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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 27, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: larry: that's it for "kudlow." thanks for watching, folks. ♪
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maria: good thursday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i hope you're having a good morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is thursday, june 27, your top stories right now, 6:00 a.m. on the easts coast. today, showdown in atlanta, president trump and president biden facing off at tonight's cnn presidential debate. it is bidenomics versus maganomics, we are previewing issues most important to voters, border crisis, rising cost, inflation, restoring the american dream. full analysis right here. futures indicating a decline at the start of trading this morning, take a look, we're looking at stocks trade lower ahead of the final read of first quarter gdp and may durable goods orders out this morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern. the dow industrials right now down 72, the nasdaq down 37, the s&p 500 lower by 8 and-a-half, we've got the may pce index out tomorrow morning and we've got the preview. amazon topping $2 trillion in market value for the first time
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ever, we're watching the stock this morning pull back by a fraction. european markets lower, take a look at a the eurozone, the ft 100 in london right now is trading lower by 17, the cac quarante in paris is down 35, dax index in germany lower by 5 points this morning. in asia overnight, red across the board, hang seng index worst performer, down better than 2% on the session. the others fractionally moving lower. back at a home, the biden white house remains in denial over the security threat at the southern border as 50 illegal migrants with potential ties to isis backed countries have gone missing. we will get into this morning. plus, a stunning report that trump's cia chief knew about the hunter biden intel coverup letter before it was published. we're talking about it this morning with house oversight committee chairman james comer, he will join me in 8:00 a.m. hour. joining the conversation all morning long, strategic wealth partners ceo, mark tepper, fox and friends first co-host, todd
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piro and national review staff writer, caroline downy, "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ maria: and it is time for the hot topic of the hour. tonight the long awaited showdown between former president trump and president biden has y arrived. the cnn presidential debate kicks off tonight in atlanta with bidenomics versus maganomics taking center stage. inflation under president biden, overall inflation up 20% since president biden began his term. home prices up 35%. mortgage rates up 148%. gasoline prices up 46%. and food prices up 21%. you according to a survey, 78% of americans are
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living paycheck to paycheck last year when adjusted for inflation the average weekly earnings have declined, dropping nearly 4% under biden. they were up better than 8% under president trump. we will be comparing these gentlemen's records all morning this morning, caroline, let's get your take this morning on bidenomics versus maganomics. >> thanks for having me back. what trump should hammer home at the debate is that bidenomics has made the american dream unattainable. it's no wonder that democrats are quietly trying to the remove the phrase from their lexicon because biden's economy will live in infamy for $6 cereal boxes, people priced out of home ownership by high interest rates, people owing more for car payments a than the value of their cars, people mortgaging futures with credit card debt to afford today. biden should have never taken a victory lap on inflation, prices have not returned to normal.
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they've simply stopped soaring. there's a difference. bidenomics meant more government, more spending, they dubiously named inflation reduction act, they fan the flames of inflation at the detriment of purchasing power, maganomics, trump, he doesn't need to preyed his economic record because -- parade a his economic record because americans yes or yet. earn for it. maria: there was a moment where we were looking at economic growth above 4%, for all of those reasons, mark, one democrat operative recently said that president biden should avoid talking about the record on the economy, don't talk about his policy. instead, just get on trump. >> yeah. so look, i don't -- he's going to have to address his economic failures. i mean, that has to be covered. because bidenomics was all about growing the economy from, what, the middle out, bottom up and the average american is
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struggling. i mean, in order for the average american to put food on the table, they now have to work two jobs so multiple job holders are at an all-time high. to caroline's point, credit card debt is over 1.1 trillion, buy now, pay later schemes which are essentially another version of credit card debt, those are estimated to be $700 billion and one-third of americans right now have a maxed out -- at least one maxed out credit card. so the average american is not doing well and when you look at real wage growth, so he's that'e growth adjusted for inflation, under obama we had eight straight years of negative real wage growth. under biden, fourth straight years of negative real wage growth. under trump, four straight years of positive real wage growth where people can literally say i amber off today than four years ago. they can't say that today. maria: exactly right. todd, new polls have trump on
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top. nate silver is revealing that former president trump is favored to win the white house by 66%. he's also leading in nevada, a state that has not voted republican since 2004. a new aarp poll reveals trump is beating biden 48 to 35% there. your reaction, todd? >> certainly good news on june 27th. but we also have to remember a couple of things. polls are just polls and nate silver got housed in 2016 when he saidh said hillary clinton hn 80% chance of winning. before the republicans start spiking the football, don't. you need to if you're a republican keep the foot on the gas, make sure you are focusing on election inat thing gray he at this, make -- integrity, make sure you do what lara drum said the rnc will do, have poll watchers in every facility in america, especially the swing states and get out the vote. boots on the grounds in the
