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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 26, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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grandma: vehicle accidents, right? billy: no. grandma: good. generating offer. carvana can pick it up tomorrow! billy: that's an amazing offer. billy: but do you still need help with the clicker? grandma: i'll ask your sister. announcer: sell your car the easy way with carvana. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. so joe biden, donald trump
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getting ready to square off tomorrow night, presidential debate, whole world is watches, congressman jim jordan will be here and talk 'that and more. but first. fox news senior white house correspondent jacquie heinrich with the latest from both camps, what's cooking. reporter: been 6 days since we have seen the president, he is at camp david is 16 of his closest advisers reportedly ron klain, former chief of staff taking a lead roll helping him prep for the debate, that is happening in a converted airplane hangar, movie theater. and according to that reported, formal mock debates have begun, trump campaign thinks that people should be outraged by this. >> i don't think that this is getting enough attention, how biden is elevating bar for himself by taking the week off. i am sure that the families
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of laken riley or rachel morin don't like that joe biden is taking a week off to get ready for a debate. this -- how do you take a week identify off like that, what you are leader of the free world. reporter: in press call, trump campaign are expecting biden to be ready, saying his muscle memory will kick in after 50 years in politics they said he will be filled with aderall like at the state of the union and predicting interference from cnn moderator, team biden says that is a sign they are nervous. >> i worked on hillary clinton's campaign. she debated him effectively, president biden defeated donald trump twice in previous debates, this is what he does, he doesn't have anything to run on. not a plan. reporter: former president is rejecting formal preparations, opting to hold policy discusstion on the
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campaign trail, according to reports biden team has studied trumps comments to see what gets under his skin the most in trying to trigger him. biden campaign has been leaning to messaging that trump is a convicted felon, if they use those lines tomorrow night it could draw a personal counter punch because hunter biden shares the same title and yet his law l license was suspended in washington d.c. >> jacquie heinrich live that muscle memory, that is the best part, that is awesome news reporting. thank you. ever so much. in economic debate, individual freedom always beats government central planners. that is the subject of the riff. >> why is this this so many economists still believe that if government spends your money it's okay. but if you keep more of your money through tax cuts, that is not okay?
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take inflation, group of 16 nobel prize winning economists signed a letter yesterday endorsing joe biden because they think that donald trump's tax cuts will increase inflation. all right, these are nobel prize winners. biden's spending and borrowing is somehow note inflationary -- not inflationary. do you get it? no here is ronald reagan talking about the very same thing. take a listen. >> never answer one question that i keep asking you probably heard me ask, why is it inflationary if people keep their own money and spend it the way they want to and not inflation if the government take its and spends it the way they want to. larry: that is fabulous, and very likely that donald trump will ask that very
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same question of joe biden. tomorrow's debate. and i hope mr. trump asks biden in the debate whether he would support, he biden supported trump plan for tax-free tips for the ra waitresses and uber drivers and others in the gig economy that rely on tips. then, back to the foolishness of the 16 noble economists. roll back, red tape regulations, and inflation rated for his whole term was -- wait for it, 1.9% at angelannual rate forever 4 years, joe biden is a huge federal spending tax spiker, his inflation rate, hang on, 6%.
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annual rate that is 3 times trump's pace. so, if trump is pledging to repeat his first term policies, why is inflation ratcheting up? on other hand. when joe biden intended to deepen his first term policies why to we think inflation will come down? we had a laboratory test on two different economic policies. with two different inflation outcomes, and all of these noblists want to ignore the plain facts, why? one reason that liberals believe in power of big government. conservatives believe in the pour power offed individual, plib rallies believe in power of regulation. conservatives believe in the power of free markets. and liberals love the idea of redistribution. which we used to call taking from peter to give to paul. conservatives believe in
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rewarding success by what we call growing the economic pie larger. tomorrow's night cnn presidential debate, voters will see two different economic philosophies, you can't have two completely different set of factoids, the facts are on mr. trump's side. nnnobel prize inners are wrong, i believe that economic freedom wins and economic collectivism and central planning always loses, joining me now congressman jim jordan. mr. jordan, why is it that all of these fancy economists think that if you get to keep more of your own money through tax cuts that is bad. but if government spending your money that is always good, why is that?
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jim jordan? we have been around forever it is the same song, always. >> yes. same song and never works they think it because they think they are smarter than us, us regular hillbillies. that disdain they have for folks remember peter strzok in northern virginia walmart store said i can smell the trump supporters, that is what they think about regular americans in heartland, we know how to spend the money better than bureaucrats in dc or state capital. i think tomorrow night president trump will make that point clear. i think he will talk about his record. in three 1/2 years, we have went from secure border to no border, safe streets to record crime, $2 gas to $ es ther $4 gas. he will talk about that. larry: jim jordan.
