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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 27, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: good thursday morning. i am maria bartiroma. it is thursday june 27, 7:00 on the button on the east coast, hot topic of the hour, showdown between donald trump and president biden is on. the cnn presidential debate takes off of biden's border crisis taking center stage as the us faces a surge of migrant crime. alejandro mayorkas is denying the latest claim about migrants with isis ties. watch this. >> 400 migrants with potential isis ties crossed into the united states. >> that is incorrect. >> tell us why. >> that reporting is incorrect,
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we do not have identified 400 people with potential isis ties. maria: a senior official of the department of homeland security is telling fox that 150 of these migrants who are tied to isis have been arrested and removed from the country. there are 50 of them they still know of that are still on the loose in america some of whom may match the terrorist watchlist. in 2020 there were 199 terrorist watchlist encounter, under president biden the number spiked to 564. in 2004 there have been 225 encounters of people who are actually on the terrorist watchlist. we are comparing the performances and the record of president biden and donald trump going into tonight's debate and this is what we found in terms of terrorist
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watchlist apprehensions. >> it is so jarring. if i were trump's debate coach i would emphasize the degradation of our homeland security because of biden's border negligence. that because he reversed all of the trump era deterrence measures biden has basically intentionally put americans at risk with the open border, not just by criminals raping and now murdering teenage girls in the streets but by terrorist attacks, biden's policies created so many opportunities for isis affiliated groups to infiltrate and export violence to this country and those 8 isis tied individuals that were left in the vetting process showed nothing for them. there was nothing on their record that indicated that they were threatening but my question is if we have no background information on these illegal aliens shouldn't the default be to expel or detain them. it's categorically insane to import hordes of illegal aliens because we don't have enough
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data to prove that they are dangerous as andy mccarthy said. biden is returning us to september 10th with these types of policies. maria: are we going to call up venezuela, we have 20 people who say they are from venezuela, no idea what their backgrounds are, can you tell us who these people are, of course not. of course not. and you are right, the first instinct when we don't have that information is send them back, border crossings increasing 318% since president biden took office and alejandra mayorkas thinks everything is going great. watch this. >> we have rescinded so many trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list them. it's moving in the right direction. the fact is our policy is working. our policies are working. we are conducting more removal flights than ever before. moving more people through the
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system than those who do not qualify are being removed or returned more rapidly. maria: how do you say the policies are working when we just talking about 3 murders, jocelyn nunngary will be laid to rest, rachel moran, mother of 5, laken riley, three murders at the hands of illegal migrants, here the policies the biden administration revoked, these were all in place on day one and they overturned all of them, border wall construction, asylum cooperation agreements, remain in mexico policy, title 42, asylum case reviews, humanitarian asylum review program. your reaction, you heard mayorkas a minute ago saying so many policies we can't even start to count. >> the it ministration is celebrating we've gotten the
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number down of daily crossings to 24 or 2200, that number should be 0. based on everything that is happening there shouldn't be any celebration of the numbers anything above 0. to caroline's point, instead of stopping these individuals at the border before a problem starts they are letting them in the country and it becomes a game of catch up to try to find these people, some are in the interior like a ridiculous game and you mentioned a number earlier, 50 individuals that are here with those terror ties, we know that number is higher but how many people did it take to do 911, 20? that was 9/11. you bring that up to 50 i am pretty scared to your earlier point, what should donald trump talk about tonight, that number will raise some eyebrows with many people watching. maria: the democrats don't want to touch this story.