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swing state will win this for republicans, they can't say it's all good, nate silver said we're up in june. june doesn't matter. november does. maria: for all of those reasons we're going to be raising those issues this morning with michael whatley, the chairman of the rnc is here this morning so we will talk with i'm about that. you make fantastic points. let's slip in a short break, everybody. we are comparing the two gentlemen's records this morning ahead of the big showdown tonight. coming up, markets are lower this morning ahead of key economic data this morning. dow industrials right now down 67,s nasdaq down 33 ahead of the final read of first quarter gdp and the may durable goods report out in two hours, 8:30 a.m. eastern. stay withs us for the numbers. lee monson with a he preview after the break. how major u.s. companies are ready to implement a.i. in their business, we'll talk about it. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back.
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say goodbye to daily insulin injections with omnipod 5... a tubeless system that automatically adjusts insulin to help protect against highs and lows. try it today. go to for risk information and instructions for use. consult your doctor before starting on omnipod. maria: welcome back. let's check amazon shares this morning, the stock is pulling back after yesterday reaching the $2 trillion mark for market value, first time ever for amazon, now joining the $2 trillion club, joining microsoft, apple, nvidia and alpha a bet which are valued -- alphabet which are valued at $2 trillion or more. apple at 3.27 trillion, amazing. shares of amazon surged more than 27% so far this year, been a good year for amazon. company also hosting a closed door event for sellers in china as it plans to launch a new discount store dedicated to low priced items. this venture will allow chinese
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seller toss ship directly to customers to fend off temu and shein. joining us now, chief investment officer, lee monson. what do you make of the $2 trillion club? >> every company you put ton board there, they rely on china for marginal growth to keep massive multitrillion dollar things. think about what amazon's doing. i know it sounds great, temu, shein, it's not just about the products. amazon is competing -- it sounds crazy when you say it, mind controlling algorithms, you see what happens with teenagers with tiktok, that's what the chinese apps are doing. it tells us two things. the algorithms, they're selling products, they're dangerous and addictive. number two, big american firms are relying on our relationship with china to break into that market to keep that market share, i'm very concerned
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because both presidential candidates are talking about continued and heightened tariffs with china. it makes me nervous as an investor. maria: i understand. we don't really know what kind of information these chinese companies are getting from the public, right? aren't they forced to send any information in terms of our data to the communist party? the government of china? >> yes. and we have all these large companies that are going to be complicit in that because they want to make their quarterly numbers. they want to try to break into there. just the general commerce information, i don't need the chinese government knowing everything we're doing all the time, it makes me uncomfortable. i think we're going to have to rethink how these large companies continue to grow. same thing with apple be, same thing with tesla. maria: absolutely fair point. i reported it in the fox nation special, underwriting the enemy. the chinese stocks don't follow the same accounting rules as every other public company. i want to get into the banks
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this morning. the federal reserve conducted the annual stress tests for america's major banks and the fed says all 31 banks would be able to withstand a severe recession, federal reserve vice chairman for supervision my barr said large banks would take $685 billion in total the hypothetical losses and have considerably more capital than minimum requirements. what did you make of the stress tests and the reaction from the major banks yesterday? >> well, obviously i'm encouraged, it's only going to cost us 650 billion and not multiple trillions like it did 15 years ago. here's what i'm concerned about. first of all, we can shrug this off so easily, that we have such confidence but two weeks we're going to see bank earnings. all we're going to hear from the major banks is that credit card balances are going up and the rich can continue to pay fees and continue their bills. what i don't hear in the stress test is any talk about all the
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private credit. i don't think we'll see hear major banks talking about loan books expanding dramatically. as an a investor i have to manage money for people that are retired, live off their money. i'm getting questions about what's outside that. i don't think the fed is spending enough time stress testing all the private credit, all the money going into there because that will have a trickle down effect. it's unclear how that will affect banks. it's a big unknown. maria: it's a great point. and the analysts over there at td securities, cowen and company says it's not all good news for the banks before we get to the exploratory scenarios which we see as a long-term threat to bank capital returns, he says it's why we don't see this altering the final outcome for basel 3 end game. we have some questions about the major banks. would you buy the banks or broaden out at this point. i want to bring mark tepper in. we've been talking for a while about this market inability to broaden out, lee. mark, how do you see it?