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it is okay we have different debates, everyone has an opinion that is fine. but you can't have your own factoids that is the thing. and thing that struck me, all of these nobel prize winners look at the facts, trump program, 1.9% inflation annual rate for 4 year, joe biden spending program. 6% inflation, for three 1/2 years, basically three times the inflation rate. these guys are nobel prize winners, they are supposed continued to numbers and factoids. you can't have your own factoids i am sorry. >> condit you can't, those will go policies, you were part of putting together made it so everyone's real wages were up for every demographic across the population that is why you see black americans saying more and more of them are voting are in president trump, and
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hispanic voters, on the border we like secure border we'll voting for trump that is why st this move. with president trump up in every poll. no president in my lifetime did more what they said they were going to do than trump did, say high would cut taxes he did and built a wall he did and said he would put embassy in jerusalem. and those things when do you what you say people appreciate that. they remember that, i think that will be key on november 5 and tomorrow night. >> i have a great headline, wash post poll, donald trump stronger than joe biden on protecting democracy. by 44 to 38%. no to 33%. now that is very interesting. mr. biden says he will run on democracy. we'll talk about jan 6 and
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this and that but wait. mr. biden tried to keep trump off ballot in a couple of states and his lawfare does not seem to be working, don't you find it interesting, ironic that "washington post," they are going bankrupt. the point is that people trust trump more on democracy that will come in tomorrow night. >> it is, what you said lawfare and ridiculous attacks in cases against president trump, 14 amendment issue, the best way to beat trump is not let him play the game, not let him run, they tried that. thank goodness expow scousupreme court said 9-0 that is garbage, you have 51 intel officials signing a statement that the lap top was a russia information operation, they knew it was not, our government had laptop for
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years, we know that a agents said we should not do this, some people who signed it were on contract at cia, they did it 15 days before a presidential election. to mislead the american people. larry: so what happens, possible that hunter biden's happelaptop computer will come into play, in joe biden starts slinging mud, i am sure president trump will raise that point biden lied about it in 2020, you said here is another study from judiciary committee that shows that the cia people, some of whom still on payroll as contractors, created this i'll say little white lie, it was a national security lie. >> yeah, including the guy who put it together, mike
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morell. he was on contract at the time, he amed to do this for political reasons he said that, he want to president biden can use it in debate against president trump, he was doing it for political ryans and because high wanted to be cia director in a biden administration. that is how bad it was. american people see through it tomorrow night, i president trump should focus on his record, if he does, that i think that is what to run on, he did more what he said than any president. larry: he know its too. mr. jim jordan chairman of judiciary committee old friend thank you very much. >> you bet. larry: all right, tune in fox news simulcast of cnn presidential debate, tomorrow night at 9 p.m. eastern. coming up here, trump's policies kept inflation under 2% in his first term. why would same policies cause inflation to surge? this is too bizarre. we'll ask steve forbes, and kevin hassett who are
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smarter than 16 nobel prize winners. >> you which can kudlow, monday, through friday, 4:00 here on fox business. if you miss it, ask your favorite 9-year-old, she will s show you how it dvr the show, we'll be right back. centrum! it's scientifically formulated
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welcome, kevin you are the farthest away, like the same oold stuff. it is about economic principles, as ronald reagan said, over 40 years ago, why is it that if you get to keep more of your own money that is bad throw tax cuts but if they spend your money, that is also ways good. in this day and ab age how can people still believe that nonsense? >> yeah, i don't think what is going on with these guys, remember that the nobel prize itself a pa a partisan thing, if you want a nobel prize in economics you have to write a paper that say that economic don't work, if you do that like bob schuller. these guys are part partisans, some are my friends, what is disappointing as an economist we have great brains in one room, why
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don't they like write a model down that shows me where they get their effects from, say here is what policies are and we could like, unwrap it and think about it, but they just say we're listening to them because they are smarter than us, that is someplace they should not have done. larry: steve forbes, there are facts in this debate. you wouldn't know it. trump is saying i'll reprise my policies of first term there may be bells and whistles but fundamentally i'll cut taxes. and biden presume abily will raise money and keep spending, you have data one model shows low inflation and other shows high inflation, and nobel prize winners took the high inflation model, saying it was low, don't you think that people see through that? ordinary folks read that, if they care. >> maybe economists like
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those should have to read alice in wonderland and get an understanding where they are, all about control. all about the trust themselves more than they do the people. people do things entrepreneurs do things without pier mission that is where they -- per missioned permission that is why that i want to regulate and say we want to say more about what you do, they go full bore with modern socialism, every agency going b bonkers in trying to control businesses, big companies can cope with but small the businesses there is a killer. larry: kevin, the big shot economists are happy to trudrift toward socialism, what steve forbes said it true, always struck me, how about, ronald reagan did this decades ago, we'll spend or money more wisely
