years, many who only speak spanish, others have an age that doesn't match their grade, a fifth grade boy with a third grade education that only speaks spanish, it's a huge drain on resources. we've seen drug and criminal elements that have come in, a quarter million dollars leave the small city and ultimately be transferred to the cartel in
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mexico. the bottom line here, maria, is that the border policies of president biden is impacting small communes is the and commue country, it's all the more reason that at the end of the day we must secure the border. maria: look, we are unfortunately watching the ramifications of all of this and we've unfortunately been talking about two -- three specific murders from illegal migrants and we've got the picture of this lovely 12-year-old girl from texas, we've got the pictures of the mother of five, we've got the picture of laken riley before these two. when are we going to actually hear a reaction or an acknowledgement all of this from the biden administration? remember, just a couple of years ago they were bragging that they actually overturned all of trump's border protections. here's alejandro mayorkas in 2021. watch this. >> we have rescinded so many trump immigration policies, it
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would take so much time to list them. maria: it's too much time to list them, congressman. >> this administration came in and from day one had a policy of unsecuring the u.s./mexico border. we should be working to secure the u.s./mexico border. the policies of the widen biden administration continuously moved us in the wrong direction. the media focuses on cities like new york or chicago or denver but the impact this is having in communities across the country can't be overstated. the democrats want to hide from this. they want to put their head in the sand. we saw in the report from irg uncovered by jake curtis showing that when democrats were meeting on this topic, they encourage people to y avoid the press. we should have an adult conversation about what we need to do to secure the border. president biden has the authority to do that, has the ability to reinstate stay in
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momexico, stop catch and releas. the policies of this administration are to allow countless individuals into the country. in that group, there are criminal elements that you ayouarrived. we've seen individuals on the terrorist watch list. we don't know who they are, maria. this is a security risk for the country. the biden administration refuses to act. maria: and why? why do you think that is? >> well, it's clearly a policy that a they're trying to a allow hundreds of thousands or millions of individuals into the country. the president is not interested in enforcing our immigration laws and further, we look more broadly as to the political ramifications of the hundreds of thousands of people coming into the country. my committee, the committee on house administration recently passed legislation that will actually ensure that we you avod
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noncitizens from voting in u.s. elections. we'll have an opportunity to bring that to the floor of the house in the coming weeks. it's essential we do not allow the biden administration to allow noncitizens to vote. what we see time and again is biden and this administration working to undermine the core principles and core laws of the united states of america. maria: by the way, there are many people who say they're doing that right now. i moon, you know, there's the speculation of the fl flyer at e border, the woman's name on the flier where it says don't forget to vote for joe biden, we need four more years of joe biden to all the people coming into the country through the border. she said she didn't you write it. we don't know if this memos is real or not real. claudia tenney was on the program the other day, ken paxton was with me on sun you day, they say that's what the democrats are doing, trying to get illegals to vote. could that be the case, even though this is illegal? >> well, look at what's playing
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out right now in our nation's capital, the front door of the entire country. under current law in washington d.c., a non citizen can vote in municipal elections, the democrats in washington, d.c. are encouraging them to vote. this could be an a illegal immigrant, it could be a russian embassy workerrer who has the ability if they reside in our nation's capital for 30 days to vote in the upcoming november elections for positions like city council. in my opinion, u.s. elections should only be for u.s. citizens. we have to reform the laws to make sure we do that at the state and municipal level and we have to enforce that at the federal level because there's significant concerns that noncitizens are participating in our election process. we recently saw in ohio where noncitizens were on the voter rolls, saw challenges and problems in pennsylvania. it's uncouple bent as we a-- incumbent as we approach november that we enhance the b integrity of our elections, to
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make sure only u.s. citizens are voting in our elections. maria: did you have something to add? >> i don't understand how non-u.s. citizens even have the opportunity to vote. like where are we when you say we have to change the law, what law currently allows them to vote. maria: and what are you doing about it. >> and what is the republican party doing about it. >> i think a lot of people are shocked when they learn what's going on in cities and states across the country that are allowing noncitizens to vote in municipal elections. maria: like washington, d.c. >> the house of representatives passed a law overturning the d.c. law, the senate refuses to act. everybody should ask their democratic senator why the senate is refusing to move that legislation forward. maria: yeah. let me get your take on whether or not this comes up at the debate. a campaign spokesperson for former president trump said yesterday that he's opting to, quote, policy discussions with close allies and advisors to
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prepare for the debate. the cnn presidential debate tomorrow instead of mock debates and kentuckiana sessions. president biden has -- ken-- q archeda sessions. there are warnings for president biden's camp urging them to spend more time going directly after former president trump and less time pointing to the president's policy record. they say the reason is simple, talking about policy achievements is not resonating with voters. no kidding, congressman. >> the biden policies have been clobbering people, could be the unsecure border, could be all of the economic policies the administration ah has put forward that made roughly 20% more expensive from when he took office. the median mortgage went from 1200 to 2400. grocery prices are higher, car prices are higher. higher to insure your car. the biden administration wants to do anything except talk about