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>> i want to get lee's take on it. i don't want to sound like a complainer, the market is up 15%, we're not at the halfway point just yet. it's been a great year. it's the magnificent seven minus tesla which has been doing all the heavy lifting, small caps haven't been participating, the other 493 stocks in the s&p really haven't benefited much from this rally. what do you think it's going to take for this rally to broaden out? will we see some broadening out if the fed ends up cutting rates or is there another catalyst that can kind of help this rally to strengthen and broaden out? >> oh, god, can we just complain together and just be the complainers club? here's the problem. i was thinking we would get 5200 by the end of the year. i said that in january. people rolled their eyes. we're at 5500. we're expecting 260 a share from the s&p and we have such a high valuation now, we're not leaving any room for next year. here's my issue. what am i supposed to do as an
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all-star? -- as an investor. i'm getting a valuation that gets me to next year. i haven't seen the earnings trickle in outside the magnificent seven. we've had narrow rallies before. i don't like it. i think the only way we're going to get the other companies to come up, because i'm not convinced's going to sell a.i. stocks if we get a little less demand in chips from nvidia. we have to see the availability of money or the idea of it get better and we've got to see rates go down. we're still in an either/or market where you have widow and orphan stocks, the stocks i love, value stocks compete with the magnificent seven. it's all about interest rates and also let's be honest. we've got to get past november. wall street doesn't want to talk about november. maria: great b point. real quick on the final read of gdp, out this morning 8:30 a.m. eastern. the expectations are 1.3%
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growth. we'll get the pce index tomorrow morning, economists are expecting core prices to be up one-tenth of a percent month over month, 2.6 year over year. do these economic reports affect how you view the second half 06 the year. even more short-term if trump does well tonight, do we see a market rally? if biden does well tonight do we see a market can impact? any thoughts there on the debate? >> i think the market has already priced in a trump win, lower corporate tax, et cetera, et cetera, i think when we see gdp numbers i want to see an an a wallized 3% -- annualized 3%. i think tomorrow with pce if we get any hot print it's not going to be good. i think the market at almost 5500 we're pricing in nice cool prints. i'm worried about sound bites tonight, worried about the perception, not about who is in the lead or who wins. i'm worried about anything that would suggest we're going to have a problem when we wake up wednesday after the election.
