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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. stuart: here's to the loser, a little harsh to start the show which i suspect the song and producers are referring to
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jamaal bowman. he is indeed a loser and we will get to that in a moment. 10:00 eastern, we deal with money, dollars off one hundred 42 points but the nasdaq is up 20, the yield on the 10 year treasury going up. it reached 430, most of the market, 430 on the 10 year. the price of oil just above $80 a barrel, almost anyone in bitcoin at 61,700. we have the latest read on new home sales. the number. >> seasonally adjusted annual rate 619,000 new homes are sold, the lowest since november. this is a small part of the housing market, existing home sales were down 3 months in a row. let me give you the price, median price of a new home in the month of may $417,400. a piece of good news here is that april's numbers which were terrible were revised higher.
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stuart: still needed median price of $470,000, now this. jamaal bowman has a long history of anti-semitism, just lost his primary, he's not happy. he lost because of dark money. he's referring to the american israel public affairs committee which put $15 million into the campaign of his opponent. bowman has taken the lid off of the deep divide that afflicts the democrat party. jews versus people of color, israel versus hamas. it is worth noting that in the heavily minority bronx bowman got the vast majority of the votes. in heavily jewish section of his congressional district george latimer got the vast majority of the votes. the ethnic divide will continue. as a result came in and bowman conceded, he said, quote, this will be a battle of our
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humanity and justice for the rest of our lives. in the name of humanity bowman supports the brutality of october 7th. when told of the rape, murder, and torture of israeli hostages he dismissed it as propaganda. looked like he was going to lose the election and tried to walk it back but the damage was done. bowman is an anti-semite and so are the rest of the so-called squad. jewish people in this city have already been traumatized by anti-semitism, bowman vowing to keep it going. 's loss in the primaries a relief for some democrats. as long as a sizable chunk of the party supports anti-semites, the party will remain divided. the split is not going away. second hour of varney just getting started.
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look at this in the new york times. with jamaal bowman's loss, the left is on the defensive. liz peek joins me now. left will go on defensive now. >> i hope so. i am so sick of people not being held accountable for their actions. this is the first time we've seen someone get whacked by voters. this is the guy that pulled the fire alarm to stop a vote on funding the government. his credential was that he was the principal of the school in the bronx. it was a horrible academic failing school where 30% of the kids are up to speed on math and about the same on reading which is worse than the city overall. this guy has no credentials to be representing people but to your point, democrats need to be concerned about this.
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not just support of israel, young people came out in droves to support jamaal bowen. older voters basically voted against him. more than one rift in the democratic party. we are seeing this in the polling about president biden. young people can't stand him. older people are in favor of him. that's a problem for democrats because young people usually are one of their major support groups but not this time around. stuart: you've got a new op-ed titled biden's debate bar is low, trump needs to do these five things to win. if you had to pick one, what is the most important thing trump has to do tomorrow? >> be likable. he came off as a grumpy overbearing bully and turned off voters.
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remember, the reason he is such a famous dealmaker and negotiator's donald trump can be likable and funny and charming. the liberal media never shows that side of donald trump. you never see him cracking a joke or being friendly to people. that is what he has to show voters. it is going to be tough. everything is going to be a rate against him in this debate but i hope he has that ability like reagan, to turn people around on their basic view of what kind of man this is. stuart: all biden has to do is stand up straight for 90 minutes and walk out perfectly. if he does that he might win. we will all be watching and so will you. two former obama aides admitted biden is struggling in the polls but they blame it on young voters. lauren: i looked at these
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comments and i find them insulting. they are arguing the voters who switched away from biden have done so because i haven't tuned in enough to news or politics to really get it. watch here. >> where he is struggling is among younger voters, latino voters, people not paying attention to politics orange tuned in. one reason they are not tuning is politics and frustrated by politics and the way to turn that around to get people's attention as best you can and force the choice in the election. >> those aren't need to be persuaded by biden. and they will come hunter biden and the democratic party. once you do, you will vote for biden.