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than some unelected government bureaucrat or regulate ors or a professor, we know, if we don't know we'll learn that is how life works, you learn from your mistake, they don't have that in their models, this is disturbing to me. >> they don't learn from their mistakes and clip from president reagan was on point. these same eco economists to a man and woman pay put out a l -- letter saying how wonderful biden's policies were before inflation took off, you think they would write a letter po apologize but they have doubled down saying that biden is wonderful and trump is not. what is interesting the last thing about the letter, you look at way mainstream media is worsting it they never mention first signature can
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husband of the treasury secretary. the fantastic is a t that -- that is relevant, you know that president biden will be quoting it tomorrow night. larry: good point. you know, i will say, at a dinner party, when christine laggard left imf as director, i sat between janet yellen and george -- polovely people. never a problem but we disagree. she said that trump's tax cuts are responsible for all deficits and borrowing is that true. >> really look at revenues up. and look at spending, higher than it was during the covid crisis. tells you what you need to know, where let facts get in the way, say it pretend it is true. and like alice in w
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wonderland it because you say it is. larry: i want to see trump smoke biden out early, maybe biden will surprise the world, i think the way -- he could talk about tax cuts versus spending and perhaps he will ask reagan's question, i would like to see him tax about his tax free tip proposal. what do you think about this, mr. president from one president to another, would you join me in calling for tax exempt tips for gig workers. which probably numbers 10 million plus, i would love to see that. >> well, they might get rich that is bad? oh, no. >> and they might get more prosperous, under president trump, lower income people had a bigger rise in income than higher income people, the gap was closing. these people, it is about control, call them the c
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cult of keynes. larry: kevin, you are keeper of data points, i read some analyst put out in 2018 and 2019, two years after the trump tax cuts, real average median family income was up $5,000 each year, i saw that 5 grand each year. now that is same comparison is fallen, 2000 dollars, more than 2000, during mr. biden's tenure, what do you make of that? will anyone talk about that? my guess is that mr. trump will have numbers. >> yeah. this is why the -- he will have numbers. and as an aside that i spoke with president he is serious about this tip thing. it -- >>iace. >> if he is elections it is happening. think about lack of intellectual curiosity. because of the corporate tax
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cuts that you helped us design. and fact is that we have nobel prize winners that are not scratching their heads about why are real incomes going down under biden and why did they go up under trump and why will it reverse. to biden real wai ra -- joe biden you are 0 for 12 for the american worker, why should we give you another chance, i would like to see a nobel prize winner answer that. larry: steve forbes, so important, average families ordinary working folks, you know go to work every day, and worry about take home pay, and kitchen table issues, they know it. they know which was better, 4 years ago or a few years ago. they know it. again, there is a wisdom to ordinary people that experts will not acknowledge.
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will not permit or will not -- >> that is why you find in polls people who say, they themselves are doing well, they are okay. have a dismal view of the future, they have no faith. we know what we're doing. they have no faith that government knows. they fear inflation may come back. so even if they improvement they don't believe it is for real, you look at number on investment that tells us faith in the future is lagging. >> it is consumer confidence numbers are so bad. but i think that is confidence in government. or here a lack of confidence in the government. i think that is where it comes from, gentleman, nobel prize winners, i will give you a nobel prize each of you, steve forbes and kevin hassett thank you. >> tomorrow c cnn presidential debate is according to 100 dit, do
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donald trump's to lose. we'll talk about it with ben domenech. tammy bruce and deroy murdock. kudlow is available as podcast every weekday after the show. ordinary folks, are smarter than the experts. is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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is larry: big story unfolding president trump surprise, he appeared or on phone or something at a barber shop, deep in hotlanta, georgia, grady trimble live from hot lana with details, did you get a trim what happened. reporter: larry. i wasn't in the room but how is that for debate prep. we have been talking about how candidates are preparing he took questions from the people in the room. former president did. this was a conversation with
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black business owners here in atlanta. and congressman byron donalds moderated it joined my former hud secretary ben carson to surprise of everyone in room, you see it byron donalds taking a call from former president, they talked about the economy. one person joked that black people will vote for trump if the president can get gas prices below $1 and here is president trump's response. >> i don't know if i can guarantee a dollar but we'll get it low as we can, that's is a big spur for the economy, the lower you get it, i just came up with a concept of no tax on tips, let the people e earn what they earn, and it has been so popular. now, the inflation is a disaster it is killing the black community it is killing the country.