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it's all about acceptance and certainity of a winner. i think it's less about who wins. but market's priced for a trump win, bottom line. maria: all right. we'll leave it there. lee, good to see you. we'll be watching all of that. lee munson joining us this morning. have a great day, lee. your morning mover is micron technology, down 5 and-a-half percent, shares of the memory chip maker falling after fourth quarter revenue forecast came in only in line with expectations. the company did however beat on third quarter earnings and revenue, net income of $332 million, shared doubled as it rides the a.i. boom. the tech is needed for graphics units like nvidia, benefiting from artificial intelligence and tech demand. the stock is up 112% in thereafter year, this morning pulling back by 5.6%. quick break and then the biden administration in complete denial over the border, claiming it's safe despite allowing
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alleged terrorists and criminals into the country. virginia congressman ben cline is here to weigh in, we're on that when we come right back. stay with us. ♪ car, take me home. (♪) car, can you turn the music down a little? of course, james. thank you. ♪ (suspenseful music plays) ♪
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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> >> confirms that 400 migrants with potential isis ties crossed into the united states. >> that is incorrect. >> tell us why. >> that reporting is incorrect. we do not have identified 400 people with potential isis ties. maria: the department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas pushing back on a report that an isis affiliated smuggling group has brought in more than 400 migrants into the united states in the past few months. however, a senior dhs official is telling fox news that 1 50* of those migrants tied to isis have been arrested and removed,
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however there are 50 of them on the loose in the country. we don't know where they are. the official insisting the my migrants don't pose an imminent threat to the homeland. we heard from christopher wray we're this close to a 9/11 type attack because of the unknowns. they passed the bill yesterday including an amendment to defund mayorkas' salary. it gives an increase, including $600 million to complete the border wall. joining us now, virginia congressman ben cline. congressman, it's good to see you. what can you tell us about this appropriations bill that passed yesterday and the money toward the border? >> well, this is a strong bill that doesn't just add more judges and more border patrol agents to help these migrants to cross. it actually includes money to put up the wall, to stop the migrants from getting across the border in the first place.
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mayorkas says that oh, these are not isis affiliated individuals coming across the border but what he's failing to acknowledge is that isis affiliated smuggling rings are in control of our border right now. they are freely operating at our border, bringing across criminals, bringing across drugs, sex trafficking, human trafficking. it is flooding into the interior of our country when you can't find 50 of these individuals, you know we've got a problem. maria: you heard from christopher wray, the director of the fbi many times, who told us that he's seeing red lights blinking everywhere, right, and that we could have another potential terrorist attack, we're hearing that over and over again as a result of this open border and the unknowns of people coming from iran, people coming from china, people coming through the border. so what can you tell us about that? are you worried about something like that? >> i'm extremely worried.
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it's no longer a question of if a major attack happens, it's a question of when. when we have the attorney general before the house judiciary committee acknowledging that there is a heightened risk of attack because of this open border, the biden administration is complicit and we have got to close the border to ensure that whatever does happen, we've got individuals coming from the middle east, we've got single adult males from china by the thousands. we don't know why they're here and we've got to make sure that we protect the homeland against these attacks. maria: well, do you think this comes up tonight in the debate, congressman? i mean, we're expecting maganomics versus bidenomics to come up tonight during the cnn presidential debate. president biden is expected to defend his green agenda. we've got new you data from mckenzie that finds 46% of u.s. electric vehicle owners said they were likely to switch back to a gas powered vehicle, they y
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were underwhelmed by the evs. economists are warning trump's plans to reignite inflation, deportation plans could push wages up, all adding to inflationary pressure. many of them have the same warning in 2016 before trump took office. and scott besset is a regular on this program. he wrote an op-ed for fox news, here's what writes. 16 nobel prize winning ebbing economisting claim trump will wreck our economy. that's the reason i don't trust any of them. where do you think that conversation goes? >> this is going to be a great opportunity to put the exciting vibrant message of donald trump up against the slow excuse laden diatribes of goa and it's not o. it's not going to be any comparison. donald trump will do a great job