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of you heard any acknowledgment from any democrat on any of this. hillary vaughan caught up with one democrat lawmaker yesterday about the border. >> migrants often times according to police departments are less likely to commit a crime the natural born citizens. >> undocumented immigrants commit far fewer crimes than anybody else. >> immigrant, legal or illegal, and the commit crimes lower than any native born americans. >> reporter: are the crimes preventable if they don't have a right to be here in the first place? >> i said what i was going to say. maria: he didn't want to go there. a reaction. >> what i found about democrats is white house press secretary karen jean-pierre recently blamed republicans again for the border crisis, this time because they said they want to defund the fbi which is not true, republican's want to reform the fbi. my question is why not take accountability for the fact
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that you are letting in these people in droves rather than -- they are coming from the opposite direction. maria: absolutely incredible, let slip in a short break, amazon the latest company making a splash topping $2 trillion in market value for the first time ever while planning to launch a new discount store. that news for you and the wall street panel coming up with expectations how that's impacting markets, you're watching "mornings with maria" on fox business, we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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maria: it is time for the word on wall street. top investors watching your money. j hatfield, with us is mark tepper.
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thank you for joining the conversation. i want to kick things off with you. with amazon here we go. another $2 trillion club member, the company stock reaching $2 trillion in market value yesterday for the first time ever joining microsoft, apple, nvidia, alphabet, those companies with 2 and $3 trillion and more. look at these numbers, microsoft is at 3.36 trillion, applet 2.7 trillion. amazon is joining the club, stock is up better than 27%. so far this year. is also hosting a closed-door event in china, planning to launch a new discount store dedicated to low-price items to allow chinese sellers to ship directly to us customers to try defend our chinese e-commerce stores. you say this magnificent seven is responsible for one hundred% of the s&p 500's earnings growth and 60% of the s&p's returns year to date if you take out is a. what about the second half of the year.
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what you think about amazon joining the $2 trillion club? >> the second half is going to be strong. if we look at the course of the next few months, typically july is okay, august is a little weak, a little rough and as we move into the last 3 or 4 months of the year i think we will finish with a strong stock market, tech leads of the way because this is an ai driven rally anyway. with regards to amazon amazon should be part of $3 trillion point, not the 2 trillion. amazon does so many things, e-commerce, aws, cloud business which is the biggest cloud business in the world. if amazon were to say we will break ourselves up, we will separate into separate businesses. if i were to do a sum of the parts valuation on amazon, i would get to $3 trillion. the fact that they have their
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fingers in so many things is actually working against them from a valuation standpoint with regards to this ultra discount business. doesn't seem like it really fits their business model because when it comes to e-commerce, people like amazon because you can buy something and it is on your doorstep later that day or the next day. they like it based on the convenience factor. this is ultra discount thing they are going to roll out. it's not going to get there later that day or next day. it's going to take longer so i don't think that fits. maria: beijing is going to favor that over amazon because chinese retailers, chinese discounters. >> without a doubt. they are not going to roll out the red carpet for amazon to compete with their companies. but yeah. amazon is a great company.
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they do so many things that if you apply the sum of the parts valuation. maria: i would expect that is where this is headed given the others but i want your take on this market mark has been talking about, this narrow rally we see and it's all about the magnificent seven and we wondered if this is going to broaden out and impact peoples etfs, their 401(k)s, this concerning do survey find 67% of 55 year max are critical he underrepaired for retirement. fidelity's, building financial futures report finds the average 401(k) balance is at nearly $126,000. the average balance for 44 to 59 your macs, $158,000. what do you make of this? >> that's concerning. it's important to start saving early. i put very little into my ira.
