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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 27, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> tram's challenge tonight is to appear to be the steadier hand on the wheel.
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i know he's bombast ick, he can be unpredictable, but a temperate performance will do him well. >> he has a lot 20 answer if if he's going to attack donald trump on criminallaltism. >> i think maybe this suggests things have gone so far to the left and places like isn't louis and cori bush has taken it to far. lauren: i thought they were talking about you. stuart: me? stop it. stop it. 11:00. lauren: saw dollar signs and fences in connecticut.
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stuart: 11:00 eastern time, birthday, june the 27 . dow up 82 and nasdaq up 14 points and show me big tech. mostly winners and new high, apple down 15-cents and big tech is doing okay. the 10 year treasury yield up 4.28% and now this. the biden campaign has won overriding thing, that is donald trump is a threat to democracy. that theme will be prom nprominenttonight. we're told that biden will try to rile trump up saying he tried to overturn the 2020 election results and encouraged the mob on january 6 and is is a convicted felon and will be a dictator on day one. when things aren't going wrong with the border, inflation, crime, and just about everything else, why not dig up the past and claim trump is out to
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destroy democracy. it's the one issue they feel they have traction. unfortunately there's bad news for the biden campaign on this. the strategy is not working. in a washington post poll of six swing states, 44 trust trump to handle threats to democracy. 33 trust biden and he's under water on signature issue and why? because biden has undermined his own argument, attacking your opponent using trumped up politicized lawsuit and banana republic and not a constitutional republic. lawfare is not a tactic that sharpens democracy, it undermines it and biden's open border, we're seeing efforts to get noncitizens to vote and clearly an effort to boost numbers to the next census to add congressional seats to blue democrat states and hardly the democratic way to do things. tonight, the audience could reach 100 million or more and new poll shows roughly half the country believes the face off is
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extremely or very important and the performance of the candidates will make a difference a quinnipiac poll show 16% are open to changing their vote. biden has a big decision to make. with trump holding a small lead in most polls, how does he get people to switch to him when he's underwater on the issues and attack on trump threatening democracy is not working as planned. big night tonight. i say it's trump's to lose. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: joe concha, come on in, please. do you agree with me, this is trump's debate to lose. >> absolutely, stu. unlike 2020, joe biden now has a record to defend when it comes to inflation, and prices being 20% higher on things that people
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buy every day since he took office. on gas prices being up nearly 50%, stuart, since donald trump left office on hundreds of terrorists crossing into the u.s. across the u.s. southern border since joe biden took office and obviously we have wars going on for example in ukraine where we could be talking five years from now about stalemate on the eastern front while we still pump billions into that war or on cultural issues like biological men competing against biological women and on the issues that people care about most and that sin fellation, economy, immigration, poverty, homelessness, on all those issues, donald trump has upper hand and therefore has upper winning argument, stu. stuart: stuart: earlier on this program today, i asked dr. ben carson if he'd weigh in on if we'll see the president be jacked up joe tonight. you got to listen to this. roll it. >> well, there are a number of drugs that can be used.
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they're used in a diplomatic corp. when people have been up for long periods of time and they have an important meeting in another country and their biological clock is off. there are things you can take that will really string you to a point where you're back to normal. stuart: sir, that sounds like amphetamine to me. >> that's a very popular stimulant, but there are a number of medications that are useful in that arena. stuart: joe, you realize we now have a very famous doctor talking about the president of the united states who just possibly could be using amphetamine to get up for the debate. >> i don't think it would help him even if he was using red bull and pixy sticks. any sort of stimulant to give him more energy because while he may have more energy and more passion, he also tends to get angry and yells in those situations like we saw at the
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state of the union. i actually spoke to a couple of doctors about this myself, stuart, as far as if joe biden is on a stimulant, who knows what it is and who cares quite frankly, does that help his memory however? again, there's no t t telepromtr here tonight and can he remember inflation was not at 9% when he took office like he repeatedly said or that he inherited a god awful mess at the border. no, he did not. if he's jacked up but lying in the process, again, i don't think it helps him all that much. stuart: okay. bill maher says people with aggressive left wing politics are turning voters to trump. roll it. >> part of it, the left has to own. they are aggressively anti-common sense. the democrats keep running on this one idea saying to the american people: you can't possibly think you can do worse than donald trump and they keep