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reminding americans what things were like four years ago, when the economy was churning, we were in quagmires across the globe and joe biden will have to talk to the american people about why prices are so high at the grocery store, why the price of gas hasn't come down, why we aren't energy independent anymore, why the green new deal is raising the cost of housing, raising the cost of everything across the board and he's not going to have the ability to complain, h -- explain, he's not going to have any facts to back up his allegation, he's going to be lashing out at trump and that's all he's going to have going for him but trump's got the facts and the facts are going to triumph tonight. maria: caroline, jump in here. >> i think that's absolutely true. i think there's so many issues that plagued trump's presidency from the border now we have isis affiliated individuals seeping into this country and i want to get your take about what issue
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you think prevails tonight, what do you think is going to be the focus? via suspicion that who is more of a criminal is going to be opening question from the moderators, now you that we have biden under scrutiny for family influence peddling for many months now but trump is a convicted felon, that's sure to be a constant theme because it's fun for democrats to hammer home that point. >> that is all that joe biden is going to have tonight is name calling and trying to attack the president for the lawfare that has been waged by his own justice department against the president and others. donald trump is going to be able to talk about the border, he's going to be able to talk about inflation, he's going to be able to talk about all of the different things that joe biden has screwed up over the last four years. and if he really does come under attack over his legal problems, he's going to be able to throw it back on joe biden and joe biden's influence peddling
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schemes. maria: i want to ask you about this report that i'm looking at, the intelligence community 51, how cia contractor colluded with the biden campaign to mislead american voters. they are releasing the joint report with new information showing how these cia contractors colluded with the biden campaign to discredit the hunter biden laptop story as russian disinformation. the report revealing how the highest levelses of the cia including trump's then cia director were made aware of the letter prior to its approval and publication, congressman. house republicans led by floridas' anna paulina luna working to get audiotapes of president biden's interview with rob effort hur, telling garland if he doesn't comply with the subpoena by tomorrow republicans vote to have the sergeant at arms bring garland into custody. what is going on with this? what can you tell us and what do you want us to understand about the cia operatives?
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>> well, what we understand is that the weaponization of the intelligence community was widespread and in 2020 we had antony blinken who was with the campaign at that time reaching out to senior cia officials saying give us cover, we need cover for this hunter biden laptop story and so he -- these people affiliated with the cia, some who were still in active contracts, were actually working to provide cover and provide excuses for what was a real story and arguing that it was somehow russian misinformation. well, we know that it wasn't. we know that i it was real. in fact -- go ahead. maria: i mean, it's incredible how they have put our country in jeopardy all of that time, i remember i lived it, they were all russia, russia, russia, russia, meanwhile china was eating our lunch and where are we now? china's buying up farmland. they're surveilling americans,
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they're right there at our military installations. the idea that cia executives, officials could be putting our country in such jeopardy because of politics is just insanity. >> absolutely. it's horrible and i think that trump is going to talk about it tonight. maria: congressman, thank you. ben cline joining us this morning. we so appreciate your time. we'll be right back. ♪(relaxing music)♪ (♪) (♪)
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maria: welcome back. well, communist china is denying a report we brought you earlier this week, they are denying the u.s. am a b ambassador to chinas accusations that china is undermining u.s. diplomatic efforts in china. a spokeswoman said ambassador
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burns' remarks don't line up with the facts, in reality it's not china but the u.s. that interferes with and hinders people to people exchanges between the two countries. according to her. this after burns told the wall street journal earlier in the week which we reported on, beijing is trying to weaken america's standing and has, quote, ramped its oppression of american diplomatic activities in china, tallied 61 public events since november where the chinese government has, quote, pressured chinese sit sevens no- citizens not to go or attempted to intimidate those who did attend. joining us now, gatestone institute senior fellow, gordon chang. nicholas burns came out and talked about how china is undermining the west, undermining america. he specifically noted what they're doing in china but i would also note that that attempt at disruption is happening within america as well. your reaction? >> yes.