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stuart: the dow is down 150 points. lou basenase, you're a big fan of eli lilly. i read your stuff. you think lily will go to $1 trillion market value? >> people said was too expensive and it won't go anywhere. eli lilly will be on track, if it continues at the current pace will be there by september of this year. there are multiples. they are getting into antibiotics aided by ai. the big driver is the gop loan drugs having impact on weight loss but big impact on all the other diseases downstream, liver and kidney disease and you will see over time these gop drugs continue to cure other diseases impacted by it.
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that is the mechanism of action. and -- and the best pipelines in the gop, it is an injectable. and down the road. stuart: you are telling nvidia shareholders, you should be able to handle a 10 or 50% drop in the stock price. it is the biggest taught gain in the market. and he looked back in history. and it takes the elevator down a little bit.
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you got to be prepared for that. and a lot of ups and downs. stuart: micron reporting after the bell, that an ai chip company. nvidia is caught in a downdraft. >> the semi conductor space is weak on the technical basis. less than optimistic guidance. stuart: stay with me for the our please. next case, you better start with apple. lauren: rosenblatt upgrades, prices go to $260. the reason is privacy. and the customers want that,
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privacy and meta-is integrating, they trust privacy. >> whirlpool home appliance. >> bosch is considering making a bid. and whirlpool is up 18%. %. stuart: is just coming at us. the screen court ruled on free speech. edward lawrence, what have we got? >> reporter: the supreme court held the right of the federal government to ask social media companies to take down certain posts they deem as not truthful or necessary or as problematic. it wasn't, this wasn't a decision on the opinion itself
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but the plaintiffs did not have standing. this was a 6-3 ruling against the plaintiffs, the social media companies including facebook and twitter and federal government saying there was collusion between the two. they did not have standing to go forward with this. from majority opinion written by justice garrett is a 6-3 majority. plaintiffs without concrete link between injuries and defendant's. conduct as the it conduct a review years on communication between dozens of officials across agencies goes on to say the court standing document prevents them from general legal oversight of government branches, something in this opinion saying they don't have standing to bring this case. one of the cases, the surgeon general said, forced truthful posts related to the covid vaccine.
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this is a 6-3 decision. the plaintiffs don't have standing. stuart: it is an op-ed in the washington post, the myth of amaga isolationism. trump and his supporters do not want to retreat from the world, they want to lead on the world stage. mark will be here to tell us about it. president biden sequestered with 16 advisors of camp david to prepare for the president will debate. the trump team is taunting him questioning how biden took the week off when he was leader of the free world. jeff paul has that from west palm beach. ♪ ♪
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stuart: president biden is sequestered, i prefer to say hold up with 16 advisors at camp david preparing for the cnn presidential debate tomorrow night. the trump campaign slams the president for needing a week to prepare. what exactly did the trump campaign say? >> we spoke with the trump campaign advisor who tells us the former president is right here at his house in palm beach, mar-a-lago. as far as what he's doing in georgia, they point to what the campaign has already said, they
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point to the stark contrast between what president biden is doing saying president biden has been hiding for a week. we know president biden is at camp david working with a bunch of advisors. biden's team has been engaging in mock debates with president biden's personal lawyer playing the role as trump. trump has spent much of the last week campaigning attending a rally at temple university in philadelphia as well as the faith and freedom coalition conference in dc. trump advisor jason miller said, quote, how do you take a week off like that when you are the leader of the free world? a florida congressman, byron donald, was asked about the two contrasting strategies to prepare for the first debate, questioning if he had any concerns that there was downplaying by biden's mental acuity that might actually help make biden look better. >> donald trump has said he
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expects biden to do a good job. being here for the last couple state of the unions, i think he will come in, he's doing a ton of prep work, never heard like that, 8 days at camp david. that's what he is doing. >> reporter: despite donald trump being herein palm beach, his campaign is hosting a roundtable with the black business leaders in atlanta, georgia. he will be there as well. at some point we expect the former president to travel to georgia for tomorrow's debate. stuart: look at this. this is an op-ed in the washington post that says the myth of amaga isolationism. you argue conventional wisdom is trump voters are isolationists and you say that is dead wrong. make your case. >> that is dead wrong. donald trump is an isolationist. he bumped syria twice,
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destroyed the isis caliphate, launched a cyber attack on russia, killed hundreds of mercenaries and threaten fire and fury the likes of which the world had never seen if they didn't stop threatening us. the leader of the amaga movement is an isolationist, but up all of the most in-depth study of amaga views on foreign policy, they found on every issue, support for israel, support for ukraine, support for taiwan, concern about democracy and human rights, concern about china, wanting ebolaless leadership, amaga were more international, more hawkish, less isolationist than establishment republicans. establishment republicans had lower numbers on all those things. this whole thing is clipped around. we don't have a divided republican party between establishment international establishment, and isolationist amaga movement, the amaga