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reporter: the biden campaign also held an event with small business owner here's in atlanta yesterday. president biden and surrogates for him like senator jon ossoff of georgia, they are making case all government spending that is taking place under president biden's term in presidency all of that is spurs private sector investments that is their economic pitch to voters here in atlanta. it may come as a surprise to you or maybe not, that the president biden did not call into this event yesterday like trump did today. larry: shocking. absolutely shocking. grady trimble, thank you so much. >> let's talk about this whole story, we bring in ben domenech fox news contributor -- tammy bruce and deroy murdock. thank you, deroy, i can't think of better debate prip
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than what trump is -- trend than what trump is doe, typical hands on interaction talk to real people. whereas mr. biden is at camp david sequestered they built him a debate arena with 16 people pounding him twice a day. i think that is impossible. why is -- what does that tell you about who will be better prepared and who'll win this debate. >> what it says that trump is staying close to the people asking the businessmen and, women what can i do for you, they respond inflation is a problem, high taxes is a problem, and rising energy prices, i think having his hands on the pulse of the american people has done well. and biden has been out for a week, that isolation keeps him further out of touch and demonstrates how detached he
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is from the american people. larry: ben domenech, you could be in a hangar some place. with 16 people pounding into your head all your campaign slogans and numbers. you heard what deroy said, probably you heard what mr. trump said with the black, people down in atlanta. to me like that is the difference between the two candidates trump hands on and south bronx okay. barber shop in the middle of hotlanta. mr. biden up in isolation, with his perks and his advisers and he has, this is the best lead into a debate i can imagine, ben. >> well, i think that the former president's idea, revolutionary idea of talking to the american people, at this stage, is something that the current president can not do, he has to be getting his daily
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massage and his iv drip that he needs to get ready for this debate. i think that it is -- well no, larry, i'm serious central question is about which president you believe will be better for the american people for the next 4 years. and when it comes to that question, i think that problem for joe biden is that no one believes that he will be president for the next 4 years. they believe that they are voting for joe, in some point will get kamala harris. whether they like her or not. that is something that is a huge defect for his campaign. someone who wanted to prove their pro bustness and prove their ability to talk to american people would be doing that in a run-up to the debate, but instead we have earliest debate because of fact that joe biden feels he needs a reset and feels
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he needs to prove he is capable of doing this, they are doing everything they can to make it possible. larry: let's go on that point tammy bruce. riley writes in "wall street journal," president's debate. donald trump -- what jason saying, joe biden needs to do really well and if he d does not they will pull him, they being whoever they are democratic elders, jason says if donald trump has an off night. trump could have an up on night it would not matter, but if biden has a off night that death valley for him what do you make of that. >> first, that has been an argument about why this debate is so early it gives them time if president biden has a horrible night. collapse, just does very badly that gives them enough time to move him out, that
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is possible. you know they see the polls, they believe the polls. at same time, people i think right now, know who they like. they understand what has happened, this is so dramatic not like a seminar at stanford, you sit around a table, of day americans lives they realize what happened to this economy, the quality of life, and the safety of their children po will likely be drafted and put into whatever world war iii is. this is not brain surgery. americans know nobody is waiting for that thing to tip them over. it is not like i don't know, i can't figure it out. people have decided. and yet there are some people who are hanging on by a d thread biden campaign continuing to i keep their own base.
