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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 28, 2024 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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his opponent while he was speaking, seemed disengaged. this was a terrible night, and this will be a revolt, i think, on the part of the democratic party and in the remarks and the answer i gave to the question, i said if he has a bad night, democrats are going to end up nominating somebody different in august because they do not want to to go to certain defeat, and that happened tonight. bret: speaking of that, van jones on cnn, we are still far from our convention, and there is time to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that. martha: the big question is whether or not they can bypass kamala harris. bret: karl, thank you. thank you for joiningings us. sean hannity is next live from the spin room in atlanta. it has been an historic night. martha: stay tuned for sean hannity next
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maria: good friday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, june 28. your top stories right now. a game changer in atlanta, president biden getting panned throughout democrat sir companies this morning after facing off against president trump at the cnn presidential debate. >> the only jobs jobs created ar illegal immigrants and bounceback jobs from covid. he's done a poor job. inflation is killing our country. >> the greatest economy in the world, he's the only one that thinks that. border patrol endorsed me, endorsed my position. >> i don't know what he said at the end of that sentence, i don't think knows what he said either. maria: joe biden's mumbling and at times incoherent performance reportedly causing panic within the democrat party, sparking debate whether to swap out joe
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before the democrat convention in august. reaction all morning long. futures are trading higher on president trump's victory last night on the final trading day of june, the second quarter and first half of the year. the dow industrials up 32, nasdaq up 85, s&p 500 up 19 as wall street sees a trump win meaning better policies for business. it's a big day for economic he data this morning, we are you awaiting the may pce index out in two and-a-half hours, we've got full analysis on the federal reserve's preferred reading on inflation coming up. european markets are mixed. french elections start in two days, the ft 100 is up, the cac quarante is down 24, the imf saying the fed should hold interest rates where had are until at least the end of the year. the dax in germany up 134 right now. asia, green across the board, fractional moves across the board in the asian indices, very fractional but certainly a firmer tone.
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joining the conversation all morning long this morning, pollster and president of maslansky partners, lee carter is here. achchris mcmann with reaction fm wall street. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ maria: well, last night the long awaited showdown before former president trump and president biden shocking democrats. grady trimble is live in atlanta with the rundown. grady, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, maria. president biden failed last night at wha what was probably s haven objective to allay fears that he's too old for four more years as president.
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he came onthe debate stage, we were surprised to hear him sounding hoarse. he stumbled early on. he appeared to lose his train of thought multiple times. >> we will be their inlaws, by their spouse, brothers and sisters, by -- just ridiculous. $2 trillion tax cut benefited the very wealthy. what i'm going to do is fix the taxes. for example, we have 1 you 1,00 trillionares. with the covid, with everything we have to do with -- look, if -- we finally beat medicare. ism going to continue to continue until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and a more asylum officers. >> i don't know what he said at the end of that sentence, i don't think he knows what he
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said either? about halfway through the debate we started hearing from the president's campaign that he had a cold. he later said in the evening after the debate that he was sick. by the end of the night, people in the democratic party were scrambling, trying to figure out what to do after biden's performance. but vice president kamala harris, california governor gavin newsom and other allies shrugged off biden's performance. former president trump on the other hand he focused a lot on immigration and the economy in a more subyou d -- subdued performance, blaming president biden for the border crisis and inflation. >> he decided to open up our border, open up our country to people that are from prisons, people that are from mental institutions, insane asylums, terrorists. we have the largest numbers of terrorists coming into our country right now. he also said he inherited 9% inflation. no, he inherited almost no
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i'mflation, it stayed that way for 14 months. it blew up under his leadership. >> reporter: both biden and trump have campaign events today. trump is going to be in virginia, biden in north carolina. no doubt, maria, all eyes are going to be on president biden and his campaign to see their response this morning to last night. maria: oh, yes, for sure. grady, thanks very much. grady trimble. time for the hot topic of the hour, here now an unedited video of dr. jill biden leading her husband off the stage last night as the mainstream media melts down over bidens performance. watch this. >> that was painful. i love joe biden. i work for joe biden. he didn't do well at all. he's doing the best that he can but he had a test to meet tonight to restore confidence of the country and of the base and a he failed to do that. that was not what we needed from joe biden and it's personally painful for a lot of people. it's not just panic, it's pain
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of what we saw tonight. maria: yeah, and it wasn't just van jones saying this at the end of the night. they are saying it is the end of president biden's re-election campaign. look at these headlines from liberal media. even his allies in the mainstream media are admitting this was bad. time magazine writes calls for biden to step aside are about to get deafening. cnn writes biden's disastrous debate pitches re-election bid into crisis. politico writes dems freak out over biden debate performance, biden is toast, writes politico. the associated presses writes debate watchers seem to agree on something, biden had a bad night. usa today writes a disaster so far, biden freezing on stage during debate draws fire on social media. we went into the debate with a spotlight on the mental capacity, lee carter, and the ability of joe biden to take on another four years.