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the real impact their economic policies have had. they try to do give aways to key political groups, the student loan give away they're trying to drive forward which is unconstitutional, unfair and political. if we have a debate about the biden policies and the impact they're having on families, the american people will walk away knowing we need to reelect president trump and we can't allow president biden to have four more years in office. maria: 2.maria: if joe biden t talk about the policies, his policies, what he's done and what he wants to do, i think he fails that debate. you've got to look ahead and president trump as well. you can't look back. he's got look ahead. people want to know what are you going to do in the next four years. biden's camp is telling him don't go there, just attack trump. >> which is telling. there's not much to build on there. it will be hard to tell american that's your life is great when americans are saying no, life is not great and we miss four years ago.
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that's what the polling is showing. for president trump this creates an opportunity to rein it in and focus on the future and his record and not go to personality squabbles that a biden wants to make it all about. maria: we'll see. we'll be watching and we want to get your take afterwards. good to see you this morning, sir. thank you. >> thank you. maria: congressman bryan steil joining us. new e-mails reveal the cia coordinated with the biden campaign ahead of the 2020 election. wait until you see what dropped yesterday. fox news contributor and former special agent nicole parker is here with reaction. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. manhattan district judge juan merchan partially lifting the gag order on former president trump allowing him to speak about witnesses and jurors, not specific prosecutors, court staff or of family members. court's team argued the raid of mar-a-lago property was done without probable cause and violated constitutional rights. trump's attorneys said the search warrant did not cover the entire estate and fbi agents were not briefed on where to search. some agents called it unnecessary, saying trump should have received a heads up. there were boxes of documents flipped over onto the ground. joining me is fox news contributor and former fbi special agent nicole parker. good to see you, what's your
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reaction to all of this, that raid on mar-a-lago. >> the raid on mar-a-lago, when that occurred, i was not present at the raid but it was absolutely shocking and internally at the fbi i can tell you that agents and staff and employees were absolutely stunned and in a congressional hearing last year, steven dontawano, the former head of the washington field office did tell individuals in congress that there was an almost dispute between doj and fbi, didn't think it was a idea visually for the fbi to go and execute the search warrant, why don't we work with him, let's do a consent and doj said you know what, we disagree, we think evidence could be destroyed, we think we need to do the search now and there was a disagreement between fbi and doj but i can tell you even internally at the fbi, individuals were very apprehensive and when i even heard about the search being executed, and i was not even present, i was absolutely stunned. so to hear these things coming
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out now, yes, there are many disputes going on and judge cannon is going to hear everything pretrial. maria: while were you a special agent at the fbi and you saw a change in sentiment in the leadership, what were the rank and file thinking, nicole? what was going on within the fbi behind closed doors? were people noticing that jim comey, for example, was getting real political, they were pursuing the russia collusion story against trump and that was totally made up and they followed up with making believe that the hunter biden laptop was fake. what were you hearing from your colleagues in fbi at that time? >> maria, i can tell you wholeheartedly i love being a fbi special agent, loved putting violent criminals behind bars. what got disturbing to he myself and others at the bureau was the politicization of the organization. when you take the oath, there's no mention of what political affiliation you should be associated with. you should never be discussing that in your professional place
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of employment. but agents and employees continued to see over and over of that the fbi was going after those on the conservative and republican side of the 13ebg spectrumand turning a blind eyee on the democrat or more liberal side. examples would be for hillary clinton, when jim comey of came out and said no reasonable prosecutor would charge hillary clinton, that was alarming to agents. they knew there was substantial evidence based on what we heard that there was -- she should be charged. look at it now. what reasonable prosecutor, they go ahead and charge president trump. so reasonable prosecutors will charge president trump but will not charge hillary clinton and the russia collusion hoax, one thing after another. the fbi did virtually nothing. they're going after individuals, those that walked in, you know, looking around the capitol and going full throttle for misdemeanors, that's not what fbi agents and employees signed up for. it does cause problems. maria: it's so disturbing, sos
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disturbing when you've got the leadership of arguably america's most important law enforcement agency and the leadership is so political. i want to ask about this. the cia is also part of this. internal e-mails obtained by the house judiciary committee reveal that the cia was coordinating with the biden campaign before the 2020 election to make the hunter biden laptop look like russian disinformation. i've got the in fr report in frf me, how cia contractors colluded with the biden campaign to mislead american voters. the new york post is out with a piece, cosigners were cia contractors when they falsely imply hunter biden laptop was russian fake. jim jordan was on hannity last night. watch this. >> they organize the statement that 51 people signed, when he sends out the statement he says this is so joe biden will have a talking point against trump during the upcoming debate.