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movement wants strong leadership on the world stage. stuart: the amaga movement has been successful if you go back and look at what trump did in four years, extraordinary contrast with what happened in the biden administration's foreign policy, like day and night. let's move on. the white house defending biden's record on inflation saying it will not hurt his performance. >> when there is an opportunity for this president to speak to millions of americans, he shows up and meets the moment. so yes. eggs and milk and grocery things are up, it has gone down. it has gone down since 2,022. gas prices, because of the actions of this president, let's not forget there was an invasion, the president has met the moment on every issue we've had in front of us. the president talks about that
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often. he's going to have another opportunity on thursday to speak to those issues. stuart: that is a rather desperate defense of president biden on inflation. i think it is going to hurt him in the debate. what say you? >> what she said was a lie. a basket of groceries now costs $125. it is growing slower than it was, with record inflation, the highest inflation in 40 years. americans are not stupid, if you want to understand the trouble they are in with one statistic, when president biden became president americans had the highest level of personal savings in history and they now have the highest level of personal debt. they have gone from having trillions of dollars in savings because of the covid pandemic all of a sudden, biden unleashed this inflation, they spend down their savings and we have credit card debt read up
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to one trillion dollars for the first time, 17. $4 trillion in personal debt and paying record interest on that because we had to raise interest rates to fight the inflation. they maxed out their credit cards, can't get from under credit card debt, can't afford to buy a house or groceries, they can't afford anything. the idea they will message their way out of this, people know what their savings accounts look like and their credit card balance and won't ignore that. stuart: you made your case well. 30 seconds. the cnn presidential debate, bullet decide the election? >> it could decide the election. the first debate in 2020 decided the election. people voted for biden because they were tired of the chaos and trump came in too hot in that debate and turned a lot of people awful she comes into this debate strong but presidential, makes a strong case for his record versus joe biden's record, doesn't get
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dragged into talk about the 2020 election like they want to distract people from, he could win the election tomorrow night. stuart: or if president biden is sufficiently jacked up. great stuff. >> get some of that adderall. stuart: don't say it. you are all right. see you soon. msnbc host joy read says only rich people support trump. that's quite a claim. it's nonsense. lauren: are you surprised by it? only billionaires care about money and that is why they like trump. >> trump is vowing not just to keep those tax cuts but to add to them which means the billionaires can gobble up even more tax cuts. that is the reason. every other billionaires kissing trump's ring. they don't care about democracy or voting rights or women's rights, don't believe the bs about people voting against their economic interest. people who vote for trump and
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other republicans are richer than average, not border. stuart: simply not true. >> my favorite part was the wrappers, they care about the benjamins too. doesn't everyone care about the benjamins? it is not happening right now. maybe what she is saying is false but everybody wants a tax cut. that's a benefit. stuart: if you look at the zip code, the richest zip codes in america, they are democrat. >> if you care about democracy you don't blindly support the two guys you see, the candidate that is not fit to serve another four years. if you care about democracy like she appeals you don't support runaway government deficits and runaway government debt. the problem is the extremes are getting extreme, far left going farther right, the hard right going harder right. the middle matters. in the upper class, the middle-class or lower-class it is all that matters at home. stuart: stay there. more for you later. the trial for wall street
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journal reporter goes coverage --gerskovich begins in russia. george latimer defeated squad member jamaal bowman in the primary. new york city annoyed leader joe borelli on what a fracture democrat party could mean as we approach the election. joe is next. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit stuart: the dow is down 100, nasdaq up 18. let me show you the 10 year treasury. the yield is going up above 4.3%. a lot of stock investors don't like that. will is back with us. stock picks starting with rubric. >> i said it could come below the ipo price at $32 a share. had a nice run up. this is about cybersecurity and
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data security in the coming week. stuart: you got that. pro shares, s&p dividend. >> you showed the 10 year treasury yield. we talked about that being isom. when the fed starts cutting rates people look for that in other places. this fund holds only companies that raised their dividend for 25 years, all market turbulence, above average yields and above average risk. it is a dividend play, 4% to 5% or boring dividend. i focus on creative companies. stuart: thank you. jamaal bowman lost his democrat primary by double digits, he lost a pro israel moderate joe latimer.