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saying, yes, we can and everything it like, you don't get it, mom. that's old thinking and don't get what? abolish the police, tear down statues of lincoln and maybe give communism another shot. going for capitalism and ideas are stupid. stuart: joe, for a liberal, he make as lot of sense. >> he is the voice of reason now for the democratic party and admire a man that sticks to his principles, bill maher has been saying this for some time on his h bo show and common sense stuff allowing 10 million people into the country and saying, well, you know, this is what immigration is all about. it's illegal immigration and hurts people here illegally in terms of social services for example being taken away from them so we can take care of people that shouldn't be here in the first place. that's one of many examples but, yeah, deputy haves to get back
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to being about the party of the working man and woman and party of elites and wokism and jamaal bowman. that's part of the party. stuart: it's trump's debate to lose. joe concha, thank you for being with us. you'll be watching tonight. so we will. big corporations for raising inflation and those companies have to do more and kevin o'leary is with us this morning. is biden's plan of blaming big greedy corporations. is that going to resinate with investor s? >> this narrative worked for politicians and give you examples and aoc has done a fantastic job with taxes rich and it's now famous t-shirts and gets great margin from those things and elizabeth warren in massachusetts has a fantastic rhetoric going ongoing after high net worth individuals and
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successful credit card companies and great jobs and very specific on taxing into oblivion and raising millions with the biden case and it's going to work and i tell you why, the challenge biden faces is that's not a solution for inflation. overtaxing corporations and going after them to pay their fair share does not solve for food protein prices and doesn't solve for housing prices and does not solve for mortgage prices or gasoline prices and those are things people want to talk about and will be talking about around the kitchen table. taxing corporations does actually not help you with inflation and what hurt, joe? didn't see coming and it was the inflation reduction act, and the science and chips act. we overspent by about $2 trillion, it's easy to put that in the rear-view mirror because you don't know in the middle of a pandemic what you've got to do, but nothing will change that for november.
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he's facing a brutal situation on inflation in this election. stuart: i want to look at markets for a second. micron stock fell at revenue forecast failed to top estimates and is this where we are with ai? is it meeting expectations and meeting expectations good enough any longer? have to top expectations? >> you're comparing against nvidia and every company that's participating in ai and looked against the shadow of the behemoth of topping the metric and they're measured by and at some point that'll slow down. nobody knows when. but remember, this ai market, stuart, has been climb ago wall of worry for 2.5 years and evaluations today are 4, 500x what they where when this concern was generated two years ago and these are expensive stocks. this is a new narrative in productivity and where it stops, nobody knows yet.
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then there's competition coming and i know of data centers being basically contracted now where the chip sets are not nvidia and they'll be amazon that don't even exist yet and taking that far away and when that day comes and chips become more of a commodity, keys will correct. when that occurs, nobody knows. you live by the story you die by the story. these pes are stretched and if you have been with nvidia, you know it's been a great ride. stuart: i missed t kevin. terribly sorry. i missed it. i miss it had big time. kevin o'leary, don't be a stranger and come back soon. i know you'll be watching tonight. see you later. >> definitely. a big cookout and serve ago flight of wines and so excited about this debate. i'm the chef and the vintor continue. stuart: where's my invitation? >> starting with a crisp wine and moving onto a hotter one
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when the debate gets heated i hope. stuart: i have varney wines. we're back and seeing you very soon. lauren is looking at movers and i want to know about salesforce. lauren: they're up at 4.2% ahead of annual shareholders meeting this afternoon. the agenda includes electing new board members and addressing slowing growth concerns and the stock is down 7%. can ai fix that slowing growth? investors optimistic. stuart: yeah, up 4% now. chipotle. lauren: a post-split hangover and stock down 4% and the split went into effect yesterday and the largest of the stock exchange and stock is down sharply. it's the near term. stuart: becoming an economist and going to wreck the economy and they've publicly supported biden is we'll have economist peter mauricy what he thinks and we'll ask him. tim scott no matter how he
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responds to people who criticize him for being a black republican. watch this. >> it was the republican party that cut a single mom's taxes by more than 70%. the democrats are aiding and abetting poverty. stuart: tim scot, senator tim scott on the short list to become president trump's vice president. does leo terrell think he has a real shot? we're going to ask leo because he's next. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does.