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your reaction to what we saw? >> well, i think the bar was low going into last night and he didn't even meet the bar. it was -- last night, we had a focused group of voters here. democrats who supported joe biden were devastated by what they saw. one person said the choice that i have to make right now is between a sociopath and someone who is absolutely incoherent. what do you expect me to do? those people who are independents moved over to support president trump last night not because president trump was so strong but because joe biden was so weak. and people who are in the trump camp were absolutely thrilled with trump's performance. but there was no one who was really taking a victory lap over joe biden's performance. manyinmany, many people were depressed, concerned, sad. it wasn't something that was great to watch. it was something that was really upsetting for most people to watch. i think joe biden is going to have a lot to answer for now. maria: i would argue that
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actually president trump did well. i mean, he got all of his points in. he raised the border. he talked about the murders at the hands of illegal migrants. he talked about inflation. he talked about foreign policy with the world on fire, lee. yeah, i agree president trump was a little more subdued than we've seen in the past but i thought he was clearly the winner. >> oh, let me make no mistake. last night the take away was donald trump was absolutely the winner many he made the case on the economy, on immigration, he talked about the issues that mattered most to the people. what i was fau talking about wae overall mood after people watched the debate. it wasn't that trump did well. it was sadness that we're in the place that the current president is this bad. maria: i was checking futures, futures were trading up. i spoke with stephen auph, trump wins first debate, markets up
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modestly. your reaction to the debate and how that plays out on wall street for the stock market. >> it was sad, i agree. trump got his points innd a did well. our system is based on swagger, strength, confidence, those are extraordinarily important things and there was such a d dichotomy last night. seeing him led off the stage by his bride was so sad. that's not presidential. the markets love what trump did and i think they're going to -- that's going to continue and the futures are going to reflect that. maria: i would argue it's not just swagger that is moving markets but it's actually policies that are expected from president trump, should he return to the white house. he's talking about stepping the tax cuts, lower taxes, and cutting regulation. there you did. this is exactly what business wants and that's why you're seeing a bit of a firmer tone this morning. we're watching. we've got big economic data coming out as well. let's take a short break and
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come back at it. coming up, more on last night's cnn presidential debate. martha mccallum who has done a ton of debates, she's going to give us had her biggest take aways coming up. first, futures indicating a gain at the start of trading session this morning, momentum for a.i. stocks once again picking up, mahoney asset management ceo ken mahoney will weigh in. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer.
