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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 27, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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ide a pebble from his grave. - we're not idolizing jesse james the man, we're talking about jesse james the myth and jessie was not a benevolent soul who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. he was a psychopath. - [dermot] he made his mother proud by going to war for the confederacy, but continued his fight long past what was prudent. - the violence jesse james lived through branded him a rebel and sent him on a path of revenge, leaving behind a legacy of destruction. he may be a popular subject for hollywood, but sifting through the legends and lies leaves us with one of the real west's most violent outlaws larry: hello, folks, welcome ti "kudlow." i'm larry kudlow.
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joe biden, donald trump getting ready to square off, cnnar presidental thrre whol whole world is watch, speculating, opining. jim jordan will be here to talk about that coming first up, jacqui heinrich has the latest from both camps. what's cooking? >> it's been six days since we've seen the president, he's camp david.cht roien klain is taking a lead ro, helping him prep for the debate which is happening in a converted airplane hangar and movie theater turned into at makeshift debate stage. the formal mock debates haveum begun and the trump campaign thinks people should be you outraged by all of this. >>is i don't think this is getting enough attention in the media, how biden is elevating
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the bar for himself by taking the entire week off. i'm sure the families of lakenbe riley and rachel morin don't like the fact that joe biden is taking a weethisk off to get rey for a debated. how do you take a week off when you're the leader of the freeer world? >> of th in the press call, thep campaign said they expect bidenr to be ready, saying muscle memory will kick in but they say he'll probably be filled with adderal and they predictede interference with cnn's moderators. they say that's , a sign they're nervous. >> i worked on hillary clintonn campaign, shtoe also debated him very effectively. he accused her of being ont bi drugs. president bideden defeated donad trump twice in previous debates. this i debs what he does because doesn't have anything else toin run ong , he doesn't have a pla. >> now, the former president is rejecting formal preparation,at optingio instead to hold policy
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discussions out on the cam a pain trail and -- campaign trail and according to reports biden's team studied trump's recent comments to see what upsets himi thgne most. the biden campaign has been leaning into the messageing that trump is a consistent instructed felon. -- cons convicted felon. felon. hunter biden shares the same his latow licenses was suspended after the guilty verdict on thei guven charges. larry: i love the muscle memory. that's the best report. that's completely awesome reporting. in the economic debate, individual freedom always beats government central planners,nt that's the subject of the riff. so why iris it that so many economists still believe that if government spends your money it's okay, but if you keep more of your money through tax cuts
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it's not okay? let's take inflation. a group of 16 nobel prize winning economists signed a letter yesterday endorsing joest biden,er basically because they think donald trump's tax cuts will increase inflation. all right.atio these are nobel prize winners, trump tax cuts, inflationary but biden's enormous spending andow borrowing is somehow not inflationary. get it? of course you don't get. most are liberal, left of center democrats, here we go again. here's ronald reagan, 40 plus years ago,al talking about the very same thing, take a listen. >> they never answer one question that i keep asking and you probably heard me ask it. why is it inflationary if the people keep their own money and spend it the way they want to and it's not inflationary if tht government takes it and spendsti it theon way it wants to? larry:d i just think that's fabulous. by the way, i think it's very likely donald trump will ask
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that a very same question of job biden in tomorrow's debate and i hope mr. trump asks biden directly in the debate whether he would support -- he, biden, would support the trump plan for tax free tips for all those waitresses and golf caddies, uber drivers and others in the u gig econombey that rely on tips. let's see if trump can smoke mr. but then back to the foolishnesa of the 16nobel economists. when donald trump was president he cut taxes, rolled back red tape regulations and inflation rate for the whole term was, wait for it, 1.9% at an annual rate for four years. joe biden on the other hand has been afo huge federal spender, x hiker, anti-business regulator, waging war on fossil fuels and his inflation rate, hang on a