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stuart: california governor gavin newsom is uprooting his family from sacramento and going to ritzy marin county north of san francisco. why, ashley? ashley: so his older daughter can attend a posh private school where tuition is a staggering $60,000 a year. no public school for montana. it is worth mentionerring that governor newsom said he has to pull one child out of school because of excessive bullying and politico reporting that newsom will continue to reside part-time in california's capitol sacramento with his wife while the couple's four children will live with extended family members in marin county and the location fueling speculation about his political ambitions beyond his guaranteed credit tomorrow term, which depends -- gubernatorial concerns that ends and the presidential rate and you bet he'll be in atlanta tonight for the big show down
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between biden and trump. stuart: thank you, ashley. governor newsom has warned afters taking on the forces of darkness, his words. listen to what he says, roll it. >> this year we face another extraordinary moment in history for california, for the country and the world. we are presentinged with a choice and society that embraces values and world darkened by division and discrimination and economic prosperity and safety and freedom are under assault and forces are threatening the very foundation of california's success. stuart: all right, former civil rights lawyer and former high schoolteacher leo terrell and that was fear mongering. that was fear mongering. what say you? >> what's fear mongering and by the way, gavin newsom supports public education except for his kids and 60,000 and a lot of
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california can't make that in a year. 60,000 per year for tuition. but to answer your question, it is fear mongering and he's trying to demonize those trump supporters and by the way, he needs to look at polls because trump supporters support a boarder and support an immigration law and they support trying to eliminate crime and they want to make sure there's no inflation but the california strategy is to deflect and that's what gavin newsom is doing, stu. stuart: in 2020, as i recall, biden won california against trump by something like 20 points. i'm not sure the exact number, but it was 20 points or more than that. this time around, this november, what do you think the score will be? >> i think california, if i'm going to be up front and honest, it's going to remain blue, but the numbers are shrinking. what you see right now is trump is penetrating blue areas. you see we talked about this before, his message of low
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inflation and better economy and eliminate this crime and secure the boarder and resinates with all people of color and let's not forget you and i have a bet on your somehow last time i -- show last time i said 18% of black votes going to tram and it'll be historic and i want that dinner from you. stuart: you say 18% or larger and i say it's 18% or less. you want dinner from me? >> yes. stuart: if i lose. okay. you're on. >> that's right. save this tape. stuart: we're going to save it all, baby. believe me that. senator tim scott asked about being the first black republican vice president on the ticket. roll that tape, please. >> when you hear people saying because you're a black republican that social security ridiculous and insulting and embarrassing and how you handle the never ending attacks? >> well, i think prayer is a big part of it and i think there's a debate about who's made the most progress for the african
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american community in the last 50 years. it was the republican party that cut a single mom's taxes by more than 70%. the democrats are aiding and abetting poverty, period. stuart: what do you say of senator scott's chances of being vp? >> president trump doesn't see color and let me go one step further, president trump has done more in his four years than the biden/obama 12 years for black america. he did you want see color. he doesn't see color. president trump has an arsenal of great republicans to be vice president. tim scott has a great chance, i want to be honest with you. two days ago i gave president trump my choice for his vp. can't tell you who it is because it's a secret. i did do that and he communicated back. tim scott would be a choice along with numerous other republicans that trump can
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select from. stuart: what's a good strategy for trump? announce vp choice now right before the debate or a little later on before the convention? >> no brainer at the convention. tonight, 100 million people are going to watch this debate. it's the center of attention. do not announce right now president trump and what's going to happen is this, if trump focuses on the border, the economy, and crime, he is going to win this debate and i think he's going to win the election in november. stuart: washington dc, the city council there just approved a budget that includes funds for reparations for slavery. california is also committed to paying millions in reparations. now, the question to me is should any reparations be paid of any kind? >> that's a very good question. no, never. never, never. let me tell you right now. washington dc got a million
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dollar of seed money and could have got $14 million and talking point for democrat and it's too divide us and no one deserves reparations, period. i would be -- i would activate my license again to fight against reparations and it's unconstitutional and it's racist and illegal and we were never a slave state. it's nothing more than a democrat talking point to keep black americans in the democratic party, which is faifaifailing and it's to divids country and believe t stu. stuart: for a variety of reasons, leo terrell, we've got to bet on this and see you again real soon. mr. terrell, thank you very much. >> thank you, stu. stuart: california republicans have an idea to fight shoplifting in their state. what's their idea? lauren: make shoplifting a felony for repeat offenders. this is an initiative to reform what's called prop 47. that's blamed for the flash mobs and the brazen retail left. it's going to be on ballot november 5. why is that important?