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take a look at futures this morning on this the final trading day of the month of june, final trading day of the second quarter and first half. we're kicking off the rest of the year next week, dow industrials right now up 20 points, nasdaq up 86, s&p higher by 18 right now. markets of course have done very well first half of the i don't remember, take a look at these numbers. green across the board as we head into the second half of the year, the dow industrials showing a gain year-to-date of 3% but look at the s&p and nasdaq. s&p 500 up almost 15% in the first half of the year, nasdaq up 19% year-to-date. president biden and former president trump battling out last night during the cnn presidential debate where inflation and jobs were among the hot topics. watch. >> when i became president, what mr. trump left me, we had an economy in free fall. >> we had the greatest economy in the history of our country, never done so well. everybody was amazed by it, other countries were copying us. we had given them back a country
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where the stock market actually was higher than pre-covid. the only jobs he created are for illegal immigrants and he ah has not done a good job, he's done a poor job and inflation is killing our country, it is absolutely killing us. maria: fox business' edward lawrence fact checking president biden's comments on jobs as you heard there, biden claimed that the unemployment rate was 1% when he came into office which it was not. the unemployment rate was at 6.3% in january of 2021. that's a fact. biden also claimed he created 15,000 jobs, he actually meant to say 15 million. that was a mistake and a slip-up of biden. the bureau of labor statistics notes it was wrong, the biden administration created 6.2 million jobs because of all of the jobs added back after the jobs were lost in the pandemic. meanwhile, take a look at interest rates, the 10 year treasury yield this morning looks like this ahead of the federal reserve's favored inflation measure this morning, the may pce index out at
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8:30 a.m. eastern. it is elevated this morning. economists are expecting core prices to be up one tenth of a percent month over of month and 2.6% year over year. let's talk about the situation right now with mahoney asset management ceo, ken mahoney. ken, good to see you this morning. we've got a market that is trading higher. i want to get your reaction to the debate last night, how wall street sees it and what are you expecting from economic data of the morning, the pce index out in two hours. >> last night clearly was a tko. trump had his way with him, right hooks, upper cuts, it was nonstop. it reminds me of 1980 presidential election, we had a very weak jimmy carter on foreign policy which led to americans held hostages, i remember those image as a kid. the same thing with biden, weak,
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feeble last night, also americans held hostage. contrast that to president reagan and even trump now, being strong and powerful so you don't get into wars in the first place. i was watching the debate. i also had on the betting sites. they traded tens of millions of dollars back and forth. the exchange looked like donald trump is nvidia at the moment, biden is nike, down 14% this morning and failing and i think we have an ipo in governor newsom in california. look, this was a mess. the futures are showing -- again, i know the futures are higher. it was a couple weeks ago i was on the show, worried about at the end of the election, the end of the night of the election, we may not have a president and a i'm not sure the market would like that, the uncertainty. after last night t the number gs lower. at the end of the night, watching the debates, the emperor has no clothes. the pce is the preferred method of inflation, over cpi.
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this includes third parties, medicare and so forth. 2.6, 2.7%, the fed basically said we need to see a string of lower numbers so this is too hot or too cold but we see 2.6, 2.7%. i don't know if it's a market mover as much of a market mover after what happened last, what we're seeing this morning, nasdaq up almost triple digits. maria: do you think investors are reacting to the fact that president trump won the debate and reacting to the potential policies that could c come shoud trump return to the white house. i mentioned trumps is adamant about cutting regulation, been adamant about extending tax cuts, that means lower tax cuts, that compares to what joe biden brought us, 7.3 trillion dollars budget for 2 2025 including higr taxes, $5.5 trillion in new taxes, is that what we're seeing play out on wall street today as a result of the reaction to the
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debate last night? >> it's not an overreaction. i think the market baked this. steve auph has been writing that trump is going to win. the market is higher today. it's not like blasting higher 600 points like a surprise. we have to give them credit. they knew some time ago the emperor has no clothes. maria: that's what basically markets were expecting along the way. i see what you're saying. ken, great to get your take. we appreciate it. thanks very mitch. have a good friday, ken. ken mahoney. quick break and then a president trump and president biden facing off in last night's highly anticipated cnn debate. who walked away the winner. what will the polls say after last night's debate. chief pollster robert c cahley s here and mark penn. we'll get their takes on what happens now. the wealthiest americans are having a hard time making ends