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second, 6% at an annual rate, that's three times trump's pace. so if trump is pledging to essentially repeat his first term policies, why is inflatione suddenly goingti to ratchet up. on the other hand, when joeen biden intenddes to deepen his first term policies, why do we suddenly think inflation is going to come down? we've had a laboratory test on two different economic policies with two different inflation outcomes and yet all thesehese eminent nobelists want to ignore the plain facts. why is this? well, one reason is that liberals believe in the power of big government. conservatives believe in the power of the individual. liberals believe in the power of regulation. while conservatives believe in the power of free markets. finally, liberals love the idea of r e distribution which we used to call taking from peterer to t give to paul.tive
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conservatives believe in rewarding success by what we used to call growing the economic pie larger. so in tomorrow night's cnns presidential debate voters will see two very different economic philosophies but you know what? you can'phiet have two completey different set of fact oids. th me facts are on mr. trump's. side, the nobel prize winners are totally wrong. i believe economic freedom always wins while economicom collectiveis wm and central planning always loses. there you go. that's tonight's riff. joining me now is a fellow free marketeer. we bring back ohio congressman jim jordan who among many other things is chair of the house judiciary committee. mr. jordan, why is it that allof these fancy eminent economists,t they think if yohiu get to keep more of your own money throughcs tax cuts, that's bad but if government spends your money,
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that's always good.od wh, y is that, jim jordan? you and i have been around forever and it's the same song, always. >> sameve song. it never works but they thinkma because theyrt think they're smarter than us, us regular hill billies in flyover country.ia peter strzok, he says i can t smell thhee trump supporters. that's what theyppor think about regular americans in the heartland. regular american as you point out, larry, know how to spendow their mone hy a lot better thant there bureaucrats in d.c. or in their state that'smo a fundamental principl. i think president trump willoina make that poinlkt clear. i think he's going to talk about hi s record. in three and-a-half years we have went from a secure border to no border, safe streets tode recordr, crime, $2 gas to $4 g, stable price toss record pricesd
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inflation. larry: it's okay, w we hae have different debates, everyone has got an opinion and that's fine but you can't have your own factoids, that's the thing. the thing that struck me as so absurd is all these nobel prize winners, look at what the facts were, the trump program, 1.9% inflation at an annual rate for four years, joe biden's spendina program,m. 6% inflation for thr and-a-half1/ years. t basically three times the inflation rate. i mean, these guys are nobel a prizree winners, they're supposd to understand numbers and a factoids. you can't have youndr own factoids. you can have your own opinion. you can't havediti your own fac. >> yoyou can't have your own facts. those good policies were you a part of putting together in the trump administration made it so everyone's real wages were up for he every demographic across our population. that's whyra you'rphe seeing bly americans say we're going to be -- more and more of them willf vote for president trump. hispanic americans on the border
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say we like the economic policies of larry kudlow and v president trump, we like thoseo, we liked a secure border, we'rer going to vote for president t trump. that's whyru you see this move d president trump up in everymo singleve poll. thi thin pk it's this fundamentl point. no president certainly in myet lifetime didim more of what they said they were going to do than president trump did. said he would cut taxes, he did, said he would reduce regulation, he did. said he would build the war, put conservatives on the court, on and on it goes. people remember that. i think that's going to be a key factor on november 5th,n certainly tomorrow night. larry: i've got a great headline for you. washington post poll, donald trump stronger than joe biden on protecting democracy by 44 to no, 44 to 33% is what this is. so now that's very interesting because mr. biden says he's h going to run on democracy.