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even democrats in california are getting tough on crime and messaging or such. that could be a potential shifter in the house of congress and could flip some of the house seats and therefore a balance of power. stuart: a bit late, isn't it? lauren: seeing the republican cushions of year -- repercussions of years of bad policy and liberal constituents say enough is enough. stuart: coming up, a group of democrat lawmakers pushing president biden to reframe the mere immigration debate. you wouldn't leave how they're trying to reframe it. ♪
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stuart: two hours in on a thursday morning and dow up 15 and nasdaq down 12. not much price movement. show me amazon, please. no longer is it just a $2 trillion company. they're doing something else as well accident aren't they? lauren: yeah, they're planning to take on chinese rivals shein and temu by offering chinese shippers direct access to the
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market and discount marketplace and amazon discount marketplace share as high of 197 a few moments ago. stuart: amazon creating that marketplace for cheap chinese imports. lauren: yeah. stuart: blackberry. lauren: now a cybersecurity company and up 13%. they still lost money but less than expected and inducing a positive cash flow at the end of the year. stuart: tonight is the cnn presidential debate between trump and biden at the white house and edward, will we hear a lot about bidenomics tonight? reporter: probably not the word but a lot about jobs specifically. we did a little fact checking of the president here and president biden likes to say this, listen. >> the plan's working. you know, we have created 15 million jobs since we took office. reporter: brushing over the fact that the covid shut downs when it's convenient for him and according to the bureau of labor
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statistics and economy added back all the jobs lost in the pandemic and created 6.2 million jobs. president biden posting on x recently that trump is the first president since hoover who left office with fewer jobs than he entered. but again, fails to mention that was because the covid lockdowns where jobs were coming back. when you have this comment then we have this comment about the jobs report themselves. listen to this. >> you have payroll jobs coming in strong even though there's an argument they may be overstated and they're still strong. what we see is last jobs report saying we gained 272,000 jobs and household surveys going to lose 800,000 jobs and the chairman said the numbers might be overstated. what do you think? >> we have to look at all the data. >> overstated. >> in the establishments or the payroll survey, some reason to think that based on the benchmark revision with data and there might be a bit overstated and we'll learn a bit more about that in the next month.
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reporter: the federal reserve chairman and second most important person in the federal reserve system looking at jobs reports with a little skepticism. we'll have to see what jobs numbers president biden uses tonight at the show down. back to you, stuart. stuart: thank you, edward. a headline from axios, 16 noble prize winning economists claim a trump victory reigniting inflation and causing lasting harm to the global economy and economist peter morici joining me now. one of them is married to a biden official and the others have donated or supported president biden. are these economists possibilityive or just propaganda? or just propaganda? >> this is a very successful presidency when it came to the economy. think of what you'll like of them personally and this is basically the kind of corruption we saw outside of columbia on harvard square during the recent demonstrations. basically university education and the people that run it have
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become ideo ideo ideo ideologuet and incampbell of thinking about clear and important issues of the day. they'll all tell you that any of them can justify a deficit that 6.7% for gdp and that's exactly what joe biden has and if anyone is taking the country down a trail of insolvency, it's joe biden. stuart: now, trump's plan is to use tariffs on imports coming into the country. and reduce the level of income taxes, all though it's tariffs. doesn't that raise prices? isn't that inflationary? >> well, not really. i'm going to do some gymnastics here. if you raise tariffs, you will raise price as little bit. but if you give people back the money in the form of lower taxes, they will come out better off because part of the tariff will be paid by chinese producers and only part of the
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tariff paid by them. i want to use this as an example, an instruction, paul kruegman published in the recent times tariffs are always paid by the consumer. and seemed to have forgot a chapter from introductory economics that he taught from and taught in every college in the country when talking about tax shifting and incidents of taxes. whenever you put an excise tax on, elasticity of demand is ab chutely rigid like insulin, some gets shipped back to the producers and that's the question. if you raise tariffs on foreign goods, some of that will be paid by the foreign producers if you use all of that money and give it to consumers in the form of lower taxes, they come out ahead by the amount that the foreign producers absorb. it's that simple. you want to get all 16 noble prizes on here, i will take them apart one by one on this issue