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meet, the shocking survey coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ maria: today on "mornings with maria," first, we are have the cnn presidential debate covered on all a angles, president biden and president trump's long awaited faceoff graded by the pollsters and political minds of the business. it's all right here on "mornings with maria" " starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back
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>> two trillion dollar tax cut benefited the very wealthy. what i'm going to do is fix the taxes. for example, we have 1,000 trillionares in america, billionaires in america, they pay 25%, they raise $500 million, billion dollars, i should say, making sure every person is eligible for what i've been able to do with the covid -- excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with --
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look, if -- we finally beat medicare. >> thank you, president biden. >> and i'm going to continue to do it until we get a total ban on the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. >> president trump? >> i really don't know what he said at the end of the sentence, i don't think he knows what he said either. look -- maria: there you have, it raw, real, happening in real-time last night, that a was president biden at the cnn presidential debate, his gaffes and rambles were on full display. the biden campaign is claiming he had a cold during that dismal performance. first lady jill biden was seen leading the president off the stage at thend of the night. democrat sources are telling fox news after the showdown that, quote, everyone is freaking out, unquote, and that, quote, biden needs to go, unquote. there's no replacing him, however, unless he agrees. the trump campaign meanwhile
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declaring victory in a statement saying this, president trump delivered the greatest performance and victory in history, joining me now is chief pollster and polling plus co-host, robert cahaly and former senior advisor to the clintons, the harris poll chairman mark penn. it's always a pleasure to see you. i'm greatful you're joining me this morning on an important morning to assess what we saw last night. mark, you have a new fox news op-ed out and it is you titled joe biden debate gamble backfires. you write this, it will be hard for the president to recover from this performance and the and riskygamble the campaign toh the h early debate. what are your assessments from the night. >> they took a big gamble here, holding the debate before the convention. during the convention, you get to deliver your message on an unfiltered basis, controlled forum, reading the tell he lee .
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knowing what they knew it was a puzzling decision to hold the debate when they held it. it did backfire. in my political life, i have never seen an event like this in which virtually every commentator came to the same conclusion that biden showed his age in this and didn't seem like he could possibly govern another four years. it's unbelievable. i've never seen anything like it. maria: yeah. but mark, i mean, we know it's not just his age. i mean, you know, we know plenty of people who are in their 80s. it's more than just the age, is it not? >> well, what people came away with was that he couldn't govern another four years, that he was not the same joe biden who debated donald trump in the past and as you saw in the cnn poll, two thirds of the people thought that donald trump won the debate. again, i've never seen such a consensus and what happens with
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debates is that there's the debate and then there's the spinoff of the debate and the spin here is 100% negative. it is going to be tough for joe biden to come back from this we've a great convention. maria: i want to ask you about what happens next, mark, but let me get robert in here because robert, the issues were there. the border crisis was a top voter issue. it was in focus at the debate. migrant crime surging across the country, it was a focus. here's what trump and biden had to say on both. watch this. >> we worked very hard to get a bipartisan agreement, border patrol endorsed me, endorsed my position, now you have a situation where there are 40% fewer people coming across the border illegally, better than when he left office. >> we had the safest border in history. in the final couple months of our my presidency according to border patrol, who endorsed me for president. >> the idea they're emptying
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the prisons, we're welcoming these people, that's not true. there's no data to support what he said. he'sessex an rate he's exn bratting. >> they're killing our people. every state is now a border. because of his ridiculous, insane, stupid policies, people are coming in and killing our children. we call it migrant crime. i call it bu biden migrant crim. maria: the border patrol union did not endorse biden and they he wrote it on x in the middle of all this, they send out this tweet, to be clear, we never have and never will endorse biden. mark, i want to get back to you in a moment in terms of what happens next with the democrats. robert, tell us your thoughts, how do assess last night in give us your take aways.