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we're going toocra talk about january 6th and this and that. but oh, wait a minute, mr. biden tried to keep trump off the ballot in a couple of states. mr. biden, his lawfare doesn't seem to be working, don't you find it interesting, ironic,c that the washington post poll - washingtonar post which ba basiy nobody reads any more. the point is, people trust trump more on democracy. that's going to come in tomorrow night. >> it's the lawfare, the ridiculous attacks, the cases against president trump, the # fourth amendment issue. the democrats said the best way to beat president trump is toth noant let him play the game the supreme court said 9-0 that's garbage. we be put out a report yesterday where these 51 intel officials that signed this statement saying the laptop was russian information operation when they knew it wasn't, our government had thine laptop for a year andi
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learned three new facts, went learned that the top people at the cia reviewed thi sayingkn weow shouldn't do this, this is political, thiags is a bad look for the cia and a we know somed of thewe people who signed it we actually on contract at the cian when they did ittr and they didi this 15 days before a presidential election to misleai the american people. larry:. so what happens? i mean, it's possible that hunter t biden's laptop computep will comene into play in tomorrw night's debate. i mean, if joe biden starts shrinking mud back and forth, i'm sure mr. trump will raise that point, hunter himself is a convicted felon. so s what happened? biden lied about irat in 2020, just flat-out lied about it and you're saying here's another study from your judiciary committee that shows that the cia people, some of whom were still on the payroll as contractors created this i'll say little white lie, althoughei it's a national security lie. including the guy who put it all together, mike moral, he was on
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contract at the time and he a wanted to dome this for obvious political reasons. he said that. hepo sailid we want this so president biden can use this in the debate against president trump and it worked like theyag said saio he was doing it for political reasons and because hc wanted to be the cia director in a biden administration.w that's how 3w5 -- bad et the americant, people see throuh it. president trump should focus o h his record. i thin ik that's what he shoulde do. he did more of what he said thaw any president i've seen. larry: knows it too. mr. jim jordan, chairman of ther judiciary comm committee, old f. thank you for coming on. tune into the s simulcast of the presidential debate at 9:00 p.m s policies kept inflation under 2% in the first term yol woulicd those same policies caue inflation to surge?as we'll ask k steve forbes and ken
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hassett who are smarter than the 16an nobel prize winners. you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday, 4:00 p.m. right here, fox business. if you can't make it at 4:00,ay please text your favorite 9-year-old and she will show how to dvr the show and you will, never miss a single free market tax cut ever, i promise you. be right back. e show, we'll be t back. (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement.
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larry: i want to revisit w this issue, whany are tax cutsue always bad and government spending is always good?ment okay. why do nobel prize winners believe that nonsense? joining us to talk about is, steve forbes, forbes media a chairman, editor in chief and kevin hassett, former council ov
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economic advisors chair, kevin, it's the same old stuff i don't want to get into personalities, it's really about the economic principles. but as ronald reagan said, were played the cliagp earlier in the show, over 40 years ago, why is it that if you get to keep more of your own money that's badat with tax cuts but if they spend your money, if government spends your money that's always good? in this day and age, how can people still believe that n nonsense? >>onse yeah, i don't know what'k going on with these guys. but you have to remember thatmb there nobel prize is itself aiz partisane thing.t that if you want to get a nobell prize in economics you have to,f write a paper that says markets don't work, supply sider economics doesn't work, if youid do like like bob schiller, mr. irrational exuberance when. the dow was at 5,000, so these a guys are partisans right now. some of them are my friends. the thing that i would say that's disappoinappointing as an
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economist, we have great brains in one room, why don't they write a model down where theywh get thiser from. why don't they say here's what the policies are and here's the effects and we can unwrap it and think think about it, instead,ey we're supposed t ao listen to ta because they're smarter than ush but i thineyk that's some place they shouldn't have gone. larry: the other thing is, thethere's facts in the debate,u wouldn't know it. trump's basically saying i'm going to reprise my policies from the first term, i'm goingi' to cut taxes, reopen the spigots, and biden is going to raise taxes and keep on spending. you have data.mode one model showed low inflation, the other model showed high inflation and the nobel prize winners took the high inflationh model and said it was lowwa inflation. you can't -- don't you think people see that, see through that, ordinary folks see right through it.