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the letter was actually reviewed by the top people at the cia, either director haskell or deputy director bishop. agents looked at this and said this is not what the cia should be doing, this is a bad look for the cia, this is all political many some of the people who signed it like mike more reell e on contract with the cia when they signed it. they had the laptop and they knew, they knew it wasn't hacked by russia. maria: i mean, this makes watergate look like child's play, nicole. >> it's extremely concerning. talk about the hunter biden laptop, they alleged -- they said we just inferred it was a potential russian operation. we didn't say it was. when you're reading a letter with 51 intel officers who have signed it, around the time of an election and it says we're basically inferring this, as a u.s. citizen you're putting your trust in your intel agent he sigh. agency. you destroyed the trust of the american people. that was not russian
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disinformation and fbi agents testified in the hunter biden gun trial and said no, thats was authenticated by the fbi back in 2019 when the information was turned over to the fbi, that was not disinformation. but then to go back in october 2020, a letter 51 intel officers, maria, that is a violation of your rights as an intel officer. you represent and you are supposed to be trusted, have the highest level of integrity. how are we supposed to trust individuals that do that. they knew what they were doing n wanted to mislead americans and frankly they're warning about russian interference. frankly, the warning should be about u.s. interference. forget about russian interference. you've got u.s. interference left and right. 2020 it was a letter, it was big tech suppressing information that was being stated. 2024 they amped it up significantly. now it's 94 counts against the leading individual running for the political -- the republican party. and they're amping it up, they have no limits, it's disturbing and that's why people no longer trust the legal and criminal
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just is the system of the united states because they abused their rights and regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, that is not right. when these intel officers were asked about it after the fact, several of them doubled down, said it was patriotic of them to do that, doubled down, said look, that's old news, don't worry about it what they did was wrong, they need to admit it was wrong. americans need to be able to regain the trust of intel and law enforcement agencies in the united states. maria: there's no accountability. if we don't see accountability, they'll keep doing that. john brennan has been attacking trump since he came down the elevator. at one point the head of the cia, he knew hilsenrath made up the -- hillary clinton made up the story about russia collusion, he ignored it and drove it forward. one of the lines in the report, the intelligence community 51, how cia contractors colluded with the biden campaign to mislead american voters, points out they wanted to give a lifeline to joe biden ahead of the debate and president biden
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did cite the statement to a televised debated with president trump shortly before the election saying 51 intelligence officers said it was russian disinformation so they quieted down the hunter laptop and all that was in it before the election, more election interference. >> again, the irony is they're complaining about russian interference. it's actually their interference. they were the ones that were interfering more than any foreign country in my opinion. maria: here's the report that is out and senator ron johnson by the way also tweeted about it, he says this helps explain why then cia director gina haskell refused to provide information, senator grassley and i requested in our investigation of the russia collusion hoax, she would not schedule a phone call to explain why, instead she allowed 51 corrupt officials to interfere in the 2020 election, to a far greater extent than anything russia could have hoped for, exactly what you said, nicole. there's the interference. domestic interference. great to have you on this morning. nicole, thank you.