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and former president trump s panding h his -- expanding his, if anyone any biden moderate democrat or independent support he might have started to collapse more that would give them the ability to find out early enough. larry: deroy, listening to what tammy is saying, i can't figure out with 16 advisers they created that debate sitting, i don't understand that. what is it they are doing? what are they saying to him he doesn't know or should know. he has been a politician at federal level for 50 years plus. what do you think -- he has been around forever. his knowledge should be. >> second nature. >> if he does not know the immigration problem or that you know, immigrants are raping and murdering people. >> literally. >> he does not know real incomes or prices are going
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up. when i first read about it in "new york times," scratched my head rail here, is that bad he dud not know. >> this should be second nature. >> he doesn't know. >> he was elected back in 1972 richard numbero nixon was president, and all in the family of on television, he has been there for 50 plus years, he should not need 16 people a week to figure out what his message s what is he offering people next 4 years if he is reelected all we hear it january 6 and concentration camps and president trump is worse than hitler. larry: cr trump is winning am democracy poll. >> what is his vision, trump talking about getting rid of
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tip tax and talking about energy independence. that all great stuff, what is joe biden's vision to offer. >> gas prices, that came up. larry: in barber shop. >> it is good for the american people, higher gas prices, high are oil prices empower and fund our enemies and the enemies of western civilization, iran, russia and segment. larry: the next segment. >> stay tuned. >> ben domenech, i read some of your notes, a couple of liberal lefty cnn people are not stopping donald trump from getting his message out, he is a crafty guy. he has been through a lot of debates. i think that trump might ask biden questions and biden might not be able to answer them. or if he does they will be wrong, what do you budget that? >> -- what do you think about that? >> i think you are right. but i think that what he is
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going to be doing this is really what i am expecting tomorrow, i think he will debate moderators almost as much as current president, i expect them to dwell on different issues that deroy talked about that down rank anywhere close to top 10 of issues this american people care bgallup said that immigration is now, the highest level of concern they have had since they have been asking the question about it. immigration questions, economy questions, affordability, inflation and crime they need to be top of the list, up s i think we might get a wallowing cnn style questioning of the former president that is about january 6. and about what he thinks of aadd jack smith. larry: it won't matter. >> he has to cut through that. cut through that and talk about the issues that people care about. larry: i think he has to ask
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biden early in the game, you are in favor of tax exempt tip proposal smoke him right now. ben domenech thank you and deroy murdock and tammy bruce, appreciate it. larry: on kudlow bidens continue to a sacrifice energy and national security, tammy blew the wis old that one, we have alaska senator dan sullivan, an expert on the sticybk around we'll be right back. eth. provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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larry: so sneaking of gas prices bidens continue to sacrifice energy and national security for election year gasoline prices, joining us to talk about it alaska senator dan sullivan. bidens will not enforce sanctions on iran or russia or go for secondary sanctions on commerce or banks and by the by, they are letting china import all of this oil from iran and russia. china is financing two wars. against the united states by doing this, that is china, they are not imposing tariffs or sanctions, i
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think this is a sad state of affairs. >> this is so sad, i am here in beautiful resource rich alaska, one thing you you -- didn't mention, biden administration is sanctioning my state, my constituents, trying to shut down american energy. in alaska, more than they are sanctioning the terrorists, iranians and venezuela that is the real remarkable thing, how much they are targeting american energy and letting the enemies of our country go free. larry: you read through this story in the journal, this is not first story there are many stories about this. we have look add this the subject again and again. all for cheap gasoline, you have administrators saying this on background. iran is a moral enemy, what
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is russia doing in ukraine. on one hand bidens want to give them ano another 100 billion and they are stopping ukraine from hitting russian oil refineries, i don't understand, help me. >> well, like so many things that are almost incomprehensible to american people this is driven by the far left of the democratic party, they are anti-american energy, and anti-israel, think about this, you were talking about presidential debates, i hope the record of the trump administration versus the biden administration comes up on the issues of energy, middle east peace and iran, president trump's policies, they unleashed american energy, launched a peace initiative with the abraham according in the middle east, reestablished
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deterrents by killing soleimani the head terrorist and instituted the maximum pressure campaign that crushed iran's economy in terms of gdp and foreign reserves by the end of the trump administration, iran had about 4 billion in foreign reserves biden comes in, and reverses all of this. iranian economy is taking off. they have about 75 to 80 billion dollars right now, three and a half years later in foreign reserves, tammy bruce said it, what are they using it for? to fund terrorists, hamas, hezbollah, the houthis, this is a failure everywhere and gas prices at the pump right now under biden are 60% higher than end of trump administration. larry: and electricity prices are higher also. and the public is -- the public is rebelling against
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jamming electric vehicles down their throats, come back to this, they are sanctions alaska. they stop the leasing from national petroleum reserve. from anwar. they have stopped stuff in new mexico. they have stopped enough drilling in leasing in the gulf of mexico. really? we should be 15 or 16 million barrels a day right now we're stuck at 13. >> 100%. they are sanctions american citizens more than they are sanctioning the terrorist leaders in iran and venezuela, you know. i am getting ready to get on a plane to north slope of alaska. indigijesdiginess people are preresource development took biden has a choice, do i help indiginess people in alaska or help the terrorist in iran and ventura, he is choosing foreign terrorists over great americans. larry: senator sullivan
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thank you, dan sullivan we appreciate it, folks be right back. try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints.
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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. (dark dramatic music)


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