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>> maybe economists like those should have to read alice inhe wonderland. get an understanding where with they're at. it's. all about control. it's all about they trust themselves more than they do thp people and people do things, entrepreneurs do things withouti permission. that's whyer they always m wants regulate, they want to get the pause on it, they want to sayt we've got toto have more say abt what you do and they're going full-bore with this modern socialism. every agency is going bonkers, trying to control businesses which big companies can cope with but small companies this is a killer which bodes ill for the future if this group gets back in again. >.larry: you wrote a book about this, stopping the drift towards socialism. the big time economists are happy to drift towards socialism even though they don't say this. ronald reagan did this decades ago. how about this, you and i will spend our money more wisely than some unelected government
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bureaucrat or regulator or even for that matter a professor.nt we know and if we don't know we'll learn, okay.f we that's the way life works.lear you learn from your mistakes. they don't have that in their models and that's so disturbing to me. >> right.g to they don't learn from their mistakes and the clip you played from president reagan was exactly on point because theset. same economists to a man an woman, they put out a letter saying how wonderful biden'swoma policies were before i'mflatio took -- inflation took off. you would think maybe they would write a letter apologizing for giving cover to a policy that ended up creating so much misery in our country but instead they doubled down and say biden's wonderful and trump is the thindeg that i think is interesting, the last thing about this letter, to me, larry is when you look aabt the way te mainstream media is coveringing they never mention the firstneve signature is the husband of the treasury secretary. it's kind of a relevant fact, right, that this guy's organized
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his buddies to support his wife. the fact is that's very r relevant. the fact it came outel rightt, you know pawn will be quoting a: the -- president biden will be quoting it at the debate tomorrow night. lagood point.larry: christine t the imf as executive director. i sat in between janet yellen and george akerwald. both lovely people personally. he's a charming man, for all of the disagreements. i've never personally had any problem with ms. yellen, just that we disagree, she's another one, the treasury secretary was in the papers today saying trump's tax cuts are responsible for all the deficit borrowing. is that true? >>y lo really? look at the revenues, up. look at spending. higher than it was during the covid crisis. tells you all you need to know. but why let facts get in the s way. just say it,ay pretend it's true and like alice in wonderland we'll just -- it is because you
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say it is. larry: i want to see trump smoke biden out early. okay. maybe biden will surprise thepe world, hnde certainly could talk about tax cuts versus spending. tii would likeon to see him talk about the tax free tip proposal, just kind of spring it out.po what do you thinsak about this,h mr. president,is from one president to another, what do you think? would you join me in calling for tax exempt tips for waitresses and caddies and uber drivers and the gig economy which probably numbers 10 million plus, i would love to see that, smoke him out whavment do yo -- him out, wha> think? >> they might get more rich, that's bad.os theype might get more prosperou. under trump, he will trump, lower income people had a higher rise in income, the gap was closing when you have a vibrant, free economy. these people, it's about
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control. call them the cult of kanes. larry: kevin, you're the keepep of the data points. i was reading today some analysts put out in 2018 and 2019, the two years after the trump tax cuts, real average median family income went up $5,000 u each year. i saw that five grand each year. now, that same comparison i think has fallen $2,000,more slightly more than $2,000 during mr. biden's tenure so what do you make of that?at is anybody going of talk aboutsh that? my guess is mr. trump will have some numbers. >> well, this is why the -- yeah, he will definitely have n some numbers, i've got to say, i spoke to the president recently and he's serioust aboutth thisp thing. if h.e is elected it's going to happen, 100% it's going to happen but the thing, again,g. think about the lack of intellectual curiosity. income inequality goes down, the
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real wage grows growth goes dowa because of thect corporate taxe cuts you helped design. these nobel prize winners are not scratching their heads about why are real incomes going downi under biden and why did they go up under trump.wh and why is it going to reverse. real wages shrunk for eightt years under president obama and shrunk for four years under biden so joe biden for the american worker, you're 0 for t 12. why should we give you anothere chance? i would like to see a nobelch prize winneran give me an answer to that question. i don't think they'll ever try. larry: steve forbes, it's such an important point. again, average families,, yo ordinary working folks, go to work every day, have to worry about take-home pay, kitchen table issues, gasoline, grocery, so forth. they know this, they know which wayes better, four years ago ora few years ago. they know this, four years ago or last year. i mean, again, there's a wisdom to ordinary people that experts will not acknowledge, will not r