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if they endorse his position. stuart: extrapolate and take a bigger position here, tariffs are essentially a consumption tax. is it right to move towards a consumption tax as opposed to taxes on income? >> well, it depends on what you're doing. if you're using it for example to -- trump's tariffs could be used to essentially extend those tax cuts from the 2017 tax act that are going to expire. those benefits would go to working people. i don't think that's wrong, the other problem we have in the united states is that because our tax system is so progressive, it's very easy for democrats to say let's have for example financing child care and we'll tax the billionaires for it. i don't have to pay for it and the reality is europeans pay for all these things in much higher taxes and we have to start talking about what benefits
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we're willing to pay for and as long as democrats are demagoguing it, they'll demagogue it. stuart: yes, they will. peter morici, very instructive stuff and we appreciate state queens. see you soon and i'm sure you'll be watching tonight. >> oh, yeah. stuart: the financial accounting board wants everyone to know how much workers are getting paid. ashley, tell me more. ashley: yeah, the new rules mean that u.s. publicly traded businesses must provide employee compensation details in the footnotes of financial statements. for example, with the cost of goods sold, companies also have to provide how much of that expense item is spending on salaries, bonuses, share based payments and medical and pension benefits, but they won't have to give a total employee compensation figure. the rule is intended to help investors better understand company's operations through wider disclosure, but some have pushed back saying it'll be
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costly to carry out and basically deliver little benefit to investors. but the requirements are set to go into effect in 2027. stu. stuart: thanks, ashley. coming up, hillary vaughn tries to get answers from democrats about the murder of jocelyn nungary. congressman lee's response "i don't know who that is". that's outrageous and congressman darryll issa will respond. members of ga gangs in venezuela are smuggling guns into the jail and that's how migrants got his hands on a weapon. the full report is after this. ♪
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claim a venezuela gang has been smuggling guns into the city, new york city. cb cotton is joining me now. are they smuggling guns into shelters, really? reporter: hi, stu, what we're learn asking producers say this illegal migrant confessed to a scheme were members of gang that smuggled firearms into the city's shelter system using food delivery bags that didn't have to go through metal detectors and this was just one of the bizarre new details revealed in court when ber bernardo raul cao pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and assault charges. he's on your screen right there. matha opened fire on two officers that tried to pull him over ride ago scooter in the wrong direction earlier this month. he told the police the gun wasn't his and accidently went off during the encounter. prosecutors said he admitted to being recruited for robberies by
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the gang. in court yesterday prosecutors quoted from a taped interview matha gave to the police. >> [inaudible] police officers shoot at gang members for minor infractions. criminals feel there's a chance of getting away. reporter: as for the allegations of gun smuggling, we're told the city agency, which oversees the migrant shelter system gave refresher training to the contractor on how to better use hand held wands to screen belongings and as for allegations of gun smuggling, queens district attorney brushed off the question when asked about it. listen. >> right now there's a lot of allegations that are being alleged. we are investigating all of
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them. reporter: so he's being held in protective custody without bail and due back in court in september. stu. stuart: that you can't, cb. three house progressives are forming a caucus and trying to reshape the debate on immigration. what is their plan? lauren: address the root causes of immigration. wasn't that kamala harris' job? stuart: it was. lauren: basically why do the migrants leave their homes to come here? two of the cochairs that's delia ramirez of illinois and congressman from texas. they should look at boosting hie humanitarian aid in their home country and destabilizing sanctions on venezuela, toughening gun laws here to prevent mexican gangs and cartels from causing violence. here's one quote, "to make sure the u.s. doesn't contribute, the u.s. doesn't contribute to
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further destabilization and violence in mexico". are you kidding me? stuart: i can tell how you feel about this. lauren: you can't twist the story enough. stuart: crazy. lauren: they're going to try and flip immigration heading into november because it's a losing issue for president biden. stuart: years ago we had a united nations representative from the united states, and she said it's the blame america first crowd, and that's what they're doing. blake america first. lauren: 100% agree. stuart: that's what they do. thanks, lauren, a new report said an isis affiliated group smuggled 400 migrants into the u.s.. secretary mayorkas denied that report. come on back in, ashley. why does texas governor abbott, why does he think mayorkas was so quick to shoot that down? ashley: because of course it's a huge political liability for joe biden. sot secretary of hope land security trying to down play any threat. listen to the texas governor talking to "fox & friends". watch this.