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bowman is the first member of the squad to lose a primary race. >> the squad has shrunk, one less member of the far left progressive movement. last night democratic voters in the bronx said they are sick of the squad's leftist political views. they dumped jamaal bowman in favor of a moderate democrat, joe latimer, the westchester county executive. >> look at the arguments on the far right or the far left and say you cannot destroy this country with your rhetoric and your arguments. we have to have unity all across that continuum. if you hold the stronger belief you must work with other people who don't share that belief, because america hangs in the balance.
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>> reporter: bowman found out the price of his opposition of the israeli hamas war. the russian-based pro-israel lobby reported 14. $5 million to latimer's coffers to take on bowman because of bowman's anti-israeli rhetoric. >> we are going to show [bleep] the power of the [bleep] south bronx. >> the far left firepower, alexandria ocasio cortez and bernie sanders, that likely did not help his election bid at all. last night he did apologize for dropping the f bomb at the rally and took a shot at his opponent he did not mention by name. >> we should be outraged when,
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unfortunately, some so-called democrats are aligning themselves with radical racist white wing republicans. >> reporter: latimer will face miriam fleischer in november. she lost to bowman two years ago. stuart: new york city council minority leader joe borelli joins me now. i think this exposed a chronic divide within the democrat party and within new york city. against people of color, that's an awful situation. >> it certainly has. what's worse for the democratic party's this is a seed that falls in southern portion of the hudson valley similar to district on long island, suffolk, and nassau county where democrats believe they have to win to take back the house. this doesn't portend well. if you are your another suburban democrat you can see these results that your party is split down the middle and
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split hard and there's no going back for people who have taken pro hamas positions in the ranks of your party. stuart: jamaal bowman used the expression blaming jewish money. >> that is the spin we will hear out of this that aipac was behind this win. when. this guy was an embarrassment on the national stage, embarrassment on the local stage. the local democrats, the most prominent ones abandoned him. this wasn't about aipac, this was a man who was found mentally out of step with the suburban district, and they rejected him. as sure as your tie is read, we will have some unhappy conversation about george latimer but we should remember this day that it was a day where decency, a decent person, fundamentally decent human being beat a radical embarrassment. stuart: there is something going on that we will hear more about it. public schools are launching a new division aimed at helping
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the migrant and disabled communities are repurposed sing $750 million to this new division. >> this is 4% or 5% of the city's education budget. and these migrant children, and large-scale ancillary services lumped in with children with severe special needs who have additional services. this is a permanent permanent thing, step to making educating students a permanent thing to come up with a plan to educate children coming from countries without parental involvement or real education systems. stuart: there is no way around it. by law they got to be educated. >> of biden wins you seen a reduction in migrant in new
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york city by far. if trump wins, people committing crimes here, those should be the first people to go and i don't think you will ever see mass deportations. stuart: see you later. treasury secretary janet yellen does not feel sticker shock when she goes grocery shopping. she has a net worth of $20 million. charles payne will respond to her out of such remarks. a labor shortage in cybersecurity, our software providing, disrupted the business of thousands of car dealerships. hillary vaughan has that. ♪
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stuart: the dow is down 130, nasdaq turned around, up 32 points, there are dow winners. at the top of the list, we have, show it to us, here it comes. amazon is at the top. apple, walmart, home depot, procter & gamble, the winning issues. the house homeland security committee holding a hearing on labor shortage and cyber security. remember the hackers derailed businesses for thousands of car dealerships all across the country. hillary vaughan on capitol hill what have we heard so far. >> reporter: the cybersecurity industries half a billion workers short. they are not able to keep upper cyber threats. chinese hackers outnumber fbi cyber personnel 50 to 1 and
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that is something concerning lawmakers today. >> reporter: by the end of 24, cyber attacks will strike every 13 seconds. and easy to believe those predictions whether it is chinese backed infrastructure or major rates to stay ahead of adversaries for cyber defenses. >> reporter: democrats say we can rebuild the cyber workforce, we need to take into consideration diversity. >> to fill cyber workforce positions we have to focus on outreach to women, people of color, rural populations and others not represented. we can't simply address cyber workforce shortage by including everyone in doing so with intentional effort on the part
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of the government and the private sector. >> they do say artificial intelligence has a role to play in the training of cybersecurity experts that are employed but a i cannot solve everything. comes down to manpower. stuart: an overwhelming number of young people in debt. >> this is 12 to 27. the 97% of them, mostly auto loans, 3 young people. and millennial's also struggling, they turned to freelancing.