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permit, will not -- >> that'l nos why you find the polls, people who say they are themselves are doing well, they're okay, have a dismal view of the future.futu they have no faith that we know what we're doing tha, they haveo faith the government knows what it's doing, they fear inflation may come back again. even if things are starting to improve they don't believe it'se for real and when yoalu look at the numbers on investment, whats does that tell you, faith in the future is lagging. larry: yes. it's the consumer confidence numbers are so bad, but i thinkh that's confidencine in governmet or in this case a lack ofco confidence infn government. ent.i think that's where all tht comes from. all right, gentlemen, got to get out of here, nobel prize winner, i'lln, n give you a nobel prizeh of you, you have your own nobel prizes, steve forbes, thank you so much.u, s kevin hassett, thank you. tomorrow cnn presidential debate is according to one pundit donaldacco trump's to lose. great column today in the wall street journal. my old friend jason riley, very
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interesting point of view, donald trump's to lose. we'll talk about it. "kudlow" is available as a podcast, episodes available every weekday right after the show. spotify, apple and fox business podcast dot-com. ordinaryry folks are smarter thn the experts. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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big story unfolding, president trump, surprise, he heappeared, was on the phone or something at a barber shop ingr atlanta today. gray yogrady trimble has the de. what happened? >> larry, i wasn't in the room but how's that for debate preparation. we've been talking about how the candidates are preparing. that's one way to do it. he took questions from the people in the room there, the. former president did. this was a conversation with
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black business owners here inan atlanta antad congressman byron donalds was moderating it, hemo wades joined by former hud secretary ben carson and yes, to the surprise of everyone in thev room, there yoeru see it, byron donalds taking a call from the a former president they talkeend mostly about the economy. one person joked that black w people wilill vote for trump if the president can get gas prices below a dollar and heres is trump's response. >> i don't know if i canno guarantee a dollar but we're going to get it as low as we can and a t that's a big score for, economy, the lower youi get it that's a big spur for thet economy. i came up with the concept of no tax on tips, let the people earl what they it's beew,n so popular. now, inflation is a disaster, it's killing the black community and it's killing the country.
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>> the biden campaign also held an event with small business owners here in atlantaay. yesterday. president biden and surrogates for him like senator john osoff of georgia, they're making themi case that all the government spending that's taken placeid under president biden'ens term d presidency, all of that they say is spurring private sectoronom investment, that's the economic pitch they'rree making to voters here in atlanta. it may come as a surprise to the you or maybe not, larry, that the president be, biden, did not call into that event yesterday like trump did today. larry. shocking, absolutely shocking. gray i igrady trimble, thanks v. lists bring in ben dominic, tammy bruce, fox news contributor, jerome murdoch, another fox news contributor. thanks to everybody. i can't think of better debate
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prep than what biden is doing -a what trump is doing. it's typical, hands-on,on interaction, talk to real people whereas mr. biden's up at camp david, sequestered, they builtdh him a little debate arena, they've got 16 people pounding him twice a day which i think is an impossible story. wwhat does that tell you about who is going to be better prepared and who is going to wii this debate? >> well, what it says is that trump is staying close the people and asking business men and business women, what can i do for you, what are your f problems, what are youor facing with customers, they respond inflation is a problem, highs is taxes are a problem, rising energy prices so i think having his hands on the pulse of the american people is very important. andoes that very well conversely biden's been completely isolated for almost c week, by the time shows up it'sn been almost a week he's not been seen in public and that sort of isolation keeps him further in touch -- out of touch, i should say, demonstrates how detached
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he is from the american people. larry: ben, you could be in a hangar some place with 16 people pounding into your head all youm campaign slogans and numbers. i mean, you hear what roy had to sarksay, you heard what mr. trup had to say with the blacka. business people in atlanta, georgia. to me, that's the difference between these two candidates, trump hands-on, south bronxba okay, barber shop in the middle of hot lanta georgia, mr. biden in sp splendid isolation with al of the perks and a everything he'se be got. this is the best lead into a debate i can imagine, ben. >> well, look, i think that the former president's idea, revolutionary idea of actually talking to the american people at this stage is something that the current president simply can't do. he hasn to be getting his daily