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>> i got a thesis for this, and that is when that news came out, the biden administration knew it was going to be a difficult issue for the president to deal with in the debate tonight, and they probably told mayorkas clean it up by going out there and lying to them once again. this has been going on through the entirety of the biden administration. ashley: now, another interesting note to this. mayorkas claims that report was wrong. smuggling group, 400 migrants linked to isis saying that's not too . later in the day, dhs con if i wered to fox news that yes, indeed, it is true. meanwhile republicans just say, look, it's more proof there's literally no one joe biden would turn away. it will come up in tonight's conversations, stu. stuart: guarantee it, ashley. show me the dow 30. how is the market doing and winner asks losers amongst the dow 30. there's a dead even split. and the dow is up 47 points
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right there. california's governor newsom says conservatives that criticize california are delusional. listen to this. >> california way of life we recognize is under attack for conservatives and delusional california barbers, their success demands -- bashers, their success depends on our failure. stuart: darryll issa is going to respond to the governor and he's next. ♪ ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance.
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stuart: an entire chapter of california's hell's angel's motorcycle club has been arrested. want to tell me what happened? lauren: criminal street gang investigation, and all of the bakers field, california, chapter were arrested on various violent charges including kidnapping, elder abuse, first degree robbery. authorities say 25 firearms and ammo were seeds. there's some of them. stuart: okay -- seized. there's some of them. stuart: okay, hillary vaughn tried to get answers from democrats about the murder of 12-year-old jocelyn nungary in texas. listen to how summer lee
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responded. watch this. this. reporter: can i ask you quickly about the 12-year-old girl in houston that was tortured. >> i don't talk to strangers and i don't know who you are or who she is, i live in pittsburgh. reporter: okay, but there was a child -- you don't know about the child killed by illegal immigrants? stuart: that's outrageous response from a public official about a child murdered. lauren: if you don't know that specific case, at least pivot and say this is what we're doing about the border. we realize this is a problem and gloss over it and ignorance if you will. she was rude to hillary and didn't know who that little girl was. stuart: outrageous. ashley, what do you think? ashley: yeah. i just, you know, don't bother me with the facts because they're not going to speak well of my party so i'll just pretend i don't know anything about it. go away. that was the message to hilary. it's very cynical and quite -- the word i'd use is pretty disgusting to be honest.
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stuart: i take my hat off to hillary vaughn and often gets interviews with people and gets something out of them from people who really don't want to talk on camera, but she gets it and right in there every time. lauren: hilary's nice and friendly and comes in with a gentle approach if you will, and they have the option if they want to take her up on that. stuart: ashley and lauren, thank you for that. check out the markets and i see the dow is up 60 some odd points and topping 60s as we speak. there's the markets, up 60 for the dow and nasdaq down 15 points. i'd call that a mixed market. i don't believe the market's waiting for tonight's debate on the grounds that something may come up to affect investors. i don't think it's like that. lauren: i think investors want a boring debate. they don't want any drastic announcements or policy changes that are presented that could change the status quo on wall street. stuart: investors want want a boring debate but not voters.
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lauren: no, voters and television people want exciting and fireworks tonight. stuart: a look at some other markets. 10 year treasury and the yield and key question for months on the market and yield says it's down on the screen. that's accurate. but at 4.29%, the 10-year yield is well above that baseline 4.25% and that's a negative for stocks, especially the nasdaq. the bitcoin, 61 61,500 and stuck around there for some time now. now is time for thursday trivia question? is that correct? yes, it is. i like that one. we've all got a opinion on this: what is the most disliked food in america? lauren: one of them is my favorite. stuart: one is your favorite? okay. anchovies, black licorice, oysters or beets? the answer when we come back. what's your favorite too. we'll come back.
11:56 am
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12:00 pm
i love licorice. i hate anchovies. they do not belong on pizza. it should be against the law. stuart: that's your choice? ashley: yes. stuart: you said one of these four is your favorite. answer that one first. lauren: beats but that's also the question to this one is the most disliked food. stuart: do you think pizza is? i am going straight for anchovies. they are very salty. for the first time in years i got it right. a poll from instant cart, 50% of users say they don't like anchovies. the controversial fish is popular in missouri according to the study and more willing to dislike the fish. time is up for us. coast to coast starts now.


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