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>> well, it was like a blooper reel you see at the end of a movie for biden. it's within of those things where you don't have to do a lot of cutting to get all the things he just fumbled over, one thing after the next and trump showed pretty good discipline. the fact that he kept coming back to immigration, he knew it was a weak a spot and kind of like one fighter versus another, he keeps coming back to that same area. he would make a point and every answer that he could to get back to immigration or to tie whatever is being discussed to immigration, i thought that required a lot more focus and discipline than we've seen in previous debates for trump and there was a point where you just felt like biden really ought to have somebody kind of literal ily throw if the towel and call this thing. i was wondering if he was going to walk off the stage at any moment. maria: unbelievable a. mark, what happens now? there's obviously a lot of t chatter right now you in democrat circles that they're trying to figure out whether or not they can swap out biden for
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somebody else but who would it be? is it kamala harris? what do you see now? because the delegates have been chosen already, correct? >> yeah, the delegates are in place and those delegates are loyal to president biden and so there is a lot of speculation about change. i think i agree with what david axlaxlerod, the democratic procs picked the president as the nominee and the only person who can undo that process is the nominee himself and i think like trying to get the car keys from an 82-year-old, good luck. i don't think he's going to give up his chance at continuing to be president. i think he's going to double down and fight back. look, he's going to meet with his advisors, they're going to assess things and they're going to look for a plan out. is it possible that he withdraw? pressure is building. it really does surprise me the extent to which nate silver and other commentators have called
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for him to drop out. i don't think, again, i've quite ever seen anything like this with an active sitting presidental nominee. maria: by the way, wh i would argue that president obama is among the leaders saying get him out. i think him putting his hand on the back the other day, walking him off stage spoke volumes, walking him off stage, stage left, joe biden. that's my opinion. i think president obama is trying to get him to understand he cannot win this but lee carter, i want to get your take as well. you have that whole group of people last night, jump in here, lee. >> so from what i saw, i think it's going to be almost impossible for joe biden to recover from this because the biggest concern people had was about his ability to serve for the next term, they came away saying there's no way. mark, do you think there's any way he can recover, you said it would be tough for had him to recover but do you think there's any way he can recover from this? >> well, we don't know what's
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going to continue to happen with donald trump and so -- and donald trump last night was -- look, i think he achieved the strategy that he set out to achieve. he was unflapable in the face of all of those attacks. but you know, americans always say they never change their mind until they do. i think this is a political shock. let's see what happens here. maria: robert, real quick, can he recover or no? >> i think it's going to be really tough. i noticed on a couple of networks how much they talked up kamala harris after she gave her response, where has she been hiding, she did such a great job, it's like they're an acknowledging there's a change coming and the way they're dealing with her. maria: it's got to be kamala harris. they can't say oh, we're blowing off kamala because we want gavin newsom. that can't happen. thank you very much for your important insights. we'll be right back.
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(♪) (♪) maria: welcome back. president biden attacking former president trump's legal battles during last night's debate while trump slammed biden over weaponization of the justice system. watch. >> the only crooks on this stage is a convicted felon is a man i'm looking at right now. >> his son is convicted felon at a very high level. joe could be a convicted felon with all of the things he's done, all of the death caused at the border, telling the ukrainian people that we're going to want a billion dollars if you change the prosecutor, otherwise you're not getting a billion dollars. >> think of the civil penalties, how many billions of dollars do you owe. you have the morals of anilly cat. >> they moved a doj into the
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office to start the case. that case will be appealed and one. he went after a his political opponent because he thought it would damage me. maria: joining me, member of the bar, mark smith. what are your thoughts about that part of the conversation, weaponization of this judicial system as we await in the next couple weeks we'll get a sentencing of donald trump. >> yeah, i don't think there's any debate that most americans think that the department of justice under joe biden has been weaponized against president trump. i think that if you just look at the amount of money that donald trump raised in terms of donations after the conviction in manhattan, i think that's all the evidence you need about where the american people are coming out on that question. but what's very interesting, maria, is if you look at what's going on down in florida, this is quite interesting, judge cannon is overseeing that question about whether or not donald trump, whether or not he should be convicted of having confidential classified documents and in that case down