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the compounding effect is profound. all of our etfs our income focusing retirees or near retirees do that because they know what percentage of their expenses are covered by incomes so we do think that the rally will broaden out particularly during the summer as mark indicated, we do think the economy is weakening for the first time in four years. the fed will be forced to cut rates and the rally will broaden up, that's why 6200 on the s&p. maria: you are so spot on about the ecb being first before the fed in terms of recognizing rate cuts and needing rate cuts, now the ecb member saying he sees expectations for more rate cuts this year as reasonable, european markets are looking ahead to the highly anticipated french elections i want to know what you think of these elections, willoughby a
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market mover for european stocks? suddenly i am looking at research reports, the potential for france moving out of the eu. >> we been hitting negative about the european economy, failed energy transaction, high energy costs, they are not competitive. propped up by the us. just got back from vacation, americans increase. if the us is weakening they will we can even more. they need to keep cutting and the fed will be forced to follow because the dollar will get very strong. we would avoid europe. we don't think it will be disaster but it is riskier than the us. maria: the economy is bigger than the us. >> absolutely. if you look at germany, if it
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were not for net exports, would have a 1% recession over last year so domestic, they have a normal recession, industrial production drops, consumer is weak. the rest of europe is benefiting from tourism, not just the us but china. maria: you mentioned a minute ago all your etfs our income related. are you saying dividend payers, dividend growers? >> absolutely and those stocks have been what people have been selling to buy nvidia, amazon and the magnificent seven. what they need is a catalyst. they are not going to magically take off like a rocket, we need lower rates, fed rate cuts. we think if for the employment report for personal pc, obviously is likely to print point one, that is mechanical, we think the labor force likely to be weak although it is
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volatile, the following week, the fed will eventually figure out, they're always behind the curve, they will cut rates by september. maria: a september rate cut. i think 68% according to the futures market. real quick. how much priority is income to you? you are a growth guy, you've been spot on growth names but do you also favor income being dividend players? >> a lot of our clients are approaching retirement or recently retired and we are rolling out our first etf as well stocking dividend growth strategy whereby we invest in order for the stock to be considered for that universe it has to pay a dividend. that will certainly provide income but also make sure the quality of the company is adding to that strategy to be higher-quality. maria: i like dividend players.
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great to see you, thank you. jay hatfield joining us this morning, grateful for that. the department of homeland security secretary alejandra mayorkas is refusing to take response ability for biden's wide open border crisis, we are talking about that with congressman michael watts, taking a look at the security of america with the congressman do you arching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, stay with us. ♪
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>> the president's actions are working because of their tough response to illegal crossings. the safety and security of the american public is our highest priority. we screen and vet individuals when we encounter them. if we learn of derogatory information subsequently later in the process, then we take enforcement action accordingly. the individual who is responsible for a heinous, lacked is the criminal. we need to bring the force of the law to bear on that criminal. maria: that was alejandra mayorkas appearing to shrug off
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any blame for president biden's open border policy for the death of jocelyn nonegary and others at a report that there is an isis affiliated smuggling group who brought 400 migrants into the united states. senior dhs official telling fox that 150 of those 400 tied to isis have been arrested and removed, there are currently 50 people on the loose they are looking for. ties to isis, the dhs official fisting migrants don't pose an imminent threat to the homeland. house republicans past dhs appropriations bill that includes an amendment to defund mayorkas's salary. congressman, this is so nonsensical. first we understand that an isis related smuggling group brought in 400 people. isis related ties to isis, then
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we hear that one hundred 50 have been apprehended and sent back but there's 50 on the loose they are still looking for and it's okay, they don't pose an imminent threat to the homeland. >> and then you've got the secretary of dhs just a week after 8 isis operatives actively plotting and planning across multiple us cities that came across the southern border were arrested, he plays cutesy and shoulder shrugs and parses words, they are not 400 isis terrorists, they are associated with isis, this is no time to be spinning the american people, you need to reassure the american people and say there's still 50 out there. we don't know all 50 could be isis terrorists or none but i can assure you, america, we are going to round them up, shut