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massage and his iv dripnd a everything else that he needs to get ready for this debate and,a. look, i think that it's -- well, no, layer larry, i'm serious abt this. the central question of this isc about which president you believe will be better for the american people for the next four years. and when it comes to that question, i think the problemfo for joe biden isr that no onee believes that he will be president for the next four years. they believe that they're voting for joe and at some point goingg toet get kamala harris whether they the. like her or not andt. that's something that is a hugef defect forec his campaign. as someone who. wanted to provee their robustness, prove their ability to talk to the american people, would be out there doinl exactly that in the runup to a instead we're havingte the earliest debate in american modern presidential history because of the fact that joe biden feels he needs a reset ann feels he needs to prove that
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escape aable of doing this. and they're going to do everything they can to make that possible and that doesn't t involve talking tohe the americl people. larry: let's go oe.n that poin, tammy bruce, very interesting. jason riley, smart guy, writes in the wall street journalnald today. - what jason is basically saying is joe biden needs to do really well and if he doesn't, they're going todoes pull him. they being whoever, i don'tno know, they are but democratic elders at the convention or some such thing, jason's saying if donald trump has an off night and mike goodwin of the new york post said something similar, trum matp could have an off nig, it doesn't matter much. if biden has an off night it's death had valley for him. what do you make of that. >> it's one of the reasons why the debate is so early. it gives them time if president biden has a hour of i'll night,s very badly, it gives them enough
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time to move him out. i thinsiblk that's possible. they see the polls. they now believe the polls. at first they were saying they didn't. at the same time, people i think right now generally know who they like, they understand what's happened. it's so dramatic, it's not like at seminar at stanford where you have to wonder and read thingsrn and try to figure things out intellectually. every day, r americans lives, tf realize what happened to the economy, the quality of life any the safety of their children whi will likely be drafted and put into whatever world war iii is and then to say nothing of the crime on the streets of the country so this is not brain surgery. americans know. nobody's waiting for that thing to tip them it's likeme oh, i don't know. biden or trump. i can't figure it people have decided. and yet there's some people who are hanging on by a thread, the biden campaign continually i working to keep their own base. trump isca constantly moving tok expandee his.ow he's moving out and i think that
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tells you what they're seeing internally about where the numbers are. so yes, if any biden moderate democrat or independent support that he might have starts tohave collapse even more, that wouldha give them the ability to find out early enough. larry:it you know, what tammy's saying, i can't quite figure oui what the 16 advisors and they've created this debate setting, it don't understand that. like what is it that they're doing? what is it that they're sayingwh to him that he doesn't know or o should know?. he's been a politician at thet federal level for 50 years plus, okay. what dpluso you think -- he's bn around forever. okay. >> that's right. larry: his knowledge -- yes, it should been sigh encyclopedic. >> the second nature. larry: if he doesn't understand the immigration problem now, doesn't understand immigrants>> are raping and murdering people, doesn't know real incomes,
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prices are going up -- i don'tn understand. when i rearkd about it in the nw york times, i was scratching my head. really? he's so out there, he doesn't know what's happened for three and-a-half years? really? s should be second nature. larry:natu he doesn't know now. when is he going to know. >> inhaling and exhaling. he was elected in 1972. richard nixon was the president of the united states. all in the family was the biggest program on tell. television.larry: he's been aru forever. >> he shouldn't need 16 people to figure out what the message is. what he needs to figure out is what will he offer the people for the next four years, we hear about january 6, concentration camps, trump is worse thanent hitler. larry:trum trump is winning thp --democracy debate. >> what is his vision for the next four years? trump is talking about getting rid of the tip tax, i think
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that's brilliant, talking about energy independence, talking about making trump tax cutsat permanent. b that's great stuff. what is the vision joe biden cae offer? >> gas prices, that came up earlier. larry: in the b b barber shop. higher gas prices empower our enemies, iran, russia, and china. larry: it's the next segment. >>y: stay tuned. stay tuned. larry: but i want to come back to you you. i read some of your notes or your column.s, a up couple of liberal lefty cnn people won't stop donald trump fofromr gettings his message ou. he's a crafty guy. he's been through a lot of debates. they can't can stop him.r trump might ask biden questionsa and he might not be able to answer them or if he does answer them, they might be wrong. what do you think of that point of view? >> i think you're right.