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in florida which is outside of washington, d.c. which of course d.c. is the home stadium, the home turf of the department of justice, we find jack smith and department of justice are having real problems prosecuting that case effectively because judge cannon keeps making them meet their burdens. it's not going well for the department of justice in florida florida. once they leave d.c., the doj has problems winning cases. the two tiers of justice between donald trump and joe biden, in some i ways you can think about it, it came out last night because the reason why joe biden was not indicted for having classified documents that a he was not allowed to have is because of his mental acuity or lack thereof and last night vindicates the opinion of robert hur the special prosecutor who looked into that. maria: we watched that on display. the world has been watching the mental capacity issue on display for months now. but you mentioned florida and that judge aileen cannon she
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rejected trump's charges that fbi officials misled the court for permission to search marla he grow for classified documents. they say the fed left out key information from the search warrant. the judge said it wouldn't make a difference. she agreed to schedule a hearing on whether prosecutors improperly used evidence to secure their indictment against trump. mark, overall, i think what point trump was trying to make was whether it was the florida case, the new york case, it was coordinated with the white house to take his political opponent down. >> yeah. well, i mean, that is certainly the point that donald trump is making and i think it's a reasonable point to be making. this lawfare we're seeing now, that kind of segues a little bit into what's going on possibly as early as today, the u.s. supreme court dealing with the question of presidential immunity where one of the issues of course is the supreme court is basically going to be saying we've never seen a situation where the court
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systems are going after a former president for conduct in which he engaged while he was the president and this is so unprecedented, the supreme court is obviously working hard to come out with an opinion either today or next week about where that line is between when are you allowed to go after a former president, criminally, and when are you not able to do so. where is that line? and that's i'm sure what the supreme court is struggling with right now as they write their opinion. maria: and i think that the supreme court was probably right to wait until after the debate. they don't want to get involved in the political story. they're expected to make this ruling on president trump's immunity claims possibly later this morning. trump is hoping to use the presidential immune the at this to have his d.c. election case thrown out. but let me get your take on that. if we were to hear from the supreme court that president trump does in fact have some level of immunity, is that a game change for all these indictments? >> yeah, i think to some degree it is because it's going to be a
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reaffirmation that donald trump's arguments in court often do get vindicated when they're in front of a court that is not he beholden to let's say the democrats like we've seen in certain cases but yeah, i think that whatever the supreme court says is going to be material but certainly i doubt anything is going to be as material as the performance of joe biden in last night's debate. i think that's the biggest story of course. the supreme court's decision, though, will play a role in all this and will be part of the tap industry of it -- tapestry of what americans decide in the fall. maria: what are the options for the democrats at at this point. we've been showing the headlines. the mainstream media is catching up to what we've pointed out for a long time, the serious vulnerability the commander in chief has with regard to his mental capacity and ability. it was on full display last night. mark, the democrats are in freak-out mode if you believe the liberal media headlines
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we're watching this morning. what are the options with regard to the nominee for the democrat party? can they swap him out? mark penn just told us he's got to agree to it. how do you see it? >> well, i'm not able to give you an exact answer, maria because really nose questions de-- those questions depend on a lot of rules that deal with the democratic nominating process and those are very internal and of course set forth had by the political party but as a general matter, maria, when a candidate like joe biden wins a state during a primary season he is award ad delegates. those delegates are beholden to joe biden as a general matter and they're supposed to vote for joe biden at the nominating convention and this year that will be in chicago for the democrats. however, it is true that in most instances that the person who has those delegat delegates hase authority to release the delegates which is to say i know you're bound to be my bell gait