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down the border, start detaining these people and protect you. instead we get this flippant, smug brushing off and it is why we impeached the guy, why we are going to defund the guy and why we have to win in november. maria: you had christopher rae say many times, recently again that he's got all these red lights blinking, largely because of the unknowns of the border. why doesn't the biden administration acknowledge this? >> chris ray is making the rounds on the hill telling us he's never seen the threats so bad in his entire fbi career but behind closed doors and in briefings. i told him why don't you getting your suv and drive down to homeland security and tell them to close the border? you guys work together, go tell
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the president how bad this is, not cover your rear end with congress in case something goes boom but i'm telling you this is a ticking time bomb. it is only a matter of time. one more thing mayorkas also didn't acknowledge, how about all the got aways? we are only talking about the people cvp encountered, not the millions that other terrorist organizations could have instructed them and likely did to avoid the border patrol and law enforcement to get into our interior. this is a ticking time bomb and we haven't started talking about afghanistan and the reemergence of terrorism there. maria: what can you tell us about the reemergence in afghanistan right now? >> the fact that the new leader of al qaeda has sent out a clarion call to terrorists around the world, we have usama bin laden's dream of accounting, we have an
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international airport, passports and billions of dollars of weapons. afghanistan has become worse than pre-9/11. couple that with a wide open border and a feckless administration. i don't mean to scare everyone but we need to be, the american people have got to wake up, this administration is asleep at the switch. maria: do you think this comes up tonight. i've not seen cnn report on the wide open border. i've not seen cnn report on the deaths of these beautiful women we've been talking about, they were killed at the hands of illegal migrants. president biden and donald trump face-off tonight at the cnn presidential debate and biden's preparations reportedly focused on ways to trigger trump, trump is relying on his campaign experience, bidenomics expected to be in focus as each
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candidate tries to convince voters that policy plans will boost the economy, they are expected to spar on immigration, abortion and democracy but what do you think about the border, is it going to come up tonight? >> i expected to. i don't see how it can't. maria: cnn never reports on it. >> i know they don't and if you didn't watch fox you would think, you listen to this administration you would think everything was fine, mainstream media is not reporting on it at all. of the president says their names. he was challenged in the state of the union and couldn't pronounce one name, say 3 names and how about the abbeys of the gate gold star families, say the word afghanistan, acknowledge those 13 goldstar families. i don't think biden cognitively could do it, he doesn't want to do it. is going to try, he's going to
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try to go on offense on abortion and january 6th because he has nothing to run on. not bidenomics, not the border, not crime, not the middle east or the world on fire and donald trump, all he has to do is talk about policies that worked, to us mca, the new nafta deal to the economy to inflation to the abraham accords. i think it's going to be a clear contrast. maria: we will see how much trump is able to get out of all that. cnn is controlling the microphone. they cut off when they want to cut him off, when biden is trumping -- talking trump can't talk. i want to get your observations. michael walton joining us as always. thank you for your service to our great country. we will be right back.
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maria: showdown in atlanta tonight, donald trump and president biden face-off in the cnn president of the bay. a new poll finds expectations are high for trump, 42% expect them to win tonight's debate, 29% say president biden will win the debate. a recent fox news poll finds three and ten voters say debate performance will be extremely important to their vote. joining me is michael whatley. welcome back to the program. >> good to be with you. maria: what are your expectations tonight? what are you watching for? >> i' m watching to see donald trump lay out his vision for the next four years of america and talk about a contrast between his record, his four years in office and president biden's four years in office
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and draw a line down the differences between the successes we had with donald trump and the failures we've seen under president biden. maria: maganomics versus bidenomics will be an issue. us nobel prize-winning economist claim trump's economic plans could reignite inflation. the last four years has reignited inflation because of biden's policies, claiming trump's deportation plans could shrink the labor force crating more competition for us workers and push-up wages all adding to inflationary pressure. no mention of the fact that under president biden, wages have gone down. we had many of the same warnings in 2016 before trump took office. >> inflation was one. 4% the day president biden took over, it went up to 9% and they