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>> thank you. maria: nicole parker, former fbi special agent. quick break and we've got the latest on the 2024 primaries, the details right after this short break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow the vp stakes in high gear, republican national committee chairman michael whatley handicaps the field. and friday, bidenomics versus maganomics takes center stage, we'll have reaction to the long awaited faceoff between president biden and president trump. it's all right here on "mornings with maria."
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maria: welcome back. progressive congressman jamaal bowman losing his democrat primary in new york by double digits to a pro-israel moderate. cheryl, i don't even think it had to do with that profanity laced, what was that the other day, press conference? >> he tried to apologize for it.
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but look, so many things that he has done came to, well, it all came to roost last night for jamaal bowman, he's the first member of the squad to lose a primary race. it was a blowout victory for westchester county executive, george ladimer, taking the party nomination by double digits in what is the most expensive primary in american history. ladimer celebrating his win. >> tonight we turn a page and we say that we believe the solution is for everybody in our representation. [cheers and applause] >> that you are included no matter what your demographic is and every single representative has to understand the necessity for unity so we can move forward as a nation. >> meanwhile, bowman opting not to congratulate his opponent during his concession speech.
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>> i want to make an apology, public apology, for sometimes using foul language. i'm sorry. we should be outraged when a super pac of money can spend $20 million to brain wash people into believing something that isn't true but this will be a battle for our humanity and a justice for the rest of our lives. >>er all right. now to colorado. lorne bobert's gamble of switching districts paid off. she won the primary. now in south carolina, sheri biggs wins the republican nod for the u.s. house over trump backed candidate pass pastor mark burns. wall street journal reporter's espionage trial beginning today behind closed doors, 15 months
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after his arrest. he appeared this morning inside a russian courthouse to begin the trial, the start of which comes nearly 15 months to the day that he was detained by russian authorities after publishing a piece criticizing the russian economy. if he's convicted he could face up to 20 years behind bars. the wall street journal editor in chief writes this, quote, when his case comes before a judge this week it will not be a trial as we understand it with a presumption of innocence and a search for the truth. it will be held in secret, no evidence has been unveiled and we already know the conclusion, this bogus accusation of espionage will lead to a bogus conviction for an innocent man who would then face up to 20 years in prison for doing his job and an excellent job he was doing at that. well, deliberations beginning tuesday in the high profile trial of karen reed in massachusetts, the accused murder's defense attorneys argue he's a victim of a coverup.
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reed is charged with second degree murder in the death of her boyfriend, boston police officer john o'keefe. she has pled not guilty. fox news learned that a biden administration appointee has played a key role in recruiting chinese businesses to come to delaware. michael markwat who biden appointed to the u.s. commission for the preservation of america's heritage abroad, spend decades advising international companies and helping the delaware prosperity partnership recruit chinese businesses to invest in the statement. he is married to a former staffer of b president biden and is a campaign donor. chinese companies being recruited for delaware. maria: no words. no words. >> honestly, i'm okay with it. i'll tell you why. i would rather have chinese companies come here, build stuff here, employ americans, pay americans, and then sell it here
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than to basically make the stuff cheaper over there. i'm okay if they want to come here and build businesses. maria: what about if they're stealing your intellectual property while doing it? >> well, okay, that's another story. maria: what do you think they're doing? >> that's always the issue. >> the problem is the influencs insidious. i don't think americans are awear how pervasive the threat is in the u.s. i think it opens us up to a lot of threats elsewhere. maria: a new issue has become evident for corporate america and that is national security. >> yes. maria: and that has been what's changed. >> yes. maria: yes, we always want it to come to the middle, hoping the chinese communist party would see the benefits of democracy, see the benefits of open free trade. that didn't happen with xi jinping. he went more inward and it has reached the level of national security threat. >> well, how many chinese individuals are coming over, businesses are coming here and buying u.s. farmland.
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sometimes near key military installations. why? and the southern border which you've talked about, thousands coming across, chinese nationals. why? maria: exactly. we covered that in fox nation special. >> i don't know why we allow that to even happen. can't go there and buy land. >> excellent fox nation special by the way. maria: thank you. check out underwriting the enemy on fox nation. available right now. one day until the cnn presidential debate. president biden is hunkered down in camp david, preparing for the debate against president trump. we'll have details. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪
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