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well, it's good that ambassador burns talked about this in detail but this has been going on for decades and we've got to put this into broader context because in the united states china's diplomats can operate freely subject to some minor and normal restrictions. what's happened to the question of reciprocity? i think that what we need to start doing is with drawing our diplomats from china because they're not allowed to operate and they're not allowed to do their job and we should start expelling chinese diplomats in our country especially because they've been violating our sovereignty regularly and been committing crimes on our soil. things has just got to end. maria: yeah, i mean, look, we continue to see this behavior from communist china as it efforts domination of the world. the u.s. and the philippines are looking to deescalate tensions with beijing 5 after chinese cot guard chips were trying to
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resupply a chip in the north china sea. the united states will hold a joint maritime exercise with the philippines in the coming weeks as a show of support, the exercises will occur in disputed waters that manila claims as the west philippine sea and could involve other u.s. allies such as australia or of japan. ithe exercises were reportedly preplanned. and xi jinping thinks taiwan is too hard a military target and will go after the philippines instead. what are you thinking? >> the philippines is probably the most dangerous flash point in the world. what we see in the south china sea. we can't say xi jinping made the decision to go to war but we can say he made the decision to risk war. what we saw in the 17th of this month were acts of war against the philippines and the united states was not there to back up its ally. it's great that we do these joint exercises but the point is, we need to be with the
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philippines to back the chinese off and people might say that's dawning russ. everything is so dangerous because we allowed this to degrade into a very, very dangerous situation. maria: i don't think beijing is afraid of the u.s., that's for sure, in terms of going into taiwan. are now lessening your expectation of communist china going into taiwan? >> well, we've got to be prepared for any place, anything, any time. but the point is, the chinese right now, they're doing a lot of huffing and puff being around taiwan and we know that a war against taiwan would be unpopular in china because the chinese themselves say chinese don't kill i chinese and although the taiwan eese think they're taiwanese and not chinese, people in china 24*thinkthey're chinese becausef indoctrination. going to war would be unpopular. philippines, easy target.
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i think xi jinping believes he needs a win some place because things are going so badly at a home. maria: you're out with a new piece with gatestone institute titled the world's most dangerous delusion, biden thinks china was wants stability, you write this, americans may think they're at peace with china but china's ruling organization announced otherwise, most fundamentally in may of 2019, the people's daily, carried a landmark editorial declaring a people's war on america. tell us more. >> we're americans so we don't think this is important because we say that's propaganda but the communist party believes that a people's war is significant. they call it total war. and we're seeing this. we're seeing china poison 75,000 americans with fentanyl. they're stealing hundreds of billions of dollars of u.s. intellectual property each year, probably a half trillion dollars. we see them fomenting violence on our streets and when the biden administration says china wants stability that's
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absolutely wrong. what they are doing is they're acting as china's public relations effort and it's run out of the oval office and americans should be outraged. maria: i wonder how trump deals with that issue tonight at the debate. what do you think? >> i'm sure that he's going to talk about it because he had a much better china policy than biden did. biden unwound a lot of the things that trump did. so for instance, trump actually prohibited the import of chinese goods that could take down our grid and biden on his first day in office, hours after he took the oath of office, he undid that executive order and he didn't put anything else in its place which means the chinese can send in all of this grid stuff and that could end in a disaster for the united states. maria: that is unbelievable, gordon. no w wonder he refuses to call n enemy or adversary, only calls china a competitor after the walk in the park we were automaticever watching a year
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ago. -- watching a year ago. good to see you. quick break, big banks and big tech blending together to implement a.i. in business practice, we're talking about it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back with that. ♪ maria: tomorrow on "mornings with maria," first, we have the cnn presidential debate covered on all an gels, president biden and president trump's long awaited faceoff, graded by the pollsters and political minds in the business. it's all right here on "mornings with maria."