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are trying to brag about 3% lodz inflation never got above 2% when donald trump was in office so the inflation bugaboo they are trying to put out does not square with the facts was the fact is american workers were better off under donald trump, real wages went up and under president biden real wages of gone down and has heard every american family. maria: i'm glad you say at the beginning of this interview i'm looking forward to hearing what trump has to say about the next four years because that is what people want, rather than looking backwards, what are your plans, biden gave us a glance of his plans, his got $7.3 trillion budget for 2025 that includes $5.5 trillion of new taxes and higher taxes, we will see what else he has in mind. is this what you are hearing from donors, you had a successful fundraising period here, assess the fundraising
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period and tell us what the big donors want to hear tonight. >> the donations that have come in from across the country is another version of paul. there's enthusiasm behind donald trump and we are seeing real polls, we are seeing the donations, we are seeing it in the crowds that show up all across the country every time we show up in a swing state like pennsylvania or michigan or wisconsin, getting fantastic crowds, fantastic enthusiasm, donations, we broken the record in donations for the campaign and the rnc in march, april and may and continuing to see the support that's coming in every single day and it goes to show you that america is ready for a change. maria: you had a particularly successful time after his conviction. >> we raised $141 million was when the rnc and the trump
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campaign but what's amazing about that is 2 million individual donors, $70 average for each of those donations so this is not just megadonors even if he were only to focus on that we would have great numbers but we are seeing every day americans outraged by the sham trial in new york, the small dollar online donations when he was in court because the american people saw this was not a legit trial, these were not. it charges and were outraged biden during the course of the trial we outraised president biden and went up in the polls. the lawfair weaponization of the judicial system by president biden and his allies across the country has not worked. it is backfired and we are ready for this debate because it's going to be an opportunity for donald trump to talk for
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40, 45 minutes and lay out his vision for the next four years and that is what this debate is about. maria: i want to ask you about the rnc. we are two weeks away but first, let me play this soundbite from claudia tenney. your other priority is ensuring that we had a fair and transparent election in november and we've been talking about illegals coming into the country, 2 million got aways, lots of conversations among republicans that the reason we have the open border is the democrats want illegals to vote which is illegal. here's claudia tenney with me the other day. watch this. >> susan rice, former president obama's key advisors heading up the operation of tasking federal agencies to get votes from illegal immigrants, get those ballots in the box and once they are cast we can't go back and determine if the ballot was an illegal immigrant
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or not. this is not a conspiracy theory, it is out there in a memo from susan rice. i would not be surprised if somehow these millions of illegal immigrants are casting votes in swing states to make sure president biden wins this election because we know donald trump is winning on policy. maria: it is all on you, chairman of the rnc, how do you ensure illegals are not voting in this presidential election? >> as you said it is illegal in every single state for a noncitizen to vote and we need to make sure the states are going to enforce this law so we are working with states all across the country to make sure they are aware and we are talking to folks all across the country on the republican side to go out and sign up, donald trump is made clear we've launched an initiative, 100,000 volunteers to serve as paul workers across the country,
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we've launched a website, protectthose above where we are recruiting thousands of patriots across the country who are going to help us make sure we have eyes and ears on polling locations and working with states across the country to tell them you know that it is still eager for use people to vote, do not let them vote. maria: can you say to our viewers you have confidence this will be a fair election? >> we need it to be a fair election. what happened in 2020 cannot happen again and what we need to do is make sure we are in the room when votes are being cast and counted and make sure we have the right rules of the road in place which is why we are working with legislatures, governors, boards of elections across the country. there are areas where they do not want to get these basic protections in place, we are filing lawsuits, 92 lawsuit in 25 states to make sure we have
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fair, accurate, secure and transparent elections. maria: the rnc is two weeks away, this is your big event, what can you tell us in terms of expectations? >> we are so excited. we have 50,000 delegates, guests and alternates coming into milwaukee, the buildout is going extremely well, the planning looks very good and it will be an absolutely amazing opportunity for donald trump to go before the country and the entire world and lay out his vision for the next four years. maria: do you think donald trump will announce his vp pick thursday night or at the beginning of the rnc monday? >> i feel comfortable that he is going to do it sometime between today and july 15th. maria: today at the beginning of the convention? all right. we've got a hot two weeks we are reporting on. good to see you. thank you.