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and vote for me but i'm going to give permission to vote for anyone you want at the convention, so if you want to encourage them to vote for somebody else you're you allowed to do that. that's allowed in the democratic rules. they can vote for anyone they want as a general matter. that a depends on the nominating rules for the convention. maria: that's in line with what mark penn said a moment ago as well. it's great to get your insights. we appreciate your time this morning, sir. >> thanks, maria. maria: mark smith joining us. even the wealthiest americans are saying they're having a hard time making ends meet, we're talking about the shocking survey and the state of the economy today. you're watching "mornings with maria." that's next. live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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vigilant for high ripcurrents but the seas will be calmer and less chop ethan the past week. a tropical disturbance may become the second named tropical stormed in the caribbean by monday. it could become a hurricane next week, heading towards central america and southern 34 mexico, potentially bringing more heavy rain to the united states. investigators in the national transportation safety board sanctioned boeing for revealing private details of their probe into the mid-air blowout on the you alaska airlines flight january 5th when a faulty door, the club of the door caused it to rip off midair. the ntsb said boeing blatantly violated rules by providing nonpublic investigateive information during a factory tour that dozens of journalist attended. this looks like something out of a movie, a massive sinkhole
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opening up in the middle of a soccer field in illinois, this was on wednesday. watch as surveillance footage from the city of alton captures the moment a nearby mine collapsed cr cracking open this. they write the impacted area has been sci secured and will remain offlimits as experts examine the mine and conduct repairs. no injuries were reported which the city's mayor called a blessing. all activities obviously at the park have been canceled and a geologist will investigate. look at that. wow. finally, even americans with six figure salaries are struggling to make a ends meet. the federal reserve bank of philadelphia finds noorly one-third of americans earning wee 100 and $150,000 a year are concerned about paying their bills in the next six months.
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americans earning between 406 4- 40 and 60,000 are less worried. those making over 100k are the most stressed. a new report finds 97% of salaries have failed to keep up with inflation in the past five years, maria. maria: that's incredible. you would think the higher end, the highest earners are avoiding this but as you just said, they're too feeling this pinch. chris, what are you seeing out there. >> it's a real disconnect. 401-k balances were up 20% over the past 12 months. there's good news there. people don't see 401-ks when they buy things that are up 40%, eeggs, bread, up 40%, it's overwhelming. you couple that with consumer dent and all the covid money has been spent, people are feeling as pinched as they've ever felt before. when the president says the economy is doing wonderfully. people are saying when i'm go to the grocery store it's really,
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really hurting me. it's surprising people with 100, 150, the reality is they have the expenses and are feeling it in a horrible way right now. maria: lee, do you think joe biden is uninformed about the true impact of his policies or do you think he's just has his narrative and has his ideology and he's going to stick with it? i mean,s this whole constant trump's economies was worse than his, no one believes that. >> well, i think it is very clear that he's out of touch with the plight of the american people. we had voters here last night, we had one voter in particular was talking about how she's a dual income family, trying send her kids to college, they can no longer afford to go out to eat, can't take a vacation this summer, they're really feeling the pin be. of what's happened over -- pinch of what's happened over the last few years and it's gotten worse each year as she described it and most of the voters last night agreed so when joe biden goes out and says things have never been better it's really offensive to these folks who are really, their lived experience is so much different and so much
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harder so the real question is, is he out of touch or is he just plain wrong? i think a lot of people last night came to the conclusion that his policies are just plain wrong. maria: lauren, you're mentioning the lower end. these policies are hurting the very group that's joe biden claims to be protecting. >> and joe biden claims you have to tax the rich to protect those low income groups but debate last night, first question, the economy, trump's answer. look at all the money i brought back. i repatriated from overseas to the united states because i cut the corporate tax rate. that does trick l down to everyday americans -- trick l down to everyday americans. maria: thank you so much. we'll take a break a. when we come back we are recapping the highlights and low lights from last night's cnn presidential debate. hear from martha maccallum had, she will give us her take. former senior counselor to president trump kellyanne conway will weigh in the 8:00 a.m. hour.
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don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ hi, i'm tali and i lost 85 pounds on golo.
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maria: good friday morning, it's friday, june 20, 7 am on the east coast, hope you're
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having a good friday morning


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