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and how do you buy a house, 16,000. >> living with mom and dad. >> early millennial. >> $150 in student loan debt. to a new home. home prices are ridiculous, new home sales, the median is 417,000 existing home sales. that's a whopping big number. >> in the last 5 or 6 years. stuart: wealthy parents have done well in the stock market. at the way out for young people. this week, a week, weeks after
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judge merchon partially lifted the gag order on donald trump, partially lifted, what does that mean for trump. federal prosecutors released photos showing how trump stored classified documents in what they call a haphazard manner. the trump teams try to get the case dismissed. how those photos affect the case. ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ what will you do when the power goes out?
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stuart: judge merchon has lifted the gag order on donald trump. katie, which parts of the trial can trump now talk about? >> reporter: with the pullback of some of the gag order he is allowed to attack the witnesses. can't directly attack the jurors by name but is permitted to talk generally about his impression of the jury. this is important for him moving ahead but it's too
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little too late because none of this gag order should have been in place in the first place, shouldn't have continued after the conviction but more than prior to this. stuart: i want to raise the issue of judge murchon's daughter. she is fundraising for democrats off the trial which her father is in charge of. that's not right. can trump say anything about the judge's daughter? >> it is ambiguous how far he can go in attacking family members, explicitly pulled back by the judge's new order here but he can talk more broadly a about what he sees as the unfairness in the case. a significant portion of it is the judge controlled a lot of what happened. it is fundamental to understanding why this was so
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unfair generally. he may step out of bounds, judge murchand is making the judgment. stuart: federal prosecutors released new photos from the fbi raid on mar-a-lago showing the haphazard manner trump stored the classified documents. what impact will those photos have on the case? >> this case has to get through a lot of layers of constitutional analysis before any question whether he stored truck document in a way that was improper. on a fundamental level we have to remember there's never been a supreme court decision about the extent of classified documents and how they may or may not be entitled to keep them after they leave office under the presidential records act or the idea they declassified these documents.
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the photos might be something the prosecutors would like to use to show egregious mishandling of classified documents but that's only if they establish he didn't have that over him in the first place. stuart: how strongest trump's defense? >> it is very strong because it is an issue of first impressions regarding what a former president can do with regard to classified documents or official documents from their time in the white house and no established policy for de-documentation, there's been a lot of discussion about whether these are classified, that has to be established, the analysis under the presidential records act that says it is up to the president itself on personal records.
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there's a lot of layers of that. the prosecution has to get through to establish its a viable prosecution. a strong case for donald trump. stuart: i need to go to law school to figure out what is going on here. always appreciate it. wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich's espionage trial, he has been detained since 2023. lauren: his trial begins behind closed doors. prosecutors say they have proof evan gershkovich collected secrets about russian defense for the cia. his friend says that is absolutely not true. >> the russian government hasn't provided a shred of evidence to indicate he's guilty of what they can claim he is guilty of. after 16 months he continues to be locked away. positive is not the way to describe it but upbeat and energetic.
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>> reporter: he had a shaved head when we saw him today. he could face 20 years behind bars in russia. russian courts convicted 99% of defendants. using him as a bargaining chip. prisoner swap? i don't know. stuart: thank you very much. appreciate it. texas congressman chip roi on the left's crusade to recall women to sign up for the makary draft. nancy pelosi has no confidence in the supreme court. the former speaker says the justices have gone rogue. john levine on the defeat of anti-semite jamal bowman. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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