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. well, the u.s. supreme court accidentally posts a draft of a key abortion case yesterday. lauren simonetti with the accident this morning. lauren. >> it happened again, maria. the court accidentally posted an opinion draft in a case that questions whether idaho's abortion law conflicts with federal legislation, that mandates emergency care. the high court then removed the document and they say, quote, its publication unit
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inadvertently and briefly uploaded t to the website. the court's opinion will be issued in you due course. the draft seemed to suggest the court would side with the federal government, saying hospitals perform emergency abortions even with in states with abortion bans, it's unclear how the court will actually rule. well the manhattan da alvinbag's office is facing a complaint over potentially discriminatory hiring practices. the conservative legal advocacy group says the office is discriminating based on race and sex, writes the office is clear about engaging in diversity requirements, whether you call that racial balancing, whether you call it quotas. the trump prosecutor could face a warning letter or suspension of his law license if the group's complaint meets the violation threshold. karen reed, scolded by a
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massachusetts judge wednesday for smirking during jury deliberations in her murder trial, the 44-year-old is accused of running over her boyfriend, police officer john o'keefe and a leaving him to die in a snow storm in january of 2022. she seemingly made an amused face as you can see in court yesterday. watch. >> excuse me, this is funny? all right. we're done. >> the jury will resume deliberations today. if the convicted, reed faces up to life in prison. and morgan stanley will launch an a.i. assistant called debrief to handle thousands of hours of work for its human financial advisors. debrief will do the so called grunt work, the program takes notes on client meetings so it doesn't have to be done by hand anymore. and google is using facial recognition technology at one of its campuses in washington. security cameras will compare facial data to employee id
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badges to keep the unauthorized people and contractors out. it's a test but it obviously raises surveillance and privacy concerns and apparently, maria, you cannot opt out. so if you need to get into those offerses they're scanning your -- offices they're scanning your face. maria: i don't like that. what about you, how do you feel pout that. >> i feel like it's inevidence. they have people they want to protect. they have documents and technology they want to protect from getting into the wrong hands. i don't think we can avoid it. maria: what do you say in terms of facial recognition technology? >> i think they're overstepping a little bit. maria: me too. >> seems like a privacy concern, security concern. i understand their mo, i understand what they're trying to accomplish here but it seems like, i don't know, i don't -- i don't like it. i mean, it's -- i don't want big brother watching everything i do, not interested. maria: caroline? you know how many pictures there are of all of us, at this point
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there's so many images out there. what do you say, caroline? >> i agree, maria. i think it's a slippery slope. i think this kind of opinional surveillance probably reaches a point that most people are not comfortable with. i'm suprem speak of personal experience. i don't sign up for clear, to bypass security and get through the line. i don't want an extra picture of myself in some sort of system. i think most americans would feel similarly. maria: i think so. todd. >> if i went back to college i would not be recognized because i've gained a few pounds since college. so the face, the body, everything would be confused. i'm more interested in the morgan stanley story, the grunt work story, maria. let me get this straight. they're going to take client input, the intake, find out the clients' desires, isn't the next step, i don't know, the a.i. system determining what financial products those clients should be in, basically eliminating the financial advisor, i don't know if i worked at morgan stanley which be too happy about that.
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may seem great in the beginning. maria: there have been reports that show if an a.i. program is choosing your stocks, they're not doing so well. >> oh, okay. maria: i'm not sure about that. i don't know how morgan sees that but i don't know that anybody should want an a.i. program choosing your stocks. by the way, speaking of, did you see the piece in the journal today, do you believe in machine learning. yes, get ready for nbc's a.i. jgenerated al michaels, it's a.. al for the paris olympics. >> do you believe in miracles? that ain't no miracle. that's bad for us, maria. i have a 30 year runway that i need to keep this career going. i don't need this right now, nbc. maria: no, look, he you he approvedit. he's giving them the opportunity to use his voice. they used old nbc broadcasting, jen raygenerative a.i. and trait to speak like al michaels.
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>> it's a slippery slope. maria: you'll have al michaels at the olympic coverage in paris. >> al michaels can atoward to do that. some of us who need the job and income and aren't in the 70s, let's hold off with the a.i. replacing us. >> to the banks, though, i don't think morgan stanley or any major company is going to be completely fooled by the potential of a.i. did you read the wall street journal story yesterday, the chief information officer at juniper networks tested their a.i. systems like microsoft copilot and google's and they were getting the information wrong either because the data didn't know where to look or the data was old so i don't think a bank is really going to replace humans so easily. maria: that's true. it's all about the data and how accurate it is and that could be a very slippery slope. lauren, thank you. we'll take a short break. when we come back, showdown in atlanta, it is on, president trump and president biden facing off tonight for the cnn presidential debate.
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which issue is most important to voters and which issue will take center stage? we're talking about it in the hot topic of the hour right after this. then hear from rnc chairman michael whatley this morning, he's here with me live, the latest on the trump campaign and a fundraising. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ .. y. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪
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