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michael whatley joining us, quick break, the future of farming. a firsthand look at how technology is impacting our farm industry. >> the future is here today. farmers need our help to keep us fed. how they are doing it after the break. maria: tomorrow "mornings with maria," first we have the cnn presidential debate covered on all angles, president biden and donald trump's face-off graded by top pollsters. it is all right here on "mornings with maria". is smart here, right ? feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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artificial intelligence and autonomous machinery is here to stay being used in all industries, even agriculture. in a farm in kansas this morning, kelly has more. good morning. >> reporter: i apologize, we are 10 miles south of a small farm town where we are seeing the future of our farming happening today. this is important because 2017-22 according to the census
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of agriculture we lost 15% of farms in this country so i'm going to show you one piece of equipment that is vital to helping farmers do their job and keep our bellies full, this is a sprayer in the distance which is helping farmers use much less of their herbicides and pesticides. it it to 90% reduction. this is interesting because it has these white boxes that are optical sensors, they can go on any sprayer at what they do is essentially use the colors of what it is seeing to decide is this a weed? instead of allowing farmers to blanket spray the fields, they can actually pinpoint a dime sized weed and it will spray at 25 mph. this is really important because by 2050 we expect the global population to reach 10 billion people so farmers are looking for ways to have more
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done in a quicker way with less help because there's going to be more and more of a labor issue in the egg industry so more autonomy is really important to this industry and we are going to be seeing all sorts of autonomy throughout the day. somebody is driving this vehicle here but it is really the spraying and the sensors that are the technological advancement here today but throughout the day on fox business we will have all sorts of different showcases for you here today. back to you. maria: we will look at that autonomous machinery. thanks very much. meanwhile, the iranian regime you know you -- using university to hide nuclear project and develop. lauren simonetti with details. >> reporter: a new report
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claims the regime is using the islamic university system to hide nuclear resources and personnel in an attempt to dodge us sanctions, this was closely affiliated with the islamic revolutionary guard, national council resistance of iran tells fox news digital, quote, to run's nuclear program has always been about building a nuclear bomb. the weaponization part of the nuclear program has only remained intact but is expanded and enhanced with no scrutiny. texas congressman wesley hunt leading the charge to reach black voters for donald trump in a 60-second ad that will air during the presidential debate. president biden's history as a politician reveals a pattern of making explicitly racist comments, authoring and endorsing discovered hoary policies and associating with individuals known as segregationists. another advertisement by a conservative nonprofit will
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emphasize the recent murders of young american women by young illegal migrants. >> he was wanted for murder but biden let him in. president biden's open border a nightmare for american women. >> reporter: it will be a cage right tomorrow. here expert reaction to the face-off, the first one, between president biden and donald trump. maria: trying to ensure it's not a cage fight because they will shut off his mike if he tries to talk while biden is talking and shut off biden's mike while trump is talking. >> reporter: they are trying to make it seem more civilized that it might seem like a three on one with the cnn moderators and biden going against trump but i love the fact that donald trump did agree to that and will take the shots.
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that might make it look better. >> not only will it make him look better but i said this before, i 100% believe this is the case that having the microphone shut off will help trump because when you go back to 2020, he was so interruptive throughout those debates with biden and that worked against him. the majority of these rules are stacking the deck against trump not to mention jake tapper a few months ago compared trump to adolf hitler. that will not work in donald trump's favor. i look forward to seeing what happens tonight. maria: nate silver, the famous a polling expert making trump they have a favorite to beat biden in november. you saw a report that the data unveiled in his models showed donald trump has a 65.7% chance of victory on november 5th the.
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>> trump needs to play this straight. he doesn't need to win over the people who love donald trump's here reverence. he has won those people. he needs to win over independents who heard donald trump is a lunatic. if donald trump can go out and be down the middle and focus on policy and let president biden hang himself with his own rope it is a guaranteed win for trump. maria: they want to trigger trump. >> they've been studying tapes of trump. bob bauer who plays trump in an airplane hangar doing mock debates and finding ways to make him get enraged and incensed but the ad that we saw on illegal immigrants, migrants coming here and hurting american women might resonate with suburban women. maria: thank you.
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showdown in atlanta, looking at bidenomics versus maganomics as they face-off in the cnn presidential debate. grady trimble is live with a preview. >> reporter: crews are getting ready for tonight. candidates are too and so are we. coming up, a preview of what to expect on the big night. ♪
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