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i think what he's really going to be doing, this is what i do expect tomorrow, i think he's going totomo be debating the moderators almost as much as he's debating the current president. because i expect them to dwell on allt a of the different issf that deroy talked about which don't rank anywhere close to the top 10 of the issues that the t american people care about. gallup under its current bga tracking says that immigration now the highest level concerncn that they have had since they'vb been asking theee question about it in their polling. okay. so immigration questions, y questions, affordability, inflation, crime, et cetera, those need to be top of the list and instead i think we might get a wallowing cnn style of questioning of the former president which is about january 6th and what about he thinks of adam kinkinger andn' jack smith stuff. larry: it won't matter. >> he's got to cut through that and talk about the issues thatt the people care about. larry: e i think he's got to ak
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biden early in the t game are yu favor of my tax exempt tip proposal. just smoke him out.os ali would do it right up front d personal, whatever you're supposed to do.nk ben, thank you very much, deroy, tammy, appreciate it.. coming up on "kudlow," the bidens continue to sacrifice energy and national security for gas that's what they do. we've got alaska senator dan sullivan who is an expert on the subject. stick around. *6
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larry: so speaking of gas prices, the bidens continue to sacrifice energy and nationaler security forgy election year gasoline prices, joining us to talk about is alaska senator dan sullivan. senator, welcome back. it's on the front page of the wall street journal, the bidens will not enforce the sanctionsrc on iran or russia the oil producers, they will not go for secondary sanctions on commercee orrc banks and by the by, they'e letting china import all thisl oil from irafrn and a russia, right? china is financing two wars against the united states byby doing that'sin china. they're not imposing tariffs,
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sanctions, never utter a peep about it. i think it's a sad state of youa affairs. >> it is soirs. sad. i'm here i in beautifulou resource-ricrch alaska and the e thing you didn't mentions is the biden administration is actually sanctioning my state, literally sanctioning my constituents,co trying tnso shut down americann energy ienn alaska, the american energy sector, more than they're sanctioning the terrorists, the iranians, venezuela, so that's the real remarkable thing, how much they're targeting american energy and they're letting the enemies of our country go free. larry: gi mean, you read throh this story in the journal butou this is nornt the first story, t there arhee many, many stories about this. we looked at this subject againnd a again and again. all for cheap gasoline. you've got administrators saying this sort of on background but their administration people.n hobaw can -- iran is a moral
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enemy. all right?l what iens russia doing in ukrai. the bidens want to give $100 million to ukraine. on the other hand, they're stopping ukraine from hitting russian oil refineries. i don't understand. you've had a lot of foreign policy experience.t help me out here. i do not understand this. >> well, look, like so many things that are almost incomprehensible to the american people, this is driven by thele fa tr left of the democratic party. e i mean, they're anti-american energy. they'rti-ae anti-israel. but think about this, larry. you guys wer e talking about the presidential debates. entii certainly hope the recordf the trump administration versusu the biden administration comes e issues of energy, middle easf ent peace, and irann because president trump's policies which you had a lot to do with, they unleashed americar energygy, launched a peaceia initiative wittih the abrahamm accords in the middle east,bl re-establishedis deterrence by
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killing sulemany, the head terrorist and instituted thethat maximum pressure campaign, thisr crusheand iran's economy in terf of gdp and in terms of foreign reserves by the end of the trump administration iran had about 4 billion in foreign biden comes in -- which as you know is not a lot at all.ll biden comes in and reverses all of this, the iranian economy has taken off. they have about 75 to $80 billion righbit now, three and-a-half years later, in foreign reserves and tammy bruce said it perfectly. what are they using the $80 billion for?g it to fund terrorists, hamas, hezbollah, the houthis, this is a failure everywhere and ofve course gasry prices at the pumpr right noigw under biden are 60% higher than they were at the end of the trump administration. larry: and electricity prices are substantiall ay higher also and the public is -- it's funny, the public is rebelling against belling jammingelectric vehicle
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throats and other policies. they're sanctioning alaska. they stopped the leasing fromti thone national petroleum reserve from anwar, they've stopped snuff new mexico, they've stopped stuff, drilling and leasing inn the gulf of mexico. i mean, really? we should be at 15, 16 million barrels a day right now, we're still stuck at 13. >> 100%.ey and they're sanctioning american citizens mor e than they're sanctioning the terrorist leaders in iran, in veins you way la. yoveu know, -- venezuela. you know, layer larry, i'm headp to the north slope of alaska, indigenous people, great patriotic commu community, theyo resource development do. biden has a choice, do i help americans on the north slope or do i choose -- he's choosing
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foreign terrorists over greatli americans. larry: thank you senator. we appreciate it. we'll be right back. lerate grow, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change, so you can scale it responsibly. let's create ai that begins with trust, with watsonx governance. ibm. let's create.
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larry: larry: that's it for "kudlow." thanks for watching, folks. ♪


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